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SDP200800154 Legacy Document 2012-06-25 (4)
RE-STOLRE'N STATION ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRIG-71N/A TAX MAF.55B/ FARC--,,EL PRE.L INDEX OF SHEETS DRAWING No SHEET NO. TITLE G -1 I OF 12 COVER SHEET G -2 2 OF 12 NOTES 0-3 3 OF 12 EXISTING CONDITIONS d DEMOLITION PLAN C-4 4 OF 12 RTE 250 - ENTRANCE PLAN G -5 5 OF 12 51TE LAYOUT PLAN G -6 6 OF 12 GRADING PLAN G -1 '7 OF 12 SEPTIC # UTILITY PLAN G -8 8 OF 12 DIMENSION PLAN G-9 9 OF 12 DETAIL SHEET G -IO 10 OF 12 LANDSCAPING /SITE LIGHTING PLAN G -II II OF 12 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 0-12 12 OF 12 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN DETAILS DEPARTMENT OF GOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNER/ZONING ENGINEER ROGER W. RAY 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY, DATE BUILDING OFFICIAL gyy COUNTY, STATE, DATE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD WHITE HALL TAX MAP REFERENCE, DATE FIRE OFFICIAL HG HIGHWAY - COMMERCIAL SETBACK REQUIREMENTS, DATE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY oxr'm SITE �1 DATE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REAR - DATE October 15/ 200(5 M I NAR) SITE PLAN APPL I GAT ON (SDP 200(5-00 54) SPED AL USE PERMIT SITE DATA: (SUP 200q-00054) ONMERAPPLIGANT, SITE ADDRE55, VIGINITI' MAP 5GALE: I"= 2000' ENGINEER, JEFFRIES 11 LLG P.O. BOX 910 CROZET, VA 22,152 RE5TORE'N STATION 6115 ROCKF15H GAP TURNPIKE CROZET, VA 22932 NP ENGINEERING 680 IVY FARM DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 TELEPHONE - (434f 531 -1551 SOURCE OF SURVEY, ROGER W. RAY 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY, ROGER W. RAY 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. DATUM OF SURVEY, gyy COUNTY, STATE, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA Fo, m S Y� WHITE HALL TAX MAP REFERENCE, ZONING, HG HIGHWAY - COMMERCIAL SETBACK REQUIREMENTS, FRONT - oxr'm SITE �1 PARKING, 10' 4 Mlfp� REAR - BUILDING, 50' PARKING, 20' (UNDISTURBED BUFFER) WEST SIDE (ADJACENT TO RA ZONING) - ENGINEER, JEFFRIES 11 LLG P.O. BOX 910 CROZET, VA 22,152 RE5TORE'N STATION 6115 ROCKF15H GAP TURNPIKE CROZET, VA 22932 NP ENGINEERING 680 IVY FARM DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 TELEPHONE - (434f 531 -1551 SOURCE OF SURVEY, ROGER W. RAY 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY, ROGER W. RAY 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. DATUM OF SURVEY, NAVD 88 COUNTY, STATE, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, WHITE HALL TAX MAP REFERENCE, 55B - I ZONING, HG HIGHWAY - COMMERCIAL SETBACK REQUIREMENTS, FRONT - WILD NG, 50' PARKING, 10' REAR - BUILDING, 50' PARKING, 20' (UNDISTURBED BUFFER) WEST SIDE (ADJACENT TO RA ZONING) - BUILDING, 50' PARKING, 20' (UNDISTURBED BUFFER) EAST 51DE (ADJACENT TO HG ZONING) - BUILDING, O' PARKING, 10' EXISTING USES, VACANT PROPOSED USES, COMMERCIAL (GAS STATION 6 CONVENIENCE STORE) 'Prop— tyl !' For tp to 1,614 qqppdd II water uaa e. Ylell wafer b reatrkted to !hb WIL Well will be nnlered to oonfFm usage. (Writer eo,.ce For Ior�capYg b rcuee of atortn woterU VM Sewage vv l Syatem L bro tloe Permit Of lot- 090311 b d Sept 16,200q for 1600 gpd LAND USE SCHEDULE, PROPOSED BUILDING 3,000.00 SQ FT. 1.69 %) PAVED (OR GRAVEL) 53,'10(,.10 5Q % ) OPEN SPACE Q- .4 9 6 20,29049 6 ) 1"Ib99b59 % TOTAL , S0. FT. (4.06 AcJ PARKING SCHEDULE, REQUIRED PARKING MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 15 35' RETAIL (Ist Floor) ALL 516N5 MUST BE APPROVED BY ARE 3,000 GSF x 0.80 a I SPACE/100 65F = 24 SPACES OFFICE (2nd FLOOR) 3,000 G5F x 0.60 o I SPACE/200 GSF = 12 SPACES Ar- L� 7 X09� NP ENG 1 NEER I NG 10. 680 Ivy Farm Drive, Ghorlot-tesville, Virglnla 22G01 '® (434) 531 -7381 w w w � a 4 e y� Q Zzl >Q n W V L O ILI CL < I � Q oowm ar wac w 9AB /os rrv+ w M. w 9A6/o3 rJal®er ante w.c mfr 8501 awwbs G-I r,m OF 12 Ewa. TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED FOR THIS SITE = 24 + 12 = 36 SPACES -TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED = 35 SPACES + 5 HANDICAP = 38 SPACES WATER RESOURCE AREA, THE 517E LIE5 WITHIN A WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION AREA RESERVOIR WATERSHED, THE SITE LIES WITHIN THE BEAVER GREEK RESERVOIR WATERSHED FLOODPLAIM THE SITE DOES NOT LIE WITHIN A FLOODPLAIN MAXIMUM 1311LDINS HEIGHT, MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 15 35' 516NAGE, ALL 516N5 MUST BE APPROVED BY ARE EMPLOYEES, MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES = 10 1N Ar- L� 7 X09� NP ENG 1 NEER I NG 10. 680 Ivy Farm Drive, Ghorlot-tesville, Virglnla 22G01 '® (434) 531 -7381 w w w � a 4 e y� Q Zzl >Q n W V L O ILI CL < I � Q oowm ar wac w 9AB /os rrv+ w M. w 9A6/o3 rJal®er ante w.c mfr 8501 awwbs G-I r,m OF 12 Ewa. GENERAL CON5TRUGTION NOTES FOR 51TE PLANS GENERAL UTILITY NOTES I. Prior to any construction within any existing public right -of -way, I. Contact Mlss Utility at I(800) 552 - 1001 48 hours prior to any radlnq or dl glnq to have underground utilities marked. Including connection to any axlsting road, a permit sFiall be obtained from the Virginia The contractor shall verify all utility Information prior to cons'truuction"ta Includa Eype and sizes 6f pipe and services to Department Transportation drawn the of OT). Th is plan as may not accurately re ect his own satisfaction. requirements of the permit. ere any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit 2. All existing utilities shown on this plan have been taken from available records. The contractor Is required to dig test hall goe Its in advanca of trenchin In order to determine the exact location and elevation at crossin s. If a conflict Is 2. ll paving drainage related materials and construction methods shall conform to current discovered, notify NP Engineering at 434 531- 7381. Prior to beginning Installation of utllltles, contractor shall verify ecfca Ions standards of the Glty of Charlottesville unless otherwise noted. to �-A Inverts at all connections with existing utilities prior purchasing or ordering any precast structures. t. 3. osion and siltation control measures shall be provided In accordance with the approved 3. All hyydrant locations to be approved by the Albemarle County Fre Marshal to final approval by the county and prior osion control plan and shall be Installed prior to any clearing, grading or other are Eo be Installed according to standards. nstruction. W 4. All blasting requirements to install utilities shall require a permit and shall be performed In accordance with the Albemarle 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are ti be fertilized, seeded and mulched. The maximum County standards and the prolIact specifications. allowable slope Is 2:1 (h rtical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes 5. All storm sewer shall be cons'fructed in accordance with VDOT specifications section 302 and section 240 and as J� be achieve of Bel , r better are bi be achieved. specified on the drawings. B. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when, In the opinion of the b. The contractor is required to all tests required by the Albemarle County Service Authority to secure (v perform the Engineers, or the Engineer 's designee, It Is deemed necessary acceptance of all utilities. In order to stabilize a dFaInage co channel. "1. All concrete used in utility construction shall be 4000 P51 concrete In accordance with DOT specification section 219. 6. All traffic control signs shall conform the Virginia manual for Uniform traffic Devices. 8. No plantings or erection of other obstructions shall be made within ten feet of any fire hydrant. -1. W lass 111 Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Glass III. 9. All utilities to be placed under existing county streets must be bored or Jacked unless specifically approved otherwise p 8. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the or noted on the plans. W Construction Industry (29 GFR Part 1936). 10. For utllltles installed under roadways and /o r easements planned for future roadways, backflll, shall be compacted 4. The location of a to not less than 95% of maximum density; In accordance with VDOT specifications sections 523.03, 302, 303.10 and 200.02 plans and where shown are only approximately proposed work are not necessarily shown on h utilities across or along the line on t correct. Z per The contractor shall on his own Initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. II. A r F.F.M. F.F. t horizontal separation shall be maintained unless otherwise specified between all water lines and sanitary sewer 10. The contractor shall verify the locations of all boundaries, buildings, vegetation and other pertinent site elements, lines In accordance with state health department standards. II. The contractor shall be 'responsible for notifying MI55 UTILITY" 1 -800 - 552 --1001 prior to any excavation. 12. All concrete within the public right of way shall -be at least 3,500 psi. 13. Prior to any construction, Contractor shall field verify all existing conditions and notify the owner of any discrepancies. i D GENERAL NOTES SITE PLAN NOTES I. Areas on which fill Is to be placed shall be cleared, grubbed, and stripped of tysoll. Soil materials shall be free of 1. All drainage to VDOT debris, roots, wood scrap material, vegetation, refuse, soft unsound particles and frozen deleterious or pavinci related materials and construction methods shall conform current specifications and standards diameter be the lift thickness Maximum 2. 51te lightrrng Is shown on the objectionable materials. The maximum particle shall one -half particle photometric plan. 3. On -site dumpster enclosure will match the bulldin diameter shall be one -half the lift thickness. Common fill material shall be unclassified soli material with the proposed . characteristics required to compact to the soil density specifled for the Intended location. Backflll and fill 4. The location of existing utilities across or along the line a proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and material. ASTM D 2451, classification GW, GP, GM, Sr,, SW, SP, 5M, Sr- with a maximum ASTM D4315 liquid where shown are only approximately correct. The contractor shall on his own Initiative locate all underground lines and limit of 35 maximum A5TM D 4318 plosticlty Index of 12 and maximum of 25 percent by weight passing ASTM structures as necessary. D 1140 No. 200 sieve. Select material ASTM D 2481, classification GW, GP, 5W, 5P with a maximum of 10 5. The contractor shall verify the locations of all boundaries, buildings and other pertinent site elements. percent b weight passing ASTM D 1140 No. 200 sieve. 6. All site drainage Is to be diverted Into the stormwater detention facility (rain tank). 2. Use seler material under buildings and structures; use fill and backflll material under parking areas, roads, '1. Pavement morkGg color is to be white (except blue morkingqs shall supplement sidewalks, and other concrete and paved surfaces; use common fill material for general site grading. Place material white markings for parking spaces for persons with d15abil(Ele5). In maximum b" lifts. 3. Compact layers of fill to 95 percent by ASTM D 698 beneath pavements and walks Including areas that may be used for future construction. In other unpaved areas compact to 90 percent by A5TM D b98. If the densitytof the adjacent soil Is more than the density specified, then compact to a density not less than the density of the adjacen soil. 4. The structure tops are to be set after fine grading Is flnrshed to avoid unnecessary rework. 5. All finished grading seeding and sodding shall be done In such a manner to preclude the ponding of the water on the site, particu Orly adjacent o the buildings or storm Inlets. 6. All streets outside public rights of way are to be privately owned and maintained. T. Contractor Is to that i.e. telephone, In to o verify all utilities water sewer, gas, electric, cable, atc., are place prior construction of subbase and /or paving. `e 8. Proposed underground utilities such as electric, telephone, cable and gas, which serve this facility, shall be located g g g g Kith a minimum 5-foot separation from public water mains and sanitary sewer. 9. Cut and patch work In existing streets must be In accordance with VDOT and Albemarle county public performed standards and specifications. 10. To the best of our belief and knowledge, there are no known grovesites on the subject property. II. These plans and profiles and all the new construction with this plan shall be In accordance with the current approved Albemarle county service authority's general water and sewer construction specifications, any amendments thereof and the standards and specifications of VOOT. QQ $ 4 8 SUF 200q -00054 Requirements - ' I ue0. teumaeHULYCy tmvnM NY epetlelvwpemllb muetl hrammnenmtl Imm Ne mbel Ewmeppm»L ]eMtm memeE ebeMweE eMNe O tzt�� V mnY Y61,1'"e a N�m"".�v Mle, m• wmTeneecme .n.