HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA201200002 Legacy Document 2012-08-23 (3)COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596 Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126 MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Glenn Brooks, County Engineer DATE: April 2, 2012 RE: ZTA201200002 & STA201200001 Water /Sewer Regulations The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on March 20, 2012, by a vote of 7:0, recommended approval of the above -noted Zoning Text Amendment & Subdivision Text Amendment to the Board of Supervisors. The Board is scheduled to hold a public hearing on this item at its May 2nd meeting. ZTA- 2012 -00002 Water /Sewer Regulations — Recommended Revisions to Zoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 12 -18( ) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 18, ZONING, ARTICLE I, GENERAL PROVISIONS, ARTICLE II, BASIC REGULATIONS, AND ARTICLE III, DISTRICT REGULATIONS, OF THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning, Article I, General Regulations, Article II, Basic Regulations, and Article III, District Regulations, are hereby amended and reordained as follows: By Amending: Sec. 3.1 Definitions Sec. 4.2 Critical slopes Sec. 4.2.1 Building site required Sec. 4.2.2 Building site area and dimensions Sec. 4.2.3 Location of structures and improvements Sec. 4.2.4 Location of septic systems Sec. 4.7 Open space Sec. 5.1.43 Special events Sec. 5.1.44 Farm worker housing Sec. 10.5.2 Where permitted by special use permit By Amending and Renaming: Current New Sec. 4.1 Area and health regulations related to utilities systems By Repealing: Sec. 4. 1.1 Untitled Sec. 4.1.2 Untitled Sec. 4.1.3 Untitled Sec. 4.1.4 Untitled Sec. 4.1.5 Untitled Sec. 4.1.6 Untitled Sec. 4.1.7 Untitled Chapter 18. Zoning Article I. General Regulations Sec. 3.1 Definitions Water supplies and sewer Alternative onsite sewage system: A treatment works approved by the Virginia Department of Health that is not a conventional onsite sewage system and does not result in a point source discharge. Conventional onsite sewage system: A treatment works approved by the Virginia Department of Health consisting of one or more septic tanks with gravity, pumped, or siphoned conveyance to a gravity distributed subsurface drainfield. Critical slopes: Slopes of twenty -five (25) percent or greater as determined by reference to either current topographic mapping available from the county or a more accurate field survey certified by a professional surveyor or engineer. Onsite sewage system: A conventional onsite sewage system or an alternative onsite sewage system. Subsurface drainfield: A system installed within the soil and designed to accommodate treated sewage from a treatment works. Treatment works: Any device or system used in the storage, treatment, disposal or reclamation of sewage or combinations of sewage and industrial wastes, including but not limited to pumping, power and other equipment and appurtenances, septic tanks, and any works, including land, that are or will be integral part of the treatment process or (ii) used for ultimate disposal of residues or effluents resulting from such treatment. Article II. Basic Regulations Sec. 4.1 ^Yea and health regulations related to utilities Water supplies and sewer systems (Amended 6 -3 -81) b. The d'FeGtOF of planning and GOMM61R'ty development OR GE)RS611tatmE)R with the Albemarle G-A-unty Servoce Authority finds that the GGSt Of GORReGt'Rg the proposed developMeRt W the public watef and/or sewerage eXGeeds the GE)St Of installing an OR site well • ' fees, and /or septic system or c. The director of planning and community development in consultation with the Albemarle Count Service Authority finds that the capacity of the public water and/or sewerage system is inadequate to serve theproposed development EXGept feF (a) above, the foregeing previsiens shall RGt previde relief from §§ 4.1.1 threugh 4.1.7. (Added 1 0 96) 4.1.1 For a paFGel served by both a central water supply and a central sewer system, the M'R'M61M area ants of the district in which s Uch parcel is located shall apply. 4.1.2 -F-o-r--p-ar—te-Iserved by either a central water supply or a central sewer system, there shall be provided a minimum area of forty thousand (40,000) square feet pe. or establishment or per dwelling unit as the rose may he 4.1.3 For a parcel served by neither a central water supply nor a central sewer system, there shall be previded a M'R'MUM ef sixty theusand (60,000) square feet per GGMMeFGmal OF industrial establishment or r dwelling Unit as the case y he 4.1.4 The PFOVOSOGRS Of SeGtmGRS 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 RetwothstandoRg, in SUGh Gases where a greate MOREFF16im area is required by the regulatmORS ef the dmStFiGt OR which the parcel 06 located, said district r plations shall a phi 4.1.5 in the case of unusual semi conditions or other physiGal factors which may impair the health and safety of the neighborhood, upon the recommendation of the Virginia Department o Health, the commmssmon may increase the area requirements for uses utilizing other than a public sewer system 4.1.6 For 'GtS Ret served by a central sewer system, no building permit shall be issued for an building OF StF6lGtUre, the u-se A-f vvhmch 'RVG!ves sewage disposal, witheut Written approval frern the In-cal office A-f the V'FgmRma Department ef Health of the IGGatmGR and area for both Original and future replacement septic disposal fields adequate to serve Such 61se. FE) residential usage, at a minimum, each septic dispesal field shall r-nrisms;t of suitable soils e adequate area to aGGE)Mmodate sewage disposal frem a three (3) bedroom dWelloRg as determined by current regulations of the Virginia Department of Health. (Amended 11 15 891) 4.1.7 in a cluster development, open space may be used for septic foeid IoGatmon only after the septic field IoGatmons on such lot are determined to be inadequate by the IoGal office of the Virginia department of Health (Added 42_ 81 \ The water supply and sewer system serving either a development or any individual lot shall comply with the following: a. Public water supply and public sewer system within the services areas of the Albemarle County Service Authority. Within the services areas of the Albemarle County Service Authority (the "service areas "), each development and each lot shall be served by the public water supply and the public sewer system. Within the service areas, no building permit shall be issued for any structure if its use requires increased water consumption and /or sewage disposal, unless the structure will be connected to the public water supply and /or the public sewer system. Connection to the public water supply and /or the public sewer system is not required in the following circumstances: 1. Existing structure damaged. When an existing structure is damaged as a result of factors beyond the control of its owner and /or occupant, the structure may be repaired or reconstructed provided that the repair or reconstruction is commenced within twelve (12) months and completed within twenty -four (24) months after the date of the damage and further provided that the structure is not repaired or reconstructed so as to increase the number of water supply or sewage fixtures. 