HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201100087 Legacy Document 2012-07-24 (2)TMP 61W-02-B-1 ALBEMARLE FIRST BANK, INC. I D.B. 2896 P. 379, 381 (PLAT) D.B. 1813 P. 45 D.B. 956 P. 260 (PLAT) 0 60 pg ZONING - C -1 COMMERCIAL USE - BANK (OFFICE) - - - - - -- 55 --------------- - - - - -- 455.23 3 H C /SIGN 451 (\ GM 458.0 1 I 3 REDBUDS LP /SIGN S BI / 11T i 11 TRH 16 -IH 3 -CC 9 -IC // 1 -CV FH 48 -HP 455 454.0 10 -IC 453 U _ _ _ _ S54 °31'1 "E 4� 2 IF / full CW BE s pp / S/ / / / M/� % / / / // / // / / / / / 34IG / 1 458.52 45 ANppNED 4 4 / / / 2' H // / / / // / / // / / R I I , / / / // r // / // / /� / / / I� V / L�� ����� / �/ / 1 / / �/ Q' 30' V 0 OV SHE T .B. 106 P. 20 45� co 1 / 1 1 -CC �C� 1 z I L LI \f I 87 -LM BELOW _ H / � m� L_ - -J Gj� 1 -H / / / / W ML CH CD B . w 1 0 0® A� Ln 1 0 W s N z m CO < M SEGMENTAL UNIT o Ln / -'- RETAINING WALL 2 B `� 10 HA ® 6-W-' II 0 457• � HC 3 -LG �- � � 1 -CB W/ C 18 -IH O� d b 116 -LM BELOW 52 2 -CB 456.3 0 c MULCH, STONE, OR D _ W 49.4 GRASS BETWEEN 0 WALLS AT OWNER'S SOD V ® ® PREFERENCE (TYP.) 2 B L0 o / r L � BUILDING 1 A d- o� 455 38 O 0 3, 029 S.F. V) 9 -MS L FF ELEV. = 455.85 Q w 1 37 -HP U \� 449.5 G = EM � � \ � � � Q � 4 �8 U J Q ® 3 \ "I L _F z �� L = 42 HP BELOW ~ 1 v MOD 3-1 R Will LLJ I- 07 O Ld SOD L 1 -CB W/ 5 -IC D.B. 6.12 w c=.� > r- o Q L 128 LM BELOW A L 45.24 DZON 45 ~ 0 M� CH. YD 2j� + USE D 22 12 O0�mm II wIY m. oo n 11-I L B L < 8 -PA AC z a o \ O GM 00 0 45 654 sf MULCH, STONE, OR 454.41 L TM P 61 V� 02-B MULCH I SOD BETWEEN WALLS HC GREENBRIER STONE - - +4 ATOWNER'S L BEDDING /MULCH; C E (TYP.) 01 \ B REAL PROPERT LLC TYP. 9A 45 r 1.146 ACRES 454 11 �G 14 -HS 04.8 p5 I Agent Approved Credit: 0.000 I Basis for Canopy: 1.146 LP/ IGN Equation: Site Acreage - Credits (Open Space plus Preserved Area) = Basis for Canopy 450 I Al. Basis for Canopy 1.146 Min. Tree Canopy Requirement: 10% (see Section Total: 0.11 Equation: Basis for Canopy X Minimum Tree Canopy Requirement for project = Total - - - B. PROVIDED: Acres Preserved Area: 0.000 Bonus Factor 1.25 Total: 0.000 Equation: Preserved Area X Bonus Factor = Total C. BALANCE: Acres Tree Canopy Required (Al): 0.11 Tree Canopy Preserved (B): 0.000 Balance Canopy Required: 0.11 (4,792 SF) Note: If Balance Canopy Required is negative then NO additional tree canopy is required. If Balance Canopy Required is positive then additional tree canopy is required. Equation: Tree Canopy Required - Tree Canopy Preserved = Balance Canopy Required (If Needed) Open Space and Preserved Area are one in the same for this project. PROPOSED TREE CANOPY: 4,543 + 876 (increased by # of trees to be saved) = 5,419 SF ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: 5% of Paved Area: (Sec. Paved Areas: 31,548 SF (Required: 1,577 SF) 61 W- 02 -B -2 Proposed: 1,887 SF AB, LLC 1891 P. 409 Screening: 915 P. 662 (PLAT ING - C -1 COMME As Shown on plans via evergreen plantings. - LIGHT INDUSTRI Street Trees: 3.5" Caliper Required: 1 Large Street Tree / 35 LF of Frontage Required: (S.R. 29 and Greenbrier Dr. Frontage) _ (275 LF + 160 LF)/ 35 = 12.4 Provided: 3 (Additional trees could not be provided due to easements and number of site entrances. GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES: PRE - CONSTRUCTION • CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING "MISS UTILITY" AT 1.800.552.7001 FOR LOCATION OF ALL UTILITY LINES. TREES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET FROM SEWER /WATER CONNECTIONS. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF CONFLICTS. • VERIFY ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES ON THE PLAN PRIOR TO BIDDING, PLANT LIST TOTALS ARE FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO BIDDING • PROVIDE PLANT MATERIALS OF QUANTITY, SIZE, GENUS, SPECIES, AND VARIETY INDICATED ON PLANS. ALL PLANT MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH RECOMMENDATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI Z60.1 "AMERICAN SCALE: 1" = 20' STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK ". IF SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIAL IS NOT OBTAINABLE, SUBMIT PROOF OF NON AVAILABILITY TO THE ARCHITECTS, TOGETHER DATE: 05116111 WITH PROPOSAL FOR USE OF EQUIVALENT MATERIAL. DRAWN BY FVP • PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL PLANTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAILS AND NURSERY REVISIONS: 08119111 RECOMMENDATIONS. 09/20/11 CONSTRUCTION /INSTALLATION: 09/30/11 • OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PLANTS AND MATERIALS THAT ARE IN AN UNHEALTHY OR UNSIGHTLY CONDITION, AS WELL AS PLANTS AND MATERIALS THAT DO NOT CONFORM TO ANSI Z60.1 "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK ". C , • INSTALL LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS AT ENTRANCES /EXITS AND PARKING AREAS v ACCORDING TO PLANS SO THAT MATERIALS WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH SIGHT DISTANCES. • CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WATERING ALL PLANT MATERIAL DURING INSTALLATION AND UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. v CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER OF CONDITIONS WHICH AFFECTS THE Z GUARANTEE. INSPECTIONS /GUARANTEE: • CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SCHEDULING A FINAL INSPECTION BY THE OWNER. - w CD rn • ALL EXTERIOR PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR Z LLJ N E AFTER DATE OF FINAL INSPECTION AGAINST DEFECTS INCLUDING DEATH O Z Z LU > 0 AND UNSATISFACTORY GROWTH. DEFECTS RESULTING FROM NEGLECT BY THE �r� - OWNER, ABUSE OR DAMAGE BY OTHERS, OR UNUSUAL PHENOMENA OR INCIDENTS V U J WHICH ARE BEYOND THE CONTRACTORS CONTROL ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY 0 > a N OF THE CONTRACTOR. w 0 00 � o • PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES AND SIZES WILL BE INSPECTED FOR COMPLIANCE J Z 00 � rn a WITH APPROVED PLANS BY A SITE PLAN REVIEW AGENT OF THE ALBEMARLE O cv ]- COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO THE RELEASE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF o M M OCCUPANCY. U U `_ • REMOVE ALL GUY WIRES AND STAKES 12 MONTHS AFTER INSTALLATION. These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of POHL CONSULTING and may not be reproduced by any means in whole or in part and shall not be assigned to any third party without the express written consent of POHL CONSULTING. EXISTING (TO REMAIN) (measured DIA.) KEY QNTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME APPROX. EXISTING ROOT CANOPY TOTAL SIZE TYPE CANOPY 5 DOGWOOD TREES TREES ON SOUTH SIDE OF SITE 8' HT. 124 620 16 HOLLY SHRUBS SHRUBS ON SOUTH SIDE OF SITE 36" DIA. - 16 256 MULCH BED 19 2i ,C 444.56 876 LIMITS; TYP. ' L 20 D U 20' CI) 5 -AF PLANT CANOPY CALCULATIONS 55.43 1 q z D . 449 P. 27 MS SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES (20' -407 (Street and /or under utility lines) 4 G> >0 m FF 45 _ e m e Minimum Caliper or Height at Growth.- Total Height Ratio of Width Total Width Botanical Nam Com on Nam Qty. Height Planting 10 Years In 70 Years to Height Ia 10 Years Area of Canopy Total Area o /Canopy 454.11 J �.� OP H453.30 20 X �q (Min. Cal./Ht) W h X +Y =T (R, (R)T=D rD) "2 3.14/4= Qty. x Area of Canopy (SF) 1 \v S" D n J �OR1, ,���' _ Carpinus betulus "Fastigiata" Pyramidal European Hornbeam 6 (3%" Cal.) 13 10 23 0.75 17.25 69 414.00 20' RAINAGE 6' cJ PB 1 STORY BLOCK / 1 U 975 IPI 6 2ER ESMT ORNAMENTALTREES(2WAQ 414.00 °YD ESMT cz> JIFFY LUBE n P B 12 45 / Minimum Caliper or Height at Gro dh over Total Height Ratio of Width Total Width Q �� L Botanical Name Common Name Qty. Height Planting 10 Years Io 10 Years to Height Io 10 Years Area of Canopy Total Area of Canopy POSTED) 40 (Mm C.I./H1.) (Y) X +Y =T (R) (R)T =D (D) ^2'3.1414= Qty. x Area of Canopy (SF) \ PB Q - 49 • Chionanthus Arginicus White Fringe Tree 2 (2Y =" Cal.) 7 8 15 0.90 13.5 125 250.00 5 -PA ) I F Cercis canadensis & cvs. Eastern Redbud (Rising Sun) 6 2%" Cal.) 7 0 7 0.74 12.58 124 745.39 9 -IC O� AJ / 43_1` _ � � 995.39 -LG O /• t' ^�'� I ! SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREES (10' -20) s fS� G) ,� 3 -IR N�/ /t�J (i \_ Minimum Caliper or Height at Gro✓dhover Total Height Ra in Of Width Total Width v _ AM rrrrCC l� 1 / Botanical Name Common Name Qty. Height Planting 10 Years In 70 Years to Height In 70 Years Area of Canopy Total Area of Canopy (� v,r (Mm .Cal./Ht) (x) (Y) X +y =T (RJ (ft)7 =D (D) ^2'3.7414= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) ('� Z Acer ginnala "Flame" "Flame" Amur Maple 5 (2%" Cal.) 6 12 18 0.90 16.2 206 1030.08 454•p1 SOD _� MULCH BED J PB / Lagerstroemie indite x c s. C apemyrtle 4 2%" Cal.) 6 9 5 0.66 9.9 77 30 0 'T N ,O PB / 1,337.83 T sf BROADLEAVED EVERGREENS (Screening) AND ORNAMENTAL CONIFERS (20' -70') DPA SJ GRAS`S AREA -� RO� \`�G '� rp \`rte+ Minimum Caliloo -, Heightaf G Total Height Ratio of Width [T.Ial Widfh - / \ Botanical Name Common Name C , Hetght Planting 10 a In 10 Years to Height o Years Area of Canopy Total Area o /Canopy (TO REMAIN) P N �N (Mm.Cal. /HI) (x) (Y) X +y_T (R) R)T D (D) '2'3.1414= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) 454.1 Ilex x attenuate Fosteri' Robin Holly 6 (4' -5') 1 4.5 1 10 1 14.5 1 0.31 1 4.495 1 16 1 9517 45 .13 ��P . 9 2 � 8 95.17 B. 1 448 62 \ BROADLEAVED EVERGREEN /SEMI- EVERGREEN SHRUBS (Screening) (3' -157 ® 52.9 GAS MAIN E -5 G GV S G ,, / CS MULCH BED 1153= H - R��� �l5 LIMITS; TYP. OD DO p gR�ER � g6 _ 6 H C OSP -- - - 4 1 • D Dp OD p10 0 G GR�� E Rw1,OF ,W Fes( / 451.5 D 0 Ft \G�� DEL A= 80 °52'43" \ 14 LY6BUS� (T 6' DWOOD 5EXISTING CB =1 15 °43'22 "W �I 452 OG DOGWOODS 1 -CC 16 EXISTING BED LIMITS SwL C=32.43' HOLLY SHRUBS P) T= 21.31' m A=35.29' E g R= 25.00' ° B =N65 °56'49 "W � _ 151.09' A= 151.82' Sw� R= 444.92' N NOTES NF • STONE BEDDING SHALL BE LUCK STONE'S LARGE CHALET (OR EQUAL). DOUBLE - SHREDDED MULCH MAY BE T -10 SUBSTITUTED AT OWNER'S REQUEST. TMP 61 W2A CHARLOTTESVILLE REALTY ASSOCIATES ` • VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE D.B. 1311 P. 459 �� s ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. D.B. 696 P. 560, 565 -566 (PLAT) 6 .