HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201400005 Legacy Document 2014-06-18 (4)CENERAL NOTE: IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO REVIEW ALL OF THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT 00RK SCOPE PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF CONSTRUCTION. SHOULD THE CONTRACTOR FIND A CONFLICT WITH THE DOCUMENTS RELATIVE T THE SPECIFICATIONS OR APPLICABLE CODES, IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. FAILURE BY THE CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE PROJECT ENGINEER SHALL CONSTITUTE ,CCEPTANCE OF FULL RESPONSIBILITY BY THE CONTRACTOR TO COMPLETE THE SCOPE OF THE WORK AS DEFINED By THE DRAWINGS AND I FIIII - H ,A) RFrJ 11 A QNq ANn r.nnF.q C:\8516%6Zk IGX\Vtn0MTJ.W MM ft. EMLPM 61114 0 1-11 JIM UV stitti) fff � II R 1014 A__ . r A � — — ; '14I 4 '0 4*AT# I 'S 4 5� op " ?' - � & - 0 "'.1,4. ttoobom (axe g't,arw) einnPICCAIM (yp14*."V4dh)QAoncR1y) 1 90 9-11- ".Ui I i :::: :: �l�a :1.��iEgl,,,�Al'Sli� I IWO T�ilil�,R!��ll#��� K"I'Mm qWKWWIVA�P 0%14045WRVMMIWVAWM,�1�� SPECIFICATIONS HOUSING - Alurnin urn housing isavai lab lain two sizes a nd is a rem ngulairsharpe. All mounting hardware Lsstainim steel or electio-zinc plated steel_ WALL MOUNT . Agalvan ked-steel un kemil va 9 mum ing plate easily mourds di oct ly t:P a 41 octagonal or 9quaraoxtbri box. An EPDMgask2t ll;suppW to be inmIled bew4an the mounting platteatdjunction box fiQmthaentrainomofwaver. The universal plate permfttk fixtureto be wourrited in the uptight ing position ftted for c6rnp locations) or downlighting position (listaid for wet kxvior%4. LENSIGASKET- A flat clear tempered Oss lens, which issmiedto thedoof frarnewith EPDMgasketirkg, i5standard. Anoptional pol3carbonv@ lens is aim ila b IR 0 In most Co mpact Fluorescent factures. DOOR FRAME- The a lu min urn door *a me with Um stain liess stare] captive fastener5allovitts easyalcc irmcItthefixture. AoEe pieceamtrudmdsdiconegas6saistheidoorfratneagairw the housing. The door swingso pan a nd is Fold i n p bcs by a retail rar - FINISHES - Fixtures are finished w fth wt5,s D uiraGripO pot lyester powder coat finishing p rocess. The Du raGr ipPfinish wfths(a nck extreme wimther c ha n9w without c racking a r peeling, and 15 g ua ra ntmd fbi five fu Ill yea is. sta ndzIrd oo lof s include bronze, b lack, p bt nu m: p his, buff, 9mp h ite, sat in verde g reen, mom I lic sik*f and wh M REFLECTORS1 DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS - Forward Throw CFP,FP(4 and Type 41 N refleciorsareavailIlibleonsmaltand medium. Wall Wash Ww) refle=ts*rea1m,&W1ableon sine ll. Allare high pe& rrra nce, full cut -off distr ib uItion as defined by the lENA 0downlight posift lo n onlq. P hotornetricclata istered in acco ridance with UESNA g Well nRs. LIGHT SOURCES- This ftxture i;clesignedl to operatewith horizon%[ Pulse start Metal Halide, Pulse Stirt Metal Halide Reduced, NaturalW hire, Super NLU%l Halide, Super Metal Halide Riacluced, Mahal Halide, WkiUl Halide Red uced, High Hsu re5odf um, and single, cloubleor triple compact fluorescient lamps. Lamps sup plied as standard - HID {cites r,shlp instalW,andCompact Fluor rit (coated, 410010 shipped insepa rate carton)- S 0 G K ET S - HID lam phrolders are ghmed po "lai n, medium " for the sn-a 11 firiituroa rid mogu I base for the fired iurn fixtute,4W pulse rated- That Compact FI uD Percent fitlurw fatti re a one-p 1we their mop last is socket. . . BALLASTS- EleCt FICA co mponents are facto ry-nrc, unted in housing and pre,Mrecl w ith voltagespecirl'ic 6wiswhich extend outthe backof the unitthrougha rubber grommet. This g rom met p events the errt ry of i rm:ts, d ust, and moisture into the fm we. The need V o pen thefixture-ormkL-wiringconnections!5 laminated, rrekngin5mDvi:)nquickardeasy, UL listed cc mponords with h ig h-power facto r ballast rated for -2]Cr F sia iting. Co mpact Fluommerrit ba I lasts are Electron is Univem I Voltage 0 20-2 77V 50 I 60 H4 to r 347V MH4, O' F start ing. Co nsu It factatry fo r ava ila b le vitettages a nd Vo kages for use in Ca riada. INERGENCrOPERA-HON. Avareetyofintagralemegancyopt'ionsareavaibbletocompl!V with Life Safirt yC odes which require emergency light ing a lorg the path of egrew on the buildings exterbr, sobuilding occupants cantex K saf*. CSmOptio to in Orded rg Infor nratiD 0 Approved By: a ... Project Na Mme. ■ Locat iot n: — Da* V" L1611111 SISTER$ 1919 Windsor i i=tem WWh,TX7c5110 P aW633,S711 0 Fax: 811.735.4874 � vii Itw-wislighling,cont ■ comwilm ON Impect SNdfloti0ra%tjod to cftrg witritout nodok 01 %V.1 2X6 . .. . I :::: ; :. � :.: : '..."..- CEO*, : : . :: : ::::; � :::: :: I ; 00 ..1.1 :: : : i : I :::: ;I ::; :::: N : :::: :i.:�:.: :.:� . i:.: . F7:�i;;F�5�i�im�g�im:������:li1:ll'I 4`1111iin M. -Lq..,R��9P'.,"I:IRROI"".I�.'I�:.::.��:i�i.'��'..�����.'�..,.,.!.�iERRi.��..'.R.i.1'.,.,..".'..::::;::I��:�::��;i;;;�:11:;:l;;99:�:�:�i�.I:i""W""""'Wi�,�'&'WM&.,:�i�iu�i-���::. �:::::�::: :1 1 1 1 !;: :;::::: �::: : :: :.!.!!! I 1: ,:::::::;::: :::::: :: �: . : [ I I .... 11 I ... ... I ... I. 1: 1 ;:;g::: .;:;:: 11 .: A . , �1::: ��i:::�:::::flu **, u � � i i�1'10 11"I"' I.-Ism N 011 "I 11111.01 11.11111.1,11 11.111.11 10 liii�.�g �.i�m!i� �..�q .,..!..� : ;:;!;!;: ::�.. :�:: Q! : '. ! fmii�! �!��.-.J ;: I 111 H 01 RIXN, 111 10 M wi IN ffa Ifflo a F1 I On t�, :::::::;�:::::;::::::::: :: ", .,� "'In �: I � .. -, - , .... 1 ::::: :::::: : . . M-0 1.��c , 1.1 111,11'..."11 I 11 ]!�iiig : : : : : : l� NO. N1. ::: . yilg.j,.iii',.� �i�g, �g�i�i p-p ,.gg!..J -.-!!!�!!!!-� --..!!imJ ,�..j iiii:: 11 1: � �: 11 1 i I SM Ed M a N N.'m Egg " I g ! �, , i: �� � � 1 ili:::i ::::: ifflumm. . �. q J.g . �! .� I . g :ii1i..:i:: ::: ::::: . . ... ....... ...... H. " 1 1H1H1fl1:0 11 �� 11 ,,�.."."l "R ..."11 ,HE , g��r ��.U*:� ! I i ; .11 - - , W i�J 15 11 J, 11:1�� ��z� 1� �:11111 ON: , ,�,.:!!...`!,1 ��'pq ,,.i�!I�i�j li�i�ii�--,3 Joi!i--.,,i.J 1!: �::: �.:..,,.,�.�..'.--.--.,-" �; ;:: .... !,Ipl:g'��.p , , - . � . , N ,.,,, V_ ,q g - t.... .� . � JANVJ,Njaumur� " : ..:, .. - .: ..: ,J 11 ]" 1 : : : 0 ggii!l'pii��p'r ...5 V M'm Va IN U V g . ! , :::: , " ::: - : . .! , " tl:01.11 �:.I.:: I , " [ le 1:1231 I 11 � 0 I ... :: `1111 . 1 �..'�l'i...",.., 11, I ...,.,.,r . N�J_I, ,111 ; " � :': .. !::::!: ::�:11.: : :, :: :: I :: : �:; I to, . : I V � i :. ::: ::Iil iiiiiiiiii � � � 1 !i �111!: ? "I ::: .. ::::::::4 . , 'PER .!,11 11 '111011 i1VA a . ::.. . . 'I '111J.:.:.:::1 1ffl1:::f:;.;: "11,111:lh L : I .0 i:: M: " , UMM �4,11:i U� 011.t"1::1".t:::.. . . , : ! 1 ­ 1: ..... 1, ��i�i�i :'� .W Irlil",,,."�.,�l,'�tl".I , ! :! IM .. -1- .� .�;1P.":�;�:,:.".,I]:!!��!!! , , 112111 i jV5 I Z ."."..�l?.N.li,,.�qiiii��.,�..�,,�.i�iiiiiiiiiij.:�.��;�::;; !�!!1:1:�i!il ,.;:::.:::I �O � 1� H H ,� — --- — ---------- - oft, QW"4 opwit litamo I ROVILALIA U11LIJIVIN i I)•or 965W 116VIIII, AL IM Imodw I owvm I 6"Wod Q-41 I m*-* 2r WAV 1-_VJMrI .� � — — ; '14I 4 '0 4*AT# I 'S 4 5� op " ?' - � & - 0 "'.1,4. ttoobom (axe g't,arw) einnPICCAIM (yp14*."V4dh)QAoncR1y) 1 90 9-11- ".Ui I i :::: :: �l�a :1.��iEgl,,,�Al'Sli� I IWO T�ilil�,R!��ll#��� K"I'Mm qWKWWIVA�P 0%14045WRVMMIWVAWM,�1�� SPECIFICATIONS HOUSING - Alurnin urn housing isavai lab lain two sizes a nd is a rem ngulairsharpe. All mounting hardware Lsstainim steel or electio-zinc plated steel_ WALL MOUNT . Agalvan ked-steel un kemil va 9 mum ing plate easily mourds di oct ly t:P a 41 octagonal or 9quaraoxtbri box. An EPDMgask2t ll;suppW to be inmIled bew4an the mounting platteatdjunction box fiQmthaentrainomofwaver. The universal plate permfttk fixtureto be wourrited in the uptight ing position ftted for c6rnp locations) or downlighting position (listaid for wet kxvior%4. LENSIGASKET- A flat clear tempered Oss lens, which issmiedto thedoof frarnewith EPDMgasketirkg, i5standard. Anoptional pol3carbonv@ lens is aim ila b IR 0 In most Co mpact Fluorescent factures. DOOR FRAME- The a lu min urn door *a me with Um stain liess stare] captive fastener5allovitts easyalcc irmcItthefixture. AoEe pieceamtrudmdsdiconegas6saistheidoorfratneagairw the housing. The door swingso pan a nd is Fold i n p bcs by a retail rar - FINISHES - Fixtures are finished w fth wt5,s D uiraGripO pot lyester powder coat finishing p rocess. The Du raGr ipPfinish wfths(a nck extreme wimther c ha n9w without c racking a r peeling, and 15 g ua ra ntmd fbi five fu Ill yea is. sta ndzIrd oo lof s include bronze, b lack, p bt nu m: p his, buff, 9mp h ite, sat in verde g reen, mom I lic sik*f and wh M REFLECTORS1 DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS - Forward Throw CFP,FP(4 and Type 41 N refleciorsareavailIlibleonsmaltand medium. Wall Wash Ww) refle=ts*rea1m,&W1ableon sine ll. Allare high pe& rrra nce, full cut -off distr ib uItion as defined by the lENA 0downlight posift lo n onlq. P hotornetricclata istered in acco ridance with UESNA g Well nRs. LIGHT SOURCES- This ftxture i;clesignedl to operatewith horizon%[ Pulse start Metal Halide, Pulse Stirt Metal Halide Reduced, NaturalW hire, Super NLU%l Halide, Super Metal Halide Riacluced, Mahal Halide, WkiUl Halide Red uced, High Hsu re5odf um, and single, cloubleor triple compact fluorescient lamps. Lamps sup plied as standard - HID {cites r,shlp instalW,andCompact Fluor rit (coated, 410010 shipped insepa rate carton)- S 0 G K ET S - HID lam phrolders are ghmed po "lai n, medium " for the sn-a 11 firiituroa rid mogu I base for the fired iurn fixtute,4W pulse rated- That Compact FI uD Percent fitlurw fatti re a one-p 1we their mop last is socket. . . BALLASTS- EleCt FICA co mponents are facto ry-nrc, unted in housing and pre,Mrecl w ith voltagespecirl'ic 6wiswhich extend outthe backof the unitthrougha rubber grommet. This g rom met p events the errt ry of i rm:ts, d ust, and moisture into the fm we. The need V o pen thefixture-ormkL-wiringconnections!5 laminated, rrekngin5mDvi:)nquickardeasy, UL listed cc mponords with h ig h-power facto r ballast rated for -2]Cr F sia iting. Co mpact Fluommerrit ba I lasts are Electron is Univem I Voltage 0 20-2 77V 50 I 60 H4 to r 347V MH4, O' F start ing. Co nsu It factatry fo r ava ila b le vitettages a nd Vo kages for use in Ca riada. INERGENCrOPERA-HON. Avareetyofintagralemegancyopt'ionsareavaibbletocompl!V with Life Safirt yC odes which require emergency light ing a lorg the path of egrew on the buildings exterbr, sobuilding occupants cantex K saf*. CSmOptio to in Orded rg Infor nratiD 0 Approved By: a ... Project Na Mme. ■ Locat iot n: — Da* V" L1611111 SISTER$ 1919 Windsor i i=tem WWh,TX7c5110 P aW633,S711 0 Fax: 811.735.4874 � vii Itw-wislighling,cont ■ comwilm ON Impect SNdfloti0ra%tjod to cftrg witritout nodok 01 %V.1 2X6 . .. . I :::: ; :. � :.: : '..."..- CEO*, : : . :: : ::::; � :::: :: I ; 00 ..1.1 :: : : i : I :::: ;I ::; :::: N : :::: :i.:�:.: :.:� . i:.: . F7:�i;;F�5�i�im�g�im:������:li1:ll'I 4`1111iin M. -Lq..,R��9P'.,"I:IRROI"".I�.'I�:.::.��:i�i.'��'..�����.'�..,.,.!.�iERRi.��..'.R.i.1'.,.,..".'..::::;::I��:�::��;i;;;�:11:;:l;;99:�:�:�i�.I:i""W""""'Wi�,�'&'WM&.,:�i�iu�i-���::. �:::::�::: :1 1 1 1 !;: :;::::: �::: : :: :.!.!!! I 1: ,:::::::;::: :::::: :: �: . : [ I I .... 