2. Cost of connection to public water supply or public sewer system exceeds cost of onsite sewage system. When the Albemarle County Service Authority finds that the cost of connecting the proposed development or lot to the public water supply and /or the public sewer system, exclusive of connection fees, exceeds the cost of installing an on -site well and /or an onsite sewage -system, 3. Capacity of public water supply or public sewer system is inadequate. When the Albemarle County_ Service Authority finds that the capacity of the public water supply and /or the public sewer system is inadequate to serve the proposed development or lot. 4. Nonconforming use or structure. The structure is used for a nonconforming use and satisfies the requirements of section 6.2(C) or the structure is nonconforming and satisfies the requirements of section 6.3. b. Water supply and sewer system when development or lot not connected to the public water supply and /or the public sewer system. When a development or a lot is not or will not be connected to the public water supply and /or the public sewer system, the following shall apply. except when an existing structure is damaged as provided in section 1. Lots served by an alternative onsite sewage system. On any lot served by an alternative onsite sewage system, no building permit shall be issued for any structure, the use of which requires sewage disposal, without the Virginia Department of Health's approval of the location and area for the alternative onsite sewage system. 2. Lots served by a conventional onsite sewaae system. On anv lot served by a conventional onsite sewage system, no building-permit shall be issued for any structure, the use of which requires sewage disposal, without the Virginia Department of Health's approval of the location and area for both an original and a replacement subsurface drainfield that is adequate to serve the use. For residential uses, each subsurface drainfield shall have suitable soils of adequate area to accommodate sewage disposal from a three (3) bedroom dwelling as determined by the current regulations of the Virginia Department of Health. Sec. 4.2 Critical slopes These provisions in this section through section 4.2.5 implement the comprehensive plan by protecting and conserving steep hillsides together with public drinking water supplies and flood plain areas because of the increased potential for soil erosion, sedimentation, water pollution and ° ° ^ti^ �'. ' sewage disposal problems associated with the ` eyel^p,, en disturbance of these areas rtes ^rihedd ..P the ^emereheesiye plan critical slopes. It is hereby re^eeeized that Such `teyele.,me ^+ of The disturbance of critical slopes may result in: rapid and /or large -scale movement of soil and rock; excessive stormwater run -off; siltation of natural and man -made bodies of water; loss of aesthetic resource; and in the event of °°^tam onsite sewage -system failure, a greater travel distance of septic effluent, all of which constitute potential dangers to the public health, safety and /or welfare. These ^re„isi The regulations in sections 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 are intended to direct building and ° °� hem onsite sewage system locations to terrain more suitable to development and to discourage development on critical slopes, and to supplement other regulations regarding the protection of public water supplies and the encroachment of development into flood plains. (Amended 11- 15 -89) Where m9d_6f6r_,_At0n_.n of regulatiORG 06 GOUght pursua.nt te ser-Aen 4.2.5, GUGh request shall add-Fes;s; P-.;-;r-,h ^^.,^er„ ^., ° ^ifiPd in se ^tie„ 4.2. Each request to waive or modify any requirement of sections 4.2.1. 422. 4.2.3 or 4.2.4 under section 4.2.5 shall be by special exception under section 31.8. (Added 11 -15- 89) Sec. 4.2.1 Building site required No lot or parcel shall have less than one (1) building site, subject to the following:. a. Composition of building site. A building site shall be composed of a contiguous area of land and may not contain any area of land that is: (i) in critical slopes: (ii) within the flood hazard overlay district: (iii) under water during normal hydrological conditions: (iv) within two hundred (2001 horizontal feet of the one hundred year flood plain of any public water supply reservoir: and (v) within a stream buffer under chapter 17 of the Code, provided that nothing contained herein shall be deemed to prohibit or impair the program authority from exercising its discretion as authorized in chapter 17. Fes, -pg-9- ,m"Rs see+ "� ter g site" shall Fnea, a ,.entire, ous ar of land in slopes of less thaR twenty five (25) PeFGeRt as determined by refereRGe to eithe accuracy, exclusive of: b. Special exception. Notwithstanding section 4.2.5. any requirement of section 4.2.1(a) may be waived or modified by special exception under section 31.8 upon the board of supervisors' consideration of whether (i) the parcel has an unusual size, topoaraphv. shape. location or other unusual physical condition: or (ii) development in a stream buffer on the parcel was authorized as provided in section 17 -321 of the Code. Sec. 4.2.2 Building site area and dimensions Each building site shall be subject to the following minimum area and dimension requirements: (Amended 10- 17 -01) a. Uses not served by a public or central sewerage sewage system. Building sites for uses not served