HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-02 adjMarch 22 1981 Afternoon Meeting (Adjourned from February 25, 1981)
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was
held on March 2, 1981, at 2:00 P.M., in the Board Room of the County Office Building,
Charlottesville, Virginia; said meeting adjourned from February 25, 1981.
Present: Messrs. Gerald E. Fisher, J. T. Henley, Jr., F. Anthony Iachetta, C. Timothy
Lindstrom (Arrived at 3:45 P.M.), Layton R. McCann and Miss. Ellen V. Nash.
Absent: None.
Officer Present: Mr. Guy B. Agnor, Jr., County Executive.
Agenda Item No. 1.
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr.
Agenda Item No. 2. Work Session: 1981-82 Budget.
Mr. Agnor presented the following budget categories:
a) Library. Mr. Christopher Devan, Director of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library,
and Mrs. Margaret Melcher, Chairman of the Library Board of Directors, were present. Mr.
Agnor said a request of $489,397 for the Library was received in December. 'However, that
request has been revised to $441,239. Mr. Agnor said his recommendation is for a ten percent
increase over the current year's level of funding or $388,785. He noted that even with the
revised request his recommendation is about $50,000 short. Mr. Agnor then reviewed the
problems that the Library is having particularly with operation expenses of the new facility
on Market Street. Mr. Agnor said the increased request to Albemarle County also results
from the loss of rent for the General Services Administrat±on's use of the second floor of
the old Post Office. He also noted that Mr. Devan has indicated that no increase is anticipat~
from the State. Mr. Agnor said a comprehensive analysis has not been done on the Library
budget and such will be provided prior to the public hearing on the budget. In conclusion,
Mr. Agnor recommended going to public hearing with his recommendation and the possible
adjustment of such when the final state revenues are known.
Mrs. Melcher said hopefully surveys would be available by the end of summer'~to show the
actual usage of Library facilities. She also noted that the new Library Building will be
dedicated on March 15, 1981. Mrs. Melcher said the Library Board of Directors has decided
to hire the firm of Robinson, Farmer and Cox to work with the Library on their accounting
system. She also pointed out that the library staff received only one-half of the cost of
living increase in fiscal year 1978-79 and this year there is a thirteen percent increase
and a five percent merit plan included in the budget request. Mrs. Melcher concluded by
stating that a $15,000 request has been included in the budget to be used for a head librarian
which has been needed for quite some time.
Dr. Iachetta noted that the request includes a thirty-eight percent increase for new
books and asked if that request could be spread over a longer period of time if there are
problems in meeting the other budget requirements. Mrs. Melcher said that would be a problem
since the State requires twenty percent of the budget be spent in books.
Mr. Fisher suggested this budget be considered again at the last budget work session
since state revenue projections are unknown at this time.
b) Jefferson Area Board on Aging. Mr. Jim Elmore, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor
said the request of $~,336 is a seven percent increase over last year's funding which was
$4,052. Therefore, he supports the request.
Mr. Elmore said the Older American Act funding is in good condition and President
Reagan supports the program. Even though the increase for federal funding will only be four
to five percent, he felt some services can expand, particularly the nutrition program.
c) Home Care Task Force. Mr. Jim Elmore, member of the Home Care Task Force, was
present. Mr. Agnor noted a change received this past week for the requested amount to be
$26,068 instead of $21,385. However, he does'not recommend any funding for the agency since
it is a new function and no funding is being recommended for any new operations this year.
Mr. Agnor said the agency has associated itself with the American Red Cross as an umbrella
organization or sponsoring agency. The plans when funding is received is to establish a
steering committee as an advisory group to the local Red Cross Chapter and this committee
will oversee the implications of the program. Indications are that Community Services
Administration funds for low income elderly will very likely not be available this year.
Therefore, that source of funding has been eliminated. Mr. Agnor sa~d the revenue sources
available to this agency do not allow them to refuse service to anyone who is unable to pay.
The agency is planning to raise funds to meet some of its operational expenses. Mr. Agnor
also noted that the request to Albemarle County is only one-half of the total budget since
the other half is being requested from the City.
Mr. Elmore then introduced Mrs. Renata Newman, interested citizen working with Home
Care Task Force since 1979 and Mrs. Jane Allen, Director of the Local Red Cross Chapter.
Mr. Elmore understood the difficulty the County is having in funding new agencies this year.
