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Va Transportation Devel Plan
District: CULPEPER Route L~PC County/City 14656 64 Up Albemarle 52338 64 Upc. Albemarle 2459 15 Bus Pan Culpeper 17619 20 Albemarle 52494 20 Albemarle 58474 22 Lousia 17977 28 Fauquier WiG Im[ Vet Tm[ Rte Con on Wi( 3160 29 Wi, Albemarle 17621 29 Ace Albemarle 16160 29 -- Al bemarle 13492 29 -- Fauquier 12782 29 -- Fauquier 12782 29 -- Culpeper 12782 29 -- Greene 12782 29 -- Albemarle 12782 29 -- Madison 11045 33 2 I~ Lousia Ney 11046 33 Wid Lousia 57489 215 Int. Fauquier Lan http://www.extranet.vdot.state, Feasibility Plan Type Of Work rade Sewer System rade Sewer System dlel Lane en to 4 Lanes rove Horizontal & :ical Alignment ,rove Horiz. Align. for 767 Approach & struct Left Turn Lanes [te. 22/208 en to 4 Lanes en from 4 to 6 Lanes ~-ss Management Study ~nes on 4 Lane R/W on Location .~ning Description At Ivy Rest Area MN 105 EB (At Rest Area 3E) At Ivy Rest Area MM 113 WB (At Rest Area 3W) North Corporate Limits Culpeper - 2.9km North North Corporate Limits Culpeper 0.4 km North Route 53 - 1.5 km South Route 53 At Intersection Route 726 Route 767 - Route 625 Route 15/29 (North of Remington) - Prince William County Line 0.2 km North Route 643 - 0.3 km North Route 649 (Airport Road) Airport Road - Greene County Line CHARLOTTESVILLE BYPASS: Alternative 10 (Western Route) Warrenton - Prince William County Line Between Warrenton and Charlottesville Between Warrenton and Charlottesville Between Warrenton and Charlottesville Between Warrenton and Charlottesville Between Warrenton and Charlottesville 0.8 km West West COrporate Limits Louisa - Lock Lane Drive Lock Lane Drive - 0.5 km East Route 33 Imp. at 15/29 and 4 Route 29 - Fauquier/Prince Widening of Route William County Line · a.us/syip/PublicResult s.asp Page I of 2 Funding Fed/State F F F F F F S S S S S S S S S 11/26/01 56869 12784 250 Ins~ Tur Im Co~ A~ bemade Lan 60234 Charlottesville IntE Route 250 Bypass 14644 Charlottesville 2 L~ Ivy Road 16640 Culpeper 4 L~ Rixeyville Road 58421 522 - First - - Street Lousia Back to Home httpd/ww~.extranet.vdot, state.' Page 2 of 2 all Traffic Signal, Left 1 Lanes on US 250 and ,rove Sight Distance nector Road to UVA 4 Divided 'change ne IRe At Int. Rte. 616 Route 250 Bypass - Massie Road (Northgrounds UVA Campus) Interchange @ McIntire Road/Meadow Creek Parkway WCL to Emmett Street 15/29 Business to NCL S F S 0.03 Mi. E. Rte. 22 Intersection Upgrade to Install Traffic Signal and Interconnect with RR Signals (DOT #225062W) Feasibility Plan Total Records: 2,, ?a.us/syip/PublicResults.asp 11/26/01 Capita District: CULPEPER UPC 15479 Route County/City 64 Albemarle U D S' 14657 3 Culpeper 14658 3 Culpeper 52339 3 Culpeper 15984 15 & 29 Fauquier Ir 15977 15 & 29 Fauquier C{ Tr Ir~ W 12769 15 Fluvanna Bi 16536/16523 15 F[uvanna Ill 16536/16523 15 Lousia Ill ! Zmprovement ype Of Work Description ~grade Fog Alton Mountain .=tection 'stem New Signs New Signals [TS Guardrail 'allel Lanes to 4 Lanes) rallel Lanes to 4 Lanes) ~rallel Lane to 4 Lanes) :ersection lprovements instruct uck spection & eig h Station idge :placement tersection ]provements ~d Widening tersection ~provements d Widening Fiber Optic Resource Sharing Initiative 6.6 km East Route 29 - 6.5 km West Culpeper/Orange County Line - 2.0 km East Route 29 - 6,6 km East Route 29 0.5 km East Route 29 - 2.0 km East Route 29 1.5 km S. Int. Route 687 - 0.9 km N. Int. Route 687 (At Route 17 - Opal) WARRENTON BYPASS: 0.5 IVlile North Int. Route 15/29 Bus.