HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201300048 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2014-01-22P", COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 January 22, 2014 Cheryl Lynn Taylor 4164 Innslake Dr. Ste. B Glen Allen, VA 23060 RE: SDP - 201300048- Durkin Property — AT &T Wireless Facility Tier II Dear Ms. Taylor: Comments have been held till the SRC meeting because the applicant neglected to pay the SRC notification fee of $200.00 prior to the SRC meeting. No further review of the plans will commence until this fee is paid. A. ReasoH¢ %v Far �-t ion: ��'�e2tIl4A ➢Il :y.�. QV(a �(��� Elppllcalion f n'in and s7gnomrc:s. 2 col'npleled apphcatlon for -nr slgi'led by the paree/ oii ncr, the parcel of iwr's agent or the co"111wel. purchaser. (1/0 die pr 'oposed fi I',',ihty J' oivner. If the oivncr's agent si -its the application, he shall also submit wrillen evidence o the existence and scope (# '/he agency. 7f the contracl purchased- signs the application, he shall also suhinil the ovrner's written consent to the apl)licalion.Tfic property owner has not signed the application form. I1: the applicant is acting as agent for the property owner_. such .written doermmntation must be submitted. Rev 1. Comment addressed. 2. (Section 5.1.40(n)(4b)j The p /this and supporting drairim'S' calculalions card docilmenlation Shall show: L levation. The benchmarks and dahim used.fiir• eleycilions. The datian shall coincide \ with the I1ii -ini(l ,Stale Plon' Coordinate &Ntenl, South lone, IVorlh <41nericon Dalilm of 1983 (N4D83)1 Uniled ,States Surrey Feel iVorlh American Vertical Datum (# '1988 ('`(1,'1988), and the benchmarks shall be accept. able to the county engineer. Tlie benchmark used is not indicated on the drawings.. Rev 1. Comment addressed. [Seeflon k'vicept where the fczcilit -v would be altached to an existing structure or an (n-isting building, the lopol r�aphy iI.ilhirl IIro thouscmd (2, 000), f!et of the proposed faciliiv, in contour internals not to exceed ten (10) feel fcir cdl land anithin 41be nuir le C aunty curd in Contour inlcryals shown on United ,S'lalcs Geological Survey lopographic szuwc:y maps or the best lopographic data tnvilable. for lands not lriihin Albemarle C'minly. Provide the required topography within 1000 beet oi'the proposed Iacility.. Rev 1. Comment addressed. 4. [Section 5.1. 0(2)(40)1 Trees. The height, caliper and species (if'all trees i here the dripline is located inithin fifty (50) feat cif the facility that are relied upon to establish the proposed height or screening, or both, of the monopole or lower. 1411 trees that will be adversely impacted or rernoved durhig installation or maintenance of the fucilily shall be holed regardless of lheir distances to the facility. On the plan only 2 ol' dic trees (TRI and TR2) havc drip lines established. As a resillt, any impact: of the Proposed construction on other trees which have driplines within a 50' radius of tile tower "'otild not be dctcrmined. Revise plan to shove the drip 1111cs of all trees that have driplines wvithin the 50" is ditis.. Rev 1. Comment addressed. Also, provide the height of all trees �3,hcrc the driphne is located within 50` of the l�lcilit��. 011-1-nntl _y" ollly trec", i h( `f Z 1 3 have hciLthts. Provide I for alI trees which breach the 50' radius.. Rev 1. Comment addressed. Als>._ provide the required not-c-, on the plan for l.11l trc(;s that � -�JH be advCI-,;,,:,iv impacted or NIIIOw(:d (;Llrinl, inS1'1Illatl0I1 of the facility, On th:: pli-In it appe'lrs th"lt III+ rC c?!'e id [.JmPIC tre( "'s (,'l: -30 ,,III(! 1-1t39) which are: 9r,c:.(tr_d ill the p;lth of' thc Icc;-sS road. -hhc,f, trcf, ; sluxild be t,loi)� rl�, noted is bCLlb? iInPJ',C j✓cd of rk n]i vcdl, /`,k o- the sit(' (inciUChl -W the access roa'l) is i( Catcd In a heavily 1td'ode I c'Rr':i; however, the polln o!!k' CIeI)iets a shall 11110 HIL o` C';l`;till" trCCS. $loWi,' (T Upon "itc 'Visit: sttll'i llok'd a SLlbst�1i1tial an"lwint of tl', " ('5 which \i�llf be iinpactc(I of 1'C'971d)ved 1rt)nl ill4') t_OClStrtli:tlGn C.' Ih(J ro,iC {, ilnd pi'ol ")(:I" y ai )iJl lne.sF� trees oil t ](: p l a.n . Rev 1. Comment addressed. . �, .r �'G /(,L';'[rj? h.. ��i1:tf)�O��l % / /?�L'i, -hcrc possible. i:'1" Silc and Ca/ I1Whill lIro 1f1111NdPCd (00) 0/ 111 ("- .1'1?. if al'li', elild die UPC,,P SiWi'OZ1Ndi1'1S, ille s!IC. Provide pilU?U4_'CaI ")hti tl7h(1tU `i!n2i °:E.tl(• ?]S} or o; Otc Illy ,rl;_t i�t 111 �llll'!';i1n4711i�� area`, in '1'dElt1, ! assist stail in C C;tC'i'3 ?1til;nLC the ist'I'll of The 11"Ci111 y u11 b;nl�rC ?L'1ldiil p opc `.i'S. cl: :pc lc�llk `' "J7.? the€ i;accn t ,0 ('111/ `1 -0il\ '.soli]! , <.Ui,d l..Jai,1" dIjriwl the r ><lflo(1[ 5t. the t)Lillool, 4ti'S rd�' )i' ;ron) th'.' 1EIfalC,;_i d'rt'ol f rtw 5 tc 5. 