HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201300124 Legacy Document 2013-07-03JUN -3 -2013 21:26 FROM:RRGGED MOUNTAIN RUNN 4342930669 TO:9724126 P.3/5 Application for Zoning Clearance Cup �ol� • 124 is PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SHEETS OFFICE USE ONLY �? Check# �QU Date-, 113 Receipt # Staff: PARCEL INFORMATIO c/ Tax Map and Parcel: 3 )Existing Zoning Parcel Owner -, er qt l -t a^-7 �-� t� 1' GC �t I (�Q CLCity. l� `G��'�i7 golkstate q+ ?lip ),;I-qo Parcel Address- ^ (include sufte or floor) PRIMARV CONTACT Who should we call/write concerning this project, Address: 3 ((�e�no� CT V' City r fll*" Vylle state Zip Office Phone: djqj A3-3�V7 Cell #q6q - Z-Z311u Fax y' '�13- �1/S'E -mail C�o�G►tzoni�•��►r j��"a. /.cs�, APPLICANT INFORMATION Check any that ! ply: Change of ownershi Chan Sc of use Chan ge of name New business RuirluessName/Type: i / We vt Ile- 1N r r(l jV/ ^ PrK 31 2,0l3 far laa6'e- op Y-a-rS Previous Business on this site E� Yd Gc m l �29.. X r e. l r� tti h *1 q a r* Describe the proposed business Including use, number of employees, number of shills, available par[cin spaces, number of vehicles, *ad any additional information that you can provide: l e#- t' C.. � 8, -eK - OA �t, �roan am h o vim. o -kQ n d.r In 4A.P- ew Ce ! 3o vn h o0 *Thiel Clearance -wW only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intens* or move tlw use to a new location, a new Zoning Cicanuroo will be required. Ihcreby certify that I own or'have the owner permiaiioa ko'uae the space indicated on this application_ I also ccrtii` that the information provided is true and accurate to the beat of my Imowlcdgc. [ hove rend the eonditiona of appaoval, and i underamnd them, and that.[ will abide by them. Signature _ 'Printed. �l rA C.U�P i7Zo71 AP OVAL INFORMATION j \,- Approved as proposed ( ] Approved with conditions ( ] Dcnied ] Dao0ow prevention device Rnd/or current test dace needed for this site. Contact AC5A, 977 -45I 1, x117, ( J No physical site inspection, has been done for this clearance. Therefore, it is not a determinatioa of compliance with the existing site plan, ( ] Thin Nile complies with Lbc site plan ar of this date. Notes; Building Mclal Date C e e 3 Zoning Official 1 41,t- Date Other Official Date County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 Mdntirc Road Clttarlottenville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296 -5 832 Farr: (434) 972 -4126 Revised 7/1/2011 Page 2 of s JUN -3 -2013 21:26 FROM:RAGGED MOUNTAIN RUNN 4342930669 TO:9724126 Intake, to complete the followiing: Y Is Li,1TJ or I ?Ia.I.P zoning'? if so, give applicant a Certified EnLrineer's 'Report (CER) packet. .V/ N Will there be food preparation? If so, give applicant a,.Iiealth.Department,form, Zoning rovicw can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept. FAX DATE Circle the one that applies dm ' �" h � KL Is parcel on private well or public wa� ? a,,d#&A If private well, provide Hoalth Department f01'1 '1, Why Co .Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept. FAX DATE Circle the one that applies IA�(- SO Is parcel on septic or public Power? (,(v►'t +� Y/a ,1 W i I I you be putting up a new sip of any lcin.d? If so, obtain proper Sign permit Permit k }' CVer WiI ere be any new construction or renovations? 1'f so, obtain the propor �'ermit, Permit # ZoninLy to complete the fnllavrina- Reviewer to complete the following-. Square footage of Use: P. 4/5 e mitted as:� -��1T Under Section: ' V) Supplementary regulations section: Parkingtbrmula: /ya, �� Required spaces: Y/N 1terns to be vorifiod in the fiold: Inspector Notes: Date: Violations: Y/N 'if so, List Proffers; Y/N If so, List: Variance: Y /N' If so, List YIN• If ao' .List: X10 - CI¢nranceta: SDP Is Revised 7/1 /2o,11 .Page 3 of 3 JUN -3 -2013 21:25 FROM:RAGGED MOUNTAIN RUNN 4342930669 71 Ai, Ragged Mountain Running Shop' (434) 293 -3367 3 E11lewnad,Aw. - CharlottesvUle,VA 22903 Y x Message Date. - -13 Total Pages (including cover) Message: TO:9724126 Ragged J.VJCounta'&s Fax #293-0669 P. 1/5 JUN -3 -2013 21:26 FROM:RRGGED MOUNTAIN RUNN 4342930669 TO:9724126 P.2/5 The Charlottesville Women's Four Miler Po Box 8o0773 Charlottesville, Vhtnia 22908 Ms, Rebecca Ragsdale 401 McIntire Rd. Charlottesville, Va. 22901 J_vvw.31 2013 f�pt 4; -263' Dear Ms. Ragsdale, On behalf of the Charlottesville Women's Four Miler I write this letter to request permission to hold our annual road race on Saturday, August 31, 2013. The section of road that we use for the event begins at the main entrance to