HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201300078 Review Comments Preliminary Site Plan 2013-07-30ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB- 2013 -78: Final Touch Tree Service Contractor Storage Yard
Review Type
Site Development Plan
Parcel Identification
5165 Three Notch'd Road, on the south side of Rt. 240, approximately 600' west of Park Ridge Drive
Light Industry (LI), Entrance Corridor (EC)
Owner /Applicant
Final Touch Tree Service LLC /David Anhold
Magisterial District
White Hall
To establish a contractors storage yard to park tree service vehicles.
The site is located just west of the Crozet Self Storage facility. Single family residences stand to the north and west.
The CSX railroad tracks and the Western Ridge residential development are to the south. The storage yard would be
located approximately 360' south of Rt. 240.
The wooded area that currently occupies the subject parcel is visible from the Entrance Corridor. Some of the wooded
area would be removed to create the storage yard and the future gravel driveway. Wooded area would remain
between the cleared area and the EC. That wooded area, together with proposed planting, is expected to reduce
visibility of the storage yard. However, some visibility of the yard is expected to remain, particularly in the winter
when the leaves are off the trees.
ARB Meeting Date
August 5, 2013
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
PROJECT HISTORY: The ARB has reviewed no applications on the subject parcel. The self storage buildings and the medical office building to the
east were both reviewed and approved by the ARB.
The storage yard measures approximately 120' x 100'.
The yard would be enclosed by an 8' -high chain link fence coated with dark green vinyl.
A row of 19 Prague Viburnum is proposed along the north side of the storage yard, 3' -4' tall at planting, spaced approximately 6' on
center. The viburnum is an evergreen shrub growing 8' -12' high x 6' -10' wide, with a fast growth rate.
The yard would be used for parking approximately 6 tree service vehicles overnight and on weekends.
A stream exists on the parcel. A portion of the stream buffer would be disturbed with the proposed development, so mitigation is
required. Proposed mitigation is the planting of a mix of 228 hardwood seedlings (red maple, black gum, tulip poplar, sycamore, and
shingle oak) in a 70' deep band across the parcel, beginning just north of the stream.
The yard would be reached by a gravel drive extending from the existing paved area on the storage site.
An 18' -wide gravel drive and an associated 50' -wide driveway access easement are planned to span the parcel just north of the storage
Visitors to the significant historical
To achieve integration and compatibility, and to promote
See below.
sites in the Charlottesville and
visual order, visibility of the proposed storage yard should be
Albemarle area experience these sites
as ensembles of buildings, land, and
vegetation. In order to accomplish the
integration of buildings, land, and
vegetation characteristic of these sites,
the Guidelines require attention to
four primary factors: compatibility
with significant historic sites in the
area; the character of the Entrance
Corridor; site development and
layout; and landscaping.
The requirements of the Guidelines
regarding landscaping are intended to
reflect the landscaping characteristic
of many of the area's significant
historic sites which is characterized by
large shade trees and lawns.
Landscaping should promote visual
order within the Entrance Corridor
and help to integrate buildings into the
existing environment of the corridor.
Continuity within the Entrance
Landscaping will go a long way towards harmonizing the
See below.
Corridor should be obtained by
appearance of the storage yard with the surroundings, as
planting different types of plant
viewed from the EC. The seedlings proposed for the
materials that share similar
mitigation area should eventually increase the density of the
characteristics. Such common
wooded area between the storage yard and the residential
elements allow for more flexibility in
property adjacent to the road, helping to reduce visibility. The
the design of structures because
viburnum proposed for the north side of the yard is an
common landscape features will help
evergreen shrub growing 8' -12' high x 6' -10' wide, with a
to harmonize the appearance of
fast growth rate. The viburnum will eventually form a visual
development as seen from the street
barrier across the length of the yard.
upon which the Corridor is centered.
The following should be located to
The storage yard and the stored vehicles, without additional
Replace the
eliminate visibility from the Entrance
plants, would be visible from the EC, though the view would
viburnum with an
Corridor street. If, after appropriate
be through an existing wooded area. Given the distance from
alternate screening
siting, these features will still have a
the road, the proposed chain link fence would probably be
plant with a taller
negative visual impact on the
hard to detect through the wooded area, and the dark green
mature height and
Entrance Corridor street, screening
vinyl coating is expected to blend with the surroundings
taller planting size.
should be provided to eliminate
better, and be less conspicuous, than the standard galvanized
chain link would.