1L.;_a4.: i +_-Id pw -6on °i ol,th-ir (W" '1; t''ilw;; <uD:a. Rev 1. Comment addressed. Comments to be addressed prior to approval 1. [Section 5.1.40(d)(2)] Screening and siting to minimize visibility. The site shall provide adequate opportunities for screening and the facility shall be sited to minimize its visibility from adjacent parcels and streets, regardless of their distance from the facility... A balloon test vwas performed on September 25, 2013. During the balloon test staff traveled Ric 20_Stonv Point Road, Rte 640 Gilbert Station, Rte 640 'l'LH -UN S�az Road, and visited surrounding and adjacent properties. At a few vantage points it appeared that the lilcility would be sl:ylighted (see Atlachment ,-1). The County's wireless policy discourages facilitieS that are sky lit.. however, the foreground of this site is densely wooded, so the lack of backdrop is minimized. Additionally, at most sites it was significantly camouflaged by trees, elevation changes and the windiing nature of Rte 20 Stony Point Road: however, the balloon was visible froln the adjacent property's residence and portions oftheir driveway TMP 03400- 00- 00- 0700O3 4826 Rte 20 Stony Point Road (adjacent property). Staff is concerned that this may cause an adverse visual impact: on the adjacent residential property. Upon submittal of required/ requested photographs (photo sinnilations) or perspective drawings of the facility froin surrounding areas staff will be better able to determine the visual impacts of the facility on surrounding property. If upon submittal of the required simulation photos it is determined that the visibility of the tower will cause adverse impacts to the neighboring property, is the applicant amenable to reduce the height of the tower from 10' above the reference tree to 7' above the reference tree to reduce visual impacts and provide more screening for neighboring residential properties? Rev 1. The applicant has provided photo simulations as requested. Upon reviewing these pictures it appears that the tower is highly visible from the neighboring property [TNT 34 -70C] because of the towers' skylining characteristic (also known as skylight, which means with a backdrop to the facility being sky). Additionally staff has been contacted by neighboring property one removed from the Durkin 2 property [TMP34 -70D] and the property owner is very concerned with the visibility of the tower from her home and has stated that the tower is directly in the line of their view shed and would be a visual nuisance. Based on the above vantage point and high visibility nature of this tower, the applicant shall reduce the visual presence of this tower from this vantage point. Also, staff has been contacted by neighboring property owners [TMP 34 -70B and TMP 34 -70A] who are opposed to the project in its current location due to visibility issues caused by the towers proximity to their homes. As the leaves have all fallen these property owners have stated that they can see the reference tree from their back yards and are concerned that when the tower is installed it will pose a visual nuisance to their property and ruin their enjoyment of their views from their back yards. Due to the proximity of the tower facility to these homes it is conceivable that the tower has an intrusive presence on the neighboring properties. The owner of TMP 34 -70B has suggested a new location be proposed for the tower which sets it back an addition 100' from the property line to help minimize visibility and provide additional buffering which will mitigate the visual impacts to their property. The owner of TMP 34 -70B also reflected this sentiment. Based on the above staff suggests the applicant work to reduce the visibility of the tower to these neighboring properties. Possible methods to reduce tower visibility: increase the distance and buffering of trees between the tower to neighboring properties, reducing height or bulk of tower, camouflage the tower. Once the applicant has worked to reduce the visibility of the proposed tower it shall be pertinent to schedule a second balloon test that each of the abutting owners as well as staff is notified of to aid in determining visibility of the tower with the leaves off the trees. If the applicant does not intend to adequately address the above, please advise staff and a denial letter will be issued. 2. [Section 5.1.40(c)(3)] Antennas and associated equipment. Sheet A -2, note #7 states the proposed antennas are less than 1,152 square inches in area but does not indicate the antenna dimensions. Revise the drawing to include the dimensions. Rev 1. The applicant addressed the initial comment; however, also revised the plan to provide two (2) additional Twin TMA's to the tower which lack dimensions on the plan. On the plan provide the dimensions of each TMA to aid staff in determining the number of arrays which are present on the tower. Revise. 