HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201300015 Plan - Other (not approved)REZONING APPLICATION PLAN FOR NORTHfIELD GREEN TAX MAP G I, PARCEL 1 2 G RIO DISTINCT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 5EFTEM15EK I G, 2013 (revised 1 2/02/ 1 3) VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=1,000' W EST ?A0REt ANjh W DOD BR❑OK Alerrtar Ie ` �' care SITE : •�' Sfiopping Center RAtiINTFIFF P. ' Pull Pu 11 Fun CtNtr NG TWFIELDIN GL 'ID�D STATION �u, R14 Tl�TIOl,I CL +i F CL C3 l } r4�'r PREPARED BY: SKIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. 201 E MAIN ST, SUITE M CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 SHEET INDEX Cl COVER 5HEET C2 - REGIONAL CONTEXT MAP* PARCEL OVERVIEW C3 - EX15TING CONDITIONS C4 - GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN C5 - CODE OF DEVELOPMENT C6 - CONCEPTUAL GRADING * UTILITY PLAN C7 - 51TE SECTIONS ATTACHMENT A - ILLUSTRATIVE PLAN PROPERTY INFORMATION OWNER: WARREN T. MICHAEL, JARRETT MICHAEL, 5TEPHEN5 * VICTORIA VAN DER AU MICHAEL 41 5 5TEAMB0AT RD IRVINGTON, VA 22480 DEVELOPER/ CONTRACT PUP.CHASEK RED DIRT DEVELOPMENT, LLC P.O. BOX G45 CHARLOTTE5VILLE, VA 22902 LEGAL REFERENCE: DE, 12G PG GG I TAX MAP G I PARCEL 12G (2.G3 ACKE5 TOTAL) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: RIO BASE INFORMATION 50URCE OF BOUNDARY SURVEY: COMPILED BY PLATS OF RECORD 50URCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: 4' CONTOUR5 FROM ALBEMARLE COUNTY GI5 13ENCHMARK(5): NAVD88 WATER 50URCE: ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY SEWER SERVICE: ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY THI5 PROPERTY 15 ZONED: R2 - RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION PLAN NOTES I . THIS APPLICATION PLAN PROPOSES A CHANGE IN LAND USE FROM R -2 (RESIDENTIAL) TO NMD (NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL D15TRICT) TO ALLOW A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR TH15 SITE. 2. THI5 51TE LIE5 WITHIN THE UPPER P.IVANNA RIVER WATER5HED. 3. REFER TO CODE OF DEVELOPMENT ON 5HEET 5 FOR PROJECT DE5CRIPTION w U) ry w 0 U 1 OF 7 mull ' N M Ad 4 'f5 AWj�� W4 { f REGIONAL CONTEXT MAP - PLACES 29 MASTER PLAN SCALE: I"= 1 ,000' T LowC N I J, 00 o . o m oLo �I �FO,NGro� cN \ , ' TMP 46A1 TMP 46A1- 1 —B -37 — 1 —B -36 Dawn T. Burris Edwin W. DB 1883 PG 454 Reynolds Jr. Zoned: R2 S. E. Dale Use: SF Res. DB 1481 PG 6 Zoned: R2 I Use: SF Res. TMP 46A� ` ♦\ / 1— B -35\\ / Gary R. or \ Judith A. Moody, or DB 3552 PG 689 Zoned: R2 / 21 Use: SF Res. TMP 61 -126 Warren T. Michael Jarrett Michael, Stephens & Victoria Von Der Au Michael W13 126 PC 661 Zoned: R2 Use: Vacant Land TMP 46A1 -177 Fieldbrook Homeowners Assoc, Inc. I DB 973 PG 675 Zoned: R2 Use: Open Space TMP 46A2 -07 —F--- Raintree of Albemarle Homeowner's Assoc. Inc. & Republic Homes Investment Corp. DB 1158 PG 652 Zoned: R2 Use: Open Space TMP 46A2 -9 -114 Grant M. or Donna H. Webster I DB 1478 PG 358 Zoned: R2 Use: SF Res. PARCEL OVERVIEW Q W z O U Q z O I W U �� 80 0 80 160 240 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ SCALE: 1 ;0 � I \ \ \ � I l it I I ' \ I, \ I I I � I � � I I i I I I I 1 ' I I - I I I V A \ I \ � I 4 ' 0 ,SC E: 1 " =40' / / / / /' 120 U) z O 0 z O U CD z U) X w 3 OF 7 - - I o0 U-) cj� I O O O L : o -Co--CL- - I II II _70 O Lo � I I � I � I \ \ \ � I l it I I ' \ I, \ I I I � I � � I I i I I I I 1 ' I I - I I I V A \ I \ � I 4 ' 0 ,SC E: 1 " =40' / / / / /' 120 U) z O 0 z O U CD z U) X w 3 OF 7 DEVELOPMENT BLOCK SUMMARY U5E ACREAGE PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SITE MINIMUM MAXIMUM MAX. BLOCK PERMITTED BLOCK 1 43.3 ALLOWED 2 G3 100.0% 1-2 30' BLOCK ACREAGE 10' -22' DWELLING DWELLING GR055 DENSITY PE51DENTIAL BLOCK 3 'o' U5E a' (DETACHED) 20' I -9 30' UNITS UNITS DU/ARCE HOUSING BLOCK I 0.69 PE51DENTIAL 5 UNIT5 7 UNITS 10. 