HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE200700103 Legacy Document 2013-12-12COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT1 Fax 4349724126 Apr 10 2007 07;52am P002/004 .I p`p lication for Zoningy Clearance 6 -31 (30 (9 0 00 ~'000 OFFWE USE ONLY M Zouing Clearance = $35 CLE # -ZOO-7 PLEASE REVIEW .ALL 3 SHEETS Check # _37� Z Date- _Z10 Receipt 40 1-7 Staff: J-1,k*RC)F,L INFORMATION Existing zonin il ) P V L/ Farce] Address; cit, 9-L&J 0 _± �5 �b state V14 zip zzi5 (j nciude suite or U 6 i Nf 6 idiN ----------_--- Who should we call/Write concerning this project? eif U Address.� , C �g 3 _ q __ City State V A q I ,3 Office Phoue:4A Cell # 0/ ---------------------------- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - :. Business NatneMpe* Previous Business on this site:-. Proposed jx5e• Z-0 Lo 0 _W_ Circle (u applicable): Fireworks 11 . Chrisanas Tree SEE CONDMONS OF APPROVAL 17 THZ. CLEARANCE IS FOR F]REWORK OR CMUSTMAS TREE SALES (Sheet 1) ML'-s Cleam.ce wit only be valid on theparccifor which it is approved, if you ei)=ge, iniensit, or move the use to anew locatioA anew Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby =_rtify that I own or have the owner's permission to use the spate indir"ted on this application.. I also certify that the information provided is u-ue and accurate to die. best of my Uowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and I underswd tb, =-, and that I wil I abide by them. Signature - f - - __ 4, _ -----------------i ------- ---------------­ ------------­ - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :­ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AP0Vi K, L V i F 0 R M AT 10 T .Approved as proposed Appmved with conditions Vyf4i) physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. 1'hercfbre, it is not a detciini sits plan. Current Test Data Needed .1 This site complies with the site plant as of this date. contact ACSA 977-4511,v 119 Date Zoning Official Date othtr Official Date ---------- .............. -­------------- ­_1 ------------- I ------------­------------­ ------------------------------------------- I ------------ County uf Albemarle Department of Community Development 401M.clntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Volice-. (434) 296-5832 Fax.. (434) 9724126 COMMUNITY 'A'Ppl cant to complete the f'Oil0wiDg: ,,' /N rio you Have one of'the €ollowuig? Tax Map and parcel Number:, and or; a ddr;Ss oy use (itic111de unit or floor if appropnate; Y i N Do you have a Roor Plan (sketch or an architectural drawing) that includes the following, and if so please provide it with, the application? .tlie total square footage of the use and/or; Thee .square footage of each room or area of'use; i.iae of each roo*n or area Z.f using less than the entire strict ue, note the location witni the Structure. ';cede to complete the eola�o�s: so, List, Aria rt ce: x .1 l�r o, Fax 4349724126 Apr 10 2007 07:53ar P003/004 ;e tu'cvmplete the f4iilowing: y/ IS US In L.1, Ill oj-1'I jP zoning'? EnLzin. ex's F.eport (CER) packet. If so, -;ive applicant a Certified y / Will, e be food preparation? if so, give applicant a Health, pepartrntut fortn. zoning review can raot begirt until we receive approval frori Health Dept, FAX DATE .