HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201300009 ProffersAlbemarle Place /Stonefield PROFFER FORM AMENDMENT TO PROFFERS Date: November 13, 2013 ZMA # 2013 -00009 Albemarle Place /Stonefield Tax Map and Parcel Numbers: 061WO- 03- 00 -019AO (as it has been subdivided), 061WO -03- 00 -019BO (as it has been subdivided), 061WO- 03 -00- 02300, 061WO- 03 -00- 02400, and 61WO- 03-00 -02500 65.034 Acres zoned Neighborhood Model District (NMD) to be rezoned to Neighborhood Model District (NMD) This instrument amends those certain Proffers dated March, 13, 2012, for ZMA # 2011 -00007 Albemarle Place /Stonefield ( "ZMA 2011 Proffers "). Except as expressly amended herein, the ZMA 2011 Proffers shall remain unchanged and to the extent that any terms, conditions and obligations contained in the ZMA 2011 Proffers have not been fully met, such terms, conditions and obligations shall remain in full force and effect. Albemarle Realty (E &A), LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company, is the owner of a parcel of land that were subdivided from tax map parcel 061 WO- 03- 00- 019BO, which parcel is shown as "Lot D2 ", containing 5.487 acres, each on a plat entitled "Plat Showing Subdivision of Stonefield, Jack Jouett Magisterial District, Albemarle County, Virginia" dated July 15, 2011, last revised November 10, 2011, prepared by W.W. Associates, which plat is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia in Deed Book 4135, page 215 (the "Lot D Parcel Subdivision Plat "). The Haven at Stonefield, LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company, is the owner of a parcel of land that was subdivided from tax map parcel 061 WO- 03- 00- 019BO, which parcel is shown as "Lot E2" containing 7.638 acres, on the Lot D Parcel Subdivision Plat. MacFarlane Stonefield, LLC a Virginia limited liability company, is now the owner of a parcel that also was subdivided from tax map parcel 061 WO- 03- 00- 019BO, which parcel is shown as "Lot D3 ", containing 1.010 acres, on the Lot D Parcel Subdivision Plat. AIbemarle Place EAAP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, is the fee simple owner of tax map parcels 061 WO- 03 -00- 02300, 061 WO- 03 -00- 02400, 061 WO- 03 -00- 02500, and the residual portions of tax map parcels 061 WO- 03- 00 -019BO and 061 WO- 03- 00 -019AO that were not conveyed to either Albemarle Realty (E &A), LLC, MacFarlane Stonefield, LLC, or The Haven at Stonefield, LLC. For the purposes of these proffers, Albemarle Place EAAP, LLC, MacFarlane Stonefield, LLC, The Haven at Stonefield, LLC, and Albemarle Realty (E &A), LLC are collectively referred to herein as (the "Owner "). The term "Owner" as referenced herein shall include within its meaning the owner of record and successors in interest. Tax map parcels 061 WO- 03- 00- 019AO, 061 WO- 03 -00- 02300, 061 WO- 03 -00- 02400, 061 WO -03- 00- 02500, and 061 WO- 03- 00 -019BO (including the lots created there from pursuant to the Lot D Original Proffer: . Amendment: X Parcel Subdivision Plat) (collectively, the "Property "), are the subject of zoning map amendment application number ZMA 2011 -00007 originally submitted as "Albemarle Place Proffer Amendment," which application name has been renamed to "Stonefield." Pursuant to Section 333 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the Owner hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed in this proffer statement, which shall be applied to the Property if the rezoning is approved by Albemarle County. These conditions are proffered as part of the rezoning and it is acknowledged that the conditions are reasonable. The Albemarle Place /Stonefield project was originally approved by the County Board of Supervisors on October 22, 2003 as ZMA 2001 -007, along with proffers from the prior owner dated October 22, 2003, and a Code of Development prepared by The Cox Company, dated October 15, 2003 (the "Code of Development "). The Code of Development is hereby amended to substitute the Appendix A, attached hereto in place of the Appendix A from the 2003 document. The Code of Development includes an application plan (the "Application Plan "). The term "Application Plan" henceforth shall refer to the Exhibit A attached hereto which is captioned: "Albemarle Place Town Center, Also known as Stonefield, Albemarle County, Virginia, Amended Application Plan — Full Build, Exhibit A, dated 10 -21- 2013." The improvements proposed for the Property are collectively referred to as the "Project." Except, as expressly amended herein, the ZMA 2011 Proffers shall remain unchanged and to the extent that any terms, conditions and obligations contained in the ZMA 2011 Proffers have not been fully met, such temis, conditions and obligations shall remain in full force and effect. (Signature Pages Immediately Follow) 2 Original Proffer: Amendment: X WITNESS the following signatures: ALBEMARLE PLACE EAAP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ALBEMARLE REALTY (E &A), LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company By: Edens Realty, Inc., a South Carolina corporation, its Sole member B toi 'ea n President 3 Original Proffer: Amendment: X THE HAVEN AT STONEFIELD, LLC a South Carolina limited liability company By: 4el f % ZL Printed Name: � C—, "' "�" Title: MACFARLANE STONEFIELD, LLC a Virginia limited liability company U11 a Printed Name: Title: 4 Albemarle Place /Stonefiel.d PIR)FFER FORM' Date: Mareb 13, 2012 ZMA 4 2011 -00007 Albemarle Place /4tonelield Tax Map and Parcel Numbers: 0.6:iWOt 03- 00- 019AO, 061WO- 03- 00.01.9BO (as it has been' subdivided), 061 WO -03- 00-023(10, 061WO- 03 -00. 