HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201300157 Legacy Document 2014-04-21 (3)i� rs 17 5 41 LN V s tS lf� J Y U a J J r C3 H 2 J W C� a z C� IV W C E F D- Series Size 2 cata'o° DSXW2 LED 30 1000 50K T2M Number MUDLT DDBXD LED Wall Luminaire 11 `11 Type �. GESIGNl16HTS ,I.I figtilirig r� se rorasnariuM `I far" a+nr Introduction d "series The D- Series Wall iuminaire is a stylish, fully integrated LED solution for building -mount Specifications applications- it features a sleek, modern design L min it u a 4: Back Bax BBW l i and is carefully engineered to provide long- lasting, width: 18 -1/2" Weight: 21 ibs Width: 5.1/2" SBW 1 lbs energy- efficient lighting with a variety of optical €47.0 cm] 19.5 kql ri4.o cml Welght: (rm kc) Depth: 10" p43pth: 1 -112" and control options for customized performance. (25.4 cm) (3.8 cm] With an expected service life of over 20 years of Height: 7P518' Height: (102c4�1 nighttime use and up to 76% in energy savings D W _ Far 314 NPT, p over comparable 400W metal halide luminaires, side -an°y the D- Series Wall is a reliable, low - maintenance a ° o I conduit II H H lighting solution that produces sites that are exceptionally illuminated. W • • ' EXAMPLE: DSXW2 LED 30C 700 40K T311M MVOI_T DDBTXD DSM LED OSXW) IFD Lil 20( )D LEDs (wenglnes) 30( 30 LEDs (three engines) Drive current 350 350 mA 530 530nA 700 700 mA 1000 1000 mA (1 Ai Celdrtemperature NK NOOK 40K 4000[ soil S000X T2S type II Sion TA Type II Medium 735 type III Shore 13M Type III Medium TAM Type IV Medium TFTM FowardThrovA Medium MVOLT I In n 2061 240' 2771 347' 480' Shipped included (blank) Surface mounfing bracket Shippedwperalelyl BOW surface- mounted Lack but (forconduif entry) NDTES 1 MVOLT driver operate] on any line voltage from 120 -277V (50160 H2), Specify 120, 208, 240 or 277 options only when ordering iAth fusing (Sr DF options), or pfiotacontrd (PE optionl. 2 Available with 30 LEWIDUmA options only (DSRW2 LLU 30C 700)- 3 AEsn a„ hH. ae ­p­" acre N. son Arressar:os �ninrmatirn 4 Photocontrol M requires 120, 206, MID or 277 voltage option. 5 Specifies a ROAM® enabled lurnmaina with 0•IOV dimming capabilit); PER option required. Not available with 347 or 4801! Additional hardware and servrces required for ROAM® deployment must be purehased separately. Call 1. 800 - 442.6745 er smail: sal..- mservices.net. G SP-4- the Sensor Svntch S(3 - &ODP cantfol; see Motion Sensor G-1- for details. Dimming driver sundard. 7 Site fuse f5F) requires 120, 277 or 347 voltage cptiw. Double fuse (DR requires 208, 240 or 010 Site option. 8 Requires lomehaire m he spaciied with PFR option, Ordered and shipped as a separate line item Shipped installed PE f hotaeiecttl[ cell, SF button type' PER HEMAtwist -lock wSrgarnda( omy roc Uleonly(no DHAXD mntlolsl DMG 0-10V dimming driver I,p*6nidn fro controls) DCR Dimmableandcon- DWHXD trullublevid ROAM"' h5 (no controls) I PIRH 180 °motion sensor, MATTE SILVER S 5 -30' mlg ht ° Shippedinitafied DDRXD Darkhmn7e SF Si fuse DBLXD Black wSrgarnda( omy (120,277,347V)r DHAXD Natural DF Doublef tie I,p*6nidn aluminum 70W CERAMIC MH D/E 70W CERAMIC MH D/E 70W CERAMIC MH D/E (208,740,480V)i DWHXD White h5 H9use -side D5581) Sancisrone MATTE SILVER shield; DDBTXD Textureddark r. 1111 ®ll�nnl © bmnm Shipped separately DRLBXD Textured black BSW Bird - deterrent DNATXD Texturednatuml . Spikes' ®�onom�000 . aluminum WG Wlleguard` DWHGXO Wuredwill VG Vandal guard D55TXD iexlursf . Sardstone Accessories Cnir�d and sapped.epararaJy. WINN1S111Ed PhiWAl- SSLtw9- Wl20-277V)' PEN217NMIU 90AM•aasep77s1)r sru shaningiapr DAi1ND4 ftme•lidr Wild lone perI* engine) hawml] Aidde -it pOH u%W2WGD wSrgarnda( omy DUW2VGU uanealgwre ackerary OS1w288W Padihaa aumo y DDMO I,p*6nidn f. L/rieifONIA one Lithonia Way • Conyers. Georgia 30012 • Phone: 600.279.8041 Fax: 770.918.1209 • www.Ilthonia.corn LIGHTING 0 2012 -2013 acuity Beands Ughting, Inc A1I rights reserved. 