HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA201200009 Legacy Document 2012-12-19 (2)Attachment A
Task Force Charge: Using the existing staff work on process improvements as a starting point,
the task force will review and assess the current legislative review process for improvements in
efficiency, effectiveness, quality and adequate public participation.
Task Force Membership:
A. Bruce Dotson
Ann Mallek
David Bowerman
Michael Hancox
Valerie Long
Michael Barnes
Marcia Joseph
Eric Strucko
Kenneth C. Boyd
David C. Wyant
Robert W. Tucker
Robert Spekman, PhD
Scope of Review: To focus on improving the legislative review process, but not to alter policy
regarding the scope of legislative reviews, with consideration of the following issues:
• Public input process
• Timeliness of review
• Quality of review
• Quality of approved plans
• Complexity of review
• Thoroughness of review
• Ease of the review process
• Efficiency of the review process
• Review processes in Rural Areas vs. Development Areas
• Resources necessary to implement any proposed changes
• Consideration of changes to current development fees
Major Tasks:
• Review and evaluate staff's initial set of recommendations
• Identify new possibilities for process and public participation improvements
• Solicit community input via a survey of citizens, development community and staff
• Evaluate current process for plan review
• Draft list of potential recommendations
• Prioritize recommendations based on those that would have the most positive impact
and those that could be implemented most quickly
• Develop preliminary action plans for priority recommendations
Committee recommendations are presented in the following three categories:
1 . New actions that were identified as higher priority
2 . Actions already planned or underway
3 . Other ideas
(1) New actions that were identified as higher priority
Action Steps /Timeline /Staff Resources Required
2 Phase ZMA Process
The first phase of the two step process would start by
defining the issues related to the proposal. These
2 phase ZMA process will avoid need for
issues would include, but not be limited to, the
detailed submissions until "big picture" issues
developers concept for the parcel, the citizen
have been answered, reducing cost to
input /concerns, the county staff assessment of: the
applicants and review time required and
Comprehensive Plan's goal for the parcel, how the
improving the ultimate quality of the project
project does or does not fit into the context of the
while maintaining appropriate public input
surrounding neighborhood, the infrastructure
deficiencies (either existing or caused by the proposal),
etc. Next, the process would focus on developing and
ranking design parameters that, if implemented
correctly, would address the goals and mitigate the
concerns. The first phase would conclude with the
establishment of "findings" by the Planning Commission
that, if the project implemented the design parameters, it
would be generally consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan and the surrounding neighborhood. A record of
comments would be available to the applicant and would
serve as a basis for the site design in Phase 2.
The PC's "findings" would not insure the ultimate
approval of the application and the project would not go
to the Board at this stage, but a copy of the findings
would be sent to the Board for their review and
Phase 2 — the second phase consists of a detailed
review to meet all requirements and policies of the
A related staff recommendation is to conduct a
comprehensive evaluation of the 100 -plus item list to
see if some /all requirements should be included in an
Community Development staff anticipates this effort can
be completed in 2007 and any ordinance changes would
follow this. In the short -term, development and
implementation of this process requires additional staff
work, but this process is intended to quickly recover that
Improve ARB /PC /Board coordination,
• Review current applicable ARB ordinances with the
clarify role of ARB
Board to clarify code guidance on the role of the ARB
• Explain the current practice as to ARB involvement in
Clarify the sequential review process to
Planning Commission processes
alleviate confusion for staff, applicants,
. Determine whether the Board wants to amend the
planning commission and board of supervisors
ordinance to reflect current practice or to use existing
and clarify the extent of review from the PC
ordinance guidelines for ARB involvement — the
and ARB expected by the Board, prior to BOS
committee recommends that the existing guidelines
be used to refine the ARB role to its original purpose
• Communicate guidance to the Planning Commission
and ARB members regarding the BOS guidance, and
Detailed process documentation focused
on creating consistent review
Documentation on review process for ZMAs,
SPs, SDPs, and SUBs will be used by staff for
performing reviews and available to applicants
and the public to understand process. Also,
need to include the complete list of (104)
issues considered with applications and the
process for proffer review.
provide training to clarify appropriate roles and
• Prepare staff to assist ARB members to stay within
the designated review and decision - making roles
• Provide the following sequence in flow chart form as
a guide for staff and applicant:
Comp Plan amendments review step 1- PC, Step 2 -
ZTAs - review step -1 PC, step 2 - BOS
ZMAs - Assuming 2 part zoning review (part 1 focused
on land use, part 2 focused on design elements)
review part 1 - PC, review part 2 if in an entrance
corridor- ARB, PC, BOS
• Establish policy for extent of review - visibility and
extent of information required for ARB review, extent
of information required for PC and BOS review.
• Establish staff led training sessions for ARB, PC and
BOS to clarify legal roles and help to establish
Community Development staff, with assistance from the
County Attorney, can facilitate the review with the Board
over the next six months. Scheduling the remaining
tasks will depend on the outcome of that review.
• Process flow diagrams and review process are in
place for subdivisions (SUBs) and site plans (SDPs).
These can be placed on the web as part of the one -
stop web page update.
