HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-23 adjFebruary 23, 1981 Afternoon Meeting (Adjourned from February 19, 1981) An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on. February 23, 1981, at 2:00 P.M. in the Board Roam of the County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia; said meeting adjourned from February 19, 1981. Present: Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta, C. Timothy Lindstrom (Arrived at 3:40 P.M.), Layton R. McCann and Miss Ellen V. Nash. Absent: None. Officer Present: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive. Agenda Item No. 1. Fisher. The meeting was called to order at 2:02 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Agenda Item No. 2. Work Session: 1981-82 Budget. Mr. Agnor presented the following budget categories: a) Registrar. Mrs. Mary Lou Matthews, Registrar, was present. Mr. Agnor said one employee in the Registrar's office was reclassified from a Clerk-Typist to~ an Assistant Registrar and that is the basic change in the budget. He also noted discussions with Mrs. Matthews about extra office help to handle the results of~the redistricting. Since the impact of such is unknown at this time, a request for any additional staff will be made at a later date. b) Personnel. Mr. Agnor said this budget is reduced from last year due to the review of the pay and classification plan not reoccurring this year. He also noted only one employee is listed in the budget since the salary of the Payroll Clerk is now carried in the Finance Department budget. Mr. Agnor said a reserve in the amount of $20,000 has been included for the hospital and medical plan in the event that the costs increase as they have this year. c) Finance (includes Finance Department, Licensing, Payroll, Purchasing and Real Estate). Mr. Ray B. Jones, Director of Finance, was present. 'Mr. Agnor noted the addition o'~ $4,050 in the Finance Department budget for the lease of a new bookkeeping machine since the existing machine is at capacity. He also noted a field appraiser added to the Real Estate Department in an attempt to do all reappraisals with County staff. Discussion then followed on the function of the appraisers when they are not working in the field. Mr. Agnor then presented the budget for the Purchasing Department. Mr. Fisher asked the percentag of school purchases handled by this Department and said he thought that when this department was established it was to buy for the schools since bulk supplies are cheaper. Mr. Jones said he did not have the data today but would submit same later. Mr. McCann noted his concern about creating a new department, Staff Services, when the Purchasing Department has been handling these functions. He felt with the move to the new County Office Building, things would be more centralized and he did not feel additional staff wa's necessary. Mr. Agnor said Staff Services will do more detailed work than that which occurs in the Purchasing Department now. The operation of the mechanical systems in the building, operation of the motor pool, scheduling of meeting rooms, a central copy center, and hopefully a central pool of secretaries will be handled by Staff Services when the move is made. d) Data Processing. Mr. Agnor reviewed the study conducted on the Data Processing Department. He also noted that the budget includes three employees and until the move to the new building and the arrival of the equipment, these employees will be testing programs suitable for the County's needs. e) Refunds. Mr. Agnor said the largest item in the refund budget is the land use deferral program which is strictly a bookkeeping entry. He also noted that this program and the tax relief for the elderly will increase this fiscal year. f) Health Department. Dr. Richard Prindle, Director of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Health Department, was present. Mr. Agnor said the request from the Health Department was for a 16.84 percent increase and he recommends ten percent. However, the state appropriation bill was passed last week and he felt there will be some changes in the budget as a result of that bill. Dr. Prindle distributed a breakdown of percentage of services provided in Albemarle County and reviewed the programs offered by the Health Department. He noted that Albemarle County needs to fund a twenty percent increase in the budget in order that the programs can be retained as they exist. Mr. Fisher expressed his concern about a statement of inequity of funding because he felt the County has been providing more than its share in the past years. Dr. Prindle said changes in the General Assembly and the equalization of programs makes it necessary for the Health Department to request a twenty percent increase instead of the 16.84 percent previously requested. Mr. Fisher said since the results of the General .Assembly are unknown at this time, this budget should be considered again at the last budget work session. g) Mental Health. Mr. James Peterson, Executive Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the request from Mental Health is for $29,000 or 45% over the current year's request. He has recommended a fifteen percent increase. Mr. Peterson then distributed comparison sheets showing percentages with .the proposed population changes as well as information to support his request. A discussion then followed on the programs offered to the County and the possible areas of decrease if the full funding is not approved. Mr. Fisher said this request should also be placed on the agenda for the last work session. 