by a public or central sewerage sewage system shall be subject to the following: (Amended 11- 15 -89; 10- 17 -01) Dwelling units. Each building site for a dwelling unit shall have an area of thirty thousand (30,000) square feet or greater and shall be of such dimensions that no one dimension exceeds any other by a ratio of more than five (5) to one (1) as described by a rectangle inscribed within the building site. The building site shall have adequate area for locating two (2) septic Arpin fi°Irlc subsurface drainfields approved by the Virginia Department of Health n„rsuan+ to sere +inn 4.1 of this Ghar)te if the lot will be served by a conventional onsite sewage system. (Amended 11- 15 -89; 10- 17 -01) Development subject to section 32 of this chapter. Each building site in a development subject to section 32 of this chapter shall have an area of thirty thousand (30,000) square feet or greater and shall be of such dimensions that no one dimension exceeds any other by a ratio of more than five (5) to one (1) as described by a rectangle inscribed within the building site. The building site shall have adequate area for all buildings and structures, two (2) septic dr ain fie',+° subsurface drainfields approved by the Virginia Department of Health pursuant +„ +inn 1 of this ,.lyre + °r if the lot will be served by a conventional onsite sewage system, parking and loading areas, storage yards and other improvements, and all earth disturbing activity related to the improvements. (Added 11- 15-89; Amended 10- 17 -01) or waiVeF Special exception. Notwithstanding section 4.2.5 of this r hopte -r the 'sir^ ^t ^r of plaRRiRg and ^ R*ty development may medify or waive the rectangular shape required by subsections (1) and (2) if-, may be waived or modified by special exception under section 31.8 if, aft er F8G8iViRg the r ^n,+ ^ti.,^ fr.,m the vir ^i„i., ,u the board of supervisors' consideration of the recommendation from the Virginia Department of Health and based OR information provided by the developer showina; that: (i) the parcel has an unusual size, topography, shape, location or other unusual physical condition; (ii) no reasonable alternative building site exists; and (iii) modifying or waiving the rectangular shape would result in less degradation of the parcel or adjacent parcels than if those dimensions were adhered to. (Added 10- 17 -01) b. Uses served by a central sewerage sewaae system. Building sites for uses served by a central sewerage sewaae system shall be demonstrated by the applicant to have adequate area, as follows: (Amended 10- 17 -01) Residential development. Each building site in a residential development shall have adequate area for all dwelling unit(s) together with an area equivalent to the sum of the applicable required yard areas for the applicable zoning district and, if parking is provided in bays, the parking area. (Added 11- 15 -89; Amended 10- 17 -01) Development subject to section 32 of this chapter. Each building site in a development subject to section 32 of this chapter shall have adequate area for all structures, parking and loading areas, storage yards and other improvements, and all earth disturbing activity related to the improvements. (Added 11- 15 -89; Amended 10- 17 -01) (4.2.2, 12- 10 -80; § 4.2.2,, 11- 15 -89; Ord. 01- 18(7), 10- 17 -01) Sec. 4.2.3 Location of structures and improvements Except as otherwise permit+^,+ puFsuaRt t^ provided in section 4.2.2, the ^r^„ isi ^n° ^f this section &hat4 aWy applies to the location of any structure for which a permit is required under the Uniform Statewide Building Code and to any improvement shown on a site d^vt plan pursuant to section 32-.0 of this chapter. (Amended 11- 15 -89; 10- 17 -01) ( §4.2.3, 12- 10 -80, 11- 15 -89; Ord. 01-18(7), 10- 17 -01) ^tea. No structure or improvement shall be located on any lot er paFcel in any area other than a building site. (Amended 11- 15 -89) 4�2b Ne S +r„^ +„r^ ^ ^^+ RGF ^^r+h No structure-in provement, or land disturbing activity to establish &u-h the structure or improvement shall be located on critical slopes of twenty five (25) ^ ^r^^„+ ^r ^r^ ^t ^r except as otherwise permitted under sections 4.2.5. 4.2.6 and 4.3.81. Sec. 4.2.4 Location of septiG syste onsite sewage systems (Amended 11- 11 -87) In the review for and issuance of a permit for the installation of a S^ ^ti^ System an onsite sewage system, the Virginia Department of Health sha4 should be mindful of the intent of this section 4.2, and particularly mindful of the intent to discourage I^^^+;^., n-f S^^+i^ taRks and,I ^r drain fields onsite sewage systems on slopes of twenty (20) percent or greater. Septa. SySte ., IGGat,„n shall be reStFi tee to Any onsite sewage system shall be located within the nnnrnx,-,' a building site. (Amended 11 -1 -87; 9 -9 -92) Sec. 4.7 Open space Open space shall be established, used, designed and maintained as follows: a. Intent. Open space is intended to provide active and passive recreation, protect areas sensitive to development, buffer dissimilar uses from one another and preserve agricultural activities. The commission and the board of supervisors shall consider the establishment, use, design and maintenance of open space in their review and approval of zoning map amendments. The subdivision agent and the site plan agent (hereinafter, collectively referred to as the "agent ") shall apply the following principles when reviewing open space provided on a subdivision plat or site plan. b. Uses permitted. Open space shall be maintained in a natural state and shall not be developed with any improvements, provided that the agent may authorize the open space to be used and improved for the following purposes: (i) agriculture, forestry and fisheries, including appropriate structures; (ii) game preserves, wildlife sanctuaries and similar uses; (iii) noncommercial recreational uses and structures; (iv) public utilities; (v) individual wells ,nd- treat e.,+,. GFkE; With supsu,�,�°ee draiRfields (referenee ses iGR 4 1.?) (vi) in a cluster development, onsite sewaae systems if the Department of Health determines that there are no suitable locations for a subsurface drainfield on a development lot; and (vii) stormwater management facilities and flood control devices. C. Design. Open space shall be designed as follows: Lands that may be required. The agent may require that open