HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201300032 Review Comments Erosion Control Plan 2014-06-02�pF A
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
Plan preparer:
Owner or rep.:
Plan received date;
Date of comments:
Cascadia - WPO
Dominion Engineering [434- 979 -8121 ]
Cascadia Development, LLC
13 May 2014
30 May 2014
Michelle Roberge
Engineering has completed the review of application WP0201300032.
A. Erosion & Sediment Control Plan and SWM Plan (WP0201300032)
1) [Comment] The application states Early Grading Permit. For this type of application,
there should be no structures shown on this plan. Please clarify how you would like to pursue
application. Even though this may be an early grading plan application, I have reviewed plans
for E &S and SWM just in case it was a typo on the application.
[Revision 11 The title should include "Early Grading Plan." Also, remove all
hardscapes: proposed roads, proposed single family homes, proposed sidewalks, etc.
This early grading plan should only include E &S control measures and grading for
Phase 1 and Phase 2.
2) [Comment] On sheet SW3, please label preserved and managed slopes.
[Revision 11 Comment no longer required. The critical slopes are shown on plan.
The critical slopes waiver was already approved with the ZMA. At this point there is no
need to differentiate managed slopes from preserved slopes. Also, the ZMA was
approved prior to the adoption of the new critical slopes section in the ordinance.
3) [Comment] Temporary slope drains are not designed per VESCH standards. Typical
designs show a compacted earthen dike to divert runoff to slope drains. Please show.
[Revision 11 Comment partially addressed. DDs still need to be shown for TSD
draining to SB -2.
4) [Comment] Per meeting on Feb 6, 2014, we discussed revising the existing topography.
Please address. A sewerline was installed along northern and eastern portion of the site. We
discussed possibly using this road as a means to divert runoff to a sediment trap.
[Revision 11 Comment partially addressed. Applicant has not designed sediment
traps near the access road (built for the existing sewerline). Sediment traps will need to
be designed. Remove the DDs that split the site and size the sediment traps for new
drainage areas.
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5) [Comment] For phase 1 (northern and eastern portion), it will make more sense to have
diversion dikes at bottom of slopes to sediment traps. Then grade up the steep slopes. These
diversion dike are partially shown for the eastern portion of site.
[Revision 11 Comment partially addressed. Diversion dikes are proposed at the
bottom of fill slopes, but it appears that the construction of the walls will be required to
satisfy the proposed grades on the early grading plan. The retaining walls can only be
built if the site plan is approved and at this time it is still under review. Also, as
previously mentioned in comment 1, an early grading plan should not show hardscapes.
Please clarify how you would like to proceed since an early grading plan will not allow
you to construct the walls necessary to grade the eastern portion to the final grades on
6) [Comment] The diversion dikes which splits the site on sheet SW8 and SW 13 does not
appear to work for clearing, grubbing and grading. This coincides with comment 4. I suggest
removing these diversion dikes and enlarging sediment trap 1. The diversion dikes at the
bottom of the slope should be extended for more capture to sediment trap 1.
[Revision 11 Comment partially addressed. There is still a diversion dike #3 that
splits the site. This will not work as it will be difficult to maintain as the site is being
cleared, grubbed and graded. Address with comment 4.
7) [Comment] The challenge is how to address erosion control in Phase 2 once the walls on
eastern side are installed. The dd's behind homes will not work.
[Revision 11 Comment partially addressed. This is only an early grading plan. The
walls need to be built to construct the DDs at the top of the fill slope. See comment 5.
8) [Comment] The temporary slope drains on phase II erosion control on eastern portion will
not work. They should outlet into perimeter controls, such as as sediment trap.
[Revision 11 Comment partially addressed. Clarify the gravel outlet on SW14 as no
sediment shall leave the site.
9) [Comment] S13-1 on calcs appear to be SB -2. Please revise name and note "post
condition ".
