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AFD200600001 Miscellaneous Submittal 2008-11-03
W( ",W I X111 20 gl6rh# 0 0 614NC4110 locations it has. (e.g ... Building 12R6 is worth 10 VPs) G a � . r GERMAN Sets Up First (sec SSR 3) POLISH Moves First r■ ■J! ,c (Kt j�A to, 0% PABLANCE, POLAND, 7 September 1939: After the 23rd Panzer Regiment failed to take Pabiance, the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler entered into the firestorm and made great gains. How- ever other units couldn't keep up with the Leibstandarte, with the result being a salient. In order to hold the salient, the Leibstandarte had to position small sections of men. The Waffen SS attack began to run out of steam due to the number of casualties and the desperate situation at hand. The Polish Amry had no such shortage of men, as units withdrawing from the west were ordered immediately into this battle. BOARD CONFIGURATION: BALANCE: J L J r Change 29VPs to 28VPs in the VC ® Change 29VPs to 30 VPs in the VC ©I Elements of the 2nd Kaniov Rifle Regiment and ad hoe Infantry and Cavalry units [ELR: 11 set up onleast of hexmw M: {SAN: 41 O O + y840 4 r (D t�2g Enter on turn 7 on any east edge hex: 4 JL Elements. fthe tat and 2nd Companies oftheLeihsomdarteAdolfH itler[ELR:41 rsetup mdbetween hex�ows O and R (see SSR 3): {SAN:3 } I Ak M❑2 LMg ^ r O r ❑ 4' -6 -8 4 -4 -7 2 -4 -8 5-12 3 -8 7 morale s 4 Enter on the west edge on turn 2: Enter on the west edge on urn 3: 2 O LM6 E' 16 Is I *LM8 630 4 3o �a31❑ z s z Prinfedwirh permission of TAFIGC Scenario Design b,Lonie Ta4ar. (see SSR 3) M N AN] (ottv hexrows Y through K are playable) SPECIAL RULES: I. EC are Moderate with no wind at start. 2. Gullies do not oust, treat as other terrain in the hex. All buildings are wooden. All multi - hex buildings are Two -Story Houses (1323.22) No stairway symbols exist (B23.23). Cellars (06) are in effect [EXC: They am not fortified]. Place overlays as follows: GI on V3; G2 on Y3 -X2; G4 on Y8 -X7; WdS on X4 -W5; X7 on VS; X9 on M8. 3. The 24 -8s in the Polish OB must set -up using HIP in cellar locations prior to all set tip. All German units set-up next, followed by the remaining Polish units. No German unit may set -up in a cellar location. The Poles initially control the buildings first the HSs set -up in; all other buildings oNwest of loormw O are initially Controlled by the Germans. 4. Hand -lo -Hand CC (J2.31) is allmved. 5. The broken morale of all German MMCs is increased by one. 6. Building R6 is a Marketplace (1323.73). No buildings are Rowhouses. AFTERMATH: The Polish Infantry mid Cavalry units entered the battle in every type of for- mation and began to drive the Germans 0 the defensive, steel fighting and using Hand -lo- Hand combat until they were once again at the edge of the town. Polish troops that had been passed by would suddenly spring out of the cellars and doorways and inflict serious damage to the Gennmr troops sweeping through the streets. The SS men hung on and called for reinforcements to help take back the town. The Poles made one last despairing effort, but were gunned down by the Germans. The failure of the Polish assault resulted in the mass surrender of the Pabiance Garrison. As the Polish prisoners were marched past it was quite clear that their will to fight was now totally eradicated. now counterattacked fiercely. Preceded by a hail of medium and heavy mortar fire, the Germans reached the crest and poured small -mms fire into the Highlanders. Unable to dig into the rack, the Scots fell back a little as their own mortars found the range, providing cover for another thrust up the ridge. The Germans had the advantage of Bangers and natural fissures on Choir side ofthe ridge, and when pushed from the top world regroup tinder supporting fire for another assault. Thos the battle ran back and forth all day, with neither side maintaining a grip on the crest, but never being decisively repulsed either. Silence fell with the night on Roumana Ridge, and on the morning ofthe 71h the Germans were gone, the end of a Game Turn than the other. I,' 0% ROUMANA RIDGE, TUNISIA, 6 April 1943: The end was near for the Axis forces in Tunisia, compressed from both sides into an ever - decreasing pocket against the Mediterranean Sea. The southern perimeter of the pocket was anchored by the impassable Shott at Fedjoj in the west, and the sea in the east German and Italian engineers had dug extensive anti -tank ditches across open ground not already protected by natural barriers like the Wadi Akarit and Djebel Roumana . The British 8th Army had no choice but make a frontal attack, and the task of securing Recesses Ridge fell to the men ofthe 51st Highland Division. At 0330 hours the 5th Cameron and 5th Seaforth Battalions begaa their ascent. The Italian defenders offered no more than token resistance, and at dawn the Scots were on top ofthe ridge, seemingly successful. Then the real shooting started... BOARD CONFIGURATION: N BALANCE: EM] AL r If both players desire the same side, bid VPs for the preferred side. (only hasrons H -T ere payable) ,r t GERMAN Sets Up First ", I /, I 3 I___ I I I ? I I (see VC) L 9 J L GERMAN Moves First J L Elements of 200th and 361st Infantry Regiments 1ELR: 41 set up on hexes numbered? 