HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201100064 Legacy Document 2013-02-26COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
SDP201100064 Senior Center - Belvedere Block 1
Preliminary Site Plan — Variations from Belvedere Code of ACTION: INFORMATION:
Approval of the following sections of the Zoning
Ordinance: ATTACHMENTS: No
1. Section Variations From Approved
Plans, Codes, And Standards Of REVIEWED BY:
Mr. Benish and Ms. Ray
The Belvedere development is located off of Rio Road, just west of Dunlora. Belvedere was rezoned to Neighborhood
Model District, with an associated application plan and Code of Development, in October 2005 (ZMA2004- 00007). This
application is for The Senior Center, which is proposed in Block 1. The proposal includes the creation of a maximum
60,000sf center, and associated outdoor amenities, to be built in phases. The applicant is requesting variations from the
approved Belvedere Application Plan and Code of Development.
Goal 2: Provide community facilities that meet existing and future needs.
Goal 5: Ensure the health and safety of the community.
The proposed development will require three variations from the approved Application Plan and Code Development
approved with the rezoning of the property. These variations are necessary before the site plan can be approved by staff.
The applicant submitted a request and justification for each variation by letter dated July 18, 2012 (revisions dated
November 7, 2012 and December 18, 2012), and these requests have been reviewed for Zoning, Engineering and
Planning aspects of the regulations. Section authorizes the Director of Planning to grant variations from the
approved application plat and/ or code of development. However, due to a recent State Supreme Court decision, these
variations must now be approved by the Board of Supervisors as a Special Exception under Chapter 18 Section 31.8.
Staff is recommending approval of all variation requests ( #49, #50, and #51).
The applicant submitted the following request: To allow the maximum "Front build -to distance from street" for the building
to vary from the distance of 5' specified in Table 10 of Belvedere's Code of Development (page 36) to be increased to 2'
beyond any existing utility easements that have been located along the road. Staff analysis of the variation request is
provided below:
1) The variation is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan.
The design is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan while recognizing the practical
engineering realities of this development (existing gas and utility easements located across the front of the site).
2) The variation does not increase the approved development density or intensity of development.
Density is not increased.
3) The variation does not adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development
in the zoning district.
The timing and phasing of the development is unaffected.
4) The variation does not require a special use permit.
A special use permit is not required.
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5) The variation is in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved rezoning application.
This variation is in general accord with the approved rezoning application by allowing the development to proceed
as originally intended.
Staff recommends approval of the variation request #49 as described above, with the following conditions:
• Table 10 of the Belvedere Code of Development must be updated prior to Final Site Plan approval.
The applicant submitted the following request: To allow a variation of building massing, interior parking access road and
parking layout from that shown in the ZMA exhibits titled "Block 1 and 2 General Development Plan Exhibit 213" and "Block
1 and 2 Potential Development Scenario Exhibit 4 ". The reasons for the variation request were presented as follows:
A single structure is required due to the nature of the use as well as patrons' needs (see exhibit titled "The Center at Belvedere — Site
Plan'). The Senior Center will serve differently -abled individuals throughout the day. To split functions between buildings would be
untenable from a programming and use standpoint. Having to travel from one building to another would likely dissuade patrons from
attending programs, especially during cold or rainy weather. Staffing would also have to be increased if multiple buildings were
required, increasing operating costs to a point of being infeasible. As evidenced in the design sketches produced to date, it is the
Center's and design team's intention to articulate the building as multiple individual volumes, breaking -up the massing to read as
multiple structures, as intended in the C.O.D.
Parking is to be shielded from Belvedere Boulevard by the building and by gardens and garden structures (such as a pergola). It is
the design team's intention to place the building along Belvedere Boulevard and facing the stormwater pond so that vehicles on
Belvedere Boulevard are presented with a welcoming structure with activities inside instead of a parking lot.
Ninety- degree parking will be utilized in lieu of the diagonal parking called for in the C.O.D. because it is much more efficient and
because it is better suited to the aging patrons of the Senior Center. One -way drive aisles (as required for diagonal parking) can be
confusing and dangerous for older drivers, creating hazards for pedestrians and drivers alike. Pedestrian paths within the parking lot
will be wide (i.e. 5' -6) and well - shaded so as to provide a pedestrian- and elderly- friendly path from the furthest reaches of the
parking lot to the building.
Staff analysis of the variation request is provided below:
1) The variation is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan.
The design is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan while recognizing the practical
implications of designing well for a specific population. It achieves the goal of presenting a 'face' to the road and
buffers parking from view, while also accommodating the targeted users of the site.