6.36 "y t �18.5•� 67• 335' L2.76•� 11.8" Niahtvision 70 W. wall washer, with mountina bracket Part number Color Lamp Lampholder Weight Beam angle y yellow Color filter, internally fitted 1270153000 blue CO -180 C90 -270 NW13-9 -1-5 -13- 78.0- C -S -00 TEXT. BLACK 70W CERAMIC MH D/E 70W CERAMIC MH D/E 70W CERAMIC MH D/E Rx7S Rx7S Rx7S 9.25lbs 9.2511as 9.251bs 10° 102° NWB- 9- L5- B- EW- O- C -S -00 EURO WHITE NW13-9- 1-5- B- 10- 0- C -S -00 MATTE SILVER Niahtvision 150 W. wall washer. with mountina bracket Part number Color Lamp Lampholder Weight Beam angle y yellow Color filter, internally fitted 1270153000 blue C0 -180 C90 -270 4WB- 9- 1.11- B- 78- 0- S -S -00 1WB- 9- U1- B- EW- O- S -S -00 TEXT. BLACK EURO WHITE 15OW CERAMIC MH D/E 15OW CERAMIC MH D/E 150W CERAMIC MH D/E Rx7S Rx7S Rx7S 8.75lbs 8.75lbs 8.75lbs 10° 102° VWB- 9- 1.11- 13- 10- 0- S -S -00 MATTE SILVER THE 150W VERSION USES A REMOTE MAGNETIC 120/277V BALLAST NOTE: The first "S" is for 150W. The ballast for the NVN and NVM can be mounted up to 50' away from the fixture. The ballast for the NVVW and NVA can be mounted up to 10' feet away only. Remote ballast is "F" can ballast with junction box. Accessories Drlhp 4 Part number Color Description 1270151 000 yellow Color filter, internally fitted 1270153000 blue 127 0 157 000 red 1270158000 green co"Co LE Nightvision NVB wall washer with mounting bracket die cast low copper alloy aluminum body CSA listed wet label IP65 powder polyester finish tempered glass lens high purity aluminum reflector integral electronic ballast for 70W remote magnetic ballast for 150W stainless steel hardware can be mounted with bracket feet in or out supplied with 4 feet SJOW cord CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA OCTOBER 8, 2013 REVISION ONE: 11/7/2013 EN F 3C0 , o0 1T1� ,0 20 3^77 L. H :/ L Lumen Output Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Lumen whit; am fiom photometric test perlarrned in accardnnce with IESNA LM 74 D8. DaYa Is wnsidemd to 6e repr�.cYrt�[ive tlsP rhPSP larinrs to dnTrrmmF' rrlarivP Inmrn antpur fnr avPragr art,hiPnt rPmpr:rarurr_t of the configurations shown, wthin the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. Actual performance may differ as a result of end- fmm 0.40'C (32- 104'R. user erwincnlneat and application. Contact factory for performance data on any configurations not shown here. LEDs C Drlhp 4 41A S SDI[ 1111ell ® ®nlonl�I ® ®nlnn� ®�nnnn ® ®non r r. 1111 ®ll�nnl © ©110111�nn© . ®�onom�000 . . IIII ®Il�nnnnll�nnn� 1111 © ® ®Inlonnll�nn © ©o I ®l�lnnnml�nion ' ' ®mnnl © ©ll�>�nn © ©� ■Ir�le�ioetr;iQt�ll�nn © ©iwl INN ®� © ©nnnlmnnn n nnnam 0'C 3! "F 1.07 10°C SD °F 1.01 20-L tits "h 1.00 25 °C 77 °F 1.00 30 °( 86°F 7.00 40 °C 104 °F 0.98 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data references the extrapolated performance pmjectJmas fa the DSXW2 LED 30C 1000 pplatform in a 25^C amdlerlt, based on 10,000 hours of LED testing {tested per IESNA LM- 89-08and projected per fESNA TM- 21 -11), To rakadrte LLF use the lumen maintenance factor that cotrarponds le the desired nvml7er of operating lows below, For other lumen maimelance values, contact factory. 