HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201300016 Review Comments Zoning Map Amendment 2014-04-17COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4176 April 17, 2014 Scott Collins Collins Engineering 200 Garrett Street, Suite K Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: ZMA 2013 - 00016, Avinity II- Revision #1 Mr. Collins: Staff has reviewed your initial submittal for a zoning map amendment (ZMA). We have a number of comments which we believe should be considered before your ZMA moves forward to the Planning Commission. We would be glad to meet with you to discuss these issues. All comments from all reviewers are provided in this letter, however the major issues that will need to be addressed before moving forward to the Planning Commission are listed below. Many of these show up in other comments by each reviewer listed in this letter, however it is important to identify the major concerns, and these should be addressed with a resubmittal: 1. No response to comments letter was submitted with the latest revision. While some of the comments have been addressed with the changes to the plans, some have not, and it is unclear the reasoning behind not addressing certain comments. 2. A modification for the building separation requirement was not submitted as was indicated on the plans. Submit a request for modification from this requirement. (Planning) 3. The location of the stormwater facility adjacent to Route 20 has not been addressed and remains in the same location with minimal landscaping. Since a response to comments letter was not received on why this location is needed, staff assumes that this was not addressed. This is an important issue, as Route 20 is a state scenic highway, as well as an Entrance Corridor. Also, there is a note on the plan that states the landscaping will be "as shown" which could be interpreted to mean that no subsequent detailed review of the landscaping will be needed. Revise this note to clarify that landscape review will still occur. (Planning and ARB) 4. The recently approved steep slopes ordinance shows managed slopes on parcel 16C. The plan may need to change to meet the construction standards. Show the slopes on the plan. (Engineering and Planning) 5. The amenities (tot lot, clubhouse, and dog park) may be impacted by the steep slopes ordinance design requirements. Further study needs to be done since that parcel and the proposed improvements on the site are so tight. There is concern that the amenities may not fit on the site, and this should not be left to be worked out during the site plan, unless the developer is willing to lose lots in the future for the required amenities. (Planning) 6. The traffic impacts need to be further studied. The impacts to the Phase I loop may be significant if the phase I roads were not designed for additional traffic. The signal and turning warrants, as well as queuing on Avon Street should be investigated. (Engineering) 7. There needs to be assurance that future adjacent development will have access through the development, and it cannot be gated off at the parcel line where interconnection is being proposed. This can possibly be done through a non - exclusive access easement for the private roads from the interconnection through to Avon Street. 8. Road A should be connected to Road B in order to create a block instead of a dead end. Also, Road A should connect to Road C. Interconnection within the development is just as important to interconnection to adjacent parcels. 9. An interconnection /extension of the right of way should be proposed at the northern portion of Road D, to connect to Cale upon demand of the County. A future road is shown in the revised Comprehensive Plan that is located on Parcel 91 -15 and allowing for connections to Avinity should be made to this future road. 10. Since the Code of Development is no longer needed, please submit the by right subdivision exhibit plat for justification for the cash proffer by right provision. 11. The proposed method of paying cash in -lieu needs to be stated in proffer #2 (proposed schedule). Planning Planning staff's comments are organized as follows: How the proposal relates to the Comprehensive Plan The Neighborhood Model analysis Additional Planning Comments Additional comments from reviewers (See attached) Comprehensive Plan. Comments on how your project conforms to the Comprehensive Plan will be provided to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report that will be prepared for the work session and the public hearing. The comments below are in preparation for the work session and may change based on direction from the Commission at the work session and /or with subsequent submittals. The Comprehensive Plan currently designates this area as urban density, which allows residential (6.01 -34 units /acre); and supporting uses such as religious institutions, schools, commercial, office, and service uses. The proposal consists of a residential use development (townhouses, single family attached and detached units) in a form and proposed density (maximum density 145 units, at approximately 12 units /acre), that are consistent with the land use recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. No commercial or non - residential uses proposed. The Comprehensive Plan is currently in the process of being updated. The draft Comprehensive Plan proposes to designate this property as Urban Density Residential, Light Industry (LI), office, and R & D Flex. Since the draft Comprehensive Plan has not been adopted, the current urban density designation is still in effect. Neighborhood Model General comments on how well the proposed development meets the principles of the Neighborhood Model are provided here. More detailed comments may be provided at a later date if changes are made and /or