8: {SAN: 2 MTR M11 anal 6 6 2 4 2 2 g Elements of 5th Cameron and 5th Seaforth Battalions, 51st Highland Division )ELR: 41 set up on hexes numbered <5 and also Q6 (EXC: No MTR may set up onfadjacent to any Level 3 hex): {SAN: 2) MIN MTR t F,IN C ® 4® Y2-7 H r ).. �22 8 1740YJL ®D 4•12 18 -3 51[2-11] T6 °la�rin� i 2. 2 2 Printedrvifhpermiaion ojZAHGC Scenario Design br RoSen Bano <ic � t � r r O MMG I MI �5 LM6 � � MTS ^� o'' ©� Il'� -2 5G•IZ.la7 BI' SPECIAL RULES. L EC are Very Dry, with no wind at start. 2. Roads, Buildings, and Walls do not exist. Cliff's me not in effect, but the cliff artwork is considered to be an extension of the terrain of the higher hex. All woods hexes are Cmg hexes instead. Entrenching is NA. 3. The 76mm MTRs may not setup Emplaced. Since the 76mm and 81mm MTRs are dm- capable, they may set -up ip Crags fully assembled (see 1117.4). 4. A player scores one VP for each Level 3 hex which he Controls at the end of each Player (not Game) Turn. The British control all Level 3 hexes at start. except for the dead; some wounded, and scattered stragglers. VICTORY CONDITIONS: The player who first amasses? 49 Victory Points (not CVPs; sce SSR 4) at the end of any Game Turn is the winner. If both players have scored> 49 VPs at the end of my Game Turn, the player who has scored the most is the victor; if the score is tied, play continues until one player has more VPs at ` CB 3 VICTORY CONDITIONS: The German wins at game end if he has amassed ? 40 CVPs more then the Russian player, provided the two ART Guns have been eliminated, captured, or malfunc- tioned. In addition to normal CVPs the Russian roccives CVPs for units exited off the board via 16GG6 and /or 17GG6 on/after tom 5. Amnro Vehicles (see SSR 4) are worth 10 CVPs if exited or eliminated; each undestroyed Ammo Vehicle left on board at game end is worth 2 CVPs for the German player. wi . RUSSIAN Sets Up First GERMAN Moves First it 5x, oadZ ci OW12 MEREFA, RUSSIA, Last Week ofJ -mawY 1943: Due to the constant deterioration on the Russian £road the Leibslondarte Adolf}lillerwas ordered there at all possible speed. Fresh from their training in Ploernel, Minimal Withamn and his new crew were eager to test their skills. At the end oflmuary, while stationed defensively outside ofKhmkov, they were ordered to march. Upon reaching the outskirts of Merefa, Withnarm's platoon halted and took up defensive positions. Withnann decided W have a look around and set out on a private scouting mission with his loader and discovered two 7.62 cm anti -tank guns hidden in two houses with only the muzzle brakes of these weapons protruding through the blown not windows. WiWnaan returned to his panzer and reported what Its knew to the company commander, Hauptstunvfuhrer Heinz King. Kling ordered Wilhnann and his platoon into the village in order to attack the guns from the tell and right flanks. 'Prepare for attack ,', shouted Withamem to his tense crew, as they were about to enter combat for We lint time in Weir new Iigm' tank, BOARD CONFIGURATION: N BALANCE: J F 1 r Remove the A -T Ditch from the OB. * In the VC, change L40 to ? 45. M0© MONE Elements of the Third Tank Army IELR: 31 (sic SSR3) (ace SSE 5) set np on Board 17, in bcxes numbered 19: {SAN: 5} ar� o I 'tMC ART. 1 C LON � d 2 fi I-12 _ 2 Emeron mm2 on 16I1 o) 16A6 (not both) in Convoy (El l) [EXC:3 T -34s and all infantry may not enter in convoy and the infantry may not enter as Riders.): f 25 �3 16 `. r 17 1IT LMG dTh a rai+ z4 -4 -7 2 8 '1-12 r 6L 76L xl <. 76L zp 3 4 2 3 3 JL Ekownts of the lit SS- PGDle ibstandarte JEL12: 51 enter on amt one on We weir edge:{SAN:2) 4 7e B 2 9-1 ]inter on aqy west edge road hex on turn 4: 1 /fit syy 76 68L ats ���111�'���""" "'lCC`��� "vv 1 lMS � T„ 5 0 in naMG /-/3 3 Printed mid, men a i. of TAHGC ScenarioD oicn by Lome f km= 1. EC are Overcast with Palling Snow (E3.71) possible. Deep Snow, (E3.73) is in effect. All roads are considered plowed. All Grain hexes are bog hexes with an additional +2 DRM for Bog Checks. This Bag Check is in addition to the D8.23 Bog Check. 2. All buildings are wooden and have ground levels only. 3. The Russians may designate 2 building hexes as Forlified (823.9). Both Gans must set up non - HIP /Concealed in fortified building hexes. 4. The Gnz MM Trucks are Ai nma Vehicles (El 0). 5. The A- f Ditch may remain hidden until an enemy unit is adjacent to it. 6. Anytime a German MA rolls a ]2 co a'1'H attempt 1EXC: Inlcnsive Pire) ilh /ay malfunction. Malec an extra dr. On a 6 it mallimcliens on a I there is no effect on a 2 -5 the MA is out of lire type of ammo used for that TH attempt. AFTERMATH: Wittmunn's platoon moved toward the village as A -T rounds flashed in front of and behind his p nizer. Withnamn ordered his driver to halt and his gunner fired their first shot. With a powerful crack We main gun round flew out and into the direction of the emenry Pak weapon. Seconds later there was a bright flash of red and orange as the sound oflhe ex- plosion echoed throughout the village. The HE round had found its mark and destroyed the gun and crew. After both A -T guns had been dealt with, a Russian column of trucks tanks self- propelled guns, and infantry on loot entered the Town. Suddenly the leading T34/76 made a dash toward Whimami s plalomn. Woll, Witlm aina gunner, observed this action and traversed his turret and fired an AP rormd