HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO201200204 Legacy Document 2013-03-15FOR OFFICE USE ONLY tt HOA Fee Amount $ Date Paid 1 1 t�'12 By who? Rot t —Loo4s � "' "Receipt # F� I 1 (13—f Ck# � By:1 t j� Application for Minor Horne Occupation Clearance ���;`�'�� Rural Areas Zoning District J•�,, k��?' (Only for parcels ><n the Ru g ) ,,,�,,,� ❑ Minor Home Occupation Clearance = $25.00 + applicable fees Home Occupation, Minor: An occupation, not expressly prohibited by section 5.2A, conducted for profit within a dwelling unit solely by one or more members of the family residing within the dwelling unit; provided that nothing herein prohibits the occupation from engaging other persons who work off-site and do not come to the dwelling unit to engage in the occupation. Applicant MUST HAVE the following information to apply: 1) Tax Map d Parcel Number (or Address) and a description of the Home Occupation. 2) A Flo Plan Sketch on the next page with the following: /The total square footage of the dwelling; Mlt-L The square footage of area within the home being used for the occupation ojoo" (r a dFj (note this cannot be more than 25% of the gross square footage of the dwelling). 3) Certification that notice of this application has been provided to the property owner, if owner is different from applicant. Name of Business: S Type of Business: Rei' I / oWeSak. seLL (h I X Tax map and parcel: Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Address e� S� I J (ZZs `C $ V 1 r``� 'k' CRSS CAU 0 0 0 City (S,, r- e - P_ ^ o OoC4,, State Zip ,49 Ii 3 Daytime Phone( 3 �� ,A -Ay � S' Fax # (_ _� nC— Address E-mail ASS ( P EG 5S A LT, CO Ni%Owner of Record L 1��5 VlY�C�1'1 \ M6� City State Zip Daytime Phone Fax # ( ) E-mail DESCRIPTION OF USE (If necessary, attach an additional sheet. Include information about the number of vehicles and parking areas, hours of operation, etc.): x`111 Jnrx salt �- rb S�`�Lt pwt `I .C!'r$ _tLok Each minor home occupation authorized in the Rural Areas zoning district is subject to the following: PLEASE CHECK EACH BOX SO THAT IT IS CLEAR THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS CLEARANCE LOCATION & AREA The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling unit, provided that not more than twenty-five (25) percent.of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used for the home occupation and further provided that the County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 7/1/2011 Page 1 of gross floor area used for the home occupation shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1500) square feet. [Section 5.2A (b)] EXTERIOR APPEARANCE There shall be no change in the exterior appearance of a dwelling unit or other visible evidence of the conduct of the home occupation. [Section 5.2A (c)] VISITORS & SALES No customers, clients or students may visit for a purpose related to the home occupation. The sale of goods or the provision of services by the home occupation to a customer, client or student at the site is prohibited. [Section 5.2A (d)(2)] OUTDOOR STORAGE The storage of goods, products, equipment other than vehicles used in a home occupation, or any materials associated with the home occupation, other than natural landscaping materials such as mulch and plants, outside of an enclosed ,structure is prohibited. [Section 5.2A (g)] 2(NUMBER OF VEHICLES & PARKING The number of vehicles that may be used in the home occupation shall not exceed two (2) motor vehicles and two (2) trailers. All vehicles used in a home occupation shall be parked on-site. [Section 5.2A (i)] [Section 5.2A (f)] NUMBER OF HOME OCCUPATIONS More than one home occupation is permitted on a parcel, provided that the area occupied and by the home occupations shall be considered cumulatively and all requirements of this section shall apply. [Section 5.2A (j)] ,PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The home occupation shall comply with the performance standards in section 4.14. [Section 5.2A (k)] Does the use involve procedures, machinery or chemicals that may cause NOISE VIBRATION GLARE HEAT AIR POLLUTION WATER POLLUTION RADIOACTIVITY ELECTRICAL DISTURBANCE NON-DOMESTIC WASTE DISCHARGED TO A SEPTIC FIELD OR SEWER the following? YES NO x k k x x x �C If YES, then applicable standards must be addressed with a Certified Engineer's Report (available from staff). 0 PROHIBITED USES (1) any use requiring a special use permit under section 10.2.2 (2) animal rescue centers (3) automobile graveyards (4) restaurants (5) storage yards (6) gun sales, unless the guns are made on-site by one or more family members residing within the dwelling unit (7) on-site pet grooming (8) body shops (9) equipment, trailers, vehicles or machinery rentals [Section 5.2A (1)] (10) shooting ranges (11) commercial stables (12) rummage or garage sales other than those determined by the zoning administrator to be occasional (13) veterinary clinics or hospitals (14) pyrotechnic (fireworks or bomb) device manufacturing or sale (15) Any other use not expressly listed that is determined by the zoning administrator to be contrary to the purpose and intent of section 5.2A. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 7/1/2011 Page 2 of 3 WAIVERS OR M0)?IFICATIONS MAY BE SOUGHT ONL AREA The area requirements in section 5.2A(b may be waived or modified, provided that t waiver or modification shall not authorize the home occupation to occupy i re than forty-nine (49) percent of th ross floor area of the dwelling. In granting a waiver or modification of the area requirem it, the commission shall make e following findings in addition to those findings in section 5.1: (1) the nature of the hom occupation requires stor e or additional space within the dwelling unit to conduct the home occupation; (2) the primary use the dwelling unit a residence is maintained; and (3) the waiver or modification would not change the character of the ne 1 - [Section [Section 5.2A (m) (1)] ❑ NOTIFICATIONS & INSPECTIONS ultural area or the residential neighborhood. Written notice that an application for waiver o odification has been requested for a minor home occupation has been submitted wi e sent to the o ler of each abutting parcel under different ownership than the parcel on which the p posed home occupatio would be located. The notice will identify the proposed home occupatio is size, its location, and the re est for a waiver or modification. The notice shall invite the recipie o submit any comments before the z ing clearance is acted upon. The notice shall be mailed at least fi (5) days prior to the action on the zoning c rance as provided in section In addition, a publi notice sign will posted on the property for the dura iron of the review. [Section 5.2 (n)] REVIEW PROCESS AND ADDITIONAL FEES WITHOUT WAIVER REQUEST ($25) WITH A WA ER REQUEST ($ + $425 + notice fees) 1. Submit Home Occupation application ($25). 1. Submit Ha e Occupation pplication and Waiver 2. Staff will review for completion and approve the application 5 + $425 . application if requirements have been met. 2. Staff will revie for c pletion and mail abutting owner notificatio • ( e varies based on number of letters). 3. Staff will visit p pe to post public notice sign. 4. Staff will coor inate da of next available Planning Commissi0 meeting to ocess waiver or modificat' n. 5. Staff w' approve application 'f requirements have been et and ick -u ublic notice sign. Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby apply for approval to conduct the Home Occupation identified above, and certify that this address is my legal residence. I also certify that I have read the restrictions on Home Occupations, that I understand them, and that I will abide by the pl'�141 11.1 12- Signatu of Owner/Applicant Date Print ENGINEER'S REPORT ATTACHED: YES NO Z Daytime phone number of Signatory i t ) 19 ) 12— Date 7- 7/1/2011 Page 3 of 3 5l iR Bio!ogbzal' emi��� �� Phaicad Ane ysis cF 1,4tar. Air� and Solids', � K �tl�4����Street �\ 8 Phooe (434)295-1716 CASS CANNO� ��6/13/2012 83`54 DROOKSVILLE R8 GREEN��OOD, VA. 2�943 BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS REPORT TOTAL COLIFORM IN DRINKING WATER JOB NUMBER: A13130 SAMPLE NUMBER: A13130 DAT... REC[IVED� 06/12/2�12 DATE REP[}RTED: 06/13/2012 IDE�TIFICATION: 8354 BROOKGVILL� RD, 6/12/12 SAMPLE MEETS STATE STANDARD FOR COLIFORM BACTERIA IN DRINKING WATER. TOTAL COLIFORMS WERE NOT DETECTED. E.COLI BACTERIA WERE NOT DETECTED. AQUA—AIR LAB �� R�PORTED BY 10, 1�11 f T i l ! � i ! � __ 'A- 41 I Inspection Report Page 1 of 3 file:IIIC:/Users/rragsdale/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Teinporary%20Internet%20... 3/15/2013 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Department of Agriculture & Consumer Service Food Safety and Security Program PO Box 1163 Richmond, VA 23218 Food Safety and Security Program No, of Critical Violations Date: 01/29/2013 No. of Re eat Violations Time Spent: 02:00 PO Bax 1163 No. of Non -Critical Violations Richmond, VA 23218 Firm Name Address City/State Zip Code Telephone Peg's Salt 8354 Brooksville RD GREENWOOD, VA 22943 Firm # Owner Purpose of Inspection 80874 Cass Cannon Routine Violations IN=in compliance OUT=not in compliance NO=not observed NA=notapplicable COS=corrected on-site during inspection R=re eat violation Compliance Status COSI R I Compliance Status ICOSI R Personnel Sanitary Facilities and Controls Personnel with sores, infections, etc restricted from food Adequate and accessible handwashing facilities provided, 1 IN processing areas; report such health conditions to supervisors 30 IN supplied with water at appropriate temperature, soap, and drying device; handwash signs Personnel wear clean outer garments have adequate hair IN 31 IN Refuse properly stored and protected from insects, rodents, and other pests and disposed of adequately 2 restraints, jewelry removed Hands properly washed and/or sanitized; good hygienic Equipment and Utensils 3 IN practices 4 IN Gloves, if used, intact, clean, impermeable 32 IN Utensils and equipment constructed of adequately cleanable materials and suitable for their intended uses Proper eating, drinking, chewing gum, smoking, and food 33 IN Equipment designed and used in a manner that precludes contamination with lubricants, contaminated water, metal 5 IN handling practices I I 6 N Correct storage of personal belongings fragments, or other sources Plant and Ground 34 IN Equipment installed and maintained so as to facilitate the cleaning of equipment and adjacent areas 7 IN Premises free of harborage and/or breeding places for rodents, insects, and other pests 35 NA Refrigerators and freezers fitted with temperature -measuring 8 IN Roads, yards, parking lots, etc. maintained devices 9 IN Adequate drainage provided to avoid contamination of facilities Instruments and controls used for measuring pH, acidity, water and products 36 NO activity, etc. accurate, maintained, and