HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCP201200001 Staff Report 2012-07-25k COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Project Name: CCP 2012 -00001 Staff: Andy Sorrell, Senior Planner Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission Public Hearing: Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: April 3, 2012 N/A Owner /s: Albemarle County Applicant: Office of Facilities Development/ Albemarle County Police Department Tax Map Parcels: 129 -2A Acreage: 169.12 acres Location: end of Rt. 704 Fortune Lane, approximately 1.4 miles south of intersection of Fortune Lane and Riding Club Rd Zoning District: RA, Rural Areas Magisterial District: Samuel Miller Conditions or Proffers: No Proposal: Compliance with the Comprehensive Comprehensive Plan Designation: Plan review for a potential law enforcement Rural Area training facility, consisting of an outdoor firing range, at the end of Fortune Lane in Keene. Use & Character of Property: Use of Surrounding Properties: wooded, open Location of the closed Keene landfill, open space, agricultural space, wooded Factors Favorable: Factors Unfavorable: 1. The site will utilize an under -used county- 1. The proposed use on the site will owned property. 2. The site's size and remote nature isolates produce noise at property lines that are it from more densely populated areas. above the noise ordinance provisions of 3. The location of the firing range on site will the zoning ordinance. further limit adverse impact on adjacent agricultural properties. 4. The site's location limits impacts to natural, scenic, historic and cultural resources. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Commission find that the location, character and extent of the proposed Law Enforcement Firing Range facility is in substantial accord with the County's Comprehensive Plan for the reasons identified as the favorable factors of the staff report as outlined in said report. CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 1 STAFF PERSON: Andrew V. Sorrell PLANNING COMMISSION: April 3, 2012 CCP 201200001 LAW ENFORCEMENT FIRING RANGE Review for Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan (Va. Code 15.2- 2232) BACKGROUND This is a proposal to establish a County owned and operated firearms training facility consisting of a 100 yard outdoor fenced firing range, classroom building, toilet facilities, access road and parking area. The facility is proposed on county -owned property which is the site of the closed Keene landfill (Attachment A). The Albemarle Police Department currently utilizes a private firearms range to maintain the necessary firearms training certifications for the County's Police Officers. The current site is inadequate for police training because of limitations on when training can be scheduled and restrictions that prevent realistic, scenario —based training. In addition, the County Police Department does not have a say in how the range is operated, maintained or monitored. In order to reduce liability concerns and increase officer proficiency and safety the Police Department needs a facility that will permit more frequent training (at least three times a year). A dedicated law enforcement firing range owned, operated and managed by the County will permit more frequent personnel training and has been identified as a high priority in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The proposed firearms training facility is part of a larger, long -term CIP request for a public safety training center (PSTC). The PSTC was proposed in a 2008 study prepared by TENG & Associates, Inc. The TENG study conducted a site analysis of several county -owned properties for a PSTC that could meet the current and future training needs of the Albemarle Police Department and Fire /Rescue Department. Because of the sensitive nature of a firing range, the County has limited options for finding a site to operate the facility upon. The 2008 TENG Study evaluated three county -owned properties: the Preddy Creek site (northeast part of the County, east of Rt. 29), the Byrom site (far northwest part of the County) and the Keene Landfill site (southern part of County near Rt. 6). The Preddy site was not preferred because of its proximity to adjacent localities and poor soils. The Byrom site was not preferred because it is under a conservation easement, it is close to the Shenandoah National Park and the property has a significant amount of critical slope. The Keene landfill site was the preferred site and the 2008 study included an overall conceptual master plan for the PSTC on the property. The conceptual master plan proposed a centralized public safety training center include a firing range, a burn building, a vehicle extrication area, a hazard materials training area, an emergency vehicles course, and classroom space together with associated support structures (Attachment C). CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 2 Due in part to the increasing difficulty in utilizing the current private firearms range, the County Police Department revised the PSTC CIP request