Mrs. Newman said the program is designed to provide home care services to families or
individuals r~gard!ess of age, income or health needs. She noted that existing programs
such as the Social Services Department, the Health Department and the local office on aging
cannot provide the needs of all persons requesting service since there are strict eligibility
requirements in those programs. Therefore, Mrs. Newman felt the need is evident in the area
and noted a survey done in June 1980 which showed unanimous support of the program.
Mrs. Allen said the Red Cross Chapter is interested in sponsoring this agency but the
chapter does not have adequate funds for such. However, she felt the need is valid in this
Mr. Fisher then asked if any request had been made to the United Way for funding. Mrs.
Allen said no and noted that the United Way is having to decrease funding for its present
A brief discussion then followed about the program and Mr. Fisher suggested considering
the request again at the last budget work session.
d) Albemarle Housing Improvement Program. Miss Ann Paul, Director, was present. Mr.
Agnor said the request was for $133,623 and he recommended $109,861 which is a ten percent
increase over last year's funding.
Miss Paul then introduced Mrs. Karen Lilleleht, member2 of the Albemarle Housing Improveme
Program Board, Mr. Allan Howard, President of AHIP and Mr. Gary 01iveria, Regional Director.
Mrs. Lilleleht noted that the housing association is trying to raise money for AHIP and
CHIP. She also noted appreciation of the County's support. Mr. Howard then noted the
difficulty AHIP is having with funding particularly with the loss of fourteen CETA employees.
Miss Nash asked if any information was available on the possible recapture of funds
when families that have used AHIP become financially able to afford something themselves.
Miss Paul said there is a possibility of a Federal Program for such. However, she was
unsure of the legal status of that. Mr. Agnor said Mr. St. John is working on the legality
of the use of county funds in such a manner.
Mr. Fisher said hearing no major argument for a change to the recOmmendation of Mr.
Agnor such would be sent to public hearing. Mr. Howard said there is no argument in the
sense that AHIP realizes that the County is under considerable pressure this year and the
fact that AHIP will try to do the best it can as it has in the past.
e) Piedmont Virginia Community College. Mr. Paul Jenkins, Financial Administrative
Assistant, was present. Mr. Agnor said the request is for $5,115 which is a 1.4% increase
over the current year's funding and he supported the request.
Mr. Jenkins then noted that after fiscal year 1981-82, there will not be any requests
for Capital Outlay funds for the College. He noted that the College projections are up to
the year 1990 and he did not feel the College would have to come back to the Board for any
f) Community Action Agency. Mr. Ken Ackerman, Director, was present. Mr. Agnor skid
the request is' for $'3~,463 and he recommends 317,778 which is a ten percent increase over
the current year's funding. Mr. Agnor said the request involves the following three programs:
Local Initiative Request, Head Start and Summer Food and Recreation. Mr. Agnor said the
County has never funded and he does not recommend any funding for the Head Start program and
had suggested to Mr. Ackerman to refer such to the School System since it is related to
education. A letter to that effect has been sent to Mrs. Haden, Chairman of the School
Board and Mr. Ackerman does not feel the School Board has included it in their budget.
Mr. Ackerman then presented supportive information for his request and noted that the
loss of CETA employees creates a real problem for the agency. He also noted that the agency
is in a crunch in not meeting the federal matching requirements. He noted that some previous
resources are diminishing particularly the Community Services Administration which is not
likely to continue funding the recreation services in 1982. Mr. Ackerman then urged the
Board's consideration for funding the Head Start Program.
Mr. Fisher suggested this be reconsidered at the last budget work session.
g) Community Attention Home. Mr. Agnor said this is under a joint contract between
the City and County which was approved several years ago. He noted that $2,500 was spent
last year and the request is for $4,500 which he recommends. Mr. Agnor said the per day
charge will be amended before July 1 and such has to be approved by the Board. Mr. Agnor
said the billing is done by the City on a per diem basis and with the current usage of the
home he felt the request was reasonable.
h) Commonwealth's Attorney. Mr. Lindsay Dorrier, Jr., Commonwealth's Attorney, was
present. Mr. Agnor presented the budget and noted that the State Compensation Board has not
yet responded to the request Mr. Dorrier submitted for salaries which are 100% reimbursable
by the State, therefore, that line item total is unknown at this time. He also noted all of
the line items in the budget are not reimbursable by the State. Due to the uncertainty of
what is reimbursable by the State, Mr. Fisher suggested the staff report at the next budget
work session what expenses the State does not participate in.
