HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD201300002 Action Letter 2013-04-01 (2)COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
March 13, 2013
Mr. Keith Lancaster
c/o Southern Development
170 S. Pantops Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22911
RE: Waylands Grant, Blocks A & B, Jarman's Gap Road
Tax Parcel Numbers 055DO-00-00-001 FO and 055DO-00-00-002FO
Freedom Blvd. at Edmond Ct. and at Clay Ct. (the "Property")
Dear Mr. Lancaster:
In response to your letter of February 4, 2013, pleased note the following:
The Property, which is within the Waylands Grant development on
Jarmans Gap Road, is zoned PRD, Planned Residential Development.
The Property is subject to the use restrictions applicable to that district as
contained in the County of Albemarle Zoning Ordinance (Attachment A)
and as outlined in the approval letter and proffers for ZMA199800018,
approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 9, 1998 (Attachment
B). Please note in the proffers that certain R-6 & PRD zoning district uses
that are allowed by special permit have been proffered out. However,
certain special permit uses were approved with the rezoning for Blocks A
& B including: offices (2000sf each in Blocks A and B); community center;
temporary sales center to convert to a residential unit or professional
office; and recreational or athletic facilities for this development.
■ The Properties, currently consisting or two separate parcels, are located in
Blocks A (Parcel 2F) and B (Parcel 1 F) as shown on the Conceptual Plan
included with the approval letter and proffers.
Keith Lancaster
March 13, 2013
Page 2
The proffered conditions include a limit of 85 dwelling units in Waylands
Grant. There are currently 83 dwelling units in the development.
Therefore two additional dwelling units can still be built. These can be on
either Parcel 1 F or 2F or split between the two.
If you are aggrieved by this determination, you have a right to appeal it within
thirty days of the date notice of this determination is given, in accordance with
Section 15.2-2311 of the Code of Virginia. If you do not file a timely appeal, this
determination shall be final and unappealable. An appeal shall be taken only by
filing with the Zoning Administrator and the Board of Zoning Appeals a notice of
appeal which specifies the grounds for the appeal. An appeal application must
be completed and filed along with the fee of $240. The date notice of this
determination was given is the same as the date of this letter.
Please contact me at 296-5832, ext# 3225 if you have questions or require
further information.
Since .e ,
Ronald L. Higgins, AIC
Chief of Zoning/Deputy Zoning Administrator
A — Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, Section 19, PRD regulations
B — ZMA199800018 BOS approval letter and proffers w/ Conceptual Plan
Cc: UB Properties, Inc.
c/o 1658 State Farm Blvd.
Charlottesville, VA 22911
19.3.1 BY RIGHT
PRD districts may hereafter be established by amendment to the zoning map in accordance with the
provisions set forth generally for PD districts in sections 8.0 and 33.0, and with densities and in locations in
accordance with the comprehensive plan.
The PRD is intended to encourage sensitivity toward the natural characteristics of the site and toward
impact on the surrounding area in land development. More specifically, the PRD is intended to promote
economical and efficient land use, an improved level of amenities, appropriate and harmonious physical
development, and creative design consistent with the best interest of the county and the area in which it is
To these ends, the PRD provides for flexibility and variety of development for residential purposes and
uses ancillary thereto. Open space may serve such varied uses as recreation, protection of areas sensitive to
development, buffering between dissimilar uses and preservation of agricultural activity.
While a PRD approach is recommended for developments of any density, it is recommended but not
required that the PRD be employed in areas where the comprehensive plan recommends densities in excess
of fifteen (15) dwelling units per acre, in recognition that development at such densities generally requires
careful planning with respect to impact. (Amended 8-14-85)
Notwithstanding the requirements and provisions of section 8.0, planned development districts, generally,
where certain planned community (PC) or residential planned neighborhood (RPN) districts have been
established prior to the adoption of this ordinance, such districts shall be considered to have been
established as PRD districts under this ordinance and shall be so designated on the zoning map.
