HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201200003 Request of Modification, Variance, Waiver 2013-07-10pE A YlAGIl`11A County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Megan Yaniglos, Planning Review From: Michelle Roberge, Engineering Review Date: 18 Jul 2013 Subject: Out of Bounds; Critical Slope Waiver Request (ZMA- 2012 - 00003) The critical slope waiver request has been reviewed and I recommend the disturbance of critical slopes. The engineering analysis of the request follows: Description of critical slope area and proposed disturbance: The critical slopes proposed as being disturbed are man -made slopes that were created when the existing dry pond at the rear of site was constructed. The applicant is requesting to disturb these critical slopes for a subdivision development with a maximum of 56 residential units. Areas Acres Total site 9.42 acres approximately Critical slopes .09 0.100 Critical slopes disturbed .09 100% The disturbance of critical slopes shown is exempt from the critical slopes waivers under the Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance Section 4.2.6. The existing topography has approximately 1/3 of site draining north and 2/3 of site draining south to a low spot, which is then bordered by the critical slopes. Engineering recommends approval of the critical slope waiver provided that adequate stormwater management is proposed at or near the critical slopes area. Engineering has also previously recommended a stormwater basin, but the applicant wishes to pursue providing underground detention facilities. Engineering has requested that the applicant provide an adequate channel analysis prior to the approval of ZMA201200003. Compliance with Zoning Ordinance 18 -4.2: "movement of soil and rock" Construction will consist of compacted fill and erosion control measures shall be installed in accordance with the water protection ordinance to prevent large scale erosion. Proper slope construction, control of drainage, and vegetative stabilization will prevent any movement of soil. "excessive stormwater runoff' The proposed stormwater facilities are three underground detention systems located north and south of site. Prior to the approval of ZMA201200003, Engineering has recommended for the applicant to determine if existing pipes downstream can handle existing runoff plus the additional runoff from the proposed development. "siltation" Albemarle County Community Development Engineering Review comments Page 2 of 2 Inspection and bonding by the County will ensure siltation control during construction. Proper stabilization and maintenance will ensure long term stability. Engineering staff will only approve a plan compliant with state standards. "loss of aesthetic resource" This proposal is to provide a high density subdivision within an area designated for such use. This application also proposes the preservation of a historic home on 0.68 acres, Block 2, along an Albemarle County entrance corridor. "septic effluent" The proposed site will not release any septic effluent to the surrounding environment. The site is serviced by public sewer. Phone 434 - 296 -5832 ()'Al r �IRGIS County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Memorandum Fax 434 - 972 -4126 To: Megan Yaniglos From: Michelle Roberge, Engineering Department Division: Engineering Date: Jul 17, 2013 Subject: ZMA 2012 -00003 Out of Bounds RE: Request for Private Street Authorization and Waiver of Street Standards Dated July 10, 2013 I have reviewed the request for private streets and waiver of street standards for the application noted above. 1) The request for private street authorization for road "A" and road "B" sites Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance Section 14- 233A.1.(iii). Analysis of each subsection of the ordinance follows: i. the subdivision would have streetscape more consistent with the neighborhood model; Road "A" meets the planting strip and sidewalk requirement under Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance Section 14 -422 A. Road "B" will have rear access to each lot, but sidewalk and landscaping are provided in the front of lots to be consistent with the neighbor model. ii. The subdivision design would allow it to better achieve the density goals of the comprehensive plan; The proposed development is a high density subdivision and it appears that sidewalks provide pedestrian circulation throughout the site. Also, all lots are adjacent to a sidewalk that provides access to amenities, which adheres to the neighborhood model of a walk -able community. iii. Rear vehicular access to buildings would be provided so that buildings may face a common amenity; Only road "B" is providing rear vehicular access to meet criteria. However, road "A" has lots on one side. These lots abut a proposed open space at the rear and sidewalks on both sides of road "A" are provided to access common amenities. iv. a significant environmental resource would be protected; The total area of site is 9.42 acres. Block 2 will be preserved, but only account for 7% of the site. Also, the proposed configuration for site is a high density development; which requires clearing the majority of site. Therefore, a significant environmental resource would not be protected. This would be the case with or without the waiver. There are existing critical slopes within the project area, but only account for less than 1 % of project site. 2) The applicant requests the following items waived: a) The applicant requests to waive the requirements for curb, gutter, and sidewalk for road "B" since road serves as a rear access (and frontage) for units 30 -55; while sidewalks and street trees are provided at the front of the units. 