to break out as a separate request the infrastructure necessary to complete only the firearms training facility. The Police Department therefore has requested only the proposed firearms training facility (firing range) to be reviewed for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan at this time. Other phases of the PSTC which have not been submitted as part of this review request have not been reviewed for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and will need such a review if and when they are proposed to be constructed in the future. PURPOSE OF REVIEW A Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Review (or "2232 Review ") considers whether the general location, character and extent of a proposed public facility are in substantial accord with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. It is reviewed by the Planning Commission and the Commission's findings are forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for their information. No additional action is required of the Board. The Commission's action is only related to the appropriateness of the site for this public use, and is not an action or recommendation on whether the station should be funded and /or constructed. CHARACTER OF THE SITE / AREA The firing range is proposed to be located on a 169.12 acre parcel that contains the closed Keene Landfill. The firing range would be located south of the landfill disposal boundaries or disposal "cells" (Attachment C). The site is bounded by rural agricultural land on the east, west and south sides with one adjacent property to the east within the Totier Creek Agricultural — Forestal District (parcel 129 -3). Parcel 129 -3 is 145 acres in area; approximately 95 acres are wooded (including the portion adjacent to the proposed firing range site) with the remaining 50 acres in open field and pasture with livestock (cattle). Staff reviewed the proposed firing range with the Agricultural - Forestal District Committee at their meeting on March 19, 2012. The consensus of the Committee was that the proposed firing range was not a use that complemented or was otherwise conducive to agricultural or forestal uses. The Committee also felt that if such a use was to be approved, that every measure be taken to mitigate the noise and safety impacts to adjacent property within the District. Measures such as retaining and enhancing the wooded buffer adjacent to the proposed range and orienting the range north facing rather than south facing to reduce the likelihood of rounds leaving the property were specifically addressed by the Committee. The property is within the Southern Albemarle Rural Historic District. Within a one mile radius, there are approximately four historic structures that contribute to the District. None of these structures will be impacted by this proposal. On the north, along Fortune Lane, smaller rural residential parcels exist. Within a one mile radius of the proposed range location, there are approximately 19 homes. Four homes are located on Fortune Lane the closest being approximately 2/3 of a mile to the north of the firing range site. Approximately fifteen homes front on Irish Road within a one mile radius, the closest being approximately' /2 mile to the south of the firing range site. The property is designated as Rural Area in the Comprehensive Plan; and this area drains into the Totier Creek Water Supply Watershed. It has been designated as Rural Area since adoption of the 1971 (first) Comprehensive Plan. The Keene Sanitary Landfill was permitted on the site in approximately 1974 and the property was utilized as CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 3 a municipal landfill until its closure in May 1991. The site is zoned for rural area uses and is outside of the jurisdictional boundaries for water and sewer. SPECIFICS OF THE PROPOSAL The primary component of this project is the proposed 350' by 150' outdoor firing range surrounded by 20 foot tall side and rear berms. The firing range is proposed to be a 100 yard range with twelve firing lanes, expandable to 24 lanes. The firing line would be covered (roofed) and paved in asphalt. The range floor and berms would be grassed. The range is proposed Figure 1: Perspective View - Firing Range to accommodate handguns and rifles. Other components of the project would include road improvements onsite to include a gravel access road and parking area, toilet facilities, perimeter fencing around the range, and a learning cottage (classroom). The project will require the submittal and approval of a site plan and an erosion control plan. Ideally, the County desires to begin construction on the facility in the spring of 2013 with the facility opening in the summer of 2013. This timeframe for opening the firing range is considered critical for providing the necessary training and qualifying for the Police Department. If the County Police Department's current arrangement was terminated and the County had no firing range, then county personnel would need to travel outside of the County to receive necessary training. Types of Activity Activity