Carry the screening
a. Loading areas,
plants around the
b. Service areas,
An alternative to screening with chain link fence is installing
front corners of the
c. Refuse areas,
a solid fence. However, it is anticipated that such a fence — a
storage yard,
d. Storage areas,
board fence, for example — would be visible from the EC and
approximately 10'-
e. Mechanical equipment,
would attract attention to itself.
15' down the sides
f. Above - ground utilities, and
of the yard.
g. Chain link fence, barbed wire, razor
The proposed viburnum hedge would eventually, but not
wire, and similar security fencing
immediately, eliminate visibility of the chain link fence on the
north side of the yard, assuming the Viburnum grow at least
8' high. It will likely take 2 years, possibly more, to reach that
Screening devices should be
height, and another 1 -2 years to reach 10' tall (average height
compatible with the design of the
for Viburnum). During that growing period, tree service
buildings and surrounding natural
vehicles will likely be visible through the wooded area.
vegetation and may consist of:
a. Walls,
The applicant has indicated that the tallest tree service vehicle
b. Plantings, and
is 12' high. Consequently, the taller vehicles might be visible
c. Fencing.
above the mature Viburnum hedge, if it does not grow to its
typical maximum height. An alternate screening plant with a
taller mature height than the Viburnum would provide more
consistent and more reliable screening. A taller height at
planting could also reduce the length of time that the
equipment will be visible.
Carrying the screening plants around the front corners of the
storage yard, approximately 10' -15' down the sides of the
yard, would reduce potential angled views into the yard.
It should be noted that wintertime visibility will be greater
than summertime visibility.
Sometimes, a dense row of shrubs intended for screening an
objectionable feature can appear conspicuous in the
landscape, attracting as much attention to the screen as to the
feature in need of screening. This could be remedied by sing
more than one plant species in the screen and providing a less
regular planting layout. However, in this case, the regularity
of the Viburnum hedge is expected to be dispersed by the
depth of the existing wooded area.
Plant health:
The note does not appear on the plan.
Add the following
The following note should be added
note to the
to the landscape plan: "All site
landscape plan: "All
plantings of trees and shrubs shall be
site plantings of trees
allowed to reach, and be maintained at,
and shrubs shall be
mature height; the topping of trees is
allowed to reach, and
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be
be maintained at,
pruned minimally and only to support
mature height; the
the overall health of the plant."
topping of trees is
prohibited. Shrubs
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Visibility of the storage yard from the EC.
2. Visibility of parked vehicles.
3. Visibility of the chain link fence from the EC /green vinyl coating.
4. Viburnum mature height/vehicle height.
Staff recommends approval of the plan with the following conditions:
1. Replace the viburnum with an alternate screening plant with a taller mature height and indicate a taller planting size.
2. Carry the screening plants around the front corners of the storage yard, approximately 10' -15' down the sides of the yard.
3. Add the following note to the landscape plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at,
mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health
of the plant."
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
and trees shall be
Cover Sheet
March 4, 2013
pruned minimally and
March 4, 2013
Site Details
only to support the
E &S and Mitigation Plan
March 4, 2013
overall health of the
Site photos
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Visibility of the storage yard from the EC.
2. Visibility of parked vehicles.
3. Visibility of the chain link fence from the EC /green vinyl coating.
4. Viburnum mature height/vehicle height.
Staff recommends approval of the plan with the following conditions:
1. Replace the viburnum with an alternate screening plant with a taller mature height and indicate a taller planting size.
2. Carry the screening plants around the front corners of the storage yard, approximately 10' -15' down the sides of the yard.
3. Add the following note to the landscape plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at,
mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health
of the plant."
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
Cover Sheet
March 4, 2013
Site Plan
March 4, 2013
Site Details
March 4, 2013
E &S and Mitigation Plan
March 4, 2013
Site photos