1 I recommend the sidewalk waived, but curb and gutter should be provided. This area is considered to be the low point of site. Many discussions have occurred on how SWM will be handled to avoid any overflow to adjacent properties. It appears that an inverted crown may be proposed if curb and gutter is waived, but engineering has found it does not work well in subdivisions and it is difficult to construct. b) The applicant requests to waive the requirement for sidewalk east side of Georgetown Road Extended. Per my response in 1.ii above, engineering recommends approval. c) The applicant requests to waive the requirements for a planting strip on the north side and south side of Bennington Road Extended, between Westminster Road and Georgetown Road Extended. Due to topography and the space constraint, as road is proposed to go through two residential lots, engineering recommends approval of waiver. d) The applicant requests to waive the requirements for a sidewalk on the south side of Bennington Road Extended, between Westminster Road and Georgetown Road Extended. Due to topography and the space constraint, as road is proposed to go through two residential lots, engineering recommends approval of waiver. 3) For road "B ", the applicant requests a waiver for section 14- 412(A) -3(b) by providing a 20' wide road without curb and gutter and a 12' x 80' hammerhead turnaround. Engineering recommends denial of 20' road without curb and gutter. Engineering recommends at least 24' wide road with enforcement procedures for no parking on both sides of road. The 12 x80' hammerhead is adequate. 4) The applicant requests a waiver for sidewalk and planting strips on both sides of road "B ", Bennington Road Extended, and Georgetown Road Extended. Engineering recommends approval of waiver for road `B" since it will serve as a rear access to lots only. Sidewalk and trees are provided in front of lots. Engineering also sees no issues with Bennington Road Extended and Georgetown Road Extended, per my response in I. ii above, and recommends approval. Please contact Michelle Roberge in the Engineering Dept at mroberge(c�albemarle.org or 434 - 296 -5832 ext. 3458 for further information. PROJECT MANAGEMENT SHIM CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING ENGINEERINGa July 10, 2013 Ms. Megan Yaniglos Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Regarding: ZMA201200003 Out of Bounds Request for Private Street Authorization Request for Waiver of Street Standards Dear Ms. Yaniglos, Several provisions are included in the Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance that will allow the commission and agent to waive certain requirements that will permit creative design alternatives that would "...accomplish county goals, policies, good planning practice and good engineering practice." With this in mind, and in conjunction with the referenced rezoning (ZMA 201200003 Out of Bounds), we request the following: 1) In accordance with Section 14 -233 (A), the Applicant requests authorization from the commission to develop a subdivision with two new private streets (Road "A" and Road "B" as delineated on the Out of Bounds Application Plan) in the following circumstances: "Neighborhood model development. The proposed private streets would enable the principles of the neighborhood model to be more fully implemented than could be achieved with a public street, without diminishing other principles of the neighborhood model, in the following circumstances: (i) the subdivision would have a streetscape more consistent with the neighborhood model; (ii) the subdivision design would allow it to better achieve the density goals of the comprehensive plan; (iii) rear vehicular access to buildings would be provided so that the buildings may face a common amenity; (iv) a significant environmental resource would be protected; or (v) relegated parking would be provided to a greater extent than could otherwise be provided." 