•mnemmnawnahmmM�wenm Ne wee v R� Mreau»�nv m.r.p.rtma N..w..mYaemaL gemmmlMa.b mwmetl < D;R 1 OPALDG]AMLZ R NgpmaZPBBB]]. Depe,mevl�tCem Iry�iperebpmue Bi�nly > n LI- rmrwwlove]IOh v »H95 Y1, ' PLee<leHIJ965D 6wberPls�e l� V I Z ? •�' Mp »mbm l],IDip] Cumnl Da »bpmeMUVUbn 1411 -11 'O\ v v� ¢ hl5be ll LLC !T/ ]ePc .w r�D aoxetD CbMMnNw VA]2WIbe VA]]➢]] 4L O � /v PE: 6P weppH pE5TIX1ETl BTADDN Emw CC. eM MemtlL GD9 Tw McPwB Pemell Johulnw Nr+Mry, ZPNg psr NPEnpMeevq: Q U, huembrJ,]btE.Ne AaaMEe CUmybpmtla SVPavbaelpakvG 'muBPfAPJPW'Ab . Ina. m. ne Pppaan. aPmmM», Im »rene.wepnrtleytprihr,.naM.eml. enTw III L1.1 E %bP ssD.�awl t mNe Wk]e Raaeple Thb.wEPlpwPamewm PpawM mwtl wNe Idkwhq Mro'we: '. a�wmOpP' n�e a' ml'""on,memmplume�neime'.mrw`le °1°Wdp nemmmwHwem,wnwmym bpameinumby NezwmE AEnbbmar In w IvMYan MN Ne Danry Ggawr. RawM a Eel ry vmler mneungbn Me0 MmMeatlbhe MNalay.N]M(u) Munole ienuvlmm W Iaenp IEMnbmbC ]. W93)pebMpatl %NpeW pea; eMlnaaautl pne NpuwMeMMMmtle.pnry.Irn J. TMepamnt WOY]YIIZMmeYmNeYmwnpepl, bwmfkbmtleMm NMbpwYrM /y�n�� x LL --I Q mml mpn NnoM Nanmp W IuMieE Msnly.Rm II.B]LI pe0mupprtlPY. P�Yrb _ mMPl Pl pie Ppwimbblen tlpNU Meehe wgMbepgwelb/Ne Tmnaq nr M myun<Ilm wN Ne Canty Fnpewer, 4. TW wbp kalxlnl a euem lmlpe vM I ml wweE Nee Nauwd tJ, W 0) puce beC m b�ueprmaneu opmlm WentlerwMeblem (]BI Iwo PMtley, B. 1Mn�1 M MI mwe Nw ewen (n p ump YemM enE Mke 11]1 nmh tlbpmren, kN MI tltwMlil Jim i nYltll )RmpenmP I =e b�Q�i®"I lnaj " "rey�l"q°rebhm'luet�l.�m� _ mp Nwaw lllnpaMkrwn111PenPemmnkrpMr "vtl OUelhk eMwN ndmme Nen vm ltl wwe ar ve l t) wmp ebeu by MmuM mel; T. Rnbevmrbw»aea npm lwl rTndmpwmpewwonip «vNe wwNP.neM]m nolel® er )yore W M8/OH DaASPIn vnre NP MB /OB GC.A® OY vnre P. Oremgnluemm "npukeppnYxeNenMlMpemmevetla beelwndlp"2 enm. eYiie l]Dpm.Tha viNmMelWlpehegne NElmtlrq MeurA weMPM InmWj meaAavme emgnnnEby Bmeee PMn Apemeep wM:CaerpMMm palaplmM;mq, " BeD0V0iamae°'"ae.]Pw vimENm nme °ev`o"]Me ReyM�euaw�meulmtlgmp�n"dpnvltl"� PL! yAy 8501 - e wPaptiEerywopawpaMmesn .PMnnPemaw..wEapwpaMe,MM eaeMaw - 7H �eAlt I' =30' V ' ��� Pltlwebe.. NMeMpyC Ne AlbemWe COUnry DOVMMDUgrvYen bekeNenen Ne . . p »)eanpltl ....... m . M - MnUC hiv Z ThN lbnptluln M 11 .11 C-2 aPPllcvbelpep.rpwpeM mb nemy e-L umu WMuntl .ae EEIALDBEPE PTOy T - n.E ee e.emmpllwuPmpee sbePUPHe mwRa mMbvrteun; C wE i•I, �IpIbID. P-6-0. • epprpvM eMZOMND CDMPWNDl DL[AMRDG C, CAW. In. PJBOf 20F 12 1 �MD. z W T.M. BOWIE W HRI.GE YL OR .B H325/ 16 gRTLEY D D /416 ,EAN M. PATTE�� D.B. 773/225 ZONED I R4 -� V TM. SSE-01-Al .............. ................. :...................:.... _ ........................... MARrH MOUNTAIN PftOPER71E5 W ZONEDrNE16FBORkG6Di•10DELD Or _ .. NNI - DB.53 ------------ _ _ ..................... _may „.. - ' w. „.... .„ - -__. -_ ............: ..;r.;.:.....,. _ -_ _- __•_ -. -_ ............. ..............................„ .'„....:.-.......... .................::. :::::.::::: ...................:: . . .............. ................... aie w ka.r art. .. '.::::::::::s.- :•..::: - -. � ............ ..._- .- .- ...................... ____ PRO.EOT "123.5 PROJ1 ,, Ei< IP Dm �mb ............... ._____________ __________ _ ____ ___ w,se ralrm,e Ex. Edgs ,� Tmw imAx rwmreme A�w.nm lwuaxn lrx dv --------- ----- --------•--------- c o• a+n _.._.._...__._ • ”, i L nwa.r m. ce !� W17 _ w ye�e � p�r Va PAMNf 'Ktl.1 �'J � � alf• ki064094 .. l4lleOX OnW OIIfYII@ �e �� �-:�•- I ' `j--------------------- CI I TM. 55 -109 I' ! _ -- FROEHLIN6 7 ROBEIZTS, INC- D.B. 1124-315, 311 s 310 PLAT - T.M. 55 -1098 CROZET LODSE NO 2164, LOYAL ORDER O FMOOSE INO. j OB. 34q—M5 4 4 4 4 8 TA 558 -1 . ,, `. 4 ZD�6h•A9O' HEO S T.M. 555-I5 6D84LAT RA YANOEY 2 CO RP. D.B. -463-55 D8. 3-qI DEW. D8. 2gllq PLAT S fg€ l A qqq T8 €j CRITICAL , SLOPES , , ii=1 •1 .... Y , ,I ._j , z }r ' t I wl ' II g j' Q — a LU I I I' z z z I! v I � Q ? I i , I ,r�: Z , n _ !() I ; 7r+: sse3 --------------- ' '�E�f'CaLE,ORE�i7 NOMES ! ' - ---- SMLd553 -2 , 0 -1 �, Q 2 DBrP�36g3/2 R' .� ' hgl RA � ```•, ' ,�8. 1251 T ' �ti Q � Z Zon W Use Resldenklal DE1. 146 -465 DE5O. I o I 3 I I ' . 121 D£5O. W Zon I R4 (li x � I sl tlai J Use Re den / Z Q - F W Ld61m Ef OAR NP MB /OB DiWNp( OAR M MB /OB ' GCI®BY OAR rsa exr 8501 T V er/d! I• =50' / OR/HI1g O -3 GRAPHIC SCALE 1-50• 'j Pam Yl IMhvbi D. Perkte P1�T - !� C82f. IU.092iO4 0 50 100 150 t� r0 /® E3 OF 12 I eler w. EXISTINC7 ROAD CONDITIONS 21 Extend l ' remove ,5p"p 10 PROPOSED ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 3) Extend 18" concrete 1 e 10' and reconstruct concrete headwall. 4) Relocate ditch under gravel driveway and regrade ditch to lb" pipe. TOTAL TRANSITION LElSTH . 1,500' TYPICAL CURB SECTION T.M. 55-IDBA EIRI.CE K OR E M. KIRTLEY RTE 250 PMT TRANSITION LENGTH . 65m' EAST TRANSITION LENGTH . 625.00' e DB. W23 /416 TJ4. 55 -104A raSE'rEaAHD eAS�OPBaiIHD LI'2F Lr 940.LOHR DITCH t M. P CN STO LEFT . 1001!0' LEFT TURN TAPER • 200,!0' LEFT TURN TRANSITION a 925.00' T 4 55E -01 -AI MA PRO TT5122 5 ZONED, RA _ RT. TARN TAFE R = 140.00' RT. TURN LAM - 200.00' _11CISH ORHO 3O1ODEL _ 2OVHLrAY 'J/D•,I D/Dyi 5323/4 �yA -_ - T (TO COIFliPt-D BY VCOT) R PPE .. 31E - ----- ___ T ,�� ,gym TT TMLYE TMM ----------------- _ _ -_____ PRaEGT'I23 -6 PROVIDED Bl VDA.T . .. .. .... .. .. — •— +nr —. —. mph) Tout Ism 5. ROUTE 250 (IIO R/VU r�:POrt/strWh9 ___ M• aPPPmcALNHgiq NARgpxNS wx 'J6N - -- -•�• -• - •- •- •- •- •- •- •- •- • -• -•- _ ve a R. PA�HNgiF NAM1mx q, �•� nIz PAVBpi 'bib T>12p X4T I'd _ ___________ ____________ ___._ Ex. Edge mdvw n ypa, .. _ -- °--- . - _- _______ -- _ -- ___- ____ -__ -__ _ �m`w - � �1___ wartlit -A• w-;- 94� I • � ., - - -- - -- -------------- - iere -�7'� •- - =VDOf RAV ,y�,, _ EXISTINC7 ROAD CONDITIONS 21 Extend l ' remove ,5p"p 10 PROPOSED ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 3) Extend 18" concrete 1 e 10' and reconstruct concrete headwall. 4) Relocate ditch under gravel driveway and regrade ditch to lb" pipe. TOTAL TRANSITION LElSTH . 1,500' TYPICAL CURB SECTION RTE 250 RTE 250 PMT TRANSITION LENGTH . 65m' EAST TRANSITION LENGTH . 625.00' e "STDoL O LH raSE'rEaAHD eAS�OPBaiIHD LI'2F Lr 940.LOHR DITCH t PeST PEST TAPER " 600.00' STORfvSE .'15.00' STO LEFT . 1001!0' LEFT TURN TAPER • 200,!0' LEFT TURN TRANSITION a 925.00' r. •.I LTIIMW! u' 1 0' 0' RT. TARN TAFE R = 140.00' RT. TURN LAM - 200.00' z, 2OVHLrAY 'J/D•,I D/Dyi �yA -_ - T (TO COIFliPt-D BY VCOT) __-_�_ n'0 Be COIF7R'® BY VDOTJ - CNF1 Ho6,4e94E969�rt w P P „n 1) 2) 51 ht Distance East = 500' (45 mph) Sight Distance West = 610'(55 — — — - -- ---- — --- -- — — — — - - - -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — a Ew mph) CIX6M,E,b1 .IWT Ym'tx0 ¢ murom SI®A4 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ______ ____ __ mPAEEm smR•x CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL ® pCN01£ [ASTNE ASRW.T UTDB TO E'E1N0 SI®AZ ND ,ERIC •lIN PAOPO>m AY1W.T A,Cf,1q UlGS ® PAW7m IE.,.