HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE200600116 Legacy Document 2014-07-22Application tour ( Zoning Clearance [V zoning Clearance = $35 PLEASE REVIEW ALL 3 SM ETS i C — iW- _ , t. Tax map and parcel: i � xistf ng Zoning; � — Parml OVvUeY: V aus�z Parcel Address:��s 1� Ct11�19�7 i`�Ui1�(1 l� city �� f Q U�� t staff a 'Z'p (include suite or floor) E (� ,, Covotet Person (Who should vve call/write wacerniing this project ?): � 0_ -� �,.e= "+Z Du/' Address ` l J ��'1.Q,n - i 1 ➢ i 1 _City (�I State �I I Z' Daytitne'Phone �� Fax # t �✓ if 2W �� -mail OV �1 n ��Iti c �l Rosiness NawofType: k It U, I U J ' Fa'evious Business on this site: Proposed use: �'t $ (t i/ SEE CONDITIONS 'OF APPROVAL IF THE CLEARANCE IS FOR FIRMORK Olt. CMIISTMAS TREE SALES (Sheet 1) Circle (if applicable); Fireworks I Christmas Tree *This Clearance will only be valid on the parcel for which it is approved. If you change, intensify or move the use to a nerw location, a new Zoning Clearance will be required. I hereby certify that 'l own or have the owner's permission to use the space indicated on this application. I also certify that the information vrovided is true and accurate toAbe best of my knowledge. I have read the conditions of approval, and I understand them, and that I will abide by *=. 'kTZ' _N' - P) (9 / 6 (o Signs —of B si ss Ciw r r,A,gen Date A APPROVAL INFO ATION S - 0 3 `I � Approvod as proposed L proved with conditions nS�t rthC iothislearanw. Thereforc, h s riot a deteminat on aP ho h y s physical site iPe ction has been done f C ]This site 'ttpli wi the site aA as o1 th* dam P1/)G, h13 / D (o +- last' corryN Date � u$ackilow Device and/or Building Official P _ ulrren eS a� eedV Zoning Official Date vo Other Official Date �w n act 977.4 ,1t 1 FOR OFFICE USE QNLY CLE # � Fce AmonMt 5 ' ' D baw Paid .rr-I i- ICE C, I3y -ho? _ ' 6` i ' 2 tv Receipt # jr iq :'T Ck# . BY; / County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 4f l Melmtire Road Charlottesvville, OVA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fair: (434) 972 -4126 3/1106 Page 2 of4 voo zood W oe=so soot a RRw 9ZOUGM X94 11NAdOlIAM AllidfWWOn d Applicant to complete the following; Do you have one oftlle following? YES ❑ NO ax Map and Parcel Number and or, Address of use (include unit or floor if apprc,priate) YES ❑ NO you have a floor Flan (sketch or an architectural drawing) that includes the following, and if so please provide it with the application? The total square footage of the use and/or; The square footage of each roomy or area of uso; Use of each room or area If using less than the entire stnl"e, note the location within the structure. Tech to r aueau+ .. ❑ YES NO If so, List: variance, ❑ YES NO If so, List: the ❑ YES NO Is use in LI, or PDIP zoning? If so, give applicant a Certified Engineer's.Report (CER) packet. V ilDES El NO 4 there be food preparation? 1/ If so, give applicant a Health Department farm. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept, FAX DATE � (o � - •Z T- 5YFS ❑ NO . Is parcel on private well and septic? if so, give applicant a Health Department form. Zoning review can not begin until wc�r{v a p prov from Health Dept. FAX DA'V'E s �J` b � ❑ YES NO is orz public water and sewer? ❑ Y1JS , NO Will you be putting up a new sign of any kind? If so, obtain proper Sign permil- 1Permit # [3 YES/] NO Will there be any now construction or renovations? If so, obtain the proper Pemait. Permit # ❑ YES O Is this for sa es zf fireworks? If so, obtain a copy of 1;/R. pcntlit. Permit # W __ Proffers: ❑ 'Y'ES NO If so, List: SP : 'Y'ES ❑ NO If so, List: is r PEA $11106 Pap 3 of 4 V00 /£00d WdOE =£0 9006 0 69W 96OUREV X93 UN3Wd013A30 AIlNnWW00 c Reviewer to complete the fbIlO ing. Sg=e footage of Use: ❑ YES ❑ NO 11 �d { Permitted M: J Under Section: f 0 L20Z2acQ-))- Slupplementary regulations swtion: t Parking formula: l lw � - Required spaces:, — ❑ YES R No Items to be verified to ft field: Inspector Dame &Date; Dotes 511!06 Page 4 of 4 g00IV00d WdL£ =£0 90OZ 8 6PW 9ZtVZ1.6V£V xe3 tMWd013A3Q AlINfiWW00