-o T`; C' • ALL SITE PLANTINGS OF TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE SCALE IN FEET �OG62 ALLOWED TO REACH, AND BE MAINTAINED AT, MATURE y 0 HEIGHT; THE TOPPING OF TREES IS PROHIBITED. SHRUBS 2�y AND TREES SHALL BE PRUNED MINIMALLY AND ONLY TO 0 5 10 20 40 60 �F SUPPORT THE OVERALL HEALTH OF THE PLANT. M Caliper or Height at Grovdh over Total Height Ratio o /Width Total Width Botanical Name Common Name Qty. H ght Planting 10 Years In 10 are Height In 70 Years A Total Area of Canopy (M'n.Cal./H(J (x) (Y) X +y T (R) (R)T D (D) "2'3.14/4= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) Ilex cornuta & evs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24' 2 3 5 0 85 4 25 14 467 91 Ilex crenate & cvs. Japanese Holly (Hoogendom) 43 24" 2 1 3 5 0.90 4 5 16 683 54 Ilex glabm & cvs. Inkbeny Holly (Compacts, Nigro, Shamrock) 24 24" 2 4 6 0.90 5.4 23 549.37 1,700.8 Grand Total: 4,543.20 PLANT LIST Label ScientificName CommonName Quantity Caliper Height Root Comments AF Acer ginnala 'Flame' Flame Amur Maple 5 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CB Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' Pyramidal European Hornbeam 6 3.5" B &B Straight trunk; branching begins at 3; balanced head CC Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud (Rising Sun) 6 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CV Chionanthus virginicus White Fringe Tree 2 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head HA Hydrangea anomala Climbing Hydrangea 10 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease; spaced evenly and directed towards wall HP Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' Pardon Me Daylily 158 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. HS Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro' Stella d'Oro Daylily 31 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. IC Ilex cornuta & cvs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IG Ilex glabra ' Densa' Densa Inkberry 24 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IH Ilex crenata ' Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese Holly 43 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IR Ilex x attenuata 'Fosteri' Robin Holly 6 4.5' B &B Branched to ground; uniform, dense foliage, straight, pyramidal form LG Lagerstroemia x ' Tuskegee' (fauriei) Tuskegee Crapen-yrtle 4 2.5" B &B /cont Multi -trunk (3 -5 trunks); dense, uniform branching LM Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue Liriope 331 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 12" O.C. MS Miscanthus sinensis 'Cosmopolitan' Japanese Sliver Grass 36 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease PA Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass 19 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease SOD Fescue- SOD I Sod Cool Season Variety. Seed blend may be substituted at ow ner's approval. V z O IH z Q LU ZD z U LU Q J > z < LL LU U J > 0 W Q _ z z 2 Q Q ED ED zJ W a Q LU 01- L0 z o LU o z LU cl� 0 Q (D z U IH V) Q z J PROJECT NO. 102 SHEET NO. L -1 OF 14 COUNTY CALCULATIONS I TREE CANOPY (REQUIRED BY ZONINGY A. REQUIRED: Acres Site Acreage: 1.146 Credits (Farm /etc.): 0.000 GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES: PRE - CONSTRUCTION • CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING "MISS UTILITY" AT 1.800.552.7001 FOR LOCATION OF ALL UTILITY LINES. TREES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET FROM SEWER /WATER CONNECTIONS. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF CONFLICTS. • VERIFY ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES ON THE PLAN PRIOR TO BIDDING, PLANT LIST TOTALS ARE FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO BIDDING • PROVIDE PLANT MATERIALS OF QUANTITY, SIZE, GENUS, SPECIES, AND VARIETY INDICATED ON PLANS. ALL PLANT MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH RECOMMENDATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI Z60.1 "AMERICAN SCALE: 1" = 20' STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK ". IF SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIAL IS NOT OBTAINABLE, SUBMIT PROOF OF NON AVAILABILITY TO THE ARCHITECTS, TOGETHER DATE: 05116111 WITH PROPOSAL FOR USE OF EQUIVALENT MATERIAL. DRAWN BY FVP • PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL PLANTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAILS AND NURSERY REVISIONS: 08119111 RECOMMENDATIONS. 09/20/11 CONSTRUCTION /INSTALLATION: 09/30/11 • OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PLANTS AND MATERIALS THAT ARE IN AN UNHEALTHY OR UNSIGHTLY CONDITION, AS WELL AS PLANTS AND MATERIALS THAT DO NOT CONFORM TO ANSI Z60.1 "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK ". C , • INSTALL LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS AT ENTRANCES /EXITS AND PARKING AREAS v ACCORDING TO PLANS SO THAT MATERIALS WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH SIGHT DISTANCES. • CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WATERING ALL PLANT MATERIAL DURING INSTALLATION AND UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. v CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER OF CONDITIONS WHICH AFFECTS THE Z GUARANTEE. INSPECTIONS /GUARANTEE: • CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SCHEDULING A FINAL INSPECTION BY THE OWNER. - w CD rn • ALL EXTERIOR PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR Z LLJ N E AFTER DATE OF FINAL INSPECTION AGAINST DEFECTS INCLUDING DEATH O Z Z LU > 0 AND