0 25,000 Sol 100,000 1.0 0.95 0.92 D.87 Electrical Load 170 208 241 277 347 430 350 25 W 0.23 0.13 D.12 0.10 - - 2DC 530 36W 0.13 a.19 0.17 0.14 - - 70c 47W D.44 CIS 0.22 0,19 - - 1000 77 W 0.68 0.39 0.74 0 -29 - - ISO 16W 0.33 0.19 0.17 0.14 - - 30C 530 s4 w 050 0.20 015 0.22 - no 71w 0.66 0.38 0.33 028 023 IL16 * To sec comptow photometric report- or download .la- filos for this product, visit Lithonia Lighting: D Seric-, Wa11 Size 2 homepago. Isofooteandle plots for the DSXVl F2 LED 30C 1 O 4CK. Distances are in units of mounting height (25'). Distribution overlay mmparrson to 40C %N metal hatide. LEGEND A 0 2 1 6 1 ] s s _ a 2 1 a 1 x f A 5 a a x 1 0 1 x s a 3 LEGEND . .1.._i. } d i ■ 0.5fc s 2 y, 2 ■ TWF2, 1.O E 0.5 k r t k o e e 1a W Sidewalk " uor: rnF2 =o72 s - s Ds D.95 rwFr- asxw:: a 3 a � a � esew 107th e a T34 Y 77he g N 17s DSXw2 LED 30C 40K 1000 T2M, a' yy ; I W { l F_ TWF2400M Pope, 25' M-Inq Fit I _1_1L tII143?FiJ 5.11AW;I111.10�? INTENDED USE The energy ii wing long life and e2sy- to- irhsta0 design of the D- Series Wall Size 2 make Ktfie smart cl eke far building- mounted doorway and pa0,o ay illumination for nearly arty facility. CGNSTRLC:AON Iwo•pluw ulm -wA oiurninwr hvv iriq Ids iotugr d1 hoot sirik fin* to vyrur nice therrrml rnonog -writ through conductive and convective cooling. Modular design allovn for ease of maintenance. The LED driver a mounted to the door to thermally isolate R from the lirot engineS for low operating temperat- and Jong life- Homing is mmpleiely sealed against moisture and nmiranmerrtal contaminants, FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a zinc- infused Super Durabla TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly oamrotled muhi -stage process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peel ing. Available in textured and non - textured in ishes. OPTICS Precision- molded proprietary a )rlic lenses provide multiple photometric d4tn'hutians tailored specifcal ly to building mourned applications. Light engines are available in 30ODK (W min C-RI), 40ODK Vo min. 011) or MK (65 min. CRD configurations. ELECTRICAL I fight nnginats) rnnsia of 10 high�fnrary 1 F mni mbrd Tn a metal- ri-4I ani to maximise heat dissipation and promat , Ieag life (UP/700,000 kris at 25eC). Crass 1 el- tranic d rimers liars o Pc ur lo�tvr >90%, THD :20%, and en vApvV vd fife of 109,= hw- Svye protection device meets a minimum Category C Low [per ANSI IEEE C62.41.2). INSTALLKnON Included universal mounting bracket attaches securely to any 4" round or square outlet box for quick and easy installation. Luminaire has a slatted gasket virerway and attaches to the mvuntinei bracket via corrosion - resistant ecrevra. LISTINGS CSA certified to U.S, and Canadian stands rds. Rated for 40"G minimum ambient. WARRANTY Five year limited wamonty. Full warranty terms located at www.aW tybrandscond CustomerResnurcem Tenns„an,f_cond4tl ores. a spx. Will Specifications subject w change without notice. 01A L /rhFd7Y 1A One Lithonia Way •Conyers Georgia 30012 •Phone: fDp0.279.8P41 Fax. 770.978.1209 • wwvr.fithcnia,00m DSXW2 -LED LIaGHrIN�'. 7017 -2[117 An]iry Brands l ightins7. Inc All nphm has d Rev. 3/4(13 LIGHT TO BE POINTED DOWN (NOT UP) AND THE FIXTURE IS TO BE MOUNTED IN THE HORIZONTAL POSITION. M r N P Home Company Product Data Training Distributors Sales Sustainability Contact LM f iA PROVIDES SAi='EI.TY AND SrECf4,.1R #..1. 