- 0.8 Mile North Int. Route I5/29 Bus. RIVANNA RIVER: 0.5 km North Rivanna River- 0.6 km South Rivanna River (At Palmyra) (Str.# 1004) At Intersection Route 250 0.5 km North Louisa/Fluvanna C,L. - 0.4 km South Louisa/Fluvanna C.L. At Intersection Route 250 0.5 km North Program Page 1 of 8 F 550,000 Underway F 450,000 Underway F 820,000 Developing Schedule F 450,000 Developing Schedule F 30,000 Developing Schedule S 16,965,000 FY2006 S 8,133,000 FY2005 S 5,145,000 FY2002 F 20,700,000 F'Y2004 S 2,519,000 Underway F 6,128,000 FY2005 S 4,121,000 FY2003 S 4,121,000 FY2003 Total Funding Projected Planned Fed/State Cost Construction F 2,511,000 Underway 18896 50546 15996 60395 18902 56130 56131/57485 15998 18903 50426 52341 Fauq uier 17 20 Albemarle 20 Albemarle 22 Albemarle 28 Fauquier 28 Fauquier 29 Albemarle 29 Culpeper 33 Orange 50 Fauquier C~ A~ B~ Pi 'SI R, Ir B~ R, 4 R, Ir Ir Ir D~ O L( Tr Si )nstruct Turn ines Jd Left Turn ~ne idge .,placement idening / ~ve ~oulders :align tersection 'idge :placement Lane :construction cluding terchange idge .,placement stall )adside .qineators >nstruct WB ..ft Turn Lane ~ffic Calming 'engthening ~d Widening ~W stallations :w stallations LUUI~,,I;I/ I lUVClIlIIOI %~.E. - 0.4 km South Louisa/Fluvanna C.L. 1,1 km S. Int. Rte. 55 - 0.1 km N. Int. Rte. 55 At Intersection Route 724 HARDWARE RIVER: Carter's Bridge 0.1 km S. Hardware River- 0.2 km N. Hardware River (Str.# 1061) Route 250 - Route 6OO Intersection Route 250 0.3 Mile South of Cedar Run - 0.2 Mile North of Cedar Run 0.8 Mile West Route 17 (Marsh Rd.) - 0.5 Mile West Route 17 (Marsh Rd.) SOUTH FORK RIVANNA RIVER: 0.3 km S. South Fork Rivanna River - 0.2 km N. Route 643 Intersection Route 666 Intersection Route 607 Loudoun County Line- Paris Bridges Guardrail Pavement Markers Signs Signals State Traffic Operations & Safety Improvement Program Fiber Optics Resource Shad ng S F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Page 2 of 8 1,260,000 Underway 425,000 Underway 2,095,000 FY2003 330,000 FY2003 260,000 Developing Schedule 4,795,000 FY2004 14,461,000 FY2005 6,461,000 Underway 110,000 Developing Schedule 714,000 FY2003 4,938,000 Developing Schedule 3,000,000 Developing Schedule 1,731,000 Developing Schedule 500,000 Developing Schedule 2,251,000 Developing Schedule 3,611,000 Developing Schedule 500,000 Developing Schedule 125,000 Developing Schedule 18897 16522 56195 16419 18899 56777 18901 60396 52495 14643 52178 2529/15487 14645 51414 18967 12539 53 Albemarle 208 Lousia 208 Lousia 215 Fauquier 229 Culpeper 229 Culpeper 231 Madison 250 Albemarle 522 Rappahannock Charlottesville Fontaine Ave. Charlottesville Emmett Street Charlottesville McIntire Rd./Meadow Creek Parkway Charlottesville 3efferson Park Ave. Charlottesville Transfer Center Culpeper Old Rixeyville Road Orange B R, 3 C OI L( R, Ir D Ir V, Al R, Al Bi R, SI W W SI W 3 TI 'idge ..placement Lanes with Jrb & Gutter ! New ~cation .~construction lprove tersection iden to 4 ines ~prove ,-rtical ignment of )ute 621 )proach (EB) 'idge ;placement loulder idening and ~ving iden & Pave ~oulders to ovide ~destrian alkway Lane affic Signal )ordination Lane 'idge :placement t ministration DRPT B~idge - Rd 31acement Di ~inage Over Buck Island Creek (Str.# 1059) 0.75 km South Route 33/22 - 0.01 km East Route 33/22 Between Route 522 and Spotsylvania Co. Line 0.3 km North Route 652 - 0.4 km South Route 652 North Corporate Limits of Culpeper - 1.3 km North of North Corporate Limit At Intersection Route 621 OVER WHITE OAK RUN (Str.