HomeMy WebLinkAboutACE Progress ReportGeneral De~ Mehring Property 698 (Hungrytown R( Mill Mountain to C. property is compose bottoms and at the Hardware River ocr building, the steep timber harvesting. 12 acre lots. Though' easement would ex running from Route source of points in common boundary eliminate 9 usable designated for "mour Score: 41.96 points. 2. Jason K. Pollock Pre Batesville, a small vi parcels that together the Mechum's River land was probably pine on many of the s along portions of the landowner is under p~ his primary source of range in points). ThL, for $180,000-185,00t2 this year, he will likel has a true spirit of, Though a large powe would prevent any views in a desirable lots. The primary sc would eliminate any~ derives some income found only 2 miles do Score: 24.70 - 27.53 3. Robert M. Byrom ProI of SR 810 between many large tracts along SR 810 tO nearl ription of Year 2001 ACE Applicants and Property 65.363 acres) - the Mehring property lies on the eastside of SR ,ad) where it precipitously rises to a high ridgeline that runs from xstle Rock Mountain. Like much of the surrounding land, the :t of densely wooded mountains with open pasture along creek )ot of the mountains. The headwaters of the South Fork of the xr on this property. While most of the openland is suitable for nd mountainous terrain limit land-use to mostly recreation and espite its large size, the property will support only 12 usable 21- he property offers little development potential, a conservation >and a contiguous area under easement to over 2,300 acres 29 to the top of Mill and Castle Rock Mountains. The primary :he ranking criteria include: 1) the property has 6,455 feet of Mth another parcel under easement; 2) an easement would evelopment rights; 3) the property has 7,334 feet of ridgetop taintop protection"; 4) the tract is very large. ~pertv (144.430 acres) - the Pollock property is contiguous to llage in southern Albemarle County. It consists of several tax :omprise a deeply undulating property with tots of frontage on tnd access from both SR 636 and SR 692. Though most of the en 30-40 years ago, it now consists of maturing stands of scrub ideslopes and ridges. Only small areas around the homesite and fertile Mechum's River bottomland remain open. Since the essure to pay his monthly mortgage payments and cutting hay is income, he currently has 42 acres of property for sale (hence the particular tract has been divided into two 21-acre parcels listed each. If he is unable to sell one or both of the 21 acre parcels y place the entire 144.430 acre property under easement. Jason :onservation and will to protect the land from development. rline and a preponderance of steep sideslopes and bottomland ~tensive development of the property, breathtaking mountain ~ral setting (Batesville) make this tract very suitable for 21-acre urce of points in the ranking criteria include: 1) an easement ~here from 9-11 usable development rights; 2) the landowner fi:om the property - mostly hay; 3) the James spiny mussel was emstream of property on Mechum's River. ~oints. ~erty (599.590 acres) - the Byrom property lies on the northside frown's Cove and Boonesville, a remote area that consists of nountainous timberland. It ranges in elevation from 910 feet y 2,600 feet where it joins the Shenandoah National Park near .¸ Little Flat Mountain long road frontage) land is steep and mo SR 810). As a resul opportunities. It doe amount of acreage common boundary corridor that runs frc have a genuine inte~ recreational opporm include: 1) the prot protection" and; 2) ti Massie E. Hughes Pi lies on the eastside o consists of steeply r, stream channels. Ti grazed pastureland. Castle Rock Mounta land is too steep for very rural and remote the threat of develol~ criteria include: 1) ar landowner derives in road frontage on SR t Gladys W. Clarke Pr~ SR 691 at the foot ( rolling terrain consisl A single dwellings is and large shade trees the primary use of the