� is arcel on private well and septic? if so, give applicant a Healai .Department form, Zoning review car) not begin until we receive approval from Health. Dept. ik A-X TtAT Ei: V s cn public Water and sewer'? Y/p4tiili ou be putting up a zsew sign of any kind? If so, obtatti . }groper Sign permit. Permit #_-�._ _ Y / will ere be any .new construction or renovatioas? If so, obtain the proper- PetmiL Permit # T tl:�i?3'far Ales of Fireworks? If so, obtain a copy ofF/R pen-nit. Permit# ' Pro Ss y l If so, List: �PTg' y / 1V If 04/11,12007 15;50 FAX 434 $17 1245 REALESTATEIII COMMERCIAL 2002 G. ceL. 10 X i4( V7, No "PuFtYMCF4 DIV'-,; �,_ANNJNG COMMISS 5VIL1_E COMWC)e"S L.AND TRV5T ALL LOTS tA()$T ACCE.' ,C GILLIAM,TRUSTEIZ) T M.�Js-A PRIVATE ROAI'), Erl SPACC) L.I. t COmMERCIAL AREA) p rUMMOLATIVE SEW C,-q)RGE• FOR FARCF, SHALL BE LIMITED ISSC,T 415' ON t.INE FROM COFUIFFI$JN PRIVATE ROAD,� rQALLONS OF WATER N PARCCLC-1 15 Obf, WITHOUT FUR'TllEl 5EPTIC, SYSTCM 0 7� 6 C()NIjECYE:0TO A CENTaAL SYSTEIA DEFT. 'APPROVAL, CIO $ Z: X, P6A. AG. 0 t513 0-co 0 153 137, 195 9-F" 15, 'g PAR 'IT 0" 5 \N 4 4 ai I , k W L to PAR C .F_ L C-4 40 1.1576 A- C, 4 Z, 5,F) ul c� 'r I vi .L SS' ZZ Ir ,;,I pa..r B. 3 a ri. Y 67,48' 1 ' him 4 3- 0 57" Yi 32 9ill OREST DRIVE (,,lC(0' R/ W E,,� R LYSVILLE F HOWING PARCELS C-1,C-2,C•3,& G,--4 EXIII.DIT A , D llucilZill 11kil(C"AstR AND DIVISION OF PARCEL 0, TAX MAP 31B SHO\AIN ON A PLAT AT D.B.717',p.,341 COMMUNITY UEVELO?MENT1 Fax 4349724126 AP, 10 2007 07:52ao 1`001/004 .• ,,�.t,J.l.,l,i,l.l� �..�l�ta.� alt.��✓�r s,,�9,���_�.3JL►'� s. t�'Appi cant MUST HAVE the oC.C'.' lT,4.I'vC'Y infom ialion to apply for a Zoning Clem- aac,e: V1 Tac Map and Parcel or Address with urt.it number or floor if appropriate. 2) A *.Floor Plan - either a sketch, or an archite -aural drawing a) if using less than the entire structure, now the location within the structure; b) Note the total square footage of the use; c) Note the square footage of each room or area of use; di Note The use of each room or area of use. . No Vers "D shalt sell, offer for sale, store, display or. disebarge any fireworks in auy filling station. or oil any premises where oases }ire or other inflammable liquids are stored or dispensed. (Code 196711 -13.) County ,:ode Section 6 -200 and 6 -300 and must be a minimum of 100 ft from any gas pumps /propane distribution tsxnk. 2. The site shall be cleaned and re5toxed to its original condition on or before July I lth. This shall iorlude removal of all structures, i signs, de.bds, and the like. 3. A thi:-ty (30) foot froiit setback shall be may itained, Display shall be located so as to avoid mffic cougestion. Ivlociif7cati.ons subject to Zoning A awinistraior's approval. 4. Building penuits slxal.l be obtained for all p aposrd structuures aud/or lightha5. 5. sign pennits shall be obrasied for all proposed sip -age. i CHRlSTMAS I -REES; 1. ? b° outi%de storrtge of cornbustihle material or #3anunabl.e material, shall be located so a5 not to constitute a hazard aa`td droll not be I less than 15 feet from any bttildin.g on the site. Any open burring must cozrtpt',/ idt the Vzzg rata. Statewide dire Freverttaon Co d � the Albemarle County Code. z. -I lie site shall be cleaned snd restored to its or�giusal condition on ar before Januar Y z. This shall 3tzelude the rcirsoval of all structures, sss, debris, and the like. 3. A thirty (:,0) foot fron..t Setback shall be maintained, Display shall be located so as to avoid trek congestion. �lodif cat-ions subject to 7..on.ingAdministrator's approval. j 4. Bw1ding permits shall be obtained for all proposed structures and/or lighting. Sizes > erknits sha31 be obtained far all. pro osed s a e,. _______ _� __�, — ---- VLDO O /L' Co�-Ccf e-y\Lo--� /goo c��) � C� « ��occy--) iG A&-d ,6K Y'rjjr'V, `S t)R,c,� FUpd"0 19 0 41 . LY- 5paW A4U4`(- 9!,2,sft35 PaO 1 of