�A��, IY nd THOE AvxNr wPAa cou¢ as wTE m CAM. CyESWT 10 AE"F TIE ilA1 MAILA OF DbiNE ATPIVLT UTFRf NOTES, B t. ASfVLT PAWE)R'AODEME 9WJ. HAVE A PAK1Clf LF.9C11 M Att01�NKC EIIH C1IED? KNIT PPO®IRS /IC ff /PPIIOYFD BY llE FNEE6JL _ _ _ _ aT® urvs rc Ensme PAweFr. >. �w af' THEE NIE.4 _ [E T NONE TIC f9(IFN OF TE IO.IACEb 1MHL LNEATO OCTD"E[ M 1TPE NO nEaEET9 OF DOERp Pbm uYVa. TEY mis .... i OE mI®M AbE T✓H bE !FLT MATE. R' maP�'� "Pnvm,r�nmen u"uss ,rH04�"'vm ar, xaaES wo xmrcAn wim N, As,wRT wsws cauc¢ TE wTa TIE WM OETH eF TE EIV51M PANDOlT TO BE IOIO>'IFO l0 /GENE NI ATIDTASE PAMFE,i Cnoa -401E F o mECn"rE"rwsF�Oa'�rn �. !. DSIPE PA.EIMT WIgPE NO YAM9B EITM l,E PROFLF W,5 9WL b RETTdEE S6FLI TO TE A310TVN 6 TE [NOEDI. )• ti �1N LOGTIpQ AWL E IOff� VAIO E P FOOT 41flNp11EOZ N FCCOR0.W2 RfH 11E: �ROlNUt1119 a 16.0)IN OF 11E ASPHALT PAVEMENT WIDENING 4E av Trm FOR WOENNO SUBJECT TO TRAFFIC b1E2 VREM\ [OAt110R OF TIMImORIATpI >B DIMENSION PLAN PAVEMENT SECTION ALONG RTE 250 Tt-A RIFIED 2” SM -12.5 surface mix BY VDOT 3" BM -25.0 Intermediate mix 8" - V DOT #21A BASESTONE GOMPAGTED SUBCGRADE GBR =10 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED TYPICAL R -O -W PAVEMENT 5EGTION (ALONG RTE. 250) TYPICAL SHOULDER SECTION TYPICAL CURB SECTION RTE 250 RTE 250 e IM e "STDoL O LH raSE'rEaAHD eAS�OPBaiIHD LI'2F Lr 940.LOHR DITCH Y6H N! 0 WU�RT8�0.M WTS! D r. •.I LTIIMW! u' 1 0' 0' z, 2OVHLrAY 'J/D•,I D/Dyi �yA PAY04EW OWTION IM R DETAIL PAVEMENT SWTICH c5 (TO COIFliPt-D BY VCOT) NOTES FOR THIS PLAN I. The arrows at the entrance are for informaton only. They are not pavement markings. 2. The tie -In to Rte 250 pavement structure needs to be determined by Note 3 In the WP -2 Standard. 3. The milling and overlay section In the typical sections needs to be In accordance with Note 4 In the WP -2 Standard. 4. 06 -1 Is to be used In-VDOT right -of -way along Route 250. G6-6 Is to be used on the site. GRAPHIC SCALE 1'50' 0 50 100 150 7 � i s n CERT. NO. 092904 H i� W w W 4 4 4 4 4 6 8 i d „ i ZzJ z 900 g < >< w N � a- z =CI w %j if) Oto LU IL o Q Hn LImX K Q Dawmm DAre w I 9A6 /06 cPAlw 1!( vnre rr I 9/16106 aHerAO�Br Ernre ru mir 8501 DR lE� PPO.rcr PECr 4OF 12 _w. TYPICAL CURB SECTION RTE 250 e Y6H N! 0 WU�RT8�0.M WTS! D Z d 0' LTIIMW! u' 1 0' 0' z, 9/D•,I 'J/D•,I D/Dyi 70 LL AY PAVEMENT SWTICH c5 ?\ \ 6 n'0 Be COIF7R'® BY VDOTJ NOTES FOR THIS PLAN I. The arrows at the entrance are for informaton only. They are not pavement markings. 2. The tie -In to Rte 250 pavement structure needs to be determined by Note 3 In the WP -2 Standard. 3. The milling and overlay section In the typical sections needs to be In accordance with Note 4 In the WP -2 Standard. 4. 06 -1 Is to be used In-VDOT right -of -way along Route 250. G6-6 Is to be used on the site. GRAPHIC SCALE 1'50' 0 50 100 150 7 � i s n CERT. NO. 092904 H i� W w W 4 4 4 4 4 6 8 i d „ i ZzJ z 900 g < >< w N � a- z =CI w %j if) Oto LU IL o Q Hn LImX K Q Dawmm DAre w I 9A6 /06 cPAlw 1!( vnre rr I 9/16106 aHerAO�Br Ernre ru mir 8501 DR lE� PPO.rcr PECr 4OF 12 _w. - -- - ------ - - - - -- INV _----------- - - - TER ---- --- - -- 698.10 BLUE PAINT '' PROVIDED BY V.D.O.T.) PROJEGT i23 -6 (PLAN5 ROUTE 250 w ' C4-1 15' 06-9 IN= OMP FOUND •— �. OUND ••— •• —••�•• ••� a'T�eB N it i IB' relon es�.TOanl PO PO _= =T N66 °48'34 "E 389.23f 6 o Rho I I 4 i Inv = 1053 '102.14 1 ....... I I i 1 IRON IFOUND 1 I I Dralnfleld G Reserve ' r 6 .........•. II i1V I m �. III I I L rx a i S a® •-1 I I ' q 1 " I I I o � ' I T 0 4 4 4 4 6 = Oet Fl•9.000 ' •w _ tr (2N A ® ' 3 _ III ® I I I I I Edll Q ' I coxta�r 4 i x Q 1 � 0 I I I +�I x I I I I - 1 I I x :Zm:i�;?si , IRON I I • ..... ;'_ - :'.: FOUND I xJ x ..�../ x I i; ........ . .'Z.• III z Q� I i I x al I ----•� x im I I I z 0 LLJ eAdditlone Res ry ISeptic System I .�gpSS. +t). ' ,I O i' .. I In fy Q Q � � --- I.•..... � III I I 1 ix x ke i " . N � l Drolnfi d /A' , z E I- l- I I I Lu � _x� Drainfleld x_ —� —x x �n. r,nxy I I ' � Q r �^ N w l I F.— II I I �mX so' xls I I 155 Q ~ Well I z II I (Permit 101�I(rJ6 -04.11) I 'l? i - - PfOPOSBa — — — — — — — I I I 1 — — .— ® Well I 1 Locu ti Lo '.•o'W� I I x+w ®er onre i (prim-9), a0 ol�F PU i I 1 1 , etl °r Furc• I 1 I IP 9/18108 ppNN EY OAR NP 9/18108 ; I 1 1 ual®er core 1 IRON ' 1 1 yp' a"rx 1 FOUND L //� t R501 - N8l °48'25 "W 330.1Oft p°vaN I GRAPHIC SCALE V -30' ��, r-s Plcr - K Nalb"I G. Porklm i i I 0 30 60 90 cau. NO.094904 50F 12 � eer rn. -_ - �^L..� .e TER ............ ..................; ......................yam.... ....... ... .............. sl.Drfs -----' - '_(';r':r.: BLUE• B - -- - PAINT 1 - - _ _ _ � ................ T. __ ._....... _.__ ..................... " D. B � ::•;::•: t: �:>: �::-,--:-:- �-:'�__:::r:�:= :_::�:�- :::::: ...... - -- - -'' PROJECT 123 -G iPLANS PROVIDED ------------ - - - - - -- I ----- -- - - -- _J 250 (110 R/W) GRADING NOTES FOR THIS PLAN I. Septic fields are to ro Installed prior to grading. 2. Surveyor to locate dralnfleld corners to any site work commencing. � I' , z U.S. ROUTE prior W r ---- - '•:i• N =:i{° va 15• IRON -_____ I - ....�` .. �wdLS xrNe•ee� r• FOUND fB`7ZGP Extension INV PO - 23 W 111 r--ti�l w/headwall q)T= \ h1�6 °4834'E 389. "10253 , I Irlv a "102.1 U � i lo bM a ra we 15' .° qrl� Iti' GM 1°r _47 IOGOre�lyd°I• del 6•NeMN brut �hea�d15 Ro - _� _� g•- s."; -f4:V- F 1� I DrainfleldG 5055'Re'5erve•. I 11 I Q 1 it: 111 11 ;: 6, U �L•'�- "`��� 'r °, 77 17 I i '�I . iiY;: ]�'p�' , - ��i: +i.e� .•:ri{i;, .'i � � �• ' .n. � ,'i;:r:. -, / ::i•. ;: I , R Q • � :. , , .e I, _ ��/ / / rF:if / �il'i1 I r v "\ ' ,L \ I O L �• r ����{ ' I t•• i ::II xl `, �\I \\ \\ .1 "`T- 4 4 4 4 --"`�. -r''- /'" `\ : ±1�`� - ` 1 ■ i � UU 'F�..'. � 1 i ! I � i I ��•�� � � / I i \x : -' I � ' ` Fiii: '� }84p \ET,i:�' r 4 - CRITICAL �' ' ' ' % I IA L•.:,:.r SLOPES , 1::'i;•i:. II, :. / / , \ 7 \ .\ . r� :i�•:e.�}: I >25% �...:y ' {I t Jii.'' ?k ltypJ :ta::::: 7 .. Iv i•t::•.7:.: •Additional I---- � , „ 1� 'C•:L i % '::'1.::�� , I 1 � {L Sy5tt3m \\ \1. I I ' IU1 ':. {•::':: _ Q Z z _I LU g I— Q �sep� . C � :':::{ , IL � � / , I / / - , x Vii• ` e �� llraln�l d x; , I. :• ,'i , /' I i' \ 4\ , \I .. \•. °va >- _- --_ -1 I 1 ` to l,/ O 0. am 101 9 -04-17 51 if : ` (Pr',��,,,,•'i / ' Fw 'b'9 \ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I 1 oGbrm eY DAl! i 1 , ' 1' '• ~�1, r rlo'dt PU \ -- I I 1 1 Ilil X FUw \7 ________� -- -_-- _ -_- I w M. I I 1 I ::. I - I ,\ csn,i -`Y _ .:. r,.. .-.-.