are several abandone suitability for develol views arid gently roll mostly large orchards the property. Hence source of points in tl usable development operation and; 3) it ha 6. Millwood Land Trust Cismont in the histori farms and estates. It "entrance corridors") The property consists Since much of the most accessible and developable land (with was sold off to create four family subdivisions, the remaining untainous with a narrow access point to a state road (242 feet on :, it has limited use other than timber harvesting and recreational s, however, have important scenic resources due to the extensive above 1,200 feet on Little Flat Mountain. Furthermore, its Mth the Shenandoah National Park would create a protected m SR 810 to the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The Byroms est in protecting this property and providing public hiking and :tities. The primary source of points in the ranking criteria .erty has 6,850 feet of ridgetop designated for "mountaintop .e tract is very large. Score: 23.10 points. 'operty (118.820 acres) - the Hughes property, Perry Mill Farm, [ SR 635 approximately 5 miles south of Batesville. The terrain )lling foothills dissected by several perermia! and wet weather e land contains a good balance of both matf~re hardwoods and I'hough beautiful and unobstructed views' of the Blue Ridge and in are possible from the south facing pastureland, most of the intensive development. In addition, the property is located in a ~. area of Albemarle County (near the Nelson County line) where ment is minimal. The primary source of points in the ranking easement would eliminate 12 usable development rights; 2) the :ome from the land - cattle farming and; 3) it has 2,584 feet of ;35. Score: 20,18 points ~perty (120.250 acres) - the Clarke property lies on both sides of Df the Blue Ridge Mountains near Jarman's Gap. The gently of mostly mature orchard land and some unimproved pasture. located on the westside of SR 691, hidden behind tall boxwoods Though producing income from a "pick your own" orchard is : land, it is not intensively farmed and appears neglected. The~e d buildings (including a trailer) on the property. While the >ment on this tract is reasonably high because of the mountain ing topography, the immediate area is rural and composed of Furthermore, a large powerline runs along the western edge of the threat of development does not seem great. The primary e ranking criteria include: 1) an easement would eliminate 11 ghts; 2) the landowner derives income from the land - orchard 1,950 feet of road frontage on SR 691. Score: 19.53 points Gildea Property (105.360 acres) - the Gildea property lies near : Southwest Mountains District, an area composed of many £me has long frontage on SR 783 and Routes 22 and 231 (both are giving the property excellent access for future developmem. of young pine plantations, thinned hardwood stands and some pasture around the n westside of Route 2 eastside of Route Though long road fr( estate properties cre~ by the proximity to overhead powerline it is contiguous to corridors/Virginia by Historic District and Score: 19.28 points From last year's pool of~ 7. W. Brand McCaskill foothills of the Blue dissected by numero~ on SR 637 (Dick We land consists of both Ridge Mountain vier owners have an ardm have fenced out creel actively use their lan approved landfill for~ 3) selling plants from of points in the rankir Road; 2) elimination Rivanna River waters lain house and barn. The neighborhood is very mixed - on the 2 are beautiful farms of the Keswick Hunt Country while the 2 contains many small lots with small, inexpensive homes. .ntage, views of the Southwest Mountains and proximity to large Iea real development threat, the property is negatively affected aarginal neighborhoods, an extensive area of bottomland and an The primary source of points in the ranking criteria include: 1) ~ther easements; 2) it has extensive frontage on two entrance ways - Routes 22 