onsite will involve firearms and special weapons training and qualification for members of the County Police Department. Other in- service activities could include simmunition (force -on- force) training, less -than lethal training, and any other outdoor law enforcement training where a controlled environment is necessary. In addition to in- service training, schools and special events are proposed to be held from time -to -time. Examples of a training school could include a five -day school to teach new officers during a basic training academy class or training veteran officers on a new weapon system or training officers on law enforcement tactics. Examples of special events could include a law enforcement shooting competition or a firearms safety class offered to the public. Site Access The site would be accessed from the terminus of Fortune Lane, Route 704 which is currently a gravel public road. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has indicated that Fortune Lane will be hard - surfaced in 2012 as part of the Rural Rustic Road program. VDOT has stated that due to the low amount of additional traffic generated by the proposed firing range that Fortune Lane remains eligible for the rural rustic program and the hard - surfacing of the road scheduled to occur. Frequency of Use The County Police Department anticipated using the site three to four days per week which may include 10 -20 police vehicles and up to 20 people per use. In addition to in- service training for police officers, schools and special events are proposed to be held from time -to -time. Except for special cases or events, it is not anticipated that the site will be used on weekends. Hours of operation would vary by the season, but would CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 4 conclude no later than 10:00 PM. Periodic night training is required by the Police Department's training standards. Such night training would occur no more than four times per quarter. Facility Users It is anticipated that the facility will primarily serve the Albemarle County Police Department and the Albemarle County Sheriff's Department. The Charlottesville Police Department has committed to providing funding for the project so they will be users as well. It is anticipated that there will be up to 20 people on site per use. The firing range would be staffed by the County Police Department when training is being conducted. The possibility exists to partner with other local governments, federal agencies and private corporations for use of the facility. A public - private partnership with a corporation would be based on regional law enforcement needs first and then if available, the range could be available for lease by corporations that require firearms training. If the County was to enter into such a lease agreement, county personnel would be present to monitor the training activity and such expense would be built into the lease agreement. Noise Measures Noise abatement has been addressed through facility location and design features. The 2008 TENG Study concluded that placement of the firing range at the rear of the property where the site elevation is low would aid in keeping generated noise levels low. The 2008 TENG study proposed to orient the range facing south with earthen berms on three sides 20 feet in height (Attachment C). Taking Figure 2: Perspective View - Existing Tree Buffer Size from the firing line, preliminary noise calculations for four rifles and twelve handguns firing simultaneously produced a decibel level of 90 for a 320 foot radius from the firing line at the range site. The 90 decibel radius was contained within the property boundaries. The noise level calculations take into account a grass - surfaced firing range with 20 foot tall side and rear earthen berms with a wooded buffer behind them. At the site of the proposed range, planted loblolly pines are approximately 15 feet tall and are 6 -8 years old (Figure 2). Attachment D provides the estimates noise levels for the proposed firing range. At the property line, noise levels range 71 to 86 decibels on the western property line closest to the facility and 69 to 82 decibels on the eastern property line closest to the facility. The northern property line at Fortune Lane furthest from the facility would be approximately 52 dB. Figure 2 below illustrates real -world examples of noise levels. CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 5 ure s: txamwes of Noise Levells taaaroximate Lawn mower (96 dB); motorcycle at 25 ft (90 dB) 90 -100 dB Food blender (88 dB); garbage disposal (80 dB). 