Mr. Dorrier then introduced Mr. John Connors working on a state grant for the Community
Diversion Incentive Act in Albemarle County.
i) Clerk, Circuit Court. Mrs. Shelby Marshall, Clerk, was present. Mr. Agnor said
the Board recently accepted the Compensation Board's budget for adjusting salaries in this
office effective January 1, 1981, and such is included in this budget. Mr. Agnor said the
request was for a 11.2% increase and he recommends a 9.3% increase. Mrs. Marshall did not
have any comments about the recommendation.
March 2, 1981 Afternoon Meeting (Adjourned from February 25, 1981)
j) Outreach Counseling. This to be discussed later in the meeting since the representa-
tive for the agency was not present.
Not Docketed. Mr. Fisher noted receipt of a report of the Harrisonburg-Rockingham
local government concerning annexation. He noted that the report is lengthy and if any of
the Board members were interested, copies would be made. Miss Nash, Mr. Lindstrom and Dr.
Iachetta requested copies of same. Mr. Fisher noted the original report would be filed in
the clerk of the Board's Office.
Mr. Fisher then noted letter received this date from the Governor relating to the final
population figures for Albemarle County. He felt the figure was incorrect because it appeared
5,000 people have not been counted for the County. The population figure received was for
50,000+. Mr. Agnor said hoPefully by Wednesday the matter would be resolved because this
information has some effect on the redistricting hearing to be held in March.
Mr. Fisher noted the circulation of a questionnaire to county voters prepared by the
McIntire School of Commerce. He said the purpose of announcing such is to make people aware
of the questionnaire and also to point out that the County did not have anything to do with
The Board then continued with the budget work session as follows:
p) Forest Fire Extinction. Mr. Agnor said an assessment is received each year from
the Division of Forestry for their expenditures relating to fire fighting in the COunty. He
is recommending the ~same level of funding as last year which is $3,019.
q) Animal Control. Mr. Agnor presented the budget and noted that the most significant
increase is for the operation of the vehicles. He recommends $42,078 and the request is for
$42,428. No comments were made about the recommendation.
r) Emergency Services. Mr. Agnor said this budget is shared by the state, city and
county. He noted that the total budget is increasing 9.2% and he recommends the request for
the County share of $5,080.
s) District Home. Mr. Agnor presented the budget and recommended the request of
$4,000. He said this is an annual appropriation used to fund patients at the District Home
aHd iala s~parate ~u~la~ £rom ~h~ Social Services budget. Mr. Agnor noted that the home
is operated by eleven localities.
t) Juvenile Detention Home. Mr. Agnor said the costs of this facility are shared by
four counties and four cities in the State. The costs are assessed by the use of the facility
for each locality from the previous fiscal year. The requested amount was for $22,119 and
has now been reduced to $19,855. He noted that the change is because the Detention' Home
Board had not completed its budget at the time this information was compiled. He also noted
that the State Department of Corrections participates in the funding of this facility. In
conclusion, Mr. Agnor recommended the revised request of $19,855 for public hearing.
u) Children's Home Society. Mr. Agnor said the County is requested each year to fund
this agency and the amount requested is $750. However, the County has never participated in
the funding and he does not recommend funding this year.
v) WVPT Public Television. Mr. Agnor said the County has never participated in
funding this request and he does not recommend funding this year.
1) Juvenile Court. Miss Nancy Proffit was present on behalf of the Juvenile Court.
Mr. Agnor said the budget is shared by the City and County. The maintenance of the building
and the accounting is done by the City and is reflected in the request. Mr. Agnor said the
request is for $20,949 and he recommends same.
k) General District Court. Mr. Agnor presented the budget and said the significant
increase is for office supplies and such reflects the full-time judgeship of Judge Hetvin.
The request and recommendation is $10,000.
w) Grant Projects. ~Mr. Agnor requested this be deferred to March 4, 1981, since it
has not been completed.
x) Capital Improvements. Mr. Agnor said the staff had hoped to have one million two
hundred and fifty thousand dollars but the funding is at the same level as last year, one
million dollars. The details of this program are not available at this time and he suggested
deferral. Mr. Fisher requested this be added to the last budget work session. He also
noted that the Library should be discussed again as well as Home Care Task Force and the
Community Action Agency. Dr. Iachetta noted his concern about the large amount of funds
requested by the Library for additional books.