space include: (i) areas deemed inappropriate for or prohibited to development including, but not limited to, land in the one - hundred year flood plain and significant drainage swales, land in slopes of twenty -five (25) percent or greater, public utility easements for transmission lines, stormwater management facilities and flood control devices, and lands having permanent or seasonally high water tables; (ii) areas to satisfy section 4.16, and (iii) areas to provide reasonable buffering between dissimilar uses within the development and between the development and adjoining properties. Redesign during review. The agent may require the redesign of a proposed development to accommodate open space areas as may be required under this section 4.7, provided that the redesign shall not reduce the number of dwelling units permitted under the applicable zoning district. Limitation on certain elements. If open space is required by this chapter, not more than eighty (80) percent of the minimum required open space shall consist of the following: (i) land located within the one - hundred year flood plain; (ii) land subject to occasional, common or frequent flooding as defined in Table 16 Soil and Water Features of the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Albemarle County, Virginia, August, 1985; (iii) Iand OR slopes Of tWeRty f, „o (25) P eRt OF der critical slopes; and (iv) land devoted to stormwater management facilities or flood control devices, except where the facility or feature is incorporated into a permanent pond, lake or other water feature deemed by the agent to constitute a desirable open space amenity. d. Ownership of open space. Open space may be privately owned or dedicated to public use. Open space in private ownership shall be subject to a legal instrument ensuring the maintenance and preservation of the open space that is approved by the agent and the county attorney in conjunction with the approval of the subdivision plat or site plan. Open space dedicated to public use shall be dedicated to the county in the manner provided by law. Open space dedicated to public use shall count toward the minimum required open space. (12- 10 -80, §§ 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.4; 6 -3 -81, 11- 15 -89; Ord. 09- 18(1), 1- 14 -09, § 4.7) Sec. 5.1.43 Special events Each special event authorized by section 10.2.2(50) shall be subject to the following: a. Eligibility and applicability. Special events may be authorized on those parcels in the Rural Areas (RA) zoning district on which there is an existing and ongoing by -right (section 10.2.1) primary use. A special event special use permit issued under section 10.2.2(50) and this section shall not be required for special events associated with farm wineries or historical centers, or for events determined by the zoning administrator to be accessory to a primary use of the parcel. b. Information to be submitted with application for special use permit. In addition to any information otherwise required to be submitted for a special use permit, each application for a special use permit shall include the following: Concept plan. A preliminary schematic plan (the "concept plan ") satisfying section 32.4.1. The concept plan shall identify the structure(s) to be used for the special event, include the area of the structure(s) in which the proposed special events will be conducted, the parking area, and the entrance to the site from the street. The concept plan shall address, in particular, provisions for safe and convenient access to and from the street, the location of the parking area, the location of portable toilets if they may be required, proposed screening as required by this section for parking areas and portable toilets, and information regarding the exterior appearance of the proposed site. Based on the concept plan and other information submitted, the board of supervisors may then waive the requirement for a site plan in a particular case, upon a finding that the requirement of a site plan would not forward the purposes of this chapter or otherwise serve the public interest. Information from the Virginia Department of Health. The applicant shall submit written comments from the Virginia Department of Health regarding the private water supply and the septic this^°°' system onsite sewage system that will serve the proposed special event site, the ability of the water supply and the Septic disposal system onsite sewage s to handle the proposed events, and the need to improve the supply or the system in order to handle the proposed events. Building and fire safety. The building official and the county department of fire and rescue shall review and comment on the application, identifying all Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code issues and requirements. C. Zoning GGmphiaRGe clearance. The applicant shall obtain a zoning wee clearance under section 31.5 prior to conducting a special event. A single zoning clearance may be obtained for one (1) or more such special events in a calendar year as follows: The zoning administrator may issue a single zoning GE)Mfie clearance for more than one (1) special event if: (i) the application submitted by the applicant includes the required information in subsection 5.1.43(c)(3) for each special event to be covered by the zoning ssnpliaese clearance: (ii) the zoning administrator determines that each special event is substantially similar in nature and size; and (iii) the zoning administrator determines that a single set of conditions that would apply to each such special event may be imposed with the zoning GGMpl4aRGe clearance. The applicant shall apply for a zoning GGMpliaRGe clearance at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the first special event to be authorized by the zoning eernpl:aRGe clearance. The application shall be submitted to the zoning administrator, who shall forward copies of the application to the county police department, the county building official, the county department of fire and rescue, and the local office of the Virginia Department of Health. As part of his review, the building official shall determine whether the structure(s) proposed to be used for the special events satisfies the requirements of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code for that use. The application shall describe the nature of each special event to be authorized by the zoning GGMpliaRGe clearance, the date or dates and hours of operation of each such special event, the facilities, structures to be used, and the number of participants and support staff expect to attend each special event. 