HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201200018 Staff Report 2012-11-08COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Project Name: SP 2012 - 00018, WPO 2012 -75,
Staff: Glenn Brooks
Castle Hill Cider Stream Crossing
Planning Commission Public Hearing:
Board of Supervisors Public Hearing:
Owners: Route 231 LLC
Applicant: Route 231 LLC
Acreage: 125.4(82) +185(B1)
Special Use Permit (SP 2011 - 00011): Culvert
crossing over Turkey Sag Creek, under sections,,, 30.3.07 of the
zoning ordinance, and sections 320 and 308 of the
Water Protection Ordinance
TMP: TM 49, Parcels 18131 and B2
Existing Zoning and By -right use: Rural Areas (RA)
Location: Rt.640
Magisterial District: Rivanna
Conditions: Yes
Proposal: To obtain approval for a previously
Requested # of Dwelling Units: NA
constructed driveway crossing
Development Area: NA
Comprehensive Plan Designation: Rural Areas.
Character of Property: Rural estate property with
Use of Surrounding Properties: Rural residences and
managed fields and floodplain.
Factors Favorable:
Factors Unfavorable:
Improved stream crossing for driveway
Small impact to the Turkey Sag Creek floodplain and
WPO buffer
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval with conditions.
STAFF: Glenn Brooks
SP 2012 -00018 Castle Hill Cider Stream Crossing
PROJECT: SP2012- 00018, WP02012 -75, Castle Hill Cider Stream Crossing
PROPOSED: Special Use Permit for an improved driveway crossing of Turkey Sag Creek
ZONING CATEGORY /GENERAL USAGE: RA - Rural Areas, residential and agricultural
SECTION:,,, 30.3.06, 30.3.07 of the zoning ordinance
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE /DENSITY: Rural Areas - agricultural and residential
LOCATION: Rt. 640, Turkey Sag Road
TAX MAP /PARCEL: 49 -18131, 18132
Estate pasture with creek floodplain, and some forest. Rural agricultural and residential land.
This proposal is to obtain approval of an improved driveway culvert crossing over Turkey Sag Creek.
The driveway crossing is a low crossing consisting of three metal pipe culverts, each 2 feet in
diameter. Small headwalls have been constructed at the inlet and outlet, without wing - walls. A
cement - stabilized gravel drive crosses over the culverts. The crossing covers approximately 20 feet
of the creek. Shallow gradual banks of mown grass slope to the creek on both sides.
The applicant has indicated that this crossing has replaced a concrete low -water crossing which
consisted of five culverts, each approximately one foot in diameter. The new crossing raised the
elevation of the driveway, reducing the frequency of inundation over the drive, and slightly increasing
floodplain impacts upstream.
This special use permit and water protection ordinance exception is being heard concurrently with a
special use permit for special events on the property.
A residential driveway conforms to the comprehensive plan.
Regarding the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, staff notes the following;
31.6.1: Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued
upon a finding by the board of supervisors that such use will not be of substantial
detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the district will not be changed
The constructed stream crossing has not changed the character of the district. An analysis of
the affects on the floodplain shows that impacts are not significant, and they are contained
within the property.
and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance,
The stream crossing is a common uses in the rural area.
with the uses permitted by right in the district,
This residential driveway is permitted by- right.
with additional regulations provided in section 5,
Section 5 does not appear applicable in this case
and with the public health, safety and general welfare.
The creek crossing has a negligible impact on general public health, safety or welfare. "No development permit shall be issued for any use, structure, activity, fill,
new construction, substantial improvements or other development which in the
opinion of the county engineer would result in any increase in flood levels during the
occurrence of a one hundred year flood discharge."
Typically, for stream crossings, this is interpreted to keep flood level increases to a
minimum, and to eliminate any increases on adjacent property. This has been done. BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT WITHIN THE FLOODWAY The following uses
or activities are authorized within the floodway by special use permit: ( ... ) 2. Water
related uses such as boat docks, canoe liveries, bridges, ferries, culverts and river
crossings of transmission lines of all types.
