HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201300012 NarrativeRIVANNA VILLAGE
Application Narrative
ZMA # 2013-12
Amendment to ZMA # 2001-08
APPLICANT: Rivanna Village, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company
PROPERTY: County TMP nos. 07900-00-00-025A0, 08000-00-00-04600,
08000-00-00-046A0, 08000-00-00-046CO3 08000-00-00-
04600, 08000-00-00-046E0, 08000-00-00-05000, 08000-00-
00-05100, 08000-00-00-052A0, 08000-00-00-055A0, 093A1-
00 -00-00300,093A1-00-00-00400, & 093A1-00-00-00200
December 16, 2013
A. Existing Property Characteristics
County Tax 07900-00-00-025A0, 08000-00-00-04600, 08000-00-00-046A0, 08000 -00 -00 -
Map Parcels 046CO3 08000-00-00-046D0, 08000-00-00-046E0, 08000-00-00-05000, 08000-
00-00-05100, 08000-00-00-052A0, 08000-00-00-055A0, 093A1-00-00-00300,
093A1-00-00-00400, & 093A1-00-00-00200
Comprehensive Neighborhood Density Residential or Community Service
Current Use Several of the parcels comprising the project front on Route 250 and have
long been used for residential purposes. Some are abandoned, while others
remain in use. Parcel 093A1-00-00-00200 contains the East Rivanna
Volunteer Fire Station. The vast majority of the Property is comprised of
rolling, wooded open space with small creeks and ponds.
Adjacent Parcels located adjacent to the Property are in residential use.
B. Timeline of County Approvals Concerning the Project
2001 The then -owner of the Property submitted a request to amend the County's
Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map for the village of Rivanna in
support of this project (CPA -01-03). Prior to this Amendment, the properties
were designated for Neighborhood Density uses.
May 15, 2002 The Comprehensive Plan was amended and all properties included at the time
of the CPA request were designated as "Community Service" for the purposes
of future land use planning. Following the CPA amendment, several adjacent
parcels were purchased by the owner and added to the rezoning request,
which retained their "Neighborhood Density" land use designation.
June 13, 2007 The Board of Supervisors approved ZMA 2001-00008, Rivanna Village at
Glenmore, which included 13 parcels comprising 92.711 acres, from PRD
(Planned Residential Development) and RA (Rural Areas) to NMD
(Neighborhood Model District). This rezoning approval is referred to in this
Application Narrative as the "2007 ZMA." The 2007 ZMA included the
following tax map parcels as had then been assembled by the owner to
comprise this project: Tax Map 79, Parcel 25A; Tax Map 80, Parcels 46, 46A,
46C, 46E, 50 & 55A; and Tax Map 93A1 Parcels 1 (portion), 2, 3 & 4.
May 12, 2010 The County adopted a land use plan (the "Village Master Plan") for the area
surrounding the project, including a Future Land Use Plan for the area. The
area described in the Village Master Plan is described therein as "Village of
Rivanna." Although similarly named, it is important to clarify that the County
development area described as the "Village of Rivanna" in the Village Master
Plan includes but is not limited to this project, which is known as "Rivanna
Village." The Village Master Plan refers to the property then comprising this
project as the "Village Center."
Present Following the approval of the 2007 ZMA, the then -current owner Glenmore
Associates did not undertake the development of the project. Glenmore
Associates subsequently acquired several parcels that were not subject to the
NMD Rezoning, including Tax Map 80, Parcels 51 and 52A. Likewise, the owner
has conveyed TMP 93-A1-2, which was subject. to the 2007 ZMA, to the East
Rivanna Volunteer Fire Co., Incorporated. Finally, the portion of TMP 93-A1-1
that was subject to the 2007 ZMA has been added to TMP 93-A1-4.
On June 28, 2013, Glenmore Associates Limited Partnership conveyed all of the
Rivanna Village parcels to a Rivanna Village, LLC, the current applicant.
C. Proposed Development Characteristics
The Applicant has fostered a vision that blends the core tenants of the Neighborhood
Model with recognition of the changed realities of the real estate marketplace. This revised
plan (hereinafter the "2013 Plan") offers an opportunity to retain the core features of the 2007
ZMA Application Plan, including a level of density consistent with the designations in the
Comprehensive Plan, while at the same time reducing the environmental impacts inherent in
the 2007 ZMA plan. Specifically, the 2013 Plan preserves many of the numerous stream
courses and wetlands. It also creates an improved park with more usable land for active
recreational activities. The reduction in density results in less impervious surfaces within the
Property, which results in reduced levels of stormwater runoff.
While the current proposal maintains a mix of residential and non-residential uses,
which is consistent with the 2007 ZMA, the overall approach to use of the land is less aggressive
and, therefore, less dense. Where the 2007 ZMA proposed between 348 and 521 residential
units, the 2013 Plan reflects a total of 347 units, 15% of which would be affordable. Regarding
density, the 347 proposed units represent a gross density of approximately four dwelling units
per acre (DUA). These numbers are well within the prescribed 3-6 DUA of the Comprehensive
Plan Neighborhood Density designation for the Property.
