HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201400040 Review Comments Stormwater Management Plan 2014-06-30�pF A vt�r�1Q COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 Project: Cash Corner (Howard Property) Verizon Wireless Tier II PWSFI Plan preparer: Justin Yoon, Clark - Nexsen Architecture and Engineering [ 1331 L Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005, www.clarknexsen.com] Owner or rep.: Alan B. Howard [2176 Lindsay Road, Gordonsville, VA 22942] Stephen Waller, AICP, Verizon Wireless [536 Pantops Center — PMB #405, Charlottesville, VA 22911; s�2ehen- waller(&gmail.com ] Plan received date: 06- May -2014 (Rev. 1) 10 -June 2014 Date of comments: 28 May 2014 (Rev. 1) 30 -June 2014 - Approved Reviewer: John Anderson A. Stormwater Management Plan (WP0201400040) 1. Fee /Application for SWM- ESC Application discusses hydrologic calculations and drainage areas that minimize effects of runoff anticipated to occur during 2- and 10 -yr design storms. It is misleading from a review standpoint to use total site area = 28.54 Ac, which obscures effect of converting 0.41 Ac. of natural cover to gravel surface. Please contact reviewer to discuss WPO (stormwater management review) prior to submitting fee, plans, or supporting documentation. Pre - application discussion may limit need or extent of possible revisions. Certain changes will be required under SWM review, and revision prior to initial SWM application submission could save time. (Rev. 1) — Comment addressed. SWM plan (sheets d. 6/5/14, and narrative report titled Cash Corner Rawland, Monopole Construction, Verizon Wireless, CN# 3036.213, dated June 5, 2014) is approved in accord with provisions of Albemarle County Code, Sec. 17 -313, Non - structural methods (A.B.), and Sec. 17 -314, Control of peak rate and velocity of runoff, excerpts below: Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 3 See. 17 -313 Inn- structural measures. Non - structural measures may be used in conjunction with or in place of structural measures in order to satisfy the requirements of this article, as provided herein: A. The program authority may allow non - structural measures to satisfy, partially or in whole, the requirements of this article, if such measun!s are identified in accepted technical literature, are acceptable to the program authority based on its exercise of sound professional judgment, and the program authority finds that the measures achieve equivalent benefit for water quantity and/or quality protection as would otherwise be provided by structural measures. B- Non- stmenrral measures include, but are not limited to, minimization of impervious surfaces, stream buffer reforestation, providing additional stream buffer arras, wetland restoration, waste reuse and recycling. and development design that reduces the rate and volume of runoff. (§ 19.3 -37, 2.11 -98; 19.1 -6. 9- 29 -77, art_ 11, 3, 7 -11-90; Code 1988. §§ 19.1 -8, 19.3 -37; Ord. 96 -A(1), 8-5-98) G- The program authority may exempt a land development or part thereof from some or all ofthe requirements of this section ifall ofthe following conditions are satisfied: 1. the land development or a part thereof is within a water supply protection area or other rural land; 2. the program authority determine& that the application of the requirements of this article would cause damage to the environment to an extent which exceeds the benefits of the strict application of all of the requirements of this article; I all requirements which are determined by the program. authority to not apply to the land dcvr1opment or part thereof shall he set forth in the stormwater managemenU13 4iP plan; and 4- the granting of an exemption of any requirement of this article will not create a threat to the public health. safety or welfare, or to the environment. (§ 19.3 -38, 2- 1148; § 19 -1 -6, 9- 29 -77, art- 11, § 35 7- 11 -90; Code 1968, §T 19 -1 -8, 19 -3 -38; Ord. 96 -A(1), 8 -5 -98) B. Erosion Control Plan (WPO201400040) 1. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Narrative, a 12 -p supporting document with Appendix should be numbered. Transfer Erosion and Sediment Control VESCH details, instructions, or measures to the plans. Unless ESC information is included on plan sheets, there is little chance it will be noticed or enacted during construction. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 2. Remove or re -title sheet C -4, titled Enlarged Site Plan. Site Plans cannot be approved as part of WPO Application (Also, sect. D., item 1, below). (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. Plan set labeled WPO Application/ For Erosion and Sediment Control Plan/Stormwater Management Plan Approval Only. Applicant acknowledges that approval by the County of the "For ESC Approval" version does not constitute Site Plan approval. 3. E &S Legend, Sheet C -4A, includes culvert inlet protection (IP) and outlet protection (OP). Please show IP and OP for new 15" entrance pipe located at intersection of access drive and Lindsay Road (sheet C -413, or C -4D). (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 4. Sheet C -4G, Note 8: "Perform site clearing to the limits shown on the plans." Limits of disturbance are not shown; please show LOD on plans. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. Legend sheet C -4A. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 3 5. Identify off -site disposal areas. Identify construction staging area. Identify stockpile locations. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 6. Show tree protection (TP) for 14" OAK, sheet C -4C, if tree is to be saved (tree shown near Alan B. Howard deed book information). (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 7. Page 11 of the ESC Plan Narrative states that "Topsoil will be used to help provide a suitable growth medium for vegetation." Please identify topsoil locations, with specific details. Page 11 also states "Sediment shall be removed and the impoundment restored to its original dimensions when sediment has accumulated to one -half the design depth." This statement appears to relate to a sediment trap or basin not shown on plans. Please clarify. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 8. Page 8 of the ESC Plan Narrative states that "During construction, the contractor will divert runoff around disturbed areas to reduce the amount of stormwater which could come into contact with exposed soils. One method of creating a diversion is by installing temporary dike /swales within the area of work." Please identify diversion dikes in plan view that correspond with stated plan to divert runoff during construction. Diverted runoff must release to a sediment trap or basin. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 9. Plan views show an 11' -12' wide driveway. Narrative describes a 20 -ft driveway. Please clarify (show access drive 20 -ft wide, or revise narrative) (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. 10. Remove sheets C -5, A -1, but include typical access road cross section elsewhere. (Rev. 1) Comment addressed. Sheets remain in plan set labeled WPO Application/ For Erosion and Sediment Control Plan/Stormwater Management Plan Approval Only. Applicant acknowledges that approval by the County of the "For ESC Approval" version does not constitute Site Plan approval. The erosion and sediment control plan is approved. This plan will need to be bonded, and a pre - constructionconference held with county staff prior to issuance of a grading permit. All site plan and other approvals will need to be obtained prior to bonding. As of July 1 st, the owner will need to have obtained a General Construction Permit from the state prior to the grading permit being issued. File: WPO201400040 -cash corner (howard property) Verizon- 063014