Culverts are allowed by special use permit. BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT WITHIN THE FLOODWAY FRINGE
1. Uses by special use permit in the floodway.
The crossing would fall under item 1 in this section
The delineation of the flood hazard overlay district may be revised, amended and
modified by the board of supervisors in compliance with the National Flood Insurance
Program when any of the following conditions are met:
3. There are changes indicated by FEMA issuance of letters of map amendment
(LOMA) or letters of map revision (LOMR). (Added 2 -5 -05)
All such changes are subject to the review and approval of FEMA.
Documenting changes through FEMA is a recommended condition of approval. Approval of the
Special Use Permit effectively changes the Flood Hazard Overlay District subject to FEMA approval
of a LOMA or LOMR (Letter of Map Amendment or Revision).
This stream crossing, as an upgrade to an existing crossing, is considered the one by -right stream
crossing for the property according to Water Protection Ordinance section 17 -320D. As such it must
meet the provisions set forth in that section.
Sec. 17 -320 Types of development authorized in stream buffer.
If otherwise authorized by the applicable regulations of the zoning ordinance, the
following types of development shall be allowed in a stream buffer, provided that the
requirements of this section are satisfied:
I ... I
D. Stream crossings of perennial and intermittent streams for roads, streets or
driveways, provided the following requirements are addressed to the satisfaction of
the program authority:
1. Bridges and culverts shall satisfy the following:
a. For crossings of perennial streams, bridges, arch culverts, or box culverts shall be
used for the stream crossing and sized to pass the ten (10) year storm without
backing water onto upstream properties. Bridges or culverts shall either leave the
stream section, consisting of the stream bed and the stream bank, undisturbed or
shall allow the stream to return to a natural stabilized cross - section upon completion
of installation. The lowest interior elevation of the culvert (the culvert invert) shall be
a minimum of six (6) inches below the stream bed. Culvert walls and bridge columns
should be located outside the stream banks wherever possible;
The culvert crossing does not satisfy any part of this condition. The applicant is seeking an
exception to this condition on the basis that this crossing is an improvement over the
previous condition.
2. Stream stabilization and energy dissipation measures below each bridge or culvert
shall satisfy the standards for stream bank stabilization and outlet control provided in
the county's design standards manual;
The culvert crossing does not satisfy this condition. The applicant is seeking an exception
on the basis that the crossing has been improved.
3. The stream buffer disturbance shall be the minimum necessary for the lot(s) to be
used and developed as permitted in the underlying zoning district and under the
applicable regulations of the subdivision ordinance. Stream crossings shall not
disturb more than thirty (30) linear feet of stream for driveways and sixty (60) linear
feet for roads or streets, provided that the program authority may allow additional
length of stream disturbance where fill slopes or special conditions necessitate
additional length;
The culvert crossing satisfies this condition. It disturbs less than 30 linear feet of stream.
5. For stream crossings where any portion of the pre- construction stream buffer is
not fully vegetated as determined by the program authority, and for any portion of a
vegetated stream buffer that is disturbed during the installation of the stream
crossing, buffer vegetation shall be established and maintained within the stream
buffer but outside of the stream crossing at a ratio of two (2) square feet of stream
buffer restored for every one (1) square foot of stream buffer that was either not fully
vegetated or is disturbed during the installation of the stream crossing. Buffer
vegetation shall be established and maintained at the 2:1 ratio to the extent that the
stream buffer is fully vegetated outside of the stream crossing, provided that the
owner shall not be required to establish vegetation outside of the stream buffer in
order to satisfy the 2:1 ratio. The program authority may require that the owner enter
into an agreement providing for the ongoing maintenance of the plantings in the
stream buffer, and may require a bond with surety or other acceptable instrument,
which agreement and bond with surety or other acceptable instrument shall be of a
substance and in a form approved by the program authority and the county attorney.
Stream buffer plantings shall be consistent with guidance supplied by the program
The applicant has provided a proposed mitigation plan showing a planting area on either
side of the channel downstream of this crossing.
Sec. 17 -308 Exceptions.
