HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201300051 Legacy Document 2013-03-22OFFICEUSE ONLY - Zoning_Clearance.pdf http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms-center/deparbnents... Rjl� MALL Application for Zonincy Clearance CLE# cri PLEASE RE-VIEW ALL 3 SHEETS OFFICE USE: 0 LY check— T2. — Dnte: 6 -14 AZ) -- Receipt staff: rryVT, PARCEL INFORNIAT13N Tax Map and Parcel: "ISC 0 - t2,Z - 00- OC210 0 E--dsting.Zonfilg- le Zze Parcel (hider: 1'ws- F,,� IL - /IIC- State V4 Zip 69zt- Parcel Address: ci", (include suite or floor) PRIMARY CONTACT V// Who should ,we call/write concerning this project? 70/vy / Address: /00() V- b) VISIOAJ S% 8LD16 city A��Oel tL Sbite Aly zip 10,�-6 6 a / 2�� -7 ,re7 " ,/�v Of ficeph oil e: 73 �-113 c�eji S Fax -737- �,,V,,�2 VFAC12WAII,�—1 —E-In"111 Z--,�MLH APPLICANT INFORXL�TION -dieck alley that apply: C11-alige of owilersfdp C11-angeofuse —clialigeofivalne, Bus bless Name/Type: Previous Business oil this site 11' �1—rllvl, Describe the proposed business including use, number of employees, lumber of shifts, available parldlig spaces, illunber of e� AA -OFA 01156- i0/ iv //V t�vi `EM�1 4-::5 Vehicles, :lllil :illy :l.dllit1411:11 h1forinatioll that You Call pro Vide: *Tliis clearnlwe 1-vill only be -valid oil the parcel fomvilich it is approved. Ifyou cllvilgc, intensify- or illove the use to a new location, a new Zolling Cleirance vvill be required. I hereby certift, that I own or hive the owner's pel'illi'ssioll to use the spice indicated oil this application. I also certi6 that the information provided is 4,110 uld accurate to [if Isrofilly lalovvle(ke, I hav read the con(litions of ippi-owil,and I widei-stin(I them, and that I will abide by them, —Printed OFF "AL. I FO ATION Appro-ved iiitli conditions Denied ]B device an(Vor ciurent test (lataneeded forthissite, Contact (!SA,9*77-4511,x117. ,;,)Pkf1omrl.)j-evention [t,31no Physical site inspection has been clone foj this clearance, Therefore, it i,,,, not it determination ofcompliance-with the existing, site plus. [ ] This site complies ivith the site plan as of this date, Notes: Date Building Official ...... . ............ ....... ... ................. ........... ....... ........... ....... ........... .... .. . ........ ................. . ...... . .. ..... .......... . .............. ............... Date 9411 Is Zonin-a Official if 4 4A I Other Official Date County of -Albemarle Department Of CO1n1nAlllit.YDeYe1OP1ne1kt 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-."32 Fax: (434) 972-4126 -,3 $ OFFICEUSE ONLY - Zoning_Clearance.pdf 0 Intake to complete the following: Y� Is use m LI, HI orPDIP zouulg? Ifso, giti -e apl�licant a, Certifecl Engineer's Report (CEP-) packet. http: //www. albemarle. org/upl oad/images /forms_center /departments... Y PN Will there be foo t! preparation? If so, give applimit a. Health Dep:utnient form. Zolllll;_ review can not bz'in until we receive approval from Health Dept. FAX DATE Circle the one that applies Is parcel on private well or Palli i_ c_ T 1terY If private i-wll, provide Health Depaltmellt foral. Zoning revie a, can not begin until use receive approval front Health Dept. FA'-`,-DATE Circle the one that applies Is parcel on septic or nblic se -erg Y rZ5> Will you be puttuig up a neiaa cigui of any kin -l:> If so obtaili propel- Sign perulit. 867 elf �7 /"-/c Permit z r : yu G� #il there be aily ilea- construction or renovations? If so, obtanl the proper Perlllit. P el, Init a to complete the follow Yiol: Its: Y I( N) Ifs t: `f a Y'N If so, ist: Cle:u•:lnces: 3 of 4 Reviewer to complete the following: Square footage of Use, ij!