4. Upon a determination that all requirements of the zoning ordinance and all conditions of the special use permit are satisfied, and imposing all conditions of such approval required by the offices identified in subsection 5.1.43(c)(2), the zoning administrator shall issue a zoning GGMpliaRGe clearance for one or more special events. The validity of the zoning clearance shall be conditional upon the applicant's compliance with all requirements of the zoning ordinance, all conditions of the approved special use permit, the approved concept plan or site plan, and all conditions imposed by the zoning GGMpliaRGe clearance. d. Special events sites and structures. In addition to all other applicable requirements of this chapter, special events sites and structures shall be subject to the following: Structures used for special events. Each structure used for a special event shall satisfy the following: (i) the structure shall have been in existence on the date of adoption of this section 5.1.43, provided that this requirement shall not apply to accessory structures less than one hundred fifty (150) square feet in size; (ii) the structure shall be a lawful conforming structure and shall support or have supported a lawful use of the property; and (iii) modifications to farm buildings or farm structures as those terms are defined in Virginia Code § 36 -97 shall allow the structure to revert to an agricultural use, as determined by the building official. Minimum yards. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the minimum front yard shall be seventy -five (75) feet. The minimum side yard shall be twenty -five feet (25) feet. The minimum rear yard shall be thirty -five (35) feet. All yards shall be measured from structures and off - street parking areas. These minimum yard requirements shall apply to all accessory structures established after the effective date of this section 5.1.43 and all tents, parking areas and portable toilets used in whole or in part to serve special events. Parking. The number of off - street parking spaces for a special event shall be as required in section 4.12.6. Notwithstanding section 4.12.15(a) through (g), the additional parking area(s) for special events shall consist of or be constructed of pervious materials including, but not limited to stabilized turf, approved by the county engineer. Asphalt and impervious materials are prohibited. If the parking area is on grass or in a field, the applicant shall reseed and restore the parking area site as required by the zoning administrator. In addition to the requirements of section 4.12.5, the parking area shall be onsite and screened from abutting parcels by topography, structures or new or existing landscaping. Notwithstanding section 4.12.16(d) and (e), the delineation of parking spaces and the provision of bumper blocks shall not be required. 4. Water and sewer. The private water supply and Septic disposal system onsite sewage s serving a special event shall be approved by the Virginia Department of Health. Streets and access. Streets serving the site shall be adequate for anticipated traffic volume for a special event. Access from the street onto the site shall be adequate to provide safe and convenient access to the site, and applicant shall install all required improvements and provide adequate sight distance in order to provide safe and convenient access. e. Special events operations. In addition to all other applicable requirements of this chapter, special events operations shall be subject to the following: Number of participants. The number of participants at a special event at any one time shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) persons Number of special events per year. The special use permit shall identify the number of approved special events per calendar year, which number shall not exceed twenty -four (24). Signs. Permanent and temporary signs advertising a special event shall be permitted as provided in sections 4.15.4. 4.15.4A and 4.15.8. 4. Food service. No kitchen facility permitted by the Virginia Department of Health as a commercial kitchen shall be allowed on the site. A kitchen may be used by licensed caterers for the handling, warming and distribution of food, but not for cooking food, to be served at a special event. Portable toilets. If required, portable toilets are permitted on the site, provided that they comply with the yard requirements in section 5.1.43(d)(2) and shall be screened from that parcel and any street by topography, structures or new or existing landscaping. Prohibition of development to a more intensive use. A parcel subject to a special events special use permit shall not be subdivided so as to create one or more parcels, including the parent parcel, of less than twenty -one acres in size without first amending the special use permit to expressly authorize the subdivision. If a parcel is so subdivided without first amending the special use permit, special events shall thereafter be prohibited on the resulting parcels unless a new special use permit is obtained. (Ord. 05- 18(8), 7- 13 -05) Sec. 5.1.44 Farm worker housing Each farm worker housing facility shall be subject to the following: a. Concept plan to be submitted with application for farm worker housing. Before applying for the first building permit for a farm worker housing, Class A, facility, or in addition to any other information required to be submitted for a farm worker housing, Class B, special use permit, the applicant shall submit a concept plan meeting the requirements of section 5.1.44(b). b. Contents of concept plan. The concept plan shall show the following: (i) the boundary lines of the farm (may be shown on an inset map if necessary); (ii) the location and general layout of the proposed structures at a scale of not more than one (1) inch equals forty (40) feet; (iii) vehicular access, travelways and parking for the facility; (iv) topography (with a contour interval of no greater than ten (10) feet); (v) critical slopes; (vi) streams, stream buffers and floodplains; (vii) source(s) of water for fire