UNSATISFACTORY GROWTH. DEFECTS RESULTING FROM NEGLECT BY THE �r� - OWNER, ABUSE OR DAMAGE BY OTHERS, OR UNUSUAL PHENOMENA OR INCIDENTS V U J WHICH ARE BEYOND THE CONTRACTORS CONTROL ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY 0 > a N OF THE CONTRACTOR. w 0 00 � o • PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES AND SIZES WILL BE INSPECTED FOR COMPLIANCE J Z 00 � rn a WITH APPROVED PLANS BY A SITE PLAN REVIEW AGENT OF THE ALBEMARLE O cv ]- COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO THE RELEASE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF o M M OCCUPANCY. U U `_ • REMOVE ALL GUY WIRES AND STAKES 12 MONTHS AFTER INSTALLATION. These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of POHL CONSULTING and may not be reproduced by any means in whole or in part and shall not be assigned to any third party without the express written consent of POHL CONSULTING. EXISTING (TO REMAIN) (measured DIA.) KEY QNTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME APPROX. EXISTING ROOT CANOPY TOTAL SIZE TYPE CANOPY 5 DOGWOOD TREES TREES ON SOUTH SIDE OF SITE 8' HT. 124 620 16 HOLLY SHRUBS SHRUBS ON SOUTH SIDE OF SITE 36" DIA. - 16 256 MULCH BED 19 2i ,C 444.56 876 LIMITS; TYP. ' L 20 D U 20' CI) 5 -AF PLANT CANOPY CALCULATIONS 55.43 1 q z D . 449 P. 27 MS SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES (20' -407 (Street and /or under utility lines) 4 G> >0 m FF 45 _ e m e Minimum Caliper or Height at Growth.- Total Height Ratio of Width Total Width Botanical Nam Com on Nam Qty. Height Planting 10 Years In 70 Years to Height Ia 10 Years Area of Canopy Total Area o /Canopy 454.11 J �.� OP H453.30 20 X �q (Min. Cal./Ht) W h X +Y =T (R, (R)T=D rD) "2 3.14/4= Qty. x Area of Canopy (SF) 1 \v S" D n J �OR1, ,���' _ Carpinus betulus "Fastigiata" Pyramidal European Hornbeam 6 (3%" Cal.) 13 10 23 0.75 17.25 69 414.00 20' RAINAGE 6' cJ PB 1 STORY BLOCK / 1 U 975 IPI 6 2ER ESMT ORNAMENTALTREES(2WAQ 414.00 °YD ESMT cz> JIFFY LUBE n P B 12 45 / Minimum Caliper or Height at Gro dh over Total Height Ratio of Width Total Width Q �� L Botanical Name Common Name Qty. Height Planting 10 Years Io 10 Years to Height Io 10 Years Area of Canopy Total Area of Canopy POSTED) 40 (Mm C.I./H1.) (Y) X +Y =T (R) (R)T =D (D) ^2'3.1414= Qty. x Area of Canopy (SF) \ PB Q - 49 • Chionanthus Arginicus White Fringe Tree 2 (2Y =" Cal.) 7 8 15 0.90 13.5 125 250.00 5 -PA ) I F Cercis canadensis & cvs. Eastern Redbud (Rising Sun) 6 2%" Cal.) 7 0 7 0.74 12.58 124 745.39 9 -IC O� AJ / 43_1` _ � � 995.39 -LG O /• t' ^�'� I ! SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREES (10' -20) s fS� G) ,� 3 -IR N�/ /t�J (i \_ Minimum Caliper or Height at Gro✓dhover Total Height Ra in Of Width Total Width v _ AM rrrrCC l� 1 / Botanical Name Common Name Qty. Height Planting 10 Years In 70 Years to Height In 70 Years Area of Canopy Total Area of Canopy (� v,r (Mm .Cal./Ht) (x) (Y) X +y =T (RJ (ft)7 =D (D) ^2'3.7414= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) ('� Z Acer ginnala "Flame" "Flame" Amur Maple 5 (2%" Cal.) 6 12 18 0.90 16.2 206 1030.08 454•p1 SOD _� MULCH BED J PB / Lagerstroemie indite x c s. C apemyrtle 4 2%" Cal.) 6 9 5 0.66 9.9 77 30 0 'T N ,O PB / 1,337.83 T sf BROADLEAVED EVERGREENS (Screening) AND ORNAMENTAL CONIFERS (20' -70') DPA SJ GRAS`S AREA -� RO� \`�G '� rp \`rte+ Minimum Caliloo -, Heightaf G Total Height Ratio of Width [T.Ial Widfh - / \ Botanical Name Common Name C , Hetght Planting 10 a In 10 Years to Height o Years Area of Canopy Total Area o /Canopy (TO REMAIN) P N �N (Mm.Cal. /HI) (x) (Y) X +y_T (R) R)T D (D) '2'3.1414= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) 454.1 Ilex x attenuate Fosteri' Robin Holly 6 (4' -5') 1 4.5 1 10 1 14.5 1 0.31 1 4.495 1 16 1 9517 45 .13 ��P . 9 2 � 8 95.17 B. 1 448 62 \ BROADLEAVED EVERGREEN /SEMI- EVERGREEN SHRUBS (Screening) (3' -157 ® 52.9 GAS MAIN E -5 G GV S G ,, / CS MULCH BED 1153= H - R��� �l5 LIMITS; TYP. OD DO p gR�ER � g6 _ 6 H C OSP -- - - 4 1 • D Dp OD p10 0 G GR�� E Rw1,OF ,W Fes( / 451.5 D 0 Ft \G�� DEL A= 80 °52'43" \ 14 LY6BUS� (T 6' DWOOD 5EXISTING CB =1 15 °43'22 "W �I 452 OG DOGWOODS 1 -CC 16 EXISTING BED LIMITS SwL C=32.43' HOLLY SHRUBS P) T= 21.31' m A=35.29' E g R= 25.00' ° B =N65 °56'49 "W � _ 151.09' A= 151.82' Sw� R= 444.92' N NOTES NF • STONE BEDDING SHALL BE LUCK STONE'S LARGE CHALET (OR EQUAL). DOUBLE - SHREDDED MULCH MAY BE T -10 SUBSTITUTED AT OWNER'S REQUEST. TMP 61 W2A CHARLOTTESVILLE REALTY ASSOCIATES ` • VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE D.B. 1311 P. 459 �� s ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. D.B. 696 P. 560, 565 -566 (PLAT) 6 .