# 1008) Interstate Route 1- 64 (Easterly Interchange) - Albemarle / Fluvanna County Line SCL Woodville - NCL Woodville WCL to 3efferson Park Ave. Hydraulic Road to Barracks Road Route 250 Bypass to NCL Bridge over Norfolk Southern Railroad Downtown Transit Transfer Center Bridge and Approaches over Mountain Run Spicers Mill Rd. to F S S S F F F F F F F S F 1,534,000 3,456,000 8,141,000 2,092,000 5,064,000 775,000 1,778,000 297,000 100,000 5,480,000 225,000 10,396,000 3,498,000 3,000,000 1,747,000 3,569,000 Page 3 of 8 FY2004 FY2002 FY2005 FY2002 FY2006 FY2004 FY2004 FY2003 Developing Schedule FY2004 FY2002 FY2004 FY2004 FY2004 FY2003 FY2003 Madison Rd. 2516 Warrenton 4 Shirley Ave. 52176 Charlottesville Tr Citywide 57069 Charlottesville Park Street 57068 Charlottesville B~ Locust Avenue 55633 Charlottesville University of Bm Virginia 60233 Charlottesville 2 HillSdale Drive Connector 52234 612 Fauquier Di 13772 Ti Albemarle Pi 15152 16539 13775 16085 TI Albemarle .le P~ TI Albemarle ]e P~ Ul Albemarle Ri Albemarle Bi ]provement · 5 Lane affic Signals idge :hablitation idge :habilitation ~destrian idge Lane ~prove Sight stance ~omas fferson rkway lomas fferson rkway lomas fferson rkway lion Station ~gby Road Ke Lanes Nelson St. Culpeper St. to Garrett St. Traffic Signals at 6 Locations Bridge Over Route 250 Bypass Bridge Over Route 250 Bypass Over Route 29 Emmit Street Charlottesville Greenbrier Drive to Hydraulic Road At Intersection Route 610 Phase I financing to construct a bike- hiking trail connecting visitor's center to Monticello, a native plant arboretum, scenic overlooks, pond and foot trails. Phase II- including safety and aesthetic improvements, pedestrian and bicycle access to Monticello and Park/Arboretum development. Stone bridge and tunnel crossings of Route 53, provide access for pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists. Includes trails, plantings and overlook. Restoration of the seriously deteriorated historic train station building and supporting infrastructure. Widening of Rugby Road from University Avenue to Wayside Place, so that desig hated bicycle lanes can be incorporated into F F F F F F 8,253,000 883,000 707,000 589,000 3,200,000 1,607,000 140,000 2,380,000 2,365,000 2,250,000 6,825,000 1,000,000 Page 4 of 8 FY2003 FY2002 FY2002 FY2003 FY2002 FY2007 Developing Schedule Underway Underway Underway Underway Underway 17567 50103 52019 50105 15154 18800 56444 Albemarle Albemarle Albemarle Culpeper Culpeper Culpeper Fauquier Fauquier R G E: Ai © H S, Ci N H, Si vanna reenbelt (tension rport Road )rridor storic Court uare ~Ot .~habilitation Ipeper ~-pot )sby ;ritage Area ]nage the roadway. A sidewalk is proposed for the east side of the road. Pedestrian, bicycle and ADA accessible trail connecting Rivanna Greenbelt to Pen Park and Darden Town Park. Landscaping and construction of bicycle lanes and sidewalks Preserve the unique and significant historic elements of Ch arlottesville's Court Square District. Route 620 corridor safety improvements, pull- off areas and trail signage Renovation and rehabilitation of depot building into a useable transportation facility, beautification of surrounding area and addition of Amtrak waiting room. Renovation and rehabilitation of the unused space within the Depot for use as a multi-purpose community facility. Enhancement of self-guided