and 231; 3) it lies in the Southwest Mountains 4) an easement would eliminate 7 usable development rights. pplicants: Property (167.602 acres) - the McCaskill property lies in the Ridge Mountains where the terrain is gentle-steeply rolling and ts streams and intermittent tributaries.. It has 'long road frontage ods Road), a gravel road which was recer~tly hardsurfaced. The pasture and a high-grade hardwood forest with tremendous Blue rs. It is surrounded by other farms and open space: While the Lt interest in conservation (they do not want the land developed, :s from cattle and have signed up with the CREP Program), they [ to produce income in a number of ways: 1) a temporary EPA )rganic debris from upgrading SR 637; 2) raising nursery plants; their greenhouse with plans for expansion. The primary source .g criteria include: 1) 2,940 feet of road frontage on Dick Woods of 14 usable development rights; and 3) it lies in the South .~ed. Score: 22.48 points. R~ Owner: Mehring ] Property: Tax Map ~c Ranking Criteria Dc nking Evaluation Criteria & Points Determination Criteria A. 1 6,4 Criteria A.2 56 Criteria B. 1 no Criteria B.2 no Criteria B.3 9 [ Criteria C. 1 7,3 Criteria C.2 yes Criteria C.3 1,6 Criteria C.4 no Criteria C.5 no Criteria C.6 61. Criteria C.7 no Criteria C.8 no Criteria C.9 no Criteria C. 10 n/a Criteria D. 1 no Point Total PEC = Piedmont Environmem VOF = Virginia Outdoors Fot~ TNC = The Nature Conservam DCR = Department of Conser~ CIS = Comprehensive Informa SH = Scenic Highway; SR = S CE = Conservation Easement Family Partnership 7, Parcel 2lB (569.363 acres) :termination 55 feet on CE Z363 acres R's eliminated 34 feet 30 feet on SH ~62 acres Source for Points PEC/plats RE Assessor's Office landowner landowner Zoning & Planning Departments county overlay maps landowner County tax map PEC & Monticello viewshed maps DCR Division of Natural Heritage CIS Program - RE Assessor's Office County overlay maps plats/surveys, County overlay maps landowner County Engineering Department VOF, PEC, TNC etc. Points il Council ~dation :y ation and Recreation tion Systems :ate Road 12.91 11.39 0.00 0.00 4.50 7.33 3.00 1.60 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 t.96 points Mehring Family LP TM 97, Parcel 2lB (565.363 acres) SCALE IN FEET Rankin Owner: Property: (Batesville) Jason K. i TM 71, Pt TM 85A,P TM 85, Pa TM 85, Pa Total Rankin~ Criteria De Criteria A. 1 no Criteria A.2 14, Criteria B.I no Criteria B.2 yes Criteria B.3 11 Criteria C. 1 0 f~ Crkeria C.2 yes Criteria C.3 1,4' Criteria C.4 no Criteria C.5 spit Criteria C.6 94. Criteria C.7 yes Criteria C.8 no Criteria C.9 no Criteria C. 10 n/a Evaluation Criteria & Points Determination 'ollock :cel 26 ( 21.730 acres) arcel 1 ( 23.990 acres) :cel 21 ( 42.000 acres) 'cel 22B ( 56.710 acres) (144.430 acres) termination ..430 acres DR's eliminated et feet on SR Source for Points PEC RE Assessor's Office landowner landowner Zoning & Planning Departments county overlay maps letter from landowner landowner plats PEC & Monticello viewshed maps DCR Division of Natural Heritage CIS Program - RE Assessor's Office County overlay maps plats/surveys, County overlay maps landowner County Engineering Department Points Criteria D. 1 no Point Total PEC = Piedmont Environment; VOF = Virginia Outdoors Fora TNC = The Nature Conservan¢ DCR = Department of Conserv CIS = Comprehensive Informa SH = Scenic Highway; SR = S1 VOF, PEC, TNC etc. mussel 56 acres 0.00 2.89 0.00 3.00 5.50 0.00 5.00 1.25 0.00 5.00 Council ation Y ation and Recreation :ion Systems ate Road; EC = Entrance Corridor 0.00 27.53 points 1.89 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Polloc~JasonK. TM 71, Parcel 26 TM 85A, Parcel 1 TM 85, Parcel 21 TM 85, Parcel 22B Total 21.730 acres) 23.990 acres) 42.000 acres) 56.710 acres) (1:4.430 acres) Owner: Property: (Batesville) Ranking Criteria Criteria A. 1 Criteria A.2 Criteria B. 1 Criteria B.2 Criteria B.3 Criteria C. 1 Criteria C.2 Criteria C.3 