-o T`; C' • ALL SITE PLANTINGS OF TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE SCALE IN FEET �OG62 ALLOWED TO REACH, AND BE MAINTAINED AT, MATURE y 0 HEIGHT; THE TOPPING OF TREES IS PROHIBITED. SHRUBS 2�y AND TREES SHALL BE PRUNED MINIMALLY AND ONLY TO 0 5 10 20 40 60 �F SUPPORT THE OVERALL HEALTH OF THE PLANT. M Caliper or Height at Grovdh over Total Height Ratio o /Width Total Width Botanical Name Common Name Qty. H ght Planting 10 Years In 10 are Height In 70 Years A Total Area of Canopy (M'n.Cal./H(J (x) (Y) X +y T (R) (R)T D (D) "2'3.14/4= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) Ilex cornuta & evs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24' 2 3 5 0 85 4 25 14 467 91 Ilex crenate & cvs. Japanese Holly (Hoogendom) 43 24" 2 1 3 5 0.90 4 5 16 683 54 Ilex glabm & cvs. Inkbeny Holly (Compacts, Nigro, Shamrock) 24 24" 2 4 6 0.90 5.4 23 549.37 1,700.8 Grand Total: 4,543.20 PLANT LIST Label ScientificName CommonName Quantity Caliper Height Root Comments AF Acer ginnala 'Flame' Flame Amur Maple 5 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CB Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' Pyramidal European Hornbeam 6 3.5" B &B Straight trunk; branching begins at 3; balanced head CC Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud (Rising Sun) 6 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CV Chionanthus virginicus White Fringe Tree 2 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head HA Hydrangea anomala Climbing Hydrangea 10 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease; spaced evenly and directed towards wall HP Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' Pardon Me Daylily 158 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. HS Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro' Stella d'Oro Daylily 31 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. IC Ilex cornuta & cvs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IG Ilex glabra ' Densa' Densa Inkberry 24 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IH Ilex crenata ' Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese Holly 43 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IR Ilex x attenuata 'Fosteri' Robin Holly 6 4.5' B &B Branched to ground; uniform, dense foliage, straight, pyramidal form LG Lagerstroemia x ' Tuskegee' (fauriei) Tuskegee Crapen-yrtle 4 2.5" B &B /cont Multi -trunk (3 -5 trunks); dense, uniform branching LM Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue Liriope 331 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 12" O.C. MS Miscanthus sinensis 'Cosmopolitan' Japanese Sliver Grass 36 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease PA Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass 19 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease SOD Fescue- SOD I Sod Cool Season Variety. Seed blend may be substituted at ow ner's approval. V z O IH z Q LU ZD z U LU Q J > z < LL LU U J > 0 W Q _ z z 2 Q Q ED ED zJ W a Q LU 01- L0 z o LU o z LU cl� 0 Q (D z U IH V) Q z J PROJECT NO. 102 SHEET NO. L -1 OF 14 EXISTING (TO REMAIN) (measured DIA.) KEY QNTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME APPROX. EXISTING ROOT CANOPY TOTAL SIZE TYPE CANOPY 5 DOGWOOD TREES TREES ON SOUTH SIDE OF SITE 8' HT. 124 620 16 HOLLY SHRUBS SHRUBS ON SOUTH SIDE OF SITE 36" DIA. - 16 256 MULCH BED 19 2i ,C 444.56 876 LIMITS; TYP. ' L 20 D U 20' CI) 5 -AF PLANT CANOPY CALCULATIONS 55.43 1 q z D . 449 P. 27 MS SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES (20' -407 (Street and /or under utility lines) 4 G> >0 m FF 45 _ e m e Minimum Caliper or Height at Growth.- Total Height Ratio of Width Total Width Botanical Nam Com on Nam Qty. Height Planting 10 Years In 70 Years to Height Ia 10 Years Area of Canopy Total Area o /Canopy 454.11 J �.� OP H453.30 20 X �q (Min. Cal./Ht) W h X +Y =T (R, (R)T=D rD) "2 3.14/4= Qty. x Area of Canopy (SF) 1 \v S" D n J �OR1, ,���' _ Carpinus betulus "Fastigiata" Pyramidal European Hornbeam 6 (3%" Cal.) 13 10 23 0.75 17.25 69 414.00 20' RAINAGE 6' cJ PB 1 STORY BLOCK / 1 U 975 IPI 6 2ER ESMT ORNAMENTALTREES(2WAQ 414.00 °YD ESMT cz> JIFFY LUBE n P B 12 45 / Minimum Caliper or Height at Gro dh over Total Height Ratio of Width Total Width Q �� L Botanical Name Common Name Qty. Height Planting 10 Years Io 10 Years to Height Io 10 Years Area of Canopy Total Area of Canopy POSTED) 40 (Mm C.I./H1.) (Y) X +Y =T (R) (R)T =D (D) ^2'3.1414= Qty. x Area of Canopy (SF) \ PB Q - 49 • Chionanthus Arginicus White Fringe Tree 2 (2Y =" Cal.) 7 8 15 0.90 13.5 125 250.00 5 -PA ) I F Cercis canadensis & cvs. Eastern Redbud (Rising Sun) 6 2%" Cal.) 7 0 7 0.74 12.58 124 745.39 9 -IC O� AJ / 43_1` _ � � 995.39 -LG O /• t' ^�'� I ! SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREES (10' -20) s fS� G) ,� 3 -IR N�/ /t�J (i \_ Minimum Caliper or Height at Gro✓dhover Total Height Ra in Of Width Total Width v _ AM rrrrCC l� 1 / Botanical Name Common Name Qty. Height Planting 10 Years In 70 Years to Height In 70 Years Area of Canopy Total Area of Canopy (� v,r (Mm .Cal./Ht) (x) (Y) X +y =T (RJ (ft)7 =D (D) ^2'3.7414= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) ('� Z Acer ginnala "Flame" "Flame" Amur Maple 5 (2%" Cal.) 6 12 18 0.90 16.2 206 1030.08 454•p1 SOD _� MULCH BED J PB / Lagerstroemie indite x c s. C apemyrtle 4 2%" Cal.) 6 9 5 0.66 9.9 77 30 0 'T N ,O PB / 1,337.83 T sf BROADLEAVED EVERGREENS (Screening) AND ORNAMENTAL CONIFERS (20' -70') DPA SJ GRAS`S AREA -� RO� \`�G '� rp \`rte+ Minimum Caliloo -, Heightaf G Total Height Ratio of Width [T.Ial Widfh - / \ Botanical Name Common Name C , Hetght Planting 10 a In 10 Years to Height o Years Area of Canopy Total Area o /Canopy (TO REMAIN) P N �N (Mm.Cal. /HI) (x) (Y) X +y_T (R) R)T D (D) '2'3.1414= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) 454.1 Ilex x attenuate Fosteri' Robin Holly 6 (4' -5') 1 4.5 1 10 1 14.5 1 0.31 1 4.495 1 16 1 9517 45 .13 ��P . 