suppression; (viii) building setback lines as provided in subsection 5.1.44(g) below; and (ix) outdoor lighting. The concept plan also shall include a written description of each structure's construction and materials used, and the number of persons to be housed in the farm worker housing facility. C. Notice of receipt of concept plan to abutting owners. The zoning administrator shall send notice of the receipt of a concept plan as follows: Farm worker housing, Class A, facility: For each concept plan received for a farm worker housing, Class A, facility, the zoning administrator shall send notice to the owner of each lot abutting the parcel for which a concept plan has been received within ten (10) days after submittal of the concept plan deemed by the zoning administrator to be complete. The notice shall include a copy of the concept plan and shall advise each recipient of the right to submit written comments within ten (10) days of the date of the notice and the right to request planning commission review as provided in section 5.1.44(d). Notice mailed to the abutting owner shall be mailed to the last known address of the owner, and mailing the notice to the address shown on the current real estate tax assessment records of the county shall be deemed compliance with this requirement. The failure of an abutting owner to receive the notice required by this section shall not affect the validity of an approved concept plan or zoning GGMpliaRGe clearance. Farm worker housing, Class 8, facility: For each concept plan received for a farm worker housing, Class B, facility, notice to the owner of each lot abutting the parcel for which a concept plan has been received shall be provided in conjunction with the notice required for the special use permit. ed. Review and action on concept plan. A concept plan shall be reviewed and acted upon as follows: Farm worker housing, Class A, facility. For a farm worker housing, Class A, facility, the concept plan shall be approved by the zoning administrator °r the manning GE)MM;°°;„n as the raOe may h° before any building permit is issued for the facility. The concept plan shall be approved by the zoning administrator OF the GGMMiGGiGR if it satisfies all applicable requirements of the ZGRiRg °r,_iPa.AG° .,. d- the deGinn is detarm;,, °,- to n °f be a substantial detrime.,f W abutt;Rg n ° °lo this chapter. mpacts on abutting parcels arisiRg from faGility. The r-'e-SAPAissieR shall give _I__ rencideratiGR to the r Rdatieno of the ZARORg administrator, the dir°nfr.r r,f nlonniRg and other Offi�ls. IR addit OR, the - eoMMss+eR may eoas+der suGh- ether eymdeRGe as it .J°eMS n y for a proper review of the o nliGatiGR Farm worker housing, Class 8, facility. For a farm worker housing, Class B, facility, the concept plan shall be reviewed and acted upon in conjunction with the special use permit. fe. Farm worker housing facilities; permissible structures. Farm worker housing facilities shall not use motor vehicles or major recreational equipment, as that term is defined in section 4.12.3(b)(1) of this chapter, to provide for sleeping, eating, food preparation, or sanitation (bathing and /or toilets). gf. Minimum yards. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the minimum front yard shall be seventy -five (75) feet. The minimum side and rear yards shall be fifty (50) feet. All yards shall be measured from the farm worker housing structures. 14.q. Zoning Gep4p4apGe clearance. The owner shall obtain a zoning GemplaaRGe clearance from the zoning administrator as provided in section 2 31.5 of this chapter before a farm worker housing facility is occupied, subject to the following additional requirements: The applicant shall apply for a zoning GOMpliance clearance at least thirty (30) days prior to the first expected occupation of the farm worker housing facility. The application shall be submitted to the zoning administrator. The zoning GE)Mpiiaice clearance application shall include all of the following information: a. Written approval of the farm worker housing facility as a migrant labor camp under 12 VAC 5- 501 -10 et seq., the food preparation area, the private water supply, and the SePti^ this^°°' system onsite sewage system by the Virginia Department of Health. b. Approval of the access to the site from a public street by the Virginia Department of Transportation; provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to require that a commercial entrance be constructed unless such an entrance is required by the Virginia Department of Transportation. C. Written approval of the adequacy of the access to the site for emergency vehicles by the fire marshal. d. Written approval of the adequacy of the structures intended for human habitation by the building official. Upon the zoning administrator's determination that all requirements of the zoning ordinance are satisfied, that all conditions of the special use permit authorizing a farm worker housing, Class B, facility, are satisfied, and upon receipt of the approvals and documents required in section 5.1.44(#} .q)(2), the zoning administrator shall issue a zoning GGMpliaRGe clearance for the facility. ih. Use of farm worker housing facility by workers and their families only. A farm worker housing facility shall be occupied only by persons employed to work on the farm on which the structures are located for seasonal agriculture work and their immediate families as provided herein. For purposes of this section 5.1.44, the term "immediate families" means the natural or legally defined off - spring, grandchild, grandparent, or parent of the farm worker. ii. Use of farm worker housing facility when not occupied. When not occupied by seasonal farm workers, farm worker housing facilities may be used for any use accessory to a primary agriculture use. (Ord. 06- 18(2), 12- 13 -06) Article III. District Regulations Sec. 10.5.2 Where permitted by special use permit 10-5.2.1 The board of supervisors may °-- +"^r;;z° the ;ssuanc° of issue a special use permit for more lots than the total number permitted under sections 10.3.1 and seetiee 10.3.2; provided that no such permit shall be issued for property within the boundaries for the watershed of any public dFiRkiRg water ^^'Y O^, OURdmen water supply reservoir, and further provided that no such permit shall be issued to allow more development lots within a proposed rural preservation development than that permitted by right under section (Added 11 -8 -89; Amended 5 -5 -04 effective 7 -1 -04) The board of supervisors shall determine that such division is compatible with the neighborhood as set forth in section 3-1. 