11 I ... ... I ... I. 1: 1 ;:;g::: .;:;:: 11 .: A . , �1::: ��i:::�:::::flu **, u � � i i�1'10 11"I"' I.-Ism N 011 "I 11111.01 11.11111.1,11 11.111.11 10 liii�.�g �.i�m!i� �..�q .,..!..� : ;:;!;!;: ::�.. :�:: Q! : '. ! fmii�! �!��.-.J ;: I 111 H 01 RIXN, 111 10 M wi IN ffa Ifflo a F1 I On t�, :::::::;�:::::;::::::::: :: ", .,� "'In �: I � .. -, - , .... 1 ::::: :::::: : . . M-0 1.��c , 1.1 111,11'..."11 I 11 ]!�iiig : : : : : : l� NO. N1. ::: . yilg.j,.iii',.� �i�g, �g�i�i p-p ,.gg!..J -.-!!!�!!!!-� --..!!imJ ,�..j iiii:: 11 1: � �: 11 1 i I SM Ed M a N N.'m Egg " I g ! �, , i: �� � � 1 ili:::i ::::: ifflumm. . �. q J.g . �! .� I . g :ii1i..:i:: ::: ::::: . . ... ....... ...... H. " 1 1H1H1fl1:0 11 �� 11 ,,�.."."l "R ..."11 ,HE , g��r ��.U*:� ! I i ; .11 - - , W i�J 15 11 J, 11:1�� ��z� 1� �:11111 ON: , ,�,.:!!...`!,1 ��'pq ,,.i�!I�i�j li�i�ii�--,3 Joi!i--.,,i.J 1!: �::: �.:..,,.,�.�..'.--.--.,-" �; ;:: .... !,Ipl:g'��.p , , - . � . , N ,.,,, V_ ,q g - t.... .� . � JANVJ,Njaumur� " : ..:, .. - .: ..: ,J 11 ]" 1 : : : 0 ggii!l'pii��p'r ...5 V M'm Va IN U V g . ! , :::: , " ::: - : . .! , " tl:01.11 �:.I.:: I , " [ le 1:1231 I 11 � 0 I ... :: `1111 . 1 �..'�l'i...",.., 11, I ...,.,.,r . N�J_I, ,111 ; " � :': .. !::::!: ::�:11.: : :, :: :: I :: : �:; I to, . : I V � i :. ::: ::Iil iiiiiiiiii � � � 1 !i �111!: ? "I ::: .. ::::::::4 . , 'PER .!,11 11 '111011 i1VA a . ::.. . . 'I '111J.:.:.:::1 1ffl1:::f:;.;: "11,111:lh L : I .0 i:: M: " , UMM �4,11:i U� 011.t"1::1".t:::.. . . , : ! 1 ­ 1: ..... 1, ��i�i�i :'� .W Irlil",,,."�.,�l,'�tl".I , ! :! IM .. -1- .� .�;1P.":�;�:,:.".,I]:!!��!!! , , 112111 i jV5 I Z ."."..�l?.N.li,,.�qiiii��.,�..�,,�.i�iiiiiiiiiij.:�.��;�::;; !�!!1:1:�i!il ,.;:::.:::I �O � 1� H H ,� — --- — ---------- - ------ — ------------ _ ___ ___ -------------- i CHOICL I I ROVILALIA U11LIJIVIN i if] 1 IINT40 i . r _ __ W 7`7 ­ .1 !. I-,., — — - - .!, !77T7!!T!". 1 - If a polycarbortate lens is required on an Uptight Medium fixturein 70W CFL2 OF 47W CVD, theglass Jens with potycarbonate shield must beordered. 2 -For International voltages, consult factory. � 3 - 34 7V CFL Is not available with dimming ballast (DIM) option, consult factory for battery back- up(80) option. 4 - Tamper -proof Screwdriver must be ordered separately. (See Acceswrles in ordering Information) 5 -CFL Dimming Control by others. 6 -HID Lamp wattages SO and 70 are supplied with a 50 watt, 120V quartz lamp, HID lamp wattages 100 through 250 are supplied with a 100 watt, 120V quartz lamp. HID Lamp wattage 4001s supplied with a 250 wAt 120V quaFU lamp. 7 - Available on WO watt minimum HID fixtures. HID lamp wattages 100 through 175 are supplied with two so watt, 120V quartz lamps. 2SOand 400 watt "D fixtures we supplied with two 100 watt, 120V quartz lamps. 8 - Battery Back -up available on single, double, and triple 720o) 277 vokage specific units for U.S. applications. Pleasechange Line Voltage of UE to 120 or 277 when Ordering this option. ondoubieand triple unk% one lamp will be energized by Battery Back-up (RO) option. Consult factory for specific Means of Wess job application complhance. 9 UtIIIzesGY635 socket(s). 12 volt s"Fattedfruit(t) teomd. 1 45- Light Gold Metallic '20- Charcoal Metallic . 94- Blue Metallic 1: 59- Dark Green 21 - Tomato Red 55 - Black 50- White 51 -Dark Red 700 - Aztec Silver Metallic * Ina coirdance with the 2007 Energy [ndepenclance and Secalty Art (USA), fixtures will no longer beavalable In Probe Start Metal Halide with wattages. from 150 watts through SW watts for new installations. Replacement partsforexisitng fbautosarp still avalllable- Approved Or. — Project Name: ■ ■ Location: Date :._ --..-.-..,-. W16.200 L18H1116 SYSTEMS 1919 Windsor Place i Fort Worth,TX 76110 a 800.633.8711 1 Fax-817.735.4824 1 www.wlslighting.com 0 Consider the Impact! 01 Rev. 11111 :.:.:.:.I 1:::::: I ., - ��, i P:!::::::::::::: ��:::::;::I �:::::::;:::: � i� !:::::::::::� 1: . ,,:::! � ; :::::: '] ,L :::::: : :::: ::: : ': :::;:;: ,11 . ::: , , I- I'M, i:::::: I I :::! :::: : �, ., XXXXXX :::::� :::::::::::::: :::: ::::: :::!::;� �:::::::;�::! �::::::;::::: ,::::::::::: ::::::::::� I ::i. 11 � : ? � : :: ::::::: :::::::: I 1 V:::�: ,.'::::. :::::; 11,11 WA , 1`1 11 .... ..... ::::::: . ,�. I . :::� :::::::::: :::!;;:::;;:::::: 1 �: �::; �� . , 11 I 1. , . 11 � I I � I 1 ., , PXXI 1::::::I::::::.:. IX. ;!� : !:.:!:!: ::::::: ::111. 1.1.1. � . ":: : ::: :::: 1 , 1::: . 11 1 1:1:, 1W kv W 10: .: . : , ;;., _ ! ..! ��, : : , ..:�!!!�:;: �. .. 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W. =111 �,R : : :;:;!:!::�::::;;:�:::::::�:::il::::::::! ��::: ... ,:':':,k „,,: , I : 1 ::a :::::�:::::: : :3:::::1: :::::� :::::::::::: :::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::: "”, N W1 4"i �1,1 0 4V1111:V!:1:!:1:;: ::::::!:: :::::::::: :::::::::�! ::; :::� ::::::::::: j �::::, :;::::::::L :::�:1:::4:;:::::::::::J �:!::::::::: ::::: �. IIIII10IR11, �:;:!::: 111 1::::::E , � ::::� ::::: ::::::::: : � ::::::::�P �:!:!:::::! :: :::::::: :::: : :::::::::: :::: : !:: , ::::::::::, , , :::::Hi�iiilll �! I ;:;� � �r::, .. � ::::�::::: :::::� : ]: : Pl N!;�� :::::::::: ::::::: �::: : V� [ v , 1111!1111 lmmw , :::::::::::::::� i o i Moil: :.. - - :.:.:.I ! : H "111111116" , , :::�::::::::� !�:::::::::: � It ',I # :::: ::4111111111ii" RR , �::::�: �,,,M,1,2 .. ��:::� � ::: , :::::::::::: :::::::::�::::: : .... ::: . ::::::::::::, :::::::: :::: : I , i ...:.:.: ::: . 11 SPECIFICATIONS HOUSING -The FV Series formed aluminum housing is finished to produce a dean, sharp appearance and ensures weather-tight construction. Available in2 sizes: Medium (reduced envelope 400 Watt Lamp) and Reduced (reduced envelope 1000 Watt Lamp). LE NSIGAS KET -A flat tmpered glass lens is sealed to the housing with an EPDM gasket, preventing entry of moisture, dust and insects. Combined with the vertical burn feature, the � flat glass lens provides high performance lighting. TOP ACCESS -Is secured by four captivestainess steel fasteners and provides ease of installation and servicing. FI NIS H ES - Each fixture is finished with a baked-on polyester powder finishing process to give ." fixture an exceptionally attrad: VeappearanCe, Standard r ni _L colors include mffi=�� I bronze, buff. black, platinum, white green. The polyester finish withstands extterrite Weather ARMfAYJNT POLETOPMXW changes without cracking or peeling. consuk factM for available custom colorsand r - - - A _7 1 A I pinstripe decal options. 1B �� D REFLECTORS/DIST RI RU TI 0 IN PATT ERNS - The FV Stz.�rites fixture is available in five C reflector systems and distribution patterns,all with vertical bum lamps: Type 11 (2), Type III I ,r] (3), type V (5), Perimeter Forward Throw (UP) and Super Reflector (SIR) for aminimum IJOS-1 r_ mounting height of 30 feet. Reflectors are field- rotatable, enabling generous flexibility in A B C A;�.A, t; ; 11 11; AIM AfmNbupi 21- '150rnm) 12-3/4"1324mm) - I WMPI Pole TOP 21­5AI't5QTnM) *V4"(324mrrd fl-1916'557mmI FUR ArrriMouo zi-Vv qmrrt) if,�iM­giomrru) _ - '0535mm� NPr Pole TOP 21 VWJ549mrr) 16VVI,Ilomm' 15 = ----. FVSERIF.S FVMSERIES FVR SERIES F [it LeAS 12"Braciel 12*8FadaA ­ ______ _.. a Single 3.2 3A iwa D180, 63 T6 % D90* 5.7 - 716 T9V 8.8 11.4 - L TN . i 2 .. ol - - . - - - 9 ' .0 _ I 11.4 Q50. 11.3 15.2 - ­ ­ ._.____._�.- I - m ...- FNe Top IL2 � 40 1 V Vilpatterns " L VUL mule movement., LIGHT SOURCES - Designed to operate with Pulse Start Metal Halide, Natural White, Super Metal Halide, Metal Halide, Metal Halide Reduce Envelope or High Pressure Sodium. SOCKETS - Porcelain mogul-base sockets wrin spr;ng-rIeJnT0f`CCa contacts. BALLAST - Pulse Start Metal Halide, Metal Halide, Super Metal Halide, and High Presure Sodium feature a high- power factor CW A ballast, and are designed for -20' F operation. 8 R AC KE TS -Arm Mount: 5 112'x2 112'x 12' length shipped standard. (An 8* brad(et i s avaiable for single or D180 configurations, but must be ordered separately from Options column of the ordering chart) A hound Pole Plate (RPP) is required for mounting t0 3' -5" round poles- (See Options in Lurninaire Ordering Information.) Note, House _%de ShOld 4dds to fixture EPA Corsuitfactory Pole Top: Cast aluminum mounting hub conceits the wiring compartment and mounting hardware (consisting of four 11 /16" OD. aluminum rods for medium fixtures and 7/8'0.D. K)LETOPMOUM PO(TONAAM aluminum rods for large fixtures, and high-strength grade -five steel bolt with nylon insert and split lock washer for double locking.) DECAL STRIPING - WLS offers optional color-coordinated t3erals in9standard colorsto V : - accent the fixture. Decal is guaranteed for five years against peeling, cracking, or fading. 0 * Approved By: Project Name: ■ a Location: Uate:. , _. ... __ ---------------..-.-.--.....-,...........- WLS LIGHTING SISTIMS 1 91 9 Windsor Place I fort W oi th, TX 76110 i 8m.633.8711 6 Fax: 8 1 7.7 35.48 24 1 www.wlsllic Consider the Impact! ghting.com 0 SpeufiLations subject to diange without nottEr, 01 Rev, 12111 . ! 11 :11 2 h , i .. "I , , .11 �N,'A. 11�� '� -� , , � 4 1� 1 & V�' ,� f�� �! :;:::!! .:.!.!.! ;: ;; I I;;:;::: . -'-,�', � 11 ` "I - 1 11. 1.110, 2.1 lli]�Iil� t.,i"pli,�','��]�i.l:�i�]�i�]�i�lI ij�]�!�!�!�!�! !!�!:: I : X;1;1 :g.1 : : .. . 1 ;: :;: .,;:;:;:: ...'�l , I - � '... : . . .?., ...... � .... ii � P 'L 1W I "A .1 " 1,11,1110 :.$ ! .... ,:%:�::. : . 1::::::;:; . W � �1` W lil . 1,1` 1`111 11 .. . .1 1. ;:;:;; �g � 1h � 1� :::::;:�::� Vi �; .1 I .1 .,..! ��:::::A ",,�::; i� 1!;�:;:::::� 1: . .... . 12010.... . . U, . :; . : : :!:!:I ! ! �:,. II . . i;!� ;;;;;; ': ... :: i;; 01 IN ::: - ::: QX - �::" !:: . ! ! .. L', ,_ _ - ...... ....... . : ;1 , !; I � rg ... ....: : . : : :: -. . .. .. .:Q . - � - 1: .,� I.... �: ... : . ! S� , . , : .. .... T " V'�1,1'31:�::lkl PRO 1. , , 11. � , 1111 11 N ` 16, I I M. I 1111 11 1: I 1 �:::::: .!;;;; �; � X.i. � ; i .:.:.; ..., � 1 1 � :;;: ; 1: ;: . , ... � k i. " , . . ..".." I" I :;:;i ::� ! ! � :1 : , � - � 111 '. , I "I'll 13 ; MD. 1 � 10111;flli 1111111.111 1: 111 1 rJ 1:1 E& .4 It 0:1 , Ir M , ,q , .11 I R !!- ,,::::: 11 it� ,.,.:.,..I ......".., ....... "...'.1-.1 11,1111 N...'....'.11 : �! t!fl �1'11Q,' M, � , . 0. :. 011.,Hx 1k..1...'....::: .: I% 1:11 : I . - . . , UM . . ...... J . t : ", I �::: � � � I a 11 . m .." 1�, 1: . , �T .. H�fl 1 �,,:O,: I 1 1�::R;l .j 0 , � ,�� . i�.