Zoning Supplement 460, 5-5-10
19.3.1 BY RIGHT
The following uses shall be permitted subject to the requirements and limitations of this ordinance:
1. Detached single-family dwellings.
2. Semi-detached and attached single-family dwellings such as duplexes, triplexes, quadraplexes,
townhouses, atrium houses and patio houses provided that density is maintained, and provided further
that buildings are located so that each unit could be provided with a lot meeting all other requirements
for detached single-family dwellings except for side yards at the common wall.
3. Multiple -family dwellings.
4. (Repealed 9-2-81)
5. Parks, playgrounds, community centers and noncommercial recreational and cultural facilities such as
tennis courts, swimming pools, game rooms, libraries and the like.
6. Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities, excluding tower structures and including poles, lines,
transformers, pipes, meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and
operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage collection lines, pumping stations, and
appurtenances owned and operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority. Except as otherwise
expressly provided, central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter
16 of the Code of Albemarle and all other applicable law. (Amended 5-12-93)
7. Public uses and buildings including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks,
playgrounds and roads funded, owned or operated by local, state or federal agencies (reference 31.2.5);
public water and sewer transmission, main or trunk lines, treatment facilities, pumping stations and the
like, owned and/or operated by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (reference 31.2.5; 5.1.12).
(Amended 11-1-89)
8. Temporary construction uses (reference 5.1.18).
9. Accessory uses and structures including home occupation, Class A (reference 5.2) and storage
10. Homes for developmentally disabled persons (reference 5.1.7).
11. Stormwater management facilities shown on an approved final site plan or subdivision plat.
(Added 10-9-02)
12. Tier I and Tier II personal wireless service facilities (reference 5.1.40). (Added 10-13-04)
(§ 20-19.3.1, 12-10-80; 9-2-81; 11-1-89; 5-12-93; Ord. 02-18(6), 10-9-02; Ord. 04-18(2), 10-13-04)
The following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in the PRD district, subject to the applicable
requirements of this chapter and provided that no separate application shall be required for any such use as
shall be included in the original PRD rezoning petition: (Amended 5-5-10)
1. Day care, child care or nursery facility (reference 5.1.06).
2. Fire and rescue squad stations (reference 5.9).
3„z�mP nnr�ingrho�ne�-cDnatalessth�hansgeorsirnilarinsti#taon-(referenc�5-1:1��-
Zoning Supplement #60, 5-5-10
4. Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines,
pumping stations and appurtenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers; microwave and radio -
wave transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances (reference 5.1.12).
5. Home occupation, Class B (reference 5.2).
6. Churches. (Added 9-2-81)
7. Stand alone parking and parking structures (reference 4.12, 5.1.41). (Added 11-7-84; Amended 2-5-
8. - e it tenniss,. ..,i i,.«,,,
9. Professional offices. (Added 6-8-94)
10. Tier III personal wireless service facilities (reference 5.1.40). (Added 10-13-04)
11. Historical centers, historical center special events, historical center festivals (reference 5.1.42). (Added
12. Farmers' markets (reference 5.1.47). (Added 5-5-10)
(§ 20-19.3.2, 12-10-80; 9-2-81; 11-7-84; 9-13-89; 6-8-94; Ord. 03-18(1), 2-5-03; Ord. 04-18(2), 10-13-04; Ord. 05-
18(7), 6-8-05; Ord. 10-18(4), 5-5-10)
The gross and net residential densities permitted in any PRD district shall be shown on the approved
application plan therefor, which shall be binding upon its approval. The overall gross density so approved
shall be determined by the board of supervisors with reference to the comprehensive plan, but shall, in no
event, exceed thirty-five (35) dwelling units per acre. In addition, the bonus and cluster provisions of this
ordinance shall be inapplicable to any PRD except as herein otherwise expressly provided.
19.5.1 Minimum area required for the establishment of a PRD district shall be three (3) acres.
19.5.2 Additional area may be added to an established PRD district if it adjoins and forms a logical addition to the
approved development. The procedure for an addition shall be the same as if an original application were
filed, and all requirements shall apply except the minimum acreage requirement of section 19.5.1.