02400, and G1 WO -03 -00 -02-00 65.034 Acres zoned Neighborhood Model District (NMD) Vibe rezoned to Neighborhood Model :District (NMD) Albemarle Realty (E&A), LLC, a South Carolina limited liability canipany;is tlae owner of two parcels of land that were subdivided from tax ,Inap Parcel 061 W0-03 -00-01.9BO, which parcels are shown as "Lot D2 ", containing 5.487 acres, and "Lot D' )". containing LDID acres, each on::a peat entitled ``flat Showing Subdivision of Stonel7eld, Jack Jouctt Magi.ster.ial District, Albemarle County. YiTainia dated July 15, 20.11, last revised November 10, 2011, prepared by W.W.. Associates, which flat is of record iii the Cieik °s Ofc:eofthe Circuit Court of Albarnarle. County, Virginia in Deed Book 4135, page 2:15 (the ``Subdivision.P.Iat ") The Haven at Stonefield,; LLC, a South Carolina limited liability company, is the. owner of aparcel of land that was subdivided (roan tax neap parcel 061W0- 03 -00 -0I 9BO, which parcel is shown. as `Lot L;2 contaming 7.6338-acres on the Subdivision Plat. 'For the purposes of these profFers, Albemarle: `.Place EAAP; LLC, and Albemarle Realty (E&A), LLC are collectively: efer ed to Herein as (thee "Owner"). Albeinaile Place EAAI',LLC,,a Delaware limited laabllzty cnly ee itpc ovlfn the "Owner ") of tax map parcels 061 WO- 03- 00- 019A0, 061 WO- 03 -:00- 02300, 06.1.WO- 03 -00- 024()0;. O61W0- 03- 0(1= t125M, and the residual portions offtax map parcel 061 W0- O3- 00- (l1.9BO that were not eoilveved to either Albemarle Realty (E&A.),-LLC or The Haven at Stonefield, LLC Por "the purposes of these proffers, Albemarle Place EAAPI :LLC, and Albemarle Realty (E &A), LLC are collectively referred to herein its (-ie 'wOwi er ") Tax ivagparcels 06:1WO- .03- 00- 019AU, 061'WO -0 3- 00- 02300, 061.WO -03 -00- 024.00; 061 W0 -03- 00- 02500, -and 06:1 WO.- 03- 00= 019.BO (inclu.ding the, lots created there from pursuant to the Stbdivision Plat) (collectively, the "Property "), are the subject of -zoning mat? amendment. application nuipber 7_,MA 2()11-00007 oi•iginally`sit.biiiitted as "Albemarle Place Proffer . Aniendm nt," which alxl licat.io.n flame has been renamed to "Sto.nefield." Pursuant to Section 33:3 olfthe Albemarle County Zoning:Ofdinancc ffieOwner,hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed in this proffer statement. which shall be applied to the 1'rnpca ty .il' the rezoning is approved. by Albemarle County, These conditions ,axe proftcred as part o.[ the a.ezoniag and it is acknowledged that the conditions arc reasonable. The Albemarle Place /Stonefield project was originally approved by the COUrItN" Board of.' S'Lipervisors on Octobe • 22, 2003 as Z1V1 A'2001 -007, along with pI of'ffcrs .[ionrthe pi aor owner, dated October 22, 200.3, and � `C.ode of Development prepared by the Cox Company bated Origoijial Proffer: Amendment: X October415,2003) (NvithExhl bit A t-o the Code of Develolmientlast rovised July 8. 2010) (the ```code The Code of'Development included ail applicatioll plan (the "Application Plaft"). The proposed l"Or the Property are collectively referred to as The term "Owner" as r.el`erqnced.,.heroi,n shall iiicl.ude Nvithip its picaning the mvuer of record and sUccessol's In imorest. Tlie term "ApplicationTlati" refers to .Exhibit A, ]'lie term. "Code of Devel.olmnent"' refers to Exhibit B. 'Fhe I)i-of6crsdated October 22, 2003 that were approved with ZMA 2001-007 were amended by proffers elated July 223), 2010 drat were approved with ZMA 2008-0003 by the Comity Board. Of SLIperVisors on AugUst 4, 2010, and by proffers dated August 5, 2011, that were approved with h ZMA 207'1 -0004 by the County Board. of' Supervisors on September 7, 201`1. These protlers amend and supersede the proffers accepted in c6i1junction with. the approval. of ZMA 2001-007, ZMA 2008-000 ), and ZMA 20.Jg 1-0004, The heading of the proffers set f-bi-th below have been prepared.for convenience orr ference only and shall not control or affect the meaning or be taken as an interpretation of any provisions: of the proffers. L Phasing of Improve.nient.s.: The Owner shall. phase develop inentfo.f the Pr6jecfast'61lows: A. Phase 1: Phase I refuse Project shall be co:n posed of .Blocks A-,;B, C and D as shown on the Application Plan, and as shown in more detail, oriHxhiMt A.