which blew The turret off the T -34. As soon as the rest of the infantry in We streets was dealt with. Withinam s platoon turned its attention on the Russian convoy, dextnrtinc most of the tacks:nnJ lanky. Some tanks tried h, Iles anJ became bneged down in the open fields where they were destroyed can by one. E(_','0ME9 THE VICTORY CONDITIONS: The British win if at game end they have scored more VPs (not CVPx) than the German or if the Germ.. has scored no VPs. The British receive 2 VPs for each German AFV destroyed. The German receives 4 VPs for each AFV exited off 21R7 and I VP for destroying 3 or more British AF Vs. P� o;eF2 VILLERS- BOCAGE, FRANCE, 13 Jane 1944: The Battle of Viller - Bocage; mhe of the most famous lank actions of the war, was coming to a close. Ata destroying 25 ATVs and many more lightvebicles, Tiger ace Michael Wittmean moved through the now quiet village in all attempt to secure the important crossroads at the western end. Sensing a trap, he ordered his vehicles to shut down their engines so that head his men could listen for the movement of enemy arma. Sgt. Broomall, ina Firefly, couldn't be- fieve his eyes when he caught sight of a Tiger through the windows of a house as he approached die main road Carefully maneuvering his vehicle in the narrow back street, he fired through the windows of the house, brewing up the Tiger. He quickly backed out of his position and hurried to catch up to the rest of the troop. After reporting on what had happened, they set up an ambush and waited. In die meantime, a crew of the Queen's Regiment bad managed to manhandle a 6 -pdr into a supporting position in a nearby alley... BOARD CONFIGURATION: N BALANCE: J L F Add a 9-1 Armor Leader c Add. 9 -2 Armor Leader 21 20 (Only Hexrows R -AA are Playable) L -1 s I�a��l trI' - ire IS' l Elements of'B' Squadron, 4th County of London Yeomanry and Quern's Regiment: tELR: 51 set up HIP in any non -Slone Building Hex within 3 hexes of2lU5: tSAN: (H 1 � 1tlb ,e nl 0 set tip HIP on any Road Hex on Board 20 with a coordinate of> 6: IN Elements of ist and 2nd Companies, SchwereSS- Pmlzer Abtellung 101, Ist 88 Panzer Division (LAID and Panzer Lehr: enter on turn one on hex 20Y1: {SAN: 0) `9 12 4 13 10 ri J�l 88L als °rz 75L als za GC SPECIAL RULES: 1. EC are Moderate with no wind at smart. 2. Place a Stone Rubble counter in 20Y6. 3. Boresighting is NA. 4. Whenever each CE German AFV expends its first slop MP and the Firefly is still HIP, the German player may make a dr. On a 5 or 6, the Firefly is placed on board. 5. Anytime an AFV's MA rolls a 12 on a non - Intensive Fire TH attempt, it May malfunction. Make a subsequent dr. If a 1, there is no effect (the MA has not malfunctioned). If a 2 -5, the MA is out of the ammo type used for tail III attempt. If a 6, the MA malfunctions normally. seenmac Derign hr A✓emlRrm AFTERMATH: Widmann couldn't understand how the Firefly got so close without them hearing it, but now knew for sure that there was British armor in the town. He decided to con- tinue his advance on t,. crossroads and drove down the main street. The British opened fire as soon as the Germans appeared. The Firefly missed Winmmn's Tiger but knocked out the Pzkw IVH wit], it's second round. A Cromwell VII bounced . round off the second Tiger, then followed it onto the road, killing it with a may shot. The 6 -pdr immobilized Wittmann's Tiger, the only one left. After firing several rounds to suppress any infantry nearby, Widmarms crew removed both m.chineguas and bailed out timing safely back to their company area. AI- though he failed in his bid for the crossroads. Hauptsturnifihhrer Michael Widmann was award- ed the Crossed Swords to the Knights Cross for his actions on this day. ',BA DON 4SIIIP! VICTORY CONDITIONS: The U.S. wins if they have scored> 2 more victory points (not CVPs) than the German al game end. Victory points arc awarded as follows: the U.S. receives VPs for each unit exited offthe west edge (each unit is worth normal exit VP total) and 4 victory points for controlling J7 at scenario end. The German receives 3 VPs for each mobile APV with mar ioning MA and 2 VP for each Good Order squad equivalent west of hexes H0, I-I1 and west of the gully running from 112- H5 -A9. TURN RECORD CHART AMERICAN Sets Up First GERMAN Moves First �r WARDIN, BELGIUM, December 19,1944: In an effort to determine the strength and location of the Germans before Bastogne, Company I of the 501 at Parachute Infantry, eomusu ded by Captain Claude D. Wallace, Jr. was ordered into the town of Wardin. Belgian civilians had reported the existence there of an enemy roadblock, manned by a small German force. Tare enough, upon reaching the village the roadblock was found, astride the Wardin - Bastogne road. A short Lrefight ensued, routing the outnumbered defenders. The paratroopers took possession of the dreary Belgian houses and organized a defense. Not long afterwards, the sounds of approach- ing tank engines grew louder and louder - signaling the arrival of the Panzer Lehr Division... BOARD CONFIGURATION: N BALANCE: ro J L In the VC change scored > 2 more victory points... to "._> 4.... ... 1 r ® Exchange the Pz V in the German OB with a PzIVJ. see SSR 2) Elements of Ca 1,3,d BL, 501 Para. Inf. Rgt. [ELR: S] set tip on/hetvxev henrows Z, and U: {SAN: 4} WITS 3 soNf6loch qp 2 2 2 2 3 7' -4 -7 3 33 -7- v N � 0 � 8AZ45 6 6AZ 44 s s✓ MTP / /�y 75LL a /s` /s 75L axsxz 6 6 I1Tia�IE raxcc SPECIAL RULES: 1. EC are Wet, with no wind at start. 