Criteria C.4 Criteria C.5 Criteria C.6 Criteria C.7 Criteria C.8 Criteria C.9 Criteria C. 10 Criteria D. t Point Total Rankin Jason IC TM 71, Pm TM 85A, 1: TM 85, Pm Total no 105 no yes 9E Evaluation Criteria & Points Determination ollock - cel 26 ( 21.730 acres) arcel 1 ( 23.990 acres) cel 22B ( 56.710 acres) (102.430 acres) termination Source for Points .430 acres R's eliminated PEC RE Assessor's office landowner landowner Zoning & Planning Departments 0 feet yes 99t~ feet no sptr 70 yes no no n/a no , mussel cres county overlay maps letter from landowner landowner plats PEC & Monticello viewshed maps DCR Division of Natural Heritage CIS program - RE Assessor's Office County overlay maps plats/surveys, County overlay maps landowner County Engineering Department VOF, PEC, TNC etc. Points 0.00 minus O. 84points 0.00 3.00 minus 1.0 points 0.00 5.00 minus 0.50points 0.00 5.00 minus O. 49 points 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 minus 2.83 points PEC = Piedmont Environment VOF = Virginia Outdoors Fora TNC = The Nature Conservanc DCR = Department of Conser~ CIS = Comprehensive Informa SH = Scenic Highway; SR = S1 Council tation Y ation and Recreation :ion Systems ate Road; EC = Entrance Corridor Owner: Property: (Bat~svill¢) Ranking Jason K. TM 71, P; TM 85A,P TM 85, P~ TM 85, Pa~ Total Ranking Criteria De Criteria A. t no Criteria A.2 12_'- Criteria B. 1 no Criteria B.2 yes Criteria B.3 10. Criteria C. 1 0 fe Criteria C.2 yes Criteria C.3 99C Criteria C.4 no Criteria C.5 spit Criteria C.6 84 Criteria C.7 yes Criteria C.8 no Criteria C.9 no Criteria C. 10 n/a Criteria D. 1 no Point Total PEC = Piedmont Environmentz VOF = Virginia Outdoors Four TNC = The Nature Conservan~ DCR = Department of Conser~ CIS = Comprehensive Informal SH = Scenic Highway; SR = St Note: variation in the calculati Evaluation Criteria & Points Determination 'ollock - ·cel 26 ( 21.730 acres) trcel 1 ( 23.990 acres) · cel 21 ( 21.000 acres) 'cel 22B ( 56.710 acres) (123.430 acres) termination .430 acres )R ' s eliminated et - 1,490 feet y mussel 5lcres Source for Points PEC RE Assessor's Office landowner landowner Zoning & Planning Departments county overlay maps letter from landowner landowner plats PEC & Monticello viewshed maps DCR Division of Natural Heritage C!rS program - RE Assessor's Office County overlay maps plats/surveys, County overlay maps landowner County. Engineering Department VOF, PEC, TNC etc. Points 1 Council dation ation and Recreation ion Systems ate Road; EC = Entrance Corridor )n of points depends on which 21 acre parcel is sold. 0.00 minus O. 43 points 0.00 3.00 minus O. 5 points 0.00 5.00 minus 0-0.5 points. 0.00 5.00 minus 0.22 points 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 minus l. 15-1.65 points Rankin Owner: Robert M Property: Tax Map 6 Tax Map 6 Total Ranking Criteria Dc Criteria A. 1 501 Criteria A.2 59~ Criteria B. 1 no Criteria B.2 no Criteria B.3 0 E Criteria C. 1 6,8 Criteria C.2 no Criteria C.3 242 Criteria C.4 no Criteria C.5 no Criteria C.6 0.0~ Criteria C.7 yes Criteria C.8 no Criteria C.9 no Criteria C. 10 n/a Criteria D. 1 no Point Total PEC = Piedmont Environment~ VOF = Virginia Outdoors Fora TNC = The Nature Conservanc DCR = Department of Conserv CIS = Comprehensive Informa SH = Scenic Highway; SR = S1 SNP = Shenandoah National P~ Evaluation Criteria & Points Determination gyI-oln Parcel 16 (115.350 acres) Parcel 28/29 (484.240 acres) (599.590 acres) termination Source for Points .55 feet on SNP .590 acres R's eliminated i0 feet feet on SR 0 acres plat RE Assessor's Office landowner landowner Zoning & Planning Deparm~ents county overlay maps letter from landowner landowner plats PEC & Monticello viewshed maps DCR Division of Natural Heritage CIS Program - RE Assessor's Office County overlay maps plats/surveys, County overlay maps landowner County Engineering Department VOF, PEC, TNC etc. .1 Council ,dation Y ation and Recreation :ion Systems ate Road; EC = Entrance Corridor wk Poims 1.02 11.