� �e- 1-x•1 -I 1 j�'> I �ellniite,:1 as: � k 1�1Vt,f� �U � -g I C Cllrfil. Under Sec;tioll: _ Supplement:uy regulation;: section: P:u•Icing forlllula: i �„ I Required. spaces: Itel s to be verified in the field: Inspector : Date: Notes: PI, ells: Y 1�T 1 If , `�` .St: S' . , � 511 /N If o, SDP's Revised 40gb1J?9 4831J* OFFIMUSE ONLY - Zoning_Clearance.pdf http:// www. albemarle .org/upload/images /forms_center /departments... CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOI NER Tiers fillet, must ac:emilllany Zoning 111)plicaflo v (Home occuparion" Zotdl�g C"le( 'auce, zoom I-1ehn: Tdsh- doi- Detf'171dutitlitlts of Appeals, S'igil, Pemir't..s; Building Pelil itO 1f'tTte at)j)1h,'ad0,,. is it, Ot the 01411111U'. I certify T that notice of the application, f-0-1e- 7&,N /ti /6? e L, �-- 414Ak r [Comity application name and number] was provided to /, • &-t LA 13CIIN LZC the oti-,ner of record of Tax 1\1Iap [1iame(§) of the record olv11ers of the parcel] and Parcel Number 021. -(C 0-02 -O(- Dp /0 U by delivering* a copy of the application in the maimer identifiedbeloll?: Hand delivering a. copy of the appllcatioll to [Nance of the record owner if the record ov=ner is a. person; if the owner of record is an entity: identify the recipient of the record and the recipient's title or office for that entity =] Oil Date �Mailiikg a, copy of the application to ,- i3CLL4 &e"ti LLG [Name of the record owner if the record of Viier is a person; if the owner of record is an entity, identify the recipient of the record. and the recipient's title or office for that entity] Oil '3 0 / 3 to the fol lowili<g address: Date [address; N�vritten notice mailed to the ovimer at the last laimvli address of the omriier as S11owli oil the current real estate tax assessment. books or current real estate tax assessment records satisfies this requirement]. Signature of applicant. —r Print applicant Name Date 4 of 4 3/8/2013 3:48 PM 2.d FLOOR. RON MARTINNVAREHOUSE R Excalibur Mineral Corporation Rare Minerals, Meteorites, Analytical Services & Appraisals 1000 North Division Street - Peekskill, NY 10566 -1830 Tel: (914)739 -1134 Fax: (914)739 -1257 www.excaliburmineral.com email: January 25, 2013 Att: Rebecca Ragsdale Albermarle County Planning & Zoning Dear Ms. Ragsdale, We are a small New York company that is planning to relocate to Charlottesville, Virginia in the near future. We have presented a Letter of Intent to the landlord of 1885 Seminole Trail for the purpose of renting warehouse space on the second floor of that facility. He has requested that we prepare a letter addressed to you that specifies both the nature of our operations as well as our parking needs for employees and customers. We provide rock and mineral samples and accompanying analytical services for researchers, museums and private collectors, and have done so since 1974. Our operations are primarily via mail order, and our need for space is essentially for warehousing of specimens and for our analytical lab. We have little, if any, walk -in retail trade, as our clientele is international in scope and is served via Internet and mail offerings and order processing. While a client may visit our facility when in the area, it is not a common occurrence. Our need for employee parking is expected to be for three (3) spaces, and we do not anticipate a dramatic increase in this requirement for the foreseeable future. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have additional questions about our operations. Sincerely, Anthony J. Nikischer President O N N N v 0 t'r v c .Y n. 10 r v c E v m ti CI N •C N w W y 00 N O p N l0 O p o o o O O oo o) CL v l0 co d' O (NO O) Ln ^ (O N Ln Ol Owl N � •� N N N N U l0 N LL ro C N (0 Z M �° Cl) O N N N N v V N M 0 WO N V M O M V 2 M «O !�2 O M (D � A � (p N N N N N T O Od E � N � C N d 'O a O V O y E ca K d O N d C W �m 3 A° J N C E o C w v ° E W O m ) c a t- N C d J) 0 O E 12 N O j y N l0 O �--• N U '° N N ll 0-' N O E ~ w Z y 1. m ° U 0 y co LL L LL L ° N U m N W O L F- W C a) E y O o a` l.L r I (00 O N O O O N 47 (00 (MO V' N E U P O` c y m 3 ° n o � m m o ° ° U a ° ° m ° m w w U � m W _ M O d Ol t0O H Q LL Y y a •m .� O E — d E U y a�i J o = `m x U z m U n O � a J M cD O M T m N O O M O) O N 0 W 0 O U O O O O _C C N T N N N Z N N N N o 0 N d '� Q m U❑❑ N ❑ m N U N