HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201200200 Legacy Document 2012-10-05I Intake,to complete the followings 1^ �' Reviewer _to complete the• following: C. Y :Square footage of Use: in Ul, Al', .or. PDI'P zohing? If so, give applicanE a Certified a, Engineer's Report (CER),pac$et. - Y. /.N,: W, /..N Permitted' as• / l. � �' ..� , Will ti�ier8 be food re aration? P P .. I' - �. Under. Section: Z� • / . If So, give applicant a Health Department:form. Zoning review can p, 6i begin unhl,,we receiv e.app loyal from Health Supplementary regulations.section' i Dept.PAX DATE Circle he.one :ihat applies i` Parking formula P -I' a s rcel.'on rry ate well'o ub c P P h water'. - C If private well, provide Health epar mentform , . ('- Zonin .rev,1ew can not be �n: :until` we:rece g g rve approval •Dept frorn.Health. Required spaces: , I F'AX IRATE : . � � ; f Y'/ .Circle the one that• appli j Items.to be verified in -the field: [s parcel on septie or utibe sewers i Will 6.tiibe pdtting up a new:sign of any kind? 14 o, ;obtain•proper, Sign permit. Perrrut ## ;.- nspec a e: � N.otes• I Wil:;. ece;be aiiy, new;construction:oi renovatonsn If so,.obtam: the,pro.,per.'P.errrut •: .. Permit:# I j Zonm -fo com . lete the follow>in - t _ .. L. Y / J�'' t1 Pro a: Y. •: I fsb; °L . l f so;-..� ist: � i Varian e. ' j: SP's: f so, is If so, )gist' • i Clearances:.. SDP' s. I. Revised 7/i /2011 Page 3 "of 3 Certified Engineer's Report Compliance Review Zoning Ordinance section 18 -4.14 Project: Dcty& �f � Report Revision Date: Certifying Engineer (required): H cake t �Os 1 o'er Reviewing Engineer: Overall Level of (Level of Compliance Compliance A corresponds to the lowest score on any standard) Comments: Key to Grades: A. Full Compliance: The use does not generate discharge, noise, vibration, etc. Or, the physical conditions (distance, barriers) assure compliance with the standards indefinitely. Approval is recommended. B. Monitored Compliance: This use has the potential to exceed the standards. Preventive and mitigating measures are proposed which will achieve compliance but require maintenance, such as fences, shields, vegetation, drains, recycling, oil separators, filters, mufflers, etc. Approval is recommended with conditions for maintenance and periodic inspection or reporting. Compliance is likely, with occasional instances of non - compliance. C. Tentative Compliance: This use has the potential to exceed the standards. Only operational methods are proposed to address concerns, such as limited hours of business, working inside only, keeping gates operational, machines turned off, uses on a particular corner of the site, etc. In other words, compliance is based on a promise of good behavior. Careful consideration is recommended as this may place a policing burden on the neighbors and County staff. Strict conditions should be placed on any approvals if possible. Compliance is possible, but instances of non - compliance will likely occur. D. Non - compliance: It is likely that the standards will be exceeded. This is not recommended for approval. E. Not enough information: The report was insufficient, and it should be completed or revised. * exempt sounds under 18- 4.18.05 may be considered part of operations and impact this grade A. Full compliance B. Monitored compliance C. Tentative compliance D. Non- com liant E. Not enough information 1. Noise* 2. Vibration x 3. Glare X. 4. Air Pollution X 5. Water Pollution 6. Radioactivity 7. Electrical Interference X Overall Level of (Level of Compliance Compliance A corresponds to the lowest score on any standard) Comments: Key to Grades: A. Full Compliance: The use does not generate discharge, noise, vibration, etc. Or, the physical conditions (distance, barriers) assure compliance with the standards indefinitely. Approval is recommended. B. Monitored Compliance: This use has the potential to exceed the standards. Preventive and mitigating measures are proposed which will achieve compliance but require maintenance, such as fences, shields, vegetation, drains, recycling, oil separators, filters, mufflers, etc. Approval is recommended with conditions for maintenance and periodic inspection or reporting. Compliance is likely, with occasional instances of non - compliance. C. Tentative Compliance: This use has the potential to exceed the standards. Only operational methods are proposed to address concerns, such as limited hours of business, working inside only, keeping gates operational, machines turned off, uses on a particular corner of the site, etc. In other words, compliance is based on a promise of good behavior. Careful consideration is recommended as this may place a policing burden on the neighbors and County staff. Strict conditions should be placed on any approvals if possible. Compliance is possible, but instances of non - compliance will likely occur. D. Non - compliance: It is likely that the standards will be exceeded. This is not recommended for approval. E. Not enough information: The report was insufficient, and it should be completed or revised. * exempt sounds under 18- 4.18.05 may be considered part of operations and impact this grade