107 February 23, 1981 Afternoon Meeting (&dJourned from February 19, 1981) h) JAUNT. Miss Linda Wilson, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor said the request is for $8,883-over the present level of funding which is $6,194. He has recommended an increase of ten percent. He also noted that the Ride-Sharing project, which is a grant program for only one year, is again being request~ for funding and he was concerned about that. Miss Wilson presented background information on JAUNT. She noted indications that Federal funding will gradually be reduced for transportation. She also noted that other agencies which use JAUNT will be highly affected if JAUNT goes out of business. Miss Wilson said the Ride-Sharing project is needed and felt a couple of years are necessary to see the real function of the project. Mr. Fisher said the recommendation of the County Executive is $8,264 short of meeting the request and suggested reconsidering the request when the revenue figures are known from the State. ~ i) Shelter for Help in Emergency. Miss Debbie Cobb was present to speak on behalf of the Shelter for Help in Emergency. Mr. Agnor said he did not recommend any funding for this agency due to the difficulty in funding existing agencies. Even though there is interim funding for the agency at this time, he did not feel any additional funding should be approved Miss Cobb presented information supporting the request for funding. She said the Shelter is dependent on local jurisdictions and private sources because it is likely that state funding will not be available until later years. Miss Cobb said the Shelter is willing to accept a lesser amount of funding if the full amount cannot be approved. This request will be discussed at the conclusion of the budget work sessions. j) Teen Involvement. Mr. John Dawson, speaking on behalf of Teen Involvement, was present. Mr. Agnor said this is a new program and he does not recommend any funding and noted that the request is for $8,000. Mr. Dawson thenreviewed the program for the Board and noted that this is designed to have middle school students counsel elementary students on the use of drugs. Mr. Fisher suggested this be discussed at the conclusion of the budget work sessions. k) Tourism Bureau. Mrs. Betty McLemore, Director and Mr. Mike Ludgate, Chairman of the Tourism Bureau, were present. Mr. Agnor said the revenues for this are expected to increase by $5,000 from the occupancy tax next year. The request is for $15,000 and he recommends $13,500. This request was deferred until the conclusion of the budget work sessions. 1) Emerge~c..y. ~edical Services. Dr. Richard Edlich, Director of Emergency Medical Services, was present. Mr. Agnor said the request is for $5,734 and he recommends $226 as done in the past year for the maintenance of the communication system. Dr. Edlich noted the benefit this service provides the County particularly to the rescue squads. Mr. Agnor said an increase in the amount of $5,750 has been given to the three rescue squads for their operational needs. Some of the Board members expressed their interest in this program and agreed that such should be reconsidered at the conclusion of the budget work sessions. m) Circuit Court. Mr. Harry Young was present. Mr. Agnor said the request is for $13,906 and he recommends $13,381. Mr. Young did not have any comments about the recommendati~ n) Offender Aid and Restoration. Miss Patricia Smith, President, was present. Mr. Agnor said the request is for $19,559 and he has recommended $14,520 which is a ten percent increase over last year. He noted that the request includes one position which is presently a volunteer coordinator and the desire is for such to be a permanent position. Miss Smith stated her understanding of the difficulties the County and City are having with funding this year and did not have any real objections. Mr. Fisher suggested this be reconsidered at the conclusion of the budget work sessions. o) Madison House. Mr. Doug Horn, Executive Director, was present. request is for $4,500 and he recommends 34,000 as funded in the past. Mr. Agnor said the Mr. Horn submitted supportive information for the request and noted the increase is due to inflationary factors. Dr. Iachetta asked when revenue figures are expected from Richmond. should be available within a week. Mr Agnor said such Not Docketed. At 4:46 P.M., Mr. Fisher requested an executive session to discuss legal and personnel matters. Motion to this effect was offered by Mr. Lindstrom, seconded by Dr. Iachetta, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom, McCann and Miss Nash. None. mt February 23, 1981 (Night Meeting)(Adjourned from February 19, 1981) Agenda Item No. 4. The meeting was called back to order at 7:35 P.M., by Mr. Fisher, with the following School Board members present: Chairperson Jessie C. Haden and Mrs. Sally Thomas; Messrs. Ronald H. Bauerle, Dean A.. Strong, David Sutton and James W. Walker. The only item on the agenda at this time was a discussion of the Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Agnor distributed a summary of capital improvements, dated February, 1981 as follows: Approved Projects: Known Resources: $15,920,000 $12,640,000 Approved Projects