'tr fib GC3Mfv UM f Y R 1S'P0NS)idfF_' DFs ' ,'N',; WITH NL1��d$`4I•"T1rrt,_,19�E!!' 4'R'I �$Off.'s''"' i°�4y ;r�t-��';�';tga�t� ;M CI„.A&SI�"I�. A' IOi'V.s,1 I'CENDLY Increased emphasis on oontrofffng stray light in outdoor applications is sending designers and communities in search or new lighting toils. With full cutoff luminaires equipped with application specific optical systems, Lithonia Lighting can help you put the right amount of light in the right place. Lithonia Lighting uses Nighttime Friendly- to identify products that reduce negative impacts on the nighttime environment. Products designated with the Nighttime Friendly logo have no uptight, meet the tESNA definition for full cutoff optics and reduce high angle brightness. These measures of luminaire performance are consistent with sustainabihty standards for light pollulion reduction. e s rtn!a• AREA WALL MOUNTED CUTOFF TRESPASS ISSUES REFERENCES LUMINAIRES CLASSIFICATIONS Our arand• Cuetemer S-1m ii-vi[!Jf Brarxts Lithonia Lighting • American Electric Lighting • Arnique Street Lamps • Carandini • Dark To Light - Gotham • Holophane Contact Us Comments Hy�el • Lighting Comma & Design • Mark Lighting - Peerless - Reloc - ROAM • Sensor Switch • Sunoptics • Synergy Sire Terms Privacy Policy Tersen • winane Llgndng O 2013 Acurry Brands ugnung, Inc. rat rrgnrs mervea. //www-lithonia.com/micro LIGHTING - BUILDING 1V/ I0 /7/2013 R T A R C H I T E C T U R E VI pr N N T_ M U3 it VA 1 i tit M r r U �3 m 40 F7 11 r. OS �a �i ti Vic i� I- 00 In M N O cc u_ O O O 1` N I� III `D CO) wO L a r 00 O N O 117 M R co a> t N m O C Q i % O IL) O O N ti O O O CD N LT -4A * To sec comptow photometric report- or download .la- filos for this product, visit Lithonia Lighting: D Seric-, Wa11 Size 2 homepago. Isofooteandle plots for the DSXVl F2 LED 30C 1 O 4CK. Distances are in units of mounting height (25'). Distribution overlay mmparrson to 40C %N metal hatide. LEGEND A 0 2 1 6 1 ] s s _ a 2 1 a 1 x f A 5 a a x 1 0 1 x s a 3 LEGEND . .1.._i. } d i ■ 0.5fc s 2 y, 2 ■ TWF2, 1.O E 0.5 k r t k o e e 1a W Sidewalk " uor: rnF2 =o72 s - s Ds D.95 rwFr- asxw:: a 3 a � a � esew 107th e a T34 Y 77he g N 17s DSXw2 LED 30C 40K 1000 T2M, a' yy ; I W { l F_ TWF2400M Pope, 25' M-Inq Fit I _1_1L tII143?FiJ 5.11AW;I111.10�? INTENDED USE The energy ii wing long life and e2sy- to- irhsta0 design of the D- Series Wall Size 2 make Ktfie smart cl eke far building- mounted doorway and pa0,o ay illumination for nearly arty facility. CGNSTRLC:AON Iwo•pluw ulm -wA oiurninwr hvv iriq Ids iotugr d1 hoot sirik fin* to vyrur nice therrrml rnonog -writ through conductive and convective cooling. Modular design allovn for ease of maintenance. The LED driver a mounted to the door to thermally isolate R from the lirot engineS for low operating temperat- and Jong life- Homing is mmpleiely sealed against moisture and nmiranmerrtal contaminants, FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a zinc- infused Super Durabla TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly oamrotled muhi -stage process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peel ing. Available in textured and non - textured in ishes. OPTICS Precision- molded proprietary a )rlic lenses provide multiple photometric d4tn'hutians tailored specifcal ly to building mourned applications. Light engines are available in 30ODK (W min C-RI), 40ODK Vo min. 011) or MK (65 min. CRD configurations. ELECTRICAL I fight nnginats) rnnsia of 10 high�fnrary 1 F mni