1 5F ATTACHED 5F DETACHED BLOCK 2 0.23 RESIDENTIAL I UNITS 3 UNIT5 13.0 5F ATTACHED 5F DETACHED BLOCK 3 0.57 RESIDENTIAL 4 UNIT5 G UNITS 10.5 5F ATTACHED SF DETACHED NO NO BLOCK 4 4 OPEN SPACE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL N/A NO RESIDENTIAL (A -a B) U5E5 U5E5 U5E5 PERMITTED PERMITTED PERMITTED TOTAL 2.G3 10 MINIMUM 13 MAXIMUM* 4.9 UNITS /ACRE ** RESTRICTIONS /REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH STANDARDS ABOVE: REFER TO CODE OF DEVELOPMENT ON SHEET 5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON PERMITTED U5E5. 'IN ORDER TO REMAIN BELOW THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE RE51DENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DENSITY (13) FOR THE ENTIRE SITE, INDIVIDUAL BLOCK MAXIMUM DENSITIES MAY NOT ALL BE ACHIEVED, FOR INSTANCE, IF 10 RESIDENTIAL UNIT5 ARE BUILT IN BLOCKS I AND 2, THEN A MAXIMUM OF ONLY 3 UNIT5 MAY BE BUILT IN BLOCK 3 (THU5 PROVIDING A MAXIMUM 51TE TOTAL OF 13 UNIT5). " MAXIMUM GKO55 RESIDENTIAL DENSITY FOR 15LOCK5 1 -4 = 13/2.63 - 4.9 UNIT5 PER ACRE. LAND USE SUMMARY U5E ACREAGE PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SITE RESIDENTIAL 1.49 5G.7 OPEN SPACE BLOCK 1 43.3 TOTAL 2 G3 100.0% LOT/ PARKING / BUILDING REGULATIONS BLOCK MIN LOT WIDTH FRONT BUILD -TO -LINES SIDE BUILDING SETBACK REAR BUILDING SETBACK MIN /MAX STORIES MAX BLDG HEIGHT BLOCK 1 40' 10' -22' 8' (DETACHED) 20' 1-2 30' BLOCK 2 40' 10' -22' 8' (DETACHED) 20' 1-2 30' BLOCK 3 'o' 10' -22' a' (DETACHED) 20' I -9 30' PARKING: I . THE MINIMUM OFF - STREET PARKING FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL U5E5 5HALL BE 2 SPACES PER UNIT. GARAGE SPACES MAY COUNT TOWARDS THI5 OFF - STREET PARKING REQUIREMENT. ALL GARAGE DOOR5 SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 16 FEET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE (BACK OF SIDEWALK) TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL GUE5T PARKING SPACES. IN ADDITION, A MINIMUM OF FIVE (5) ADDITIONAL ON- STREET GUEST PARKING SPACES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN A LOCATION 51MILAP TO THAT SHOWN IN THE BLOCK PLAN ABOVE. RECREATION: I . BLOCK 4A 5HALL CONTAIN A COMMUNITY LAWN AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 10,000 5QUARE FEET A5 5HOWN ON THE BLOCK PLAN AND A COMMUNITY GARDEN AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 2,000 SQUARE FEET A5 5HOWN ON THE BLOCK PLAN. LANDSCAPE BUFFERS AND SCREENING: I . APPROXIMATELY 8,500 SQUARE FEET OF AREA IN BLOCK 4A 5HALL BE LAND5CAPED A5 AN ORNAMENTAL BUFFER ALONG OLD BROOK ROAD. 2. A MINIMUM G. VEGETATIVE SCREENING BUFFER 5HALL BE PROVIDED ALONG THE ENTIRE 5HARED PROPERTY UNE5 OF THE THREE ADJOINING PARCEL5 IN BLOCKS 2 AND 3. TREE PRESERVATION: I . APPROXIMATELY 6,500 SQUARE FEET OF AREA IN BLOCK 415 5HALL BE PRESERVED IN A TREE CONSERVATION AREA. 51GNAGE AND ARCHITECTURE: I . ALLOWED MONUMENT SIGN LOCATIONS ARE PROVIDED IN THE BLOCK PLAN. 5EE CODE OF DEVELOPMENT ON SHEETS 5 FOR 51GNAGE AND ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES. U-) cj� Q' - U O Q O M 70 O AREA USE LEGEND: z Q J z w I..L O J \W W J LL W z W CD BLOCK LIMITS COMMUNITY LAWN COMMUNITY GARDENS COMMUNITY PARKING / EMERGENCY ACCESS (PERVIOUS PAVING) LAND5CAPE BUFFER 60 0 60 120 180 ® LAND5CAPE SCREENING SCALE: 1 " =60' TREE CONSERVATION AREA 4 OF 7 Northfield Green CODE OF DEVELOPMENT Table of Contents I. General Project Information Sheets 1,2,3 II. General Development Plan Sheet 4 III. Block Plan Sheet 4 IV. Land Use Summary Sheet 4 V. Lot and Building Regulations Sheet 4 VI. Development Narrative Sheet 5 VII. Block Characteristics Sheet 5 VIII. Green Spaces and Amenities Sheet 5 IX. Existing Features to be Preserved Sheet 5 X. Architectural and Landscape Standards Sheet 5 XI. Road Sections and Details