Administration and Courts Airport Education Fire, Rescue, Safety Highways Library Miscellaneous Parks/Recreation Solid Waste $ 5,822,57O 44,875 6,410,000 83,750 239,030 1,085,143 1,267,225 272,750 694,000 $15,919,343 Education Projects Scottsville Elementary Red Hill Elementary Meriwether Lewis Elementary Greenwood-Crozet Elementary Miscellaneous Repairs Albemarle High Track Albemarle High Renovation Burley Renovation Energy Conservation Woodbrook Masonry Repair Jouett, Henley, Brownsville (Masonry Repairs) $ 1,690,000 1,752,000 50,000 60,000 250,000 130,000 1,594,000 113,000 600,000 101,000 70,000 $ 6,410,000 Miscellaneous Projects Vehicle Maintenance Building Community College Health Department Renovation $ 1,025,000 142,285 99~940 $ 1,267,225 Additional Education Projects Requested 1980-81 Meriwether Lewis Elementary Broadus Wood Addition/Renovation Albemarle High Renovation - Phase III Greenwood-Crozet Elementary Burley Renovation 2,823,000 740,000 1,700,000 3,000,000 518,000 8,781,000 Revenue Resources General Fund Balance 80-81 General Fund Appropriation Revenue Sharing through 9/80 Revenue Sharing through 1983 Federal Energy Grant Literary Fund Loans (Scottsville, Red Hill, Albemarle High School $ 7,100,000 500,000 240,000 1,500,000 300,000 3,000~000 $12,640,000 Additional Resources General Fund Appropriation 1981-82 through 1985a86 ~ $500,000 per year Sale of Land Semi-annual Tax Collection Literary Fund Loans Sub-Total Total $ 2,~000,000 500,000 4,200~000 $ 6,700,000 3,200,000 $ 9,900,000 Proposed Funding from General Fund Fiscal Year 1981-1982 Fiscal Year 1982-1983 Fiscal Year 1983-1984 Fiscal Year 1984-1985 $ 750,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 $~4,500,000 Mr. Fisher said that out of the additional resources, $3.3 million is needed to cover already approved projects. Mr. Fisher said of the additional resources listed, two million dollars in general fund appropriations is guaranteed if the present level being reserved for the capital improvement fund is maintained. Mr. Fisher noted that sale of land is a controversial issue, however the possibility exists that a piece of County-owned land could be sold to obtain additional revenue. Mr. Fisher spoke about the possibility of instituting a semi-annual tax collection, but said it would present many difficulties and is strictly a one-time windfall. Mr. Fisher said one consideration not mentioned in Mr. Agnor's presentation is that of holding a bond referendum. The School Board would have to institute the proceedings by adopting an appropriate resolution requesting a bond (Adjourned from February t9,~ 1981) referendum, which would then go before the Board of Supervisors and then to the Circuit Court where it would be ordered to be placed on an election ballot. Mr. Fisher commented that if all the projects presented are going to be completed during the next five years, a bond referendum is the only way he can see to raise that much money. Mr. Fisher noted that the action taken by the Board of Supervisors in January, adopted the changes in the priority list established in the summer by the School Board. Mr. Fisher said the Board has been trying to approve the projects in order of the priority established by the School Board. Mr. Lindstrom asked Mr. Agnor to explain the reason there seems to be a shortfall of money. Mr. Agnor said two reasons; first, poor estimation of project costs at the start of the Capital Improvement Program, second, inflationary costs of projects. Mr. Fisher noted that revenue estimates have been revised as those figures change, but revenue has not increased as quickly as the cost figures on the projects. Mr. David Sutton asked about the terms of Literary Fund Loans. Mr. Fisher said loans are offered at 3% interest on a maximum of one million dollars per project. Mr. Lindstrom asked if any projections have been made on using Literary Fund money for all projects eligible, and what additional demand this would make on the County. Mr. Agnor said no such research has been done at this time. Mr. Agnor said an attempt has been made to keep the debt service level the same, noting that as loans are paid off, additional money is borrowed. Mr. Dean Strong asked what other capital projects are competing for these funds. Mr. Agnor said approximately three million dollars in other projects, such as the expansion of the terminal building at the airport (which seems unrealistic), a branch library in the Route 29 North area, building renovation at the old County Office Building and Courthouse and parks and recreation projects. Mr. Fisher said he was distressed that additional money has not been added to the capital appropriation each year. He said in order to offset inflation, this amount must be increased annually. Dr. Iachetta said the question of annexation must also be considered, but at this date no one knows how much this will cost the County. Dr. Ronald Bauerle said he would assume that the Literary Fund is the primary source for borrowing money. He then asked if the County would be able to absorb an increased debt service in order to fund such projects as the Broadus Wood school. Mr. Agnor said up to the present time, the County has been able to maintain the debt service at a fairly stable level, but felt that to increase the debt service in order to do necessary con- struction may be less expensive to fund now (due to inflation) than to put