HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE200600036 Legacy Document 2014-06-13A P ' P Ification for Zoning Clearance OFFICE USE ONLY O/Zooing Clearance = $35 CLIE .4 7ZOO& 0003(e :PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SHEETS Check# /42,5,-3 - Date: Q-J3-040 Reeeiptft .594q/6 - .PARCEL MORMATION be CY) 0--L-U S'f(,1-70 ga LC_ Tai Map and Parcel- 056A3-00 -00 Existing Zoning Ll - Light`-Industrial -Parcel C*Um -AlbPmar1A_2-nraeP_. LL, Parcel Address: 5390 Three Notch l.d�Rcad _^ City' VA Zi Crozet State p 22932 imlude suite o floor ---- ----------­-- C-- - - - - -- ------- _-------------------- -------------------------------------------------- APPLICANT INFORMT10N iv%o shojild'we callUwrlta concerning this project? H-M. Walker, Jr- ,A,doress'6 P.O. Box 3911 CRVChartottesville State ,Wfke Phone;. (.432? 977-27,05, - rhll# VA Zip 22903 --------------------- I -­------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Bi'$iness Name)Type, Charlottesville Self Storage at Crozet Previous Busine$a 04 this site: parking for ConAgra, residential (house.). Proposeduse: Qfflce fQr -mini varel-lous ing activity' __ Circle (if applicable): Fireworks / Christmas Tree SE . E CONDITIONS O'F APPROVAL IF T11E CLEA•ANCIE IS FOR FMAWORK OR Cl-MSTMAS TREE SALES (Sheet 1) *-This Cleamce will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved, If you change, intensify ormove the use to a new location, a new Zoning Clb=cc will be required. J.hercrby certify that I own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is truc and amurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and I understand them, and that I will abide by thmi, A.rp? sigawe, Printed ir ...................... ------------------- -------------- - .... -- ------°---_. .-- «.,-- ..--------------- - - - - -- ---------------- 49PR -WORD I OVAL Approved as proposed Approved with canditioris No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. I'herefore, it is not a determination of compliance with the existing site olan. This site complies with the site plan as of this date. Backflow Device and/or Date Date_ Zoning official ot-ker Official Date ------------ ! -------- ----- - ------------------------------------ of Albemarle Department of Commuoity Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesvillet VA 22902 Voice- (434) 296-5832 Pax-, (434) 972-4126 M/800d Wdqt_!SG 9002 �S UPr 9WUMP R_� 1-MM011A10 Allaco '•'Applilea nt to complete the following: lyI?� Do. you have one of the following? ..Tax Map and Parcel plumber and or; 'YES Address of use (include unit or floor if appropriate; Do you have a Floor Plan (sketch or an architectaral drawing) that includes the following, and if so please provide it with the application? XES T7iototal square footage of the use and/or; The square footage of each room or area of use; 'use of each room or area if using lees than the entire structure, note the location within the struct=. 2 stor-y structure l.st floor - pffice ._ . _ ._.. �-td f�;e:o�• •� re,s�.,d�t�� °'�e:l ?'•��?��;ax .. . of self storage Y `f Tech to complete the 1uta1%C iU UULUFACIC UIV 1U11VWAJUg; C '? P eta VSeir(LIj4IorPDIPzoain,g7 If so, give applicant a Certified Engineer port (CER) packet. Y / 1f 'ST�JiI re be food preparation? If so, give applicant a Health Department form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept, FAX DATE X Is parce on private well and septic? If so, give applicant a Health Department form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval €rom Health Dept. PAX (DATE ) N 1. on public water and sewer.? N xil• yotr be pcittiftg up aiaetiv' sign of any kind? if so, abtair� " proper Sign permit. Permit # FI N ill there be any new construction or renovations? If so, obtain the proper Permit. Permit #1 1) &419) Y/N Is this for sales of Fireworks? If so, obtain a copy ofI~/R permit. Permit # Pro Y• /N Ifs M, ; I Y N, Iso, List: 110/600d WdgG:60 9002 lE caf 9ZOUREV XPA 11.N3MMIA3Q WNWOO .Keviewe• to compictu Lur wilumog; fbotagp of use: .-Y Permitted as: V��dJXIA& kly tnderSecdon: -R7 1 Supplementary regulations section: •.Parking form-ula: aa S + Requimd-spaces: y I .1takbeverified in the field: Inspector Name & Date-, I Notes �`�� 6ob ,� - 3 �6aQ.� e----2 e— -2 kQlNoe CIP77, 1F "', 97,'NL6VSV XeJ UN-AdOlIAN AiMmoo Nc� 128105 Page 4 of 4