mbrd Tn a metal- ri-4I ani to maximise heat dissipation and promat , Ieag life (UP/700,000 kris at 25eC). Crass 1 el- tranic d rimers liars o Pc ur lo�tvr >90%, THD :20%, and en vApvV vd fife of 109,= hw- Svye protection device meets a minimum Category C Low [per ANSI IEEE C62.41.2). INSTALLKnON Included universal mounting bracket attaches securely to any 4" round or square outlet box for quick and easy installation. Luminaire has a slatted gasket virerway and attaches to the mvuntinei bracket via corrosion - resistant ecrevra. LISTINGS CSA certified to U.S, and Canadian stands rds. Rated for 40"G minimum ambient. WARRANTY Five year limited wamonty. Full warranty terms located at www.aW tybrandscond CustomerResnurcem Tenns„an,f_cond4tl ores. a spx. Will Specifications subject w change without notice. 01A L /rhFd7Y 1A One Lithonia Way •Conyers Georgia 30012 •Phone: fDp0.279.8P41 Fax. 770.978.1209 • wwvr.fithcnia,00m DSXW2 -LED LIaGHrIN�'. 7017 -2[117 An]iry Brands l ightins7. Inc All nphm has d Rev. 3/4(13 LIGHT TO BE POINTED DOWN (NOT UP) AND THE FIXTURE IS TO BE MOUNTED IN THE HORIZONTAL POSITION. M r N P Home Company Product Data Training Distributors Sales Sustainability Contact LM f iA PROVIDES SAi='EI.TY AND SrECf4,.1R #..1. 'tr fib GC3Mfv UM f Y R 1S'P0NS)idfF_' DFs ' ,'N',; WITH NL1��d$`4I•"T1rrt,_,19�E!!' 4'R'I �$Off.'s''"' i°�4y ;r�t-��';�';tga�t� ;M CI„.A&SI�"I�. A' IOi'V.s,1 I'CENDLY Increased emphasis on oontrofffng stray light in outdoor applications is sending designers and communities in search or new lighting toils. With full cutoff luminaires equipped with application specific optical systems, Lithonia Lighting can help you put the right amount of light in the right place. Lithonia Lighting uses Nighttime Friendly- to identify products that reduce negative impacts on the nighttime environment. Products designated with the Nighttime Friendly logo have no uptight, meet the tESNA definition for full cutoff optics and reduce high angle brightness. These measures of luminaire performance are consistent with sustainabihty standards for light pollulion reduction. e s rtn!a• AREA WALL MOUNTED CUTOFF TRESPASS ISSUES REFERENCES LUMINAIRES CLASSIFICATIONS Our arand• Cuetemer S-1m ii-vi[!Jf Brarxts Lithonia Lighting • American Electric Lighting • Arnique Street Lamps • Carandini • Dark To Light - Gotham • Holophane Contact Us Comments Hy�el • Lighting Comma & Design • Mark Lighting - Peerless - Reloc - ROAM • Sensor Switch • Sunoptics • Synergy Sire Terms Privacy Policy Tersen • winane Llgndng O 2013 Acurry Brands ugnung, Inc. rat rrgnrs mervea. //www-lithonia.com/micro LIGHTING - BUILDING 1V/ I0 /7/2013 R T A R C H I T E C T U R E VI pr N N T_ M U3 it VA 1 i tit M r r U �3 m 40 F7 11 r. OS �a �i ti Vic i� I- 00 In M N O cc u_ O O O 1` N I� III `D CO) wO L a r 00 O N O 117 M R co a> t N m O C Q i % O IL) O O N ti O O O CD N LT -4A I _1_1L tII143?FiJ 5.11AW;I111.10�? INTENDED USE The energy ii wing long life and e2sy- to- irhsta0 design of the D- Series Wall Size 2 make Ktfie smart cl eke far building- mounted doorway and pa0,o ay illumination for nearly arty facility. CGNSTRLC:AON Iwo•pluw ulm -wA oiurninwr hvv iriq Ids iotugr d1 hoot sirik fin* to vyrur nice therrrml rnonog -writ through conductive and convective cooling. Modular design allovn for ease of maintenance. The LED driver a mounted to the door to thermally isolate R from the lirot engineS for low operating temperat- and Jong life- Homing is mmpleiely sealed against moisture and