March 2, 1981 Afternoon Meeting (Adjourned from February 25, 1981)
y) Soil and Water Conservation (Soil Survey). Mr. Agnor noted the part-time clerk
position is still being requested and such was approved by the County years ago just for
Soil Survey work. However, Mr. Gordon Yaeger of the Soil and Water Conservation office
would like to retain this position for the agricultural program that is geared to the funding
requested by the County. Mr. Fisher asked if Mr. Agnor shared the feelings of Mr. Yaeger.
Mr. Agnor said yes, but was unsure of the volume of paper work involved in this position.
Mr. Agnor said he had asked Mr. Yaeger if this was something that a clerical worker in
another County office could help with. Mr. Yaeger felt he needed someone familiar with the
work. Mr. Fisher then suggested that Mr. Agnor examine the temporary position as to whether
it is still necessary and report such findings at the last budget work session.
j) Outreach Counseling. Mr. Agnor said this program involves graduate students at
the University of Virginia who are studying psychiatric counseling and has been used satisfacto
by Social Services, the Juvenile Court and the School System. If someone has a problem, one
of the above departments will request Outreach Counseling to go into the home to work either
with the child or the parent or both to reconcile the problems. He also noted that the
difference between this program and the one conducted by Region X Community Services Board
is that this is for home counseling. Federal funding has been used for this in pastJyears
and last year the federal funds were $695 short and the County approved that amount. Mr.
Agnor said Title XX funds from the Social Services budget have been used as well as a Division
of Justice and Crime Prevention grant, but the Crime Prevention Grant is expiring this year.
This is a jointly shared program, 1/2 by the City and 1/2 by the County and the request to
the County is for $27,500. Mr. Agnor did not recommend funding this request because he felt
the service is similar to that offered by Region X Community Services Board.
Since the Director of the program was not present, the Board suggested this be considered
again at the last budget work session.
m) Fire De.partment. Chief Julian Taliaferro of the Charlottesville Fire Department
was present. Mr. Agnor said the request of $405,580 includes the purchase of a new pumper
in the amount of $134,000. However, he did not recommend such be funded since it should be
part of the Capital Improvements Budget. He also felt the Board may desire to delay funding
such until the City/County negotiations on annexation are completed. Mr. Agnor recommended
$271,580 for the Fire Department which is a 10.8% increase over the current level of funding.
Chief Taliaferro did not have any comments on the ~recommendation. The President of the
Jefferson Country Fireman's Association was present and supported the purchase of the new
Mr. Fisher felt the purchase of new equipment was an issue for the Capital Improvements
Program. Therefore, no comments or changes were made to the operating request recommended
by Mr. Agnor.
n) Volunteer Fire Departments. (North Garden, Scottsvil!e, Crozet, Earlysvil!e, East
Rivanna, Stony Point and'Seminole Trail.) Mr. Agnor presented the budget and noted line
item 3202-5614 entitled "Jefferson Country Association" should be changed to read "Insurance".
Mr. Agnor said the recommendation is for $24.,200 each which is a ten percent increase over
the current years funding. He also noted the column marked "recommended" reflects the three
companies; Stony Point, Scottsville and Seminole Trail, which are paying back capital appropri~il
a~i~hs Go the County. The total request was for $175,100 and he recommends $138,950 for the
total budget.
z) S.e~f-Sust&ining.
March 4, 1981.
Mr. Agnor said this is not completed and requested deferral to
aa) Debt Service. Mr. Agnor said this is for information purposes only. He noted
that the bond issue on the Joint Security Complex is diminishing as a result of principal
and interest payments. He also noted that the debt service for Schools is increasing as a
result of Literary Funds being used and accelerated payments on some issues. Mr. Fisher
felt it remarkable that debt service payments have been kept below two million dollars for
the last five or six years.
