HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA201300006 Executive Summary - Not SignedCOUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
AGENDA TITLE: ZTA 201300006 Residential and
Industrial Uses in Downtown Crozet Zoning District (DCD)
DCD Sec.2013.2 to: allow by special use permit residential
uses of any authorized dwelling type in the DCD without
requiring first -floor non - residential uses; allow
Laboratories /Research and Development /Experimental
Testing by right; and allow
Storage/Warehousing /Distribution /Transportation and
Manufacturing/ Processing /Assembly /Fabrication/
Recycling by special use permit. Amendment to add
factors when considering special use permits (Sec.
STAFF CONTACT(S): Wayne Cilimberg, Amelia
McCulley and Greg Kamptner
AGENDA DATE: November 12, 2013
On October 22, 2013, the Planning Commission passed a resolution of intent (Attachment A) to consider amending the
DCD to permit a broader range of light industrial uses either by -right or by special use permit and to allow first floor
residential uses by special use permit.
ORIGIN: On September 16, 2013, an application was made requesting that the County amend the uses permitted by
special use permit in the DCD to add residential uses on the first floor of attached single family dwellings. Currently,
residential uses are allowed by special use permit only on the first floor of detached single family dwellings and by -right on
floors above the first floor provided that the first floor is occupied by a non - residential use.
PROPOSAL: The proposed zoning ordinance amendments (Attachment B), consistent with the October 22nd
Commission resolution of intent, build off of the changes requested in the above -noted September 16th application, but
would allow first floor residential uses by special use permit in all residential structure types, not just detached single
family as currently provided for in the DCD or attached single family as requested in the application. In addition, the
amendments propose a change that was missed earlier this year when provision was made for industrial uses in
commercial zoning districts with ZTA201200013. That ZTA introduced by -right industrial uses in commercial districts by-
right, by special exception or by special use permit, depending on the use type and the commercial district the uses would
be located in, but did not also include the DCD. The DCD, within which commercial uses are intended to be a primary
use, closely parallels the lower intensity conventional commercial districts and, therefore, the potential to similarly treat the
DCD is also covered by the resolution of intent. Finally, the proposed amendments include additional factors to be
considered when evaluating residential and non - residential special use permits in the DCD. No such factors currently
exist in the DCD.
PUBLIC PURPOSE TO BE SERVED: As regards the Downtown Area, the Crozet Master Plan recognizes and the DCD
provides for a mix of retail, service, office /R &D /flex /light industrial and civic uses as primary uses with other light industrial
and residential uses as secondary uses. Furthermore, one of the short -term priorities of the County's Economic
Development Policy is to initiate zoning text amendments that further enable business and industrial uses in appropriate
zoning districts. The proposed zoning ordinance amendments are consistent with the DCD's intent to allow flexibility and
variety of development in the DCD and also allow for additional opportunities for business development and job creation
consistent with the County's Economic Development Policy.
PC Public Hearing — ZTA 201300006 Residential and Industrial Uses in DCD Page 1 of 3
November 12, 2013
Based on prior Board direction, staff reviews ordinance amendment impacts under the following additional criteria:
Administration / Review Process: Amending the industrial allowances in the DCD to be more uniform with
those permitted in similar commercial districts allows for more consistent administration. Creating a common
allowance for first floor residential uses in all structure types simplifies interpretation and administration. Inclusion
of factors to be considered when reviewing non - residential and first floor residential special use permits will
provide greater clarity for staff's reviews as well as more guidance and predictability for applicants.
Housing Affordability: The amendments create the potential for increased and varied housing availability in a
mixed use setting potentially close to services and jobs. Together, this creates the potential for more affordable
living opportunities due to greater housing choices and reduced transportation costs.
Implications to Staffing / Staffing Costs: Nothing significant anticipated. There is the potential for a limited
number of additional special use permit applications with the broadened allowance for first floor residential and
certain industrial uses. These special use permits are fee - based.
Goal 3. Encourage a diverse and vibrant local economy.
Goal 5. Ensure the health and safety of the community.