19.6.1 Not less than twenty-five (25) percent of the area devoted to residential use within any PRD shall be in
common open space except as hereinafter expressly provided. (Amended 9-13-89)
See section 4.16 for recreation requirements. (Amended 3-5-86)
19.6.3 In the case of any proposed PRD having a total gross area of not less than three hundred (300) acres and a
gross residential density of not more than two (2) dwelling units per acre, the board of supervisors may
waive the provision of common open space and recreation area as hereinabove required provided that not
less than thirty-five (35) percent of the gross area of such proposed PRD shall be devoted solely to
agriculture. For purposes of this section only, the term "devoted solely to agriculture" shall be deemed to
Zoning Supplement 460,5-5-10
include not more than one dwelling unit, which shall be included in the determination of the gross density
of the PRD.
Except as otherwise provided in section 4. 10, structures may be erected to a height not to exceed sixty-five
(65) feet; provided that any structure exceeding thirty-five (35) feet in height shall be set back from any
street right-of-way or single-family residential or agricultural district; in addition to minimum yard
requirements, a distance of not less than two (2) feet for each one (1) foot of height in excess of thirty-five
(35) feet, (Amended 9- 9-92)
Except as otherwise provided in section 4.11.3, whether or not located on the same parcel, there shall be a
minimum of thirty (30) feet between main structures. This provision shall not apply to structures built to a
common wall. (Amended 1-1-83)
19.9.1 Structures to be located on the outer perimeter of a PRD district shall conform to the setback and yard
regulations of the adjoining district.
19.9.2 Within the PRD district, the board of supervisors shall establish minimum setback and yard requirements at
time of establishment of such district.
Off-street parking and loading space requirements shall be in accordance with section 4.12; provided that
the board of supervisors may vary or waive such requirements at time of establishment of a PRD district.
Sign regulations shall be as prescribed in section 4.15.
Zoning Supplement #60, 5-5-10
Department of Planning & Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 218
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
(804) 296 - 5823
December 17, 1998 Fax (804) 972 — 4035
Cliff Fox
Foxfyre Enterprises
4543 Garth Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901
RE: ZMA-98-18 Waylands Grant
Tux Map 55, Parcels 66 and 66A
Dear Mr. Fox:
The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on December 9, 1998, unanimously
approved the above -noted request to rezone 19.20 acres from R-6, Residential to PRD, Planned
Residential Development. Please note that the Board approved this as proffered, and amended
by the applicant at the Board meeting on 12/9/98 (copy attached), with includes the attached
General Conditions for Waylands Grant, dated 11/20/98.
If you ;should have any questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
V. W a Cilimbe g
Director of Pla ng & mmunity Development
Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey
Tex Weaver Steve Allshouse
L I-
P'ro'ffer Statement
Barclay Development Corporation
Robert E. Jr. and LeAnne C. Bargamin
Rezoning Application ZMA 98-18 Wayland's Grant
Robert E. Jr, and LeAnne Bargamin (the "Applicant") are the fee simple owners of that certain
property described in rezoning application #ZMA-98-18 and is all of T?x Map 55, parc--!s 66A
and 66. If Applicant's rezoning application is denied, these proffers shall immediately be null
and void and have no further force or effect. These proffers shall supersede all other proffers
made prior to this date.
Plans and Illustrations.
Applicant has presented as part of its Rezoning Application, an application plan entitledrIg
"Wayland's Grant Conceptual Plan", dated 10/20/98, revised 11/2/98, revised 11/9/98 a3nd tt
initialed "EKE", which is attached to these Proffers and General Conditions.
No more than 85 dwelling units may be constructed on the Property.