� M 5 1�! Id � T :9 N 11 I 11:1 VVLS LIGHTING'S 11 7 1 ,IN4 "I tl� 1: lull' .1 01 W :... " .. ... ::. , , N:�.,� is, �11` M11 1::, 011.1 k 1.11 :: ..... : 'm 11. .. I SNTS - SPECIFICATIONS 2-318" (60mm) O.D. x 4-3/4" (11 2 1 mrrn) POLESHAFT - Pole shaft iselctro-welded ASTM-A500 Grade C steel tubing with a minimum Tenon yield Strength of 50,000 psi. On Tenon Mount steel poles, tenon IS 2-3/8' O.D. high-strength F1 __ pipe. Tenon is 4-3/4' in length. Straight poles are 4', 5" and 6' square - __ HAND HOLE - Standard hand-hole location is 12" above pole base. Poles 22' and above have a 3* x 6' reinforced hand-hole. Shorter poles have a 2' x4' non-reinforced hand-hole. I-, I BASE- Pole base is ASTM-A36 hat - rolled steel plate with a minimum yield strength of 36,000 I'll psi. Two-piece square base cover is optional. "I Z, ANCHOR BOLTS - Poles are furnished with anchor bolts featuring zinc-plated double nuts 14l-3391 and washers. Galvanized anchor bolts are optional. Anchor bolts conform to ASTM-A36 with (4.3m - 1 1.9m) a minimum yield strength of 36,000 psi. GROUND LUG - Ground lug is standard. DUPLEX RECEPTACLE - Weatherproof duplex receptacle is optional. Hand-hole GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER - Ground fault circuit interrupter. 0 ozz � FINISH - Each pole Is finished with WLS DuraGrip' polyester powder coat finishing process 1 1 211 to give the pole an exceptionally attractive appearance. The process electrostatically applies (305mm) and thermally fuses a polyester pawderto the pole. This unique protection process provides Optional - Standard an extremely smooth and uniform finish which withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. DuraGrip' finish features a five-year limited warranty. Standard finish Base Cover colors available for poles are bronze, blackr platinum plus, buff, white, satin verde green, __ - I metallic silver, and graphite. Optional DuraGripl Plus features added protection with a 3.0 to -0.1 ____1 — 5.0 mil thickness of polyester-powder coat finish plus an inner coating. This specially designed - - inner coating is a thermal plastic hydrocarbon resin applied to the inside of the pole to seal F -, _ -_.� and protect against atmospheric and corrosive matter. DuraGrip' Plus finish features a Projection 14) seven -year limited wa rra rity. Anchor OETERMINING THE LUMINAIREIPOLE COMBINATION FOR YOUR APPLICATION Bolts - Select luminaire from Luminaire Ordering Information. - Select bracket configuration. - Refer to luminaire EPA chart to determine EPA value. Foundation - Select height of pole. By Other - Select MPH to match the wind speed in the application area. (Windspeed Map located in Bolt-on Mount Appendix) 2 -Boll Pattern No Mounting Holes - Confirm the pole EPA that is equal to or exceeds the luminaire/bracket EPA as was previously determined. a Single Flood Square Pole Top Pole Preparation M � Approved By: ------.—.-,- - -_- — Project Name: - I—- 111111 ■ Location: __ _________ - _. _____ Date: —.- - .,--- M" LIGHTING SYSTEMS P-0- Box 100519 I Fort Worth, TX 761135 1 800.633.8711 1 Fax: 817.735.4824 1 www.wi5llghtlng.com ■ Consider the Impact! Spec! 6cations %Ljbjecl to diange w1thout notice. 67 Pw 9/09 � ORDERINC INFORMATION SLI-LUI APPROPRIAIL CH01131- I ROM LACH U(ILUMN I0 I HPIVIIIILAI'� OPOILP ��01­11_. Piolvr to ,xampl,- heinw. _!77'r7 .... ­ ..... T ... 7­777�7 .................... - .......... 1- ,---....---..--!---.......----.--.!"",.----....---.! I . I I : : .:::.: . i ... . 1AM �7RV: : laft :.... 0 ZRiiiiii . : ........................... ....I.....,.- .......R.: : I .. . .:... .... 1 ::: : .. . .�.. . . :�::: �::�::�� :.:: Ot. . L11111111111 "a !: ��: : ..::::.... � j : VQ�TARV : :::: w9m .. , ��!�: *040:::: ::::: 11,11110 : : LEN$ . 00.9.0: :::::: :.::. Of I FVM 2 Type II 25OW PSMH- Pulse-Start FG - Flat Glass 480V BRZ - bronze LL Less 3 - Type III 32OW Metal Halide MT - Multi Tap' OLK - Black Lamp FIR Perimeter 35OW HPS- Hicil-IPre, wte TT - To Tap I PILT - Platinum GS -Glare Forward (PSMH Only) Sodium RUF - Buff shield Throw 40OW 5 - Type V WHT - white 88K - 8' Bracket GRIN Green RPP - Round __..... _____...... MsV . Metallic Pole Plate 2SOW NW - Natural White Silver 32OW BKT-WM -Wall 35OW CC - custom Mount Plate 40OW Color .-.--- ­_­.- .. PT Pole Top FVR 2 Type It 40OW MHR - Metal Halide SF - Single 3 - Type III 575W Reduced FP -Perimeter (PSMH only) Envelope Fusing Forward 75OW 1000 Watt" OF - Double Throw (PSMH only) PSMH - Pulse-Start Fusing 5 - Type V 875W Metal Halide (PSMH only) AS - Accent AF - Automotive 1000W HPS - High Pressure Stripg F orward (not available Sodium ' in Thf ow In HPS) PC - Photo Cell Al- Automotive I—- ------- --- _......... . - - - -- NO - No Options Interior 775W NW - Natural White SR - Super Reflector 575W - F V 5 1000 MH FG MT BRZ NO (EXAMPLE ORDER) ORDER: WLS 1 When orderinq pole top fixtures for tenon mounting, a pole top adaptor must be orckTM. 2- Tri-Tap not available I" 1000 Watt PSMH Voltage must be spec" - 12OV, 27 7V oi 34 7V 3- For International voltages, consult factory, 4- ME - MUNI Tap Is shipped standard unless otherwts,e specified. Muhl Tap consists of 12OV, 208V, 24OV, and 277V. Mufti Tap is pre-wired for highest volitaW. Alteffiatevoka.Wswil[feqkirpfiMr,-.widng, 5 Tri Tap Is shipped stanclaitc! for Canadian Applitrations. TO Tap consists of 12OV, 277V, and 347V. Tri Tap Is pre -wired for highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wiring, b An 8' bracket can only beordered with Ingle and DIW'configurations. 7- Lhi FVR/FVRPT photoeleLtrk control inanonty be used with 400 Watt PSMH * In accordance with the 2001 Energy Indepenclanceand Secuiily Act (EISA), fixtures will no bricfer be avaiabk- in Probe start Metal Halide with wattages from ISO watts through , 500 WAR-, foF new in%tallaijons. Replacement parts for existing fixtures are still available. -Cklqr PN*h . .......... — 45 - Light Gold Metallic 55 - Black 20- Charcoal Metallic 50 -White 94 - Blue Metallic 51 - Dark Red 59 -Dark Green 700 -Aztec Silver Metallic 21 - Tomato Red . : . ... .............. �::........................................................ ......... : . . !: ::. : . . . : - I :" - ORNA113 �����(�omofi"�oro:�figM�i**!W���::i::::, ::: : & .. iOt 0#6� ....... . . : .......... ... ..... . ........ . .... �.� ... 9WINF - Desaiplion HOUSE SIDE SHIELDS ROTWOEW FVR/FVM 2 HSS - House Side Shield - — ' FVRPT/FVMPT 2 HSS - House Side Shield — ­ F 17- Id FVR/FVM 3 HSS - House Side Shield � - - ----�, - House Side Shield 4�5 1 FVRPT/FVM PT 3 HSS C�16') � Is 3/8' __._1WQ FVR/FVM FP HSS -House Side Shield (1 1"___ 2_5/16� (137mrn)— I,--:a 718* FVRPT/FVMPT FP H55 - House Side Sh ield (59mm) (2zsmm) 5-3/8• FVR/FVRPT FA/AFT HSS - House Side Shield TYPE 11 TYPE IL AND `CFWARDTHPOW (FA/FP/AFT) ,r WITHINIFPNAI (137mm) I HOUSE SIDE SHIELD Approved By: __ Project Name: ______ - ­___ 0 ■ Location: ___ __ Date: ______ - - . __ I --- ■WLS L16HTIIG SYSTEMS 1919 Windsor Place I Fort Worth, TX 76110 1 800.613.8711 IF Fax: 817.735.4824 a www.wislighting.com ■ Considerthe Impactl , i iiiiiiiiiii. iii. ::: ..:., �q v: 1 ... ..... i " : :.... c , :::: :::: i : , ::. :.:.:.:.:., :.:.:.:.: :.:. ; �: :: :.:::.: ::::: xxxi :::;::- :::::: . :::::I :::::: :! : .., �::0�,VMV�;,� �., �."?,'.'W.� �W �;00., .1 :::::::::: : :::::::: :. , jg!:hl� ig!:iii:1 ii:i:i:i:i:i: ;:::::: :::!i��! !!!!i�!i!i��j iili!l�i!11� �!�!�i� �' �'.� "' t E,4 � � , V.:,:�O :11 �::::::::::::,::::::::: HN ::::.T�.',-11 1�%: '. :: ;:::: .: ::::::: xxx ::::: r INS .",,�:�l�i!"""�,'�jo��,.���,,K� ... ­­:k� � ::;::: :::;:::::::. 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V * : , ., , !;::;:: a . :; 1: .. ::: li�m��.j��p iis.l I 4ii;: 12 ., I �::::� I 10 MR IN 1 V-11 �� 0 �!::::; 4!;: 0 � 0 a E � I't 0 11 1`,::,:�:`:"" �:::�:::::�::::::::::::: g ! 11; � , "'. � N , �::: �::. �N::: Pi-i-i. 111, I �;;� !:::::: 1 , . . "', ill! I - .. . ......., : !::;:::: lxjij�l %I LKNI 11�ii]. ��.... xx,, � ' T ...... � , ....... I ..... 115311"'N . . Irl M?��,,,Ir��,�,,�7�,"di��-,�",::!:,�::::::::�,::::::!!!::Illll:!!::�� ... m..... I N�: -.11. . W....H. A4 I, Am PW 111111.1 .., &, .�.r : 0 �ii��iili. ". . I MR . I .... .... - ;:!,:.::!::::::::::::[::::::::::::::::::: � ��:::::::::::::�:�� : : a as , '� TO 09.6WHER"I: �i��M;l 11:!!!�!i!�!�!�!101� Z M DIM 11 0"I I'�:i,:,;,�iI.",�"::":: ..... . . . " `!�5 111111M III RE 111 P, A MR. f1l. I 1". "I �i�i�i1H� '. .1 �g� . !l1iiii: . , :!!!... ia , 4 . 11 111 t. y ,a 11i OWN%. - i 1111 M......`� V11,1111111,1111 T111DR.Mulp W,ga go : :::::::j .;, t '- ,..,: 1 114!1_-.:Vffl1 I I '. I ii:ipn g��i�r 'N ff I.! . .. , .r-l� E , : — , � ,., ., � : .. 1, Nir� .. .... , !9 ", I "..... � : ...... �­.. 1.11 11 :, . AA " : . . 0 . 'R 1. .. ��...�... I — -Al M ME '.1,11 11: M � � .. I V 1,11 1,1911 : : ; S . ... . � 6�011: 111 11111 . . , Im MOMWM N I Mill , I " ...... ... .. ...... -.------- , I ORDERING INFORMATION SILLF C I APPROPR�A I L C HO ICL ! Q0M t ACH CDU�MN I it f 11RIVII. ILA I L (H1r1[_R F,f,PL R"t., iq �X,11111'1., helnw : :�:::::� :: 'U4, CAT ::� : : � � iiiI A46M*IFi::;:;:: L : :: ............ :: ............ : lilt�r:: : �: : : ::::::.:::::::. :: �: :::: : FlOr" :: :::::. :::: � : :: �:: : : : I am: �: ::: :: ::::: 1:::::1Fl11JtFJ0 : �:: : : .: �:::.����.�:!.:�l���L-,A:.:.."�� I : � : � 00*wo � : ...... ..... 0CES"PlEt WLS-SNTS-144-11 S - Single /Parallel S BO - -Square pole, bolt-on mount, BRZ - Bronze CA - Galvanized Anchor Bolts 48C - 4" Square Base Cover WLS-SKTS-164-11 0180* - Double 2 bolt pattern BILK - Black SF - single flood SB C - 5' Square Base cover WLS-SNTS-16-5-11 090 " - Double S PT - Square pole, pole top mount PLT - Platinum Plus OF- Double Flood 66C - 6'Square Base cover WLS -51111ITS-19-4-11 ON90, - Double STM - Square pole, tenon mount OLIF - Buff OCP - DurAGHpI Plus ER2 - Weatherproof Duplex WLS-SNTS-18-5-11 T9V - Triple SNH - Square pole, no mounting holes WHT -While LAB - L ess Anchor Bolts Receptacle WLS-SNTS-204-11 TH120, - Triple of pole top caps SVG - Satin Verde Green NO - No Options IS F1 - Ground Fault Or cult WLS-SNTS-20-5 -11 Q90' -Quad GPT - Graphite Interrupter WLS-SNIS-22-4-11 QN"' - Quad MSV -Metallic Silver MHP - Mounting Hole Plugs WLS-SNTS-22-5-11 PT -Pole Top 4VO - Vibration Damper - WLS-SNTS-24-4-11 N -Tenon Mount 4'Square Pole WLS-SNTS-24.5-11 (Standard tenon 5VO - VI bration Damper - WLS-SNTS-26-5-11 size is 2- 3/8'0 131 S" Square Pole I -For use with 6VO - Vibi Ation Damper - Internal slipfitter I 6' Square Pole I NA -No A ccessodes I - - '--_,-` ---__ ----- ---___.___------- - _1 ­-__��_ ,--- -- — _�------ - 4E X AMPLE ORDER) WLS-SNTS-24-5Y -11 D90* STM BRZ NO NA �1J F* B�e Gaqg, Height Dm oie, ORDER: WLS-SNTS- — — I1 Pole heights will have +I -1 R'toterance. 9 :,.:,.. RL : : : ..:. � ::� : � : :::..:,;::::: :::: : � ::: : : CATA.I. : : :: Is .:. �.F,X. T AN. : .:::::::::::::::::::: :.: :: ::: X.. .''. . ::: A� . : : 0041, .:::: fA PIN JQh MP . . . . :::: : BOLT :. ; i . 4 "LIE ..:': . . , .: ..... . . �._. �:: : . ........ .., I .... . :. ... : : : . 0 ................ .......... , : ,, ,,: : I � ..... .. ....... I I : I .. WLS-SNTS-14-4-11 14' 1 4- 10-1/8'X3/4' W-11 1" 3/4'X 30' 105 16.7 12.2 9.0 WLS-SNTS-16-4-11 16, 1 4- 10-1/8"X3/4" 8- - I 1" 3/4" X 30- - 12-0 _13,_1_____'_ 9.3 6.5 WLS-SNTS-16-5-11 16, - -_ 5" 10-1/8" X 3/4" 9"- I I" 3/4' X 30' 144 25.0 ­_ - - 18.5 - 1 3.8 ­- WLS-SNTS-18-4-11 is, 4- 10-1/8'X3/4" 8'- I I" _3_W X _30" _5_59.7 _­ 6.5 4.2 WLS-SNTS-18-5-1 1 18, - ,5' 10-1/8'X3/4" 9"- 1 1 " 3/4'X 30' 162 19.7___.