Except for requests to develop in the stream buffer made pursuant to section 17 -321,
a request for an exception to the requirements of this article shall be made and
granted as provided herein: [ ... ]
C. A request for exception may be granted provided that:
1. A stormwater management /BMP plan has been submitted to the program authority
for review in accordance with this article; the plan demonstrates that reasonable
alternatives to the exception have been considered and determined to not be feasible
through attempts to meet the provisions of this article, the use of non - structural
measures as provided in section 17 -313, the use of a mitigation plan as provided in
section 17 -322, or by other means;
Mitigation has been proposed at a ratio of 2:1. Alternatives at this time would be to remove the
constructed crossing and rebuilt it to meet the provisions above.
2. The exception requested is the minimum necessary to afford relief;
The exception request allows the construction crossing to remain as built.
3. Reasonable and appropriate conditions are imposed as necessary to ensure that
the purposes of this article are satisfied; and
It is recommended in the summary conditions that additional outlet and inlet protection be provided,
both to bring the stream bed up to meet the culvert outlets, and to armor the ends of the channel for
expected overflows around the headwalls during a flood event.
4. The basis for the request is not economic hardship, which shall be deemed an
insufficient reason to grant an exception.
While not to the standards of the ordinance for a perennial stream, the basis for this request is that an
existing crossing has nevertheless been improved.
Staff has identified the following factors that are favorable:
1. The new crossing allows a more stable driveway.
Staff has identified the following factors that are unfavorable to this request.
1. The higher crossing has created a slight increase in flood levels on the property.
Staff recommends approval of the special use permit with the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall obtain approval from FEMA for changes to the floodplain, and update
the FEMA maps. This shall include FEMA's conditional approval prior to the start of
2. The applicant shall obtain all necessary federal and state agency approvals (Army Corps
of Engineers, Department of Environmental Quality, etc.).
3. The applicant shall obtain Program Authority approval of a mitigation plan, and provide
mitigation according to the Water Protection Ordinance.
Staff recommends approval of the Water Protection Ordinance exception with the following
The mitigation plan shall be revised to include inlet and outlet protection measures, and
channel modifications for those measures, to the satisfaction of the County Engineer.
A. CastleHillCider StreamCrossing Exhibits.doc -- Document containing site map and photo of
driveway crossing.
Project Name: SP 2012 - 00019, Castle Hill Cider
Staff: Glenn Brooks
Planning Commission Public Hearing:
Board of Supervisors Public Hearing:
Owners: Route 231 LLC
Applicant: Route 231 LLC
Acreage: 185
Special Use Permit (SP 2011 - 00011): Fill for a
dam, under sections,,, 30.3.06, 30.3.07 of the zoning
TMP: TM 49, Parcel 18131
Existing Zoning and By -right use: Rural Areas (RA)
Location: Rt.640
Magisterial District: Rivanna
Conditions: Yes
Proposal: To obtain approval for a previously
Requested # of Dwelling Units: NA
constructed dam
Development Area: NA
Comprehensive Plan Designation: Rural Areas.
Character of Property: Rural estate property with
Use of Surrounding Properties: Rural residences and
managed fields and floodplain.
Factors Favorable:
Factors Unfavorable:
Impacts to the Turkey Sag Creek floodplain and WPO
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval with conditions.
STAFF: Glenn Brooks
SP 2012 -00019 Castle Hill Cider Pond
PROJECT: SP2012- 00019, Castle Hill Cider Pond
PROPOSED: Special Use Permit for fill for a dam alongside Turkey Sag Creek
ZONING CATEGORY /GENERAL USAGE: RA - Rural Areas, residential and agricultural
SECTION:,,, 30.3.06, 30.3.07 of the zoning ordinance
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE /DENSITY: Rural Areas - agricultural and residential
LOCATION: Rt. 640, Turkey Sag Road
TAX MAP /PARCEL: 49 -18131
Estate pasture with creek floodplain, and some forest. Rural agricultural and residential land.
This proposal is to obtain approval of a dam constructed alongside the creek. A culvert crossing in
the field next to the dam is also included, as it is connected to the dam. These items have already
been constructed.
The dam consists of an embankment built next the creek. It is approximately 9 feet high, with a base
approximately 22 feet wide. It runs for 460 feet alongside the creek. The pond itself, the waters of
which are separate from the creek, covers about 1.4 acres.
