HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO201300082 Legacy Document 2014-01-07f oR OFFIC ), USL 0NLV I IU f! T IPec Amounl SZOD . D111c I'aidb `1-.6 lid aand? � i'1 1 `1.1_- I(cceipl fa. � Ckk r` .._ I)1' . -- ---__...._... A-pplicat'lon for Class A Borne Occupation Clearance I•I(n1c OCCU1)fltion Class A Clearance = ,$25.00 Hnnr(, Oec7w1)alion, Class A. An occupation, nos expressly pl'ohibil.ed by section 5.2. conducted R)r profit Within a dWclhIlg urli( Solely by one of_mol-C 111Cnlbcrs offlic fttnlily residing Within Che dwC)ling unit; proviclecl that nolhing herein prohibits the! occupation frons engaging other• permis who \w Ik off-SII.c iInCI (Io I)Ot CU111C lU (Ile CIWE Illllg LIII It lO ellgilgC in the occupation. Nsune of I3usincss:--__-•-- 'hype of Business: Tay tulip send par'ecl: %o11ing: (L� Conla3cl Person (Who should we call/wrlic concerninP this proiccl7):. am1 z —LL—I L-Ml`� -- Address I 11 _..QZ,b..��✓L�)� City Of al/�( L.---- Slate L%}— Zip c�Z`�c/ l I)lnrliinc Phone (.`�3`I)..-fir � '��YJ Fax fl (_)------E-mail Owner of Recor.d..-..._...... -. Address Uaytimc Phonc (....__) State Zip Fax # E-mail _.-_ .. _......_. This ca'li�icate. in conjunction With a business license, represents zoning approval to conduct the Class A 11orne Occupation identified abovC. Each home occupation is subject to the ('ollowing: PLEASE CHECK EACH BOX SO THAT IT IS CLEAR THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS CLEARANCE 2fI,OC::ATION & AREA ThC home occupation shall bC GOIALIGled Clltil'Cl)' With ill the clw(clling unit, pl-ovldod tl1 ll 11Ut I1101'C thall lVdCill)-f1VC (25) percent of the gross floor arca o('thc dwelling unit shall be used for the ]Ionic occupation and further provided I:hat the gross floor area used for the ]Ion1c. occupation shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1500) square fcct. )Section 5,2 (b) I)) 'ffdvSe- - 25-60 -P, IIZ G IT/ AG (E (5 4 ) 40— Z>V)-r 3�00�S'� E'EXTERIOIZ APPEARANCE There shall be no change in the exterior appearance of a dwelling unit or other visible evidence, of the conduct of a holllc: occupation, )Section 5,2 (c) I)) LJ SALES No home occupation shall sell goods to a customer «rho conies to the site except for goods that al•e hand-crafted on- site and goods sold that are directly related to a beauty shop ora one -chair barber shop home occupation. )section 5.2 ((1)1 Count), of Albemarle Department of,-Communit}r Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, )rA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5532 Fay:: (434) 972-4126 f L,Q Ti2Al� 1<IC 'file traffic generated by a home occupation shall not exceed the volume that would normally be expected by a dwelling unit in a residential neighborhood, jSectiou 5.2 (e)] I YPARIGN G All vehicles LlSed In a 1101110 occupation and all vellleleS Of CUstomel'S, clients or students shall be parked on-site. )Section 5,2 (1)J I'rRFURMANCr STANDARDS The holm; occupation shall comply N,Itll the perfnrnlancc standards in section 4,14. )Section 5,2A (k)) Docs the use involve proeedUres5 machinery or ChemiC21S that ►nal' cause the following? NUISr VIBRATI ON GLARI, HEAT AIR POLLUTION VNATER POLLU'T'ION RADIOACM/rTY LLIi;CTRICAL DISTURBANCI, NUN -DOMESTIC WASTE' DISCHARGED TO A SEPTIC FIELD OR SEWER If' }'LS, then applicable standards must be addressed with a Certified Engineer's Report (available from staff), D I>ROI11131TED USES The following uses are expressly prohibited as honk occupations (1) tourist lodging; (2) nursing homes; (3) nursery schools; (4) cla), care centers; and (5) private schools. )Section 5.2 (h)) M'AIV1,1ZS AND MODIFICA'T'IONS; The above standards are, eligible far waiver or modification by the Planning Commission, Ask staff for more information about applicable fees and process. )Section 35 and Section 5.11 0wnez-/Applicant Alust Read rind Sign I hereby apply for approval to conduct Clic Home Occupation identified above, and certify that this address is my legal residence, Iso certify that 1 have read the restrictions on Home Occupations, that I understand them, and that I will a -bide by them. - gnat of Uwne / pplicant Dale 'Tint Nam Daytime 1)110110 1111111be1' 7— U'f SlgilatUl'y 1G� – l Zevi �� r Date ?NGINEEWS REPORT' AT'I'AC1I);D; y S N0 "ONDITIONS; 211/2011 Page2or2