-'I attached hereto ("Phase.: 1. and shall include street and. utility finprovements to serve the planned building iiiaproveinents contained within Phase 1: As part of Phase t, the Owner shOl de§icpi and consti iictDistric*tAv6nLie(l.briiierlvknoWl.iasA.I.bei4i.ai-lePlac BottlevardaridasFourth Street/Cedar .'I . Road) oad)- ("District Avenue", } fronilJydrauli.c'Road. to the p6int Ah ere Distriict Aypnue, connects with the new planned; western entrance to1he Sperrv.Nlarine faeflity, ill .t.11- location shown.on. The Application Plan, and. as shown ininore detail on Exhibit. A-L This first phase of District Avenue shall include all supporting utility infrastructure co swh street, and shall beco )I.etedl)r.i,,-.)rtc)i.sstiaiacoofafilial.r-bi-fil:tcate.ofoc6tipiiityf-oraax,,,buildiii�s wiffiinfflocks A. BP C and D. Construction of'the first pliase of 17istn*ct AVbnue shall"be deenied: complete when. it is constructed in conformance with fhe:plans approved by Albemarle emarle County or b the Vir ient of Transportation ("VD071'") a Y ginia Departn s aplAicable, and in ::any event the.County Empineer.-ha-s approved it,-J."or vehicular travel. No more -than three hundred severity thousand ( ')70;000) 70,000) sq mu.-.e feet ofconimercial space and one hundred seventy (170) dwelfing units may be constructed wifliln the Project until-the. remainder of.'I)isiriet Avenue is,: constructed 10 the new glanned intersection with U.S. Route 29 as . shown on the Application Plan, the contrary contained `in this Paragraph I A., the 0\vner shall be petmi.tted to Utilize portions of the Phase '2 hind (as sh.p , ow on A-1) . r . or the e installati . on of ­ infrastructu,re to serve the Phase I building. iinprovenient.5 to be constructed in. Blocks A.., B, C aild.D. B. 11hase 2: Phase 2 of"the Project shall beicotii.posed of Bloc ck s.E.-Rand G as shown on the Applic.atioii Plan acid a.s shown in more detail on Exhibil.A-I ("Phase 2"), and shall filClUde street mid utility inipyoVenichts to serve the planned building, i.m.1 ' )rovemelits contained within Tlhase'2 As I et District Avenue froill. the part ofT)hase2,, th6 0,Airier shall. desighand'on8fili 2 Original Proffer: Anieandnrent: X point where it connects with the new planned western entrance, to tile, Sperrl Marine facility north and east through Bloc1« T, T= and G to the new planned intersection with I.J.S. Route 29 as shown can the Application Plan and as shown in more detail on Exhibit A -1. This second. phase 'of District Avenue shall include all supporting utility inl:rastriicture on such street and shall be completed prior to issuance 0-fa final certificate of occupancy'for tiny buildings within Blocks L,1 and 0. Construction of the second phase of District Avenue shrill be deemed complete when it is constructed ixn conformance with the plums aPpi:oved b \j Albemarle County or by:the VDOT, as applicable, and in any event. the C.'.ou my Engineer has approved it l:or Vehicular travel. Notwithstanditng anything to the contrary contained in this Paragraph lB, the Owner shall be permitted to utilize portions of the Phase 2 land (as shown on Exhibit A -1) Tor the installation of inf'rastruc'ture to serve the Phase 1 building imp `ovements to be constructed in Blocks A, B; C and D. Notwithstandint; anything to the conttaty contrtinecl in tiffs paragraph l I3 or, in par�igraph lA above, final ce;ti icates of occupancy n ay be issued :for- buildings within .Blocks A, B, C, D or E beyond the threshold levels cotn.tained in paragraph I A, provided that the Owner (i) has constructed tit least a tennporany road (at standards acceptable to the Director of Comnnunity Developnnent) co.rinectrng the frst'phase o1 District Avenue to the n.ew planned intersection with U.S. Route 29,.or (ii) can. demornstrate during the site plan review process; through traffic analysis acceptable to the Director of Community Development and VDUI', that: additional traffic from such buildings, when aggregated with the traffic generated ley the uses for whic3 certificates of occupancy have been issued for.buildings in Phase l,; will. not cruse the Hydraulic Road /U.S. Route 29 intersection, to fall below an acceptable levrel of se t.vicne. All final site plains for the Project that include an }= portion of District Avenue shall include a note reserving the portion of the property comprising District AVenuc; foa' fixture dedication as a public road; and `within silty (6U) days after written request for such dedicatioin, the Ov �ner shall dedicate the portiorn of the propeprty c,ol# - isiilg District Avenue for- a public road. If the puhli.c right -of way is n.ctt dcdica.tccl by s bd.i.vision pka, the Owner shall lie responsible fox• the cost of a survey and preparing the deed to convey th.e public right -of =way to the Colony: C. Landscape irnprovernelits and associated streetscape improvements to' serve the planned. bu