the Foxfield Race Track and extends a mile both east and west along Garth Road from that point. For the past 30 years the !Albemarle County Zoning Crept. and VDOT has kindly granted us permission to use this two mile section of Garth Road, controlling traffic with the help of the Albemarle County Police. The times we need to detour traffic away from this area of Garth Road are from 735 am until 9,15 am on the 31st of August. Last year this special event hosted 3500 women runners and walkers, and we're expecting another record turnout for this year's race. In 2012 we were able to donate $340,000 to UVA's Breast Care Program from the race proceeds! I thank you in advance for the Zoning Department's support of this popular and special fund - raiser and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. If I can be of any further assistance, or if you have any questions please feel free to call me at 962 -2340 or email me at clorenxoni@embargmall.corn. 5inc rely, rr / Cynth- lorenzoni Race Director A Charlottesville Track Club event sin.ce 1983 Rebecca Ragsdale From: Miller Stoddard Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 5:40 PM To: Rebecca Ragsdale; 'Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT)' Cc: Rosa Thacker; Mike Wagner Subject: RE: Charlottesville Women's 4 -miler Greeting, I, Sgt Stoddard, have reviewed the application for the Charlottesville Women's Four Miler. The Albemarle County Police Department approves of this event. There are no public or traffic safety concerns and Garth Road will be closed by ACPD Officers working contractual overtime. Please contact me if there are any questions. From: Rebecca Ragsdale Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 11:02 AM To: Miller Stoddard; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT) Subject: Charlottesville Women's 4 -miler Hello, Attached is a zoning clearance for this year's Women's Four Miler. It is the same route, event set -up, etc. as years past. Thanks, Rebecca Rebecca Ragsdale, Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development- Zoning Services 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902.4596 (434) 296.5832 Ext. 3226 E -mail: rraysdale @albemarle.or JUN -3 -2013 21:26 FROM:RAGGED MOUNTAIN RUNN 4342930669 TO:9724126 P.3/5 Application for Zoning Clearance g 2,01 PLEA SE REVIEW ,AU 3 SHEETS oMCF, USE ONLY Check# DUN; Recafpt # , �C� U StOM -ARCEL INF ORMATICt � r Tax Map and Parcel: f .. Existing Zoning parccl Owner. ( Y' Parcel Addreer I C f �t ��Q � city C, ! "1P,(kgV!1kg(atc Yrt" ZIp )oq0 � (include 611 ( te or boor) TIRY CONTACT j Who Aoutd we ccllhvrite coticen tng NA project'4 Address :, 3 �( (1 ed y00�G A-,/, I Ctry y !�% J�SVII �2 State Zlp �2q� 4filcePhono: d5l -13J (,-7 .001#1 W- %7,- :WV pax # q'N' X -wAdl '(�o /(�f�oni •E elm APPLICANT MOMATION Check any that app y.. Change of ownerahl Chan a oof�ussa ,Cfhan eof game New business / d � % S o (lei y)am&n i 7 , Je,1 1 Jauftineys Nam efrypo: Gliti� �" i' �c % -/fit Pt5f 00 V�5 FraviousPluslnessort thittwife y mt ft �2 � �q �"t�c die, %U 1't,P7 W �r2� S��r�4rt �1 Describe the propneed budness including We, number off employear, Joumbcr of ohifla, uvailable par Kln epaeas, number of l r �' GCl�ic- (are &C1 - vehicles, *nd any additional Information that you can provider ee-P Y ry avi h VY, ved n t, .6", (;df i� � ce ! �:7iO unfi h0011. "T•his Clcarnncevill oWy be vpJid on tho parcel for which It is Opprovcd, Uyou cbaoge, iotettsity ormove die usezo a naw location, a new Zoning Cl.,runca will be rrquircd_ Xhcroby certify ihacX Own or 6avo Uto ownor'e pormiosion toUao Ibo sppnco indienred on tlua Spp[iCtllion, X also ccrtlf� that the Infcmnation providad it trco and au;ura(c to Lbo beat of my kaowlcdgo. X fhnvo read the eonditiona orapprovA and l underetanld and iliac I will abldz by thcac ,them, Signature ����� Notcd�/�n tlA �OY2hZ071 /r APPROVAL YN•1tORMATXON [ ] Approved as proposed ( 7 Approved with conditions [ ) Dcniod [ ] Backflow prcV011drtn duwicc "Wor current rest data needed for rids site, Contact ACSA, 977 -4511, x117, [ ) No physical site, inepcotion. has boon done for this elearan.ce. Therofore. It is not a,dotmirtiuotion of complio.nce with tho existing Hite plan ( ) TWU Ritc complies with Lbc Hite (elan m of I•bN date. Notes"—, Building Cllflcial Zoning Official Date J) l iJtitG1' Of Cial 1'i `n Q �. 3>>J U� r, , nc, Al D,,� County ofAlbamarlaDepartment of Cornmunlly Development doll Mclntlrc Road Chart otkavilIo, V,A, U902'V•oice, (434) 296- 5032,Fax: (434) 97� 41tz6 Roviacd 7/1/241 1 Page 2 of