9 2 � 8 95.17 B. 1 448 62 \ BROADLEAVED EVERGREEN /SEMI- EVERGREEN SHRUBS (Screening) (3' -157 ® 52.9 GAS MAIN E -5 G GV S G ,, / CS MULCH BED 1153= H - R��� �l5 LIMITS; TYP. OD DO p gR�ER � g6 _ 6 H C OSP -- - - 4 1 • D Dp OD p10 0 G GR�� E Rw1,OF ,W Fes( / 451.5 D 0 Ft \G�� DEL A= 80 °52'43" \ 14 LY6BUS� (T 6' DWOOD 5EXISTING CB =1 15 °43'22 "W �I 452 OG DOGWOODS 1 -CC 16 EXISTING BED LIMITS SwL C=32.43' HOLLY SHRUBS P) T= 21.31' m A=35.29' E g R= 25.00' ° B =N65 °56'49 "W � _ 151.09' A= 151.82' Sw� R= 444.92' N NOTES NF • STONE BEDDING SHALL BE LUCK STONE'S LARGE CHALET (OR EQUAL). DOUBLE - SHREDDED MULCH MAY BE T -10 SUBSTITUTED AT OWNER'S REQUEST. TMP 61 W2A CHARLOTTESVILLE REALTY ASSOCIATES ` • VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE D.B. 1311 P. 459 �� s ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. D.B. 696 P. 560, 565 -566 (PLAT) 6 .-o T`; C' • ALL SITE PLANTINGS OF TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE SCALE IN FEET �OG62 ALLOWED TO REACH, AND BE MAINTAINED AT, MATURE y 0 HEIGHT; THE TOPPING OF TREES IS PROHIBITED. SHRUBS 2�y AND TREES SHALL BE PRUNED MINIMALLY AND ONLY TO 0 5 10 20 40 60 �F SUPPORT THE OVERALL HEALTH OF THE PLANT. M Caliper or Height at Grovdh over Total Height Ratio o /Width Total Width Botanical Name Common Name Qty. H ght Planting 10 Years In 10 are Height In 70 Years A Total Area of Canopy (M'n.Cal./H(J (x) (Y) X +y T (R) (R)T D (D) "2'3.14/4= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) Ilex cornuta & evs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24' 2 3 5 0 85 4 25 14 467 91 Ilex crenate & cvs. Japanese Holly (Hoogendom) 43 24" 2 1 3 5 0.90 4 5 16 683 54 Ilex glabm & cvs. Inkbeny Holly (Compacts, Nigro, Shamrock) 24 24" 2 4 6 0.90 5.4 23 549.37 1,700.8 Grand Total: 4,543.20 PLANT LIST Label ScientificName CommonName Quantity Caliper Height Root Comments AF Acer ginnala 'Flame' Flame Amur Maple 5 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CB Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' Pyramidal European Hornbeam 6 3.5" B &B Straight trunk; branching begins at 3; balanced head CC Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud (Rising Sun) 6 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CV Chionanthus virginicus White Fringe Tree 2 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head HA Hydrangea anomala Climbing Hydrangea 10 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease; spaced evenly and directed towards wall HP Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' Pardon Me Daylily 158 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. HS Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro' Stella d'Oro Daylily 31 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. IC Ilex cornuta & cvs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IG Ilex glabra ' Densa' Densa Inkberry 24 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IH Ilex crenata ' Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese Holly 43 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IR Ilex x attenuata 'Fosteri' Robin Holly 6 4.5' B &B Branched to ground; uniform, dense foliage, straight, pyramidal form LG Lagerstroemia x ' Tuskegee' (fauriei) Tuskegee Crapen-yrtle 4 2.5" B &B /cont Multi -trunk (3 -5 trunks); dense, uniform branching LM Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue Liriope 331 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 12" O.C. MS Miscanthus sinensis 'Cosmopolitan' Japanese Sliver Grass 36 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease PA Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass 19 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease SOD Fescue- SOD I Sod Cool Season Variety. Seed blend may be substituted at ow ner's approval. V z O IH z Q LU ZD z U LU Q J > z < LL LU U J > 0 W Q _ z z 2 Q Q ED ED zJ W a Q LU 01- L0 z o LU o z LU cl� 0 Q (D z U IH V) Q z J PROJECT NO. 102 SHEET NO. L -1 OF 14 MULCH BED 19 2i ,C 444.56 876 LIMITS; TYP. ' L 20 D U 20' CI) 5 -AF PLANT CANOPY CALCULATIONS 55.43 1 q z D . 449 P. 27 MS SMALL DECIDUOUS TREES (20' -407 (Street and /or under utility lines) 4 G> >0 m FF 45 _ e m e Minimum Caliper or Height at Growth.- Total Height Ratio of Width Total Width Botanical Nam Com on Nam Qty. Height Planting 10 Years In 70 Years to Height Ia 10 Years Area of Canopy Total Area o /Canopy 454.11 J �.