ld.izig improvements contained. within each blo& shall bereviewed at the time of final site' plan review for each blaclG. `fhe Project shall have a cons :istentiv de' signed acid planted streetscape.along Route 29 ancl) lydraulic Road.. 2. Communi:t}r Development 1:uthorit), .Participati.on: Upon request by the County, tine Owner shall pet.ito'n. far and consent to all tax na.p parcels: used for morn .residential ptrsposes participating in a Conarnunity° Development Authority ( "CDA7 established pursuant to Section 15.2 - 5152, et Reel. of the Code off Virginia ('`Code'') to be created: for the pur,•pose: of fi nplenienting, Route .29 regional transportatiorn innprovements, irn: lud.ing. bait not l.innited to transportation innproveri7erits within the "Super Block" (the geographical area bounded by Route 29, fiydraul c Road, Commonwealth Drive, anal 'Greenbri,er 1)rivc) atizl .intersectional. improvements associated thereN.vith. ;3. Cash Proffer for Route 29 Regional Transportation: The Owner will rnalce a cash contribution tin the Couinty for• tic VIPO /291-1250 Phase 2:'R.oute 29 rey.ional tratnsportatiorn surd r irn the amour1t off One Huiidre d''I'.laoltstirl.d Dollar$ (9i1 UU;()t)O.Ut1). The cash contribatioii Ori?inal Proffer: Aineridment: X shall be inade, by the (7N�.ner within thirty (30) days upoll rUlucst by the C;oun-ty. This proffer has been satisfied. 4. Cash Proffer for City of Charlottesville Traffic C;ahuing bilprovements: The Owner shall contribute l'eli Thousand Dollars ($10.000,00) to the City -of Charlottesville for the construction by the City ofiraffi.c calinino improvements on Swanson Road, Cedar Hill Road and other City streets intersecting 1-lydraulic Road. iii. the vicinity of Stonefield , The cash. contribution shall be made, by the C)rvner Nti,ithin thirty (30) days :upon request by the City: If the traffic caln.ai'ng improvements are not linplenlented by October 15, 2007, all Unexpended funds Shrill. be refunded to the ON \7nel' The City constructed the trafric calriling unproveinents, and ]egMStCd. `tire prior owner of 'tile Property to:' pay the cgrniibuticin oil November 9. 2005', but ti ere are no immediately available records that sucli contribution was:' ever received by the City. Upon evidence of'prior payment of such funds that is satisfactory to the County, the requirements of'this Paragraph 4 shall be deen.led satisfied. In the event the Owner has not produced sucl] evidence to [lie County by Marcia. 31, 201:0, the Owner shall contribute the l -ends to file ("it), within thirty (30) bays of a written request from the City, provided that such `request is made no sooner than April' 1. 2011 At file time such fields are delivere=d to. the City, the Owner shall prol"ride notice of s ell payrilellt to tile COCL1.1ty. 5. Cash :Proffer for Cliarlottesville a=rea Transit ,( "CAT ") Commercial Corridor "Jitney. Service ": Upon the request of -the County; the ON iaer shall contribute .l.'weilty T'llousand Dollars ($20,000.()0) per anrnim :or an amount equal to twenty percent. (20 %) of the :annual operating and' maintenance costs; j��hicl ever is less, for a period not to exceed five years for operating acid /oi- niainta:inind a. dedicated ''`jitney bus" service to ,retail commercial developin.ents. including 5tonefield., along the Route 29' Corridor: if the :CAT " jitney ser-v :ice" is ncf placed into operation by the date of issuance of the first occ.upattcy perinit fcu a. co.t.nn'ierci.al building in Stonefield, :then the Owner Shall contribute Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00) per annum, for a' period not to exceed .five year=s, to CAT for costs associated v� tlr operatirl.a existing. CAT' bus ro ite(s) that provide service to Stonefield. t. Cash Proff'e.r fi>r C=ap=ital Improvements: The Owner shill contribute. One Mill'ioi live Huncdxed. Thousand Dollars .($1,50{,000.00) (hereii1after referred to as the "Total Contribution",.) to the ,Count ftir the purpo se of f:u ding:. capital in pl-.oveinei is related to Stonefeld: The contributioii shall be paid as follows (a) 'Fhree Hundred and Seventy Five l :'housand Dollars ($ 375,000.00) :shall :be,, eontidb.uteci., to the County within thirty (30) days alley the first >final site plan 'car, subdivision plat cOntainind residential dwe.11iiig units li- approved 'lor Stoilelield (b) an additional Three �Jundred aiad Severity Five Thousbind. Dollars ($375,000:00) of't'he total Contribution` shall. be contributed to the County prior'to th=e issuance of.'a certificate Of'Occt.ilaaRGY ;bor the first residential dwelling unit in, Stbriefield, and (c). fife ,renlaii ng, Seven. llunc -d C�i-f :ty Thousand. Dollars .($750,000.00) of the Tatar Contribution shall. be paid on a pro rata basi=s of Threo ".rhousaild lla.11ars ($3,000.00) per residential dwelling uliit at the tiane c'e] tiftcates cif:` occupancy are issued :lb - :the f -st two hundl•ed f fly (250) dwelling unit's. No acditional cora.iribution. shall be recltiired for the next t)Ao hulidred f=ifty (250)' dwelling units. 