o) Rescua Squads. (Western Albemarle, Scottsville and Charlottesville.) Mr. Agnor
said the total request for the three squads was for $37,500 and he recommended $21,750. He
then noted the following amounts recommended for the three squads: The request for Charlottesv
~tbemarle Was for $12,500 and he felt this should be shared by the City and recommended
$6,250. Western Albemarle Rescue Squad recently received capital funds for the purchase of
a vehicle with same to be paid back at the rate of $7,500 per year for a p~riod of five
years. Therefore, the recommendation is for $5,000 which reflects deduction of pay back
funds. Scottsville Rescue Squad is also paying back capital funds at the rate of $2,000 per
year and the recommended amount is for $10,500. Mr~ Agnor said a letter has been received
from Mrs. Jenny Martin, President of the Western Albemarle Rescue Squad, indicating an
effort being made to form an association o£ the rescue squads in order to have an equipment
fund of $35,000 whereby all the squads could forecast their equipment needs and draw from
such to meet funding needs. However, the letter notes that the squads have not had adequate
time to evaluate their equipment needs for Fiscal Year 1981-82. Mr. Agnor said he understood
the $35,000 would be in addition to the $12,500 each recommended for the squads this year
and he had indicated to Mrs. Martin that it was almost too late for such a request.
March 2, 1981 Afternoon Meeting (Adjourned from February 25, 1981)
Dr. Iachetta felt there were two different aspects involved. One, the concept of
continuing the annual allocation in the same manner that fire departments are funded. The
second aspect is'to establish a capital outlay fund as done for the fire departments. He
personally felt the equipment fund was a different proposition. Mr. Agnor said such could
be discussed as part of the Capital Improvements Program. Mr. Henley agreed. Mr. McCann
said in trying to hold all the requests to a ten percent increase, he did not feel he could
support this request since such would be a 36% increase. He also felt the public should
support the rescue squads through donations rather than requesting governmental support.
The captain of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad was present and noted discussion
held with Mr. Agnor on the possibility of the allocation to the rescUe squads being more in
keeping with that for the fire companies. He also noted that the letter from Mrs. Martin
has not been discussed by his Squad. However, discussions have been held about an association
of the rescue squads setting up training criteria and mutual aid similar to what the fire
departments have. A meeting was held, which the Western Albemarle Squad did not attend, and
a decision was made at that time that neither Scottsville nor Charlottesville-Albemarle had
any equipment needs. The only discussion held was that, in addition to the County funding,
the possibility of a specific equipment request would be made to the County. He also noted
that the sharing of the costs by the City is of concern to his squad because most of the
calls are made in the County.
Mr. Fisher noted County support for the Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad when
there were no other squads and the only ~financial support from the City has been the use of
the land.
Dr. Iachetta then expressed his concern about the parcel of land on Berkmar Drive which
the rescue squad had requested the County to purchase for them three years ago for the use
of a satellite facility and still nothing has been built. The captain of the Charlottesville-
Albemarle Rescue Squad was unsure what the plans were regarding such a facility. Mr. Fisher
felt a formal response should be given to the County on the plans for the Berkmar property
and the dollars which are involved for such. The gentleman said he would get something on
this for the Board.
Dr. Iachetta said a lot of financial problems occurred when the three rescue squads
went their separate ways because neither Scottsville nor Western has a population base to
support its operation. He was in agreement width the feelings of Mr. McCann about donations
from the public.
Mr. Sam Walkup from the Western Albemarle Rescue Squad was present and noted appreciation
for any consideration given to the squad.
Mr. McCann again stated concern about volunteer agencies because he felt the public
should support them more. Mr. Lindstrom ~l~ ~o!Un~e~agemcies needed more County support.
Mr. Walkup requested that the letter regarding the equipment fund be reconsidered at
some point in the future. He felt the same per capita of people is involved for the rescue
squads as for the fire departments.
Mr. Fisher agreed with Mr. Lindstrom and supported Mr. Agnor's recommendation. Mr.
McCann said he could support the request if the $5,000 for the Emergency Medical Services
was not to be reconsidered because he felt the two are similar.
Not Docketed. Mr. Agnor noted that a report has been 'received from the Planning
Department that the census factor difference is in the Jack Jouett District.
Agenda Item No. 3. At 5:35 P.M., motion was offered by Dr. Iachetta, seconded by Mr.
McCann, to adjourn to March 4, 1981, at 2:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the County Office
Building. Roll was called on the foregoing motion and same carried by the folloWing recorded
AYES: Messrs.
NAYS: None.
Fisher, Henley, Iachetta, Lindstrom,
McCann and Miss Nash.