HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201200024 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2013-08-22Phone 434 - 296 -5832
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County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, VA, 22902
Fax 434 - 972 -4126
Justin Shimp, P.E., Shimp Engineering (Justin @shimp - engineering.com)
Ellie Ray, CLA, Senior Planner
Zoning and Current Development
May 14, 2012
Revl : October 3, 2012
Rev2: August 22, 2013
SDP 2012— 00024 Timberwood Commons — Final Site Development Plan
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the
following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been
identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.):
[Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision /Zoning Ordinances unless
otherwise specified.]
[Comment] This proposal has been submitted as a final prior to a preliminary. The ordinance
contemplates the approval of a preliminary site plan prior to the submittal of a final site plan. However, by
interpretation the ordinance does allow the submittal of a final prior to approval of a preliminary. No
mechanism exists in the ordinance for the County to approve with conditions a final site plan. Therefore, if
the site plan does not have all necessary approvals to allow signature by the revision deadline the County
will deny your application. You may request that this project be changed from a final to a preliminary site
plan which may allow the County to approve the plan with conditions or you may request that the County
defer taking a formal action on your application. In accord with the provisions of Section a
deferred project is deemed withdrawn if action is not taken within 6 months.
Rev1: Comment not addressed. It appears that there are several outstanding issues that may not
get resolved by the 6 month deadline (November 29, 2012). You may request an extension of the
deferral period by written request to the Director of Planning. If no extension is requested, and all
site issues, including the recordation of the associated plats, are not resolved /completed by
November 29, 2012 the application will be deemed voluntarily withdrawn (
Rev2: Comment addressed.
2. [32.5.3] Include all necessary waiver, variation, and substitution requests. In order to reduce the parking
requirement by four spaces in association with the proposed bus stop dedication, a parking reduction
request will be required; please submit this request in accordance with Section 4.12.12. Staff researched
previous applications and determined that an administrative waiver for critical slope disturbance was
granted for this site during the rezoning process.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The parking reduction request was approved by Zoning, but
the site plan should match approved plans for the road, sidewalks, etc. The approved road plans for
Timberwood Blvd do not match what is currently shown on this site plan. The road plans can be
revised one of two ways: (1) Our preferred method would be to get the changes approved in the
VDOT road acceptance process with an approved as -built plan, a satisfactory inspection, and a
resolution to the Board for road acceptance. (2) The alternative method would be to revise the
design plan and get that approved by the County and VDOT.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
3. [32.5.6(a)] Please add descriptions of all waivers (currently requested and previously approved) to the
Cover Sheet. Note the setback and critical slope waivers granted with the rezoning of this property, the
parking reduction request, and any other applicable items.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. A setback waiver was also granted with the rezoning,
reducing the front setback from 30' to 5'. Note this waiver on the site plan. Additionally, the setback
line is not consistently shown at 5' from the right -of -way along the front of the parcel, please revise.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
4. [32.5.6(a)] This is a new application; remove all old dates (7/8/11, 8/15/11) from the plan set.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The original date of this application is now provided as
5/15112, which is well after it was originally submitted. The date on the original submittal was 3/9/12.
Please revise the original date and add any future revision dates as necessary.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
5. [32.5.6(b)] The Land Use Schedule does not appear to be updated to reflect the current proposal; please
revise. The 'pavement' number also does not coordinate with the 'paved parking and vehicular circulation'
number on the Landscape Plan; please verify and ensure all numbers are correct. The maximum
impervious cover must also be accurate.
Rev1: Comment addressed. However, if /when the boundary line adjustment for the transit stop is
recorded, the site acreage as well as the percentages dedicated to each land use will change.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
6. [32.5.6(b)] Provide the maximum square footage of the buildings and clarify the footprint. The 'footprint' of
the buildings is shown on the Parking Schedule as 5,155 and 8,100 SF, but this appears to be the square
footage; please label as such. The Land Use Schedule states 13,159 SF is dedicated to the new buildings,
but the total square footage of each ground level shown on the Site Plan sheet does not coordinate with this
number. Please clarify both the square footage and the footprint and make sure all schedules accurately
demonstrate this information.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The Land Use Schedule now indicates a combined footprint of
7,348 SF, which still does not coordinate with the numbers provided on the Site Plan sheet, please
verify and revise.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
7. [32.5.6(b)] Provide the actual maximum height of all proposed structures. While 65' is the maximum
allowable height in this zoning district, anything above 35' requires additional setback provisions.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
8. [32.5.6(b)] It appears that the parking requirement is not being met. The plan states that 61 spaces are
required, but that this number has been reduced by four (the on- street spaces that are being replaced by the
proposed bus stop), thus leaving 57 spaces as the requirement. However, according to Zoning, no parking
reduction request has been submitted; please submit this request as indicated above. Additionally, only 53
spaces are provided on the site. The layout or proposed building square footage must be modified to meet
the parking requirement. If off -site spaces are to be used, please provide documentation of an easement. If
no easement currently exists, an easement plat must be submitted and approved. Please also remove the
note that states 'excess off -site spaces are not required but may be used for overflow' unless documentation
of an easement is provided.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The parking reduction request has been submitted and
approved. Please remove the note that states `excess off -site spaces are not required but may be
used for overflow' unless documentation of an easement is provided.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
9. [4.12.16] Portions of the parking lot may not conform to County requirements. The last space in the upper
lot adjacent to the South Building does not have an adequate travelway. The loading space in the upper lot
is not properly protected by a raised island. Please refer to Engineering comments for further information.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. All 16' reduced length parking spaces must have a 2' clear
overhang. It appears the light poles encroach into the 2' overhang for the 16' spaces in the upper
parking lot, please revise. Please see Engineering comments for additional concerns with the
parking lot design.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
10. [32.5.6(i)] Show and label all proposed and existing access easements.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
11. [32.5.6(1) & 32.6.6(c)] Provide the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed utility easements.