II. Road Improvements
2.1 Dedication. As a condition of plat approval for the subdivision, Applicant shall
dedicate along the entire southern boundary of the Property, an area of land for widening
State Route 691 (Jarman's Gap Road) not to exceed 30' to the centerline of the existing
prescriptive easement as shown on the Conceptual Plan. Applicant and successors in title
shall grant easements for temporary construction of improvements to State Route 691, as
2.2 Road Improvements. Access shall be restricted to an internal public road network. As a
condition of plat approval for the subdivision, Applicant shall construct as a single
improvement, a 100 foot right tum lane and 100 foot taper for westbound right turn movement
into the Property from State Route 691 as indicated on the Conceptual Plan.
1. Public Roads: The public streets within the neighborhood shall be at the widths shown on
the Conceptual Plan and designed and constructed in accordance with the VDOT 1996
Subdivision Street Requirements.
2.3 Disposition of Dedicated Property. In the event any of the property, in Sec.
2.1dedicated pursuant to proffer is not used for the purpose for which it is proffered, with
such use being undertaken within 10 years of receipt of the property by the County, then the
property shall revert to HOA. RECEIVED
��nnVV QQ 1u16
2.4 Inter -Parcel Access. The Applicant shall reserve a 50 -foot right-of-way fi7t� �Gfure
street to provide inter -parcel accesses to the adjoining properties, east and west of the
Planning __ I
Property. The locations are shown on the Conceptual Plan. In the event that the area
reserved for a street(s) is not used for the purpose for which it is hereby proffered within
seven (7) years from the date of approval of ZMA-98-18, then such reservation shall be
released and the Applicant then may use the area(s) for building lot(s) notwithstanding the
density limitation contained in Article 1 above or at Applicant's option, such area may accrue
to the adjoining lots. For the connection to the Gray Rock parcel to the west, the Applicant
shaii construct a road meeting County rural profile standards in the r.o.w, prior to the issuance
of a building permit for the 50 unit.
III. Open Space
3.1 Open space for the development is shown on the Conceptual Plan as Community
Open Space and Community Commons.
3.2 Within the Community Open Space, Applicant will construct a tot lot and a nature trail.
The nature trail will be constructed within the stream buffer zone shown on the
Conceptual Plan with the improvements for the lots adjacent to the stream buffer. If
the trail is to be constructed adjacent to the stream and the stream meanders onto
adjacent property, the trail may be placed on adjoining properties if the County obtains
the necessary easements on those adjoining properties. The HOA will reserve the
stream buffer including the nature trail for dedication to the County at such time that
adjoining properties convey a greenway or similar path system to the County for
continuation of the greenway on the unnamed intermittent stream which leads to the
greenway along Powell's Creek
3.3 Applicant will convey in fee simple the Community Open Space and the Community
Commons to the Wayland's Grant Homeowners Association ("HOA") before final bond
release for public improvements for the development.
IV Owners Association and Declaration of Covenants,
Conditions and Restrictions
4.1 Declaration, The Applicant shall prepare and place on the Property, a Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (the "Declaration").
The Declaration's purpose will be to facilitate the planning and development of the Property in
a unified and consistent manner. The Declaration shall set forth covenants, conditions and
restrictions for private enforcement only by homeowners within the Property. A clear intent of
the Declaration will be that the County of Albemarle will have no rights or obligations to
enforce such covenants, conditions and restrictions. The Declaration shall not be interpreted
as authorizing any relaxation of state or Albemarle County regulatory or minimum code
standards, except as allowed by the regulations and/or the Albemarle County Code.
4.2 Fixed Standards.
(a) The following elements of the Design Guidelines shall be referenced in the Declaration:
(i) Types of materials to be used in construction of buildings;
(ii) ' , Minumum setbacks from properties adjacent to the Property, lot/building ac =.a ratios,
height restrictions; and t
(iii) Types of materials to be used and standard for landscaping.
4.3 Design Guidelines, The Design Guidelines also shall:
(a) Provide the standards for development within the Property and explain how such
standards are implemented;
(b) Provide for creation of a Design Review Committee. (The County of Albemarle will not
participate on such Design Review Committee).