3. [Comment] The, elevation depicted on sheet A -2 labels "existing 7' high security fence" and sheet A -0 labels "existing 50'x50'x8' security fence"; however, no portion of this facility is existing, nor does a fence currently exist. Revise the elevations to correctly label these items as "proposed ". Rev 1. Comment not addressed. 4. [Comment] Sheets E & S -2 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan appears to show no proposed grading for the tower pad — verify this is true or revise to show proposed contours. Rev 1. Comment not addressed. [Comment] :11c, licigh1 0}_ rite tonv cr sil« tiicl be conSISI.cm tl,n)ughout the I)iaii, r;ht c is i'l -0. -2 labs le(l it as I 1. ; i)mve ver, on sheet A -2 it labels both 131.6' (Top of tower) and 131.5' (proposed monopole). Please clarify. Rev 1. Comment not fully addressed. Please explain. 6. [Comment] Sheet A -0 provides a note which depicts the proposed AT &T Tower setback as 110% however, the tower is 131' tall, for a true 1 to 1 setback it should be revised to be the height of the facility from every point of the facility to include the generator /ground equipment. Revise. Rev 1. Comment not addressed. 7. [SecNoun 5.1<.40(c)(4)] Tree Conservation Plan. Prior to issuance (?/'a building permit, the czpplir_anl shall su6�7�it a tree couservalion plan prepared by a certified iarborist. The plan shall he 3 srdnnilted to the agent for revieli, and approval to assure that all alyVicahle requirements have been satisfied The plan shall specific tree protection methods and procedures, and idenlifj, all exisling trees to he removed on the parcel for the inslallallon, operation and Ir9ainlenanCe of /he f aCrhlV. ISee on 5.T.40(c)(5)1 free Conservation Plan. The Installation, operallon and maintenance Of the Jacilily shall be Condncled in accordance YI'rth the free conservation plan. Dead and dvilig lr'ees identified by the arborisl 'S report nrav he removed ]f so noted on the tree Conservation plan. If free retnov(al is later requesled that YNas not approved by the agent lvhen the free Conservation plan boas approved the applicant shall submit an amended plan. The agent mad) approve the ar77e1'ldC'd pl[ir'l If the pi'OposCGl tree i "ei) "ZOl'Gil bb'!ll not Lldver',Sely affeel the visibility (# the.f[:icihlY from ant) localion off of the parcel. The agent. may iinpose reasonable coi- idillons to assure that the parrposes of this puraaraph are achieved Provide a tree conservation plan prepared by a certified a.rborist which meets the requirements of 5.1.4(c)(4) and 5.1.4(c)(5). Also, pursuant to Section assure that this document is also signed by the applicant. r' so. A -1 'Conl1� }o[llld i'ielll c:onta9ti,s 41 ke{.6; 1nvc11to1y and ahk:1' a t.11 i; Ill(: "i '711 ! 1'�{ �1R' -; ii i 1. �' C<<�;illlallA' ill (.t' •..i �, 'v,l.`.:!? iii Ibc afl'C,_1t d b`,' (lit' ;i�,;'�llO�;1 "Il('lil, 5171_'C111Cf1�1�' V�; 1t�1191 E11C ,,IIv) of thi. ,. 20 Vv Ulihf. c.d -,G 1'I "sellt' ,vh; .11 1,,ot s11mVi" on tit 61c 171,111 io do pica (Ind Iccotlfa 1Y)1' "15i h Rev 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit the Conservation Plan signed by a certified arborist report shall be provided. Additional Comments 1) [Comment] On sheet A -1, the Tree Table, has TR5 (77.5' tall Hickory) listed as remaining; however, in the diagram TR5 is listed as "To be removed ". Assure that this sheet is revised so the diagram and the table match. 2) [Section 5.1.40b(5),, 17.204(e)] Per Engineering's comment below the plan appears to show over 10,000 square feet of proposed land disturbance and requires a WPO plan be approved prior to approval of the site plan. Please contact Engineering for questions related to the application of a WPO plan. Comments from SRC reviewers Engineering — Max Greene 1. Plan appears to show over 10,000 square feet of proposed land disturbance and requires a WPO plan, Application and fee. The WPO plan will be approved prior to final site plan approval per chapter 17 of the County of Albemarle Ordinance. Architectural Review Board (ARB) — Margaret Maliszewski 1. The ARB application has been approved. Fire and Rescue — Robbie Gilmer - No objections Building Inspections — Jay Schlothauer . - No objections 4 E911— Andrew Slack - Approved VDOT— Troy Austin - No objections ACSA — Alex Morrison - No objections. When this project is resubmitted assure that a response letter addressing all of the above comments is provided with the revised plan. If you have any questions or require additional information I can be reached at cperez@albemarle.org or 296 -5832 ext 3443. Sincerely, Christopher P. Perez, Senior Planner Planning Services File: SDP 2013 -00048 5