HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400038 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2014-07-07�pF A vt�r�1Q COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 Project: Faith Christian Center International — Initial Site Plan Plan preparer: Brian Smith; Brian P. Smith, PE, Civil Engineering [4835 Three Chopt Road, Troy, VA 22974 — b]2spen,embargmail.com] Owner or rep.: Faith Christian Center International, Inc - Pastor Wayne Frye [P. O. Box 2306, Charlottesville, VA 22902] Plan received date: 3 June 2014 Date of comments: 7 July 2014 Reviewer: John Anderson Please contact reviewer to schedule a meeting to discuss comments, if that would be helpful. A. Initial Site Plan (SDP201400038) 1. Please explore whether proximity to Albemarle County Service Authority requires FCCI to connect to ACSA system. Some PSAs have proximity connection requirements. If not, please make provision for Tier III ( <2,000 gpd, average) or IV ( >2,000 gpd) groundwater assessment (AC Code 18-4. La./b.; 17 -1003, - 1004). Thank you for correspondence on topic of use rates. Please calculate fire suppression system demand to be certain existing well meets fire suppression system demand. Ref. also ACDSM, 2.D. 2. Ref. Code Sec. 18 -4. Lb. L/2.: On -site sewage systems. Construction of on -site septic fields, force main, distribution header and boxes, and use of on -site well require coordination with VA Department of Health. Please contact VDH and furnish agency information required for their review needs. Furnish or attach septic field design by Old Dominion Engineering; on revised C4.0, furnish number /length of drain field lines and L X W of each of eight proposed fields. Note - portions of 4 fields lie on slopes of twenty (20) percent or greater. 18 -4.2.4 states that "the Virginia Department of Health should be mindful of the intent of section 4.2, and particularly mindful of the intent to discourage onsite sewage systems on slopes of twenty (20) percent or greater. Any onsite sewage system shall be located within a building site" -defer to Planning Division on proposed location of septic system. 3. A mitigation plan will be required with final WPO plans. There should be a concept for mitigation on the initial site plan. Proposed development lies on steep wooded terrain with areas of disturbance within stream buffer. Impacts to stream buffer granted by waiver must nevertheless offset impacts. Please find mitigation requirements and options at 17 -600 through 17 -604. 4. Please show critical slopes ( >25 %) on sheets C2.0, 2.1, 2.2, C3.0, C4.0, 4. 1, and 4.2. Furnish typical detail for the grassed channel shown at the top of the 499.5 -ft wall. Provide details for routing from this point to point of treatment, or release. 5. Extend existing contours (C3.0, 3.1, 3.2) at least 50 -ft beyond each PL boundary, and at least to the west bank of Shadwell Creek near and along PL with C. R. Moore Well Drilling (up to 100 -ft). 6. Length of travelway ( >100 -ft without parking [ACDSM, 7.C. Lb]) means travelway at all points between Rte. 250 and parking areas must meet private street standards listed at 14 -410, 14 -412 (RW, sight distance [comment #7], max grade, min K- crest/K -sag). Ref Albemarle County Design Standards Manual, 71. (p. 12) and table, Private Street Standards for Albemarle County. Table is last p. of Manual. [link to .pdf - hqp:// www.albemarle.org/upload/imaizes /forms_ center / departments /community development /forms /design s tandards _ manual/Albemarle _ Cog= Design Standards_ Manual _29Apr2014_draft.pdf] Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 3 7. In order to evaluate vertical/horizontal sight distance for travelway between Center and Rte. 250, please furnish profile with stations. Show vertical sight distance is at least 100 -ft. Show horizontal sight distance is at least 225 ft. [18- 4.12.15.d.] 8. Consider barriers in addition to curb for steep portions of fill slope E of travelway, and vehicle and pedestrian protection at steep constructed fill slopes below NE parking areas [link: hqp : / /www.virginiadot.org/business /resources /LocDes /2010 GRIT Manual.pdf]. 9. Parking sight distance: ensure 100 -ft sight distance in curved section of NE corner of site parking [ACDSM, 7.C.1.; Code 18- 4.12.17.d]. Increase all curb radii to 3 -ft, min. Furnish island at the N end of west parking bays in the S parking lot (sheet C4.1). Ref. design/islands in North parking lot. [18- 4.12.15.f] 10. Sheet C4.0 provides 3 -ft flare for southernmost parking bays; recommend widening the 2 parking spaces nearest the Center in N parking lot by at least 3 -ft to facilitate reverse -exit maneuver. 