80 -89 dB Passenger car at 65 mph at 25 ft (77 dB); radio or TV- audio, 70 -79 dB vacuum cleaner (70 dB) Conversation in restaurant, office, Air conditioning unit at 100 ft 60 -69 dB Quiet suburb, conversation at home. Source: http: / /www.industrialnoisecontrol.com /comparative- noise - examples.htm 50 -59 dB Staff has determined that as a public use, the proposed firing range is exempt from noise ordinance provisions of the zoning ordinance. However, the noise ordinance can serve as general benchmark of what noise levels are appropriate. For uses located in the Rural Areas, noise levels are permitted to be 55 dB at night and 60 dB during the day. Therefore, using the noise ordinance provisions as a benchmark, the facility would be over the desired limits of the noise ordinance at the property lines closest to the proposed range site but not significantly so, given the nature of the use/ facility. Within the portion identified as "general location of proposed firing range" on Attachment E, the County is researching the best location and orientation for the firing range. The 2008 TENG study recommended the firing range face south. This recommendation included supporting noise level documentation. A general area has been identified for the location of the firing range so that if additional research and noise data indicate that noise and other concerns can be mitigated more effectively by adjusting the range's location and /or orientation within the identified area, that the County have the flexibility to do so. In addition to the design measures on the range itself, other noise mitigation measures may include retaining and cultivating the wooded buffer of planted loblolly pine (currently 15 feet tall) as well as using engineered baffles or barriers. Other Safety and Security Measures The facility will be secured with perimeter fencing which will include signage warning of the firing range. The fencing will be secured when the facility is not in use. The access road will include a gate which will remain locked when the facility is not in use. As proposed in this request, ammunition and weapons are not proposed to be stored onsite. A storage building would be used for keeping maintenance, cleaning and targeting supplies onsite. Outdoor lighting will be minimal and just include, several outdoor light fixtures affixed to the classroom, bathroom and cover over the firing line. While the potential exists for an errant bullet to leave any outdoor firing range, the County is taking several precautions to minimize this risk. First, the location of the range has been carefully selected on the property to buffer the firing range from adjacent properties. Secondly, the design of the firing range contributes to keeping all bullets within the berm perimeter. The range will be contained on three sides by earthen structures whose dimensions are 40' -45' thick at the base, 5' thick at the top, and are approximately 20' high. Thirdly, State certified instructors will always be present to ensure that range rules are followed and unsafe practices prohibited. In addition, targets are placed at a 3' -5' height to ensure that there is ample backstop on all sides of the CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 6 target, especially above the target area. If research and data support that noise and safety measures can be better mitigated by orienting the range to the north rather than south - facing as proposed in the 2008 study, then the range would be oriented away from adjacent properties further reducing the chance of an errant bullet leaving the property. Lead Abatement Lead abatement will occur once the fired round count exceeds one million lead bullets. Bullet containment and berm design will follow recommendations in an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) manual entitled. "Best Management Practices for Lead at Outdoor Shooting Ranges." Once the identified volume of lead bullets have been fired, a lead- reclamation company will be hired to conduct removal work. The Police Department will also follow an Environmental Stewardship Plan that outlines a site assessment, action plan, and how to measure success for lead abatement. To enhance the lead- abating design elements outlined in the EPA manual, the Police Department is conducting a cost comparison analysis between using lead -free ammunition, a bullet reclamation system, or a combination of the two. The Police Department has stated that they plan to use 80% lead -free rounds and use lime to neutralize the lead that is onsite. STAFF COMMENT The purpose of this review is to determine if the proposed location for the firearms training facility is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. This proposal has been reviewed based on Comprehensive Plan policy, including the Community Facilities Plan (part of the Land Use Plan) and the Rural Areas Plan. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Community Facilities Plan The Community Facilities Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan, provides the following guidance regarding the development and location of community facilities: Objective: Give priority to facilities which address emergency needs, health and safety concerns, and provide the greatest ratio of benefit to the population served. Staff Comment: This is a firearms training facility which is needed to meet service standards for training as established in the Community Facilities Plan. Objective: The location of new public facilities should be within the County's Development Areas so as to support County land use policies. Development Areas such as Communities and Villages will serve as service center locations for the Rural Areas. Only in cases where it is not possible to locate a new facility in the Development Area due to physical constraints, or the nature of the facility, and /or service(s) provided, will public facilities be allowed in the Rural Area. The location of community facilities can be an important factor in determining where development can and will be accommodated. Therefore, the provision of community facilities must be carefully coordinated with the land use plan to ensure the adequate provision of facilities and services to accommodate existing and anticipated development. The primary focus of the land use plan is to encourage development in the Development Areas; the necessary facilities CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 7 should be provided to support this pattern of growth. In certain cases it may not be appropriate, or possible, to provide facilities solely in the Development Areas due to the nature of the service or other unique circumstances. However, the priority is to provide the highest level of service to the Development Areas [emphasis addedl. Staff Comment: This objective provides some flexibility to locate public facilities in the Rural Area to due to the "nature of the service" or "unique circumstances." This flexibility was specifically contemplated for public facilities like a firing range which has unique location needs due to the nature of the service the facility provides. Due to the noise impacts of an outdoor firing range more land area is often needed to buffer and reduce such impact to an area. In addition, while every precaution shall be taken to prevent rounds from leaving the site (such as a 20 foot tall berm), locating a firing range outside of a Development Area (where residential density is greater) reduces potential impacts if rounds were to leave the property. Objective: Priority shall be given to the maintenance and expansion of existing facilities to meet service needs. Maintenance of existing facilities is of primary importance. No benefit is gained if new facilities are provided while existing facilities deteriorate and become substandard. Also, in meeting new service needs, consideration should be given to whether the existing facilities can provide an adequate level of service through modification of them. Staff Comment: The County does not own or operate the current location where firearm training occurs; therefore there is no opportunity to expand the existing facility that is used for firearms training. Objective: All sites should be able to accommodate existing and future service needs. All buildings, structures and other facilities shall be designed to permit expansion as necessary. Staff Comment: The 2008 TENG study found that the proposed site is large enough to accommodate future service needs, however at this time such future needs have not been evaluated. Objective: Schedule funding of community facilities through the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), based on the adopted Community Facilities Plan. Staff Comment: The proposed firing range has been scheduled for funding through the CIP and is based upon the adopted Community Facilities Plan. Objective: All community facilities shall be in conformance with County regulations, site development standards, and policies to the greatest extent feasible. County projects are expected to meet all County development regulations and procedures, consistent with any other like type of development project. County projects should further strive to achieve or meet all other appropriate development standards and policies established /encouraged by the County CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 8 (stormwater /water quality, critical slope management, building form /orientation, amount/location of parking, pedestrian /bike accessibility, others). Public projects should be examples of good development and should be models to demonstrate the type of development the County wants to see. Staff Comment: As an outdoor firing range, the facility will have difficulty in meeting the noise standards desired in the zoning ordinance. While this facility is a public use and therefore exempt from the noise ordinance, the County is committed to locating the proposed firing range on the property in a manner that best mitigates the noise and safety concerns associated with facility use. This is why only generalized area for the proposed firing range has been shown for the location of the range (Attachment E). While the 2008 TENG study provided data for one particular site on the property, if further analysis finds noise and other concerns can be better addressed by adjusting the range location and /or orientation, the County wanted the design flexibility to do so. Objective: Determine the value of maintaining existing but obsolete facilities and sites for the potential re -use for other services /facilities prior to their disposal. Consideration should be given to the re -use of public facilities /sites for other public uses, if no longer viable