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CLE200700122 Legacy Document 2013-12-12
'Application for Zonin g Clearances ��RCINIP OFFICE USE ONLY ❑ Zoning Clearance = $35 CLE # - d ©-7 " PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SHEETS Check # Date: S-9 —67 Receipt # & 5y5 6 Staff- PARCEL INFORMATION Tax Map and Parcel: d J & () - yy ` y) ` J 12 Existing Zoning P l� S Parcel Owner: ry'1 0 R H C41 i C., Parcel Address: ��'�'" r City CA, ur bL,, State V - Zi132 z q (include suite - floor) APPLICANT INFORMATION Who should we call /write concerning this project. Address : C6,4,y,.a1-2i,i City State UCCA Zip Z29 L4 i Office Phone: �I Cell # Fax # E -mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRIMARY CONTACT Business Name /Type: Previous Business on this site: ;� v r\. 4 e-y' OS r—. Proposed use: S-e l [ &—a-707 -7-5--07 Circle (if applicable): (FirewoEkV / Christmas Tree SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IF THE CLEARANCE IS FOR FIREWORK OR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES (Sheet 1) *This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intensify or move the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby certify that I n or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accurate tc est of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and I understand them, and that 'I'will abide by them. Signature Printed (-A - - -- - -- PPRO - - - - - -- - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AV AL INFORMATION [ ] Approved as proposed [ Approved with conditions [ ] No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. site plan. [ ] I'Vhis site complies with the site plan as of this (mate. Therefore, it is not a determination of compliance with the existing 66 Building Official - Date Zoning Official ✓ /�'v�^' Date Other Official Date ----------------------------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 0 €/24 /200CI 434 e72 , AIB 1r� & � goo p app aa�� x r G�rung .0 earan �� O1H'F10E USE ONLY , ❑ Zoning Clearance = S35 CLE i� Z. Cg PLEASE REV7EW ALL 3 SHEETS Check-4 Date: S--4' —07 7 Receipt it (a 5 S 6 Staff- PARCEL INFORMATION TAX 1VIap and Parcel: �� �� J - C)c? W ' (� t -1 `� � Existing Zoning P 7 s Parcel Owner-. l+ 'rf'c4j i Parcel Address: �= �"'" " '' `1 - City U^ "r State . . ^._ - - - -- (include agate or floor) _ APPLICANTi ' ]W6Z1v1CA 6W_.__ - -------------------------- Who should we call/write concerning this project? Address : 4 (• C c:a.,r` i) �2C�i I rZ City S v.%., c. t— State l ye cl Zip Z Z 9 Ll Office Phone: `-t�q a� `1 l I Cell # a L` S-7 " E -mail - ------ --- ---- ------------ - - - -- ---------------------=---- ----- --------- - - - - -- ------ ------ - ------ P�:�M.A.RX CONTACT Business Naxme/Type: Previous Business on this site: cv 0-S V- -- Proposed ase• sir! k;��- 1�.� —�—Y'i -7-5-07 Circle (if applicablo): (FirewoSW I Christmas. Tite SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IF Tt[E CLEARANCE IS FOR F.M E'WORK OR CIUSTMAS TREE SALES (Sheet 1) *This Clearance will only be val -id on tho pexrel for which it is approved, If you change, intensify or move the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will bo rcquirod. I hereby ecrrify that Town or have the owner's permission to use the spaco indicated on, Phis application. I also certify that the ini'orm4oa provided is true and accurate to t ' st of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and I understand them, and that I will abide by zhern. si �a t printed + �,` f 0 d n - r - ----- ------ --- -- -- -- - - - - -- ------------ ----------- --------------------------------- ------ ----- .._......,...�__..._.. - - -= -. APPROVAL INFORMATION [ ] Approved as proposed L ] Approved with, cox.didons [ J No physical site ius'peetion has been done for this clearance. Therefore, -it is Aot a dcTetxtti:nation of complizace with the existing site plan. [ ] This site complies with the site plan as of this date. BuiXdipg Oftici,al Dante it If Zoning official Date - )dw Olficisl %? Date - ...__.._ ------- ------ - ------------------------ - - - ------- ._.._._..___---------- ___ ............. .--- ----------- County of Albemarle Department of Community Dipvc1opment 401 McIntire Road ChaLrlotteavville, VA 22902 Voice; (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 - 126 .° Y.