HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE200700100 Legacy Document 2013-12-0904/1G/2007 13:0 5 FAX r- �> C�, p'o- 0-r),r � r" C M Application for Zoning Clearance 12002/003 -16 ping Clearance = S35 OIFFICE USE ONLY CLE # '2_(!�C7 -10 Check # UCCA S h Date: y - 1-7 - 0 -7 PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SHEETS Receipt # le Staff. PARCEL INFOR1vIATION Tax Map and Parcel: 07(aCO' 03 -00 -60,0 e90 Existing Zoning brnrn Parcel Owner: 01-1 Fa u I Gtm� ° � V U Parcel Address: 1�0 - �X �� City tj State Zip ZZ0.�15 (include suite or floor) \ r IPRD4"Y CONTACT }�J 1 �%VYl� Who should we call/write concerning this project? Address- 6'0 QV t0 JiTtei ,City ' is State �JPC Zip Office Phone: �3� ?)a'Z--ZIt.IS Cell# E 601,v\ e- Fax E-mail CI,U_Ah1' a6 —C.lz' APPLICANT INFOR *ATION , n4 look-On Business Name/Type: U vX na Mob, P Previous Business on this site Describe the proposed business, including use, number of em P loyees, number of sblfts, available parking spaces and any additional Information that you can provide: m r ' This Clearance will only he valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intensify or move the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby terrify tha own r have the own crmission to use: the space indicated on this application. T also cerdt'y that ncc information provided is true and securer to tht Csl of my e. t hav re the cond' ns of approval, and I understand them, and that [will abide by diem- ��% /0 L4- f Signature - - Printed APPRO AL ORl�IATION [ ] Approved as proposed [ ] Approved with conditions [ )Denied ] Backflow prevention device and/or current test data needed for this site. Contact ACSA, 977 -4511, x119. [ ] No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance, They ef re, it is not a determination of compliance with the existing site plan. [ ] This site complies with the site plan as of this date. Notes- Building Official Date Zoning Official Date Other Official Date County of Albemarle iuepartment oil i- oultinuu Ity U— clupuavut 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice! (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 511106 Pagc 2 of 3 -L 04/16/2007 13:05 FAX Intake to complete the following: ❑ YES 9 NO Is use in LI, HI or PDI'P zoning? if so, give applicant a Certified Engineer' Report (CER) packet. ES ❑ NO s- �Ln�L' e Will there be food preparation? (� A 'Cl C'+ a �f If so, give applicant a Health Depatimnt form. 14 ea Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dcpt. PAX DATE ❑ YBS ❑ NO Is parcel on private well or public water? If private well, provide eahh Departmont fonrL Zoning review can no til we receive approval from Health Dept. FAX KATIE ❑ YES PNO Is parcel on ublic scwcr? E] YES Will you be putting up a new sign of any kind? If so, obtain proper Sign permit. Permit # ❑ YES 1�21NO Will There be any new construction or renovations? If so, obtain the proper Permit. Permit # Zonine Tech to complete the following: IA 003/003 Reviewer to complete the following; Square footage of Usc: /0 0 YES ❑ NO ' Permitted as: U (0�LVVwE� Under Section: Supplementary regulations section: Parldng formula: Required spaces: z d A YES Lj NO Items to be erified 'rL the field: 4JI4kok Inspector : Date: Notes: violations: ❑ YES [V, NO If so, List: Proffers: ❑ YES (/ NO If so, List: Variance: ❑ YES [/10 If so, List: SPIN: ❑ YES PNO If so, List: 5/1/06 Pago. 3 o0 I COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFIES THAT Curbside Catering Company is hereby granted a permit /license to operate a Modiie Food Unit by the Charlottesville City Health Department in accordance with the regulations of the Board of Health, Commonwealth of Virginia. FACILITY NAME: CURBSIDE CATERING COMPANY PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 503 Faulconer Drive, Suite 7A Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 MAILING ADDRESS 1529 Ohio Street Waynesboro, VA 22980 EXPIRATION DATE: December 31, 2007 CONDITIONS: Location of potable water source and waste water disposal: Heavenly Acres Campground Mark Mapili, Environmental Health Specialist , Senior Please direct questions or concerns to the Charlottesville City Health Department, Environmental Health Services, (434) 972 -6259. This Permit Is NOT TRANSFERABLE From One Individual or Location to Another. Page 1 of 1 Sherri Proctor From: Sherri Proctor Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 11:09 AM To: 'austinp83 @aol.com' Subject: curbside catering application for zoning clearance Good morning, I am holding a zoning clearance for your mobile food unit. We will need to see a site plan showing the location of the unit on the lot. There are specific regulations regarding these units that you should be aware of. I am attaching this to the end of this email, Feel free to contact me if you have questions on this information. 1. If on a lot already developed with an industrial use or an office building, the food sales will be accessory to the primary use. The food sales should not generate additional traffic to the site, but serve the internal customers only. • Food sales should be located behind an existing structure, to the rear of the site, or a minimum of 35' from the road; whichever is less visible to the road but safe for everyone on the site. • The food stand vehicle may not be on a site for more than one hour at a time. 5--i-15. -5. %roctor F, (_._r,t.111i.c) of C x?en)a ,.. V 6/26/2007