2) In accordance with Section 14- 225.1, the Applicant requests a waiver, for "Private Road B ", "Bennington Road Extended ", and "Georgetown Road Extended" as delineated on the Out of Bounds Application Plan, of Section 14- 410(H): "Curb, curb and gutter, sidewalks and planting strips. In the development areas, streets shall be constructed with curb or curb and gutter, sidewalks and planting strips. Sidewalks and planting strips shall design and constructed in compliance with section 14- 422." In the case of "Private Road B ", the Applicant requests to waive the requirement for curbs, gutter, and sidewalk since Road B serves as a rear access (and frontage) for units 30 -55; while sidewalks and street trees are provided on the fronts of the units. In the case of Georgetown Road Extended, the Applicant requests to waive the requirement for a sidewalk on the east side of the road. No residential units front on the east side of Georgetown Road Extended and the existing trees, along with new street trees, will create a buffer (as requested by the neighbors in the adjacent Canterbury Hills). In the case of Bennington Road Extended, the Applicant requests to waive the requirement for a planting strip on the north side of the road between Westminster Road and Georgetown Road Extended; and the Applicant wishes to waive the requirement for a sidewalk and planting strip on the south side of the road between Westminster Road and Georgetown Road Extended. In this request, sidewalks do not exist in the adjoining Canterbury Hills, minimum width is available for grading, and existing mature trees exist which can be saved by eliminating the 17 feet of cross - section required for two planting strips and one sidewalk. 3) In accordance with Section 14- 224.1, the Applicant requests a waiver, for Road `B" as delineated on the Out of Bounds Application Plan, of Section 14- 412(A) -3(b): "Private streets in the development areas. For such private streets in the development areas, the agent may approve Virginia Department of Transportation standards for mountainous terrain or an alternative standard deemed adequate by the county engineer to be equivalent to or greater than the applicable standard in the design standards manual, so as to adequately protect the public health, safety or welfare." In the case of Road "B ", the Applicant would like to waive the requirement for a traditional turn- around and provide a narrow (20 ft. section without curb and gutter) street. The length of road, measured from the intersection of Georgetown Road Extended, is 350 ft. and a 12 ft by 80 ft hammerhead is provided at the western end of the road. The applicant would like to provide a 20 ft. road section (without curb) with the understanding that there will be no on- street parking and a minimum of two off - street parking spaces are provided at each residential unit. 4) In accordance with Section 14- 225.1, the Applicant requests a waiver, for "Private Road B ", Bennington Road Extended, and Georgetown Road Extended as delineated on the Out of Bounds Application Plan, of Section 14- 422(A): "Requirement. Sidewalks and planting strips for street trees and other vegetation shall be established on both sides of each new street within a subdivision creating lots for single family detached and single family attached dwellings in the development areas." Please see paragraph 2 above for justification of this requirement. As always if you have any questions or concerns about these revisions please feel free to call me at (434) 207 -8086 and we can discuss in further detail. Best Regards, Justin Shimp, P.E. Shimp Engineering, P.C. Cc: Vito Cetta, AIA Out of Bounds (ZMA201200003) Critical Slopes Waiver Request ZMA Application Attachment TM P: 06000 -00 -00 -06500 Date: May 201h, 2013 Request: In conjunction with a request to rezone a 9.42 -acre portion of TMP 060 -00 -00 -06500 from R -1 (Residential) to NMD (Neighborhood Model District) to allow a maximum of 56 residential units, the Applicant requests a waiver of Section 4.2 (Critical Slopes) of the Albemarle County to allow disturbance of slopes greater than 25 %. Specifics of Request: The slopes in question are man -made slopes created by the construction of an existing dry pond at the rear of the site. The area of critical slopes is thirty -eight hundred and fifty square feet (0.09 acres) and represents less than 1% of the 9.42 acre site. The proposed development re- establishes a level grade in this area and a new storm water management system shall be installed underground to manage runoff from the development. The primary concerns with development on critical slopes are addressed as follows: Rapid or Large Scale Movements of Rock and Soil: Construction will consist of compacted fill and erosion control measures shall be installed in accordance with the water protection ordinance to prevent large scale erosion. Excessive Storm Water Runoff. The proposed construction will provide new water quality measures and new or upgraded adequate channels from the new development to the stormwater management facility. Both the water quality treatment and improved channels represent an improvement to the current conditions at the site. These measures will protect against any increase in runoff. Siltation of Natural or Man Made Bodies of Water: As outlined above, all development shall be subject to the current standards of the County Water Protection Ordinance and erosion and sediment control measures shall be