4 Ori >ginal.Proffer: Anlendinent: X If, five (5) years froln the date of •approval of" the first final site plan or subdivision. plait for residential dwelling units, the 1.'otal Contribution has not been fully paid, the balance of the 'T'otal Contribution shall be contributed to the County within thirty (30) clays upo request by t:he Count). Il this ftind leas not been exhausted by the County :for the stated pLupt�sc �- vitlziii five (5) years fi:orn ilic elate the last contribution is made, all. Linexpeiided funds shall be refunded.to the Owner.. IIl addition to the foregoing, after building permits have been issued for the fiI'st -five hundred (500) dwelling units within Stonefield, the (honer shall -pay to the County "Three Thousand Dollars (:$3,000.00) prior to the issu�ince of a building pi riiit for: each new residential dwelling unit thereafter. 7. Construction of Frontage improvements on Route Zvi and Hydraulic Road: At its expense; the Owner shall plan, design, bond and construct travel. lade iniprovenaents to be dedicated for public use on its TIydraulic Road and Route 29 -rontage.. The design shall: be submitted with the first site plait .for the initial phase of Stonefield. The subject frontage improvements are depicted by Exhibit F, "Short Term Route 29 Transpoitann Improvements. The County play require these improvements to be completed as a prerequisite to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy. The coilstruttion of the subject improvements shall be deemed complete whei. they arp constructed in con-rorn ance with the plans approved by VDO f and opened to public use as approved by VDOT: 8. Construction cif. Off-.Siw Improvements: Upon regL est by .tl e County or as provided herein, the Owner shall plan, design, bond and construct off -site transportation improvements in the ;County and the City*, as depicted. on I :Yhiblt F., "Short Term Route 29 Transportation, Improvements ". if the i.inprovements are .required to be constructed, the C "ount% may require these improvements to Iie completed ,as a prerequisite to t11e issuance of �izy ceitifYcateS of occupancy:..Construction_shall be deemed complete when the improvements are constructed, in eonforinaiice with the plans approved by VDOT and opened to public. use as approved by NrD OT. A. Off -site. iinprovenlents in, the County at the Nortfiw6t Quadrant of tbb Hydraulic Raad /.R'oute. 29` Intersection. The engineering, }flats and. construction 1. docurnents .for :off =site'imprt vements in the County shall be submitted. writh the first final site plan for Please 1 of.Stonefield. , Off -site linprovenxents in the City, at the Nort1' Least Qua rant of'the Hydraulic Road/Route 29 Intersection (t>uinbere=d items 4 And.11 on Exhibit T'). The Owner shall .submit the engineering, '}flats and construction documents (the ":1 ?laps ") lbr ihe miprbven�.ents in the City o:f CbailottesVille ic> th'e City of C:hailottesv.ille by January 1. 1, 201.2. The Owner shall diligently pursue approval of�the Plans in the City. If'thc City dries not approve the Plans by July 11., MI. 2, the Owner sli:-All not be required by' this px:offe.r to' . ovals have ot COlstlLet any.i111)IQe1e1tS fUl V77C1 al)pi n beeI1 Obtiill].ed. The Qw.ner shall not be required by this proffer to acquire or otherwise pay for right. of way in the City :tor these ini.provenients. 5 C)ri�,inal Proff'em Amendlileiit.: x If the improvements are :rce:Iuired to be constructed, the C:)wnei- shall complete construction of the inaprovenlents ;iixr � \-hide right ol.way is available within twelve (12) inoi the after Mlle i.5suaitce of ilxc First c crtilicate of occupancy within Stonc:iae.ld. Construction shall be deemed cornplete when the inaprove Tents are constructed in conldrlllance with the pltuns approved by VDO'.l" and opened to public use as approved by VDOT. This Paragraph 8(11) is subject to the terns of Paragraph 14", "Substituted 17'ransportation Improvements." 9;. Reservation and De-diuition of laad for Regional Route 29 acid nydraulic Road Intersection Improvements: `l"he Owner shall reserve. for the fu' tore dedication to the Colllmon weal th of `Vi.rgin a certain land m . :the Property in, the County 156r ,certain short- terill. transportation 1t11prove.tueilts for the Route 29 and Hydraulic Road intel-section (the. '*`Short- Term Route 29 /Ilydraulic Road I'mprovernents "y as follows (a) the land shown as "Parcel A 6,511 S.1'." on. the plat of Dirk :Eluglles` and Associates dated. Marcel. 3, 2009, East revised' March 25, 2010, which plat i5 attached, hereto as Exhibit H.