Sheet 8 VI. Development Narrative: The Northfield Green property is 2.63 acres, located in Neighborhood 2 on the east side of Old Brook Road approximately 7/10 mile north of the intersection with Rio Road. This site is designated as Neighborhood Density in the Places 29 comprehensive Land Use Map, which recommends 3 -6 units per acre of residential density. In addition, the Comprehensive Plan recommends that "New developments adjacent to existing subdivisions or developments shall be developed at higher densities and a form in keeping with the Neighborhood Model to support infill development efforts. The Northfield Green property lies between The Fieldbrook and Raintree neighborhoods, both R2 Residential zoning districts. Typical slopes on the site are 5 -10% with approximately 7,900 square feet of man -made critical slopes located adjacent to Old Brook Road. There are no identifiable wetlands, streams, or critical resources on the site. Approximately 50% of the site is wooded with 12 -18" diameter mixed hardwoods. An existing house was demolished several years ago and the existing driveway and some trees interior to the site will be removed with redevelopment of the site. The focal point of the development plan is a community lawn and gardens, surrounded by a maximum of 13 new detached and attached homes. The homes will be set back a minimum of 35' from the Old Brook right -of -way and the elevation from Old Brook Road will closely match existing homes in Fieldbrook and Raintree subdivisions. Additionally, a landscaping buffer is provided along Old Brook Road and screening buffers are provided along three shared property lines with adjoining neighbors in Fieldbrook and Raintree. A one -way private road will provided access and street frontage to all lots within the development. The road shall be designed to provide adequate fire and emergency vehicle access and guest parking spaces shall be provided along the private road. Stormwater management facilities will be provided on site. Final designs for stormwater management will be based on engineering evaluation of soils. Existing sanitary sewer and water connections are available to the site via public right of ways. The Community Lawn and Gardens provide amenities for the development and Block 46 provides an area of approximately 6,500 square feet of tree preservation. A sidewalk and street trees surround the private road and community lawn area and a crosswalk will connect the sidewalk to the existing sidewalk on the west side of Old Brook Road. No sidewalk is provided along the east side of Old Brook Road. Landscaping shall consist of large shade trees lining the outside of the proposed street and sidewalk. Shade trees, interspersed with ornamental trees, shrubs, grasses, and groundcover will be planted along Old Brook Road in the landscaped buffer. All parking areas will be screened both to protect views from Old Brook Road as well as neighboring residences. Along the northern property line of Block 1 and the southern property line of Block 3, a combination of mixed evergreen trees and shrubs will also be planted to enhance the existing trees and screening of the adjacent property. Block 3 will incorporate a berm of 4'- 6' height with plantings on top of the berm. VII. Block Characteristics: Block 1 Block 1 shall consist of 1 -3 story residential buildings (attached and /or detached) that front on Internal "Road A ". Parking may be located to the front of the buildings however, a minimum of 18 feet depth shall be provided for any parking spaces located behind the sidewalk. Street trees will be required on the private lots behind the sidewalk, which is located in the open space Block 4A. A vegetative screening buffer (minimum 6' width) shall be provided adjacent to three adjoining residences sharing the