11. WPO application and approval are required prior to final site plan approval. Link to Engineering and WPO Forms Center- http : / /www.albemarle.org/deptfonns .asp ?department = cdengwpo. With WPO application, we will need storm drain pipe dimensions (L, DIA) for all structures and outfalls. Please dimension outfall riprap protection. Please contact reviewer to discuss SWM application requirements, which now include VSMP permit requirements. With next revision, show VDEQ VPDES permit number for this project on cover sheet, if permit issued. 12. Sheet C4.1 – Access labeled New Well Access, 4 " -21A stone, 10 feet wide is at 25% grade over disturbed slopes. This is untenable; please furnish paved design for well access. Include structural barrier to prevent vehicles leaving the access. There is nothing to stop a vehicle that leaves this surface from traveling over a high retaining wall. Furnish timber guardrail, or alternate. [ACDSM 8.B.3.] 13. Furnish dates for topography /survey (cover page, topo /survey by Roger W. Ray & Assoc). 14. Sheet C2.0, C2.1 – Confirm whether existing telephone lines will be removed (all poles slated for removal); label existing culvert pipe at Rte. 250 entrance (label TBR); confirm that existing pole to be adjusted (C2.0) is shown in final location on sheet C4.0. 15. Confirm that match lines, sheets C4.0 and C3.0, in fact align. On sheet C3.0, near entrance to Center, extend existing contours north. There appears to be missing detail. Also, please label match line on sheet C3.0. For final plans: 16. Sheet C7.0 – Show typical site pavement section in its entirety; dimension proposed width. Show VDOT #21A base stone extending at least 1 -ft beyond 10 -ft wide paved surface in Typical Site Pavement Section detail (as detail applies to well and septic field access, not parking), or else increase paved width to at least 12 -ft. for each access. [ACDSM, 7.D.2.] 17. Label retaining wall material, for the wall shown at septic fields (C4.0). Label concrete and reference concrete wall details, S3, if these details are for this wall. 18. For proposed 499.5 -ft retaining wall west of parking area, transfer wall stations shown on S3 to plan view of wall shown on C4.1, C4.2. 19. Consider and furnish bedding details for force main between Center and septic field. Consider effect of placing force main line in 12' -14' constructed fill slopes on the E side of the Center. Recommend utility plan sheet. 20. Cover sheet states site is not within a development area, and references critical slopes waiver. Please publish conditions or exemptions granted by critical slopes waiver on plans. Although waiver to disturb critical slopes is cited, there are pending requirements for activity on critical slopes [see ACDSM, 8.A.5.]; 21. Provide and specify ground cover hardier than grass for slopes steeper than 3:1 —defer to Planning on question of whether Plains Lovegrass qualifies. [ACDSM, 8.A.2.] 22. Items to consider, or that we need, with VSMP application: i) confirm that Filterra units in tandem with underground storage systems meet water quality and quantity requirements found at Sec. 17- 501; ii) storm inlets must flank each Filterra (a single inlet may serve more than one Filterra, if Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 3 located between them); iii) runoff from paved sections (main travelway, septic system access road (C.4)) should be included in overall site SWM design (provide control); iv) schematics of drainage areas for each Filterra unit with (Mfr) sizing/design table; v) dimensions and typical section for each Filterra unit; vi) Filterra general maintenance notes; vii) 2 -, 10 -yr storm routing calcs for inlets (4" spread, 6.5" capacity), pipes, and detention systems; viii) all inlets labeled using std. (VDOT) nomenclature. 23. Furnish: i) labels that describe UG SWM detention system pipes (material, number, length, depth, DIA); ii) show cross sections for conveyance channels beside septic field access road and above 499.5 -ft retaining wall (include side slope grades, W, D, material); iii) culvert outfall protection, with dimensions; show sheet C5.0 riprap on C4.0, as well. 24. Retaining wall —ref. ACDSM 8.B. guidance. Revise to show: i) where 4" drain tiles daylight at end of walls (at Center; at septic fields); ii) provide landscape planting clusters in addition to plantings shown on C5.0 to discourage children climbing above the 499.5 -ft retaining wall which measures 13 -ft high in places; iii) show and label rail (by others) on sheet C4.1; iv) design should avoid right hand bends (90 -deg) if possible; v) provide flat grade beneath rail (sheet S3) and 24" min. separation between runoff conveyance (swale, shown in detail) and back of wall; vi) specify rail design; vii) furnish note specifying allowable penetration of geogrid by posts, plantings, etc; note should specify allowable, or prohibit, penetration of retaining wall geogrid. 25. Show proposed new entrance culvert (pipe type, L, DIA), sheet C3.1; furnish ditch detail and provide riprap inlet/outlet protection. Please feel free to call 434.296 - 5832 —ext 3069 to discuss this project. File: sdp201400038- 070714 -Faith Christian Center International 052214