__.._14.1 10.1 WLS-SNTS-20-4-11 20' 4" 10 -1/8" X 314" 8'- 1 I" --3/4" X 30' 150 7.0 4.2 2.2 WLS-SNTS-20-5-11 20' S. 10-1/8" X 3/4" 9"- I I" 3/4" X 30" 180 15.4 10'.5__­­' 7.0 . WLS-SNTS-22-4-11 22' 4" 1 0 -1 /8" X 3/4" 8" - -11- ­ 3/4" X 30- 165 6.3 3.4 1.4_.... - - -_._ WLS-SNTS-22-5-11 22' 51, 10-1/8'X3/4' S�-11- __­3_/_4"X_30" ---19-8— 13.8 8.9 -- 5.5 . _... -..-. WLS-5NTS-24-4-11 24' 4W 10-1/8- X 3/4' 8"_1111 I 3/4'X 30" 180 4.0 1.5 - ­ .- . -_ ji—SSNTS-24-5-111 24' 5. . 10 -1 /8" X 3/4' V-11" 3/4" X 30' 216 10.5 -.-.-- 6.2 � 3.1 WLS-SNTS-26-5-1 1 16, 5. 110-118-XS14-LV-j1- 1 3/4n X 30- I L -, 234 7.6 3.8_ _ _ L_ 1.0 EPA INFORMATION: All WLS Lighting Systems' poles are guaranteed to meet the EPA requirements listed. WLS Lighting Systems Is not responsible If pole order has a lower EPA rating than the Ind)catedwind-loading zone where the pole is located. CAUTION: This guarantee does not apply if the pole/bracket/fixture combliiation Is used to support any other items such as flags, pennants, or signs, which would add stress to the pole. WLS Lighting Systems cannot accept responsIbillty for harm or damage caused In these s1ruiatlons. Approved B)r--, ___ Project Name: .- _ _______ ... a ■ Location: --- Date: WLS LIGHTING SYSTEMS P.0. Box 100S19 a Fort Worth, TX 7618S i 800.633.8711 1 Fax:817.735.4824 1 www.wlsllghting.com E Consider the Impact! 01 Rev. 2/09 a Z 1-4 W PQ W4 Z " 0 Z W � LL _1 F - U.) _t j0< CL Q) I 0 C'< > LU Ill 1W �j Z - 5 P- D ,_Li r- C_� Ld t � - , . :� W, (:,) I I V. � � Lcu 2L ,F, :5 1< § I ;Lt - 0 0 F a 0 M M i 0 '7 CID H­ (n LL Q. Q W X U3 * * * * * * * , �,j 'L.L), � I I 0 -� Os :! , -� C, � �: Z t Z 0 >_ C ♦ 5 .,� < LLJ I I U 0 M ct- -J 0 Z J,� H­ > � , >- 0 :� si M >: ZZ LL A 0 -. <_ Q X 7- �, - 10 �__ , -S , I :8) 1-04 10Z 1 Z. � i 11 V) < M o 0 H_ I ****** I $ I a I W W 4. 0') E_ '.4 y � I �) X �� W . L� I - X L) I 0 I 7 1 t L) �� 1, F W � -1 �q, .� �- -11 W; 0. �, Z E- �, gi, Y� .� 4 .,� � ;�4 0 0 :V rL I U .,4 X ;t, �, C) Old ,e � Z gi t-1 .� :71 _; I ; I- 11 �71 L) W . . REVISIONS - RE'll DATE COMMENT BY _ 1 4/16114 PER COUNTY DRH I COMMENTS I I I - I I I . I . E FOLLOWING STATES REQUIRE NOTIFICATION 13Y :xC; ATORS. DESIGNERS, OR ANY PERSON PREPARING TO ' 3IS �RB THE EARTH'S SURFACE ANYWHERE IN THE STATE. IN IRGINIA, MARYLAND, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND DELAWARE CALL - 811 , VVV -000-245-4840)(PA 1-800-242-1776)(OC 1-800-257-7777) VA 600-552-7001)(Mff) 1-800-267-7777)(DE 1-8130-282-8555), APPROVED FOR . CONSTRUCTION ' PROJECT No.: V132042 D AWN BY: RTY C IECKED BY: DRH D TE: 4116114 S ALE: = 1 "20' 1 CID 1. D.: LT1 j PROJECT FINAL SITE PLAN -­ FOR 0LK1N17,?,0AD '#T AIL CE NT EIR LOCATION OF SITE ROLKIN ROAD & ABBEY ROAD TAX MAP 78-75A C1 iARLOT-FESVILLE, VA 22911 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY i; BOH LER 28 1 ILACKWELL PARK LANE, SUITE 201 WARRENTON, VIRGINIA 20186 Phone: (540) 349-4500 Fax: (540) 349-0321 1 JvwwBohlerEngineering.com , W DANIEL R. HINES Lic, No. 043176 4/16/14 4i 44 S% 10 TITLE: LIGHTING DETAILS S ET NUMBER: 16 OF 25 ----. FVSERIF.S FVMSERIES FVR SERIES F [it LeAS 12"Braciel 12*8FadaA ­ ______ _.. a Single 3.2 3A iwa D180, 63 T6 % D90* 5.7 - 716 T9V 8.8 11.4 - L TN . i 2 .. ol - - . - - - 9 ' .0 _ I 11.4 Q50. 11.3 15.2 - ­ ­ ._.____._�.- I - m ...- FNe Top IL2 � 40 1 V Vilpatterns " L VUL mule movement., LIGHT SOURCES - Designed to operate with Pulse Start Metal Halide, Natural White, Super Metal Halide, Metal Halide, Metal Halide Reduce Envelope or High Pressure Sodium. SOCKETS - Porcelain mogul-base sockets wrin spr;ng-rIeJnT0f`CCa contacts. BALLAST - Pulse Start Metal Halide, Metal Halide, Super Metal Halide, and High Presure Sodium feature a high- power factor CW A ballast, and are designed for -20' F operation. 8 R AC KE TS -Arm Mount: 5 112'x2 112'x 12' length shipped standard. (An 8* brad(et i s avaiable for single or D180 configurations, but must be ordered separately from Options column of the ordering chart) A hound Pole Plate (RPP) is required for mounting t0 3' -5" round poles- (See Options in Lurninaire Ordering Information.) Note, House _%de ShOld 4dds to fixture EPA Corsuitfactory Pole Top: Cast aluminum mounting hub conceits the wiring compartment and mounting hardware (consisting of four 11 /16" OD. aluminum rods for medium fixtures and 7/8'0.D. K)LETOPMOUM PO(TONAAM aluminum rods for large fixtures, and high-strength grade -five steel bolt with nylon insert and split lock washer for double locking.) DECAL STRIPING - WLS offers optional color-coordinated t3erals in9standard colorsto V : - accent the fixture. Decal is guaranteed for five years against peeling, cracking, or fading. 0 * Approved By: Project Name: ■ a Location: Uate:. , _. ... __ ---------------..-.-.--.....-,...........- WLS LIGHTING SISTIMS 1 91 9 Windsor Place I fort W oi th, TX 76110 i 8m.633.8711 6 Fax: 8 1 7.7 35.48 24 1 www.wlsllic Consider the Impact! ghting.com 0 SpeufiLations subject to diange without nottEr, 01 Rev, 12111 . ! 11 :11 2 h , i .. "I , , .11 �N,'A. 11�� '� -� , , � 4 1� 1 & V�' ,� f�� �! :;:::!! .:.!.!.! ;: ;; I I;;:;::: . -'-,�', � 11 ` "I - 1 11. 1.110, 2.1 lli]�Iil� t.,i"pli,�','��]�i.l:�i�]�i�]�i�lI ij�]�!�!�!�!�! !!�!:: I : X;1;1 :g.1 : : .. . 1 ;: :;: .,;:;:;:: ...'�l , I - � '... : . . .?., ...... � .... ii � P 'L 1W I "A .1 " 1,11,1110 :.$ ! .... ,:%:�::. : . 1::::::;:; . W � �1` W lil . 1,1` 1`111 11 .. . .1 1. ;:;:;; �g � 1h � 1� :::::;:�::� Vi �; .1 I .1 .,..! ��:::::A ",,�::; i� 1!;�:;:::::� 1: . .... . 12010.... . . U, . :; . : : :!:!:I ! ! �:,. 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I SNTS - SPECIFICATIONS 2-318" (60mm) O.D. x 4-3/4" (11 2 1 mrrn) POLESHAFT - Pole shaft iselctro-welded ASTM-A500 Grade C steel tubing with a minimum Tenon yield Strength of 50,000 psi. On Tenon Mount steel poles, tenon IS 2-3/8' O.D. high-strength F1 __ pipe. Tenon is 4-3/4' in length. Straight poles are 4', 5" and 6' square - __ HAND HOLE - Standard hand-hole location is 12" above pole base. Poles 22' and above have a 3* x 6' reinforced hand-hole. Shorter poles have a 2' x4' non-reinforced hand-hole. I-, I BASE- Pole base is ASTM-A36 hat - rolled steel plate with a minimum yield strength of 36,000 I'll psi. Two-piece square base cover is optional. "I Z, ANCHOR BOLTS - Poles are furnished with anchor bolts featuring zinc-plated double nuts 14l-3391 and washers. Galvanized anchor bolts are optional. Anchor bolts conform to ASTM-A36 with (4.3m - 1 1.9m) a minimum yield strength of 36,000 psi. GROUND LUG - Ground lug is standard. DUPLEX RECEPTACLE - Weatherproof duplex receptacle is optional. Hand-hole GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER - Ground fault circuit interrupter. 0 ozz � FINISH - Each pole Is finished with WLS DuraGrip' polyester powder coat finishing process 1 1 211 to give the pole an exceptionally attractive appearance. The process electrostatically applies (305mm) and thermally fuses a polyester pawderto the pole. This unique protection process provides Optional - Standard an extremely smooth and uniform finish which withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. DuraGrip' finish features a five-year limited warranty. Standard finish Base Cover colors available for poles are bronze, blackr platinum plus, buff, white, satin verde green, __ - I metallic silver, and graphite. Optional DuraGripl Plus features added protection with a 3.0 to -0.1 ____1 — 5.0 mil thickness of polyester-powder coat finish plus an inner coating. This specially designed - - inner coating is a thermal plastic hydrocarbon resin applied to the inside of the pole to seal F -, _ -_.� and protect against atmospheric and corrosive matter. DuraGrip' Plus finish features a Projection 14) seven -year limited wa rra rity. Anchor OETERMINING THE LUMINAIREIPOLE COMBINATION FOR YOUR APPLICATION Bolts - Select luminaire from Luminaire Ordering Information. - Select bracket configuration. - Refer to luminaire EPA chart to determine EPA value. Foundation - Select height of pole. By Other - Select MPH to match the wind speed in the application area. (Windspeed Map located in Bolt-on Mount Appendix) 2 -Boll Pattern No Mounting Holes - Confirm the pole EPA that is equal to or exceeds the luminaire/bracket EPA as was previously determined. a Single Flood Square Pole Top Pole Preparation M � Approved By: ------.—.-,- - -_- — Project Name: - I—- 111111 ■ Location: __ _________ - _. _____ Date: —.- - .,--- M" LIGHTING SYSTEMS P-0- Box 100519 I Fort Worth, TX 761135 1 800.633.8711 1 Fax: 817.735.4824 1 www.wi5llghtlng.com ■ Consider the Impact! Spec! 6cations %Ljbjecl to diange w1thout notice. 67 Pw 9/09 � ORDERINC INFORMATION SLI-LUI APPROPRIAIL CH01131- I ROM LACH U(ILUMN I0 I HPIVIIIILAI'� OPOILP ��01­11_. Piolvr to ,xampl,- heinw. _!77'r7 .... ­ ..... T ... 7­777�7 .................... - .......... 1- ,---....---..--!---.......----.--.!"",.----....---.! I . I I : : .:::.: . i ... . 1AM �7RV: : laft :.... 0 ZRiiiiii . : ........................... ....I.....,.- .......R.: : I .. . .:... .... 1 ::: : .. . .�.. . . :�::: �::�::�� :.:: Ot. . L11111111111 "a !: ��: : ..::::.... � j : VQ�TARV : :::: w9m .. , ��!�: *040:::: ::::: 11,11110 : : LEN$ . 00.9.0: :::::: :.::. Of I FVM 2 Type II 25OW PSMH- Pulse-Start FG - Flat Glass 480V BRZ - bronze LL Less 3 - Type III 32OW Metal Halide MT - Multi Tap' OLK - Black Lamp FIR Perimeter 35OW HPS- Hicil-IPre, wte TT - To Tap I PILT - Platinum GS -Glare Forward (PSMH Only) Sodium RUF - Buff shield Throw 40OW 5 - Type V WHT - white 88K - 8' Bracket GRIN Green RPP - Round __..... _____...... MsV . Metallic Pole Plate 2SOW NW - Natural White Silver 32OW BKT-WM -Wall 35OW CC - custom Mount Plate 40OW Color .-.--- ­_­.- .. PT Pole Top FVR 2 Type It 40OW MHR - Metal Halide SF - Single 3 - Type III 575W Reduced FP -Perimeter (PSMH only) Envelope Fusing Forward 75OW 1000 Watt" OF - Double Throw (PSMH only) PSMH - Pulse-Start Fusing 5 - Type V 875W Metal Halide (PSMH only) AS - Accent AF - Automotive 1000W HPS - High Pressure Stripg F orward (not available Sodium ' in Thf ow In HPS) PC - Photo Cell Al- Automotive I—- ------- --- _......... . - - - -- NO - No Options Interior 775W NW - Natural White SR - Super Reflector 575W - F V 5 1000 MH FG MT BRZ NO (EXAMPLE ORDER) ORDER: WLS 1 When orderinq pole top fixtures for tenon mounting, a pole top adaptor must be orckTM. 2- Tri-Tap not available I" 1000 Watt PSMH Voltage must be spec" - 12OV, 27 7V oi 34 7V 3- For International voltages, consult factory, 4- ME - MUNI Tap Is shipped standard unless otherwts,e specified. Muhl Tap consists of 12OV, 208V, 24OV, and 277V. Mufti Tap is pre-wired for highest volitaW. Alteffiatevoka.Wswil[feqkirpfiMr,-.widng, 5 Tri Tap Is shipped stanclaitc! for Canadian Applitrations. TO Tap consists of 12OV, 277V, and 347V. Tri Tap Is pre -wired for highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wiring, b An 8' bracket can only beordered with Ingle and DIW'configurations. 