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HO201400138 Legacy Document 2014-09-19
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY HO #_;26 % �a Fee Amount $ ', 5 -SCO Date Md �By who? U ( t Receipt # �UCk# By: V 1 S o� ,u.ryer Applicati®n f®r Maj®r Home Occupati®n Clearance �� ;r_ �k (Only for parcels in the Rural Areas Zoning District) dj'at� "��" �drc;W�� I V Maior Home Occupation Clearance = $25.00 + applicable fees I Home Occupation, Major: An occupation, not expressly prohibited by section 5.2A, conducted for profit within a dwelling unit solely by one or more members of the family residing within the dwelling unit and up to two (2) additional persons not residing within the dwelling unit, with or without the use of accessory structures; provided that nothing herein prohibits the occupation from engaging other persons who work off-site and do not come to the dwelling unit or to any accessory structure to engage in the occupation. Applicant MUST HAVE the following information to apply: 1) Tax Map and Parcel Number (or Address) and a description of the Home Occupation. 2) A Floor Plan Sketch on the next page with the following: a) The total square footage of the dwelling; b) The square footage of area within the home being used for the occupation (note this cannot be more than 25% of the gross square footage of the dwelling). 3) If applicable, a survey, plat, or aerial map showing accessory structures and parking associated with the home occupation. The GIS Web enables easy viewing and printing of aerial maps. 4) Certification that notice of this application has been provided to the property owner, if owner is different from applicant. i I Name of Business: _-J? .0 IQ l .9 A (' e ✓ Type of Business: h-1 f 'i r_a, ✓ + Tax map and parcel: O j Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): i h t r ( /�/ n r� i �k AddressC:r (9 ,C. -64 c a''n &A City v rte, Stater Zip q ��/ac, Daytime Phone � � /� y Lo Fax 4 �� E-mail _ { , i C 1a h n c.� dZ�' Owner of Record Q'r L� Address S City !"r j�_—I v n_ State �.. Zip c� Daytime Phone 3 Fax # (__—_� E-mail z � 041yi (ti ice% DESCRIPTION OF USE (If necessary, attach an additional sheet. Include information about the number of vehicles and number cf employees associated with the use, hours of operation, use of accessory structures, etc.): 4J4 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire )road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 7/1/2011 Page i of ; n Ott- Each major home occupation authorized in the Rural Areas zoning district is subject to the following: PLEASE CHECK EACH BOX SO THAT IT IS CLEAR THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND , I" THE REOUIREMENTS FOR THIS CLEARANCE ED LOCATION & AREA This home occupation shall be conducted within the dwelling unit or accessory structures, or both, provided that not more than twenty-five (25) percent of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used for the home occupation and further provided that the cumulative area used for the home occupation, including the gross floor area within the dwelling unit or any accessory structure and the area used for outdoor storage as provided in section 5.2A(g), shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1500) square feet. Plants that are planted in the ground that are to be used for a major home occupation do not count toward the one thousand five hundred (1500) square feet limitation. [Section 5.2A (b) (1)] O EXTERIOR APPEARANCE There shall be no change in the exterior appearance of a dwelling unit or other visible evidence of the conduct of the home occupation, except that one home occupation sign may be erected as authorized by section 4.15. Accessory structures shall be similar in fagade to a single-family dwelling, private garage, shed, barn or other structure normally expected in a residential area and shall be specifically compatible in design and scale with other residential development in the area in which it is located. Any accessory structure that does not conform to the applicable setback and yard requirements for primary structures shall not be used for a home occupation. [Section 5.2A (c) (1)] 0/VISITORS & SALES Customers, clients and students are permitted to visit the property where the home occupation is conducted. Only goods that are hand-crafted on-site and goods that are directly related to the home occupation, including but not limited to tools for pottery making and frames for artwork are permitted to be for sale to -customers who comes to the site. [Section 5.2A (d) (1)] E�fRAFFIC The traffic generated by the home occupation shall not exceed ten (10) vehicle round