� OP H453.30 20 X �q (Min. Cal./Ht) W h X +Y =T (R, (R)T=D rD) "2 3.14/4= Qty. x Area of Canopy (SF) 1 \v S" D n J �OR1, ,���' _ Carpinus betulus "Fastigiata" Pyramidal European Hornbeam 6 (3%" Cal.) 13 10 23 0.75 17.25 69 414.00 20' RAINAGE 6' cJ PB 1 STORY BLOCK / 1 U 975 IPI 6 2ER ESMT ORNAMENTALTREES(2WAQ 414.00 °YD ESMT cz> JIFFY LUBE n P B 12 45 / Minimum Caliper or Height at Gro dh over Total Height Ratio of Width Total Width Q �� L Botanical Name Common Name Qty. Height Planting 10 Years Io 10 Years to Height Io 10 Years Area of Canopy Total Area of Canopy POSTED) 40 (Mm C.I./H1.) (Y) X +Y =T (R) (R)T =D (D) ^2'3.1414= Qty. x Area of Canopy (SF) \ PB Q - 49 • Chionanthus Arginicus White Fringe Tree 2 (2Y =" Cal.) 7 8 15 0.90 13.5 125 250.00 5 -PA ) I F Cercis canadensis & cvs. Eastern Redbud (Rising Sun) 6 2%" Cal.) 7 0 7 0.74 12.58 124 745.39 9 -IC O� AJ / 43_1` _ � � 995.39 -LG O /• t' ^�'� I ! SMALL ORNAMENTAL TREES (10' -20) s fS� G) ,� 3 -IR N�/ /t�J (i \_ Minimum Caliper or Height at Gro✓dhover Total Height Ra in Of Width Total Width v _ AM rrrrCC l� 1 / Botanical Name Common Name Qty. Height Planting 10 Years In 70 Years to Height In 70 Years Area of Canopy Total Area of Canopy (� v,r (Mm .Cal./Ht) (x) (Y) X +y =T (RJ (ft)7 =D (D) ^2'3.7414= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) ('� Z Acer ginnala "Flame" "Flame" Amur Maple 5 (2%" Cal.) 6 12 18 0.90 16.2 206 1030.08 454•p1 SOD _� MULCH BED J PB / Lagerstroemie indite x c s. C apemyrtle 4 2%" Cal.) 6 9 5 0.66 9.9 77 30 0 'T N ,O PB / 1,337.83 T sf BROADLEAVED EVERGREENS (Screening) AND ORNAMENTAL CONIFERS (20' -70') DPA SJ GRAS`S AREA -� RO� \`�G '� rp \`rte+ Minimum Caliloo -, Heightaf G Total Height Ratio of Width [T.Ial Widfh - / \ Botanical Name Common Name C , Hetght Planting 10 a In 10 Years to Height o Years Area of Canopy Total Area o /Canopy (TO REMAIN) P N �N (Mm.Cal. /HI) (x) (Y) X +y_T (R) R)T D (D) '2'3.1414= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) 454.1 Ilex x attenuate Fosteri' Robin Holly 6 (4' -5') 1 4.5 1 10 1 14.5 1 0.31 1 4.495 1 16 1 9517 45 .13 ��P . 9 2 � 8 95.17 B. 1 448 62 \ BROADLEAVED EVERGREEN /SEMI- EVERGREEN SHRUBS (Screening) (3' -157 ® 52.9 GAS MAIN E -5 G GV S G ,, / CS MULCH BED 1153= H - R��� �l5 LIMITS; TYP. OD DO p gR�ER � g6 _ 6 H C OSP -- - - 4 1 • D Dp OD p10 0 G GR�� E Rw1,OF ,W Fes( / 451.5 D 0 Ft \G�� DEL A= 80 °52'43" \ 14 LY6BUS� (T 6' DWOOD 5EXISTING CB =1 15 °43'22 "W �I 452 OG DOGWOODS 1 -CC 16 EXISTING BED LIMITS SwL C=32.43' HOLLY SHRUBS P) T= 21.31' m A=35.29' E g R= 25.00' ° B =N65 °56'49 "W � _ 151.09' A= 151.82' Sw� R= 444.92' N NOTES NF • STONE BEDDING SHALL BE LUCK STONE'S LARGE CHALET (OR EQUAL). DOUBLE - SHREDDED MULCH MAY BE T -10 SUBSTITUTED AT OWNER'S REQUEST. TMP 61 W2A CHARLOTTESVILLE REALTY ASSOCIATES ` • VISIBILITY OF ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE D.B. 1311 P. 459 �� s ENTRANCE CORRIDOR SHALL BE ELIMINATED. D.B. 696 P. 560, 565 -566 (PLAT) 6 .-o T`; C' • ALL SITE PLANTINGS OF TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE SCALE IN FEET �OG62 ALLOWED TO REACH, AND BE MAINTAINED AT, MATURE y 0 HEIGHT; THE TOPPING OF TREES IS PROHIBITED. SHRUBS 2�y AND TREES SHALL BE PRUNED MINIMALLY AND ONLY TO 0 5 10 20 40 60 �F SUPPORT THE OVERALL HEALTH OF THE PLANT. M Caliper or Height at Grovdh over Total Height Ratio o /Width Total Width Botanical Name Common Name Qty. H ght Planting 10 Years In 10 are Height In 70 Years A Total Area of Canopy (M'n.Cal./H(J (x) (Y) X +y T (R) (R)T D (D) "2'3.14/4= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) Ilex cornuta & evs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24' 2 3 5 0 85 4 25 14 467 91 Ilex crenate & cvs. Japanese Holly (Hoogendom) 43 24" 2 1 3 5 0.90 4 5 16 683 54 Ilex glabm & cvs. Inkbeny Holly (Compacts, Nigro, Shamrock) 24 24" 2 4 6 0.90 5.4 23 549.37 1,700.8 Grand Total: 4,543.20 PLANT LIST Label ScientificName CommonName Quantity Caliper Height Root Comments AF Acer ginnala 'Flame' Flame Amur Maple 5 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CB Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' Pyramidal European Hornbeam 6 3.5" B &B Straight trunk; branching begins at 3; balanced head CC Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud (Rising Sun) 6 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CV Chionanthus virginicus White Fringe Tree 2 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head HA Hydrangea anomala Climbing Hydrangea 10 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease; spaced evenly and directed towards wall HP Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' Pardon Me Daylily 158 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. HS Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro' Stella d'Oro Daylily 31 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. IC Ilex cornuta & cvs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IG Ilex glabra ' Densa' Densa Inkberry 24 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IH Ilex crenata ' Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese Holly 43 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IR Ilex x attenuata 'Fosteri' Robin Holly 6 4.5' B &B Branched to ground; uniform, dense foliage, straight, pyramidal form LG Lagerstroemia x ' Tuskegee' (fauriei) Tuskegee Crapen-yrtle 4 2.5" B &B /cont Multi -trunk (3 -5 trunks); dense, uniform branching LM Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue Liriope 331 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 12" O.C. MS Miscanthus sinensis 'Cosmopolitan' Japanese Sliver Grass 36 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease PA Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass 19 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease SOD Fescue- SOD I Sod Cool Season Variety. Seed blend may be substituted at ow ner's approval. V z O IH z Q LU ZD z U LU Q J > z < LL LU U J > 0 W Q _ z z 2 