after more detailed plans are provided. Pedestrian The application plan shows sidewalk on all streets and connections to Orientation Avinity I. A pedestrian connection should be shown to the church as was requested in the community meeting. With the pedestrian connection, this principle will be met. Neighborhood Road A should be connect thru to Road B, as well as Road C to make Friendly Streets better interconnections between the streets. There are sidewalks and and Paths street trees proposed. There should a pedestrian connection provided for the church property. This principle is not met. Interconnected There is no connection to Route 20, except for emergency access. Streets and Road A should be connect thru to Road B, as well as Road C to make Transportation better interconnections between the streets. There is interconnection Networks to adjacent parcels for future development shown, however an additional connection should be shown adjacent to Cale Elementary, as well as, providing a non - exclusive access easement over the proposed private streets, so that gates cannot be put up in the future. This principle is not met. Parks and Open The dog park, tot lot and club house provide sufficient amenities for Space the residences. This principle is met. Neighborhood The proposed development, and those around it are mostly Centers residential. There is a public school and a shopping center nearby. This principle is met. Buildings and The garages on the homes should be deemphasized by pulling them Spaces of Human back so they are not closer to the street than the front of the homes or Scale porches, this language should be added to the plan. With the addition of language, this principle will be met. Relegated Parking Relegated parking is not being addressed with this plan. This can be addressed by including a statement on the plan that sets the garage back from the face or porch of each unit a certain number of feet (minimum of 3 feet is recommended). This principle is not met at this time. Mixture of Uses The proposed neighborhood has a mixture of residential uses. With a church, school and shopping center nearby, the mixture of uses in this area is good; this principle is met. Mixture of Housing There are two different housing types being proposed with this plan, Types and single family detached, and townhouses. Affordable housing is being Affordability proffered with this plan. The timing of the proffers needs to be stated. With additional information this principle is met. Redevelopment This development is located within the development areas and the density and uses proposed meet those recommendations as shown in the Comprehensive Plan. This principle is met. Site Planning that As noted above, there is an area shown as managed slopes and Respects Terrain needs to meet the design requirements in the steep slopes ordinance for disturbance. This will need to be carefully looked at as the amenity areas are in this area as well, and could be impacted by the design. With a more detailed look at this area, this principle can be met. Clear Boundaries This project is directly across from the rural areas. The development with the Rural needs to address the Architectural Review Board's concerns about Areas the appearance that the development has along Route 20. Adjustments should be made to provide a buffer between this development and the Rural Areas and the stormwater management facility should be moved to be further away from the Entrance Corridor and the state scenic highway, Route 20. This principle is not met. Action after Receipt of Comments After you have read this letter, please take one of the actions identified in the attachment "Action After Receipt of Comment Letter." Resubmittal If you choose to resubmit, please use the attached form. There is no fee for the first resubmittal. The resubmittal date schedule is provided for your convenience. Notification and Advertisement Fees Recently, the Board of Supervisors amended the zoning ordinance to require that applicants pay for the notification costs for public hearings. Prior to scheduling a public hearing with the Planning Commission, fees must be paid. The fees will be forthcoming, as we are waiting to hear back from the Daily Progress to determine the amounts. Feel free to contact me if you wish to meet or need additional information. My phone number is (434) 296 -5832, x. 3004, and my email address is: myaniglos @albemarle.org. Sincerely, r � Megan Yaniglos Senior Planner Planning Services Attachment A — Comments from VDOT, dated March 28, 2014 Attachment B — Comments from Fire and Rescue, dated April 13, 2014 Attachment C — Comments from Engineering, dated March 27, 2014 Attachment E- Comments from Architectural Review Board Staff, dated April 2, 2014 Attachment F- Comments from Zoning, dated April 8, 2014 Attachment G- Comments from County Attorney DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT nor :�r8� c 1 c' � IkGi':`ti1a ACTION AFTER RECEIPT OF COMMENT LETTER Within 30 days of the date of this letter, please do one of the following: (1) Resubmit in response to review comments (2) Request indefinite deferral (3) Request that your Planning Commission public hearing date be set (4) Withdraw your application (1) Resubmittal in Response to Review Comments If you plan to resubmit within 30 days, make sure that the resubmittal is on or before a resubmittal date as published in the project review schedule. The full resubmittal schedule may be found at www.albemarle.org in the "forms" section at the Community Development page. Be sure to include the resubmittal form on the last page of your comment letter with your submittal. The application fee which you paid covers staff review of the initial submittal and one resubmittal. Each subsequent resubmittal requires an additional fee. (See attached