2. The Roadblock must be placed facing hexside J7 -K7. 3. Roresighting is not allowed. 4. There are no level 2 building locations. Treat building U4 -V3 as a Two Story House (B23.22). AFTERMATH: The 130 or so men of Company I were no match for such a force. They fought bravely- one man knelt with a bazooka in the middle of the street and knocked out the lead tank before return fire cut him down, other urea with bazookas accounted for three more but there were more Partzers and too many Pmtzergrenadiers. Captain Wallace gave the order To "Abandon Ship ". The company lost all of its officers and 45 men, most of them killed or so badly wounded they had to be left behind. Captain Wallace died leading a small rearguard around the roadblock keeping 2 4 cater an turn 3 along the east edge: 113, ' 13. z -+- Ire • .��� K an escape nnrte open for his men. 6 6 I1Tia�IE raxcc SPECIAL RULES: 1. EC are Wet, with no wind at start. 2. The Roadblock must be placed facing hexside J7 -K7. 3. Roresighting is not allowed. 4. There are no level 2 building locations. Treat building U4 -V3 as a Two Story House (B23.22). AFTERMATH: The 130 or so men of Company I were no match for such a force. They fought bravely- one man knelt with a bazooka in the middle of the street and knocked out the lead tank before return fire cut him down, other urea with bazookas accounted for three more but there were more Partzers and too many Pmtzergrenadiers. Captain Wallace gave the order To "Abandon Ship ". The company lost all of its officers and 45 men, most of them killed or so badly wounded they had to be left behind. Captain Wallace died leading a small rearguard around the roadblock keeping 2 4 cater an turn 3 along the east edge: 113, ' 13. z -+- Ire • .��� K an escape nnrte open for his men. WC`V6 M 'LOS 1, Epp BLIC N Sets Up First . `.1 l,;�% %!j; Movcs Fast L-�ILCI I US' .1NUL-C�S' � SaJraque, Spain, 9 March 1937: After several months of war, both the Nationalist and Republican military leadership began measures to "regularize" their militia forces. On the Nationalist side, among the first fruits of these policies was the Division de Soria, formed from Cadist mid Falangist militiamen operating northwest of Madrid Holding a front of 50 kilometers, they had been opposed from the first day of 1937 by the Republican XII Division, one of the first large newly formed formations of the recently decreed Ejercito Popular (Popular Amy) to reach the front lines. When on 8 March 1937 Mussolini's Black Shirts shuck south down the Zaragoza highway towards Guadalajara, the task of clearing and screening the right flank of their advance fell to the Division de Soria. As the Italians poured through the XII Division's shattered front, the hills around Jadmque, almost the only elevations breaking the bare tableland, offered excellent positions both for the remnants of the X11 Division to regroup and for Italian penetration. Colonel La Calle, commanding the X11 Division, was :., determined to hold the bills; General Moscardo, commanding the Division de Soria, was determined to take them. The new armies of both Republican and Nationalist Spain were meeting in their fast 36 trial of major battle. I 1 P "Irars 7►1l1 IN411I2711 Y74]0E BALANCE- 1x_ Add two 3 -3 -7 squads to the OB + Replace one MMG with a HMG N e M (Only hexmws R -GG are in play) VICTORY CONDITIONS: TheXIti <Ia.,i:a: win if they control >81evel2hexes on Hill 526 at game end. MIHMM© "GEI Elements XII Division 1ELR: 21 set up west of line AAI- AA2- Z2- Z6- Y7 -YIO: {SAN: 3) 3 2 6 12 Elcnumte 3 Beigada, Division de Soria [ELR: 31 sea -up east cf Ihm AAI- AA2- 72,Z&Y7 -Y]0: {SAN: 3) 15 �I 2 2 2 4 4 9 Prirsfed with pemrisaiw ojTi1HGC Saan..in Design by Jarnas BanbXaa Wit ,p G.v- a.�,y�, YYY++. O � �� 3 -3 -7 2-2-8 2 2 8 418 9 26 lmru Elcnumte 3 Beigada, Division de Soria [ELR: 31 sea -up east cf Ihm AAI- AA2- 72,Z&Y7 -Y]0: {SAN: 3) 15 �I 2 2 2 4 4 9 Prirsfed with pemrisaiw ojTi1HGC Saan..in Design by Jarnas BanbXaa Wit � �� 3-4-7 2 2 8 1� 7 morale SPECIAL RULES: 1. EC is Overcast (E3.5), and Mud (E3.6) with no wind at start. The bridge does not cost; it is a Ford. All woods are Brush. OB provided "T' may net up in non- concealment tomato. All units have a +2 Heat of Battle DRM for nationality. 2. I? b: i'i'� il1.IC,t'3: use partisan counters [EXC: Russian 2 -2 -8, 9 -0, SWs1 but are not considered Partisans; Surrender on a final BOB DR >10; Squads which fail ELR are replaced by 2 1-lSs, HSs which fail ELR are Disrupted; Squads & HSs are considered inexperienced for Cowering & SW usage; all leaders (Including the 9 -0) are treated as Commissars for Rally purposes ONLY; Squads/BSs which fail to Rally with a leader are treated as having failed ELR (Disrupted HSs which fail am eliminated); do not pay captured use penalties for Russian SWs. 3. - - : use Axis Mine rconnters; Squads and HSs are considered inenpericneed for MMG usage; MMCs ahvays Battle Barden to Fanatic. 