Label existing with Deed Book and Page Number, and indicate if proposed are to be privately or publicly
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The stormwater connection on the NW portion of the site
appears to need an easement, please see Engineering comments for additional guidance. This
easement needs to be included on the site plan as well as the associated easement plat.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
12. [32.5.6(n)] Provide dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements including: buildings (clarify
maximum footprint); stairs; walkways; fences; walls (length); dumpster enclosures; and other paved areas.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The South Building, stairs, walkways, walls, and northern
dumpster enclosure still need to be dimensioned.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
13. [ and Comment] Plant symbols should generally be drawn at 75% of the proposed plant's mature
size; many symbols on this plan are not consistent with the actual size of the species indicated. For
example, the Ilex crenata `Soft Touch' only gets about 3 feet wide but the symbol is drawn at 4' in width, and
the Ilex glabra `Shamrock' grows to 4' wide but the symbol is just over 2' wide. While the plan as drawn may
meet County Code, it appears that the intended design will be compromised if planted as shown; some
plants will be much too close together resulting in health issues, while others will be `lone soldiers' that don't
create any cohesive landscape element.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. As drawn, the symbols are approvable per the County plant
list. However, the `soft touch' Holly will only grow 2 -3' wide which will not provide adequate
screening of the parked cars from the public street. At a minimum, the shrubs should be planted
along the side of the parking spaces in addition to the front.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
14. [] As noted above, the square footage of 'paved parking and vehicular circulation area' indicated
on the landscape plan does not match numbers provided on the Cover Sheet; please verify that all numbers
are accurate. Clarify the number of parking spaces provided in the landscape notes; the landscape plan
says 53, while the parking schedule says 57.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
15. [] When a wall is proposed to meet screening requirements, it should be a minimum 6 feet in
height. Please verify the height of the dumpster enclosures.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The height of the upper dumpster enclosure is not labeled.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
16. [] Tree canopy shall only include areas of coverage by plant material exceeding five feet in
height at a maturity of 10 years. Ilex crenata `Soft Touch' and Prunus laurocerasus `Schipkaensis' do not
meet this requirement; please remove these plants from the Tree Canopy calculation.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
17. [Comment] Show all proposed lighting and utility easements on the landscape plan to verify that there are
no additional conflicts. Some conflicts are already evident; one Ginkgo appears to be in the proposed
sidewalk in front of the South Building, and one Cherrylaurel is on top of the proposed storm sewer at the
front of the site.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. The cherrylaurel can be within the drainage easement, but
they cannot be directly on top of the drain pipe, please move the two closest shrubs away from the
pipe. Additionally, there are two elms within the drainage easement on the northern portion of the
property. One of these elms is also in the revised parking space. Please move both elms out of the
Rev2: Comment not fully addressed. Now that the pipe has been removed next to the lower lot, the
cherrylaurel should be planted in a consistent line to screen the parking lot.
18. [Comment] For consistency of appearance, you may want to consider continuing the row of Ilex crenata
along the entire front of the South Building; currently the row ends in an odd location.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
19. [4.17] Lighting comments provided with the ARB review apply to the Site Plan as well.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. A light pole is proposed directly on top of one of the Ilex
glabra, please revise.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
20. [Comment] Provide documentation of all off -site easements, including grading and off -site parking (if
proposed). A Temporary 10' Grading Easement is shown on TMP 32 -41 H1, however this easement is not
included on the easement plat submitted. Grading is also proposed on TMP 32 -41R but no easement is
shown or submitted.
Rev1: Comment not fully addressed. Copies of the recorded easements were not included with the
submittal as indicated. Copies were obtained elsewhere, and it appears that the 50' temporary
grading easement is centered on the boundary between the subject parcel and TMP 32 -41 R, not
entirely on the adjacent parcel as shown. Some grading extends beyond 25' onto TMP 32 -41R;
please either revise the grading or obtain additional easement area and provide documentation.
Also, as indicated in #11 above, an easement will be required for the off -site stormwater connection
on the NW portion of the site.
Rev2: Comment addressed.
21. [Comment] The `Block C9 Amendment Notes' do not appear to be applicable to this application; please
remove all instances of these notes from the plan set. Site Plan modifications for TMP 32 -41A and 32 -41 R
are not being reviewed with this submittal. Any modifications proposed on adjoining parcels that are
necessary for implementation of this plan will require an easement from the adjoining owner, as well and a
Letter of Revision or Minor Site Plan Amendment application for each parcel.
Rev1: Comment addressed.
22. [Comment] This site plan cannot be approved until ACSA completes their review and grants their approval.
Engineering and Fire /rescue have reviewed the plan and provided comments. ARB, E911, Inspections, and
VDOT have reviewed the plan and have no objection.
Rev2: Comment not fully addressed. This site plan cannot be approved until ACSA completes their
review and grants their approval. ARB, E911, Inspections, Engineering, Fire /rescue and VDOT have
reviewed the plan and have no objection.
Please contact Ellie Ray in the Planning Division by using eray(a- )albemarle.org or 434 - 296 -5832 ext. 3432 for
further information.