� OUNU i i I ' w MB/oB R501 am N@l °48'25"W 330.IOFt- I \`7, "`� I GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " -30' - \~ / /' /� i �/ ' /i J'', I ♦`� ____ / - ---- K NW-Wl D. PalkIr. Car. II0. 092304 0 30 60 90 :::. ; - -- -- I MTT _..i.Y.._,:r.__.._ ...... _ ,BLUE ::::•... �n:;�.__._ ::.:......:. :: ^:::':::..:::'_::_:r:::: PAINT' -- - -U.S. izOUTE — (1101 w p _�.,N µ,..mils n I, .. III :::. a,•%L:aL.,�l,<,I pSTOWa'V.TEit RVN', . \,' �a; • aL�. 9000 aU d` 000 a1) ':..t' II ) I I / S,._BOLtomW684;r� 1 �NVLaYTNBAaE,- _ i JB`17EP ELterolon 1 - INV ate' \ -- ', ' `l��b _ _ _.iv.1B'wa. POL °48'34 "E 389.23 -- �" Irr�•/ _' oz� _ a ��',��- :r. .Ire'. 1 10 ` 1 : �� ' et01FdE,OIWE•lt a Iw L) tM11FtwL c VOO �xtEnwLVeLWEte% PoLYP110FrIF1E vam PFACEMFXm% _4 1�! :::.FT':: , ' II I IRON I ' '1 ', ; � ` F, �, / , :1'T'' 1 '.7 I I iit T'1 ' -- -- =_= Drainfleld G ... .............``� \. . ___ 1 111 I ___ `Dlak. •L\ I n I _ ______ , . -- I 111 , , - �- . . . . . . . . . 1 it 1 , N ' 1 III y 1 5- .\ . . . . . . . . . I I I I h JY' I ' \ - 1 I I , 1 II/ , j' I I I I I I bid La Pw-� / I - i � ii Q i i x ` � - -.... � . � 1 I J I I \• I � N QQT' I I r:-___:__ js3;_•___;;r.� � •' :: r.::• 'll F• I , / Sep�i� System 1\ II I ; ; ';�ll , _ - ' �/ kp I I 1 , Fv? =.i__ . ' -T;"' '_ -1 q f 1 - - y. 1 I I,� ' ' / r' a .- nT'a :.j�- : :'' :i'.; ";.j \ I .♦ ,• , %'vim^- j.'.iP_j_•:c :8;- _ :^_:.�.' 1 1 ' II �jj� �� ' ' ' ,' I MBE rp• L` `, y '� I I ' Jn � 1 }I' I...a —� I cnM1� I I ' I I 1 ,'I ,'' I 9TORMWNTBt rWla; ` , . ' _ i. i x � '' 50'x50' L.,:. - rAW-5 _Y{ ' 1 1 , �`- I YybII Ar _ 'M � ' '- _ / �' ' J i cPrl''glQy)' EGr _ ♦ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' I 1 L .'' x _ , / / % 11 1 / , 1 x � - X— �x�a�X l 1 '� 1 / W„✓ I 1/ / r; - _ 1 IRON I IAa bin / F ::. ,t1 _..IL_1 Y• - - \ FOUND I {. % i i ''' ' i ' 6�0 --- N@-1 °48'2Vl 330.1Oft - 1 ''r , - - - - - -_ " .0 I I 1 ::i n I, .. III :::. \ pSTOWa'V.TEit RVN', . \,' �a; • aL�. 9000 aU d` 000 a1) ':..t' 1 I ' {:::::x. ) I I / S,._BOLtomW684;r� 1 , I i r 1 L' I r 1 I 1_"11 \ I m, \ 1 1 , / r _ a ��',��- :r. .Ire'. 1 10 J::.l 1 \ :� 1 : �� ' et01FdE,OIWE•lt a Iw L) tM11FtwL c VOO �xtEnwLVeLWEte% PoLYP110FrIF1E vam PFACEMFXm% _4 1�! :::.FT':: , 1 / :.)•: {r.. 1 ', ; � ` I / , :1'T'' 1 '.7 I I 2U i I / , I L I Fr. 1 x 1 1 I 1 / , , 1 1 1 J Tj ::. A , 1 � , \ 1 1 1 / I , 1 / , , „x l , / ` , I I I II, I I , , 6 ' 1, � : :� / � - - - - -- ..;:r' /1T' : / I ' i N � '�tM : :' ' i ,j�)� ;.: t:. ; II FT': T';. ; CRITICAL ' {`•�• / I xr: '' /' SLOPES � I ltyp.J t:•:.t::•: I, I :•: , : :YX: X , / ; :: r.::• 'll F• I , / Sep�i� System 1\ II I ; ; ';�ll , _ - ' �/ kp I I 1 , Fv? =.i__ . ' -T;"' '_ -1 q f 1 - - y. 1 I I,� ' ' / r' a .- nT'a :.j�- : :'' :i'.; ";.j \ I .♦ ,• , %'vim^- j.'.iP_j_•:c :8;- _ :^_:.�.' 1 1 ' II �jj� �� ' ' ' ,' I MBE rp• L` `, y '� I I ' Jn � 1 }I' I...a —� I cnM1� I I ' I I 1 ,'I ,'' I 9TORMWNTBt rWla; ` , . ' _ i. i x � '' 50'x50' L.,:. - rAW-5 _Y{ ' 1 1 , �`- I YybII Ar _ 'M � ' '- _ / �' ' J i cPrl''glQy)' EGr _ ♦ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' I 1 L .'' x _ , / / % 11 1 / , 1 x � - X— �x�a�X l 1 '� 1 / W„✓ I 1/ / r; - _ 1 IRON I IAa bin / F ::. ,t1 _..IL_1 Y• - - \ FOUND I {. % i i ''' ' i ' 6�0 --- N@-1 °48'2Vl 330.1Oft - 1 ''r , - - - - - -_ " .0 I • L , \ /'' I 11 / II . \,' �a; • aL�. 9000 aU d` 000 a1) 01,,, / I I'� / I, ) I I / / / 1 i' 1 I "� ------ ----- --- ---- -- J,rY: wn I � -' LQ�na 1 -I I I I I , I� I 4 0 '1' I I I I I / ` \NNINNIMM- •'--r7 -t•—• 1 \ I - -' , 1' /'' I 11 / II / 1 I � 1 � y i I I�' '� � i / I I'� / I, ) I I / / / 1 i' 1 I "� , I i r 1 L' I r 1 I 1_"11 \ I m, \ 1 1 , / r _ a ��',��- :r. .Ire'. 1 10 J::.l 1 \ :� 1 : �� I¢ ,i: et01FdE,OIWE•lt a Iw L) tM11FtwL c VOO �xtEnwLVeLWEte% PoLYP110FrIF1E vam PFACEMFXm% _4 1�! I•'L''i��- 3 LJlti73y��ll-- ce ®Q0� D- RAINTANK-- TRIPLE MODULE ®�j�� �Fwr roll I I 1 ,� 1 I I \ 1 1 , \ 1 , 1 \� 1 \` V.D.l IRON FaImD _ I- •'--r7 -t•—• 1 \ I - -' , 1' /'' I 11 / II / 1 I � 1 � y i I I�' '� � i / I I'� / I, ) I I / / / 1 i' 1 I "� , I i r 1 L' I r 1 I 1_"11 \ I m, \ 1 1 , / r _ a ��',��- :r. .Ire'. 1 10 J::.l 1 \ :� 1 : �� I¢ ,i: et01FdE,OIWE•lt a Iw L) tM11FtwL c VOO �xtEnwLVeLWEte% PoLYP110FrIF1E vam PFACEMFXm% _4 1�! I•'L''i��- 3 LJlti73y��ll-- ce ®Q0� 1 1. __ �' - ilr r. 1 :. r. - j. \ \ I. ' '1 I I \ 1 , 1 , 1 � I I I 1 / : c / i 1 ' I ,'• 1 1 ' , I I , I I , I FY`ly'�' 1 1 I 1 I , I , I::1 I :: I 1 ' / I, I 1 / 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 \ 1 SEPTIOAMILIT'r NOTES FOR TH15 PLAN I. Kitchen and sanitary pplumbing to be separated. 2. Septic fields are to be Insta -fled prior to grading. 3. All site development runoff from Impervious areas to be directed to the rain tanks. 1 :.Fh:: 1 .. ,,,,. rr_ _ .y��'^L,"���,'�' �, �, f0R 9NOE..E A9nEMOLY.BEE EIFIOnEDNEW rOn BN0.EtpWIE ''1E0N0 LEOAi� fil � :1�7rF,: I/ X.i r �TF ;a -r-, n�y..n n J�Iy n�L�n�Si d�, �yi nI'�n, ICI ��I��I.. I u� II II'�'II_I_II II ILI� }'' ..,.I"`°1 i^t" '"T'•1+:^^ [°LI('�'II II I II�II II Jj If"rl'I'n"'I� ILL L 11 T II I� r -1 -1 -I � II����iij�7"= _ il�itTT'�� iP i� I,z > . to L'. l:.L' I 1 _ a ��',��- :r. .Ire'. 1 10 J::.l 1 \ :� 1 : �� \ \ I. ' '1 I I \ 1 , 1 , 1 � I I I 1 / : c / i 1 ' I ,'• 1 1 ' , I I , I I , I FY`ly'�' 1 1 I 1 I , I , I::1 I :: I 1 ' / I, I 1 / 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 \ 1 SEPTIOAMILIT'r NOTES FOR TH15 PLAN I. Kitchen and sanitary pplumbing to be separated. 2. Septic fields are to be Insta -fled prior to grading. 3. All site development runoff from Impervious areas to be directed to the rain tanks. J�yf PLAN NEW BEY'A' LNEI IE MIGIYI -- nu%ELEV'! ELEVATONyMEW IIAx/��OtSU;i°/(IO FILTERMO Mu•.. FLO1nIME IIUQ� I ..�..�. AxD tXItEr FIFE RELILnINnxn .__....... RAIN TANK PARKING LOT ELEV = -102' MIN l � TOP ELEV = b94.0' BOTTOM ELEV = 669.T GRAPHIC SCALE V-30' 0 30 60 90 TH / 7 FL N, .bI D. Fll L. CAW. N0.03804 -� w W ��w• � Y $2 0 6 4 4 4 & t zzW X6C J �l 0- N�� Z CQ LU O �/ LU >n "` OQ< w Ln/ -3 x lL X Fowm er vnre W 4,18,08 Im/Nw Dr onre NP MEMO GC.1'ID .1' OAR PLE mlT Fi501 - ecAl.e 1.,30. nR/.laaw, FFQLLT F1Df OF 12 IIIQrrb. t r )S± •• rIi?n'lS�S� r�r s9 -rarer .. ,,,,. rr_ _ .y��'^L,"���,'�' �, �, f0R 9NOE..E A9nEMOLY.BEE EIFIOnEDNEW rOn BN0.EtpWIE ''1E0N0 LEOAi� -r�121 -I I- _ _ I I 1 � 1 �- , -r-, n�y..n n J�Iy n�L�n�Si d�, �yi nI'�n, ICI ��I��I.. I u� II II'�'II_I_II II ILI� }'' ..,.I"`°1 i^t" '"T'•1+:^^ [°LI('�'II II I II�II II Jj If"rl'I'n"'I� ILL L 11 T II I� r -1 -1 -I � II����iij�7"= _ il�itTT'�� iP i� IT-. -O -a- - 7C -I-v- -I r1-1 r -I 1 1 fS_� _�_�Sf- S�j- [g��,�17����_I�,L ifTi�ijL�.