HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201200132 Legacy Document 2013-01-14Application for Zoning Clearance CLE2012 132– 4 C, .`�') E PLEASE REVIE WALL 3 SHEETS EETS OFFICE USE" ONLY aic W Z3 J2_ Date: 6_14 -1Z a IZCCcil)t# 00112B) Staff: 1(1/j 41(1 P 11 EL INFORAIATIC ffc u( Tax A9ap cl Parcel: Existing Zoning Pa reel Owner: Parcel Address: City C. V-161 01;1,1 zip -State (include suite or floor) PRIMARY CONTACT 4,X (X Who should we call/write concerning this project? 14 Address: City state —zip ate 3 I Office Phone: Y) CC), Y? (kes'llotax LI I APPLICANT INFORMATION Check any that apply: _Change ol'ownersiiip _Change ofuse Change of name New business BusinessNanicffype: IMIi�va_I1ekerd-,i&o, afct, L Previous Business on this site Iv (y bd&qf' Describe the proposed business including use, number ofemployees, �mberofsliif'ts,.q),,iiiableparld "41U - Dg spaces, number qj Me r-i C It' Vehicks,knd any additional information that you C911 provide: 'MAC '�'4 cc—PA, 5A, FAPI-P a-)rs, /0 s, CPA114 L i'W' UJIYO v1 I Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. lf)IDLI change, intClISif), or 11IONT the LISC 10 a new IOC6ti0n, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby certify that I omi or have the owner's pennission I use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accurate to d best of my kII0VN that I will abide by them. lod I hav .cad the conditions of approval. and I understand them, kind Signature Printed Z G,a /A APPROVAL INFORMATION Approved as proposed Approved with conditions Denied Backnow prevention device and /or Current test data needed for this site. Contact ACSA, 977-451 1. N:l 17. No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. Therefore. it is not a determination ofcompliance with the existing site plan. I I This site complies with 1 tihe site plan as oj . this d'ste. Notes - Pr 11 12 w Sr &kLktA_ Building Buildinc, Official Date Co Zoning Official —V/A 1, U (A Date Other Official Date County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Revised 1/ 1 /201 1 Paget of C'. 5N ^ L Irttttl e to complete the follml ing; )' IS use 6jr, I.J. 1-11 or PD11' zoning? 11'so, give applicant a (ertiticd Engineer's Report (CHR) packet. Y i lA/i!! / rc bc• lilcul preparation" ll"so, give applicant a I lealth Department Ibrm. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from I lealth Dcpt. FAX DATE Circle the one that applies Is pal-Gel on privale well o ) llic water If' private yell, provide Healt 1 ' ment form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept. FAX DATE Circle the one that applies Is parcel on septic o lublic sewer. )' / N Will you be putting up a new sign of any kind? I f so. obtain pre er Sign permit. Permit # 2 Y/N i11 there be any new construction or renovations? Ifso, obtain I r er IPermt , Permit F L,/ Cc 'a. v �V� Zoning to complete the folio -win 7: Re\ ion er to complete the following: Square fuotagc of list: . N. ermitted as: Under Scclion: _ AL � (� o L'j Supplementary regulations section: 5. Parking formula: I S (' Required spaces: r� Y_/ 1\� O( lten s , be verified in the field: Inspector: Notes: ate; viola onsc Irso. t: Proffers: Irso. List: Variance: Y/N )fso. List; S )' /1\ If so.l,ist; U� Clearances: SDP's �lL ' lip • � n�Jr A�".'rf(,��r� -L I � � - - -- Revised I/1 /2011 Page 3 ol'3 ATTACHMENT SP- 2011 - 00031. Greenbrier Emergency Animal Hospital 1. There shall be no outside exercise area. However, walking of animals is