There is a small 6 inch diameter plastic pipe that diverts water into the pond from an upstream intake
within the creek. The applicant estimates it takes 20% of normal flow. Water is returned to the creek
through an 8 inch plastic standpipe structure which discharges through the embankment downstream.
The applicant has indicated that the purpose of this pond is to supply water to vegetation planted
uphill on the property.
The culvert crossing next to the dam consists of a metal pipe arch culvert five feet high and twelve
feet wide at the creek. It covers approximately 24 feet of the creek. The pipe ends are mitered to lay
with the slope of the embankment crossing, which consists of mown grass.
This crossing appears to be intended as a convenience to reach the area of the dam from the residence
and hall. There is a twelve foot graded grass path at the top of the embankment. The crossing does
not appear necessary for any functioning of the dam.
This special use permit is being heard concurrently with a special use permit for special events on the
An agricultural pond may conform to the comprehensive plan.
Regarding the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, staff notes the following;
31.6.1: Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued
upon a finding by the board of supervisors that such use will not be of substantial
detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the district will not be changed
The dam has not changed the character of the district from a land use and zoning perspective.
An analysis of the affects on the floodplain shows that impacts are significant, but contained
within the property.
and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance,
Ponds are a common feature in the rural area.
with the uses permitted by right in the district,
Ponds are common items in the rural area for agriculture and landscaping.
with additional regulations provided in section 5,
Section 5 does not appear applicable in this case
and with the public health, safety and general welfare.
The dam and associated crossing have a negligible impact on general public health, safety or
welfare. "No development permit shall be issued for any use, structure, activity, fill,
new construction, substantial improvements or other development which in the
opinion of the county engineer would result in any increase in flood levels during the
occurrence of a one hundred year flood discharge."
Typically, for stream crossings or dams, this is interpreted to keep flood level increases to a
minimum, and to eliminate any increases on adjacent property. A dam typically changes the
nature and footprint of a stream when built across the channel. In this case, the dam is not
built across the channel, but to one side. Rather than damming the creek, it acts as a levy
during a flood event, pushing floodwater to the opposite side, or splitting floodwaters
between the pond and the channel. It raises flood levels by approximately one foot on the
channel side, and incorporates the pond on the opposite side. BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT WITHIN THE FLOODWAY The following uses
or activities are authorized within the floodway by special use permit: (...) 1. Dams,
levees and other structures for water supply and flood control.
The applicant has indicated this dam is used for water supply of upland vegetation. The
ordinance is not specific as to the intent of this section, whether it refers to public projects
and potable water, or to any form of water supply. BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT WITHIN THE FLOODWAY FRINGE
1. Uses by special use permit in the floodway.
2. Aircraft landing strip excluding structures and aircraft parking /storage.
3. Landfill permit (reference 30.3.6).
The crossing and the dam would fall under item 1, uses permitted in the floodway, if section applies as indicated previously. PERMIT REQUIREMENTS
In addition to such conditions imposed by the board of supervisors in approval of a
special use permit, a landfill permit approval by the county engineer is required for
the filling of land in the floodway fringe. No permit shall be issued or approved until
the site development plan for such fill of land shall have been submitted to the county
engineer indicating the following requirements have been met:
[• •]
2. The filling of land shall be designed and constructed to minimize obstruction to
and effect upon the flow of water and more particularly that:
a. Such fill will not, in the opinion of the county engineer, result in any increase in
flood levels during the occurrence of a one hundred year flood discharge;
As with section this condition has not been met, but has been liberally interpreted on
past applications as having no significant impact on adjacent property, or the safety and general
welfare of the public.
b. The flood carrying capacity of the watercourse shall be maintained;
The flood carrying capacity of the watercourse has been shifted to the south and east, but
generally maintained.
c. No fill shall be placed in the floodway;
In this case, the fill is within the floodway, effectively shifting it over.