nmiranmerrtal contaminants, FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a zinc- infused Super Durabla TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly oamrotled muhi -stage process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peel ing. Available in textured and non - textured in ishes. OPTICS Precision- molded proprietary a )rlic lenses provide multiple photometric d4tn'hutians tailored specifcal ly to building mourned applications. Light engines are available in 30ODK (W min C-RI), 40ODK Vo min. 011) or MK (65 min. CRD configurations. ELECTRICAL I fight nnginats) rnnsia of 10 high�fnrary 1 F mni mbrd Tn a metal- ri-4I ani to maximise heat dissipation and promat , Ieag life (UP/700,000 kris at 25eC). Crass 1 el- tranic d rimers liars o Pc ur lo�tvr >90%, THD :20%, and en vApvV vd fife of 109,= hw- Svye protection device meets a minimum Category C Low [per ANSI IEEE C62.41.2). INSTALLKnON Included universal mounting bracket attaches securely to any 4" round or square outlet box for quick and easy installation. Luminaire has a slatted gasket virerway and attaches to the mvuntinei bracket via corrosion - resistant ecrevra. LISTINGS CSA certified to U.S, and Canadian stands rds. Rated for 40"G minimum ambient. WARRANTY Five year limited wamonty. Full warranty terms located at www.aW tybrandscond CustomerResnurcem Tenns„an,f_cond4tl ores. a spx. Will Specifications subject w change without notice. 01A L /rhFd7Y 1A One Lithonia Way •Conyers Georgia 30012 •Phone: fDp0.279.8P41 Fax. 770.978.1209 • wwvr.fithcnia,00m DSXW2 -LED LIaGHrIN�'. 7017 -2[117 An]iry Brands l ightins7. Inc All nphm has d Rev. 3/4(13 LIGHT TO BE POINTED DOWN (NOT UP) AND THE FIXTURE IS TO BE MOUNTED IN THE HORIZONTAL POSITION. M r N P Home Company Product Data Training Distributors Sales Sustainability Contact LM f iA PROVIDES SAi='EI.TY AND SrECf4,.1R #..1. 'tr fib GC3Mfv UM f Y R 1S'P0NS)idfF_' DFs ' ,'N',; WITH NL1��d$`4I•"T1rrt,_,19�E!!' 4'R'I �$Off.'s''"' i°�4y ;r�t-��';�';tga�t� ;M CI„.A&SI�"I�. A' IOi'V.s,1 I'CENDLY Increased emphasis on oontrofffng stray light in outdoor applications is sending designers and communities in search or new lighting toils. With full cutoff luminaires equipped with application specific optical systems, Lithonia Lighting can help you put the right amount of light in the right place. Lithonia Lighting uses Nighttime Friendly- to identify products that reduce negative impacts on the nighttime environment. Products designated with the Nighttime Friendly logo have no uptight, meet the tESNA definition for full cutoff optics and reduce high angle brightness. These measures of luminaire performance are consistent with sustainabihty standards for light pollulion reduction. e s rtn!a• AREA WALL MOUNTED CUTOFF TRESPASS ISSUES REFERENCES LUMINAIRES CLASSIFICATIONS Our arand• Cuetemer S-1m ii-vi[!Jf Brarxts Lithonia Lighting • American Electric Lighting • Arnique Street Lamps • Carandini • Dark To Light - Gotham • Holophane Contact Us Comments Hy�el • Lighting Comma & Design • Mark Lighting - Peerless - Reloc - ROAM • Sensor Switch • Sunoptics • Synergy Sire Terms Privacy Policy Tersen • winane Llgndng O 2013 Acurry Brands ugnung, Inc. rat rrgnrs mervea. //www-lithonia.com/micro LIGHTING - BUILDING 1V/ I0 /7/2013 R T A R C H I T E C T U R E VI pr N N T_ M U3 it VA 1 i tit M r r U �3 m 40 F7 11 r. OS �a �i ti Vic i� I- 00 In M N O cc u_ O O O 1` N I� III `D CO) wO L a r 00 O N O 117 M R co a> t N m O C Q i % O IL) O O N ti O O O CD N LT -4A