• Process maps and documentation for ZMAs and SPs
will be finalized after completion of the 2 phase
process. Anticipate 2nd half of 2007.
• All process maps and other documentation will be
reviewed on a regular basis and changed when
processes are revised
• This effort will result in standards, methods and
checklists that will insure consistency in expectations
on the part of applicants, citizens and staff.
This reflects an ongoing effort for Community
Development staff.
Establish staff authority for waivers and Adopt standards that allow staff to have clearly
modifications in the development areas defined discretion and authority on the following
items that would have a significant impact on
streamlining the approval process:
• Private roads
• Critical slopes
• Buffers
This task would require ordinance changes which would
require some staff support as an upfront part of the
process. The level of staff effort would depend on what
review process was decided upon by the Board re: the
ordinance changes.
Develop a Proffer Policy to include
elements beyond a cash amount
One -stop webpage devoted to staying
informed about county development
Creation of a new webpage on the county
website that brings all elements of the online
county development information together in
one place
• Identify appropriate staff to develop the policy
• Review successful proffer policy models from other
• Strive to avoid creating undefined mandates as new
regulations are adopted
• Determine proper process for adopting the policy if it
is determined to be a Comprehensive Plan
Amendment, move as quickly through that process
as possible with support of the Planning Commission
Community Development staff anticipates that
incorporating a proffer policy into the Comprehensive
Plan will take a year for development and
• Determine what elements are important to include on
new webpage and develop prioritized content list —
use task force survey results and input from CDD
staff (staff identified electronic staff reports and
electronic copies of plans and other project material
as priorities)
• Assess existing website content to determine what
desired material already exists in some form or
• Assess CountyView as to its usefulness in serving
desired functions
• Identify gaps in material
• Create links or new content to address gaps in
highest priority areas of interest to citizens
• Create an interactive page for neighborhood contact
information including up -to -date email addresses to
allow neighborhood representatives to post current
• Design one -stop webpage with input from citizens
• Test new webpage with selected focus groups
• Publicize availability of new page
• Continue process with next level of priority areas
Due to evolving nature of internet technology, staff
anticipates that this will be an ongoing task, but
estimates that the first level of priority improvements
could be made to the website within 6 months. This work
will be incorporated into existing ongoing improvement
This will involve staff from the Community Relations
Office, primarily the web content manager and the
Community Relations Manager, and various Community
Development staff in organizing existing information.
Implementation can be accomplished as a part of
regular work tasks over the next 6 months.
Create a comprehensive guide to the
• Review task force survey results and determine
development process for citizen use
priority items that should be included in a
comprehensive guide
"How to Understand and Get Involved with
• Review existing materials, printed and on the
County Development Processes"
website, to see what the countv alreadv has
Expand the contact area around projects to
include more than adjoining owners,
include more comprehensive info in the
Newly defined contact radius for notification
letters and a more descriptive letter to be sent
as the initial notification- directives for
exceeding minimum legally required standards
to be outlined in the form of an administrative
Create easily accessible space at COB for
project information
Public information/ visual displays on critical
developed regarding those items
• Work concurrently with the website effort to
coordinate preparation of any additional materials
• Create printed (and DVD versions on demand) of the
guide that is appropriate for mass dissemination and
that links up with the website
• Get feedback on the material from citizens prior to
releasing, and make any necessary improvements
• Publicize availability of new materials
Many of these actions are similar to the website
enhancement priority and should occur on a parallel
track. Staff would estimate that an initial DVD could be
released within 6 months, and then would need to be
updated on a regular basis.
This will involve staff from the Community Relations
Office, primarily the web content manager and the
Community Relations Manager, and can be
accomplished as a part of regular work tasks within the
six month period. It is anticipated this DVD will need to
be updated as new ordinance requirements are added.
• Establish appropriate contact radius
• Review existing contact letter
• Determine appropriate new letter content including
contact info and county resources — include citizen
• Revise letter, implement new contact radius
• Solicit feedback from notified residents after certain
time period to assess effectiveness
Staff estimates that this priority could be implemented
within 6 weeks. Longer term, Community Development
staff anticipates this will increase the staff resources
needed to be spent with citizens in answering questions
and facilitating input.
• Use terminal in new CDD lobby to share project info
with the public
• For those projects that have significant public
interest, prepare visual display for citizens to view —
determine what project info will be displayed
• Identify best possible space for new display area
• Publicize availability of new display area
Staff estimates that this priority could be implemented
within 6 weeks in the new Community Development
space on the first floor of the COB.
Implementation will involve staff from the Community
Relations Office to assist with publicizing the new
display area; this can be accomplished as a part of
regular work tasks within the six week period. Longer
term, it is anticipated this will increase Community
Development's workload as information will need to be
reaularlv updated and staff will need to be available to
(2) Actions already planned or underway
Some of the items discussed by the task force were already planned for or underway in some
form as the group was meeting. The task force wanted to reaffirm the County's commitment to
address questions and concerns raised by the
Examples of proffer and code of
• Drafts of both documents have been prepared by
development language for applicants on
staff and are being internally reviewed.