trips per day or more than thirty (30) vehicle round trips per week. For the purposes of this section, a "vehicle round trip" means one vehicle entering and exiting the site. [Section 5.2A (e)] '.PARKING All vehicles used in the home occupation and all vehicles of employees, customers, clients or students related to the home occupation shall be parked on-site. [Section 5.2A (f)] Q'OUTDOOR STORAGE The storage of goods, products, equipment other than vehicles used in the home occupation, or any materials associated with the home occupation, other than natural landscaping materials such as mulch and plants, outside of an enclosed structure is prohibited. [Section 5.2A (g)] M HOURS OF OPERATION The home occupation may operate up to six (6) days per week and the hours of operation shall be between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. for those home occupations that have employees, customers, clients or students visiting the site. [Section 5.2A (h)] ET'NUMBER OF VEHICLES The number of vehicles that may be used in the home occupation that are parked or stored on-site shall not exceed two (2) motor vehicles and two (2) trailers. [Section 5.2A (i)] 3-<U' MBER OF HOME OCCUPATIONS More than one home occupation is permitted on a parcel, provided that the area occupied and the traffic generated by the home occupations shall be considered cumulatively and all requirements of this section shall apply. [Section 5.2A (j)] County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 7/1/2011 Page 2 of 4 ❑ PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The home occupation shall comply with the performance standards in section 4.14. [Section 5.2A (k)] Does the use involve pl'Ocedu resq machinery or chemicals that may cause the following? YES NO NOISE VIBRATION GLARE HEAT AIR POLLUTION WATER POLLUTION RADIOACTIVITY ELECTRICAL DISTURBANCE NON-DOMESTIC WASTE DISCHARGED TO A SEPTIC FIELD OR SEWER If YES, then applicable standards must be addressed with a Certified Engineer's Report (available from staff). Ea, ROHIBITED USES (1) any use requiring a special use permit under section 10.2.2 (2) animal rescue centers (3) automobile graveyards (4) restaurants (5) storage yards (6) gun sales, unless the guns are made on-site by one or more family members residing within the dwelling unit (7) on-site pet grooming (8) body shops (9) equipment, trailers, vehicles or machinery rentals [Section 5.2A (1)] (10) shooting ranges (11) commercial stables (12) rummage or garage sales other than those determined by the zoning administrator to be occasional (13) veterinary clinics or hospitals (14) pyrotechnic (fireworks or bomb) device manufacturing or sale (15) Any other use not expressly listed that is determined by the zoning administrator to be contrary to the purpose and intent of section 5.2A. 0 NOTIFICATIONS & INSPECTIONS Written notice that an application for a zoning clearance for a major home occupation has been submitted will be sent to the owner of each abutting parcel under different ownership than the parcel on which the proposed home occupation would be located. The notice will identify the proposed home occupation, its size, its location, and whether there is a request for a waiver or modification. The notice shall invite the recipient to submit any comments before the zoning clearance is acted upon. The notice shall be mailed at least five (5) days prior to the action on the zoning clearance as provided in section In addition, a public notice sign will posted on the property for the duration of the review. ;adoes n)] SIG9 '. not exceed four (4) square feet In sign area and ohl sta l the name of the person occupying the dwelling and identifies the product or service offered by the home occupation is permitted. No additional permit is required for this sign, however, it must not exceed 6 ft. in height and must be setback at least 5 ft. from the public road right-of-way. [Section 4.15.2 (25) and 4.15.51 El -'ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS AND R VIVI S' FROM OTHER AGENCIES ©A A zoning clearance shall not be issued if, after review of any site, additional improvements are necessary to protect public health or safety. [Section 31.5 (c)] Other state and local resources, including but not limited to the Health Department, Virginia Department of Transportation, Building Official., and County Engineer are commonly asked to comment on Home Occupation applications. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 7/1/2011 Page 3 of4 WAIVERS OR MODIFICATIONS MAY BE SOUGHT ONLY FOR THE FOLLOWING: AREA The area requirements in section 5.2A(b) may be waived or modified, provided that the waiver or modification shall not authorize the home occupation to occupy more than forty-nine (49) percent of the gross floor area of the dwelling. In granting a waiver or modification of the area requirement, the commission shall make the following findings in addition to those findings in section 5.1: (1) the nature of the home occupation requires storage or additional space within the dwelling unit to conduct the home occupation; (2) the primary use of the dwelling unit as a residence is maintained; and (3) the waiver or modification would not change the character of the neighboring agricultural area or the residential neighborhood. [Section 5.2A (m) (1)] TRAFFIC The traffic limitation in section 5.2A (e) may be waived or modified. In granting a waiver or modification of the traffic limitation, the commission shall find, in addition to those findings in section S. 1, that the waiver or modification would not change the character of the neighboring agricultural area or the residential neighborhood. [Section 5.2A (m) (2)] REVIEW PROCESS AND ADDITIONAL FEES WITHOUT WAIVER REQUEST ($25 + notice es) WITH A WA R REQUEST ($25 + $425 + notice ees) I. Submit Home Occupation application 5). 1. Submit Hom Occupation application and aiver 2. Staff will review for completion mail abutting application ($2 + $425). owner notification (Fee varie ased on number of 2. Staff will review r completion mail abutting letters). owner notification ee varie ased on number of 3. Staff will visit prope to post public notice sign, letters). review parking ar , proposed location of sign, and 3. Staff will visit prope o post public notice sign, storage areas applicable). review parking ar s, pro sed location of sign, and 4. Staff will a rove application if requirements have storage areas ' applicable). been me nd pick-up public notice sign. 4. Staff will ordinate date of xt available Planning Com ' sion meeting to proces waiver or mo ' kation. 5. aff will approve application if re uirements have been met andpick-up public notice ' Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby apply for approval to conduct the Home Occupation identified above, and certify that this address is my legal residence. I also certify that I have read the restrictions on Home Occupations, that I understand them, and.that I will abide by them. This certificate, in conjunction with a business license, represents zoning approval to conduct the Major Home Occupation identified above. a-, /, , " - / � L -f, Signature of A plicant Other Official Building Official Zoning Official L J& ENGINEER'S REPORT ATTACHED: YES NO4z CONDITIONS: Date Date Date Date County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 4.01 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 7/1/2011 Page4oN Ce�� �,��1��:� ,•cs�slab C(s�� H/P 4 z,14I Stin roam -11�f (�0 �°I . � . Page 1 of 1 65- I(aA- ��i 'tion I f•-1990 i�,�8?.. �ar+:.tJc.jt�r 7dt:rLa.�� rR$7 c -c I�/ VvV �"y pp "y coo http://gisweb.albemarle.org/GISWEB/ShowImage.ashx?t=s&f=50000037\SO018255 7/14/2014 ()o im 0 gi E o vo E E E E ()o im 0 gi E o COUNTY OF ALBFMARLF Department of Community Development Inspections Division 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296 - 5832 Fax (434) 972 - 4126 August 29, 2014 Ruby Canody 1876 Craigs Store Road Afton, VA 22902 Re: Change of Use of a Portion of the Residential Structure at 1876 Craigs Store Road Tax ID 08500-00-00-016AO Dear Ms. Canody: On August 27, 2014, an evaluation of a portion of the referenced structure was performed to determine its suitability for use as a sales area for artwork. Currently the building is classified as Group R-3 (residential), and the proposed use is classified as Group M (mercantile). The Construction Type is V -B. Based on our conversation at the site, and the presentation included with the zoning clearance request, only the enclosed/finished garage and sun porch area is being considered for mercantile use. Due to the predicted small occupant load and the readily accessible means of egress from this area, use of the designated area for artwork sales is acceptable in accordance with the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. It is understood that the detached garage contains displays of artwork, but that the public does not actually enter the building. The information herein is intended to reflect the concerns of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Please maintain contact with the Zoning Administrator's office to verify compliance with the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Sincerely, J? Schlothauer Building Official JS/js cc: Keith Huckstep Rebecca Ragsdale Reading Pile