adequate in number 10 IN Sufficient space provided for placement of equipment, storage Gases/compressed air introduced into food or used to clean of materials, and for production operations 37 NA food -contact surfaces are treated so food will not become contaminated 11 IN Floors, walls, and ceiling constructed of easily cleanable Processes and Controls materials and kept clean and in good repair 12 IN Food and food contact surfaces protected from contamination Responsibility for overall plant sanitation specifically assigned from pipes, fixtures, etc. 38 IN to a competent individual Food processing areas effectively separated from other Chemical, microbiological, or extraneous material testing 13 IN operations which may cause contamination of food being 39 NO procedures used, where necessary, to identify sanitation processed failures or food contamination Food products and processing areas protected against Raw materials and ingredients adequately inspected, 14 IN contamination from light bulbs/glass; adequate lighting 40 IN processed as necessary, and stored to assure that only clean, provided wholesome, proper approved materials are used Adequate air quality and ventilation provided to prevent Raw materials held at appropriate temperatures, humidity; 15 IN odors/vapors and/or contamination by dust and/or other 41 NO frozen materials kept frozen airborne substances 42 IN Approved food and/or color additives used 16 IN Doors, windows, and other openings protected to eliminate entry by insects, rodents, and other pests 43 NO Food processing conducted in a manner to prevent contamination and minimize harmful microbiological growth (e.g. monitoring time, temperature, humidity, aw, pH, pressure, flow rate, and manufacturing operations such as freezing, dehydration, heat processing, acidification, refrigeration, etc.) Sanitary Operations 17 IN Facility clean and in good physical repair Cleaning of facilities and equipment conducted in a matter as 44 NA Refrigerated potentially hazardous foods maintained at 45 degrees F or below as appropriate for particular food involved; 18 IN to avoid contamination of food products Detergents, sanitizers, hazardous materials, and other supplies 19 IN used in a safe and effective manner 1frozen foods frozen Cleaning compounds and hazardous materials identified and 45 NA Hot potentially hazardous foods maintained at 140 degrees F 20 IN stored as to not contaminate food, food -contact surfaces, or above 46 IN Equipment, containers, and utensils constructed, handled, stored, and maintained in a manner that protects against contamination and/or food packaging materials 21 IN Insects, rodents, and other pests not present IN Insecticides and rodenticides used and stored so as to prevent IN Measures taken to protect against inclusion of metal or other extraneous material 22 contamination of food47 Utensils and equipment cleaned and sanitized at intervals 48 IN Adulterated food, raw materials, and other ingredients disposed of to prevent contamination or reconditioned using an 23 IN frequent enough to avoid contamination of food products Single -service articles stored, handled, dispensed, used, and 24 IN disposed of in a manner that prevents contamination effective method Sanitary Facilities and Controls 49 IN Packaging processes and materials adequate to prevent contamination 25 IN Water from approved source and adequate in quantity for its 50 NA Ice, if used, manufactured from potable water intended use Water temperatures and pressures maintained al suitable 51 IN Finished products stored and shipped under conditions which 26 IN levels for its intended use will avoid contamination and deterioration Plumbing adequately designed, installed, and maintained in a 52 IN Finished product labels in compliance 53 NO Products coded for lot identification and records properly 27 IN manner to prevent contamination including backflow and cross- connection; proper floor drainage maintained 28 IN Adequate sewage disposal system 54 IN Weighing/measuring practices adequate to ensure declared quantity of contents Toilet rooms provided, accessible, clean, and in good repair; 55 IN Processes meet elements of industry -specific guidance; firm in 29 IN doors self-closing and do not open to areas where food! exposed compliance with all other VDACS adopted CFRs Pre -Operational Inspection 561 IN jPreoperational inspection conducted Establishment (Signature) Received By Cass L. Cannon file:IIIC:/Users/rragsdale/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Teinporary%20Internet%20... 3/15/2013 Inspection Report Inspector Page 2 of 3 file:///C:/Users/rragsdale/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20... 3/15/2013 Inspection Report Page 3 of 3 Firm Name Peg's Salt Address 8354 Brooksville RD City/State GREENWOOD, VA Zip Code 22943 Telephone Firm # 80874 Owner Cass Cannon Purpose of Inspection Routine Violations Temperatures Item/Location ITemp I Item/Location ITemp I Item/Location ITemp I Item/Location Tem Samplin Sample Taken Sample Number Portion of Sample Left with Vendor endor did not require portion of sample No Price Paid N/C Witnessed the collecting, marking, and sealing of sam les Adulterated Food Adulterated Foods Listed in Observations Were destroyed with my Consent Inspector Comments; Establishment (Signature) Received By Cass L. Cannon Inspector (Signature) file:///C:/Users/rragsdale/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20... 3/15/2013