The prior approved concept plan proposed between 79,000 and 125,000 square feet of
non-residential space, supported by large parking fields. The 2013 Plan proposes a single
location for these uses overlooking the large park. This concept is envisioned as two mixed-use
structures with ground floor non-residential uses of rouges 20,000 square feet each with one
or more floors of residential use located above. The 2013 plan does not propose uses that
would require atypical hours of operation or generate unusual traffic volumes. The permitted
land uses are consistent with the Neighborhood Model and are mutually compatible.
The current proposal maintains the concept of a large, centrally -located park of over 18
acres and an additional approximately 13 acres of linear park space. The 2013 Plan adjusts the
street and block layout so as to accommodate and incorporate stream beds, ponds, critical
slopes, and other natural features that enhance the community's design. These concepts are
discussed in greater detail in Section IV of this ZMA Application Narrative.
A. Consistencv with the Neiehborhood Model & Villaee Master Plan
The County's Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan, advances the
"Neighborhood Model" as the central principle for land use planning. This concept "supports
change in the form of urban development from what currently exists."1 The Land Use Plan
provides a range of three forms of "Development Areas" in decreasing order of density and
scope: the Urban Area, the Community and the Village. By directing development into
designated Development Areas, the Land Use Plan recites the County's intent "to capture the
wide range of development and land uses necessary in Albemarle County" while achieving "a
balance of efficient land use and appropriate separation and buffering ... in areas with a variety
and mix of uses .n2
Specifically, the Land Use Plan advances villages as communities that "combine the
feeling of 'country living' with the amenities of a Development Area.i3 In doing so, it recognizes
that the scale of Villages lends this type of Development Area to being established based on
public requests rather than County initiative. Accordingly, the Land Use Plan sets forth
development and design guidelines for considering the appropriateness of proposed
development concepts.4 These principles were refined in the Village of Rivanna Master Plan, as
approved by the County and described above in Section I.B. The characteristics of the proposed
2013 Plan supports the guiding principles set forth in the Village Master Plan, as described in
greater detail below:
Village of Rivanna Master Plan Guiding
Characteristics of Proposed ZMA
1. The density, design, and character of
The project proposes residential uses in the
existing residential neighborhoods will be
form of apartments, townhouses, semi -
protected as the Village of Rivanna further
detached villas and single-family detached
1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY LAND USE PLAN at 8 (adopted June 5, 1996, as last amended July 10, 2002) [hereinafter
2 Id. at 12.
s Id. at 14.
5 Albemarle County Village of Rivanna Master Plan (adopted May 12, 20 10) [hereinafter Village Master Plan].
dwellings. These will be offered in a ratio that
ensures diversity of housing type, achieving
density without overwhelming the existing
neighborhoods in the vicinity of the project.
The 2013 Plan reduces development density
adjacent to the Magruder Subdivision as
compared to the 2007 Application Plan.
2. The size and scale of new development will
The scale and intensity of the uses is
be compatible with existing neighborhoods
consistent with the Code of Development
within the Village of Rivanna.
approved in connection with the 2007 ZMA.
3. The Village of Rivanna will integrate the
The revised 2013 plan reorients the lot and
natural landscape and incorporate designs
blocks of the proposed development to
that complement the area's rural ambiance.
preserve additional wetland and streambed
Development along the boundaries of the
areas, far beyond what would have been
Village of Rivanna will be sensitive to adjacent
preserved at full build -out of the prior
Rural Areas.
approved concept plan.
4. The Village of Rivanna will concentrate
In addition to the existing East Rivanna
commercial uses in a pedestrian -friendly
Volunteer Fire Department facility containing
Village Center where commercial and public
approximately 24,000 square feet, the non -
services are at an appropriate scale for
residential uses are proposed in two buildings
meeting the community's common needs.
of approximately 20,000 square feet each,
located in the center of the project, in
sufficient proximity to foster pedestrian access
from the residential and recreational areas of
the project. Apartments are located above
the non-residential component in the
buildings, which promotes shared parking.
5. Street connections`to and pedestrian paths
The revised plan incorporates trail
between residential areas and the Village
connectivity with adjacent properties to
Center, and between the Village of Rivanna
promote a common scheme of non -vehicular
and larger community, will be sensitive to
transportation. Typical street sections call for
existing development. Options for different
36 feet curb -to -curb with parking on both
types of travel will be provided, including
sides for main roads and 29 feet curb -to -curb
driving, walking, cycling, and public transit.
for secondary streets, with one -side street
Street designs will promote good drive
parking to calm traffic and foster a pedestrian -
behavior and be appropriately sized for the
scale environment.
volume and speed of traffic.
6. Historic sites in the Village of Rivanna and
There are no historic sites located within the
surrounding area will be respected.
project area.
7. Water, sewer, and streets will keep pace
Infrastructure needs are addressed in Section
with changes and growth that occur within the
III below.
11.1ITf_wveILTA W-ATOA
Village of Rivanna.
