HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201300028 Approval - County 2013-05-17�� OF ALg
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 -4596
Phone (434) 296 -5832 Fax (434) 972 -4126
May 17, 2013
Scott Collins, P.E.
Collins Engineering
200 Garrett St. Suite K
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SUB- 201300028 Lochlyn Hill, Phase 1— Preliminary Plat
Mr. Collins:
The Department of Community Development hereby grants administrative approval to the above referenced
preliminary subdivision plat.
The preliminary plat is valid for five (5) years from the date it is approved, pursuant to Section 14 -228 of
Chapter 14 of the Albemarle County Code, provided that the subdivider submits a final plat for all or a portion
of the property within one (1) year (May 17, 2014) of the approval as provided in section 14 -221, and thereafter
diligently pursues approval of the final plat. After three (3) years (May 17, 2016) following preliminary plat
approval, the agent may, after ninety (90) days' written notice provided by certified mail to the subdivider,
revoke the approval upon a specific finding of facts that the subdivider failed to diligently pursue approval of the
final plat. The failure to officially submit a final plat as provided in section 14 -221 within the one (1) year
period shall render the approval of the preliminary plat null and a new application must be filed and processed.
Please address all of the requirements and conditions listed below and submit eight (8) tentative plat copies to
the Department of Community Development. This letter must be submitted with the tentative plats, as a
checklist, to document that you have addressed all requirements or conditions, or the tentative plat will be
Erosion and Sediment Control, BMP Stormwater Management, and road plans with the associated applications
and fees must also be submitted with the eight (8) tentative Plats.
Once the tentative plat is submitted and reviewed, you will receive comments from all
departments /divisions /agencies that have made comment on the tentative plat. Any further responses
must be made directly to each department /division /agency that has further comment. After all
aforementioned departments /divisions /agencies have granted a tentative approval, you must verify with
the Planner that you may submit the final plat mylar or other media original and any remaining fees to
the Department of Community Development. Assuming that the final plat reflects all tentative approvals,
signing of the plat will occur within four days.
The final plat will be subject to all final plat requirements (Subdivision Ordinance Section 14.206), in
addition to the following conditions.
The Department of Community Development shall not accept submittal of the final plat for signature until
tentative approvals for the following conditions have been obtained. The final plat shall not be signed until the
following conditions are met:
Planning approval to include:
❑ [14 -303] Contents of Final Plat. The final plat shall meet all the requirements of this section.
❑ [Comment] As proposed the realignment of Pen Park Lane will require alterations in existing
access for TMP 61A -19, 20, 21, 22, and 23A. As such this may require access easements to be
provided to those owners across Lochlyn Hills property OR boundary line adjustments to
transfer the excess land to those owners. Depending on the solution to the above this may also
require offsite construction easements to construct the modified driveways on the above
properties. Per the applicant, they are working with VDOT and individual lot owners on
this issue and the final plat will reflect additional r/w or transfer of the property to the lot
owners. Prior to Final Plat approval this issue will be resolved and approved by VDOT and the
❑ [14 -317] Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements. Prior to Final Plat
approval, an instrument evidencing maintenance of the pocket park, 20' shared driveway
casement, and 20' private alley easement will need to be submitted for County review and
approval. The County Attorney will be required to review/ approve the maintenance documents
prior to final plat approval.
❑ [14- 303(G)] Ownership of Common Area. On the final plat provide the owner information for
all the easements, specifically for the 20' private alley easement.
❑ [Comment] It appears that there are some inconsistencies between acreages used throughout
the plat: 5.13 acres and 5.31 acres. Please clarify which acreage is correct for the development
and discontinue use of the incorrect acreage. Prior to approval of the final plat assure that the
note is revised throughout the plat.
❑ [Comment] Under General Notes, Phasing of the plan states that there are four phases; however
the same note for SDP2013 -26 states there are five phases for the project. Assure these notes
are consistent throughout the project and assure they are labeled correctly on all the plats and
plans. Notably this plat is titled: "Phase I" and SDP2013 -26 labels this same phase as "Phase
IA ". Prior to approval of the final plat assure that the note and title of the plat are accurately
revised to reflect the true phase.
❑ [Comment] Under General Notes, Building Sites, the note states that "Lots 1 -20" each contain
a building site; however, there are 21 lots in the proposed subdivision and the residue acreage is
1.27 acres. If applicable assure all lots and residue is encompassed in the required statement.
Prior to approval of the final plat assure that the note is appropriately revised. .
❑ [14 -435] Roads must be built or bonded prior to the signing of the final plat.
Engineering approval to include:
❑ Before final plat approval, engineering will need to approve detailed plans, computations, and
necessary supporting documents for all physical improvements including, but not limited to,
a) road plans
b) drainage plans and computations,
c) erosion and sediment control plan
d) stormwater management plans and computations (A.C. 14 -311).
❑ All physical improvements for access and utilities will need to be approved and constructed or
bonded prior to final plat approval. (A.C. 14 -434 and 435).
Please contact Max Greene at 296 -5832 ext. 3283 if you have questions or require additional
Albemarle County Service Authority approval to include:
❑ Prior to approval of the final plat, label City /County line on Sheet 4.
❑ 3 sets of final plans are required for ACSA Construction review.
❑ The ACSA and City of Charlottesville are having ongoing conversations about the
capacity and ownership of the existing and proposed sewer.
Please contact Alexander Morrison at 977 -4511 ext. 116 if you have questions or require additional
Fire & Rescue approval to include:
❑ All streets will only have parking on one side.
Please contact Shawn Maddox if you have questions or require additional information.
VDOT approval to include:
1. Per previous VDOT cormnent dated. Search 22, 2013, a 1978 Resolution for the Rio Heights
subdivision shows a 50 ft r1w on Pen Part, Lane up to fl.(18 n il.es (447 ft) south easterly of the
intersection with Rio Road. The plat indicates the rAv is 48' Var. ROW. The documentation
needs to be.provided showing the correct right of way width.
1 The existing right of way on the south side of Pen Parts Lane does not appear to lineup with the
proposed right of way for Pen. Park Lane, This needs to be corrected.
1 The right of way on the north side of Pen Park. Lane needs to be defined and shown where Pen
Parkis being realigned.
4. The CG -1.2 shown at the end of the side walk along Pen Park needs to be located. near the
midpoint of the radius of the intersection of Pen Park and Woodmont .Drive.
5. It was our understanding the side walk would be extended on the south side of Park Lane all
the way to Rio Road. This has not been reflected in this plan.
6. Is on- street parking proposed on both sides of Pon Park Lane? The minimum width face of curb
to face of curb for VDOT standards is 29' for on- street parking on bath sides at this location.
7. The sight distance lines should be shown from a point that is located 9.4.5' off:the edge of the
travel way. The sight line shown at the intersection of Pen Park Lane and Lochlyn Hill Drive
appears to be right on the edge of the travel way.
Please contact Troy Austin of VDOT if you have questions or require additional information.
Christopher P. Perez
Senior Planner
Planning Division
File: SUB- 201300028 — Lochlyn Hill, Phase 1— Preliminary Subdivision Plat