4. Hand - to -Iland CC (J2.31) is alMwed. AFTERMATH: Amid appalling conditions produced by nightly snow and daily rain with the temperature hovering about the freezing mark, Spaniard fought Spaniard in the hills about Jadraque. Attack and counterattack were bitter and incessant, with quarter neither asked nor given. Better equipped and better led, the men of the Division de Soria made steady progress. Not even counterattacks stiffened by small quantities of Soviet armor were able to check their advance. By 12 March, they had cleared the Republican troops from the hills, and established themselves 7 kilometers beyond Jadraque. Not once during the Guadalajara campaign was the right flank of the Italian advance threatened. VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Germans win at game end it they control more Stone Buildings than the Russians provided the Russians have not amassed? 30 CVPs. SL 0pe Tuckum, Latvia; 20 August 1944: As the Soviet offensive of 1944 swept through Belorussia, it soon reached the borders of Poland and the Baltic countries. A dangerous bulge was soon forming between the German armies ofNmy Group North and Army Group Mine. On August 1 the 3rd Russian Mechanized Corps of the 51st Army broke through the weakly held Gorman defense lines bciwcee Auz and Mium. The Russians quickly overcame the scattered German delaying musical reached the town of Tuckrun just a few kilometers away from the Gulf of Riga. Army Group North was effectively cut offhom the rest of the German armies fighting in the east. At this critical moment in the summer of 1944, Generalobersl Ferdinand Schomer, commander of Army Group North, began scraping together emergency combat units for a counterattack that he hoped would restore land communications between both army groups. One ofthese emergency units was SS Panzer Brigade Gross, consisting oftwo weak tank companies made up of old PzIH and IV tanks, the 103rd Heavy Tank Battalion (Tiger tanks) with Parrergrenadier support plus the adhoc 1 SS Armored Seem initiation. As was common practice in the WallmoSS, this emergency unit was named after its commander, SS Oberstunn. bmmfuhrer Martin Gross. BOARD CONFIGURATION: N BALANCE: J L 1n the Russian OB splice the SU -85 r with s T- 34M43. 1 * In the VC ehang...... 10._a to Only hexrovs A -1'un board 43 and R- GG on hoard 4 are ph,rable HIM Elements of the 19th SS Latvian Division, SS -Parer Brigade Gross IIILR: 31 enter on die east edge of hoard 4 on turn core: {SAN: 2 ) 9 2 4 2 2 �1 Elements of the 3rd Mechanized Corps 1ELR: 41 set rep mnhve,t oflo srew 4 on board 4 and nri3,vl e,e on hand 42: 7 SAN: 41 9 d Ealor an the west edge of boord 42 on turn I: 16 16 „ �<' s' $., 76L =ra TAHr 3 SPECIAL RULES: 1. EC are Moderate with no wind at start. The ]till mass on board 42 does not exist but the terrain within does exist. All Orchards are Shellholes. 2. Place Overlays as follows: B3 on 4EE24EE3; Wd2 on 4X1 -4X2. 3. The German player has one mission of 280mm OBA (FIE only; Harassing Fire is NA). Prior to all set up the German player must secretly record one pre- registered hex. At the beginning of the first PFPh the German player places air FFE:I on the pre - registered hex disregarding any Concealed units; roll for Accuracy & Error per C L732. This FFE is resolved normally, and may be corrected per CIA (using a draw pile of 5B, 31Z for C 1.21 purposes if necessary) despite having no Observer. No additional 013A is possible upon completion of the 1717E:2. 7 AITEISMATIl: On the 8th ofAugusl, SS Panzer t5rgane Bross was momentarily commu- ted to battle against a Soviet Cavalry Corps south of Lilian. Latvia. Used as a fire brigade, Brigade Gross with the combined efforts of some Wehrmacht units held back the Russian attack. Nineteen days after the Soviets had severed land communications between Anny Group North and Mine, the Germans had finally amassed a sizable force that they hoped ,,cold be able to restore the German from between both armies by fighting their way through the Soviet 3rd Mechanized Corps. On 20 August, SS Panzer Brigade Gross (which was attached to Parer Division Sta chwitz, another adhoc unit) attacked towards the village of Tuckum. Soon a murdemus firelight erupted in and around the village with Tiger rocks and T -34s stalking each other in the streets of Tuckum. The cruiser Prinz Eugen, which was off shore, thin,, its weight into the attack exacting a heavy toll on One Russian defenders. By Sam, the Soviet defenders were routed from the village and had lost over 48 tanks. The Germans reestablished contact with Army Grasp Mine. W CN8 P i. i.� �� �a VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Germans win i[ at game end, they control? 6 of the buildings in the British setup area. Any building within the British set up area which contains a blaze counter at game end is considered controlled by the Germans. TURN RECORD CHART I BRITISH Sets Up First GERMAN Moves First elol M I 1 gt ]r I�� ,o n ■?]�Mn Ezra rte. W ISTEDT, GERMANY, 21 April 1945: Thejob of cutting the autobahn between Hamburg and Bremen to prevent its use by German troops fell on the Irish Guards. Having already cleared the aumbalm between Sitteasen and Enot the road lay open to the north. On the evening of April 20th, a hoop of No. 1 Squadron was sent northwest to the village of Wismdt but was recalled before dark because its placement would sketch the battalion too far. Before dawn a troop of No. 1 Squadron from 2nd Battalion, supported by a platoon of infantry Gam 3rd Battalion, was sent to the quiet, sleepy village of Wistedt seeing no further sign of the enemy. While making preparations for any impending action, Lt. Clients Sherman, in the lead, was disabled with m electrical failure. The others, along with the infantry, were sited in defensible positions around the village and stood down for a morning brew up. While the others were at breakfast, Guardsman Eddie Charlton stayed with the disabled Sherman, removing the Browning machine gun from the bow._ BOARD CONFIGURATION: BALANCE: .