northern boundary of Block 1. Block 2 Block 2 shall consist of 1 -3 story residential buildings (attached and /or detached) that front on Internal "Road A ". Parking may be located to the front of the buildings however, a minimum of 18 feet depth shall be provided for any parking spaces located behind the sidewalk. Street trees will be required on the private lots behind the sidewalk, which is located in the open space Block 4A. It is anticipated that homes in Block 2 will have walk out basements at the rear of the units. Block 3 Block 3 shall consist of 1 -3 story residential buildings (attached and /or detached) that front on Internal "Road A ". Parking may be located to the front of the buildings however, a minimum of 18 feet depth shall be provided for any parking spaces located behind the sidewalk. Street trees will be required on the private lots behind the sidewalk, which is located in the open space Block 4A. A vegetative screening buffer (minimum 6' width) shall be provided adjacent to the adjoining residence sharing the southern boundary of Block 3. Block 4A Block 4A shall consist of a one -way private road and sidewalk loop surrounding a Community Lawn and Garden area. a guest parking area shall be provided in Block 4A and a landscaping buffer shall be provided along the frontage of Old Brook Road. Block 4113 Block 4B shall consist of approximately 6,500 square feet of tree preservation area, which will provide additional Open Space adjacent to the existing Open Space parcels located in the Fieldbrook and Raintree subdivisions. VIII. Green Space and Amenities: The neighborhood includes 1.14 acres (43 %) of open space for stormwater management areas, community gardens, recreation, and landscape buffers. In addition, Block 4B provides an area for tree preservation and mitigation. IX. Existing Features to be Preserved: Sheet C4 of the Application Plan provides an area for tree preservation in the Open Space Block 4B. X. Stormwater Manaqement: Onsite stormwater management will be provided in accordance with Chapter 17 of the Ordinance and applicable State and Federal regulations. Runoff from all impervious surfaces shall be directed to the onsite stormwater management and will discharge to one storm sewer in Old Brook Road. Architectural and Landscape Standards: Form, Massing, and Proportion of structures Building facades facing a street shall not extend for more than 30 feet without a change in plane. The minimum change in plane shall be 2 feet and the cumulative total length of the change in plane shall extend for no less than 20% of the length of the building fagade. Buildings on the west end of blocks 1 and 3 shall have front elevations and /or entrances that address Old Brook Road. This could be achieved with bay windows, porch roofs, clearstory windows, or other similar architectural detail. Garage doors in Blocks 1 and 3 shall not face Old Brook Road. Garages will be set back from face of porches within Blocks 1,2, and 3 to minimize the appearance of garage doors along the street fronts. Permitted Architectural Styles: To encourage flexibility and diversity of architecture, no restrictions on architectural style are specified in this code of development. Architectural designs shall be reviewed by a architecture subcommittee of the neighborhood association for approval. Initially, the developer /owner will fulfill the role of the neighborhood association. Permitted Building Materials: • Exposed foundations shall be finished in stone, brick or stucco, • Vinyl siding shall not be permitted. • Masonry, wood, and composites of wood are permitted on facades, • Roofs shall be architectural dimensional shingles, tile, or metal, Colors and Facade Treatment: • All exterior wood finishes (except flooring) shall be painted, • Windows shall be proportional to