• After internal review, will circulate to interested
Model Code of Development and Proffers
• Anticipate documents could be finalized and put on
available to applicants, which reduce the need
web site by mid -2007.
for changes and resubmissions of
• Staff will review uses to establish conditions and
documents. Also, need to provide examples
eliminate special use permit categories where
of good CDs and proffers and standard
possible, i.e. mobile homes
conditions used with certain SPs (e.g.
Churches, Home Occupations)
Community Development staff notes that standardized
language is hard to develop due to evolving nature of
proffers and desire of applicants to negotiate certain
items — examples of these items can be made available
as "models ", but an acknowledgment should be made
that these are ever - evolving documents based on the
most recent approvals. As such, it is anticipated that
staff will need to dedicate ongoing time to this task.
Approval letters explaining remaining
0 Staff has already started and can easily expand
process through occupancy
current letters to provide more detailed descriptions
of remaining processes.
Approval letters will outline steps necessary
0 Will implement into process upon approval by
before buildings can be occupied or uses are
Community Development staff has already started this
effort and it can be expanded without significant
workload increases
Outlines of staff reports with outstanding
Staff is working on possible steps to address this
issues (provide advance notice and
issue and bring major areas of concern to the
attention of the applicant in a timely way that allows
them to be responded to, recognizing the obvious
There should be no surprises for applicants in
need to stop the interaction with the applicant at
a staff report. Any issue should have been
some point and prepare a final report
raised in advance of the staff report, with the
Staff reports are finalized and made available to the
opportunity to resolve misunderstandings or
public and the applicant one week before the item is
before the Planning Commission, so there should
not be any complete surprises
Community Development staff notes this will be difficult
to resolve without building additional time into the
process schedule. The current schedule has no
downtime between the resubmission deadline for
materials and the deadline for completion of a staff
report. Thus, if new issues are raised as a result of plan
changes, there is no time in the schedule for staff and
the applicant to discuss these issues.
(2) Actions already planned or underway
Some of the items discussed by the task force were already planned for or underway in some
form as the group was meeting. The task force wanted to reaffirm the County's commitment to
these actions and in some cases they provided specific direction regarding individual action
items as outlined on the following chart.
Action Item
Comment /Direction
Alternative Engineering Review
Pilot program underway
The committee has
recommended six month
updates over the two year
pilot period, with the first
update scheduled for April,
Counter Planner/ Person to answer
Position created, staffed
Committee supported the
simple questions
staffing of this position
Organize the Planning Department
Has been implemented in Crozet,
Committee was supportive
around the concept of "area
additional area planners will be
of this initiative
proposed for funding as the master
Ian schedule progresses
CountyView Web to serve as
Public application of CountyView Web
Ensure that the program is
"project diary ", electronic access to
to be launched soon, currently being
user - friendly and accessible
project maps, plans, etc.
tested by selected users
to the average citizen
Support hiring of a Community
Position approved by BOS, hiring
Incorporate appropriate
Engagement Specialist
planned for late April, 2007
responsibilities into the job
Create easily accessible display
Display area has been designated in
Provide public information/
space at COB for project
new Community Development office
visual displays on critical
(3) Other Priorities
In addition to the higher priority items, the task force identified a number of other actions that
they felt would be significant improvements to the development review process. While these
actions did not receive the highest endorsement by the task force, it was recommended that
these items should be kept on record and addressed by staff as they are able.
There was agreement among task force members that the item related to increasing awareness
of Amail was a particularly important action and they strongly supported efforts by staff to
continue focusing on using Amail as a communication tool.
Change submission dates for rezonings and special permits
A schedule of submission dates is annually generated and can be easily modified starting in 2008. Before
next year's schedule is developed, staff will seek input from the Planning Commission and community on
factors they consider important for these dates.
Engineer Exchange
While staff is ready and willing to implement a program which trains outside engineers as reviewers, those
engineering firms would need to be willing to fund the positions. It is noted there is no assurance that a
trained engineer would continue working for the firm that subsidized the participation or that the engineer
would continue to work in this area.
Guides to correct terminology — "plug -ins"
Staff has already compiled and published a glossary of terms and a "Planning 101 " on the departmental
web site. This will be revised and expanded as customers identify additional subject matter.
Early letter to applicants with timetables, etc.
Staff has started this effort and will expand the content as applicants indicate an interest in additional
Sample reports and examples of good applications on Web site
Staff is currently developing these materials and plans to publish this later this year.
Outsourcing / Private Contractors
This will be discussed with the Board as part of a broader fee study now under way. Use of contractors will
significantly increase the cost of reviews and the Board will need to agree to either pass this cost through to
applicants or increase Community Development's funding.
Campaign to increase awareness of and use of AMail
The committee felt that Amail was a useful public information tool and recommended a continued aggressive
marketing campaign to get people to sign up for the service.
Better coordination with neighborhood assoc/ homeowner groups
The committee believes that neighborhood based information is often very effective and recommended that
every effort be made to share appropriate information with neighborhood groups.
Provide Citizen Planning Academies on a regular basis
Citizen Planning Academies that have been held in conjunction with master plan activities have been helpful
in communicating general growth management and land use information to the public. The committee
recommends that more academies be conducted for the general public to share that information as much as
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