Fee Schedule.) (2) Request Indefinite Deferral If you plan to resubmit after 30 days from the date of the comment letter, you need to request an indefinite deferral. Please provide a written request and state your justification for requesting the deferral. (Indefinite deferral means that you intend to resubmit /request a public hearing be set with the Planning Commission after the 30 day period.) (3) Request Planning Commission Public Hearing Date be Set At this time, you may schedule a public hearing with the Planning Commission. However, we do not advise that you go directly to public hearing if staff has identified issues in need of resolution that can be addressed with a resubmittal. After outstanding issues have been resolved and /or when you are ready to request a public hearing, staff will set your public hearing date for the Planning Commission in accordance with the Planning Commission's published schedule and as mutually agreed by you and the County. The staff report and recommendation will be based on the latest information provided by you with your initial submittal or resubmittal. Please remember that all resubmittals must be made on or before a resubmittal date. By no later than twenty -one (21) days before the Planning Commission's public hearing, a newspaper advertisement fee and an adjoining owner notification fee must be paid. (See attached Fee Schedule) Your comment letter will contain the actual fees you need to pay. Payment for an additional newspaper advertisement is also required twenty -two (22) days prior to the Board of Supervisors public hearing. These dates are provided on the attached Legal Ad Payments for Public Hearings form. Please be advised that, once a public hearing has been advertised, only one deferral prior to the Planning Commission's public hearing will be allowed during the life of the application. The only exception to this rule will be extraordinary circumstances, such as a major change in the project proposal by the applicant or more issues identified by staff that have not previously been brought to the applicant's attention. As always, an applicant may request deferral at the Planning Commission meeting. (4) Withdraw Your Application If at any time you wish to withdraw your application, please provide your request in writing. Failure to Respond If we have not received a response from you within 30 days, we will contact you again. At that time, you will be given 10 days to do one of the following: a) request withdrawal of your application, b) request deferral of your application to a specific Planning Commission date as mutually agreed to with staff, or c) request indefinite deferral and state your justification for requesting the deferral. If none of these choices is made within 10 days, staff will schedule your application for a public hearing based on the information provided with your original submittal or the latest submittal staff received on a resubmittal date. Fee Payment Fees may be paid in cash or by check and must be paid at the Community Development Intake Counter. Make checks payable to the County of Albemarle. Do not send checks directly to the Review Coordinator. FEE SCHEDULE FOR ZONING APPLICATIONS A. For a special use permit: 1. Additional lots under section; application and first resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$1,000.00 Each additional resubmittal ....................................... ............................... ........................$500.00 2. Public utilities; application and first resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$1,000.00 Each additional resubmittal ....................................... ............................... ........................$500.00 3. Day care center; application and first resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$1,000.00 Each additional resubmittal ....................................... ............................... ........................$500.00 4. Home occupation Class B; application and first resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$1,000.00 Each additional resubmittal ....................................... ............................... ........................$500.00 5. 5. Amend existing special use permit; application and first resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$1,000.00 Each additional resubmittal ....................................... ............................... ........................$500.00 6. Extend existing special use permit; application and first resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$1,000.00 Each additional resubmittal ....................................... ............................... ........................$500.00 7. All other special use permits; application and first resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$2,000.00 Each additional resubmittal ........................................................... ............................... $1,000.00 8. Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request Fee............................................................................. ............................... ........................$180.00 B. For amendment to text of zoning ordinance: Fee................................................................................... ............................... .......................$1000.00 C. Amendment to the zoning map: 1. Less than 50 acres; application and first resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$2,500.00 2. Less than 50 acres; each additional resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$1,250.00 3. 50 acres or greater; application and first resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$3,500.00 4. 50 acres or greater; each additional resubmission Fee............................................................................ ............................... ......................$1,750.00 5. Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request Fee............................................................................. ............................... ........................$180.00 D. Board of Zoning Appeals: 1. Request for a variance or sign special use permit Fee............................................................................. ............................... ........................$500.00 2. For other appeals to the board of zoning appeals (including appeals of zoning administrator's decision) — Fee (to be refunded if the decision of the zoning administrator is overturned) .......$240.00 N. Required notice: 1. Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty (50) notices: Fee............................................................................. ............................... ........................$200.00 plus the actual cost of first class postage 2. Preparing and mailing or delivering, per notice more than fifty (50): Fee............................................................................... ............................... ..........................$1.00 plus the actual cost of first class postage 3. Published notice: Fee.............................................................................. ............................... .........................Actual cost _ R COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Culpeper, Virginia 22701 Charles A. Kilpatrick, P.E. Commissioner March 28, 2014 Ms. Megan Yaniglos Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: ZMA- 2013 -00016 Avinity II Dear Ms. Yaniglos: We have reviewed the planned residential development application plan for Avinity II dated 3/18/14 as submitted by Collins Engineering and offer the following comments: 1. The TIA prepared by Ramey, Kemp & Associates indicates that using the existing Avinity Drive connection to Avon Street Extended for Avinity II will not significantly impact the level of service for this intersection or the Mill Creek Drive/Avon Street Extended intersection. 2. Should an additional removable bollard be place on the emergency access closer to Route 20 to prevent vehicles from mistakenly using the roadway? 3. Should it be decided that a street connection to Route 20 be desired, an AM -E exception will need to be completed and submitted to this office for consideration. If you need additional information concerning this project, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, " I �', *�k I Troy ustin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Culpeper District WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Review Comments Project Name: Avinity II Date Completed: Sunday, April 13, 2014 Reviewer: Robbie Gilmer Department /Division /Agency: Fire Rescue Reviews Based on plans date 3/18/14 Fire Rescue has no objections to the rezoning. Here are a few things to keep in mind as the projects moves forward. 1. Required fire flow for single famliy homes less then 3600 sq ft is 1000 gpm @ 20 psi. 2. Hydrant spacing shall be 500 ft per travel way. Review Status: See Recommendations *-&A County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Megan Yaniglos, Senior Planner From: Glenn Brooks, County Engineer Date: 9 Dec 2013 Rev. 1: 27 Mar 2014 Subject: Avinity 2 (zma201300016) Revision 1 of March 21h, 2014; 1. The traffic impacts should be studied. The impacts to the phase 1 loop may be significant if the phase 1 roads were not designed for additional traffic. The signal and turning warrants, as well as queuing on Avon Street should be investigated. 2. The slopes around the proposed pond on parcel 16C are now managed slopes in the steeps slopes overlay district. The plan may have to change to meet the construction standards. Original review of Dec. 9`h, 2013; The zoning map amendment for Avinity Phase 2 has been reviewed. The following comments and recommendatiosn are provided for your use; 3. Stormwater management should meet the new state regulations passed last year. The county ordinance is being updated, with public hearings scheduled in the next two months. The new regulations will be in effect before a site plan is approved for this development. 4. As identified by VDOT, the spacing of the entrance which places the Kappa Sig. entrance in the turn lane is problematic. 5. It appears that public roads could be provided through the first loop from Rt. 20 and to the interconnection. These roads appear to meet VDOT standard dimensions anyway, and this may avoid the possibility of a spite strip. 6. The traffic impacts should be studied. The impacts to the phase 1 loop may be significant if the phase 1 roads were not designed for additional traffic. The signal and turning warrants, as well as queuing on both Avon Street and Rt. 20 should be investigated. 7. The steep grades adjacent to the proposed Pebble Drive on the south side of the site show extensive work on TM91 -16B. This owner should be part of the application or provide easements prior to the application going forward. 8. A critical slopes waiver does not appear necessary. The critical slopes shown being disturbed near phase 1 are all part of access and utilities necessary for the two developments. The small portion shown near Rt. 20 on the applicant's plan is not shown on the county topography. It is not of consequence, and will be necessarily disturbed for the construction of the proposed Pebble Drive. 9. It is recommended that road widths not be specified on the zoning plan, as these will have to meet VDOT and County minimums. The plan should specify where parking is to be prohibited, as this will allow narrower streets. 