Characteristics of Proposed ZMA
8. Public and private common space, parks,
The 2013 Plan incorporates an approximately
and sports fields will be provided and located
18 -acre park with recreational amenities,
to foster a vibrant community.
including tennis courts, a basketball court, a
A "main street" with retail and office buildings
playfield, dog park, pond, picnic shelters,
restrooms, roughly 8,000 linear feet of trails,
Street connections to Glenmore Way, U.S. 250
and other amenities shown on the 2013 Plan,
East, and properties to the south and east of
together with an additional approximately 13
the Village Center
acres of linear park space, the aggregate of
which represents approximately thirty-five
A variety of housing types that provide for all
percent (35%) of the entire Property.
B. Consistencv with the Village Master Plan, Future Land Use Ma
Approved as a component of the Village Master Plan, the Village of Rivanna Future Land
Use Map (the "Future Land Use Map") shows the particular land use designations for the Village
of Rivanna Development Area .6 The Future Land Use Map designates the majority of the
project as "Village Center", which is defined as having a mixture of residential and non-
residential uses.' Other characteristics of the Village Center include the following:
Village Center Characteristics$
Characteristics of Proposed ZMA
Neo -traditional streets characterized by
Plan includes regulations concerning
narrow widths, on -street parking, curb, gutter,
neighborhood streetscapes, parking,
sidewalks, and street trees
hardscapes and landscaping.
A "main street" with retail and office buildings
Plan includes a mixed-use area with blend of
commercial and residential uses.
Street connections to Glenmore Way, U.S. 250
Street connections are favored over use of cul -
East, and properties to the south and east of
de -sacs to promote connectivity with
the Village Center
adjoining neighborhoods and compatibility of
land uses.
A variety of housing types that provide for all
Plan includes a variety of housing types,
socioeconomic levels, to live in the Village of
single-family attached, single-family detached,
and potentially senior living.
Nonresidential uses, mostly in small
Plan provides for non-residential uses,
commercial, office, retail and restaurant/inn
permitting small-scale commercial, office,
uses. Total square footage should not exceed
retail and restaurant uses, with a total
125,000 for retail, office, and institutional
maximum non-residential square footage of
uses, including the East Rivanna Volunteer Fire
60,000 gross square feet.
Id. at 24-25.
7 Id. Note that the area shown as "Village Center" does not include TMP 80-52, which was acquired by the current
owner following the adoption of the Village Master Plan. This parcel lies to the east of Cumbria Lane and is shown
8 Albemarle County Village of Rivanna Master Plan (adopted May 12, 2010) [hereinafter Village Master Plan].
Company. Automobile repair and self -store
areas are not considered appropriate uses for
the Village
Design at a pedestrian scale that reflects the
Code of Development includes architectural
architectural tradition of Williamsburg and
design criteria.
other historic towns in Virginia
A well -integrated pedestrian system, including
Plan includes pedestrian paths and sidewalks
sidewalks and paths
within protected open space areas with
connectivity to surrounding communities.
A variety of park and recreational amenities,
Plan includes preservation of open space for a
including open space appropriate to the
public park area, with appropriate active open
residential needs of the Village
space and recreational amenities to be
dedicated to the County Parks Department.
Development in a manner that is sensitive to
Plan includes architectural design criteria.
its location within Monticello's viewshed
Minimization of adverse impacts on residential
Plan includes buffer and screening regulations.
properties adjoining the Village Center by
preserving mature vegetation, having
residences abut adjoining residential
properties; using buffers, screening and
berming; and using wide buffer strips
Shared parking
Plan includes provisions for shared parking.
The prior owner Glenmore Associates Limited Partners entered into an agreement with
the Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) in 1995 that ultimately resulted in the
construction by Glenmore Associates of a sewage treatment facility to serve the needs of
Glenmore and the surrounding area, including the majority of the Rivanna Village property.
This 1995 agreement provided that in exchange for construction of the facility, the land within
the boundaries of the property subject to the agreement would be prioritized for sewer
capacity, and would not be charged connection fees by the ACSA. As successor to Glenmore
Associates for the Rivanna Village property, the Applicant will have the benefit of this
agreement with regard to the portions of the Rivanna Village property that is subject to the
agreement. In addition, for those portions beyond the boundaries of the 1995 agreement, the
Applicant has confirmed with ACSA that sufficient sewer capacity exists to serve the Project.
The Applicant has worked closely with Williamsburg Environmental Group to design an
environmentally -sensitive and comprehensive plan for stormwater management. This plan is
shown on an exhibit prepared by Williamsburg Environmental Group and submitted herewith.
The 2007 ZMA Plan involved the disturbance of 1.5 acres of wetlands and 5,200 linear
feet of stream. As noted above, the 2013 Plan significantly reduces such environmental
impacts by reducing the stream crossings significantly, and where such crossings were
unavoidable, utilized plans for arch pipes and headwalls to mitigate stream disturbance. In
addition, the areas of wetlands disturbance are minimal, involving a small area in the southwest
corner at a road crossing.
See Amended and Restated Proffer Statement, which is incorporated herein.