�ITyT��ifyT1�% ,��,�aTi�'TimIS �'a"ry„Ni�� ' i!�'�fi i y� �'���y'`- '7,.L'.I 'fW"1"h -�"f . .._ -"T- - _ _ 'I � - LL= j7�- ��1 :I: 1in''I'f�IT:�ri�II ILIy7ZiiLJr -, I�iILSrdri!til °ITL�ri�r�n��if -I- n n- Ira-II rn- n- I- n-II -n or -I n -Irn n -n n n rn- n-n- I -n -I- TP =_�i�a X17'= �f�7Cf'T7''li= riiTi� >riT�iiig ?- 71Tiff��7i7i'farT�� iii Til=ii _ a ��',��- �J_f ='� T=•�'_fy�, 1» NDDULEDATA aED%Emr:lExam- maruume MLn InlnM rel, lNaoNlEDlan mom -tam FLxmM IN Neo.(MIx ACFOD+EnmerEll) IEmxr•mmxeetoj yam,! ��_�iII�'��_ E9€ri;� et01FdE,OIWE•lt a Iw L) tM11FtwL c VOO �xtEnwLVeLWEte% PoLYP110FrIF1E vam PFACEMFXm% _4 1�! I•'L''i��- 3 LJlti73y��ll-- � T'S ®Q0� D- RAINTANK-- TRIPLE MODULE ®�j�� �Fwr roll I •Water Menagemenl for UtE' ea°reI:ACF ENVIRONMENTAL 1n00.a182a,6 %.W,rrlemlmnmenlol.mm J�yf PLAN NEW BEY'A' LNEI IE MIGIYI -- nu%ELEV'! ELEVATONyMEW IIAx/��OtSU;i°/(IO FILTERMO Mu•.. FLO1nIME IIUQ� I ..�..�. AxD tXItEr FIFE RELILnINnxn .__....... RAIN TANK PARKING LOT ELEV = -102' MIN l � TOP ELEV = b94.0' BOTTOM ELEV = 669.T GRAPHIC SCALE V-30' 0 30 60 90 TH / 7 FL N, .bI D. Fll L. CAW. N0.03804 -� w W ��w• � Y $2 0 6 4 4 4 & t zzW X6C J �l 0- N�� Z CQ LU O �/ LU >n "` OQ< w Ln/ -3 x lL X Fowm er vnre W 4,18,08 Im/Nw Dr onre NP MEMO GC.1'ID .1' OAR PLE mlT Fi501 - ecAl.e 1.,30. nR/.laaw, FFQLLT F1Df OF 12 IIIQrrb. t r )S± •• rIi?n'lS�S� r�r s9 -rarer .. ,,,,. rr_ _ .y��'^L,"���,'�' �, �, n_�I_ - - 1I' -r =r l lII�L�ll�� I �� �11'SI -r�121 -I I- _ _ I I 1 � 1 �- , -r-, n�y..n n J�Iy n�L�n�Si d�, �yi nI'�n, ICI ��I��I.. I u� II II'�'II_I_II II ILI� }'' ..,.I"`°1 i^t" '"T'•1+:^^ [°LI('�'II II I II�II II Jj If"rl'I'n"'I� ILL L 11 T II I� r -1 -1 -I � II����iij�7"= _ il�itTT'�� iP i� IT-. -O -a- - 7C -I-v- -I r1-1 r -I 1 1 fS_� _�_�Sf- S�j- [g��,�17����_I�,L ifTi�ijL�.�ITyT��ifyT1�% ,��,�aTi�'TimIS �'a"ry„Ni�� ' i!�'�fi i y� �'���y'`- '7,.L'.I 'fW"1"h -�"f . .._ -"T- - _ _ 'I � - LL= j7�- ��1 :I: 1in''I'f�IT:�ri�II ILIy7ZiiLJr -, I�iILSrdri!til °ITL�ri�r�n��if -I- n n- Ira-II rn- n- I- n-II -n or -I n -Irn n -n n n rn- n-n- I -n -I- TP =_�i�a X17'= �f�7Cf'T7''li= riiTi� >riT�iiig ?- 71Tiff��7i7i'farT�� iii Til=ii _ a ��',��- �J_f ='� T=•�'_fy�, yam,! ��_�iII�'��_ _� =, � -I',- �-, �rt����r,-. _4 1�! I•'L''i��- 3 LJlti73y��ll-- � T'S �-S y,�1° n- Jl��y�- to- ��J- '��T'I'T-- S S '�y��'y,, I Ii��IT��1LL�l I1I= 11 =�,'�'S��'_' 15 ibis nl"- yr_�iI rI=' �Li- I'-= T'1 nZ- �i°.,�i nr�i�n'"'n ° "Ii'n�T�'��n�"�°t ��i G- i�"�n�- _'�ii'I- r�"� -n' cif 15=5S�l�-- I�ai"nL'- i�'��iL�,T J�yf PLAN NEW BEY'A' LNEI IE MIGIYI -- nu%ELEV'! ELEVATONyMEW IIAx/��OtSU;i°/(IO FILTERMO Mu•.. FLO1nIME IIUQ� I ..�..�. AxD tXItEr FIFE RELILnINnxn .__....... RAIN TANK PARKING LOT ELEV = -102' MIN l � TOP ELEV = b94.0' BOTTOM ELEV = 669.T GRAPHIC SCALE V-30' 0 30 60 90 TH / 7 FL N, .bI D. Fll L. CAW. N0.03804 -� w W ��w• � Y $2 0 6 4 4 4 & t zzW X6C J �l 0- N�� Z CQ LU O �/ LU >n "` OQ< w Ln/ -3 x lL X Fowm er vnre W 4,18,08 Im/Nw Dr onre NP MEMO GC.1'ID .1' OAR PLE mlT Fi501 - ecAl.e 1.,30. nR/.laaw, FFQLLT F1Df OF 12 IIIQrrb. RT. TURN TAPER = 140.00' 12' 12' I RT, TAPER 2 DIMEN510NINO NOTES FOR THIS PLAN 1. The arrows at the entrance are for Informaton only. They are not pavement markings. ''�1 W i2' 16�D15TAN - E 2. The width of the entrance at the RMI Is 42'. 3. Curb radius dimensions are to the face of curb. S 12' _ 12- -- - 610'SIGHT Bls2rAdGE -_- - � -- -�7 42' - - - -- 38g23ft ; N8_b °4834"E_ _ - - -- b (o FM � >a��� - - -.-- —•— I� III A I I' I II I A I jl I 12 9 ce o ' = 10 A' R,3p' n` I O' Iawrril I , > > I ca I . Nape Lone spaces nnrs 38 90 x�ao I " r I 18.0' W 5.5 sspp 10' i O m 5 II � 3 - es '6 S ®q'aclb.0' � �I .e: ° . ' ° RJ:• .a •° IbYtyp� g I I I I Z 4 4 4 4 6 •2'7.4Ps'.. Q q2' x I I I ' �• • FFE . 03 I N �d.�o' ' • ° , (let FI.•9Aa0 .0 F1.9A7a sstp C -, 30' bo I tl o xll i to 1 IEau R= 22.76' ZONE X 5 a es �,. A' J l l ry l �X I I I 20' I I I z o`r x I �o'� to I r x 10, x 2 GG- _ _ _ Small aawgJ / x x per, i ieaa! 12T R =30.0' I I I R^ Hk^ rvusn.i !1C x 14'1 k I Z= (� Q Z Q) _ 1 hea I IbTiMl---- - - - - -I / , I ry I I I I LU V: x wLX —X —x X II LUQ< I I x II zl I-- III - - - - -- — SnvwWJ I (MI PQ u,a. -- I xwd® of aAre wAYN of W vnre MWOO acxm er onre 1a RMI _� `/ TH R9ol colt - xwte I' =30' N87 °48'25 "W 330.1Oft V °Rµ�b GRAPHIC SCALE 1 " -30' �; Flcr YL lhlLvbl D, flxkM 0 30 60 90 VERT•WaVON �T bOF 12 1 elQr w. 1992 731 LEVEL SPREADER PERSPECTIVE VIEW . °I Source: A&ptW Emm N.r— Fmi nn and S J?- n fn rnl Planntn° vnd Dmivn M°ne9 Plato 721.1 ID. 197 Ge�'RA LIDT -,: IIDfES ,eun nn.n. _� i�MVi. 'nilL__L `4YW,m C111AIINATI'Nn G''" CURB I p GLTTER 1992 731 LEVEL SPREADER PERSPECTIVE VIEW . °I Source: A&ptW Emm N.r— Fmi nn and S J?- n fn rnl Planntn° vnd Dmivn M°ne9 Plato 721.1 ID. 197 Ge�'RA LIDT -,: _� i�MVi. 'nilL__L ny'� '.exnir'nxna }T� ,mmnm ` 1°wc�Tiix °c r. [.�I kflF I�JICVI`.tM ••Eµ':� II�P4 �G 12 Lcl_C PL-:LL \u 8.,' ACc Intentionally Left Blank 4" - 4,000 PSI GONGRETE 4" - VDOT #21A BASESTONE :OMPAGTED SUBGRADE .:BR= I O TO BE P I ELD VERIFIED BY GONTRAGTOR SIDEWALK DETAIL Gonstruction Joints to be 6 o.c., 1/4" wide, I" deep Expansion Jolnts to be, 50' o.c. or less Light broom finish 2" 51-1-12.5 surface mix S" BM -25.0 intermediate mix •a .a , • ; 4" - VDOT #21A Base stone GOMPAGTED SUBGRADE GBR =10 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED TYPIGAL "LIGHT DUTY" PAVEMENT 5EGTION (ALL PARKING SPAGE5) 2" 51-1-12.5 surface mix S" BM -25.0 intermediate mix • 8" - VDOT #21A Base stone GOMPAGTED SUBGRADE GBR =10 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED TYPIGAL 11HEAVY DUTY" PAVEMENT SECTION (ALL TRAVELWAYS) 7" - 4,000 PSI GONGRETE - 4" - VOOT #21A BASE5TONE GOMPAGTED SUBGRADE GBR =10 TO BE FIELD VERIFIED BY GONTRAGTOR DUMPSTER PAD � GONGRETE PAVING DETAIL Gonstruction Joints to be 6' o.c., 1/4" wide, I" deep Expansion Joints to be 50' o.c. or less Light broom finish T � i K Hdh2lel D. Fblkks L. MT. W. 032304 T� 0� W � w ' 4 IN 4 4 4 4 E FTTF�ls z >_u o -� N GL � z � w� l< O �OL Q W mX eaermm once w 9/18/08 Dn w — w MB/08 GEGim!! DAR Re CDIp 8501 YJLe 1•_�i pLW1Y %v FRO.CUT}�r I OF 12 elver No. -� -- _------- --- - - - - -- - _ - -- - -" ''FLUE FAINT ------- ------- _------- - - - - -- - - -- -- - ----------------------------- ----- ------------- - - - - -- RI ------ --i I T —tom / IRON F 1 , , I I 1 i 1 I I 1 I , 1 1 I 1 1 i I 1 1 I I I I IW I '- I '7 I e I 1 1 QI , I I I 1 1 1 1 It I r , , � I 1 � I 1 , I , , I 1 , I , 1 1 I ' I 1 I , I I I ! i I , ! ' 1 i % / IRON F / / v � N I ,z 1 1 F / U.S. ROUTE 2 OICI GUT= , 102.14 1 _ — I n I I '-- n 'O° -- I 1 I Y ° 0�'�rt',1TL1 Abelb r -- 1 G I I 1 I`{1 1,. . °. • . I I - ° , U • 91 bmT + I 1 J aus r.11 ro:en I � I T ,C�R -,;- i .T IRON FOUND 1 I o I , ,11 -. O 0 0 t I O /� rk♦ ------- -- - ----- -------------- I i I I O T � v I!liiS ------- -- - ----- -------------- I i I I Re- Store415tatbn Plant Schedule arc Borltaua.tlnrE [afM7NIWE sla: color Ar+FA covasrte ur:6B euol: Ti�i b ffiKDIA eeerda Yxnan Vaa' Creel Vres Lkaw 35' Cak 045 443 4x143 f73)IAI Tai 11 ACBt nfnm'ANxn Flaro' AVBlf1 Fi1FE l✓ID'.' _ 73' CaL BIB Bf SHB Fl_A'HtMb lfd£+ y tarolWiia HDYB+IIY, DOCMbOD 6' -T N. BIB 114 '144 5cr+r33a✓6 ina n b � kfrlAw cTlr�s 4'3' IL D#5 73 Bil 3 Pew ejM1Detrb scoral PPE 4'-5' fi e 4 e a w =JI+IlfS gp AB9JAgmsflau bl.CbY AB9JA 90' N79 H 4'91 TOfAI D,•I�D O 15 Screen eueileD Tree �IaP3 G G1t1ro Site 1 10%Tree GoIwV S Site Area• b 1 10% =ISO aF G Gvx�y pPOVided A AQprox. 