the building massing, • Buildings with siding shall have trim boards (minimum 5/4 x 4 width) • Visibly discernible stories shall be achieved through the use of windows and /or building entries on each story, using varied building materials, special ground -floor design treatments, and other fagade elements or other architectural details. Roof Pitch and Design: • Dormers shall match main roof in style and pitch • Minimum roof pitch shall be 4:12, except for flat roof sections. • For Blocks 1, 2, and 3: Dormers shall be incorporated into building design of attached housing. Front entrances shall be covered and entrance roof designs shall vary. Garage doors should have decorative trim and be screened with landscaping. Architectural Review Committee: The neighborhood Architectural Review Committee shall approve detailed architectural standards based on the Code of Development prior to building permit application to Albemarle County. Prior to the recordation of the covenants and restrictions for the neighborhood, they shall be submitted to the Director of Planning for review to ensure compliance with the Code of Development. The developer shall establish the neighborhood Architectural Review Committee prior to the issuance of the first building permit in order to enforce the Code of Development's architectural and landscape standards set forth herein. A certificate of approval from the neighborhood Architectural Review Committee must be approved prior to the commencement of construction. Landscape Treatment: For all street tree and parking lot landscaping refer to Section 32 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance and specific design elements as shown on sheet C6. Table of Uses by Block Block Residential Uses 1 2 3 4 Detached Single - Family P P P Attached Single - Family P P P Townhouse Multi - Family Boarding Houses SP SP SP Homes for Developmentally Disabled P P P Tourist Lodging Residential Accessory Uses Accessory Apartment P P P Accessory Buildings and Uses including Storage Buildings P P P Block Community Uses 1 2 3 4 Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities, excluding tower structures, owned and operated by a public utility P P P P Public Uses and Buildings SP SP SP Stormwater Management Facilities P P P P Block Miscellaneous Uses 1 2 3 4 Home Occupation, Class A P P P Home Occupation, Class B SP SP SP Temporary Construction Uses P P P P Tier I and Tier II personal wireless service facility P P P P Z CLU G O J \LU LU 0 LL O LU 0 O 0 5 OF 7 / / / / / /" - /- -) i / , -i (L/ I / I,- -- Lu Lu ISTING RG-p- _ _ -_ _ bRM SEWER - / PRO SEID,POST D VELOPME\NT / INAGE DIVIDE I I ~ w 504 I I ' �T�SA/NITp,R WER AT`v / \ HEAKT�tG40 SANE / / I l i 06 PERVIOUS SLOPE FOR WALKOUT /� ` ' � 504 � I ` FOR EMERGENCY 0 P VEMENT FOR B�SEMENTS. AFL I \ ACCESS\ z ERGENCY ACCESS I ROOFDRAINS SHALL / U l IE INTO CMP / C 03 + + I dETENTION SYSTEM. ( I J Ln Cc - - 49.5' RAD I 00--o - - - - (OUTSIDE CURB) LLLLLL LLLLLL LLL L L LLLLLL LLLLLL LLL- .. I L L \ \\ l LL yny.1� _ —__ Lam_ • I l W— OW L` W W— W W— W W— W— W- ® L — W I PERVIOUS 1 i W \ I JJJJJJ�I�J \ I I LL O \ I O IJJJJ LL ` I JJJJ PAVEMNT FOR \ U I L .•I GUEST PARKING z jjj- L NEW " SAN. SEW ER I I O NEW CMP DETENTION AND I I JJIJ - JJJ / I I U - INFILTRATION SYSTEM JJ i O J JJJJJ J JJJJJC JJ z, � JlCJJ I - ----------- - - - - -L -- - -= _ I I °S S _ I + L � I �.. LL ' I MOUNTABLE CURB FOR I / \� EMERGENCY ACCESS 4'- G'HIGH - \ I GRADED BERM 0 4 `v 80 / 120 SCALE: 1 " =40' 6 OF 7 5.0' I DESIGNED FOR FIRE AND GARDEN AREA PAVEMENT MOUNTABLE CURB, BUILDING 14.0' TRUCK LOADING 70.0' CG -3 STD. 14.0' 5 SET BACK SIDEWALK TRAVEL T- TRAVEL 51DEWAL BUILDING I LANE LANE I SETBACK -7r I 0.01 �L 1 10' PRIVATE RIGHT -OF -WAY 1 O.0 ROAD A CROSS SECTION DETAIL SCALE: I"= 10' U) z O U W U) w W ry U) 7OF7