3. Fill shall be effectively protected against erosion by vegetative cover, riprap,
gabions, bulkhead or other acceptable method. Any structure, equipment or material
permitted shall be firmly anchored to prevent dislocation due to flooding;
The earthen embankment placed in the floodway and floodplain does not appear to be adequately
protected from erosion during a flood event . The models provided by the applicant indicate that
floodwaters will spill over the dam and culvert crossing areas, and these fill sections have not been
armored to prevent erosion. Should this special use permit be approved, changes to the dam and
culvert are recommended in order to clarify the path for floodwaters, and to protect this area from
erosion or damage during flooding.
4. Fill shall be of a material that will not pollute surface water or groundwater;
The fill material appears to be local soils. No reports or tests have been made available to verify.
5. Where in the opinion of the county engineer additional topographic, engineering
and other data or studies are necessary to determine the effects of flooding on a
proposed structure or fill and /or the effect of such structure or fill on the flow of water
in flood stage, the county engineer shall require the applicant to submit such data or
This data has been provided. The results of this data were used to assess the impacts and changes to
the floodplain.
The delineation of the flood hazard overlay district may be revised, amended and
modified by the board of supervisors in compliance with the National Flood Insurance
Program when any of the following conditions are met:
I ... 1
3. There are changes indicated by FEMA issuance of letters of map amendment
(LOMA) or letters of map revision (LOMR). (Added 2 -5 -05)
All such changes are subject to the review and approval of FEMA.
Documenting changes through FEMA is a recommended condition of approval. Approval of the
Special Use Permit effectively changes the Flood Hazard Overlay District subject to FEMA approval
of a LOMA or LOMR.
The applicant has provided a mitigation plan, WPO 2012 -75, showing plantings along Turkey Sag
Creek. This plans mitigates for disturbances of the pond, and the two stream crossings on the
Sec. 17 -321 Types of development which may be allowed in stream buffer by program
Development in a stream buffer may be authorized by the program authority in the
circumstances described below, provided that a mitigation plan is submitted to, and
approved, by the program authority pursuant to section 17 -322:
2. on a lot on which the development in the stream buffer will consist of a lake, pond,
or ecological /wetland restoration project;
3. on a lot on which the development in the stream buffer will consist of the
construction and maintenance of a road, street or driveway that would not satisfy the
requirements of section 17- 320(D) and the program authority determines that the
stream buffer would prohibit access to the lot necessary for the lot to be used and
developed as permitted in the underlying zoning district and under the applicable
regulations of the subdivision ordinance, or to establish more than one stream
Should the special use permit be approved, the pond and additional stream crossing associated with
the pond may be allowed by the Program Authority within the stream buffer.
Staff has identified the following factors that are favorable.
1. All impacts have been kept on the property.
2. A pond is an allowable use under the WPO.
Staff has identified the following factors that are unfavorable to this request.
1. Flood levels have increased.
2. The dam and culvert crossing are potentially unstable in a flood event, and could cause significant
sedimentation upon failure.
Staff recommends approval of the special use permit with the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall make improvements to the dam and culvert in order to provide a
stable, non - erosion path for floodwaters, while keeping flood level increases below one
3. The applicant shall obtain County Engineer approval of plans for changes to the dam and
culvert prior to construction.
4. The applicant shall obtain Program Authority approval for an erosion and sediment
control plan, and obtain a land disturbance permit according to the Water Protection
Ordinance requirements prior to the start of construction for any changes, regardless of
whether the project exceeds the minimum disturbance limits.
5. The applicant shall obtain all necessary federal and state agency approvals (Army Corps
of Engineers, Department of Environmental Quality, etc.).
6. The applicant shall obtain Program Authority approval of a mitigation plan, and provide
mitigation according to the Water Protection Ordinance.
7. The applicant shall obtain approval from FEMA for changes to the floodplain, and update
the FEMA maps. This shall include FEMA's conditional approval prior to the start of
A. CastleHillCider-12ond_Exhibits -- Document containing site map, plan and photo of the pond.
Castle Hill Cider, Pond, Exhibits
Site Map, location:
Location map showing floodplain and WPO buffer
Aerial photo 2010
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Plan provided by applicant
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Castle Hill Cider, Stream Crossing, Exhibits
Site Map, location:
Location map showing floodplain and WPO buffer
Plan provided by applicant