The draft ordinance (Attachment B) provides the following:
By- Right:
By- Right:
1) Upper floor residential as
No change.
apartments in SF /MF dwellings;
upper floor residential in attached
SF ex. TH
2 Laboratories and R &D
Lab/R&D/Experimental Testing
By SP:
By SP:
1) 1S floor residential in detached SF
1" floor residential in all residential use types
2) Manufacturing, processing,
Manufacturing/ Processing /Assembly /Fabrication /Recycling;
fabricating, assembling and
Storage/Warehousing /Distribution /Transportation
distributing products
Additional Factors When Considering SP:
Additional Factors When Considering SP (non- res. /1S floor res.):
1) None
Consistency with Crozet MP Downtown Area and DCD purpose
and intent; complements adjacent uses and contributes to mix of
uses; convertibility of structure for by -right uses
The DCD's intent in not allowing first floor residential by -right is to promote opportunities for vertical mixed use typical
of a downtown setting. Expanding the special use permit allowances on first floors to include all residential types
responds to the applicant's September 16th request while providing broader opportunities to consider first floor
residential development in horizontal mixed use settings where appropriate on a case by case basis
The amendments also generally equalize industrial terminology and allowances in the DCD with those in the
Commercial Office (CO) district, the conventional commercial district of lowest intensity. The only distinction is that
the CO only permits Lab /R &D /Experimental Testing up to 4,000 square feet by -right (above 4,000 square feet by
special exception) while the proposed DCD change has no square footage limitation. This is in recognition of the fact
that Laboratories and R &D are already permitted by -right without such limitation in the DCD.
On October 17, 2013, these potential amendments were discussed with the Crozet Community Advisory Council who
generally supported the changes with the proviso that any proposal requiring a special use permit that would be
provided for by the ZTA will need to assessed for its consistency with the purpose and intent of the DCD. They
particularly did not want the DCD to become a de -facto residential district through special use permit approvals. Sec.
20B.8, which lists additional factors to be considered for special use permits, is intended to address this concern.
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November 12, 2013
No increase in expenditures for staff anticipated. Some additional revenue through fees anticipated. Additional
development that might result from these amendments would increase the County tax base.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the ordinance language found in Attachment B.
A. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend approval of this Zoning Text Amendment:
Move to recommend approval of the draft ordinance in Attachment B.
B. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend denial of this Zoning Text Amendment:
Move to recommend denial of the draft ordinance in Attachment B. Should a commissioner motion to
recommend denial, he or she should state the reason(s) for recommending denial.
Attachment A: October 22, 2013 Resolution of Intent
Attachment B: Proposed Zoning Text Amendments
PC Public Hearing — ZTA 201300006 Residential and Industrial Uses in DCD Page 3 of 3
November 12, 2013
AGENDA TITLE: ZTA 201300006 Residential and
Industrial Uses in Downtown Crozet Zoning District (DCD)
DCD Sec.2013.2 to: allow by special use permit residential
uses of any authorized dwelling type in the DCD without
requiring first -floor non - residential uses; allow
Laboratories /Research and Development /Experimental
Testing by right; and allow
Storage/Warehousing /Distribution /Transportation and
Manufacturing/ Processing /Assembly /Fabrication/
Recycling by special use permit. Amendment to add
factors when considering special use permits (Sec.
STAFF CONTACT(S): Wayne Cilimberg, Amelia
McCulley and Greg Kamptner
AGENDA DATE: November 12, 2013
On October 22, 2013, the Planning Commission passed a resolution of intent (Attachment A) to consider amending the
DCD to permit a broader range of light industrial uses either by -right or by special use permit and to allow first floor
residential uses by special use permit.
ORIGIN: On September 16, 2013, an application was made requesting that the County amend the uses permitted by
special use permit in the DCD to add residential uses on the first floor of attached single family dwellings. Currently,
residential uses are allowed by special use permit only on the first floor of detached single family dwellings and by -right on
floors above the first floor provided that the first floor is occupied by a non - residential use.
PROPOSAL: The proposed zoning ordinance amendments (Attachment B), consistent with the October 22nd
Commission resolution of intent, build off of the changes requested in the above -noted September 16th application, but
would allow first floor residential uses by special use permit in all residential structure types, not just detached single
family as currently provided for in the DCD or attached single family as requested in the application. In addition, the
amendments propose a change that was missed earlier this year when provision was made for industrial uses in
commercial zoning districts with ZTA201200013. That ZTA introduced by -right industrial uses in commercial districts by-
right, by special exception or by special use permit, depending on the use type and the commercial district the uses would
be located in, but did not also include the DCD. The DCD, within which commercial uses are intended to be a primary
use, closely parallels the lower intensity conventional commercial districts and, therefore, the potential to similarly treat the
DCD is also covered by the resolution of intent. Finally, the proposed amendments include additional factors to be
considered when evaluating residential and non - residential special use permits in the DCD. No such factors currently
exist in the DCD.
