HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE200600176 Legacy Document 2014-08-20• r Application for Zoning Clearance Ol'~FYCE [ISE ONL i'".I ,F i' Wing ace = ZOO(Q-1 7 U PLEASE IZVVMW ALL 3 SHEETS Cheek #!-4c1"7 Date:' 904 Receipt 0 -(i+ � � � o Staff: PARCEL, INFORMATION fl Tax bill and Parcel: J� ��.,�� k- �—� "Sting Zoning PD— Parcel ne :.sue ,, fvs C+-p r�cl.Address:� iSrt -�10 �? -- city 6 state ra" Zip�_1 -- C #� CONTACT .Who should we calllwrite concerning this pro3ect"t S D n 6001 Address :%n Lq& Cl a V ty el ason, .. sfateygj ziv3SGt -(4 a ffice'Phoue: ,(9A662q ---------------------------------------- .......... - - - -- P ter T I>vFOR .T IO?i Ousiness.Nameffype: rr d �S r� Previous Business on this site.- )_U (Y & V-U Proposedf use• f - +CL I l i�Yl 4 . Circle (if applicab1c): Fireworks' 1 Christens Tree SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IF THE CLEARANCE IS FOR FIREWORK OR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES (Sheet 1) *This Clearance will only bo volid on the parcel for winch it is approvcs L If Yom dwnge, iateeysify ar move the use to a new location, a View Zoning Cleamee will be required. I hereby cCrtify that I own or have the owner's pcmission to vse the space indicated on this application. I also acetify that the infomadon provided is true need acourste the best of my knowledge. ave road the aanditim4 ofapproval, and I understand them. and that I will abide by them. Signature s�� Printed �!JSG%/� � �TJ. PJ ✓�7� ----------- -- ------ --------- - -------------------------------- --1._..,.11- --------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -�- XPROVAL INFORMATION Approved with Apprcded as proposed - j • with conditions j $aaktlow dovice audlor current test data heeded for this site, Contact ACSA 977 -4511, x119. No 'physical site inspection has been done for this clearance. Thcxcfbre, it is not a deter �ati¢n f cum liance with the existing site plan. Backflow Device and /or 13 This situ complies with the site plan as of this date. Caarrvxt Test Data Needed 1, x 119 Building Official �- Zoning Official IA-- tied Dot Other Official ate ------- - - - - -- ......__ - -- - -- - --- -� - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - -• - - - - - = -- - - - - -- - -- Coun of Albemarle a rtmen i of Commta ,i �eveloptment 401 Mcbtiire Road Charloitesviile,'VA 2290;Zoice: (j64) 296 -5832 Fax: (434) 972. 4126 10114/05 Page 2 of4 I Applicant to complete the following: YIN Do you have one of the following? Tax MV anti Parcel Number and or, AddTM of use (include unit or :Floor if appropriate; IN o you have a Fluor plan (sketch or an arcliitect4 drawing) that imludca the following, Md if so please provide it with the application! The total square footage of the use and/or; The -square footage of each room or area of use; Use of each rooms or area ifusing less than the entire stracture, note #te location within the sirucilrre. .Tech to complete the .Ih\1 (65 Y / N If so, List, Intake to complete the following: y f us " LI, HI or PDIP zoning'- If so, give applicant a Certified Engineer's Report (CER) packet_ Y /0 Will thore be food prcpmration? If so, give applicant a Health ?department form. Zoning review cart not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept- FAX DATE Y l ie), Is on psivate well and septic? If so, give applicant a Health Department form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from I -ealth Dept. FAX DATE // N on public water and seweO 19/ N ill you be putting up a now sign of any kind? If so, obtain proper :sign permit. Permit # - Will ere be any now constmadgn or renovations? If so, obtain the proper Permit. Perma # Y 16) Is this for sales of Firewrorks? If so, obtain a copy of Fa permit. PeY-mit # Proffers: YIN If so, List: $P's: YIN If so, List: 1 ()/14 10S Fagg 3 of