(c) Provide an outline of the procedures and contacts for approvals by the Design Review
Committee in connection with design and construction within the Property; and
(d) Include requirements for builders to install low flow showers and toilets as water
conservation techniques.
4.4 Maintenance of Landscaping and Open Space. The Declaration shall provide a
mechanism for establishing and maintaining landscaping and open space, within the Property,
including the following:
(a) The Applicant shall organize The Wayland's Grant Home Owners Association (the
"HOA") as a non -stock corporation under the laws of Virginia for the care and maintenance of
all such lands and improvements owned or entrusted to the HOA.
(b) The Declaration's covenants, conditions and restrictions running with the land shall
bind the HOA. The Applicant or such HOA shall be responsible for the perpetuation,
maintenance and function of all open space areas.
(c) The Applicant or such HOA shall provide a means for identifying Community Open
Space as to location, size, use and control in one or more restrictive covenants, and such
covenants shall set forth the method of assessment for the maintenance of such Community
Open Space. The Declaration's method of identifying open space areas shall not supersede
any applicable requirements to identify common areas in a site development plan or
subdivision plat.
(d) The Declaration shall be in full force and effect for a period of not less than twenty-five
(25) years and shall be automatically extended for successive periods of twenty-five (25)
years unless terminated in a manner set forth in the Declaration.
(e) The HOA shall continue in effect so as to control the availability of the facilities and
land thereby provided and to maintain the open space for its intended function. Such
Association shall not be dissolved nor shall such HOA dispose of any open space, by sale or
otherwise, except to successor organizations conceived and organized under the same
standards and principles set forth herein for the HOA to own and maintain the open space.
V. Miscellaneous,
5.1 Certificate. The undersigned, Robert E. Bargamin, Jr. and LeAnne C. Bargamin certify
that they are the only owners of the Property that is the subject of this application.
5.2 The Applicant. These proffers shall run with the Property and each reference to the
"Applicant" within these proffers shall include within its meaning, and shall be binding
upon, Applicant's successor(s) in interest and/or the developer(s) of the Property or any
portion of the Property.
Barclay Development Company
By: ✓� I��y
R bert E. Bargamin,
LeAnne C. argamin
( (/20` 8'
General Conditions for Wayland's Grant
These general conditions are a part of the Conceptual Plan dated 10/20/98
revised 11/2/98 and 11/9/98 and proffered as a part of the rezoning application for
Wayland's Grant.
A.) The purpose of this development is to provide a mixed-use community with
opportunities for residential, office and PRD and R-6 by right uses in the Crozet Growth
Area. With design features such as minimal setbacks, sidewalks, a central green,
preservation of stream valleys, dedication of open space, the development is intended
to accomplish in Crozet a design in keeping with the goals and objectives of the
County's Comprehensive Plan.
B.) The uses allowed in the Wayland's Grant Planned Development shall be all of those
uses allowed by right in the R-6 Zoning District and all of those uses allowed by right in
the PRD Zoning District identified as Sections 16.2.1; 1622; 19.3.1 and 19.3.2 of the
Albemarle County zoning ordinance, copies of which are attached, with the restrictions
as to dwelling unit types indicated in Condition C below.
Uses allowed by special use permit shall be all of those uses allowed by special use
permit in the R-6 Zoning District and PRD Zoning District, with the following exceptions: Commercial swim, golf, tennis or similar athletic'facility; Mobile Horne subdivisions; Hospitals; Cemeteries; Mobile Horne Parks; Rest home, nursing home convalescent home, orphanage or similar institution; Commercial swim, golf, tennis or similar athletic facilities; Rest home, nursing home, convalescent home, orphanage or similar
Approved as a part of this development as a special use are professional offices, 2000sf
each in Blocks A and B; community center; temporary sales center to convert to a
residential unit or professional office; and recreational or athletic facilities for this
C.) Uses and conditions allowed by block as shown on the Conceptual Plan; Residential
types shall be limited as listed in the blocks below.
1.) Blocks A and B.