� In the VC change "...control ?6..." to —control ?:7... rEliminate one Plot from the British OB N (only limmira I through CC are playable) Elements of No.1 Squadron, 2nd (Armoured) Battalion and 3rd Battalion, Irish Guards [ELR: 5] set up crdbetween hexrows O and W, on hexes numbered <6: {SAN: O) Remnants of Kompanie, ll Battalion, Pallier- Grenadier- Regiment 115,15 Panzer- Grenadier - Division [ELR: 41 enter on Turn I anywhere along the north , west and /or south edges of the playing area: {SAN:O) SPECIAL RULES: A 9 3� 1. EC me Wet and Overcast with Light Rain (E3.51) and no wind at start. Rain intensity cannot change during the scenario. Kindling is NA. 2. Place overlays as follows: BI on S3; B2 on Q6 -R6; OI on T4; 02 on 03 -P3; X9 on W6; XIO on R7; and XII on S2 -T2. All buildings are wooden with ground floor only. All walls are hedges. 3. At start British AFV crews must set -up outside their vehicles (which are considered abandoned) but in the name hex with them. British AFVs may not set up in buildings. (See SSR 4). 4. After set -up but prior to the start of play, the British Player randomly and secretly determines one Sherman Via) to be immobilized with a Disabled MA. Its identity maybe kept secret until verification is required. At the beginning of each British RPh the British player must make a dr, if this dr is <the current sum number, the British player receives a Hero and a LMG immediately placed on top of the immobilized vehicle as if he were a rider . Mark the vehicle wild a BMG Disabled counter. If thus vehicle is destroyed due to German fire prior to receiving the Hero/LMG, they are placed on lop of Ural vehicle at flint time unless Divisional Armor for on Tom 2 anywhere along the west edge. s� 13 6� e the vehicle is a blazing wreck, in which case they are not received at all. Ignore the last sentence of D3.7. S. Getman crews may not voluntarily abandon their vehicles. MTCBMATH: While impeding the palmas, Lt Quinan heard vehicle. Assummghwastlieadvanceof We Grrnadis Guards, he stoMNWemidJle of We roadmgeta better look wish his 6inaulan. Within sands a solid auccon,iaeing shell pm M so dose to his head it blew his beret off, striking the house behind him. Thai, in the words ofndenary Lt Williams Harvey- Kelly, who was with him at the moment, "all Fell as let louse." Ae the defender in Nevi0age came under stAi'aaack, a hero cruse in the farm of Ll Quinan's ea-drive, Guardsman Eddie Cl..hon. Wish We Browning MGfrom the disabled She�tnav, Charlton stood in the tunes hatch firing into the advancing Gainers. Iuaing a bank in the action, he a itM the vehicle and moved to the shelter of feel mad fence, from where he continued m&e the machine gun into the C amav vaeguardenlillm ,newmmdmatimajdamthme. Hewes thrn taken prisons, along widra Cew ofhis fellow Guardsmen (the areas having meaped due to his adieah and later died in crytiviry. Ciarken'sac6miswec, later heralded by(eman POWs who ca,vesed nmmoreat as the actions ofa lone Goardsmmr who stood in front ofWrs burning Shamans and held ups baualion ottheir mar. Guardsman EdrosI Colqulmun Cheapen was pusOsumouely arvardM thehiglset honor£ Mnvery Osmshe British Armyhas, the Victoria Cross. It ens We last act smmincd iu Europe for which a Victors Crass was mvadM. 11'CWJ Gate KONDUJA, RUSSIA, Last Week of December 1941: The 43rd Regiment of the 1st Infantry Division was transferred to Konduja after the Russians had attacked across the icecovered Neva River and recaptured Dubrovka. The Russian advance continued in the snow covered forests. Elements of the Getman 96th Division were surrounded. Their supply route through the forests had been out by the Soviets the night before leaving burnt -out vehicles along the main supply road. 1st Company of the 43rd Regiment was given the task of reopening this supply road to their sur- rounded comrades. With a single tank leading the way, the 3 platoons began to move forward under the clear and cold night. "Just keep up and everything will be all right," yelled the tank commander to the supporting ground troops. The Skoda tank's engine revved and the vehicle began to roll forward like a huge beetle, crunching the frozen branches of a downed tree. The tank rolled along the supply road, with one platoon to its left, another to its right and one platoon following along the rats in the snow left by its two caterpillar tracks... BOARD CONFIGURATION: N V VICTORY CONDITIONS: The German player wins if there are no unbroken Russian I (Only hexr"ws RGG are playable) NINC with a LOS to the R5- X5 -GG6 road at game end. / +'` Add an ATR to the Russian OB TURN RECORD CHART BALANCE: rIgnore SSR4 Elements of the 42nd Army ]ELK: 41 sot up on Avert of hexmw V. {SAN: 2} of the clearing. They glided downhill, picking up speed as they headed straight toward the road. "Achtung, ahead