permitted and shall be delineated with either post and cable or fencing to an area in the northwest corner of the parcel as shown on the attachment (described in 3); 2. No animals are to be confined outside; 3. Use is limited to 370 Greenbrier Drive as shown on the attached Land Title Survey Showing Parcel B -1 Section One Westfield created by B. Aubrey Huffman and Associates, LLC, dated April 13, 2005; and 4. No overnight boarding shall be permitted, except for those animals under emergency medical care, SP- 2011 - 00029. Keswick Verizon Wireless, Tier III PWSF 1. All work shall be done in general accord with what is described in the applicant's request and conceptual plan, entitled "Keswick Johnson Property 4460 Richmond Road Keswick, VA Existing Co- location LTE (4G) Upgrade" prepared by Stuart P. Patterson and dated 2/15/12, 11 N Z }+ r f J O�� n ,J L 1 1 Q Y >- � cr ¢°¢ ' W o r II QzJ mN III Z cn N U J y� ka ��w o f f l+y 111 1 a o0z =o �jL "za »Cn mc)S ��?� aZU id z T T 1 L 1 1 Q Y \� J o Z' e Z J y� ka I 0 Z g CL Kb o'- o LL j W 1 r� Ub a O U' w p r 1 -i v 1 J J CIE SURVEYOR I CERTIFICATE ..... I Igga'. IN, —c' p,a GG-12 It .0 EqA,, �l --- -I.L. A. , n I a. G. t FEWITIFE. URR: anvil Mm. ffi&PA3KJ ­WWW"'I WHIG N, t -�w Imalma -01,11'. A, iah ay. at ..,,a. I, IXIJIL %, ..,a. CH. G­ I Ea_ _U. FIII OY MI. IT FlEl: It.. E- Ill 1I.MlIv EP 11.1.1111EI *1 — I" .."I ll[ 0A.I&ITEMNI WF M r461 Nn 3 6 E6 la Ij '�"U'l' G, �r III. G%— '­ I-SNOW ..C., I". ZY."g—Z"I'lip- —IEl MOAN -E _1 _%, A,6 G. I — "'a., I -M—NIZ.b.- "i—A off, ANNAGS WIMP-- 'e�.0 IE1,11. — —,? -#a .. G,q G Ga, 0 C=C%Y gaaa BE L I,. aM I .. 11 C 'k 4. I—cl A.,. —6. 1 3. t.E.1 �l Ea - —11. 1 I.—E 1-1. Ea G.— EE It. 14 —I.G .1 I—E.. A.—M 1.11 — . rmrutwa, mm"a A. 'j"WITT& ml G. Ga., I.I. S BG, —Ga. ­NX M-1, A M. Ita"Ma . — 11-11 .17.1 ar wly. —" GE —E— "I M, num 1. - —G, k&A y 1. 1111 1. Alla L%laa 0 A:w,[31 I—EN IM V.M �nlr ICT11 GEG a Ea. I , VII SHY - I t REME-1 IU'­--�:t—,T"IGC' H, .,- w I, P r ` .7, 0`05,7 .. I. -,I" I SIX "I ".I, EA a- —All 1 11.1 ­11. Pat. a GG M EA I. I-. FOEGAG 01GRES.F11. OF ... -.It —IUY ISW3.1 It—. J A IC I—I . a., upL i. I 1 Ill -11 LIE. -1G,I I _.EUG,. jl.� —1- 1 111 U-n,Plr�,CIIETF -M— AIr It v, E75SNG W AMIGIa MIC E.111- 11 Fall 11 11 W 1 11 1 Z.11.21 Ea IFIC, "W 811' -1 -A •I AWEAAALjr GFIaa%C4- a. ELI Pa. A sffE HLB, 11 .. IN, hQ a T.M.P. 61W1 -A-6 w, 4V�, a, EUHL ""0 fF VICINITY NJP 370 GREENBRIER DRIVE Y) VET EMERGENCY HOSPITAL ANOVETCUNICUSE LIMITED TO THIS B.G. N PAWING SCHEDULE GROSS RLDO SQUARE FOOTAGE , AG 13 REGULAR SPACHS PER PLAT 1513.IA2 SF a! ]H IA. ABLE SPACES -11 ARMS ZONESI 'NAMUTC-FED G`MAS H IS........... . 10 1 F S I— C. I-- ;AC. ..I. — IS.' — - . , GOIE OFFICE/ UMIDIOUSE IS 13.782 Ea. Ft. ILI' ❑ IF LEGEND D. 4 's �N! aWIT .66 yy II—El. —(A- .IF WWVML IS L-I w at + GOIE OFFICE/ UMIDIOUSE IS 13.782 Ea. Ft. T§ --a I. �-U —1— IF D. 4 's �N! yy M DECEMBER 0.7011 w at + 3• .1 IS F WFSTFMLD I STOR a GRAMEHOOLSOEG' B.AVBRByRL7TAMN&ASS0CL4TES.LLC. EIFFICE� •20,943 SG.FT. ENIL ­1KCIUM j, LAND Glaa — - — PLANNING .11. IISIRLI. I;.T.IA . ...... _G_ L- .2 1 MG`;NL 'Wy INE-ilf. 10 a... I, Pa. I%A —A-- L. L wt-- CYMI "i. G. D. Ofill M. F3 0 T§ --a I. �-U —1— D. YE IL 's �N! GREENBRIER DRIVE `;J, DECEMBER 0.7011 • ALTA/ASCH LAND IT "B 'DnvEv s "HING PARCEL 9-1 SECTION ONE WFSTFMLD E..;. ALEEGMALE I—EY, II.-A Al.fl. 1:, nGGD B.AVBRByRL7TAMN&ASS0CL4TES.LLC. ENIL ­1KCIUM j, LAND Glaa — - — PLANNING .11. IISIRLI. I;.T.IA . ...... 0