HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201000036 Staff Report 2012-07-31COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
SP201000036 MonU Park
Updated information for further discussion of this deferred sp
use permit request for four soccer fields and 96 -space parking
Mr. Clark
July 31, 2012
At its meeting on June 19, 2012, the Commission heard this proposal and deferred action until July 31,
2012 in order to allow the applicant to provide more information on the traffic and noise impacts of the
proposed use. Although much of that information proved to be unavailable, the applicant has requested
that this application remain on the July 31St agenda for Commission action. The applicant has also
requested that staff address a concern about accurately reflecting the club's operating times that would
otherwise have come up in the first hearing.
After the public hearing, a Supervisor, Mr. Dumler, and Dr. Steve Thompson, an archaeologist serving on
the County's Historic Preservation Committee, each asked that staff address the issue of possible
archaeological resources on this site. All these topics are discussed separately below.
An issue of concern to the Commission and to several nearby landowners was the additional traffic that
this use could generate on Polo Grounds Road. Many residents reported that the road already has long
traffic delays, especially at the intersection of Polo Grounds Road and US 29, at least in part because of
the existing soccer -club facility located to the east of this site. The Commission requested that the
applicant and staff provide more information on the existing traffic situation
After the public hearing, Mr. Denunzio, the VDOT reviewer for this project, was unable to find any
traffic data on file regarding peak -hour traffic volumes or on levels of service at the intersection of Polo
Grounds Road and US 29. Since the commission's meeting on this item, there have not been any major
events (peak traffic events at the SOCA facilities), meaning that staff was unable to observe peak traffic
patterns during those events. (According to SOCA's online calendar, events in June and July are mainly
adult league games with only one game occurring at any one time.)
See Attachment 1 for the applicant's estimates of the average number of trips generated by this use in
various seasons and days of the week. (Please note that each entry or exit is one trip, so these counts are
double the number of vehicles using the site.) The estimates range from 20 trips for practice sessions to
48 trips per game. Given four fields and 96 parking spaces, the maximum trip generation per game time
would be 192 (96 entering before the game, 96 exiting after the game). This would only occur if games
were held on all four fields with the same starting time.
See Attachment 2 for the applicant's observations of traffic for one evening on Polo Grounds Road. Also,
staff observed an evening with two adult - league soccer games at the SOCA facility (one at 5:45 p.m., one
at 7:20 p.m.). The numbers of vehicles in the left -turn lane on Polo Grounds Road at US 29 were as
Traffic Signal Cycle
Total # of cars stacked on Polo Grounds at US 29
1 (7:25 p.m.)
7 (7:40 p.m.)
Given the lack of more detailed information on traffic patterns at this site (such as a traffic study), staff
has insufficient information upon which to base additional recommendations.
Neither the applicant nor staff was able to find a way to model or demonstrate the level or character of
sound that would be generated on this site. No changes to the proposed conditions of approval are further
recommended. Please note that the original conditions included a prohibition on the installation and use of
amplified sound systems.
As mentioned above, a concern about possible archaeological resources on this site has been raised. Staff
had initially felt that the minimal nature of construction proposed for the site would limit or prevent any
impacts. However, Dr. Steve Thompson, the archaeologist mentioned above, stated that this site is
potentially of major importance, and that it is likely that many of the artifacts that might be found on the
site could be expected to be found very near the surface. Staff will defer to Dr. Thompson's experience.
As part of the approval of the existing SOCA soccer facility that is already in place on Polo Grounds
Road, the Board of Supervisors imposed a condition of approval requiring a Phase I archaeology survey
(essentially an initial survey) and Planning Division approval of any mitigation measures for construction
impacts on identified resources, to be secured before any approval of a grading plan. To appropriately
address archaeological concerns consistent with the SOCA approval, staff now recommends that the same
condition be applied to the parking area for this proposed use, as that is the only location that would see
any significant ground disturbance.
Operating Times
The original recommended conditions of approval would have prevented all use of the site during July
and August. However, this did not accurately represent the applicant's needs, which include training
sessions for club members only during these months. As this is the least intense use the sight would see,
staff has revised the conditions of approval to permit practice during those months.
Staff once again recommends approval SP201000036 MonU Park with the modified conditions shown
1. Development of the use shall be in general accord with the conceptual plan entitled
"Concept Plan for Special Use Permit Application for MonU Park" prepared by
Meridian Planning Group LLC, and dated 04- 25 -12.
To be in general accord with the plan, development shall reflect the following central
features essential to the design of the development:
Number of fields
Number and location of parking spaces
Absence of structures
Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be
made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Games shall only be held during the months of March, April, May,
June, September, October, and November. During July and August, no games shall be
held, but practice sessions solely for club members are permitted. Portable toilets may
only be on the site during these months.
3. Hours of operation for events on Saturdays and Sundays shall be no earlier than 11:00
a.m. and no later than 6:00 p.m.
4. Hours of operation for events Monday through Friday shall be no earlier than 4:00 p.m.
and no later than sunset.
5. No overnight parking shall be permitted on the site. The entrance to the property shall be
closed by a locked gate when the fields are not in use.
6. No outdoor lighting shall be installed for this use.
7. No artificial irrigation shall be used or installed for the soccer fields.
8. There shall be no temporary or permanent amplified sound system permitted for this use.
9. No fill shall be placed within the portion of the property within the Flood Hazard
Overlay District.
10. Upon termination of the soccer -field use, the surfacing of the driveway and parking area
shall be removed and the previously - disturbed land surface shall be returned to vegetated
cover or an unpaved accessway.
11. A Phase I archaeological survey shall be completed for areas to be graded for this use
followed by appropriate mitigation measures as approved by the Planning Director, prior
to issuance of a rg ading permit
1. Applicant's Traffic- generation Estimates (See Below)
2. Applicant's Traffic Observations on Polo Grounds Road (See Below)
Click here to view the June 19, 2012 Planning Commission Staff Report
Attachment 1
Applicant's Traffic - generation Estimates
Traffic projections for games based on:
2 teams of 15 players per team--30 players. Players typically car pool to average 2 players /car
1 coach and 1 assistant coach per team =4 coaches
3 referees per game
Players /parents =30 trips
Coaches =8 trips
Referees =6 trips
Miscellaneous =4 trips
Total = 48 trips
I added 4 miscellaneous trips to allow for less than anticipated car pooling by players /parents.
Total trip could also be slightly less than projected due to:
1. More than anticipated car pooling by players
2. Car pooling by coaches
3. Referees that travel to the field and then officiate back to back games, thus being counted twice
while only entering and exiting park once
Traffic projections for practices based on:
15 players /team, with players typically car pooling to average 2 players /car
1 coach and 1 assistant coach
Players /parents =16 trips
Coaches =4 trips
Total = 20 trips
Applicant's Traffic Observations on Polo Grounds Road Attachment 2
I did sit at our entrance on Polo Grounds Road one weekday evening, and counted the cars that went past
our entrance to Route 29. SOCA had 4 games and a camp going on from 5:00- 8:OOpm which is a fairly
good amount of activity. The traffic numbers were:
Wednesday, June 27
5:00- 6:OOpm 79 cars
6:00- 7:OOpm 40 cars
7:00- 8:OOpm 92 cars
There was not any back up at the light.