2) The variation does not increase the approved development density or intensity of development.
Density is not increased.
3) The variation does not adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development
in the zoning district.
The timing and phasing of the development is unaffected.
4) The variation does not require a special use permit.
A special use permit is not required.
5) The variation is in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved rezoning application.
This variation is in general accord with the approved rezoning application by providing site elements that will
create a human scale walk -able environment, while also buffering views of parking.
Staff recommends approval of the variation request #50 as noted above, with the following conditions:
• The 'Pergola and Garden' feature along Belvedere Boulevard, as shown on the exhibit, will be required in addition
to all standard street tree, parking lot, and site plan landscape requirements.
• An updated description of Block 1 in the Belvedere Code of Development must be provided prior to Final Site
Plan approval.
The applicant submitted the following request: To allow on- street parking along both sides of the "Parkway Section" of
Belvedere Boulevard within Block 1 and the addition of a sidewalk on the far side of the road from the Senior Center for
pedestrian access to the parallel parking, which is a variation from both the ZMA and the approved "Belvedere BLVD —
Phase 1 Road & Drainage Improvements" Site Plan (see section labeled "Belvedere Boulevard — 100' R/W Parkway
Section" on sheet 6 of 23). Staff analysis of the variation request is provided below:
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1) The variation is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan.
The design is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan by providing on- street parking to
accommodate senior center special events, while also making it available for public use. If additional parking
were proposed on -site it would not be available for other residents and visitors, and many other areas within
Belvedere can benefit from this additional parking. The applicant acknowledges that should this portion of
Belvedere Boulevard become a section of the Meadowcreek Parkway, the on- street parking will likely be
2) The variation does not increase the approved development density or intensity of development.
Density is not increased.
3) The variation does not adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development
in the zoning district.
The timing and phasing of the development is unaffected.
4) The variation does not require a special use permit.
A special use permit is not required.
5) The variation is in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved rezoning application.
This variation is in general accord with the approved rezoning application by providing additional public on- street
parking, maintaining the existing multi -use path and bike lanes, and adding additional pedestrian connections.
Staff recommends approval of the variation request #51 as described above, with the following conditions:
• A minimum 9' paved parallel parking area must be provided on each side of the road section. Travel lanes will
remain 12' in width, free of on- street parking. 5' striped bikes lanes will be provided on both sides of the road
section as indicated in the Code of Development. A minimum 6' planting strip is required between the road and
the 8' multi - purpose trail, as previously approved. A 4' planting strip and 5' sidewalk must be provided on the
opposite side of Belvedere Blvd for safety and pedestrian access.
• The full width of the multi - purpose trail must be within the Belvedere Blvd right -of -way. Either a boundary line
adjustment or realignment of the road section will be required.
• As shown on the exhibit, bike lanes must be provided on both sides of Belvedere Blvd.
• Revised road plans must be approved by the County Engineer and VDOT. Work with the County Engineer to
provide additional traffic calming measures to their satisfaction.
• A revised Water Protection Ordinance plan must be approved by Engineering.
• VDOT acceptance of Belvedere Boulevard
• An updated Table 8 showing the changes listed above (and variations #49 & #50) must be provided as part of an
updated Code of Development and Application Plan reflecting all variations approved since February 2, 2010 (the
latest Code revision date) comprehensively prior to Final Site Plan approval.
The board of supervisors reserves unto itself the authority to consider and act upon special exceptions as follows:
a. Matters requiring a special exception. Notwithstanding any other section of this chapter:
1. Any request for a waiver, modification, variation or substitution permitted by this chapter shall be
considered and acted upon by the board.
2. Any requirement for a decision by the planning commission required by this chapter shall be considered
and acted upon by the board. For the purposes of this section, a decision by the planning commission
does not include the consideration and action by the commission on a preliminary or final site plan under
section 32 of this chapter or any action provided in section 32 enabled under Virginia Code § 15.2-
b. Consideration and action. In acting upon a special exception, the board shall consider the factors, standards, criteria,
and findings, however denominated, in the applicable sections of this chapter, provided that the board shall not be
required to make specific findings in support of its decision.
c. Conditions. In approving a special exception, the board may impose reasonable conditions to address any possible
impacts of the special exception.
d. Time for action. A request for a special exception shall be acted on by the board within ninety (90) days after the date
of the request, or concurrently with a zoning map amendment, special use permit, or site plan appeal, whichever is
e. Request. Each request for a special exception shall be made as provided under the applicable section of this chapter.
Staff recommends approval of variations #49, #50, and variation #51 with conditions as recommended in this
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