Development will be in accord with the axonimetric drawing entitled "Front Block
Schematic", dated "11/19/98 ", and initialed, "EKE" as to the following elements only:
buildings will be aligned generally along the outside of the block in a "U" shape, facing a
center courtyard. Buildings may be single storied or multistoried with basements or half
basements; pitched roofs will be provided for all structures. All other elements of the
drawing are illustrations only and are not proffered.
a) The following uses are allowed: Professional office: 2000sf each in Blocks A and B
for a total of 4000sf in the development, single family detached (SFD), single family
attached (SFA), townhouses (TH), Multifamily (MF), community center (CC),
Recreation or athletic facilities for the community (RAF), temporary sales center
(TSC), condominiums (C).
b) Building facades will face public streets.
c) Parking shall be interior to the block, landscaped to minimize view of parking from
all streets, with the exception that dwelling units on the east side of Block B may be
rear loaded and dwellings on the west end of Block A may be rear loaded as
governed by private driveway regulations.
d) The Applicant requests a reduction in the parking requirement of 20% per the
parking regulation 4.12.4 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance in both Blocks
A and B,
The streets have been ���
designed for on -street parking which will provide parking opportunities well in //
excess of the requested 20% reduction. 9
e) Large variety trees, 2.5 inches in caliper, or larger, will be installed along Jarman's
Gap Road at an interval of approximately every 50', as shown on the Conceptual
Plan. These trees will be indicated on the site plan or subdivision plat and installed
and bonded in conjunction with improvements provided for Blocks A and B.
2. Park Block.
Uses: SFD, SFA, TH, TSC, CC, RAF, and Community Commons as shown on the
Conceptual Plan.
3. Block C:
4. Block D:
Uses: SFD, SFA, TH.
5. Block F:
Uses: SFD, SFA.
6. Community Open Space and Community Commons. Uses: tot lot as shown on
the Conceptual Plan and in conformity with Section 4.16 of the Zoning Ordinance
(Copy attached), nature trail, public utilities, storm water management devices,
erosion control measures necessary for the development.
7. Additional recreational areas for this community, such as a community center
and/or fitness center may be developed by the Applicant or the HOA in an area
designated by the Applicant.
D.) Sidewalks.
Sidewalks , 4 feet wide and constructed of concrete, shall be provided along
the streets and other areas shown on the Conceptual Plan.
E.) Street Trees
If, after consultation with the county,VDOT, and the Albemarle County Service Authority,
utility location is allowed in the streets, the applicant will provide street trees roughly 50'
apart in a planting strip between the back of the curb and the sidewalk.
However, if negotiations are unsuccessful the applicant will construct the sidewalk
adjacent to the curb and no street trees will be provided.
F.) Setbacks, Maximum Height and Minimum Lot Sizes. ;
a) The front setbacks shall be a minimum of 10'.
b) On detached lots, the side yard setback for primary and secondary structures shall
be a minimum of 3'.
c) On attached lots, a zero side yard setback shall apply along common walls and for
any accessory structures along the respective property line.
d) The rear setbacks shall be a minimum of 20'.
f) If and where shared driveways are constructed, the setback from the shared access
easement shall be a minimum of 3'.
g) Maximum height of any structure is not to exceed 45'..
h) Minimum lot sizes:
Minimum lot size for detached units in Blocks other than Blocks A & B shall be 4500sf;
Minimum lot size for attached units in blocks other than blocks A& B shall be 2000sf;
Minimum lot size in Blocks A & B shall be 1500sf.
G.) BMP's.
Storm water BMP's will be implemented as per the Conceptual Plan.
H.) Flag lots shall be permitted.
I.) Variations in site development plans and subdivision plats from approved application
plans may be permitted by the director of planning and community development upon a
finding that such variations are: generally in keeping with the spirit and concept of the
approved application plans; in accordance with the comprehensive plan; and in
accordance with regulations currently in effect. Changes other than permitted herein
shall be made only I rezoning application
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