HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201100002 Legacy Document 2012-11-08 (6)ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE
a. All loose bulk storage of seed, grains and feed shall be in enclosed buildings;
b. Provision shall be made for the control of dust during handling of loose bulk storage
c. No such use shall be established without Albemarle County fire official approval.
5.1.23 (Repealed 9 -9 -92)
This provision is intended to permit retail sales as subordinate to the main use. To this end, the
following regulations shall apply:
a. Retail sales area, including but not limited to showroom and outdoor display area, shall not
exceed fifteen (15) percent of the floor area of the main use except as provided for in section; (Amended 2- 20 -91)
b. Retail sales shall not precede establishment of the main use. Retail sales shall be permitted
only after or simultaneously with the establishment of the main use and shall not continue
after discontinuance of the main use; (Adopted 12 -2 -81)
c. In approval of any retail sales area the board and /or the commission may limit the areas for
retail sales in both size and location; (Added 2- 20 -91)
d. Retail sales area exceeding fifteen (15) percent of the floor area of the main use pursuant to
section is intended to allow for uses which by their nature are bulky and require
nonintensive use of the land. The board and/or the commission in approval of such increased
sales area shall be mindful of the intent of this section to provide for only subordinate retail
sales and avoid incompatible land uses. (Added 2- 20 -91)
Each farm winery shall be subject to the following:
a. Uses permitted. The following uses, events and activities (hereinafter, collectively, "uses ")
are permitted at a farm winery:
1. The production and harvesting of fruit and other agricultural products and the
manufacturing of wine including, but not limited to, activities related to the production of
the agricultural products used in wine, including but not limited to, growing, planting and
harvesting the agricultural products and the use of equipment for those activities.
2. The sale, tasting, including barrel tastings, or consumption of wine within the normal
course of business of the farm winery.
3. The direct sale and shipment of wine by common carrier to consumers in accordance with
Title 4.1 of the Virginia Code and the regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control
4. The sale and shipment of wine to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, licensed
wholesalers, and out -of -state purchasers in accordance with Title 4.1 of the Virginia
Code, regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, and federal law.
5. The storage, warehousing, and wholesaling of wine in accordance with Title 4.1 of the
Virginia Code, regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, and federal law.
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Zoning Supplement #60, 5 -5 -10
6. Private personal gatherings of a farm winery owner who resides at the farm winery or on
property adjacent thereto that is owned or controlled by the owner, provided that wine is
not sold or marketed and for which no consideration is received by the farm winery or its
b. Agritourism uses or wine sales related uses. The following uses are permitted at a farm winery,
provided they are related to agritourism or wine sales:
1. Exhibits, museums, and historical segments related to wine or to the farm winery.
2. Farm winery events at which not more than two hundred (200) persons are in attendance
at any time.
3. Guest winemakers and trade accommodations of invited guests at a farm winery owner's
private residence at the farm winery.
4. Hayrides.
5. Kitchen and catering activities related to a use at the farm winery.
6. Picnics, either self - provided or available to be purchased at the farm winery.
7. Providing finger foods, soups and appetizers for visitors.
8. Sale of wine- related items that are incidental to the sale of wine including, but not limited
to the sale of incidental gifts such as cork screws, wine glasses, and t- shirts.
9. Tours of the farm winery, including the vineyard.
10. Weddings and wedding receptions at which not more than two hundred (200) persons are
in attendance at any time.
11. Other uses not expressly authorized that are agritourism uses or are wine sales related
uses, which are determined by the zoning administrator to be usual and customary uses at
farm wineries throughout the Commonwealth, which do not create a substantial impact
on the health, safety or welfare of the public, and at which not more than two hundred
(200) persons are in attendance at any time.
C. Agritourism uses or wine sales related uses; more than 200 person at any time; special use permit.
The following uses, at which more than two hundred (200) persons will be allowed to attend at any
time, are permitted at a farm winery with a special use permit, provided they are related to
agritourism or wine sales:
1. Farm winery events.
2. Weddings and wedding receptions.
3. Other uses not expressly authorized that are agritourism uses or wine sales related uses
which are determined by the zoning administrator to be usual and customary uses at farm
wineries throughout the Commonwealth.
d. Information and sketch plan to be submitted with application for a special use permit. In addition
to any information required to be submitted with an application for a special use permit under
section 31.6.2, each application for one or more uses authorized under section 5.1.25(c) shall
include the following:
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Information. Information pertaining to the following: (i) the proposed uses; (ii) the
maximum number of persons who will attend each use at any given time; (iii) the
frequency and duration of the uses; (iv) the provision of on -site parking; (v) the location,
height and lumens of outdoor lighting for each use; and (vi) the location of any stage,
structure or other place where music will be performed.
2. Sketch plan. A sketch plan, which shall be a schematic drawing of the site with notes in a
form and of a scale approved by the director of planning depicting: (i) all structures that
would be used for the uses; (ii) how access, on -site parking, outdoor lighting, signage and
minimum yards will be provided in compliance with this chapter; and (iii) how potential
adverse impacts to adjoining property will be mitigated so they are not substantial.
e. Sound from outdoor amplified music. Sound generated by outdoor amplified music shall be
subject to section 4.18, shall not exceed the applicable maximum sound levels in section 4.18.04,
and shall not be deemed to be an exempt sound under section 4.18.05(J).
f. Yards. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the minimum front, side and rear yard
requirements in section 10.4 shall apply to all primary and accessory structures established after
May 5, 2010 and to all tents, off - street parking areas and portable toilets used in whole or in part
to serve any use permitted at a farm winery, provided that the zoning administrator may reduce the
minimum required yard upon finding that: (i) there is no detriment to the abutting lot; (ii) there is
no harm to the public health, safety or welfare; and (iii) written consent has been provided by the
owner of the abutting lot consenting to the reduction.
g. Uses prohibited. The following uses are prohibited:
2. Helicopter rides.
(§ 5.1.25, 12- 16 -81, 1 -1 -84; Ord. 98- 20(1), 4 -1 -98; Ord. 01- 18(6), 10 -3 -01; Ord. 10- 18(3), 5 -5 -10; Ord. 11-
18(3), 3 -9 -11)
a. These provisions are intended to encourage the use of water power as a natural and
replenishable resource for the generation of electrical power. While serving energy
conservation and natural resource goals, these provisions are also intended to limit such use so
as: not to be objectionable in the area in which it is located; not to unreasonably interfere
with the passage of boats, canoes, fish and other aquatic life; not to unreasonably degrade the
riverine and aquatic habitat or water quality, in general;
b. The applicant shall submit with his application for special use permit, plans, profiles, studies
and other supporting information addressing the issues in (a) above. No such application shall
be approved until comment and recommendation has been received from the State Water
Control Board, the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, and other appropriate federal,
state and local agencies;
c. Whether or not a site development plan is required, the applicant shall submit to the county
engineer a certified engineer's report as described in section 4.14.8. In review of such report,
the county engineer shall be particularly mindful of the requirements of section 4.14.1, noise,
and section 4.14.7, electrical interference;
d. Except as specifically permitted in a particular case, no auxiliary or accessory method of
power generation shall be permitted nor shall any pump storage or rechannelization be
permitted. (Added 4- 28 -82)
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