7- Lhi FVR/FVRPT photoeleLtrk control inanonty be used with 400 Watt PSMH * In accordance with the 2001 Energy Indepenclanceand Secuiily Act (EISA), fixtures will no bricfer be avaiabk- in Probe start Metal Halide with wattages from ISO watts through , 500 WAR-, foF new in%tallaijons. Replacement parts for existing fixtures are still available. -Cklqr PN*h . .......... — 45 - Light Gold Metallic 55 - Black 20- Charcoal Metallic 50 -White 94 - Blue Metallic 51 - Dark Red 59 -Dark Green 700 -Aztec Silver Metallic 21 - Tomato Red . : . ... .............. �::........................................................ ......... : . . !: ::. : . . . : - I :" - ORNA113 �����(�omofi"�oro:�figM�i**!W���::i::::, ::: : & .. iOt 0#6� ....... . . : .......... ... ..... . ........ . .... �.� ... 9WINF - Desaiplion HOUSE SIDE SHIELDS ROTWOEW FVR/FVM 2 HSS - House Side Shield - — ' FVRPT/FVMPT 2 HSS - House Side Shield — ­ F 17- Id FVR/FVM 3 HSS - House Side Shield � - - ----�, - House Side Shield 4�5 1 FVRPT/FVM PT 3 HSS C�16') � Is 3/8' __._1WQ FVR/FVM FP HSS -House Side Shield (1 1"___ 2_5/16� (137mrn)— I,--:a 718* FVRPT/FVMPT FP H55 - House Side Sh ield (59mm) (2zsmm) 5-3/8• FVR/FVRPT FA/AFT HSS - House Side Shield TYPE 11 TYPE IL AND `CFWARDTHPOW (FA/FP/AFT) ,r WITHINIFPNAI (137mm) I HOUSE SIDE SHIELD Approved By: __ Project Name: ______ - ­___ 0 ■ Location: ___ __ Date: ______ - - . __ I --- ■WLS L16HTIIG SYSTEMS 1919 Windsor Place I Fort Worth, TX 76110 1 800.613.8711 IF Fax: 817.735.4824 a www.wislighting.com ■ Considerthe Impactl , i iiiiiiiiiii. iii. ::: ..:., �q v: 1 ... ..... i " : :.... c , :::: :::: i : , ::. :.:.:.:.:., :.:.:.:.: :.:. ; �: :: :.:::.: ::::: xxxi :::;::- :::::: . :::::I :::::: :! : .., �::0�,VMV�;,� �., �."?,'.'W.� �W �;00., .1 :::::::::: : :::::::: :. , jg!:hl� ig!:iii:1 ii:i:i:i:i:i: ;:::::: :::!i��! !!!!i�!i!i��j iili!l�i!11� �!�!�i� �' �'.� "' t E,4 � � , V.:,:�O :11 �::::::::::::,::::::::: HN ::::.T�.',-11 1�%: '. :: ;:::: .: ::::::: xxx ::::: r INS .",,�:�l�i!"""�,'�jo��,.���,,K� ... ­­:k� � ::;::: :::;:::::::. 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V * : , ., , !;::;:: a . :; 1: .. ::: li�m��.j��p iis.l I 4ii;: 12 ., I �::::� I 10 MR IN 1 V-11 �� 0 �!::::; 4!;: 0 � 0 a E � I't 0 11 1`,::,:�:`:"" �:::�:::::�::::::::::::: g ! 11; � , "'. � N , �::: �::. �N::: Pi-i-i. 111, I �;;� !:::::: 1 , . . "', ill! I - .. . ......., : !::;:::: lxjij�l %I LKNI 11�ii]. ��.... xx,, � ' T ...... � , ....... I ..... 115311"'N . . Irl M?��,,,Ir��,�,,�7�,"di��-,�",::!:,�::::::::�,::::::!!!::Illll:!!::�� ... m..... I N�: -.11. . W....H. A4 I, Am PW 111111.1 .., &, .�.r : 0 �ii��iili. ". . I MR . I .... .... - ;:!,:.::!::::::::::::[::::::::::::::::::: � ��:::::::::::::�:�� : : a as , '� TO 09.6WHER"I: �i��M;l 11:!!!�!i!�!�!�!101� Z M DIM 11 0"I I'�:i,:,;,�iI.",�"::":: ..... . . . " `!�5 111111M III RE 111 P, A MR. f1l. I 1". "I �i�i�i1H� '. .1 �g� . !l1iiii: . , :!!!... ia , 4 . 11 111 t. y ,a 11i OWN%. - i 1111 M......`� V11,1111111,1111 T111DR.Mulp W,ga go : :::::::j .;, t '- ,..,: 1 114!1_-.:Vffl1 I I '. I ii:ipn g��i�r 'N ff I.! . .. , .r-l� E , : — , � ,., ., � : .. 1, Nir� .. .... , !9 ", I "..... � : ...... �­.. 1.11 11 :, . AA " : . . 0 . 'R 1. .. ��...�... I — -Al M ME '.1,11 11: M � � .. I V 1,11 1,1911 : : ; S . ... . � 6�011: 111 11111 . . , Im MOMWM N I Mill , I " ...... ... .. ...... -.------- , I ORDERING INFORMATION SILLF C I APPROPR�A I L C HO ICL ! Q0M t ACH CDU�MN I it f 11RIVII. ILA I L (H1r1[_R F,f,PL R"t., iq �X,11111'1., helnw : :�:::::� :: 'U4, CAT ::� : : � � iiiI A46M*IFi::;:;:: L : :: ............ :: ............ : lilt�r:: : �: : : ::::::.:::::::. :: �: :::: : FlOr" :: :::::. :::: � : :: �:: : : : I am: �: ::: :: ::::: 1:::::1Fl11JtFJ0 : �:: : : .: �:::.����.�:!.:�l���L-,A:.:.."�� I : � : � 00*wo � : ...... ..... 0CES"PlEt WLS-SNTS-144-11 S - Single /Parallel S BO - -Square pole, bolt-on mount, BRZ - Bronze CA - Galvanized Anchor Bolts 48C - 4" Square Base Cover WLS-SKTS-164-11 0180* - Double 2 bolt pattern BILK - Black SF - single flood SB C - 5' Square Base cover WLS-SNTS-16-5-11 090 " - Double S PT - Square pole, pole top mount PLT - Platinum Plus OF- Double Flood 66C - 6'Square Base cover WLS -51111ITS-19-4-11 ON90, - Double STM - Square pole, tenon mount OLIF - Buff OCP - DurAGHpI Plus ER2 - Weatherproof Duplex WLS-SNTS-18-5-11 T9V - Triple SNH - Square pole, no mounting holes WHT -While LAB - L ess Anchor Bolts Receptacle WLS-SNTS-204-11 TH120, - Triple of pole top caps SVG - Satin Verde Green NO - No Options IS F1 - Ground Fault Or cult WLS-SNTS-20-5 -11 Q90' -Quad GPT - Graphite Interrupter WLS-SNIS-22-4-11 QN"' - Quad MSV -Metallic Silver MHP - Mounting Hole Plugs WLS-SNTS-22-5-11 PT -Pole Top 4VO - Vibration Damper - WLS-SNTS-24-4-11 N -Tenon Mount 4'Square Pole WLS-SNTS-24.5-11 (Standard tenon 5VO - VI bration Damper - WLS-SNTS-26-5-11 size is 2- 3/8'0 131 S" Square Pole I -For use with 6VO - Vibi Ation Damper - Internal slipfitter I 6' Square Pole I NA -No A ccessodes I - - '--_,-` ---__ ----- ---___.___------- - _1 ­-__��_ ,--- -- — _�------ - 4E X AMPLE ORDER) WLS-SNTS-24-5Y -11 D90* STM BRZ NO NA �1J F* B�e Gaqg, Height Dm oie, ORDER: WLS-SNTS- — — I1 Pole heights will have +I -1 R'toterance. 9 :,.:,.. RL : : : ..:. � ::� : � : :::..:,;::::: :::: : � ::: : : CATA.I. : : :: Is .:. �.F,X. T AN. : .:::::::::::::::::::: :.: :: ::: X.. .''. . ::: A� . : : 0041, .:::: fA PIN JQh MP . . . . :::: : BOLT :. ; i . 4 "LIE ..:': . . , .: ..... . . �._. �:: : . ........ .., I .... . :. ... : : : . 0 ................ .......... , : ,, ,,: : I � ..... .. ....... I I : I .. WLS-SNTS-14-4-11 14' 1 4- 10-1/8'X3/4' W-11 1" 3/4'X 30' 105 16.7 12.2 9.0 WLS-SNTS-16-4-11 16, 1 4- 10-1/8"X3/4" 8- - I 1" 3/4" X 30- - 12-0 _13,_1_____'_ 9.3 6.5 WLS-SNTS-16-5-11 16, - -_ 5" 10-1/8" X 3/4" 9"- I I" 3/4' X 30' 144 25.0 ­_ - - 18.5 - 1 3.8 ­- WLS-SNTS-18-4-11 is, 4- 10-1/8'X3/4" 8'- I I" _3_W X _30" _5_59.7 _­ 6.5 4.2 WLS-SNTS-18-5-1 1 18, - ,5' 10-1/8'X3/4" 9"- 1 1 " 3/4'X 30' 162 19.7___.__.._14.1 10.1 WLS-SNTS-20-4-11 20' 4" 10 -1/8" X 314" 8'- 1 I" --3/4" X 30' 150 7.0 4.2 2.2 WLS-SNTS-20-5-11 20' S. 10-1/8" X 3/4" 9"- I I" 3/4" X 30" 180 15.4 10'.5__­­' 7.0 . WLS-SNTS-22-4-11 22' 4" 1 0 -1 /8" X 3/4" 8" - -11- ­ 3/4" X 30- 165 6.3 3.4 1.4_.... - - -_._ WLS-SNTS-22-5-11 22' 51, 10-1/8'X3/4' S�-11- __­3_/_4"X_30" ---19-8— 13.8 8.9 -- 5.5 . _... -..-. WLS-5NTS-24-4-11 24' 4W 10-1/8- X 3/4' 8"_1111 I 3/4'X 30" 180 4.0 1.5 - ­ .- . -_ ji—SSNTS-24-5-111 24' 5. . 10 -1 /8" X 3/4' V-11" 3/4" X 30' 216 10.5 -.-.-- 6.2 � 3.1 WLS-SNTS-26-5-1 1 16, 5. 110-118-XS14-LV-j1- 1 3/4n X 30- I L -, 234 7.6 3.8_ _ _ L_ 1.0 EPA INFORMATION: All WLS Lighting Systems' poles are guaranteed to meet the EPA requirements listed. WLS Lighting Systems Is not responsible If pole order has a lower EPA rating than the Ind)catedwind-loading zone where the pole is located. CAUTION: This guarantee does not apply if the pole/bracket/fixture combliiation Is used to support any other items such as flags, pennants, or signs, which would add stress to the pole. WLS Lighting Systems cannot accept responsIbillty for harm or damage caused In these s1ruiatlons. Approved B)r--, ___ Project Name: .- _ _______ ... a ■ Location: --- Date: WLS LIGHTING SYSTEMS P.0. Box 100S19 a Fort Worth, TX 7618S i 800.633.8711 1 Fax:817.735.4824 1 www.wlsllghting.com E Consider the Impact! 01 Rev. 2/09 a Z 1-4 W PQ W4 Z " 0 Z W � LL _1 F - U.) _t j0< CL Q) I 0 C'< > LU Ill 1W �j Z - 5 P- D ,_Li r- C_� Ld t � - , . :� W, (:,) I I V. � � Lcu 2L ,F, :5 1< § I ;Lt - 0 0 F a 0 M M i 0 '7 CID H­ (n LL Q. Q W X U3 * * * * * * * , �,j 'L.L), � I I 0 -� Os :! , -� C, � �: Z t Z 0 >_ C ♦ 5 .,� < LLJ I I U 0 M ct- -J 0 Z J,� H­ > � , >- 0 :� si M >: ZZ LL A 0 -. <_ Q X 7- �, - 10 �__ , -S , I :8) 1-04 10Z 1 Z. � i 11 V) < M o 0 H_ I ****** I $ I a I W W 4. 0') E_ '.4 y � I �) X �� W . L� I - X L) I 0 I 7 1 t L) �� 1, F W � -1 �q, .� �- -11 W; 0. �, Z E- �, gi, Y� .� 4 .,� � ;�4 0 0 :V rL I U .,4 X ;t, �, C) Old ,e � Z gi t-1 .� :71 _; I ; I- 11 �71 L) W . . REVISIONS - RE'll DATE COMMENT BY _ 1 4/16114 PER COUNTY DRH I COMMENTS I I I - I I I . I . E FOLLOWING STATES REQUIRE NOTIFICATION 13Y :xC; ATORS. DESIGNERS, OR ANY PERSON PREPARING TO ' 3IS �RB THE EARTH'S SURFACE ANYWHERE IN THE STATE. IN IRGINIA, MARYLAND, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND DELAWARE CALL - 811 , VVV -000-245-4840)(PA 1-800-242-1776)(OC 1-800-257-7777) VA 600-552-7001)(Mff) 1-800-267-7777)(DE 1-8130-282-8555), APPROVED FOR . CONSTRUCTION ' PROJECT No.: V132042 D AWN BY: RTY C IECKED BY: DRH D TE: 4116114 S ALE: = 1 "20' 1 CID 1. D.: LT1 j PROJECT FINAL SITE PLAN -­ FOR 0LK1N17,?,0AD '#T AIL CE NT EIR LOCATION OF SITE ROLKIN ROAD & ABBEY ROAD TAX MAP 78-75A C1 iARLOT-FESVILLE, VA 22911 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY i; BOH LER 28 1 ILACKWELL PARK LANE, SUITE 201 WARRENTON, VIRGINIA 20186 Phone: (540) 349-4500 Fax: (540) 349-0321 1 JvwwBohlerEngineering.com , W DANIEL R. HINES Lic, No. 043176 4/16/14 4i 44 S% 10 TITLE: LIGHTING DETAILS S ET NUMBER: 16 OF 25 V Vilpatterns " L VUL mule movement., LIGHT SOURCES - Designed to operate with Pulse Start Metal Halide, Natural White, Super Metal Halide, Metal Halide, Metal Halide Reduce Envelope or High Pressure Sodium. SOCKETS - Porcelain mogul-base sockets wrin spr;ng-rIeJnT0f`CCa contacts. BALLAST - Pulse Start Metal Halide, Metal Halide, Super Metal Halide, and High Presure Sodium feature a high- power factor CW A ballast, and are designed for -20' F operation. 8 R AC KE TS -Arm Mount: 5 112'x2 112'x 12' length shipped standard. (An 8* brad(et i s avaiable for single or D180 configurations, but must be ordered separately from Options column of the ordering chart) A hound Pole Plate (RPP) is required for mounting t0 3' -5" round poles- (See Options in Lurninaire Ordering Information.) Note, House _%de ShOld 4dds to fixture EPA Corsuitfactory Pole Top: Cast aluminum mounting hub conceits the wiring compartment and mounting hardware (consisting of four 11 /16" OD. aluminum rods for medium fixtures and 7/8'0.D. K)LETOPMOUM PO(TONAAM aluminum rods for large fixtures, and high-strength grade -five steel bolt with nylon insert and split lock washer for double locking.) DECAL STRIPING - WLS offers optional color-coordinated t3erals in9standard colorsto V : - accent the fixture. Decal is guaranteed for five years against peeling, cracking, or fading. 0 * Approved By: Project Name: ■ a Location: Uate:. , _. ... __ ---------------..-.-.--.....-,...........- WLS LIGHTING SISTIMS 1 91 9 Windsor Place I fort W oi th, TX 76110 i 8m.633.8711 6 Fax: 8 1 7.7 35.48 24 1 www.wlsllic Consider the Impact! ghting.com 0 SpeufiLations subject to diange without nottEr, 01 Rev, 12111 . ! 11 :11 2 h , i .. "I , , .11 �N,'A. 11�� '� -� , , � 4 1� 1 & V�' ,� f�� �! :;:::!! .:.!.!.! ;: ;; I I;;:;::: . -'-,�', � 11 ` "I - 1 11. 1.110, 2.1 lli]�Iil� t.,i"pli,�','��]�i.l:�i�]�i�]�i�lI ij�]�!�!�!�!�! !!�!:: I : X;1;1 :g.1 : : .. . 1 ;: :;: .,;:;:;:: ...'�l , I - � '... : . . .?., ...... � .... ii � P 'L 1W I "A .1 " 1,11,1110 :.$ ! .... ,:%:�::. : . 1::::::;:; . W � �1` W lil . 1,1` 1`111 11 .. . .1 1. ;:;:;; �g � 1h � 1� :::::;:�::� Vi �; .1 I .1 .,..! ��:::::A ",,�::; i� 1!;�:;:::::� 1: . .... . 12010.... . . U, . :; . : : :!:!:I ! ! �:,. II . . i;!