off and try to accumulate sufficient funds in the capital budget. Dr. Bauerle asked if the Broadus Wood project could be funded in a way similar to the way Albemarle High School has been funded, through the use of phasing. Mr. Fisher commented that possibly Murray and Meriwether Lewis could also be financed in that way. Dr. McClure said he did not feel the Broadus Wood and Murray, Meriwether Lewis projects could be stretched over such a period of time. Mr. Fisher said those projects which can be accomplished using Literary Fund, should be considered because to fund those projects through a general bond issue would be far more expensive. Dr. Iachetta noted that if the rate of interest on Literary Funds is increased from three percent to six percent, a bond issue may be less expensive in the long run. Dr. James Walker asked if a six percent finance rate on Literary Fund loans would be beyond the County's ability to handle. Mr. Fisher said he did not know. Mr. Lindstrom said it would most likely cause a significant tax rate increase to borrow from the Literary Fund, but at least the expense of a bond referendum would not be there. Dr. Iachetta said he agreed with Mr. Fisher's point that if the interest rate for Literary Fund loans increases to six percent, and does not cover the entire cost of the project, perhaps the entire project should be funded through a bond issue. Mr. Lindstrom said the Board has been avoiding a tax rate increase, even though it has the authority to do same. Dr. Iachetta said with a twenty-two percent increase in taxes due to reassessment, he will not vote in favor of a tax rate increase as well. Dr. McClure said he felt the Board of Supervisors was taking the most business-like approach to this matter that he has seen in any County he is familiar with. He said it was strictly his opinion, but felt that the school projects being discussed were not of an emergency nature and could wait a year or two for funding. Dr. McClure added that he felt this was not a good time to try and sell a bond issue. He recommended that the Board investigate the possibility of borrowing money from the State Building Authority, which finances at a lower interest rate than a bond issue. Mr. Fisher asked if the County could borrow from two different state agencies and combine the funds on the same project. Dr. McClure said he was not sure if that could be done. Mrs. Haden. asked if the Board would authorize construction of a new school on the present site of Meriwether Lewis if there were no financial difficulties. Mr. Fisher said he felt that was an unfair question. He said the Board members have serious questions as to whether or not the school buildings are being well used, and how to justify the con- struction of a new school in close proximity to a school (Murray Elementary) that is not put to optimum use. Mr. Fisher said this was his only criticism of the School Board, that being its inability to work out the problem of total school usage. Mr. Strong asked how this can be done in the face of annexation. Mrs. Haden said she feels the School Board has spent its money wisely on various school projects. Mr. Lindstrom noted that the school districts have not been revised, and with the population of the County almost doubling in the last ten years, these need to be looked at. Mr. McCann said he would be willing to support the School Board's decision to build a new School at Meriwether Lewis when the funds become available, and not before that time. Mr. Fisher stated that if this question were brought before the citizens in the form of a bond referendum, the citizens would ask the same questions the Board is asking, and he is not sure that the citizens would approve the issue. Dr. Walker said he did not think the citizens of the County would support any increase in taxes for any purpose, whether it be for schools, County office buildings, police departments or.anything else. Dr. Iachetta said he also would like to see the School Board look into redrawing school districts because he will not support spending any money until that question is answered. Dr. McClure said in 1977, just prior to the opening of Western Albemarle High School, that area of the County was studied as to the possibility of rediStr±cting. Dr. Iachetta said this is not the type of study he was referring to, he said he would like to see a total study of the entire County done before any new school construction begins. February 23, 1981 (Night Meeting) 1.10 Mr. Fisher asked if the School Board was asking for planning funds on all the pro- jects. Dr. McClure said no, take the projects as they come in priority order, rather than taking projects in order of ability to fund. Mrs. Haden said the School Board will be meeting with the Board of Supervisors again on Wednesday to discuss the 1981-82 budget. Mr. Fisher said the Board will start at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the Education Budget. He noted that prior to the budget work session, there will be a meeting with the City of Charlottesville at 1:15 P.M. Agenda Item No. 5. At 9:00 P.M., motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr. McCann, to adjourn to Wednesday, February 25, 1981, at 1:15 P.M. in the County Executive's Conference Room. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Messrs. Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom, McCann and Miss Nash. None. Chairman