4.1 31.6.1 of this chapter, with F8f8F8RG8 tG consideration of the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan relating to rural areas including the type of division proposed and, specifically, as to this 6849n ^n'„ with refereRG8 tG consideration of the following: (Amended 11 -8 -89) The size, shape, topography and existing vegetation of the property in relation to its suitability for agricultural or forestal production as evaluated by the United States Department of Agriculture S,G4 Natural Resources Conservation Service or the Virginia Department of Forestry. 2. The actual suitability of the soil for agricultural or forestal production as the same shall be is shown on the most recent published maps of the United States Department of Agriculture SG4 Natural Resources Conservation Service or other source deemed of equivalent reliability by the SQ4 Natural Resources Conservation Service. 3. The historic commercial agricultural or forestal uses of the property since 1950, to the extent that is reasonably available. 4. If located in an agricultural or forestal area, the probable effect of the proposed development on the character of the area. For the purposes of this section, a property shall be deemed to be in an agricultural or forestal area if fifty (50) percent or more of the land within one (1) mile of the border of such property has been in commercial agricultural or forestal use within five (5) years of the date of the application for special use permit. In making this determination, mountain ridges, major streams and other physical barriers which detract from the cohesiveness of an area shall be considered. 5. The relationship of the property in regard to developed rural areas. For the purposes of this section, a property shall be deemed to be located in a developed rural area if fifty (50) percent or more of the land within one (1) mile of the boundary of such property was in parcels of record of five (5) acres or less on the adoption date of this ordinance. In making this determination, mountain ridges, major streams and other physical barriers which detract from the cohesiveness of an area shall be considered. 6. The relationship of the proposed development to existing and proposed population centers, services and employment centers. A property within areas described below shall be deemed in proximity to the area or use described: Within one mile roadway distance of the urban area boundary as described in the comprehensive plan; (Amended 11 -8 -89) Within one -half mile roadway distance of a community boundary as described in the comprehensive plan; (Amended 11 -8 -89) C. Within one -half mile roadway distance of a village as described in the comprehensive plan. (Amended 11 -8 -89) 7. The probable effect of the proposed development on capital improvements programming in regard to increased provision of services. 8. The traffic generated from the proposed development would not, in the opinion of the Virginia Department of Transportation: (Amended 11 -8 -89) Occasion the need for road improvement; Cause a tolerable road to become a nontolerable road; C. Increase traffic on an existing nontolerable road. G. The a .nf of impeWiG616 Gover whinh will exist offer deyelnnmeRt; the phase, proximity of aRY disturbed area to any such stream or impoundment; e. The type and GharaGter'StOGS E)f SEWS ORG'61diRg suitability for septiG fields and erE)dab'lmty;-[ UPGR whiGh any StFUGWre, paved area (pervious or impewieus) er aGtive FeGreatiGRal area shall exist offer development; 9. The estimated d� �ratinn and firmRg of then nstp nfinn phase of anY n ed development and eXtenf fn whinh s nh d� �rafinn and firing a redintahle• antinipatinn of filing fnr a permit herei ender• Th,-Q P-Mt,-QAt te M.fh4r.h the standards ef Chapter 17 et seq. ef the Code of Albemarle can nnhi he met through the n eatien of arfifinmal whinh devises will: Require peried+c iRspestic)^ andier r iRter,aRGe; 2. Are SUSGeptible fn failure A—r verfloi.y fnr r _eff assnniated with aRY e h6lndred year er more iRteese StOFM. (§ 20-, 12- 10 -80; 11 -8 -89; §18-, Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5 -98; Ord. 04- 18(1), 5 -5 -04 effective 7 -1- 04) I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Clerk, Board of County Supervisors Ave Nay Mr. Boyd Mr. Dumler Ms. Mallek Mr. Rooker Mr. Snow Mr. Thomas STA- 2012 -00001 Water /Sewer — Recommended Revisions to Subdivision Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 12 -14( ) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 14, SUBDIVISION OF LAND, ARTICLE I, GENERAL PROVISIONS, ARTICLE III, SUBDIVISION PLAT REQUIREMENTS AND DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED, AND ARTICLE IV, ON -SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND DESIGN, OF THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 14, Subdivision of Land, Article I, General Provisions, Article III, Subdivision Plat Requirements and Documents to be Submitted, and Article IV, On -site Improvements and Design, of the Code of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, are hereby amended and reordained as follows: By Amending: Sec. 14 -106 Definitions Sec. 14 -309 Soil evaluations By Amending and Renaming: Sec. 14 -310 Health director approval of individual private wells and /or septic systems Sec. 14 -415 Central water supplies and sewerage systems Sec. 14 -416 Individual private wells and septic systems Chapter 14. Subdivision of Land Article I. General Provisions Sec. 14 -106 Definitions The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter Alternative onsite sewage system. The term "alternative onsite sewage system" means a treatment works approved by the Virginia Department of Health that is not a conventional onsite sewage system and does not result in a point source discharge. Conventional onsite sewage system. The term "conventional onsite sewage system" means a treatment works approved by the Virginia Department of Health consisting of one or more septic tanks with gravity. pumped. or siphoned conveyance to a gravity distributed subsurface drainfield. Onsite