17,7703 Di GoIOW whkh eNLeeda 1 Beater H 0 � I'P°d 5Ma Areo Gorb Raqulrement Frontage or Area IZect hed Tctal Provided Golmrmb 5freetncape Pr L1, Ad t. 750 I Lq 5flode Tree/50' I . Treet/40' 715 LF available (reduced due to DepGC IbICU 19 �O�I of 24 g �. b Orrlomental LLqq Trees min as- Lal, t�Ed. Treea mkI 25 C.I. Parking fvem Interior Porktg Shade Troe/10 epoces 36' mn 5' O.G. 40 SPocee 4 13 Med. Shade Pa•Wg orea frees efloll be 7ES�Ga�I. R t��Pl�mkNg Everyeens plmtkg 4' s' oL. Screenkg Along Yieek Abng 5ou3t ScreenFg Gaerorcbl vas at halxldvy Hlkh RA 37.1.98 f4 »tEdge South �9° Ybat = 95 South = 76 b' PrNOCy Fence U�er bvel t YbDk, artbl South arld � 21 Screen Trees Mixture of Screentrg Evergnena < dabb feroing • Area of exbteg alt. deducted Per (ra Re- Store415tatbn Plant Schedule arc Borltaua.tlnrE [afM7NIWE sla: color Ar+FA covasrte ur:6B euol: Ti�i b ffiKDIA eeerda Yxnan Vaa' Creel Vres Lkaw 35' Cak 045 443 4x143 f73)IAI Tai 11 ACBt nfnm'ANxn Flaro' AVBlf1 Fi1FE l✓ID'.' _ 73' CaL BIB Bf SHB Fl_A'HtMb lfd£+ y tarolWiia HDYB+IIY, DOCMbOD 6' -T N. BIB 114 '144 5cr+r33a✓6 ina n b � kfrlAw cTlr�s 4'3' IL D#5 73 Bil 3 Pew ejM1Detrb scoral PPE 4'-5' fi e 4 e a w =JI+IlfS gp AB9JAgmsflau bl.CbY AB9JA 90' N79 H 4'91 TOfAI D,•I�D 15 Screen eueileD Tree �IaP3 G G1t1ro Site 1 10%Tree GoIwV S Site Area• b 1 10% =ISO aF G Gvx�y pPOVided A AQprox. 17,7703 Di GoIOW whkh eNLeeda 1 Beater H LANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES I. The planting layout shall be consistent with the layout shown. 2. Planting shall be limited to the period between September 15 to November 15, or March 15 to Ma 30. Landscaping shall be seeded and planted during the first period �ollowtng completion of site development. 3. The landscape plantings shall follow the planting schedule. 4. The contractor shall warrant that a minimum of IOOSK of all plantings shall survive for a period of one year following planting completion. 5. The contractor shall furnish nursery qrown plants conforming to AN51 Z60.1, with healthy root systems developed by transplantingg or root pruning. Trees and shrubs shall be well shaped, fullt branched, healthy, vigorous stock free from disease, insects, larvae, and defects such as knots, sun scald, injuries, abrasions and disfigurements. 6. Nursery stock shall come from a local nursery or be adapted to local growing conditions and be guaranteed by the nursery as such. I . The contractor shall clean the topsoil of roots, sods, stones, clay lumps, and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. ARB NOTES I. No accessory structures or mechanical equipment shall be visible from the entrance corridor. 2. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 7 L GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "- 30' Yl IH11aYel D. Perkea 0 30 60 90 `� �� w W 0 4 4 4 4 k �i a CL D — z p?w � z � mX z oola ®ar oATe fP 9neloB oewal er eATa :IV.,®er onm wt ear 8901 - DPN•Ma o-lo r%rcr cIm O OF 12 � xa 15 Screen eueileD Tree �IaP3 G G1t1ro Site 1 10%Tree GoIwV S Site Area• b 1 10% =ISO aF G Gvx�y pPOVided A AQprox. 17,7703 Di GoIOW whkh eNLeeda 1 Beater H . The contractor shall clean the topsoil of roots, sods, stones, clay lumps, and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. ARB NOTES I. No accessory structures or mechanical equipment shall be visible from the entrance corridor. 2. All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 7 L GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "- 30' Yl IH11aYel D. Perkea 0 30 60 90 `� �� w W 0 4 4 4 4 k �i a CL D — z p?w � z � mX z oola ®ar oATe fP 9neloB oewal er eATa :IV.,®er onm wt ear 8901 - DPN•Ma o-lo r%rcr cIm O OF 12 � xa LUMINAIRE LOCATIONS No. Iti,el X La:°tbn Y Z MAf CYientotion 'nit I B 761A 3766 Rb Callan LLF Watts ALX2 OBOODI.NzoWln IDO 440 5R3 MNOLTJ � �7B000LAWoWte I.OD 440 ALXl 78000LAbeolAe 100 440 SR4 MVOLT BALED SIT tt66 1.00 985 L A�LLI FOOTCANDLE LEVELS ARE INITIAL, U5IHO TAO LLP. 2. Al FOOTOANDLE LEVELS ARE MEASURED AT 6RADE. 9. ALL UMINAIRES ARE IM AND INTERNATIONAL DARYSrJES FULL CUTOFF W7N HORIZONTAL AND FLAT 6LA55 S. THE ATTACHED PROPOSED LAYOUT' 15 REPRESENTATIVE OF ONLY THE PRODUCTS ANY SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS FROM THIS LAYOUT WILL REQUIRE THE CONTRACTOR 5. EACH OUTDOOR LUMINAIRE EQUIPPED WRIT A LAM THAT EMITS 5,000 OR MORE b. THE SPILLOVER OF LI6NfTINS FROM LLMINARES ONTO RRI.IC ROADS AND PROPERTY 7. THE BOTTOM OF THE CANOPY FIXTURES ARE TO BE FLUSH WITH THE CANOPY CEILING. LAM LISTED IN TIE LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE TO REWOW: AND RES1W IT SAME TO AL5EMARLE COUNTY FOR FeAEV AND COMMENT. INITIAL LmF a STALL 9E A RILL CUTO F LUMINAIRE. IN REIDE NTIAL OR RURAL ARE/5 ZONING DISTRICTS SHALL NOT EXCEED V2 FOOTCA DLFS. OD 2 A TH L / 1� HNdImbI D. Feld. OBRf. N7.032304 1 4 LI I w w � 4 LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE 5ydwl Lobel Gky Catnbg N.rttrer• lOeeeTptbn Carp ❑ A 4 � cam- NXSirn2 Far IIOW figtln ° MVOLT TPe3 2�- ❑ B 7 c�yy N.X 51ze7>�L Far IIOW 6ghe• . MVOLT '�4 Llthorlb AUtZ ALX Size? ❑ G I 1ggOOL ray./ •7Tyy��ep�� 180„10L Far NOW fi,yyYlee MVOLT 15 •O51Yeld Llthonb ACED RUED IBQO LN•BN b' ONE 95 -WATT LUMILED D 51 95AB BAR /1P6L7URE SEMI LED, VBU DOWLI6NT MVOLT SPECUI.AR TRI � l b b.' b. ba Da 7e 2, i 9a 1.. D., a De bw b � 6, ka be bw kJ fu Ai bi ba kw DO be ,., ka V to U. be 11 2 1 >7 be ka D9I v - , �I . T p� • .Y D-24 2 ri,e'. „• sin D-22 ' D-9 be to :•ai Di 9'Ja • b., bT •IN6'oe�•• -i . ,u Y b. :be itF e • •• 7e tA= l,a is v ba bD , .p a }b De r�R1 o ba D42m ' A' D•% T b 5�., t • srae .. ai •be'Jea. re ,sue Deb en•T �p �s ' "Zti a a Dw U D, bA D-97 9Y -2 be be be be b.• e sg m bs ks ❑ s -II w bo . 