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.85 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.10 points Byrom, Robert M. TM 6, Parcel 16 TM 6, Parcel 29 Total (115 (484 (599. 350 acres) 240 acres) 590 acres) Ranking ] Owner: W. Brand 34 Property: Tax Map 72, Ranking Criteria Dete Criteria A.I no Criteria A.2 167.. Criteria B. 1 no Criteria B.2 no Criteria B.3 16 us Criteria C.1 0 fee Criteria C.2 yes Criteria C.3 2,941 Criteria C.4 no Criteria C.5 no Criteria C.6 59.Z Criteria C.7 yes Criteria C.8 no Criteria C.9 no Criteria C. 10 Criteria D. 1 no PointTotal PEC = Piedmont Environmenta VOF = Virginia Outdoors Foun TNC = The Nature Conservanc' DCR = Department of Conserw CIS = Comprehensive Informat SH = Scenic Highway; SR = St: valuation Criteria & Points Determination cCaskill Parcel 51 (167.602 acres) rmination Source for Points 02 acres able DR's feet on SR acres [ivanna WS) PEC RE Assessor's Office landowner landowner Zoning & Planning Departmems. county overlay maps letter from landowner County tax map PEC & Monticello viewshed maps DCR Division of Natural Heritage CIS program - RE Assessor's Office County overlay maps plats/surveys, County overlay maps landowner County Engineering Department VOF, PEC, TNC etc. Council lation ! Ltion and Recreation .on Systems rte Road; EC = Entrance Corridor Points 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 5.00 2.94 0.00 0.00 1.19 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.48 points McCaskill, W. Brand TM 72, Parcel 51 (167.602 acres) Ranking Owner: Massie E. i Property: Tax Map 8. Tax Map 8. Total Ranking Criteria De Criteria A. 1 no Criteria A.2 11 ~ Criteria B. 1 no Criteria B.2 no Criteria B.3 12 Criteria C. 1 0 fi Criteria C.2 yes Criteria C.3 2,51 Criteria C.4 no Criteria C.5 no Criteria C.6 60. Criteria C.7 yes Criteria C.8 no Criteria C.9 no Criteria C. 10 n/a Criteria D. 1 no Point Total PEC = Piedmont Environment~ VOF = Virginia Outdoors Fora TNC = The Nature Conservanc DCR = Department of Conserv CIS = Comprehensive Informa SH = Scenic Highway; SR = S1 Evaluation Criteria & Points Determination ~Iughes Parcel 57 ( 29.200 acres) Parcel 58 ( 89.620 acres) (118.820 acres Source for Points termination .820 acres DR's eliminated ',4 feet on SR PEC RE Assessor's Office landowner landowner Zoning & Planning Departments county overlay maps letter from landowner landowner plats PEC & Monticello viewshed maps DCR Division of Natural Heritage CIS Program- RE Assessor's Office County overlay maps plats/surveys, County overlay maps landowner County Engineering Department VOF, PEC, TNC etc. Points ,60 acres 1 Council .dation Y ation and Recreation ion Systems ate Road; EC = Entrance Corridor 0.00 2.38 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 5.00 2.58 0.00 0.00 1.22 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.18 points Hughes, MassieE. TM 84, Parcel 57 ( TM 84, Parcel 58 ( Total (1 29.200 acres) 89.620 acres) L8.820 acres) Ranking Owner: Property: Evaluation Criteria & Points Determination Gladys W, Clarke Tax Map 5 5, Parcel 7 ( Tax Map 5 , Parcel 1 lA ( Total Ranking Criteria Criteria A. 1 no Criteria A.2 12( Criteria B. 1 no Criteria B.2 no Criteria B.3 11 Criteria C. 1 0 Criteria C.2 yes Criteria C.3 1,9: Criteria C.4 no Criteria C.5 no Criteria C.6 83.: Criteria C.7 yes Criteria C.8 no Criteria C.9 no Criteria C. 10 n/a Criteria D. 1 no Point Total PEC = Piedmont Environment VOF = Virginia Outdoors Fora TNC = The Nature Conservam DCR = Department of Conser~ CIS = Comprehensive Informa SH = Scenic Hi~tway; SR = S 54.700 acres) 65.550 acres) (120.250 acres termination .250 acres 3R's eliminated et iO feet on SR ;44 acres Source for Points PEC RE Assessor's Office landowner landowner Zoning & Planning Departments county overlay maps letter from landowner landowner plats PEC & Monticello viewshed maps DCR Division of Natural Heritage CIS Program- RE Assessor's Office County overlay maps plats/surveys, County