sewage system. The term "onsite sewage system" means a conventional onsite sewage system or an alternative onsite sewage system. Subsurface drainfield. The term "subsurface drainfield" means a system installed within the soil and designed to accommodate treated sewage from a treatment works. Treatment works. The term "treatment works" means any device or system used in the storage_ treatment, disposal or reclamation of sewage or combinations of sewage and industrial wastes. including but not limited to pumping, power and other equipment and appurtenances, septic tanks, and any works. including land, that are or will be (i) an integral part of the treatment process or (ii) used for ultimate disposal of residues or effluents resulting from such treatment. Article III. Subdivision Plat Requirements and Documents to be Submitted Division 2. Documents and Information to be Submitted with Preliminary or Final Plat Sec. 14 -309 Soil evaluations. The subdivider shall submit to the agent with each final plat the results of percolation tests or other methods of soil evaluation used to determine the suitability of the soil for moo.,+,^ ^„^+omE With ,Faro fields if E;8pt;^ ^ySte -I ,^ subsurface drainfields, if conventional onsite sewage systems are proposed to be used in the development of the subdivision, and the results are requested by the agent. These results shall be forwarded by the agent to the health director. (9 -5 -96, 8- 28 -74; 1988 Code, § 18 -23; Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5 -98; Ord. 05- 14(1), 4- 20 -05, effective 6- 20 -05) State law reference - -Va. Code §§ 15.2- 2241(3), 15.2 -2262. Sec. 14 -310 Health director approval of individual private wells and /or septi^ syste onsite sewage systems. If required as a condition of final plat approval, a final plat shall not be approved if individual private wells are proposed for the subdivision until written approval has been received from the health director by the agent. A final plat shall not be approved if E°^+i^ syste onsite sewage systems are proposed for the subdivision until written approval has been received from the health director by the agent provided further that if the subdivision will be served by conventional onsite sewage systems as fellows: A. The health director shall determine the suitability of the soil of each lot of the subdivision for which sep+i^ systems with a eRtO Ral ,rain field conventional onsite sewage systems will be constructed, and shall submit his opinion to the agent. B. The health director may require as a condition of his approval of the installation of Sep #G systems conventional onsite sewage systems nnel hnnnyer R8Gessary ;^" the satisf° ^+^rY in°+°"°+i ^n ^f the E;8pt4^ ^„E +o.,.,^, that individual lots be graded and drained so as to assure the effective removal of surface water from each lot. C. Special lots shall not be subject to this section unless the special lot is created for a water supply or waste disposal purpose. (Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5 -98; Ord. 05- 14(1), 4- 20 -05, effective 6- 20 -05; Ord. 11- 14(1), 6 -1 -11) State law reference - -Va. Code §§ 15.2- 2242(2), 15.2 -2262. Article IV. On -Site Improvements and Design Division 3. Water, Sewers and Other Improvements Sec. 14 -415 Central water supplies and sewerage systems. A subdivision for which public water and /or sanitary sewerage service is not reasonably available as provided in section 14 -414, and which will have twenty -five (25) or more lots of two (2) acres or less, may be served by a central water supply or central sewerage system, or both, if authorized by the board of supervisors under chapter 16 of the Code, as follows: A. A subdiViSiGR whGSe Ret average let size is less thaR fGFtY thousand (40,000) Square f shall have beth a GeRtral water system and a GeRtral sewerage system. A subdiviSioR wheSe Ret average 'At GiZe .46 -h8tW88R fGFty thGusand (40,000) sq6iaFe feet and sixty theusand (60,000) square feet, shall either Aa r-,P -.Ptr „ =wrier system vrSentral sewerage sy'-°+n,° -F'rr. RA. The design and construction of each central water system and central sewerage system required by this section shall be approved by the Virginia Department of Health, or its local office, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, and the board of supervisors. Each system shall complement or supplement existing or proposed county utilities to the extent that the agent finds existing public utilities to be inadequate. GB. Neither a central water system nor a central sewerage system shall be required: for a subdiViSiGR whese Ret average let size is greater thaR sixty theusand (60,000) square feet; or if the subdivider establishes to the satisfaction of the county engineer that the soils and parent materials of all of the lots created for the purpose of transfer of ownership are such that waste disposal methods for the entire property are satisfactory to the health director, and that no well pollution can occur from the proposed lot configuration. PC. No final plat for a subdivision served by a central water system and /or a central sewerage system shall be approved until the requirements of Chapter 21 of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia have been satisfied. (9 -5 -96, 8- 28 -74; 1988 Code, § 18 -23; Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5 -98, § 14 -517; Ord. 05- 14(1), 4- 20 -05, effective 6- 20-05) State law reference - -Va. Code § 15.2- 2241(4). Sec. 14 -416 Individual private wells and A subdivision for which public water and /or public sewerage service is not reasonably available as provided in section 14 -414, and for which a central water supply and /or a central sewerage system is not authorized under section 14 -415, shall be served by individual private wells or septiG systems having GGRVeRtiGRa' draiRfields onsite sewage systems, or both, and shall meet all requirements of the health department and be approved by the health director. (§ 18 -23 (part), 9 -5 -96, 8- 28 -74; § 18 -27, 9 -5 -96, 8- 28 -74; 1988 Code, §§ 18 -23, 18 -27; Ord. 98 -A(1), 8 -5- 98, § 14 -518; Ord. 05- 14(1), 4- 20 -05, effective 6- 20 -05) State law reference - -Va. Code § 15.2- 2241(3). I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Clerk, Board of County Supervisors Ave Nay Mr. Boyd Mr. Dumler Ms. Mallek Mr. Rooker Mr. Snow Mr. Thomas