PUBLIC PURPOSE TO BE SERVED: As regards the Downtown Area, the Crozet Master Plan recognizes and the DCD
provides for a mix of retail, service, office /R &D /flex /light industrial and civic uses as primary uses with other light industrial
and residential uses as secondary uses. Furthermore, one of the short -term priorities of the County's Economic
Development Policy is to initiate zoning text amendments that further enable business and industrial uses in appropriate
zoning districts. The proposed zoning ordinance amendments are consistent with the DCD's intent to allow flexibility and
variety of development in the DCD and also allow for additional opportunities for business development and job creation
consistent with the County's Economic Development Policy.
PC Public Hearing — ZTA 201300006 Residential and Industrial Uses in DCD Page 1 of 3
November 12, 2013
Based on prior Board direction, staff reviews ordinance amendment impacts under the following additional criteria:
Administration / Review Process: Amending the industrial allowances in the DCD to be more uniform with
those permitted in similar commercial districts allows for more consistent administration. Creating a common
allowance for first floor residential uses in all structure types simplifies interpretation and administration. Inclusion
of factors to be considered when reviewing non - residential and first floor residential special use permits will
provide greater clarity for staff's reviews as well as more guidance and predictability for applicants.
Housing Affordability: The amendments create the potential for increased and varied housing availability in a
mixed use setting potentially close to services and jobs. Together, this creates the potential for more affordable
living opportunities due to greater housing choices and reduced transportation costs.
Implications to Staffing / Staffing Costs: Nothing significant anticipated. There is the potential for a limited
number of additional special use permit applications with the broadened allowance for first floor residential and
certain industrial uses. These special use permits are fee - based.
Goal 3. Encourage a diverse and vibrant local economy.
Goal 5. Ensure the health and safety of the community.
The draft ordinance (Attachment B) provides the following:
By- Right:
By- Right:
1) Upper floor residential as
No change.
apartments in SF /MF dwellings;
upper floor residential in attached
SF ex. TH
2 Laboratories and R &D
Lab/R&D/Experimental Testing
By SP:
By SP:
1) 1S floor residential in detached SF
1" floor residential in all residential use types
2) Manufacturing, processing,
Manufacturing/ Processing /Assembly /Fabrication /Recycling;
fabricating, assembling and
Storage/Warehousing /Distribution /Transportation
distributing products
Additional Factors When Considering SP:
Additional Factors When Considering SP (non- res. /1S floor res.):
1) None
Consistency with Crozet MP Downtown Area and DCD purpose
and intent; complements adjacent uses and contributes to mix of
uses; convertibility of structure for by -right uses
The DCD's intent in not allowing first floor residential by -right is to promote opportunities for vertical mixed use typical
of a downtown setting. Expanding the special use permit allowances on first floors to include all residential types
responds to the applicant's September 16th request while providing broader opportunities to consider first floor
residential development in horizontal mixed use settings where appropriate on a case by case basis
The amendments also generally equalize industrial terminology and allowances in the DCD with those in the
Commercial Office (CO) district, the conventional commercial district of lowest intensity. The only distinction is that
the CO only permits Lab /R &D /Experimental Testing up to 4,000 square feet by -right (above 4,000 square feet by
special exception) while the proposed DCD change has no square footage limitation. This is in recognition of the fact
that Laboratories and R &D are already permitted by -right without such limitation in the DCD.
On October 17, 2013, these potential amendments were discussed with the Crozet Community Advisory Council who
generally supported the changes with the proviso that any proposal requiring a special use permit that would be
provided for by the ZTA will need to be assessed for its consistency with the purpose and intent of the DCD. They
particularly did not want the DCD to become a de -facto residential district through special use permit approvals. Sec.
20B.8, which lists additional factors to be considered for special use permits, is intended to address this concern.
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November 12, 2013
No increase in expenditures for staff anticipated. Some additional revenue through fees anticipated. Additional
development that might result from these amendments would increase the County tax base.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the ordinance language found in Attachment B.
A. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend approval of this Zoning Text Amendment:
Move to recommend approval of the draft ordinance in Attachment B.
B. Should a Planning Commissioner choose to recommend denial of this Zoning Text Amendment:
Move to recommend denial of the draft ordinance in Attachment B. Should a commissioner motion to
recommend denial, he or she should state the reason(s) for recommending denial.
Attachment A: October 22, 2013 Resolution of Intent
Attachment B: Proposed Zoning Text Amendments
Attachment C: Crozet Master Plan Downtown Map
Attachment D: Crozet Downtown Zoning Map
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November 12, 2013