� ;;;;;; ': ... :: i;; 01 IN ::: - ::: QX - �::" !:: . ! ! .. L', ,_ _ - ...... ....... . : ;1 , !; I � rg ... ....: : . : : :: -. . .. .. .:Q . - � - 1: .,� I.... �: ... : . ! S� , . , : .. .... T " V'�1,1'31:�::lkl PRO 1. , , 11. � , 1111 11 N ` 16, I I M. I 1111 11 1: I 1 �:::::: .!;;;; �; � X.i. � ; i .:.:.; ..., � 1 1 � :;;: ; 1: ;: . , ... � k i. " , . . ..".." I" I :;:;i ::� ! ! � :1 : , � - � 111 '. , I "I'll 13 ; MD. 1 � 10111;flli 1111111.111 1: 111 1 rJ 1:1 E& .4 It 0:1 , Ir M , ,q , .11 I R !!- ,,::::: 11 it� ,.,.:.,..I ......".., ....... "...'.1-.1 11,1111 N...'....'.11 : �! t!fl �1'11Q,' M, � , . 0. :. 011.,Hx 1k..1...'....::: .: I% 1:11 : I . - . . , UM . . ...... J . t : ", I �::: � � � I a 11 . m .." 1�, 1: . , �T .. H�fl 1 �,,:O,: I 1 1�::R;l .j 0 , � ,�� . i�.� M 5 1�! Id � T :9 N 11 I 11:1 VVLS LIGHTING'S 11 7 1 ,IN4 "I tl� 1: lull' .1 01 W :... " .. ... ::. , , N:�.,� is, �11` M11 1::, 011.1 k 1.11 :: ..... : 'm 11. .. I SNTS - SPECIFICATIONS 2-318" (60mm) O.D. x 4-3/4" (11 2 1 mrrn) POLESHAFT - Pole shaft iselctro-welded ASTM-A500 Grade C steel tubing with a minimum Tenon yield Strength of 50,000 psi. On Tenon Mount steel poles, tenon IS 2-3/8' O.D. high-strength F1 __ pipe. Tenon is 4-3/4' in length. Straight poles are 4', 5" and 6' square - __ HAND HOLE - Standard hand-hole location is 12" above pole base. Poles 22' and above have a 3* x 6' reinforced hand-hole. Shorter poles have a 2' x4' non-reinforced hand-hole. I-, I BASE- Pole base is ASTM-A36 hat - rolled steel plate with a minimum yield strength of 36,000 I'll psi. Two-piece square base cover is optional. "I Z, ANCHOR BOLTS - Poles are furnished with anchor bolts featuring zinc-plated double nuts 14l-3391 and washers. Galvanized anchor bolts are optional. Anchor bolts conform to ASTM-A36 with (4.3m - 1 1.9m) a minimum yield strength of 36,000 psi. GROUND LUG - Ground lug is standard. DUPLEX RECEPTACLE - Weatherproof duplex receptacle is optional. Hand-hole GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER - Ground fault circuit interrupter. 0 ozz � FINISH - Each pole Is finished with WLS DuraGrip' polyester powder coat finishing process 1 1 211 to give the pole an exceptionally attractive appearance. The process electrostatically applies (305mm) and thermally fuses a polyester pawderto the pole. This unique protection process provides Optional - Standard an extremely smooth and uniform finish which withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. DuraGrip' finish features a five-year limited warranty. Standard finish Base Cover colors available for poles are bronze, blackr platinum plus, buff, white, satin verde green, __ - I metallic silver, and graphite. Optional DuraGripl Plus features added protection with a 3.0 to -0.1 ____1 — 5.0 mil thickness of polyester-powder coat finish plus an inner coating. This specially designed - - inner coating is a thermal plastic hydrocarbon resin applied to the inside of the pole to seal F -, _ -_.� and protect against atmospheric and corrosive matter. DuraGrip' Plus finish features a Projection 14) seven -year limited wa rra rity. Anchor OETERMINING THE LUMINAIREIPOLE COMBINATION FOR YOUR APPLICATION Bolts - Select luminaire from Luminaire Ordering Information. - Select bracket configuration. - Refer to luminaire EPA chart to determine EPA value. Foundation - Select height of pole. By Other - Select MPH to match the wind speed in the application area. (Windspeed Map located in Bolt-on Mount Appendix) 2 -Boll Pattern No Mounting Holes - Confirm the pole EPA that is equal to or exceeds the luminaire/bracket EPA as was previously determined. a Single Flood Square Pole Top Pole Preparation M � Approved By: ------.—.-,- - -_- — Project Name: - I—- 111111 ■ Location: __ _________ - _. _____ Date: —.- - .,--- M" LIGHTING SYSTEMS P-0- Box 100519 I Fort Worth, TX 761135 1 800.633.8711 1 Fax: 817.735.4824 1 www.wi5llghtlng.com ■ Consider the Impact! Spec! 6cations %Ljbjecl to diange w1thout notice. 67 Pw 9/09 � ORDERINC INFORMATION SLI-LUI APPROPRIAIL CH01131- I ROM LACH U(ILUMN I0 I HPIVIIIILAI'� OPOILP ��01­11_. Piolvr to ,xampl,- heinw. _!77'r7 .... ­ ..... T ... 7­777�7 .................... - .......... 1- ,---....---..--!---.......----.--.!"",.----....---.! I . I I : : .:::.: . i ... . 1AM �7RV: : laft :.... 0 ZRiiiiii . : ........................... ....I.....,.- .......R.: : I .. . .:... .... 1 ::: : .. . .�.. . . :�::: �::�::�� :.:: Ot. . L11111111111 "a !: ��: : ..::::.... � j : VQ�TARV : :::: w9m .. , ��!�: *040:::: ::::: 11,11110 : : LEN$ . 00.9.0: :::::: :.::. Of I FVM 2 Type II 25OW PSMH- Pulse-Start FG - Flat Glass 480V BRZ - bronze LL Less 3 - Type III 32OW Metal Halide MT - Multi Tap' OLK - Black Lamp FIR Perimeter 35OW HPS- Hicil-IPre, wte TT - To Tap I PILT - Platinum GS -Glare Forward (PSMH Only) Sodium RUF - Buff shield Throw 40OW 5 - Type V WHT - white 88K - 8' Bracket GRIN Green RPP - Round __..... _____...... MsV . Metallic Pole Plate 2SOW NW - Natural White Silver 32OW BKT-WM -Wall 35OW CC - custom Mount Plate 40OW Color .-.--- ­_­.- .. PT Pole Top FVR 2 Type It 40OW MHR - Metal Halide SF - Single 3 - Type III 575W Reduced FP -Perimeter (PSMH only) Envelope Fusing Forward 75OW 1000 Watt" OF - Double Throw (PSMH only) PSMH - Pulse-Start Fusing 5 - Type V 875W Metal Halide (PSMH only) AS - Accent AF - Automotive 1000W HPS - High Pressure Stripg F orward (not available Sodium ' in Thf ow In HPS) PC - Photo Cell Al- Automotive I—- ------- --- _......... . - - - -- NO - No Options Interior 775W NW - Natural White SR - Super Reflector 575W - F V 5 1000 MH FG MT BRZ NO (EXAMPLE ORDER) ORDER: WLS 1 When orderinq pole top fixtures for tenon mounting, a pole top adaptor must be orckTM. 2- Tri-Tap not available I" 1000 Watt PSMH Voltage must be spec" - 12OV, 27 7V oi 34 7V 3- For International voltages, consult factory, 4- ME - MUNI Tap Is shipped standard unless otherwts,e specified. Muhl Tap consists of 12OV, 208V, 24OV, and 277V. Mufti Tap is pre-wired for highest volitaW. Alteffiatevoka.Wswil[feqkirpfiMr,-.widng, 5 Tri Tap Is shipped stanclaitc! for Canadian Applitrations. TO Tap consists of 12OV, 277V, and 347V. Tri Tap Is pre -wired for highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wiring, b An 8' bracket can only beordered with Ingle and DIW'configurations. 7- Lhi FVR/FVRPT photoeleLtrk control inanonty be used with 400 Watt PSMH * In accordance with the 2001 Energy Indepenclanceand Secuiily Act (EISA), fixtures will no bricfer be avaiabk- in Probe start Metal Halide with wattages from ISO watts through , 500 WAR-, foF new in%tallaijons. Replacement parts for existing fixtures are still available. -Cklqr PN*h . .......... — 45 - Light Gold Metallic 55 - Black 20- Charcoal Metallic 50 -White 94 - Blue Metallic 51 - Dark Red 59 -Dark Green 700 -Aztec Silver Metallic 21 - Tomato Red . : . ... .............. �::........................................................ ......... : . . !: ::. : . . . : - I :" - ORNA113 �����(�omofi"�oro:�figM�i**!W���::i::::, ::: : & .. iOt 0#6� ....... . . : .......... ... ..... . ........ . .... �.� ... 9WINF - Desaiplion HOUSE SIDE SHIELDS ROTWOEW FVR/FVM 2 HSS - House Side Shield - — ' FVRPT/FVMPT 2 HSS - House Side Shield — ­ F 17- Id FVR/FVM 3 HSS - House Side Shield � - - ----�, - House Side Shield 4�5 1 FVRPT/FVM PT 3 HSS C�16') � Is 3/8' __._1WQ FVR/FVM FP HSS -House Side Shield (1 1"___ 2_5/16� (137mrn)— I,--:a 718* FVRPT/FVMPT FP H55 - House Side Sh ield (59mm) (2zsmm) 5-3/8• FVR/FVRPT FA/AFT HSS - House Side Shield TYPE 11 TYPE IL AND `CFWARDTHPOW (FA/FP/AFT) ,r WITHINIFPNAI (137mm) I HOUSE SIDE SHIELD Approved By: __ Project Name: ______ - ­___ 0 ■ Location: ___ __ Date: ______ - - . __ I --- ■WLS L16HTIIG SYSTEMS 1919 Windsor Place I Fort Worth, TX 76110 1 800.613.8711 IF Fax: 817.735.4824 a www.wislighting.com ■ Considerthe Impactl , i iiiiiiiiiii. iii. ::: ..:., �q v: 1 ... ..... i " : :.... c , :::: :::: i : , ::. :.:.:.:.:., :.:.:.:.: :.:. ; �: :: :.:::.: ::::: xxxi :::;::- :::::: . :::::I :::::: :! : .., �::0�,VMV�;,� �., �."?,'.'W.� �W �;00., .1 :::::::::: : :::::::: :. , jg!:hl� ig!:iii:1 ii:i:i:i:i:i: ;:::::: :::!i��! !!!!i�!i!i��j iili!l�i!11� �!�!�i� �' �'.� "' t E,4 � � , V.:,:�O :11 �::::::::::::,::::::::: HN ::::.T�.',-11 1�%: '. :: ;:::: .: ::::::: xxx ::::: r INS .",,�:�l�i!"""�,'�jo��,.���,,K� ... ­­:k� � ::;::: :::;:::::::. 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V * : , ., , !;::;:: a . :; 1: .. ::: li�m��.j��p iis.l I 4ii;: 12 ., I �::::� I 10 MR IN 1 V-11 �� 0 �!::::; 4!;: 0 � 0 a E � I't 0 11 1`,::,:�:`:"" �:::�:::::�::::::::::::: g ! 11; � , "'. � N , �::: �::. �N::: Pi-i-i. 111, I �;;� !:::::: 1 , . . "', ill! I - .. . ......., : !::;:::: lxjij�l %I LKNI 11�ii]. ��.... xx,, � ' T ...... � , ....... I ..... 115311"'N . . Irl M?��,,,Ir��,�,,�7�,"di��-,�",::!:,�::::::::�,::::::!!!::Illll:!!::�� ... m..... I N�: -.11. . W....H. A4 I, Am PW 111111.1 .., &, .�.r : 0 �ii��iili. ". . I MR . I .... .... - ;:!,:.::!::::::::::::[::::::::::::::::::: � ��:::::::::::::�:�� : : a as , '� TO 09.6WHER"I: �i��M;l 11:!!!�!i!�!�!�!101� Z M DIM 11 0"I I'�:i,:,;,�iI.",�"::":: ..... . . . " `!�5 111111M III RE 111 P, A MR. f1l. I 1". "I �i�i�i1H� '. .1 �g� . !l1iiii: . , :!!!... ia , 4 . 11 111 t. y ,a 11i OWN%. - i 1111 M......`� V11,1111111,1111 T111DR.Mulp W,ga go : :::::::j .;, t '- ,..,: 1 114!1_-.:Vffl1 I I '. I ii:ipn g��i�r 'N ff I.! . .. , .r-l� E , : — , � ,., ., � : .. 1, Nir� .. .... , !9 ", I "..... � : ...... �­.. 1.11 11 :, . AA " : . . 0 . 'R 1. .. ��...�... I — -Al M ME '.1,11 11: M � � .. I V 1,11 1,1911 : : ; S . ... . � 6�011: 111 11111 . . , Im MOMWM N I Mill , I " ...... ... .. ...... -.------- , I ORDERING INFORMATION SILLF C I APPROPR�A I L C HO ICL ! Q0M t ACH CDU�MN I it f 11RIVII. ILA I L (H1r1[_R F,f,PL R"t., iq �X,11111'1., helnw : :�:::::� :: 'U4, CAT ::� : : � � iiiI A46M*IFi::;:;:: L : :: ............ :: ............ : lilt�r:: : �: : : ::::::.:::::::. :: �: :::: : FlOr" :: :::::. :::: � : :: �:: : : : I am: �: ::: :: ::::: 1:::::1Fl11JtFJ0 : �:: : : .: �:::.����.�:!.:�l���L-,A:.:.."�� I : � : � 00*wo � : ...... ..... 0CES"PlEt WLS-SNTS-144-11 S - Single /Parallel S BO - -Square pole, bolt-on mount, BRZ - Bronze CA - Galvanized Anchor Bolts 48C - 4" Square Base Cover WLS-SKTS-164-11 0180* - Double 2 bolt pattern BILK - Black SF - single flood SB C - 5' Square Base cover WLS-SNTS-16-5-11 090 " - Double S PT - Square pole, pole top mount PLT - Platinum Plus OF- Double Flood 66C - 6'Square Base cover WLS -51111ITS-19-4-11 ON90, - Double STM - Square pole, tenon mount OLIF - Buff OCP - DurAGHpI Plus ER2 - Weatherproof Duplex WLS-SNTS-18-5-11 T9V - Triple SNH - Square pole, no mounting holes WHT -While LAB - L ess Anchor Bolts Receptacle WLS-SNTS-204-11 TH120, - Triple of pole top caps SVG - Satin Verde Green NO - No Options IS F1 - Ground Fault Or cult WLS-SNTS-20-5 -11 Q90' -Quad GPT - Graphite Interrupter WLS-SNIS-22-4-11 QN"' - Quad MSV -Metallic Silver MHP - Mounting Hole Plugs WLS-SNTS-22-5-11 PT -Pole Top 4VO - Vibration Damper - WLS-SNTS-24-4-11 N -Tenon Mount 4'Square Pole WLS-SNTS-24.5-11 (Standard tenon 5VO - VI bration Damper - WLS-SNTS-26-5-11 size is 2- 3/8'0 131 S" Square Pole I -For use with 6VO - Vibi Ation Damper - Internal slipfitter I 6' Square Pole I NA -No A ccessodes I - - '--_,-` ---__ ----- ---___.