- and (b) any portions of the parce:Is shown as "farce) One Future Right of Way 1,:117 S.F. ," ``T'aiccI Two Future Right or Wa 9;079 S.F. "Parcel Four Future Right of Way 1;660 S.F.," and "Parcel Five l Future IZ ,.t o.l,- Way 790 S. .;" oil the Official Map adopted. by the County on December ?, 20U�, a copy of which Official Map is attached hereto as Exhibit 1, that arc required by VDoT for the Short= :Perm Route 29 /Hydraulic Road lmproverneilts (ce llectively the ` Short 'l. e1-r11 Itnpraveinzrits Declica ) tiotl Area" , provided, however. that the subdivision Flats depicting the Short- `Merin 'Improvements 'Dedication: Area are subject 'to final app -ot.a.1 by the County Dma tment of Community Developniemt and that the I precise boundaries and size of the Sllort F rip.1nlprovenlents Dedication hrea may be adjusted accordingly. The Owner shall dedicate the Short-Term. Improvements I�edicatioll. E�iea to tl:re Coln,rnonwealth of Virg nia .ill. fee simple by Oc:[Dber'l, 2 ° 010, o within. thirty (30) days after the County approves the. subdivision plat necessary: to dedicate the :Short -Tern? Iiill3rovtnielits Dcdicatic)ri Area, llichcv er is first to occur; In addition lb the ded ca:ti6ri of the Short -Term Improvements Dcdicatioll Area, 'the Owner shall dedicate and convey all necessary .drainagge acid constructi.oli, easements for the Short - Terni. ROLIte 29 /I1-ydradlic Road Iillpi'oVe111e11tS. if flee ;.h(11 t- l i'In .1,111prove.111L11ts Dedicatlo11 I�tC'rl 15 11C)t CIC'dlGiited and conveyed as hart of a subdivision: plat. the OwTle -j- shall. pay rill costs of surveying and preparing legal documents in a: f6rili, acceptable to thc' ()1 ice of the Attorney Gerr.e.ral necessary to dedicate and convey the Short -Terns Improvenien1s Dedication Area. :land: !1L`ter ded:icaticin and until the subject regional trai sportation improv nisi is arc funded cI for coi. struction, the Owner shall., at the regticst of the Co ity, and with the consent of tb.e, Commonti�,fealth.. of V irginia, mahitriiri. the Shoit 1 e:.i p Iinprovellients Dedication Area ]arid until ;requested by The County to no longer do so provided the is granted the right to the exclusive use ,of the laird for 1andscaped ripen space, a pocket park, t.enipmary }larking) lemitlb, signa�e, utilities or other purpose as .1na•y he approved with the final: site plan. for the first phase of St.onefield. Upon being requested by the County to no longer maintain. the 6 Original Proffer: Amendr.ner.rt: x land, the (7wne.r shall cease all use of the land and remove all improvements established, by the Owner that the County requests he removed. In the evcht drat the: adopted design for future public 'intersection finprovoments does not repire the utilization of all of the Shout- 'P ernr Improvements Dedication Area hind, upon the ON,vi7er's request, the residual portion of the dedicated land shall be transfeI'r6d :to the Owner at no expense to the 01NNner. the deed(s) of dedication for the Short- 'Perril Improvements Dedication Area, may provide for such :Con di.tion.s., 1.0. Reservation and Dedication of Additional Land for Route 29 and hydraulic Road lntex•section tinpi'ovements: The Owner shall reserve °1'or fut re dedication to the County, subject to the conditions herein below, certain additional land on the Property for the right of way for future Hydraulic Road and Route 29 related regional transportation i..nnprovenlents (the "Long -Term Route 29 /1-i:ydraulic Road :linprovenlerits ") as follows; (a) the area shown as "Parcel A1.1,432 S.F ." on 'Exhibit H; and (b) any portions of the parcels shorn on Exhibit I that were not previously dedicated to the Common V�u ginia for the Slror t: 'I'enaa Route 29 /1- lydratilic Road fmn provements pursuant to the Paragraph 9 herein (collectively, the "Long -Term In.iproveinents Dedication ��rea ") `pr'ovided, however, that the subdivision plats depicting the Long- Teriit improvements Dedication Area ai�e subject to final. approval by the County Department of Cornrnunity Development and that file precise l�ouri.daries and size of the Long -Term Jmprm ernents Dedication Axea.rnay .be ad listed accordingly., The Owner shall dedicate the Long -Terra ltnprovenients Dedication Area to the County within :ninety (90) days after the County's request fvr such dedication, and such dedication:. shall include the dedication and conveyance of all necessary drainage and construction easements for the LoraTenor Route 29/Hydraulic Road Im' provernents. If the Long - Tenn IImprovenients Dedication. Area is not dedicated and conveyed as part of .a subdivision plat, the Owner shall pay all costs of - surveying and, preparing legal documents in a fornn acceptable to the County Attorne y's Office necessary to dedicate and convey tl>e Long= Perin I ;mprovements Dedication.Area. Until the <ong= Tertii Improver dents Dedication Area ''and is cledi.cated,. tlne Owner shall maintain the l.alnd and, shall retain the right. to the exQlusi ' e use of the land 'ion landscaped open space; a pocket paik, tgmporary parkin.,, fencing., irt.i:lities or other purposes as play be approved with the first final site.plan. for .Phase 1 of'Stoilefi.eld. The conditions on the subJec:t reservation and dedication shall be as :follows: (a) lathe event that the adopted design. Tor future ptrb.hG intersection in provernents does not require the utilization of a:l.l.. of the Long- Ter.ni Iraprovenie,nts Dedication. Area hind, upon request of the Owner the residual. portion shall. be released by the County from dab reservation or, if the bind lies been dedicated; u'port,r� quest of the Owi er title shall be transferred back toy ;and for the use, of, the owner.at.no expense to Owner, "]'he deed(a) of dedication fior ti e T onE 'Perna. Improvements Dedication Area. nnay provide for such Conditions. 