for its original service /facility. It is costly and often difficult to purchase property and site public facilities in new locations. Prior to disposing of public properties, a review of the site /facilities potential for other public uses or reservation of the property for future use should be considered. Staff Comment: The proposed firing range site utilizes and re -uses county owned property that has been unused since the Keene Landfill closed in 1991. The proposed firing range will be located south of the closed landfill disposal cells and will not disturb the earthen cap that seals the landfill. Police Department Service Objectives and Standards The following provides specific service objectives and standards for the Police Department (as found in the Community Facilities Plan) that relate to the development and location of new training facilities: Service Objective: Provide new facilities in a manner that accommodates anticipated service demands and the needs of the current and future staff. Service/ Facility Standards: Training Facilities. Provide, or insure availability of, training facilities including firing range academic facilities classroom /training rooms. Staff Comment: The service /facility standards for the County Police Department, specifically address the need for training facilities such as a firing range. A firing range that is owned, operated and managed by the County will insure the availability of a county - controlled firing range. The firing range shall meet the service demands of the current and future law enforcement personnel. Space for other aspects of a public safety training center has the ability to accommodate anticipated service demands in the future. CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 9 Staff opinion is that the proposed firing range site is generally consistent with the Community Facility Plan recommendations. Rural Areas Plan Because the firing range is proposed in the County's designated Rural Areas, it is necessary to weigh the impact that the proposed firing range site could have on key components of the Rural Areas. The Rural Areas Plan provides the following guidance: 1. Agriculture - - Protect Albemarle County's agricultural lands as a resource base for its agricultural industries and for related benefits they contribute towards the County's rural character, scenic quality, natural environment, and fiscal health. 2. Forestry resources - Protect Albemarle County's forests as a resource base for its forestry industries and watershed protection. Staff Comment 1 -2: The proposed site of the firing range is on property adjacent to a parcel within the Totier Creek Agricultural - Forestal District. Staff solicited input from the Agricultural - Forestal District Committee at their meeting on March 19, 2012. As started earlier in the staff report, the Committee felt that the proposed firing range was not a use that complemented or was otherwise conducive to agricultural or forestal uses. The Committee also felt that if such a use was to be approved, that every measure be taken to mitigate the noise and safety impacts to adjacent property within the District. Measures such as retaining and enhancing the wooded buffer adjacent to the proposed range and orienting the range north facing rather than south facing to reduce the likelihood of rounds leaving the property were specifically addressed by the Committee. 3. Land Preservation — Permanently preserve and protect Albemarle County's rural land as an essential and finite resource through public ownership or through conservation easements. 4. Land Conservation — Protect Albemarle County's rural land through planned management of open spaces to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect. 5. Water supply resources - Protect the quality and supply of surface water and groundwater resources. Staff Comment 3 -5: The proposed site of the firing range is not adjacent to land within a conservation easement. The site is located within the Totier Creek Water Supply Reservoir Watershed. The County is committed protecting the quality and supply of surface water and groundwater and particularly water supply watersheds. To this end, at the proposed site of the firing range, the Police Department plans to utilize best management practices (BMPs) to ensure lead from fired rounds does not contaminate water supplies. Bullet containment and design of the 20 ft. tall berms will follow Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) BMP guidelines specifically created for outdoor firing ranges. In addition, the Police Department is considering using lead -free rounds for certain types of ammunition. 