HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201200028 Review Comments Special Use Permit 2012-11-216,01A COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 21 November 2012 Mr. Scott Clark Senior Planner Re: Engineering comments for Special Use Permit SP201200028 — Stoner The application for SP2012 -00028 has been reviewed and the following comments are noted by the Engineering Division, Community Development Department: 1) Applicant proposed to subdivide a 6th parcel to be served by existing Chestnut Oak Lane. The road design standard requirements for a private road to serve a 6th parcel move from 14- 412.A.2a (county ordinance standards) to 14- 412.A.3a (Virginia Department of Transportation VDOT) standards). Applicable substandard road characteristics for existing Chestnut Oak Lane include: • Road width: 18' standard (road width measures 15' per 11/20/2012 site visit) • Maximum grade: 13 %* (road grade measures 13.4% per 11/20/2012 site visit) *there is a note in the 2011 AASHTO Green Book referenced by VDOT standards for maximum grade which indicates grades on low- volume urban collectors may be up to 2% steeper than maximum indicated (which is 13% for a road with design speed of 25 mph in mountainous terrain) Due to existing functionality of Chestnut Oak Lane since plat signed in 1988, it appears additional traffic from one additional residential lot could be served with the existing road. Engineering division has no objection to the proposed application based upon above comment. 2) Due to rutting and poor conditions on Chestnut Oak Lane's pavement, engineering division recommends the applicant provide the HOA maintenance agreement for this private road with the submittal. Construction traffic for a house proposed in proposed Tract 1 -B could further deteriorate this road. Sincerely, Michael Koslow, P.E. Civil Engineer I1 C: \Users\mkoslow \Documents \Current Reviews \SP201200028 Stoner \CDD— EN —MAK SP— Stoner SP201200028.doc 5 P1401a - oo(4�7 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE and fourteen (14) feet in height. The subdivider shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the county engineer that the street will meet the requirements of this subsection. 2. Streets serving three to five lots. Each private street serving three (3) to five (5) lots shall satisfy the following: (i) vertical centerline curvature shall meet a minimum design K value of five (5) for crest curves and fifteen (15) for sag curves; (ii) sight distances shall not be less than one hundred (100) feet; (iii) turnarounds shall be provided at the end of each street per American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials guidelines; (iv) street easements or right -of -way widths shall be thirty (30) feet minimum; and (v) the radius for horizontal curvature shall be forty (40) feet or greater, unless otherwise authorized by this chapter. Any standard in this paragraph (2) may be reduced to the standard for streets serving two (2) lots where a driveway departs from the street and two lots remain to be served, and a turnaround is provided.. In addition, the following shall also apply: (a) Private streets in the rural areas. For such private streets in the rural areas: (i) travelway widths shall be fourteen (14) feet minimum, with three (3) feet minimum shoulder widths, and a minimum of four (4) feet from the edge of the shoulder to the ditch centerline; (ii) the grade shall not exceed sixteen (16) percent calculated over a distance fifty (50) feet; (iii) if the grade of any portion of the street exceeds seven (7) percent, the entire street shall be surfaced as required by Virginia Department of Transportation standards; streets having a grade of seven (7) percent or less may have a gravel surface; and (iv) the street shall have a rectangular zone superjacent to the street that is clear of all obstructions, including any structures and vegetation, that is at least fourteen (14) feet in width and fourteen (14) feet in height. (b) Private streets in the development areas. For such private streets in the development areas: (i) an urban cross - section street design shall be provided, with a minimum width of twenty (20) feet measured from the curb faces or such alternative design, including a street easement or right -of -way width, deemed adequate by the county engineer to be equivalent to or greater than the applicable standard in the design standards manual, so as to adequately protect the public health, safety or welfare; additional widths shall be provided for gutters to control drainage at the discretion of the county engineer; and (ii) the entire street shall be surfaced as required by Virginia Department of Transportation standards. 3. Streets serving six lots or more. Each private street serving six (6) or more lots shall satisfy Virginia Department of Transportation standards, provided: (a) Private streets in the rural areas. For such private streets in the rural areas, the commission may approve Virginia Department of Transportation standards for mountainous terrain if the subdivider demonstrates, for a specific, identifiable reason, the general welfare, as opposed to She proprietary interests of the subdivider, would be better served by the application of th (b) Private streets in the development areas. For such private streets in the development areas, the agent may approve Virginia Department of Transportation standards for mountainous terrain or an alternative standard deemed adequate by the county engineer to be equivalent to or greater than the applicable standard in the design standards manual, so as to adequately protect the public health, safety or welfare. 4. Streets serving family subdivisions. Each private street authorized to serve a family subdivision under section 14- 232(B)(1) shall satisfy the following: (i) easement or right -of -way widths shall be ten (10) feet minimum; and (ii) the surveyor shall include the following wording on the plat: "The existing and/or proposed right -of -way is of adequate width and horizontal and vertical alignment to accommodate a travelway passable by ordinary passenger vehicles in all but temporary extreme weather conditions, together with area adequate for maintenance of the travelway, as required by section 14 -412 of the Albemarle County Code." B. Private streets serving non - residential, non - agricultural, attached residential, multi -unit residential and combined residential and non - residential uses. Each private street authorized to serve non- I4 -53 Supp. #22, 1 -10 r m a �- s a- V� kk-Ilao(a Spao12 -Owa8 (V ti R IJ ■ JLL � 0 a E T C m o O V) a? 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