10. The Code indicates that alleys and green space as frontage may appear on final plans. This does not appear feasible given the layout of roads and narrow blocks in the zoning plan. Green space as frontage is not recommended. Alleys serving as the primary means of access are not recommended. pF AL �J�ctr�tA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 IU I Old to] .7p0111jU TO: Megan Yaniglos FROM: Margaret Maliszewski RE: ZMA- 2013 -16: Avinity II DATE: April 2, 2014 Fax (434) 972 -4126 I have reviewed the plan with revision date of 3/18/14 for the above referenced application and I have the following comments: To address the previous comment expressing concern about the appearance of the proposed development along the Rt. 20 frontage, the following changes have been made: the proposed sanitary line has been shifted away from Rt. 20, trees are shown along the Rt. 20 frontage and to the south and west of the SWM facility, and a note has been added to the plan describing the mix of trees to be installed in the area of the SWM facility "as shown ". The "as shown" wording could be interpreted to mean that no subsequent detailed review of the landscaping will be needed. It is recommended that the wording be revised to clarify that landscape review will still occur. Despite the changes made, the proximity of the facility to the Rt. 20 right -of -way is still a concern. The EC Guidelines require the SWM facility to not have an "engineered" appearance and to be fully integrated into the landscape. The trees shown do not appear to be sufficient to fully integrate the facility into the landscape. Additional space between the EC and the facility would provide opportunity for additional treatments. Street trees should be provided along Pebble Drive. Kok AL� flyRGINti� County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Megan Yaniglos, Senior Planner From: Rebecca Ragsdale, Senior Planner (Zoning) Date: April 8, 2014 Subject: Avinity Phase II ZMA 2013 -16, Application Plan dated March 18, 2014 and Proffers dated March 17, 2014 for a rezoning to PRD Section 19.5.2 allows for additional area to be added to a PRD. Please clarify if Avinity II will be added to Avinity I once approved (added to the HOA for Avinity I, shared amenities between both developments, etc.) Based on the open space information provided, the requirements of Section 19.6 are met for the entire Avinity PRD (Avinity I +Avinity 11) of 25 %. Please clarify the proposed maximum number of units. The maximum number of townhomes in the table on sheet 1 of the application plan is listed as 122 and note #3 under the table says the maximum number of units in Avinity II will be 102 units. Also, please clarify where the Avinity 16-8 townhomes listed in that table. Section 19.6.2 requires that the minimum recreational facilities with 4.16 be met: 4.16.2 MINIMUM FACILITIES The following facilities shall be provided within the recreational area: One (1) tot lot shall be provided for the first thirty (30) units and for each additional fifty (50) units and shall contain equipment which provides an amenity equivalent to: One (1) swing (four (4) seats) One (1) slide Two (2) climbers One (1) buckabout or whirl Two (2) benches. Substitutions of equipment or facilities may be approved by the director of planning and community development, provided they offer a recreational amenity equivalent to the facilities listed above, and are appropriate to the needs of the occupants. Each tot lot shall consist of at least two thousand (2,000) square feet and shall be fenced, where determined necessary by the director of planning and community development, to provide a safe environment for young children. One -half (1/2) court for basketball shall be provided for each one hundred (100) units, consisting of a thirty (30) foot by thirty (30) foot area of four (4) inch 21 -A base and one and one half (1 1/2) inches bituminous concrete surface, and a basketball backboard and net installed at regulation height. 4.16.3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Equipment specifications shall be approved by the director of planning and community development on advice of the director of parks and recreation. Recreational equipment and facilities shall be maintained in a safe condition and replaced as necessary. Maintenance shall be the responsibility of the property owner if rental units or a homeowners' association if sale units. Recreational facilities shall be completed when fifty (50) percent of the units have received certificates of occupancy. Based on the maximum number of units proposed, it appears Section 4.16 is not met or substitutions (the dog park, passive rec areas, etc.) will need to be approved as adequate substitutions. Please confirm that any requirements of the ARB for the stormwater /openspace area adjacent to Route 20 are met on the application plan. Additional ARB review of a more detailed plan may be needed so a revised note may also be needed on the application plan. The modification of Section 4.11.3 requested on Sheet 1 must be reviewed /approved by the Fire Marshal. • Engineering and Fire & Rescue review of the emergency access is recommended. Review Comments Project Name: Avinity II Date Completed: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Reviewer: Unassigned Department /Division /Agency: Web Guest Reviews From Greg Kamptner: Proffer 1: 1 assume that staff is evaluating the impacts under the cash proffer policy in light of the owner concluding that there are 12 units allowed under the current zoning. At the beginning of the last sentence, there may be language missing or just an extraneous "If" before "The ". Proffer 2: 1 read this to mean that there otherwise would be 1 affordable unit constructed to address the comp plan? Also, the proffer does not address how this would be tracked if the site plans or subdivision plats are phased. Review Status: Requested Changes