Q Q ED ED zJ W a Q LU 01- L0 z o LU o z LU cl� 0 Q (D z U IH V) Q z J PROJECT NO. 102 SHEET NO. L -1 OF 14 M Caliper or Height at Grovdh over Total Height Ratio o /Width Total Width Botanical Name Common Name Qty. H ght Planting 10 Years In 10 are Height In 70 Years A Total Area of Canopy (M'n.Cal./H(J (x) (Y) X +y T (R) (R)T D (D) "2'3.14/4= Qty xArea of Canopy (SF) Ilex cornuta & evs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24' 2 3 5 0 85 4 25 14 467 91 Ilex crenate & cvs. Japanese Holly (Hoogendom) 43 24" 2 1 3 5 0.90 4 5 16 683 54 Ilex glabm & cvs. Inkbeny Holly (Compacts, Nigro, Shamrock) 24 24" 2 4 6 0.90 5.4 23 549.37 1,700.8 Grand Total: 4,543.20 PLANT LIST Label ScientificName CommonName Quantity Caliper Height Root Comments AF Acer ginnala 'Flame' Flame Amur Maple 5 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CB Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' Pyramidal European Hornbeam 6 3.5" B &B Straight trunk; branching begins at 3; balanced head CC Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud (Rising Sun) 6 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CV Chionanthus virginicus White Fringe Tree 2 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head HA Hydrangea anomala Climbing Hydrangea 10 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease; spaced evenly and directed towards wall HP Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' Pardon Me Daylily 158 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. HS Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro' Stella d'Oro Daylily 31 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. IC Ilex cornuta & cvs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IG Ilex glabra ' Densa' Densa Inkberry 24 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IH Ilex crenata ' Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese Holly 43 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IR Ilex x attenuata 'Fosteri' Robin Holly 6 4.5' B &B Branched to ground; uniform, dense foliage, straight, pyramidal form LG Lagerstroemia x ' Tuskegee' (fauriei) Tuskegee Crapen-yrtle 4 2.5" B &B /cont Multi -trunk (3 -5 trunks); dense, uniform branching LM Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue Liriope 331 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 12" O.C. MS Miscanthus sinensis 'Cosmopolitan' Japanese Sliver Grass 36 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease PA Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass 19 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease SOD Fescue- SOD I Sod Cool Season Variety. Seed blend may be substituted at ow ner's approval. V z O IH z Q LU ZD z U LU Q J > z < LL LU U J > 0 W Q _ z z 2 Q Q ED ED zJ W a Q LU 01- L0 z o LU o z LU cl� 0 Q (D z U IH V) Q z J PROJECT NO. 102 SHEET NO. L -1 OF 14 1,700.8 Grand Total: 4,543.20 PLANT LIST Label ScientificName CommonName Quantity Caliper Height Root Comments AF Acer ginnala 'Flame' Flame Amur Maple 5 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CB Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' Pyramidal European Hornbeam 6 3.5" B &B Straight trunk; branching begins at 3; balanced head CC Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud (Rising Sun) 6 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head CV Chionanthus virginicus White Fringe Tree 2 2.5" B &B /cont Straight trunk; branching begins at 3'; balanced head HA Hydrangea anomala Climbing Hydrangea 10 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease; spaced evenly and directed towards wall HP Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' Pardon Me Daylily 158 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. HS Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro' Stella d'Oro Daylily 31 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 18" O.C. IC Ilex cornuta & cvs. Chinese Holly (Dwarf Burford) 33 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IG Ilex glabra ' Densa' Densa Inkberry 24 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IH Ilex crenata ' Hoogendorn' Hoogendorn Japanese Holly 43 24" Cont. All plants from one source; healthy color; balanced form IR Ilex x attenuata 'Fosteri' Robin Holly 6 4.5' B &B Branched to ground; uniform, dense foliage, straight, pyramidal form LG Lagerstroemia x ' Tuskegee' (fauriei) Tuskegee Crapen-yrtle 4 2.5" B &B /cont Multi -trunk (3 -5 trunks); dense, uniform branching LM Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Big Blue Liriope 331 1 G Dense form; healthy color; uniform branching; 12" O.C. MS Miscanthus sinensis 'Cosmopolitan' Japanese Sliver Grass 36 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease PA Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass 19 3 G Full in pot; free of rot & disease SOD Fescue- SOD I Sod Cool Season Variety. Seed blend may be substituted at ow ner's approval. V z O IH z Q LU ZD z U LU Q J > z < LL LU U J > 0 W Q _ z z 2 Q Q ED ED zJ W a Q LU 01- L0 z o LU o z LU cl� 0 Q (D z U IH V) Q z J PROJECT NO. 102 SHEET NO. L -1 OF 14 V z O IH z Q LU ZD z U LU Q J > z < LL LU U J > 0 W Q _ z z 2 Q Q ED ED zJ W a Q LU 01- L0 z o LU o z LU cl� 0 Q (D z U IH V) Q z J PROJECT NO. 102 SHEET NO. L -1 OF 14