___------- - _1 ­-__��_ ,--- -- — _�------ - 4E X AMPLE ORDER) WLS-SNTS-24-5Y -11 D90* STM BRZ NO NA �1J F* B�e Gaqg, Height Dm oie, ORDER: WLS-SNTS- — — I1 Pole heights will have +I -1 R'toterance. 9 :,.:,.. RL : : : ..:. � ::� : � : :::..:,;::::: :::: : � ::: : : CATA.I. : : :: Is .:. �.F,X. T AN. : .:::::::::::::::::::: :.: :: ::: X.. .''. . ::: A� . : : 0041, .:::: fA PIN JQh MP . . . . :::: : BOLT :. ; i . 4 "LIE ..:': . . , .: ..... . . �._. �:: : . ........ .., I .... . :. ... : : : . 0 ................ .......... , : ,, ,,: : I � ..... .. ....... I I : I .. WLS-SNTS-14-4-11 14' 1 4- 10-1/8'X3/4' W-11 1" 3/4'X 30' 105 16.7 12.2 9.0 WLS-SNTS-16-4-11 16, 1 4- 10-1/8"X3/4" 8- - I 1" 3/4" X 30- - 12-0 _13,_1_____'_ 9.3 6.5 WLS-SNTS-16-5-11 16, - -_ 5" 10-1/8" X 3/4" 9"- I I" 3/4' X 30' 144 25.0 ­_ - - 18.5 - 1 3.8 ­- WLS-SNTS-18-4-11 is, 4- 10-1/8'X3/4" 8'- I I" _3_W X _30" _5_59.7 _­ 6.5 4.2 WLS-SNTS-18-5-1 1 18, - ,5' 10-1/8'X3/4" 9"- 1 1 " 3/4'X 30' 162 19.7___.__.._14.1 10.1 WLS-SNTS-20-4-11 20' 4" 10 -1/8" X 314" 8'- 1 I" --3/4" X 30' 150 7.0 4.2 2.2 WLS-SNTS-20-5-11 20' S. 10-1/8" X 3/4" 9"- I I" 3/4" X 30" 180 15.4 10'.5__­­' 7.0 . WLS-SNTS-22-4-11 22' 4" 1 0 -1 /8" X 3/4" 8" - -11- ­ 3/4" X 30- 165 6.3 3.4 1.4_.... - - -_._ WLS-SNTS-22-5-11 22' 51, 10-1/8'X3/4' S�-11- __­3_/_4"X_30" ---19-8— 13.8 8.9 -- 5.5 . _... -..-. WLS-5NTS-24-4-11 24' 4W 10-1/8- X 3/4' 8"_1111 I 3/4'X 30" 180 4.0 1.5 - ­ .- . -_ ji—SSNTS-24-5-111 24' 5. . 10 -1 /8" X 3/4' V-11" 3/4" X 30' 216 10.5 -.-.-- 6.2 � 3.1 WLS-SNTS-26-5-1 1 16, 5. 110-118-XS14-LV-j1- 1 3/4n X 30- I L -, 234 7.6 3.8_ _ _ L_ 1.0 EPA INFORMATION: All WLS Lighting Systems' poles are guaranteed to meet the EPA requirements listed. WLS Lighting Systems Is not responsible If pole order has a lower EPA rating than the Ind)catedwind-loading zone where the pole is located. CAUTION: This guarantee does not apply if the pole/bracket/fixture combliiation Is used to support any other items such as flags, pennants, or signs, which would add stress to the pole. WLS Lighting Systems cannot accept responsIbillty for harm or damage caused In these s1ruiatlons. Approved B)r--, ___ Project Name: .- _ _______ ... a ■ Location: --- Date: WLS LIGHTING SYSTEMS P.0. Box 100S19 a Fort Worth, TX 7618S i 800.633.8711 1 Fax:817.735.4824 1 www.wlsllghting.com E Consider the Impact! 01 Rev. 2/09 a Z 1-4 W PQ W4 Z " 0 Z W � LL _1 F - U.) _t j0< CL Q) I 0 C'< > LU Ill 1W �j Z - 5 P- D ,_Li r- C_� Ld t � - , . :� W, (:,) I I V. � � Lcu 2L ,F, :5 1< § I ;Lt - 0 0 F a 0 M M i 0 '7 CID H­ (n LL Q. Q W X U3 * * * * * * * , �,j 'L.L), � I I 0 -� Os :! , -� C, � �: Z t Z 0 >_ C ♦ 5 .,� < LLJ I I U 0 M ct- -J 0 Z J,� H­ > � , >- 0 :� si M >: ZZ LL A 0 -. <_ Q X 7- �, - 10 �__ , -S , I :8) 1-04 10Z 1 Z. � i 11 V) < M o 0 H_ I ****** I $ I a I W W 4. 0') E_ '.4 y � I �) X �� W . L� I - X L) I 0 I 7 1 t L) �� 1, F W � -1 �q, .� �- -11 W; 0. �, Z E- �, gi, Y� .� 4 .,� � ;�4 0 0 :V rL I U .,4 X ;t, �, C) Old ,e � Z gi t-1 .� :71 _; I ; I- 11 �71 L) W . . REVISIONS - RE'll DATE COMMENT BY _ 1 4/16114 PER COUNTY DRH I COMMENTS I I I - I I I . I . E FOLLOWING STATES REQUIRE NOTIFICATION 13Y :xC; ATORS. DESIGNERS, OR ANY PERSON PREPARING TO ' 3IS �RB THE EARTH'S SURFACE ANYWHERE IN THE STATE. IN IRGINIA, MARYLAND, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND DELAWARE CALL - 811 , VVV -000-245-4840)(PA 1-800-242-1776)(OC 1-800-257-7777) VA 600-552-7001)(Mff) 1-800-267-7777)(DE 1-8130-282-8555), APPROVED FOR . CONSTRUCTION ' PROJECT No.: V132042 D AWN BY: RTY C IECKED BY: DRH D TE: 4116114 S ALE: = 1 "20' 1 CID 1. D.: LT1 j PROJECT FINAL SITE PLAN -­ FOR 0LK1N17,?,0AD '#T AIL CE NT EIR LOCATION OF SITE ROLKIN ROAD & ABBEY ROAD TAX MAP 78-75A C1 iARLOT-FESVILLE, VA 22911 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY i; BOH LER 28 1 ILACKWELL PARK LANE, SUITE 201 WARRENTON, VIRGINIA 20186 Phone: (540) 349-4500 Fax: (540) 349-0321 1 JvwwBohlerEngineering.com , W DANIEL R. HINES Lic, No. 043176 4/16/14 4i 44 S% 10 TITLE: LIGHTING DETAILS S ET NUMBER: 16 OF 25 1 When orderinq pole top fixtures for tenon mounting, a pole top adaptor must be orckTM. 2- Tri-Tap not available I" 1000 Watt PSMH Voltage must be spec" - 12OV, 27 7V oi 34 7V 3- For International voltages, consult factory, 4- ME - MUNI Tap Is shipped standard unless otherwts,e specified. Muhl Tap consists of 12OV, 208V, 24OV, and 277V. Mufti Tap is pre-wired for highest volitaW. Alteffiatevoka.Wswil[feqkirpfiMr,-.widng, 5 Tri Tap Is shipped stanclaitc! for Canadian Applitrations. TO Tap consists of 12OV, 277V, and 347V. Tri Tap Is pre -wired for highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wiring, b An 8' bracket can only beordered with Ingle and DIW'configurations. 7- Lhi FVR/FVRPT photoeleLtrk control inanonty be used with 400 Watt PSMH * In accordance with the 2001 Energy Indepenclanceand Secuiily Act (EISA), fixtures will no bricfer be avaiabk- in Probe start Metal Halide with wattages from ISO watts through , 500 WAR-, foF new in%tallaijons. Replacement parts for existing fixtures are still available. -Cklqr PN*h . .......... — 45 - Light Gold Metallic 55 - Black 20- Charcoal Metallic 50 -White 94 - Blue Metallic 51 - Dark Red 59 -Dark Green 700 -Aztec Silver Metallic 21 - Tomato Red . : . ... .............. �::........................................................ ......... : . . !: ::. : . . . : - I :" - ORNA113 �����(�omofi"�oro:�figM�i**!W���::i::::, ::: : & .. iOt 0#6� ....... . . : .......... ... ..... . ........ . .... �.� ... 9WINF - Desaiplion HOUSE SIDE SHIELDS ROTWOEW FVR/FVM 2 HSS - House Side Shield - — ' FVRPT/FVMPT 2 HSS - House Side Shield — ­ F 17- Id FVR/FVM 3 HSS - House Side Shield � - - ----�, - House Side Shield 4�5 1 FVRPT/FVM PT 3 HSS C�16') � Is 3/8' __._1WQ FVR/FVM FP HSS -House Side Shield (1 1"___ 2_5/16� (137mrn)— I,--:a 718* FVRPT/FVMPT FP H55 - House Side Sh ield (59mm) (2zsmm) 5-3/8• FVR/FVRPT FA/AFT HSS - House Side Shield TYPE 11 TYPE IL AND `CFWARDTHPOW (FA/FP/AFT) ,r WITHINIFPNAI (137mm) I HOUSE SIDE SHIELD Approved By: __ Project Name: ______ - ­___ 0 ■ Location: ___ __ Date: ______ - - . __ I --- ■WLS L16HTIIG SYSTEMS 1919 Windsor Place I Fort Worth, TX 76110 1 800.613.8711 IF Fax: 817.735.4824 a www.wislighting.com ■ Considerthe Impactl , i iiiiiiiiiii. iii. ::: ..:., �q v: 1 ... ..... i " : :.... c , :::: :::: i : , ::. :.:.:.:.:., :.:.:.:.: :.:. ; �: :: :.:::.: ::::: xxxi :::;::- :::::: . :::::I :::::: :! : .., �::0�,VMV�;,� �., �."?,'.'W.� �W �;00., .1 :::::::::: : :::::::: :. , jg!:hl� ig!:iii:1 ii:i:i:i:i:i: ;:::::: :::!i��! !!!!i�!i!i��j iili!l�i!11� �!�!�i� �' �'.� "' t E,4 � � , V.:,:�O :11 �::::::::::::,::::::::: HN ::::.T�.',-11 1�%: '. :: ;:::: .: ::::::: xxx ::::: r INS .",,�:�l�i!"""�,'�jo��,.���,,K� ... ­­:k� � ::;::: :::;:::::::. I . �� : ,� �� ­­.. , .. ... : : �! ;: !:: :: I . � I : :! 0121�b"TH ,.�,&r I I 1, .� I .: :; . ... ..... 1. . 1.�. !� .; � :::::. : I �:mim 0, ,v "a 11 in :.:...:.: .1...1. :: i . 0. � i � �,.,.�:;� . . I , .9 . ;0�� I . . .. : 1111 �i�ii�l i�!�!!!�!�,, 11 IN M VAM....Al, ; ;��,,M 1111.1L - ... : .. I I u J: 1: 111.11ii l�::::: ,i:::::! 1:::::, :.::.::.::.::.::.::'"'.::,:,:,:,.::.:�:;::.:::,.:,:,��,:��:���::,� ... I "I-1., . . I .. li!a . ::.:X!!.,!!!!!: :.!. I. �� . . ...... .. :::::::. �iiii�i�� �iik iiiii! ,!: .,.::; ON :!;;;:;: imm! ON: :;:: i:N :N;M1 .. .11, I ;;,:,;,;,I.tiJ!;:.::i.1'� 1*.��,11,.� .- , , W N :::: .i�i0!!H!!!!!!1::i :.Hiii!��!ii�H��!�, !I!: : ::;.. :::: . :::: " k ...:: : � : ..". !;:;:;; �; .. M� ,�: NUR:;N, ;: :_............... ,:;.,.....i.1 !;.. 1 i�!!�:!�!� ��!!!��!��.rl !!�i�!�!�!11 I ... .. . V * : , ., , !;::;:: a . :; 1: .. ::: li�m��.j��p iis.l I 4ii;: 12 ., I �::::� I 10 MR IN 1 V-11 �� 0 �!::::; 4!;: 0 � 0 a E � I't 0 11 1`,::,:�:`:"" �:::�:::::�::::::::::::: g ! 11; � , "'. � N , �::: �::. �N::: Pi-i-i. 111, I �;;� !:::::: 1 , . . "', ill! I - .. . ......., : !::;:::: lxjij�l %I LKNI 11�ii]. ��.... xx,, � ' T ...... � , ....... I ..... 115311"'N . . Irl M?��,,,Ir��,�,,�7�,"di��-,�",::!:,�::::::::�,::::::!!!::Illll:!!::�� ... m..... I N�: -.11. . W....H. A4 I, Am PW 111111.1 .., &, .�.r : 0 �ii��iili. ". . I MR . I .... .... - ;:!,:.::!::::::::::::[::::::::::::::::::: � ��:::::::::::::�:�� : : a as , '� TO 09.6WHER"I: �i��M;l 11:!!!�!i!�!�!�!101� Z M DIM 11 0"I I'�:i,:,;,�iI.",�"::":: ..... . . . " `!�5 111111M III RE 111 P, A MR. f1l. I 1". "I �i�i�i1H� '. .1 �g� . !l1iiii: . , :!!!... ia , 4 . 11 111 t. y ,a 11i OWN%. - i 1111 M......`� V11,1111111,1111 T111DR.Mulp W,ga go : :::::::j .;, t '- ,..,: 1 114!1_-.:Vffl1 I I '. I ii:ipn g��i�r 'N ff I.! . .. , .r-l� E , : — , � ,., ., � : .. 1, Nir� .. .... , !9 ", I "..... � : ...... �­.. 1.11 11 :, . AA " : . . 0 . 'R 1. .. ��...�... I — -Al M ME '.1,11 11: M � � .. I V 1,11 1,1911 : : ; S . ... . � 6�011: 111 11111 . . , Im MOMWM N I Mill , I " ...... ... .. ...... -.------- , I ORDERING INFORMATION SILLF C I APPROPR�A I L C HO ICL ! Q0M t ACH CDU�MN I it f 11RIVII. ILA I L (H1r1[_R F,f,PL R"t., iq �X,11111'1., helnw : :�:::::� :: 'U4, CAT ::� : : � � iiiI A46M*IFi::;:;:: L : :: ............ :: ............ : lilt�r:: : �: : : ::::::.:::::::. :: �: :::: : FlOr" :: :::::. :::: � : :: �:: : : : I am: �: ::: :: ::::: 1:::::1Fl11JtFJ0 : �:: : : .: �:::.����.�:!.:�l���L-,A:.:.."�� I : � : � 00*wo � : ...... ..... 0CES"PlEt WLS-SNTS-144-11 S - Single /Parallel S BO - -Square pole, bolt-on mount, BRZ - Bronze CA - Galvanized Anchor Bolts 48C - 4" Square Base Cover WLS-SKTS-164-11 0180* - Double 2 bolt pattern BILK - Black SF - single flood SB C - 5' Square Base cover WLS-SNTS-16-5-11 090 " - Double S PT - Square pole, pole top mount PLT - Platinum Plus OF- Double Flood 66C - 6'Square Base cover WLS -51111ITS-19-4-11 ON90, - Double STM - Square pole, tenon mount OLIF - Buff OCP - DurAGHpI Plus ER2 - Weatherproof Duplex WLS-SNTS-18-5-11 T9V - Triple SNH - Square pole, no mounting holes WHT -While LAB - L ess Anchor Bolts Receptacle WLS-SNTS-204-11 TH120, - Triple of pole top caps SVG - Satin Verde Green NO - No Options IS F1 - Ground Fault Or cult WLS-SNTS-20-5 -11 Q90' -Quad GPT - Graphite Interrupter WLS-SNIS-22-4-11 QN"' - Quad MSV -Metallic Silver MHP - Mounting Hole Plugs WLS-SNTS-22-5-11 PT -Pole Top 4VO - Vibration Damper - WLS-SNTS-24-4-11 N -Tenon Mount 4'Square Pole WLS-SNTS-24.5-11 (Standard tenon 5VO - VI bration Damper - WLS-SNTS-26-5-11 size is 2- 3/8'0 131 S" Square Pole I -For use with 6VO - Vibi Ation Damper - Internal slipfitter I 6' Square Pole I NA -No A ccessodes I - - '--_,-` ---__ ----- ---___.___------- - _1 ­-__��_ ,--- -- — _�------ - 4E X AMPLE ORDER) WLS-SNTS-24-5Y -11 D90* STM BRZ NO NA �1J F* B�e Gaqg, Height Dm oie, ORDER: WLS-SNTS- — — I1 Pole heights will have +I -1 R'toterance. 