7 Original Proffer: Aniendillent: X. (b) The design and construction of the Lon; - "Peril Route 29/1-lydraulic Road 1-niproverilent:8 -hall substantially maintain the access, function, and continuity of service of file planned intefsectIon of Swanson R.oad (E. xtended) and existing I-ly-drautic Road into Stomfield zit the location of the existing, Swanson Road and Hydra:ulic Road intersection-, otherwise, this proffer becomes null, and void. fl. Signalization of IlYdratilic Road and Route 29 Intersections: The Owner shall be. responsible A. ]'lie Owner at its expense shall. engineer, bond, and construct traffic , si.gnalization 1-11.1provellibilLs at. the intersection of District Avenue and I-l'ydraUliC Road'.' "I'lie traffic si,,2 I natizatio.D. . i I japrovements at this . intersection sliall be constructed when. the Coui - ity or VDOT request installation of Such, but in apy event prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy for any building in Blocks A, B, C or D, provided that such signal.. iswarranted by theIraffic volumes or is otherwise approved by VDOT.. B. Owner at its expense shall enghlzer,-bond and construct traffic ,sigma lization improvements at the intersection' of District Avenue and U.S. Route`29. I'lle traffic.' sianalization. improvements mprovenient's at this 'intersection shall be construcf6d,w.-heii the County or VDo,r request installation: of such., but any event prior to.the issuance of a,certificate of occupancy; for any building; in Blocks E, F or G, provided. that.:such signal is warranted by the traffic volumes or is otherwise approved try '*VD0' F, provided that such signal is:warrailted by the traffic volumes or is otherwise approved by VDOT. 12. Conimon8vealth Drive C'Onnectioni Upon, demand of the Cowitv' but rio earlier than the issuance ofa building hermit for any building Nvithin Block F, 0 the wile, r sliall reserve ri cy t of-wav alono-Ahe northern edge of.tbe parking lot. in Block. F of the Property fora, I:.utLn.-e street connection to Common-wealth Drive through the "Coniclial.Property" (TM 6INV-3-1 8.); The ftitw.-e connection will be a two lane facility... Upon the reqiiest f the County. W, 0 .theO ner shall eiigiii�er.'borid anti coiistfi.ict both tli*eon site arid the off -site portio.m offhe connection to cm the "Com.dial Property" provided that easements and acquisition of ight-ofwway as inay be necessary f such consta-uption: or the connection tbrough oft site Properties for this h-nproverri.ent have been granted. at.. no cost to the Owner, and the request f0l'S such connection through the. off-site property-is ni,,ade by the CounN prior to October] 5, 2020. Upon the .request ofthe, Count'-w. the connection shall be com. pleted by the Owner within twelve (12) ,montlis friorn the date of satisfaction of the conditions asset foi-thabove. The Owner shall reserve land and orant .13. Other "Super 'Block" Street Connections; In , , construction and permanent access easements or righrof way at no eNpense to the County.-for the purposes of future construction ,(by others,) Of intCl'7.parc.el, street connections withili. the "Super Block:" at the Ulowing locations- Floustoll Street (Formerly kriown as First Street) (to )xest to Blackbird Lane (formerly known as"Ehird: Street). (to west to C'onimonivealth: Drive), 'District Avenue (formerly knoxil as Cedar Flill Road Extended) (ill BI0:61-,-. F north to "Corlidial Prope:rty"), Disftiet.Avenbe (fbrmertv knovm as Fourth Street) Original Proffer:. Amendment: X (between. Blocks:F and G north to "Corndial Property "), Swanson Road Extended (to nort.l.i_ to ":Sperry Property ") and at two additional .locations into Sperry Prol)erty. The locations -for easement or ribht of way reservation and dedication are as generally depicted on Exhibit A and labeled thereon as "future Extension." :However, the locations and nuinvers of such inter - parcel street connections may be modified by the Owner upon a variation granted by the County Planning .Director. These easement or right off way locations shall be ,identified, platted and dedicated at the ;request of the County in, coi iunct:ion with subsequent site plan applications for'Storrefield. 