installed to prevent siltation of water bodies. Loss of Aesthetic Resource: This proposal is to provide neighborhood density residential and commercial development within an area of Albemarle County designated for such a use. This application also proposes the preservation of an existing homesite on 1.62 acres along an Albemarle County entrance corridor. As this development is served by public sewer, there are no concerns related to sewer effluent. In summary, the reasons for the request are to allow disturbance of manmade slopes of 25% or greater for the purposes of constructing a new neighborhood with an adequate storm water management facility that will efficiently use land within the growth area for the purposes of promoting neighborhood density development and allow for the preservation of a 1950's era homesite along the Barracks Road Entrance Corridor. Prepared and submitted on behalf of the Applicant by: Justin Shimp, P.E. Shimp Engineering, P.C. 201 E. Main Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 207 -8086 Megan Yaniglos From: Austin, Nathran. (VDOT) [Nathran .Austin @vdot.virginia.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:25 AM To: Vito Cetta Cc: Megan Yaniglos; Glenn Brooks; Seale, Dennis L. (VDOT); Barron, L. Marshall (VDOT) Subject: RE: Out Of Bounds Mr. Cetta, I appreciate the fact that not all of the existing residents in the area may want to see this connection made, but please be advised that VDOT finds this connectivity to be important to the your project as well as to the existing residents in the area. The street connection will make a signalized intersection available to the existing residents where it currently is not available. I believe it to be just as likely, if not more likely, that many of the existing residents will travel through Out of Bounds development to access the signalized intersection. This connection has been anticipated since at least 1963 when the plat and deed for Section Three of Canterbury Hills was recorded, establishing the right -of -way for the extension of Bennington Road to the property that presently is being proposed to be developed as Out of Bounds. In addition to the above discussion, there is a requirement in Chapter 92 of the Code of Virginia, Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements (SSAR) for multiple connections in multiple directions. This requirement can be found under 24VAC30- 92 -60. Public benefit requirements, C. Connectivity requirements, item 2. This requirement states "The streets within a network addition may be accepted into the secondary system of state highways if the network addition provides at least two external connections, one of which must be to a publicly maintained highway and the other providing a connection to a different highway or a stub out to an adjoining property." I can waive this requirement if one or more of the following situations makes this 2nd connection impracticable: a. "The adjoining property is completely built out, its state is such that redevelopment within 20 years is unlikely, and there is no stub out (either constructed or platted) to the property served by the network addition ". Since there is platted and recorded right -of -way for this connection, I don't believe that this situation applies. b. "The adjoining property is zoned for a use whose traffic is incompatible with the development being served by the network addition, providing, however, that in no case shall retail, residential, or office uses be considered incompatible with other retail, residential, or office uses ". Since both the existing and proposed developments are residential in nature, I don't believe that this situation applies. c. "there is no reasonable connection possible to adjoining property or adjacent highways due to a factor outside the control of the developer of the network addition, such as the presence of conservation easements not put in place by the developer of the network addition, water features such as rivers or lakes, jurisdictional wetlands, grades in excess of 15% whose total elevation change is greater than five feet, limited access highways, railroads, or government property to which access is restricted ". I know that there have been discussions about the ability to make the connection with 25' radii and the ability to have a sidewalk along the connector due to the available right -of -way. I'm not sure that I agree that these requirements can't be met, but those are discussions that we can have. Upon visiting the site, I found no limitations due to the topography that would prevent this connection from being constructed. At this time, I cannot support this project proceeding as a subdivision with streets that would be accepted into the State Highway system without the extension of Bennington Road to the Out of Bounds development. I would be glad to meet with you, your engineer, and County staff to discuss this matter further. Troy Austin, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation Land Development — South Culpeper District P.O. Box 1017