9 :,.:,.. RL : : : ..:. � ::� : � : :::..:,;::::: :::: : � ::: : : CATA.I. : : :: Is .:. �.F,X. T AN. : .:::::::::::::::::::: :.: :: ::: X.. .''. . ::: A� . : : 0041, .:::: fA PIN JQh MP . . . . :::: : BOLT :. ; i . 4 "LIE ..:': . . , .: ..... . . �._. �:: : . ........ .., I .... . :. ... : : : . 0 ................ .......... , : ,, ,,: : I � ..... .. ....... I I : I .. WLS-SNTS-14-4-11 14' 1 4- 10-1/8'X3/4' W-11 1" 3/4'X 30' 105 16.7 12.2 9.0 WLS-SNTS-16-4-11 16, 1 4- 10-1/8"X3/4" 8- - I 1" 3/4" X 30- - 12-0 _13,_1_____'_ 9.3 6.5 WLS-SNTS-16-5-11 16, - -_ 5" 10-1/8" X 3/4" 9"- I I" 3/4' X 30' 144 25.0 ­_ - - 18.5 - 1 3.8 ­- WLS-SNTS-18-4-11 is, 4- 10-1/8'X3/4" 8'- I I" _3_W X _30" _5_59.7 _­ 6.5 4.2 WLS-SNTS-18-5-1 1 18, - ,5' 10-1/8'X3/4" 9"- 1 1 " 3/4'X 30' 162 19.7___.__.._14.1 10.1 WLS-SNTS-20-4-11 20' 4" 10 -1/8" X 314" 8'- 1 I" --3/4" X 30' 150 7.0 4.2 2.2 WLS-SNTS-20-5-11 20' S. 10-1/8" X 3/4" 9"- I I" 3/4" X 30" 180 15.4 10'.5__­­' 7.0 . WLS-SNTS-22-4-11 22' 4" 1 0 -1 /8" X 3/4" 8" - -11- ­ 3/4" X 30- 165 6.3 3.4 1.4_.... - - -_._ WLS-SNTS-22-5-11 22' 51, 10-1/8'X3/4' S�-11- __­3_/_4"X_30" ---19-8— 13.8 8.9 -- 5.5 . _... -..-. WLS-5NTS-24-4-11 24' 4W 10-1/8- X 3/4' 8"_1111 I 3/4'X 30" 180 4.0 1.5 - ­ .- . -_ ji—SSNTS-24-5-111 24' 5. . 10 -1 /8" X 3/4' V-11" 3/4" X 30' 216 10.5 -.-.-- 6.2 � 3.1 WLS-SNTS-26-5-1 1 16, 5. 110-118-XS14-LV-j1- 1 3/4n X 30- I L -, 234 7.6 3.8_ _ _ L_ 1.0 EPA INFORMATION: All WLS Lighting Systems' poles are guaranteed to meet the EPA requirements listed. WLS Lighting Systems Is not responsible If pole order has a lower EPA rating than the Ind)catedwind-loading zone where the pole is located. CAUTION: This guarantee does not apply if the pole/bracket/fixture combliiation Is used to support any other items such as flags, pennants, or signs, which would add stress to the pole. WLS Lighting Systems cannot accept responsIbillty for harm or damage caused In these s1ruiatlons. Approved B)r--, ___ Project Name: .- _ _______ ... a ■ Location: --- Date: WLS LIGHTING SYSTEMS P.0. Box 100S19 a Fort Worth, TX 7618S i 800.633.8711 1 Fax:817.735.4824 1 www.wlsllghting.com E Consider the Impact! 01 Rev. 2/09 a Z 1-4 W PQ W4 Z " 0 Z W � LL _1 F - U.) _t j0< CL Q) I 0 C'< > LU Ill 1W �j Z - 5 P- D ,_Li r- C_� Ld t � - , . :� W, (:,) I I V. � � Lcu 2L ,F, :5 1< § I ;Lt - 0 0 F a 0 M M i 0 '7 CID H­ (n LL Q. Q W X U3 * * * * * * * , �,j 'L.L), � I I 0 -� Os :! , -� C, � �: Z t Z 0 >_ C ♦ 5 .,� < LLJ I I U 0 M ct- -J 0 Z J,� H­ > � , >- 0 :� si M >: ZZ LL A 0 -. <_ Q X 7- �, - 10 �__ , -S , I :8) 1-04 10Z 1 Z. � i 11 V) < M o 0 H_ I ****** I $ I a I W W 4. 0') E_ '.4 y � I �) X �� W . L� I - X L) I 0 I 7 1 t L) �� 1, F W � -1 �q, .� �- -11 W; 0. �, Z E- �, gi, Y� .� 4 .,� � ;�4 0 0 :V rL I U .,4 X ;t, �, C) Old ,e � Z gi t-1 .� :71 _; I ; I- 11 �71 L) W . . REVISIONS - RE'll DATE COMMENT BY _ 1 4/16114 PER COUNTY DRH I COMMENTS I I I - I I I . I . E FOLLOWING STATES REQUIRE NOTIFICATION 13Y :xC; ATORS. DESIGNERS, OR ANY PERSON PREPARING TO ' 3IS �RB THE EARTH'S SURFACE ANYWHERE IN THE STATE. IN IRGINIA, MARYLAND, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND DELAWARE CALL - 811 , VVV -000-245-4840)(PA 1-800-242-1776)(OC 1-800-257-7777) VA 600-552-7001)(Mff) 1-800-267-7777)(DE 1-8130-282-8555), APPROVED FOR . CONSTRUCTION ' PROJECT No.: V132042 D AWN BY: RTY C IECKED BY: DRH D TE: 4116114 S ALE: = 1 "20' 1 CID 1. D.: LT1 j PROJECT FINAL SITE PLAN -­ FOR 0LK1N17,?,0AD '#T AIL CE NT EIR LOCATION OF SITE ROLKIN ROAD & ABBEY ROAD TAX MAP 78-75A C1 iARLOT-FESVILLE, VA 22911 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY i; BOH LER 28 1 ILACKWELL PARK LANE, SUITE 201 WARRENTON, VIRGINIA 20186 Phone: (540) 349-4500 Fax: (540) 349-0321 1 JvwwBohlerEngineering.com , W DANIEL R. HINES Lic, No. 043176 4/16/14 4i 44 S% 10 TITLE: LIGHTING DETAILS S ET NUMBER: 16 OF 25 I1 Pole heights will have +I -1 R'toterance. 9 :,.:,.. RL : : : ..:. � ::� : � : :::..:,;::::: :::: : � ::: : : CATA.I. : : :: Is .:. �.F,X. T AN. : .:::::::::::::::::::: :.: :: ::: X.. .''. . ::: A� . : : 0041, .:::: fA PIN JQh MP . . . . :::: : BOLT :. ; i . 4 "LIE ..:': . . , .: ..... . . �._. �:: : . ........ .., I .... . :. ... : : : . 0 ................ .......... , : ,, ,,: : I � ..... .. ....... I I : I .. WLS-SNTS-14-4-11 14' 1 4- 10-1/8'X3/4' W-11 1" 3/4'X 30' 105 16.7 12.2 9.0 WLS-SNTS-16-4-11 16, 1 4- 10-1/8"X3/4" 8- - I 1" 3/4" X 30- - 12-0 _13,_1_____'_ 9.3 6.5 WLS-SNTS-16-5-11 16, - -_ 5" 10-1/8" X 3/4" 9"- I I" 3/4' X 30' 144 25.0 ­_ - - 18.5 - 1 3.8 ­- WLS-SNTS-18-4-11 is, 4- 10-1/8'X3/4" 8'- I I" _3_W X _30" _5_59.7 _­ 6.5 4.2 WLS-SNTS-18-5-1 1 18, - ,5' 10-1/8'X3/4" 9"- 1 1 " 3/4'X 30' 162 19.7___.__.._14.1 10.1 WLS-SNTS-20-4-11 20' 4" 10 -1/8" X 314" 8'- 1 I" --3/4" X 30' 150 7.0 4.2 2.2 WLS-SNTS-20-5-11 20' S. 10-1/8" X 3/4" 9"- I I" 3/4" X 30" 180 15.4 10'.5__­­' 7.0 . WLS-SNTS-22-4-11 22' 4" 1 0 -1 /8" X 3/4" 8" - -11- ­ 3/4" X 30- 165 6.3 3.4 1.4_.... - - -_._ WLS-SNTS-22-5-11 22' 51, 10-1/8'X3/4' S�-11- __­3_/_4"X_30" ---19-8— 13.8 8.9 -- 5.5 . _... -..-. WLS-5NTS-24-4-11 24' 4W 10-1/8- X 3/4' 8"_1111 I 3/4'X 30" 180 4.0 1.5 - ­ .- . -_ ji—SSNTS-24-5-111 24' 5. . 10 -1 /8" X 3/4' V-11" 3/4" X 30' 216 10.5 -.-.-- 6.2 � 3.1 WLS-SNTS-26-5-1 1 16, 5. 110-118-XS14-LV-j1- 1 3/4n X 30- I L -, 234 7.6 3.8_ _ _ L_ 1.0 EPA INFORMATION: All WLS Lighting Systems' poles are guaranteed to meet the EPA requirements listed. WLS Lighting Systems Is not responsible If pole order has a lower EPA rating than the Ind)catedwind-loading zone where the pole is located. CAUTION: This guarantee does not apply if the pole/bracket/fixture combliiation Is used to support any other items such as flags, pennants, or signs, which would add stress to the pole. WLS Lighting Systems cannot accept responsIbillty for harm or damage caused In these s1ruiatlons. Approved B)r--, ___ Project Name: .- _ _______ ... a ■ Location: --- Date: WLS LIGHTING SYSTEMS P.0. Box 100S19 a Fort Worth, TX 7618S i 800.633.8711 1 Fax:817.735.4824 1 www.wlsllghting.com E Consider the Impact! 01 Rev. 2/09 a Z 1-4 W PQ W4 Z " 0 Z W � LL _1 F - U.) _t j0< CL Q) I 0 C'< > LU Ill 1W �j Z - 5 P- D ,_Li r- C_� Ld t � - , . :� W, (:,) I I V. � � Lcu 2L ,F, :5 1< § I ;Lt - 0 0 F a 0 M M i 0 '7 CID H­ (n LL Q. Q W X U3 * * * * * * * , �,j 'L.L), � I I 0 -� Os :! , -� C, � �: Z t Z 0 >_ C ♦ 5 .,� < LLJ I I U 0 M ct- -J 0 Z J,� H­ > � , >- 0 :� si M >: ZZ LL A 0 -. <_ Q X 7- �, - 10 �__ , -S , I :8) 1-04 10Z 1 Z. � i 11 V) < M o 0 H_ I ****** I $ I a I W W 4. 0') E_ '.4 y � I �) X �� W . L� I - X L) I 0 I 7 1 t L) �� 1, F W � -1 �q, .� �- -11 W; 0. �, Z E- �, gi, Y� .� 4 .,� � ;�4 0 0 :V rL I U .,4 X ;t, �, C) Old ,e � Z gi t-1 .� :71 _; I ; I- 11 �71 L) W . . REVISIONS - RE'll DATE COMMENT BY _ 1 4/16114 PER COUNTY DRH I COMMENTS I I I - I I I . I . E FOLLOWING STATES REQUIRE NOTIFICATION 13Y :xC; ATORS. DESIGNERS, OR ANY PERSON PREPARING TO ' 3IS �RB THE EARTH'S SURFACE ANYWHERE IN THE STATE. IN IRGINIA, MARYLAND, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND DELAWARE CALL - 811 , VVV -000-245-4840)(PA 1-800-242-1776)(OC 1-800-257-7777) VA 600-552-7001)(Mff) 1-800-267-7777)(DE 1-8130-282-8555), APPROVED FOR . CONSTRUCTION ' PROJECT No.: V132042 D AWN BY: RTY C IECKED BY: DRH D TE: 4116114 S ALE: = 1 "20' 1 CID 1. D.: LT1 j PROJECT FINAL SITE PLAN -­ FOR 0LK1N17,?,0AD '#T AIL CE NT EIR LOCATION OF SITE ROLKIN ROAD & ABBEY ROAD TAX MAP 78-75A C1 iARLOT-FESVILLE, VA 22911 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY i; BOH LER 28 1 ILACKWELL PARK LANE, SUITE 201 WARRENTON, VIRGINIA 20186 Phone: (540) 349-4500 Fax: (540) 349-0321 1 JvwwBohlerEngineering.com , W DANIEL R. HINES Lic, No. 043176 4/16/14 4i 44 S% 10 TITLE: LIGHTING DETAILS S ET NUMBER: 16 OF 25 EPA INFORMATION: All WLS Lighting Systems' poles are guaranteed to meet the EPA requirements listed. WLS Lighting Systems Is not responsible If pole order has a lower EPA rating than the Ind)catedwind-loading zone where the pole is located. CAUTION: This guarantee does not apply if the pole/bracket/fixture combliiation Is used to support any other items such as flags, pennants, or signs, which would add stress to the pole. WLS Lighting Systems cannot accept responsIbillty for harm or damage caused In these s1ruiatlons. Approved B)r--, ___ Project Name: .- _ _______ ... a ■ Location: --- Date: WLS LIGHTING SYSTEMS P.0. Box 100S19 a Fort Worth, TX 7618S i 800.633.8711 1 Fax:817.735.4824 1 www.wlsllghting.com E Consider the Impact! 01 Rev. 2/09 a Z 1-4 W PQ W4 Z " 0 Z W � LL _1 F - U.) _t j0< CL Q) I 0 C'< > LU Ill 1W �j Z - 5 P- D ,_Li r- C_� Ld t � - , . :� W, (:,) I I V. � � Lcu 2L ,F, :5 1< § I ;Lt - 0 0 F a 0 M M i 0 '7 CID H­ (n LL Q. Q W X U3 * * * * * * * , �,j 'L.L), � I I 0 -� Os :! , -� C, � �: Z t Z 0 >_ C ♦ 5 .,� < LLJ I I U 0 M ct- -J 0 Z J,� H­ > � , >- 0 :� si M >: ZZ LL A 0 -. <_ Q X 7- �, - 10 �__ , -S , I :8) 1-04 10Z 1 Z. � i 11 V) < M o 0 H_ I ****** I $ I a I W W 4. 0') E_ '.4 y � I �) X �� W . L� I - X L) I 0 I 7 1 t L) �� 1, F W � -1 �q, .� �- -11 W; 0. �, Z E- �, gi, Y� .� 4 .,� � ;�4 0 0 :V rL I U .,4 X ;t, �, C) Old ,e � Z gi t-1 .� :71 _; I ; I- 11 �71 L) W . . REVISIONS - RE'll DATE COMMENT BY _ 1 4/16114 PER COUNTY DRH I COMMENTS I I I - I I I . I . E FOLLOWING STATES REQUIRE NOTIFICATION 13Y :xC; ATORS. DESIGNERS, OR ANY PERSON PREPARING TO ' 3IS �RB THE EARTH'S SURFACE ANYWHERE IN THE STATE. IN IRGINIA, MARYLAND, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND DELAWARE CALL - 811 , VVV -000-245-4840)(PA 1-800-242-1776)(OC 1-800-257-7777) VA 600-552-7001)(Mff) 1-800-267-7777)(DE 1-8130-282-8555), APPROVED FOR . CONSTRUCTION ' PROJECT No.: V132042 D AWN BY: RTY C IECKED BY: DRH D TE: 4116114 S ALE: = 1 "20' 1 CID 1. D.: LT1 j PROJECT FINAL SITE PLAN -­ FOR 0LK1N17,?,0AD '#T AIL CE NT EIR LOCATION OF SITE ROLKIN ROAD & ABBEY ROAD TAX MAP 78-75A C1 iARLOT-FESVILLE, VA 22911 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY i; BOH LER 28 1 ILACKWELL PARK LANE, SUITE 201 WARRENTON, VIRGINIA 20186 Phone: (540) 349-4500 Fax: (540) 349-0321 1 JvwwBohlerEngineering.com , W DANIEL R. HINES Lic, No. 043176 4/16/14 4i 44 S% 10 TITLE: LIGHTING DETAILS S ET NUMBER: 16 OF 25 E FOLLOWING STATES REQUIRE NOTIFICATION 13Y :xC; ATORS. DESIGNERS, OR ANY PERSON PREPARING TO ' 3IS �RB THE EARTH'S SURFACE ANYWHERE IN THE STATE. IN IRGINIA, MARYLAND, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND DELAWARE CALL - 811 , VVV -000-245-4840)(PA 1-800-242-1776)(OC 1-800-257-7777) VA 600-552-7001)(Mff) 1-800-267-7777)(DE 1-8130-282-8555), APPROVED FOR . CONSTRUCTION ' PROJECT No.: V132042 D AWN BY: RTY C IECKED BY: DRH D TE: 4116114 S ALE: = 1 "20' 1 CID 1. D.: LT1 j PROJECT FINAL SITE PLAN -­ FOR 0LK1N17,?,0AD '#T AIL CE NT EIR LOCATION OF SITE ROLKIN ROAD & ABBEY ROAD TAX MAP 78-75A C1 iARLOT-FESVILLE, VA 22911 RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY i; BOH LER 28 1 ILACKWELL PARK LANE, SUITE 201 WARRENTON, VIRGINIA 20186 Phone: (540) 349-4500 Fax: (540) 349-0321 1 JvwwBohlerEngineering.com , W DANIEL R. HINES Lic, No. 043176 4/16/14 4i 44 S% 10 TITLE: LIGHTING DETAILS S ET NUMBER: 16 OF 25