HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE200600070 Legacy Document 2014-07-08OHK bJ ' bb 'lb; b.3 FK H5t- KLU 1-'K1111 HKt J• b Yd,2 I�tblti/t:J1�\bYJ'f . b'1�b4 U J t D (��/ to A. � Application for Z011i g Clearance _. OFFICE USE ONLY ��••�� UK-z"O"'ing learance $35 f CLE # Z(D0 Ca PLEASE REVZE LL 3 SHUTS Cheep # qqa' 'S Date: - z s - oco Recei # / 2 2 Staff., PARCEL INFORMATION "io.� Tax Map and Parcel: 4 — — 0-V — Existing Zoning caner- ,ld! (o-�l Gt G-� Fill � W/Jfr 4 /Liec,i -f-rZ FarcelO - Oro -ri A4 t—w I) 411VD city ✓ ✓'4- Parcel Address: Z;P 2 �9B� (include suite or floor)__ PRI1Vt,A)WCONTAC'X' Who should we call1write concerning this project? Address: 11f 20 &OA'eGg 64t&4'6 City 400 4V 'CL-6- State M Zip Zo8 `y Office Phone: (30(1 g �I. Cell # Fax #' 3�� g 8/ G � � -mai[ v vl/ Q! 's �� �' �e �aJ. COti( ..... - ........ I-------- - - --------------------- ..... - .......,.. -- - .......,... - - .....,- - PRO,T�CT INFORMA ON . -- Business Name/Type, , ,4 ✓/ V (�D12M'eft w ( A-M"y 41,54t,141 e-4" i Previous Business on this site: ;Proposed use: /��D�l� (i��Q G �Gr!•(� G / �/!'?i o%!S Circle'(if applicable): Fireworks / Christmas Tree SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IF THE CLEARANCE 1S FOR FIREWORK OR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES (Sheet 1) *This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you cliangt, intensify or move the; use to a new location, a new Zoning Clearance will be rcquirc4_ I hereby certify that I own or have the owners permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accur net? the best f ny knowledge. have read the conditions of approval, and I understand tbern, and that I will abide by them. lSignature � Printed S%EP4116 � 1-r2i4'ak'`( ..... i ................. ......------- ......................................... .-------------------------- ...,, ................... . AP�I'tOVAL INk'URMATION 14 Approved as proposed j ] Approved with conditions ![ ] Backflow device and/or current test data needed for this site. Contact ACSA 977 -4511, x119 - �Qj No physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. Therefore, it is not-a-doteLMination of com fiance with the existing site plan. $ackfloW Device and%oC ( I This site cbrnplies with the site plan as of this date. Carrent Test Data Needed Building OfliCial Date. otO Zoning Official ` Date B 6 Other Official Dale rtr ......................... — ----------- --- . - - - - -- --- -..... - - -- .........''�a-._o- -' 7�z ....-------------- ....... County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Voice'. (434) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972 -4126 10/14/05 Page 2 of 4 VIHN by ' bb 'lb: i'4 1-K Hb- NEU t'K1111 I,HKL rt Applicant to eomplete the fallowing: 0/ N � o you have one of the fallowing? Tax Map and Parcel Number and or; Address of use (include unit or floor if appropriate; 0 `I7' N o you have a Floor Plan (sketch or an architectural drawing) that includes the following, and if so please provide it with the application? The total square footage of the use and /or; The square footage of each room or area of use; Use of each room or area if using less than the entire structure, note the location within the structure. jY( >YYdd I U 115018tilb.(J'( r. 1 ,3/174 Intake to complete the following: Is use in LT, HI or PDIP zoning? If so, give applicant a Certified Engineer's Report (CER) packet. Y y Wilbllere be food preparation? If so, give applicant a Health Department form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept, FAX DATE Y CN Is parcel on private well and septic? If so, give applicant a Health Department form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept. FAX DATE N Is on public water and sewer? Y 49 Will you be putting up a new sign of any kind? if so, obtain proper Sign permit, Permit # , Qifthere be any new construction or renovations? if so, obtain the pro er Permit. _ --- Perth it# lull ` Y ' N Is this for sales of Fireworks? If so, obtain a copy of FIR permit. Permit # Zoning Tech to complete the follawa><a>�: S� / ��a- -- i� ► I I (S ! i"�Y var e: YIN Ifs , ist. Pro s: Y/ If so, "st. `1fst: q-P 9�_ & % 10/14/05 Page 3 of 4 t�U �d'IHK by ' bb 'lb; b4 F-K K:1 KEU I1K 1111 I.HKt J'(b'('(dd I u 1130'ltitilb'(,J'( F'. b4 /1J4 1 r. Reviewer to complete Square footage of Use: Y/N r Permitted as: Under Section: Supplementary regulations section; %?,k •� 'Parking formula: Required speoes: to he verified in the field: OWK Inspector Name & Date: I (Votes r MAR 2 8 2006 . , i _' 7- 10/14/05 Page 4 of 4 ** TOTAL PAGE.04 ** 4