automobile tours through the installation of signs which will designate boundary lines of the area, historic towns, villages and specific stops of interest. Construction of pedestrian pathways, gateway signage and F F F F F F F F Page 5 of 8 150,000 Underway 730,000 Underway 1,899,000 Underway 35,000 Underway 875,000 Underway 380,000 Developing Schedule 40,000 Developing Schedule 548,000 Developing Schedule 59803 18799 52021 18689 50104 16540 16083 52022 Fauquier Fluvanna Orange Lousia Lousia Madison Orange Orange G reenway/Trail FI uva n na H .~ritage Trail G )rdonsville D .~pot T~ evillian S1 :ation B~ ~ttlefield A~ ~to-Tou r Tr evillians Bi~ttlefield and H storic Park Tt~e Villages of N ~dison's $(:enic Byway G~.,rmana C(~lonies Vi sitor Center or Route 3 M, ,ntpelier restoration of an existing building for use as a Visitor's Center and Transportation Museum. Acquisition of property and planning activities to connect the existing Warrenton Branch Greenway Trail with Lord Fairfax Community College in Warrenton. Phased developed of pedestrian/bicycle trails, preservation and access to historic lock, canals and covered bridge site. Renovate historic depot and upgrade pedestrian facilities Establishment of a self-guided ten stop auto-tour with appropriate parking areas and historic markers Acquisition of battlefield and construction of walking trails with interpretive ma rkers. Conversion of old train station into a Visitor's Center. Lan dsca ping improvements to the five villages along scenic Byway 231. Establishment of Visitor's Center, new entrance and a trail that will wind through the historic sites on the property. Restoration of historic train station and improvements to the Visitor Center Complex. F F F F F F F F 324,000 350,000 290,000 150,000 560,000 230,000 1,589,000 1,330,000 Page 6 of 8 Developing Schedule Underway Underway Underway Underway Underway Underway Underway 17565 52023 18691 56445 59804 58419 18498 54460 56605 O Orange T~ F~ S Rappahannock G Ci Albemarle St BI Albemarle S! T( Fauquier 17 Fauquier 673 Orange 744 - Hunt Club Rd. Albemarle Carlton/Meade - Street range 'ansportation ~dlity )erryville ~teway Jnal Basin uare ,wntown reetscaping ,urist Center Streetscape improvements for Madison Road, Main Street, Byrd Street, Church Street and Short Street, all of .which directly relate as gateways or approaches to the Orange Transportation Facility. Streetsca ping and pedestrian facilities along Main Street and a footbridge over the Thornton River. Develop a historic transportation park to celebrate the town's unique history and increase tourism. Design and construction of a streetscape plan. Construction of a new tourist center adjacent to the Mosby-Spilman House on Main Street in Old TOwn Warrenton along with landscaping, sidewalk and parking lot. 0.02 Mi. S, Rte. 623 Install Concrete Surface, Upgrade to Cantilever FLG & Cantilever Flashing Adv. Warning Signs Interconnected (DOT #714395X) 0.75 Mi, SW Rte. 615 Install Flashing Lights and Gates (DOT # 7:L4709S) 0.02 Mi. S. Rte, 22 Add Gates & Upgrade Flashing Lights (DOT#225207F) Intersection 'Meade Street Add Gates F F F F F F F Page 7 of 8 1,112,000 Underway 500,000 Underway 517,000 Underway 1,723,000 Underway 636,000 Developing Schedule 265,000 Developing Schedule 125,000 Developing Schedule 100,000 Developing Schedule 100,000 Developing Schedule Page 8 of 8 52551 18832 Back to Home Main Street Orange Church Street - Orange Flashing Lights (DOT # 224662V) 0.05 Mi. E. Rte. 15 Interconnect R,R. Signals w/Traffic Signals, Install CWT Predictors (DOT # 714715V) Intersection Milt Road Add Gates & Upgrade Flashing Lights (DOT # 714716C) Capital Zmprovement Program 50,000 Developing Schedule 100,000 Developing Schedule Total Records: 87 CULPEPER DISTRICT SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR ALLOCATIONS (ooo's) Interstate Urban Secondary Enhancement Oo,,~,cd Fu,,d Hazard Elimination 1,065 Safety. Funds ~S_ec.15~) t- 1 307 System Allocations Interstate) O~pen Container Funds Priority Transportation Fund/FRANS Rail Safety, ~_ejpeat Offender Special Appropriation By TEA-21 Mass Transit 505 7501., 200 21 i~'~j ~,~ III t9,481 350 0 5,684 104i 316 0 0 46,74~ 5,~ 30_.~0 300 2,715 29,163 120,954 2,062 1,307 9,000 0 330 T 14,614 208 1,558 49,6231 64,616[ TOTAL .... ~ ......... ~j 325,865,i FY 2002 Public Transportation Improvement Program Commonwealth Transportation Board Introduction The first table in the Public Transportation Improvement Program provides a list of all of the federal and state funding programs for public transportation in Virginia that are distributed at the approval of the Commonwealth Transportation Board. All of these funds are programmed and awarded as grants in the FY 2002 Public Transportation Improvement Program. projects for F¥2002 in each of Virginia's Construction Districts. Information is provided for each project including a project description and its total cost, the amounts and sources of federal, state and local funds for the project. Operating revenue estimates also are provided along with information regarding federal, state and local operating assistance. Unlike highway projects, most public transportation projects are funded in a single year. This is due to the nature of the federal and state funding programs for public transportation and to the large role that local governments play in funding public transportation projects. Therefore the Public Transportation Improvement Program contains projects only for the upcoming fiscal year -- FY 2002. Information is provided regarding each of the subprograms of state financial assistance to public transportation. Tables are included showing the statewide distributions of formula assistance funds, capital assistance funds, paratransit funds, and special projects funds. Each grant is shown for the paratransit assistance fund and 'the special projects funds including the Transportation Efficiency Improvement Fund (TEIF) program. These grants also appear in the Construction Districts tables. The table showing paratransit grants is located following the FTA 5310 program table. Additional funding to support rail and public transportation capital projects was made available beginning in FY 2001 under the Virginia Transportation Act of 2000 (VTA 2000). Additional state funds have been appropriated to support transit capital projects in FY2002 under a program entitled the Statewide Vehicle and Equipment Program. Additional federal funds have been designated for transit capital projects from the Commonwealths allocation of federal Surface Transportation Program funds (6% of Statewide STP and 10% of Minimum Guarantee funds). The allocation of these funds to transit properties is shown in the Summary Table for Capital Assistance Grants. Each of the Federal. Transit Administration programs administered by the Department of Rail and Public Transportation is included in the program as a statewide table showing the amounts and recipients of the FY 2002 grants. Separate tables are provided for the FTA Sections 5303, 5307, 5310, 5311, 5313(b) and Jobs Accessand Reverse Commute (JARC) programs. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION INTRODUCTION FY 2002 Public Transportation Improvement Program Commonwealth Transportation Board FY02 Mass Transit Trust Fund Appropriation and Adjustments TTF Allocation of Revenue for Mass Transit Account: TTF Allocation of Interest for Mass Transit Account: Adjustment for Indirect Charges and Basis Points: I vl, ruAI I I ~F~,,, IVIC;I~,,~O I I C31 lOlL I I MOL I I, al IU 7'"tlIIJUCILIUI I. Adjustment for Paratransit Assistance Program: FY02 Mass Transit Trust Fund Allocation Distributed to Subprograms: Distribution of State Aid Allocation to Subprograms: Formula Allocations Subprogram (73.5%): Capital Assistance Subprogram (25.0%): Special Projects Subprogram (1.5%): $106,020,000 $1,842,000 ('$251.700) $ i07,6 iO,ouu ($800,000) $106,810,300 $78,505,571 $26,702,575 $1,602,155 $106,810,301 Other Financial Assistance to Transit Distributed in the FY02 Program State Funds Funds carried forward from previous FY into Special Projects Subprogram: Paratransit Assistance Program (From MTF): Transportation Efficiency Improvement Fund (including carryover): Statewide Vehicle and Equipment Program (General Funds): Federal Funds Statewide STP Funds for the Statewide Vehicle and Equipment Program (including carryover): Federal Transit Act Section 5307 Program (Gov. Apport.) Appropriation (FY01): Federal Transit Act Section 531 l& RTAP Program Appropriation (FY01): Federal Transit Act Section 5303 Program Appropriation (FY01): Federal Transit Act Section 5313(b) Program Appropriation (FY01): Federal Transit Act Section 5310 Program Appropriation (FY01): FY02 Grants from the Federal Jobs Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Appropriation (FY01): $337,600 $800,000 $1,900,000 $14,700,000 $18,733,326 $5,350,576 $5,388,202 $1,168,443 $249,281 $1,652,110 $1,346,761 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 2 FY2002 CTB FUNDING SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2002 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CULPEPER DISTRICT Total Project Federal Federal Funds State State Funds Local Local Funds Recipient/Project Description Cost Funds Source Funds Source Funds Source Charlottesville Transit Service Operating Expenses $2,982,348 $637,149 FTA Sect. 5307 ' $529,293 M'IFF $400,809 Operating Revenues Capital Expenses $1,415,097 Local General Funds Purchase replacement 4WD staffvehlcle $28,000 $22,400 Statewide STP $4,480 SVEP $1,120 Local General Funds Construction of replacement transit facility-Pt. 2 $4,500,000 $3,600,000 Statewide STP $720,000 SVEP $180,000 Local General Funds Upgrade Bus Stop Info, signage, etc. $14,425 $11,540 FTA Sect. 5307 $2,308 SVEP $577 Local General Funds Purchase 8 electronic fareboxes $40,000 $32,000 Statewide STP $6,400 SVEP $1,600 Local General Funds. Purchase I exfiansion 30-foot ~'rolley Bus $293,330 $234,664 Statewide STP $46,933 SVEP $11,733 Local General Funds Purchase 2 replacement 25' BOC vehicles (CNG) $157,075 $125,660 FTA Sect. 5307 $25,132 SVEP $6,283 Local General Funds Purchase 10 Bicycle Locl~ere (20 bike cap.) $20,000 $!6,000 Statewide STP $3,200 SVEP $800 Local General Funds AVL Project. AddiUonal units $49,500 $39,600 FTA Sect. 5307 $7,920 SVEP / $1,980 Local General