14. Substitut&I I'r ;Ynstro� tatiirir :I:mZaro� einenis. A. In. lieLr of constructing the improvements referenced, in Paragraph 8(B) herein, which Paragraph 8(B) refers to certain off -site iniproveniez is in the City of Charlottesville at the northwest quadrant of the Hydraulic Road /Route 29 intersection, and also other improvements along the City side of Route 29 between Hydraulic Road and Greenbrier: Drite, which improvennents are collectively )hereinafter rcferredto as the "Palagraplz 8(B) Inlproveru.ents ", the Owner: may elect, in its sole discretion, and oiz the terms and conditions contained in. this Paragraph 14, to contribute cash to .the City for certain .transportatiotl improvements in the City )mown as the "Rte. 29 /250 Bypass Interchange Improvement Project" identified as VDOT and City, project number 0029 - 1.04 -248 (the "Substituted Improvements Project ") ;: B. in the event the Owner elects to contribute ite cash toward the Substituted Improverrftents Project (the "Owner's Contribution ') in.lieu ofconst uctfing the ParagralJh 8(B) I. Improvements, the following terms shall apply: 1. The Owner shall notify the County's Director of Conirnunity Devvc ;lopment :(the "Director ") in writing of�fits election within sixty (Ca0) days after the approval of the first final site plan for Phase l of Stonefield,(the "Notice "). The Owner shall also send a copy of the Notice to the City Development Services Manager at the same time it is sent to the Di ectdr: 2. The.subrnission of the Notice to the Directory shrill suspend the deadline for the Owner to submit the .f fans (as `I"lans" is defined in: Para grapli. 8(I3)) to the Cr.ty, if;appl..icablc. 3. Tl e amount; of the Owner's -Contribution tribution to the Substituted I:mproveinents PrQIect shall be subject to a written agreen .ent between the '()wrter and tlhe City (the "'City Ag c me r1t "). Within ten (1()) days after ful`I execiuti* n of t ie City Agrecmerrt, tlrc Owner` shill ,provide a copy of the: City Agreement to the Director. 4. `Within..six (C) months after the Notice is sent to the Director, or within sixty (60) days after execution ol'th.e. CityAgree.nieut, whichever is .'later to occur.. the Owner shall contri.bst:te a portion of the Owner's C.ontribUtion to the City in the arnownt of One Million :Dollars ($1 A0,00'0), less any amounts credited by the City and VDOT to the Owner for planiiiirg and design work oh the Paragraph 8(B) Improvements (the ",Net ("'ontribution "): `Fhe`Net Contribution may be in the :fi:rrria of cash or a letter of.credit issued by a bar.rlc approved by the 0 Original Proffev .Amendment: x City. ora combination thereof. J."he City lunvenlent shall set rorth the terms of and schedule 5 for draw dON,%,n ofthe Net Contiibotioll. 15, In the event, that the SUbstittited Improvements Project is terminated, or has -not. otherwise been completed. (as described herein) within thirty-six (36) Months after the City I eceives the Net ContribLitiori (which thirty-six ('16) month period may be extended by IllLittial agreenlent ofthe Charlottesville City Manager and the Albemarle County Executive.),, and LIP611 the City's reft'lildilIg Ofthe Net Contribution to the Owner pursuant to the City Agreement, the Owner shall forward funds equal to Five Hundred Thotisand. Dollars )00,000) to the Coinity for funding transportation improve.inents in the vicinity of the U.S. ROLI[e 2,9/1-1ydrau.1.i.c Road intersection identified in the County's Capital. InlProvemerits Program. In the event it such funds have not been expended by the County for the stated pin1pose Within tell (1.0) years from the elate the funds were contributed to the County, all unexpended funds shall be refLinded to the Owner, Construction of the Substituted Improvements Project shal.1 be deemed complete when the improvements are accepted by the appropriate public ei.itity or are bonded ;for the entity's acceptance. C. Notwithstanding.the provisions of Paragraph 14 (B)(5 11 ipt )'fierei , upon t' e'City's rece of the Net -Cont ' ribution, tl ' ic Owile.r shall be relieved, of any:obligafion to construct. the Paragraph 8(B).hnprov.-cinents. (Signature Pages 'Im in g, ediately Follow). 1.0 Original Proffer: Aniodi-nent: x W(TNESS the FOIJOWillg Sif�,)IMUII'M AL13EMA]ZLE PLACE EAAPLLL, a Dela-ware limited liability company U ,(Jcoidi%+W. McLean, President ALBEMAIZLE REALTY (E&A), LLC, 9 South Carolina limited liability coif puy By: Edens Realty, Ind., a South Carolina C*oq)ora6on its, ' Sol& member Jo ie W. Tv1'cLe an, .Prcsid.en't 15697wo 5.ppc 158970105.;DOC Original Proffer: Amendinciat: x THE HAVEN AT STONEFIELD, LLC a South Carolina limited liability compariy By: Printed Name: Titie: 12 a �•� oq ��,; ,6s� 3a�e a �• � �� �,�,.� G � � O � Q q O W Q �, tai ~ i � � y � p ..� .� 9 � O O `�•, } O. Mil o'��: 3 S S � g :a 4 I �t'a� ?� ✓ � '! �} I�� � , °� Itt .r1- �.T,r -11i ,'j!' _ ! i5t,�rr /:�_ -� - — 1 /t ✓ �.r f r t t ti s 1 •'...r� }� . .,, j I iii 1 Nom• N'.. I is •• 1 S.n.� } I• t'7 I I. 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