and to the left a Russian ski squad." Al that moment the Russians began to fire on both sides of the road. The tank hulled and all hatches clanged shut. Soon afterward the turret machine gun opened fire and then the main 37mm gun. The Germans sought cover and fired back knocking down a few of the white figures in the snow. By now the tank was firing to its left and right. When the enemy fire died down the tank once again began to move. "Follow, follow!" The troopsjnmped up and homed after the tank. The Russians opened up again felling n few attackers while other Gammas fired on the run at the muzzle flashes which betrayed the enemys position. To the left and right the woods echoed with the sound of rifle flue and exploding grenades. The Soviet survivors tamed and Red on the heels of their std troops, pushed by gunfire from a lone German funk Ten minutes later the German infantry reached their once surrounded FElements of the Ist Company, 43rd Infantry Regiment [ELR: 41 cater on lam one on the east edge: (SAN: 2) I 4 O O 1116 4,e r 0 4 -6 -7 uA a3 -g 37 414 9 3 Printedonh Derv, SPECIAL RULES: 1. EC arc Wet with Ground Summit no wind at start. foretell Grain hexes as level 1 hill hexes. Orchards do not exist. 2. Night rules are in effect. The base NVR is 3 hexes. The Germans are the scenario attacker, the Russians are the scenario defender. The Majority Squad Type of both sides is Normal. 3. Russian 6 -2 -8 squads are ski capable (E4), stealthy, and have winter camouflage. 4. No Gemtan unit may move/advance further west than the Pz35 until a German unit has a LOS to a Known Russian unit. 5. Place a wreck in hexes T5, U6, W5, and X5. AFTERMATH: Five minutes down the road they passed the first burnt -out vehicles. As the platoon in the middle advanced, they scanned the area to Rte left where the forest ended to reveal a clearing perhaps eighty meters wide. White -clad figures emerged from the upper end comrades and the supply road was rcpor(ed clear. RUSSIAN Sets Up First tj 3 1 4L 6 END J L GERMAN Moves First -! r Elements of the 42nd Army ]ELK: 41 sot up on Avert of hexmw V. {SAN: 2} of the clearing. They glided downhill, picking up speed as they headed straight toward the road. "Achtung, ahead and to the left a Russian ski squad." Al that moment the Russians began to fire on both sides of the road. The tank hulled and all hatches clanged shut. Soon afterward the turret machine gun opened fire and then the main 37mm gun. The Germans sought cover and fired back knocking down a few of the white figures in the snow. By now the tank was firing to its left and right. When the enemy fire died down the tank once again began to move. "Follow, follow!" The troopsjnmped up and homed after the tank. The Russians opened up again felling n few attackers while other Gammas fired on the run at the muzzle flashes which betrayed the enemys position. To the left and right the woods echoed with the sound of rifle flue and exploding grenades. The Soviet survivors tamed and Red on the heels of their std troops, pushed by gunfire from a lone German funk Ten minutes later the German infantry reached their once surrounded FElements of the Ist Company, 43rd Infantry Regiment [ELR: 41 cater on lam one on the east edge: (SAN: 2) I 4 O O 1116 4,e r 0 4 -6 -7 uA a3 -g 37 414 9 3 Printedonh Derv, SPECIAL RULES: 1. EC arc Wet with Ground Summit no wind at start. foretell Grain hexes as level 1 hill hexes. Orchards do not exist. 2. Night rules are in effect. The base NVR is 3 hexes. The Germans are the scenario attacker, the Russians are the scenario defender. The Majority Squad Type of both sides is Normal. 3. Russian 6 -2 -8 squads are ski capable (E4), stealthy, and have winter camouflage. 4. No Gemtan unit may move/advance further west than the Pz35 until a German unit has a LOS to a Known Russian unit. 5. Place a wreck in hexes T5, U6, W5, and X5. AFTERMATH: Five minutes down the road they passed the first burnt -out vehicles. As the platoon in the middle advanced, they scanned the area to Rte left where the forest ended to reveal a clearing perhaps eighty meters wide. White -clad figures emerged from the upper end comrades and the supply road was rcpor(ed clear. FElements of the Ist Company, 43rd Infantry Regiment [ELR: 41 cater on lam one on the east edge: (SAN: 2) I 4 O O 1116 4,e r 0 4 -6 -7 uA a3 -g 37 414 9 3 Printedonh Derv, SPECIAL RULES: 1. EC arc Wet with Ground Summit no wind at start. foretell Grain hexes as level 1 hill hexes. Orchards do not exist. 2. Night rules are in effect. The base NVR is 3 hexes. The Germans are the scenario attacker, the Russians are the scenario defender. The Majority Squad Type of both sides is Normal. 3. Russian 6 -2 -8 squads are ski capable (E4), stealthy, and have winter camouflage. 