Funds Purchase 25 Bus Stop Benches, steelI $24,375 $19,500 Statewide STP $3,900 SVEP $97,~ Local General Funds Purchase two (2) vans for proposed Demo project $56,200 $0 $53,390 SVEP $2,810 Local General Funds Fringe Pa~ & Ride Lot Service $75,000 $0 $71,250 MTTF - Demo. $3,750 Local General Funds. AVL Project Consultant $60,000 $48,000 FTA Sect. 5313b $6,000 MTTF - Tech. $6,000 Local General Funds CTS INTERN $20,279 $0 $19,265 MTTF- Intern $1,014 Local General Funds JAUNT, Inc. Operating Expenses $2,007,556 $217,989 FTA Sect. 5307 $471,984 M'I-I'F $276,045 Operating Revenues Capital Expenses $581,563 FTA Sect. 5311 $459,975 Contract & Local Funds I1. t2.15 Purchase Replacement Vans $341,250 $273,000 Statewide STP $54,600 SVEP $13,650 Contract & Local Funds 11.12.15 Purchase Replacement Vans $168,300 $134,540 Statawide STP $26,928 SVEP $6,732 Contract & Local Funds 11.12.15 Purchase Replacement Vans $128,400 $102,720 Statewide STP $20,544 SVEP $5,136 Contract & Local Funds 11.42.08ADP Software $30,000 $24,000 Statewide STP $4,800 SVEP $1,200 Contract & Local Funds 11.44.03 Maint/'t'rng/Admin/Strg Facility $1,009,871 $807,897 FTA Sect. 5309 $161,579 SVEP $40,395 Contract & Local Funds Regional Service 24HRS $790,000 $395,000 FTA JARC $0 $395,000 DSS Agency Funds Multi-Agency Organizational Development $50,000 $40,000 FTA Sect. 5313b $5,000 M'I-I'F - Tech. $5,000 ~ontmct & _Local Funds Greene County Transit. Inc. Operating Expenses $346,800 $152,400 FTA Sect. 5311 $63,002 MTTF $42,000 Dperating Revenues Capital Expenses $89,398 Local General Funds 11.44.03 Maint/Tmg/Admin/Strg Facility $404,490 $323,592 FTA Sect. 5311 $64,718 SVEP $16,180 Local General Funds 11.12,01 Purchase Replacement Buses $75,928 $0 $72,132 St. Paratransit $3,796 LocalGenemlFunds Expand Saturday Route to Charlottesville $9,737 $0 $9,250 MTTF - Demo $487 Local General Funds Town of Orange Omnge-Gordonsville Connector (TOOT expansion) $77,350 $0 $71,250 MTI'F - Demo. $6,100 Local General Funds Rappahannock Rapidan PDC Rideshare Program Admin. $73,782 $0 $51,716 TEIF $22,066 Local Funds PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 4 GRANTS BY CONSTRUCTION DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2002 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CULPEPER DISTRICT (Continued) Recipient/Project Description Thomas Jefferson PDC Rideshare Program Admin. Marketing and Promotion of RideShare and AIt. Transp. TDM Intern Year 2 Charlottesville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transit Planning Expenses Rappahannock Community Services Board, Culpeper Center Aisle Van Total Project Federal Federal Funds State State Funds Local Local Funds Cost Funds Source Funds Source Funds Source $169,671 $43,000 $61,045 $53,610 $33,000 $0 $0 $0 $42,888 $26~00 $110,446 $14,000 $57,993 TEIF MTTF - TDM MTI'F- Intern $59,225 $29,00O $3,052 Local Funds Local Funds Local Funds FTA Sect. 5303 $5,361 HMO $5,361 .ocal Funds $0 $6,600 FTA Sect, 5310 Agency Funds M'i-I'F = Mass Transit Trust Fund; Demo. = Demonstration Program; TDM = Transportation Demand Management Program; Tech. = Technical Assist. Program; TEIF = Transportation Efficiency Improvement Fund; SVEP = Statewide Vehicle & Equipment Program: DTR = Dulles Toil Road Revenues; TTF = Transportation Trust Funds; HMO = Highway Maintenance & Operating Funds; TANF = Temp. Assist. Needy Families PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 5 GRANTS BY CONSTRUCTION DISTRICT