overlay maps landowner County Engineering Department VOF, PEC, TNC etc. 1 Council tdation Y ation and Recreation :ion Systems · ate Road; EC = Entrance Corridor Points 0.00 2.41 0.00 0.00 5.50 0.00 5.00 1.95 0.00 19.53 points 0.00 0.00 1.67 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Source Criteria A. 1 (parcel joins an ¢ Criteria A.2 (size of parcel) - Criteria B. 1 (parcel threatene~ Criteria B.2 (parcel threatene~ Criteria B.3 (number of usabl Departments. This calculatio~ Criteria C. 1 (mountaintop pre Criteria C.2 (working family Criteria C.3 (parcel joins a ¥ from plats/surveys (if availabl Criteria C.4 (parcel contains proof from landowner if regis Criteria C.5 (parcel contains a Criteria C.6 (parcel contains County Real Estate Office. O Criteria C.7 (parcel within dff Criteria C.8 (parcel lies on st~ maps for Points Determination of ACE Applicants ×isting easement etc.) - PEC, VOF, TNC, VDHR, County of Albemarle PRFA Real Estate Assessor's Office l with forced sale) - written proof from landowner, his attorney etc. [ by economic hardship) - written proof from landowner, his attorney etc. ; development rights eliminated) - official determination by Zoning and Planning ~ assumes a loss of one DR due to an existing main residence. tection) - county overlay maps : rrm) - written proof from landowner, site visit, tax returns etc. irginia scenic highway or byway, entrance corridor or public road) - determine e), if not, then County tax maps (1 inch = 600 feet) istoric resources or lies in primary Monticello viewshed) - see PEC maps, obtain :ered structure and review Monticello viewshed maps Natural Heritage listing) - contact Natural Heritage Division (DCR) type III soils or better) - for properties under land-use, see CIS program from :herwise, use dot grid with County soil survey tking supply watersheds) - look at "Open Space Concept Map" rte scenic river) - determine from plats/surveys (if available), if not, County tax Criteria C.9 (parcel subiect landowner or holder of easem, Criteria C. 10 (parcel lies wit] Engineering Department Criteria D. 1 (parcel can be le proof PEC = Piedmont Enviroumem VOF = Virginia Outdoors Fou TNC = The Nature Conservan DCR = Department of Conser CIS = Comprehensive Inforrr SH -- Scenic Highway; SR = t ) permanent easement that establishes a riparian buffer) - written proof from ;nt lin sensitive groundwater recharge area) - contact Dave Hirschman in County veraged with funding from outside source) - contact landowner, obtain written al Council adation :y ~ation and Recreation .tion Systems rate Road; EC = Entrance Corridor Rankin Owner: Property: Millwood i Tax Map 6 Ranking Criteria Criteria Ad 1 Criteria A.2 Criteria B. 1 Criteria B.2 Criteria B.3 Criteria C. 1 Criteria C.2 Criteria C.3 D 1,5 Evaluation Criteria & Points Determination ',and Trust (Gildea) 5, Parcel 86 (105.360 acres) termination 39' on easements 105.360 acres no no 7 E R's eliminated lies in SWHD no 4,51 [2 feet on SR 1,1.8 feet on EC/SH no no ;26 acres Criteria C.4 Criteria C.5 Criteria C.6 55.~ Criteria C.7 no Criteria C.8 no Criteria C.9 no Criteria C. 10 n/a Criteria D. 1 no Point Total PEC = Piedmont Environment~ VOF = Virginia Outdoors Fora TNC = The Nature Conservam DCR = Department of Conser~ CIS = Comprehensive Informa SH = Scenic Highway; SR = S Source for Points PEC & plat RE Assessor's Office landowner landowner Zoning & Planning Departments county overlay maps letter from landowner landowner plat PEC & Monticello viewshed maps DCR Division of Natural Heritage CIS Program - RE Assessor's Office County overlay maps plats/surveys, County overlay maps landowner County Engineering Department VOF, PEC, TNC etc. d Council tdation Y ation and Recreation :ion Systems ate Road; EC = Entrance Corridor Points 3.18 2.11 0.00 0.00 3.50 3.00 0.00 6.38 0.00 0.00 1.t! 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.28 points Millwodd Land Trust TM 65, Parcel 86 (105. 360 acres SCAt. r= IN FEET k SECTION 65