7' b bs v be w v ka De v a 4o b., 1e to bw ❑ Io ze ., v Dw b., De o - " +L -=d'- bA W t. bw ba J 9 bl bw be la 7e DD be ba bl bl 900b 10A 20D 2692 OD 4 A 933.1 989b 200 20D BbA OA 3 A 6 9243 700 700 8BD OD 6 B 1'193 871.4 700 700 ttb.9 OD D- -21 - 4 II. .= II ,._ .Y. 1 O 1.1 II=e =� ='I� 0 1 -34 0.9 D -24 9.8 O 22� 20s. I �.3• 18.0 a I �3 �16�4•. •D -1 PJ Iq'4 i e s e = e e 21.6 2b.3 I - ?O.l. B.r� ' D -20 D -221 i~ 18 5 a: 2.4 D -25 rj -1 I ITS. = a =I . i iH, • L9 '153 =,1 .9 ex 11.1 i I .4 .. 13.8 :. :I •.6 16.1 : a : I '.4 D-)$ 13.8 = Ilk l .3 16.7 zJ .9 'b.b 11.4 91 =1 .5 9,-1 D -14 11.1 = t2 •) 11.0 = = I .b • '9s = =193 14.5 i e o - 42 .8 i n b,3 1.8 =2 .4 e :IH 5 - ✓.O D -12 8.0 R9: • D -54 _ 1 .8 ip 5.1 2.11 ° �s.o x 147 as D -31 3. ' .H.B e • Ig,7 O 13,6 �I�-7I O i O❑r i4 Ly ❑° 5.2 i Q8.4 ' I 6 12.3 ' 8,"f 12.1 is s.7 .3 $.9 D -32 2z �. -2 • 9 178.4 377.4 700 70D 900 OD M, 95oa1: POS. B 199.4 1242 ZOD 70D 99.9 OD 9 B 2792 73,4 - 4 -0.q OD 10 4 4 4 4 6 ZoD RR 28� � a i @j 9 8 Z OA II A 371.1 2026 ZOA 20D �bJ OD 12 D 210b 2415 IOA IOp OA Q O?u�,f < > IL Z m 11I� Lu O >a 1 ry �- ILII (L Q r N W L m X J 0. V g a D 2100 731A IOA IOA OA OA 14 D 709.4 260.1 IOA IOA OA OA IS Inset Around Building Scale 1" = 191 2096 2705 IOA IOA OA OA DGlam a' vnre NP 9A8 /OB 2093 2802 IOA arN w °Are NP gAB/Ob OA OD h avla Trr DAre 207.9 290.1 IOD FIC ED 8501 T OD IB ...�. 1'.40' bR/ w UN rtm 2073 799.1 IOD GRAPHIC SCALE 1' -30' 0 30 60 90 OD T - of 12 eCR Ie. 19 D 7166 3003 IDD IOD OD OD 7D D 7766 9006 IOD IOD OD OD 21 D LUMINAIRE LOCATIONS No. Iti,el X La:°tbn Y Z MAf CYientotion 'nit I B 761A 3766 200 100 176b OD 2 A 189.9 225.4 200 2OD BB.9 OD 3 G 3952 900b 10A 20D 2692 OD 4 A 933.1 989b 200 20D BbA OA 3 A 2135 9243 700 700 8BD OD 6 B 1'193 871.4 700 700 ttb.9 OD 7 9 178.4 377.4 700 70D 900 OD M, 95oa1: POS. B 199.4 LUMINAIRE LOCATIONS No. Iti,el X La:°tbn Y Z MAf CYientotion 'nit I B 761A 3766 200 100 176b OD 2 A 189.9 225.4 200 2OD BB.9 OD 3 G 3952 900b 10A 20D 2692 OD 4 A 933.1 989b 200 20D BbA OA 3 A 2135 9243 700 700 8BD OD 6 B 1'193 871.4 700 700 ttb.9 OD 7 9 178.4 377.4 700 70D 900 OD 9 B 199.4 1242 ZOD 70D 99.9 OD 9 B 2792 73,4 20D 20D -0.q OD 10 B 9 %6 197A ZoD 20D -90.9 OA II A 371.1 2026 ZOA 20D �bJ OD 12 D 210b 2415 IOA IOp OA OA 19 D 2100 731A IOA IOA OA OA 14 D 709.4 260.1 IOA IOA OA OA IS D 2096 2705 IOA IOA OA OA 16 D 2093 2802 IOA IOA OA OD h D 207.9 290.1 IOD 100 OD OD IB D 2073 799.1 IOD 100 OD OD 19 D 7166 3003 IDD IOD OD OD 7D D 7766 9006 IOD IOD OD OD 21 D 2 %9 901,4 IOA IOA OD OD ZZ D 246.1 9022 TOO 100 OA OD � D 2996 902b TOO 100 OD OD 24 D 265b 909D IOA IOD 00 OA 9 D 266.1 2932 IOA IOA OD OD 26 D 2665 7933 100 IOD OD OD 27 D 267D 7736 IOD 100 OD OD 2B D 267b 2640 IOD 100 OD OD 29 D 2695 254.4 IOD IOD OD OD 30 D 269.7 2445 100 IOD OD OD 31 D ?<95 94.7 IOD IOD OD OA 37 D 757.9 2 %J IOD IOD OD OA � D 747A TER IOD IOA OA OA % D Tl5.7 299A IOA IOD OD OA 93 D 992.9 972 140 14D 776 OD 96 D %2.9 291.9 140 140 73b OD 97 D 9526 906 140 ISO 776 OA 90 D 331.7 749.9 14D 14A 77.9 OD 39 D %I.7 750b 140 14A 72.9 OD 40 D 351.7 912 14D 14D 72.9 OD 41 D 3310 759.9 140 140 72.9 OA 47 D %ID 1605 14D 14D 72.9 OD 43 D 9510 1612 14D 14D 72.9 00 44 D 93004 269A 140 14A 77.9 00 43 D 31011 2703 140 14D 77.9 OD 46 D X05 7712 140 14D 77.9 OD 47 D 979D TEED 14D 140 i93 OA 40 D 939D 2Bbb 14D 140 793 OA 49 D 949D 287.1 14A 14D 793 OD 90 D 978w 296A 140 14D 793 OD 31 D 838.4 7966 140 14D 733 OD 52 D 948.4 2971 14D 14A 733 00 53 D 971.9 906A 14D 14D 733 OA % D 937.9 9063 140 14D 735 OD 55 D %76 3070 140 140 'Td5 OD 56 D 3276 9165 140 14D 73.9 OD 57 D 9376 917A 14D 14A 73.9 OA 59 D %7A 9175 140 14A 79.9 OD 59 B 103.4 206.9 200 200 90.1 OD 60 D 716.1 110.2 140 140 776 OD 61 D 774.9 177.9 140 140 72.9 OD 67 D '084.9 195 140 140 77.9 OD 69 D 2960 IIO.9 140 14D 726 OD STATISTICS Deeorptlon Sylinl AV;J Mimf Mh 1•iaz/Mh Avg/Mh B°IIdVg Co^°PJ * 15.1 Ic 129 fc 29 tc 7.7,1 521 Property Lire, M. OA Fe 0.4 tc OD to N/A N / A Reetoren Station ,}. 4J ie 1791c O.I /c tt3D�l 41A,I IA L /THGN /A L /GHT /NG' FEATURF5&SPEOFIFATIDNS MDUMDN ri555 PCIE I �_• A Jell{,■■ .i7�.■■ `K ALX2 T•i"T e ,•_• I �_• I AlRA. Jell{,■■ .i7�.■■ INOWN T•i"T T+M °eEy +Tzur7i .fi. 1.Yr.:.� IS>'? 6SFT9Y®v® im: e ,•_• I �_• I AlRA. Jell{,■■ .i7�.■■ INOWN IAL /THGN /AL/GHT /NG I = -rmmL -a L1 IA FFATURE50PEUTIUATION5 MOIINTONRe'SSS POLE B RLX PALX1 �D ®ffrnw�QL� Jd�C■■1 Jell{,■■ .i7�.■■ INOWN mmo 0 0111,00 1 No J_ wilmn r-4 ME 01JAX No MEE EM No W1 NE N no 111011100 X M 811111 ME ►1�'� \ ■■ - 111 \9 0 ■ 0 SITE LIGHTING NOTES L /THGN /A L /GHT /NG' ' MDUNTONRe555PpF c FILX ALX2 F�— Jd�C■■1 !!1►JJ71■� Jell{,■■ .i7�.■■ 0 0111,00 1 No J_ wilmn r-4 ME 01JAX No MEE EM No W1 NE N no 111011100 X M 811111 ME ►1�'� \ ■■ - 111 \9 0 ■ 0 SITE LIGHTING NOTES L /THGN /A L /GHT /NG' ' MDUNTONRe555PpF c FILX ALX2 F�— I. Each outdoor Iuminaire egyippped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminalre. The spillover of lighting t from l uminaires onto public roads and property in residential and rural areas zoning dis riots shall not exceed one -half footcandle. 01A L/THGN /A L/GHT /NG' - FEATURES 6 SPECIFICATIONS (� ..u¢ �SS ORDERING INFORMATION Y.an.«...w,.nan..eP�..a.¢.R xDMODOa HANOHOU: ORIENTATION v µ D.w. Pw..PN.uR vF.m d mm ® ®mm°m © ® ®4 X3= 13 r� ©03=�� mo ®�0 DSIDO��Om��m © © © ®a EXIo� OEM m ©e W. ALED Open Reflector FEATURES lzllm OflDERING INFORMATION .. ..m m.rx Atmmomn,h 6'ALEO Open Reflector _ 4 P wmearA,.¢mnuul m¢I n,.v.wbxe.iN w..�,.....,.....,.._..¢�. gotham _...,.._ GRAPHIC SCALE 1'30' 0 30 60 90 1H � 7 H. Nathaniel D. F'a*Ye n [F3tT. ND. 0 9904 11n` M V W Z w 4 Y N yyj Spo � 4 4 4 4 6 8 8 MX EL OzW � � ; (Y W Q � N� zom Q d O�� o Iwo o t alEUOB MB /OB OI piMAND G-II PLOT PRO.GT — 12 OF 12 —NO. QA ,�DV4.i'�v:mam I. Each outdoor Iuminaire egyippped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminalre. The spillover of lighting t from l uminaires onto public roads and property in residential and rural areas zoning dis riots shall not exceed one -half footcandle. 01A L/THGN /A L/GHT /NG' - FEATURES 6 SPECIFICATIONS (� ..u¢ �SS ORDERING INFORMATION Y.an.«...w,.nan..eP�..a.¢.R xDMODOa HANOHOU: ORIENTATION v µ D.w. Pw..PN.uR vF.m d mm ® ®mm°m © ® ®4 X3= 13 r� ©03=�� mo ®�0 DSIDO��Om��m © © © ®a EXIo� OEM m ©e W. ALED Open Reflector FEATURES lzllm OflDERING INFORMATION .. ..m m.rx Atmmomn,h 6'ALEO Open Reflector _ 4 P wmearA,.¢mnuul m¢I n,.v.wbxe.iN w..�,.....,.....,.._..¢�. gotham _...,.._ GRAPHIC SCALE 1'30' 0 30 60 90 1H � 7 H. Nathaniel D. F'a*Ye n [F3tT. ND. 0 9904 11n` M V W Z w 4 Y N yyj Spo � 4 4 4 4 6 8 8 MX EL OzW � � ; (Y W Q � N� zom Q d O�� o Iwo o t alEUOB MB /OB OI piMAND G-II PLOT PRO.GT — 12 OF 12 —NO. QA