6. Natural resources - Preserve and manage the Rural Areas' natural resources in order to protect the environment and conserve resources for future use. 7. Scenic resources - Preserve the County's rural scenic resources as being essential to the County's character, economic vitality, and quality of life. 8. Historical, archeological and cultural resources - Protect the Rural Areas' historic, archeological and cultural resources. CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 10 Staff Comment 6 -8: The proposed site of the firing range does not impact rural scenic resources because the proposed site is not within an entrance corridor nor is it in a location that would be visible from a public roadway. The proposed site is within the Southern Albemarle Rural Historic District. The proposed site limits possible impacts on historic resources by its isolated and remote location. Staff opinion is that the proposed firing range site is consistent with the Rural Area Plan recommendations. SUMMARY Factors Favorable: 1. The site will utilize an under -used county -owned property. 2. The site's size and remote nature isolates it from more densely populated areas. 3. The location of the firing range on site will further limit adverse impact on adjacent agricultural properties. 4. The site's location limits impacts to natural, scenic, historic and cultural 011:0111[K:1'3 Factors Unfavorable: 1. The proposed use on the site will produce noise at property lines that are above the noise ordinance provisions of the zoning ordinance. Staff finds the proposed site and scale of activity for the proposed Law Enforcement Firing Range in substantial accord with the County's Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission find the location, character and extent of the proposed Law Enforcement Firing Range facility is in substantial accord with the County's Comprehensive Plan for the reasons identified as the favorable factors of the staff report as outlined above. ATTACHMENTS: A. Location Map B. Aerial Photo of Site C. Conceptual Master Plan (from the 2008 TENG Study) D. Estimated Firing Range Noise Levels ( 2 pages, from the 2008 TENG Study) E. Map of General Location for Proposed Firing Range CCP 2012 -00001 Law Enforcement Firing Range Planning Commission 4/3/12 Staff Report Page 11 Law Enforcement Firing Range - Location Map Attachment A —7 — 7131 COL !1� �p1 CRE �Q- 715 ROLLING, 714704G'0// Legend (Note: Some items on map may not appear in legend) x f r Z 715 715 j v��v F 627 7� ` / I 714 r, v U_ I� 713 fW C2 m 0 Cv r (q wO� EMERY5 LN' V F IQ, 704 ` p L RAF CAF 627 g, N � = CHRI�� L N ' OYES 24 Q� R J-1 20 �, 0� 6 71 20 °-) OOQ 6 6 fi V OC'f" J i it ) 627 jRjSH RD �> ' _C9 o z co 7 2500 ft ya��,o `6, r R GIS -Web Y O r' 627 p1P _r \ 6 j 737 + I I I Geographic Data Services www.albemarle.org ti� G4Y�* (434) 296 -5832 Map is for Display Purposes Only • Aerial Imagery from the Commonwealth of Virginia and Other Sources March 14, 2012 D n M Z i D D n 2 m z Map is for Display Purposes Only • Aerial Imagery from the Commonwealth of Virginia and Other Sources March 14, 2012 ALBEMARLE PUBLIC SAFETY �+ TRAINING FACILITY MASTER PLAN .. ATTACHMENT C Q :+ �/ 1 ■• // Noll J / \ TOWER `NAZ -MAT �' // v . BURN rte, f y BUILDING • •'• / u ■ ■ ■ r MULTI -USE // •�. .�' �i yLy� �! ~ ■ ■yi PAD // i 1.r 4 ■ ■ // CLASSROOM BUILDING \ 4 7 J A" 14Y I 14Y �f CAPPED y / WASTE 1 �■ FACILITY # ;�•�. • •4.� '� 'mil N/ • R �~ V I EVOC COURSE i SKID PAN LEGEND: SITE BOUNDARY: ■ LIMITS OF LANDFILL FACILITY: – +� ♦r �vv4}6 ■■ 1 {PARTIAL DEVELOPMENT ALLOWEDy 1 320' RADIUS {— CIRCLE OF LIMITS OF LANDFILL WASTE: 1 _ ' I 90db LIMIT pf (NO DEVELOPMENT ALLOWED) LIMITS OF STREAM BUFFER: • • ..... ♦ f EXISTING MAIN ACCESS DRIVE: J -1 _j j �• l ' PAVED AREA: ��••. y�. � � ''•, BUILDINGS: •. FIRING RANGE � CRITICAL SLOPES: •: I TEND SCALE:D 200 400 FEET � • i �: MR w i i i i ATTACHMENT D1 Estimated Firing Range Noise Levels ? (4 Rifles and 12 Pistols Firing at Once) " 52 dB (3,397`) 0 56 dB (2,578') 58 dB (2,578'} r 58 dB (2,610') 64 dB (2,177') 63 dB (2,365') y- 1 71 dB (1,424`) t +wrar ..b.} it - ia�a CAS4 t1. Nq7 ' - v.,p „���s tti• -�` 76 dB (1,158') MIJ6 •fRKi S� � 80 dB (798') =� w 78 d B (1,010') w � pr onr 82 dB [646'];x. 86 dB (560') _ �V• i 80 dB (801') KEY: 1 s r y y 1g4 86 dB (724) 3'. t : 41 5 4 e • r 81 dB (708') r_e R rwlr.TR1 - above 90 A 03,20' �e��altllrnl ror. AWio 81 dB 834 1) � ' 82dB (674') cnna ,5i 6•.c.r n 891085 d80650' .- �.��/� - ~. i 'r redrr A: er:>,� w ieRrks •,nl 84 to 60 d8 @795' � \ ' 81 dB (682') Y 79 [a 75 de @1,310' 80 dB (834' a 81 dB (743') 74 eo 70 dB @ 1.540' 69 to 65 de@2,,44' 78 dB (940')'* dg (g$0'} 54 to 60 d8 0 2,3$5' 59 to $8 d8 0 2.610' 1'ti • f 57 to 55 A 0 3,000' / less than 54 d8 @3.660' j 76 dB (let 78') 71 dB (1,378'), If 69 dB (1,558') TENG SGR4l: 8 260 400 FEET r Z .i.il;.l S�� Y J' S '•�Ix��y�1 r �." t� • IY r� • �'�' 1 q�i 4, Z4 iN3WHOVii ..di i IlrS • " ii 6.0 b.. h.. b.. - - - ...ter ---d b-A bud 6MA " " rj �& ALBEMARLE PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY MASTER PLAN LEGEND: SITE BOUNDARY: BURN 'NI BUILDING ee� a ATTACHMENT E ER H SS MULTI-USE .10 /PAD do .* ROOM * CLA 44-1 , ■ , 4 - - ..P , CAPPED WASTE BUILDING FACILITY - wmmm General Area for Proposed Firing Range to be located LIMITS OF LANDFILL FACILITY:. - .. - • (PARTIAL DEVELOPMENT ALLOWED) LIMITS OF LANDFILL WASTE: ....... (NO DEVELOPMENT ALLOWED) LIMITS OF STREAM BUFFER: ........ EXISTING MAIN ACCESS DRIVE: jjjjj PAVED AREA: BUILDINGS, CRITICAL SLOPES: SCALE: 0 204 440 FEET 4. • ■ • • ■ TMG