4. No Gemtan unit may move/advance further west than the Pz35 until a German unit has a LOS to a Known Russian unit. 5. Place a wreck in hexes T5, U6, W5, and X5. AFTERMATH: Five minutes down the road they passed the first burnt -out vehicles. As the platoon in the middle advanced, they scanned the area to Rte left where the forest ended to reveal a clearing perhaps eighty meters wide. White -clad figures emerged from the upper end comrades and the supply road was rcpor(ed clear. Q56 ,y STAND AND DIES CHAPEL PROVINCE, CHINA, 7 December 1937: On July 7th 1937, Japan opted for an all out war against China: the Kwantung Armyatmcked from the north, while an expeditionary force supported by armor landed from the sea and drove on Peking through Tien -ton. The . Japanese aim was to seize northern China without delay, and the tanks provided the necessary speed and shock to achieve such a goal. The IJA assumed that Chiang Kai -Shale would accept ,ti4 rp seizure of the north; and indeed, within five months the IJA had seized nearly all territory north of the Yellow River without serious resistance. Chiang chose to make his stand and fight the Japanese in and around the city of Shanghai, calculating that the large foreign population in the area would attract the attention and perhaps the intervention on China's behalf of the western e, r -� N powers. The Japanese assaulted the last of the Chinese defenses surrounding Shanghai on the P i ' -T�;� �w4!' "` 'v rk 7th of December. Following would be a 5 -day struggle to breach the defenses of Chiang Kai -shek. BOARD CONFIGURATION: v..'s s war are g BALANCE: N tom' rc'!h Aug v Add an ATR to the Chinese OB. 5 3 as r `�- 'h ��' ' v.{ • Exchange the 10 -1 leader in the ro Japanese OR for a 10 -2. VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Japanese win if at game end they have amassed more CV Ps than the Chinese. In addition to other CVPs, each building location is worth I CVP for the controlling side. TURN RECORD CHART /� qp CHINESE Set Up First 1 ie / 3 4 5 6 7 END Is JAPANESE Move First Elements of the Nationalist Tat Army Corps [EJI sets -up on/nortr of hemw 6 on board 35 and anywhere on board 24 {SAN 4} eq ABT mommess' ME " a s MMG IM�G1 -. BC � 0.TA y �.MB�- L an a0 1 2 -7 1 -12 z morale 12 2 3 n Elements of the 3rd Arnhorerl Hat alinn enter on turn I along the north edge of board 24: 0 2 3 2 dc. + ■ , n n t 3 1 1 13 s � � 20Lia1 -ish: > >cnic -:n . ..erne ar- one: {SAN:4) TO IT E 1 dm M�6 lM6 am BC A � �' O � � �' f' 1111 9❑II �O f F j� MIO 6r13 q:_q_g 2 9 2 `I ' 1s ❑ ,, es 15 u 10 s9JF�, �' Cll F �a n FO erne rz 39 v +�" 6T s ^* 2 2 SPECIAL RULES: 1. EC are Dry with no wind at start. Kindling is NA PTO Terrain is in effect including Light Jungle. The Rice Paddies are Drained ((iS). 2. Place overlays as follows: 3 on 35DD8 -DD9; 5 on 3509-010; SP2 on 2477 -J6; Will on 24I6. The valley onboard 24 does not exist and the gully on board 24 is treated as a stream. Hexside 24I3 /oI-I2 is a stream hexside. Hex 2477 is a ford. All buildings are wooden and have ground levels only. All Huts are buildings. 3. The Chinese may use HIP for one Sghmd and any S W /SMC that sets up with them. 4. Special Ammuniti on Depletion #s for the Chinese are raised by 1. AFTERMATH: The fight for Chepm 1'rovmce proven costly rot r,mang m terms oh me en,c units he committed to this particular engagement. The bell Germmr trained divisions were rushed to Chnpei along with the Chinese Jul Armored Battalion consisting of Italian CV -33 mnkettes, Pzkpfw is and a number of armored cars of German make. The Japanese responded by committing their Marines with minor to engage the threat of the Nationalist build -up. The heaviest fighting took place in this area where the Nationalist command deployed all of its elite units. The only cover these men had were buildings that were grossly inadequate to protect them from enemy artillery fire or aerial bombardment. The defenses were breached within five days and the Japanese then smnsfied their way into the city itself. Only n few Chinese units held togcilrer under control of their officers to attempt an organized breakout. These actions defied Chiang Kai - shale's standing order to 2 die in place. 2 9 2 `I ' 1s ❑ ,, es 15 u 10 s9JF�, �' Cll F �a n FO erne rz 39 v +�" 6T s ^* 2 2 SPECIAL RULES: 1. EC are Dry with no wind at start. Kindling is NA PTO Terrain is in effect including Light Jungle. The Rice Paddies are Drained ((iS). 2. Place overlays as follows: 3 on 35DD8 -DD9; 5 on 3509-010; SP2 on 2477 -J6; Will on 24I6. The valley onboard 24 does not exist and the gully on board 24 is treated as a stream. Hexside 24I3 /oI-I2 is a stream hexside. Hex 2477 is a ford. All buildings are wooden and have ground levels only. All Huts are buildings. 3. The Chinese may use HIP for one Sghmd and any S W /SMC that sets up with them. 4. Special Ammuniti on Depletion #s for the Chinese are raised by 1. AFTERMATH: The fight for Chepm 1'rovmce proven costly rot r,mang m terms oh me en,c units he committed to this particular engagement. The bell Germmr trained divisions were rushed to Chnpei along with the Chinese Jul Armored Battalion consisting of Italian CV -33 mnkettes, Pzkpfw is and a number of armored cars of German make. The Japanese responded by committing their Marines with minor to engage the threat of the Nationalist build -up. The heaviest fighting took place in this area where the Nationalist command deployed all of its elite units. The only cover these men had were buildings that were grossly inadequate to protect them from enemy artillery fire or aerial bombardment. The defenses were breached within five days and the Japanese then smnsfied their way into the city itself. Only n few Chinese units held togcilrer under control of their officers to attempt an organized breakout. These actions defied Chiang Kai - shale's standing order to 2 die in place.