[Revision 11 Comment not addressed. The calcs were not submitted with this
submission. Also the SB -1 on calcs should be relabeled to SB -2 post conditions. This
submittal should also show the post drainage areas in phase 2 of early grading plan. All
design of SB or ST shall be for higher DA of pre and post conditions.
10) [Comment] On SW -5, SB -1 is an existing pond. Please correct label. This should not be
used as a sediment pond. What is the benefit of reducing the amount of drainage area to
existing pond 1 when both ponds are owned by Dr Hurt.
[Revision 11 Comment partially addressed. Before the SCC and ditch (for Fontana
development) can be fully functional, final grading will need to be completed. Then
ditches will be constructed. I recommend showing a designed berm greater than 18"
with SCC to divert water to SB -1 and SB -2 as a perimeter control measure in Phase 1
and Phase 2. SCC to SB -2 can be designed with SWM plan.
11) [Comment] Also, it appears that the ponds proposed does not match the approved
ZMA2002 -04 plans. Please clarify. This may have been discussed already while Michael
Koslow was the reviewer.
[Revision 11 Applicant has stated the proposed pond design has been approved by
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the ARB. This was previously coordinated with original plan reviewer, Michael
12) [Comment] On SW24, the pond labels do not match report. Please revise.
[Revision 11 This is an early grading plan. Applicant will revise on SWM plans.
13) [Comment] It appears that the target phosphorous removal is 43 %, not including the
future development. Please take the future development into account. The current proposed
development shows the retention pond to be sized to treat 4* WQV (Retention Pond II),
275,880 cu -ft. When you add the future development, the BMP choice may change. Page 6 on
your report reflects the correct impervious areas, but this is not reflected in removal rate calcs.
Please revise removal rate calcs.
[Revision 11 This is an early grading plan. Applicant will revise on SWM plans.
14) [Comment] Once 13 is addressed, please meet all three below if site has inadequate
a) Detain the WQV (1" runoff) and release over 48 hours.
b) Detain the 1 year 24 -hour storm and release over 24 hours.
c) Detain and reduce the peak flow for a 1.5, 2 and 10 year 24 -hour storm, to the following
level; peak flow <= Qf (Vf/Vpost), where Qf is flow from the site in a well forested
condition (C = 0.25, or CN = 51), and Vf is volume from the site in a well forested
[Revision 11 This is an early grading plan. Applicant will revise on SWM plans.
15) [Comment] Show detail of emergency spillway.
[Revision 11 This is an early grading plan. Applicant will revise on SWM plans.
16) [Comment] It appears that a majority of the eastern portion is untreated. I recommend
increasing the size of the biofilter on the north and addressing more treatment on eastern
portion of site.
[Revision 11 This is an early grading plan. Applicant will revise on SWM plans.
17) [Comment] Please provide SCC calculations.
[Revision 11 Comment partially addressed. I recommend a new SCC on western
boundary of site in conjunction with proposed DD #8. The velocity was higher than
4 f /s. Please show appropriate grass lining on detail.
The proposed ditch on southern boundary should also state acreage on calcs. The
velocity was higher than 4 f /s. Please show appropriate grass lining.
SCC to SB -2 can be designed with SWM plan.
18) [Comment] All plans and calculations shall be signed, sealed and dated when it is ready
to approve.
[Revision 11 Comment not addressed. No calcs for E &S has been submitted.
Applicant will submit calcs for SWM with appropriate swm plans.
New comment
19) On SW -5, one of the new excavated sediment traps is missing. Please add.
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20) On SW -12, show the silt fence behind the DD.
21) On SW -13, the rip -rap ditch appears to be part of the SWM facility design. Please
confirm. This can be shown later with the SWM facility design. Also, please note there is
a proposed pedestrian trail crossing this ditch. A culvert should be proposed.
22) DD6 will not work. This splits the site also. I recommend removing DD and sizing
excavated sediment trap to work with drainage area.
Michelle Roberge