HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201500013 Review Comments 2015-03-27pE A YlAGIl`11A County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Project: ACSA Admin and Operation Center - Major Plan preparer: Chip Votava, PE; Michael Baker, Jr. Inc [272 Bendix Road, Suite 400, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 — cvotava(&mbakerintl.com ] Owner or rep.: Michael Vieria, PE; Albemarle County Service Authority, 168 Spotnap Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911 [mvieriaAserviceauthority.org] Plan received date: 19 Mar 2015 Date of comments: 26 Mar 2015 Reviewer: John Anderson Project Coordinator: Ellie Ray Engineering comments to address for Site Plan, MAJOR AMENDMENT: SDP2015 -00013 1. Estimated area to be disturbed =0.1 Ac, or 4,356 SF, approx (sheet 11; Existing site conditions Note). Project is exempt from the VSMP (17- 303.D.), is not subject to the VESCP (17- 300.A.) since disturbance <10,000 SF. Alb. Co. Engineering will not review ESC measures, inspect ESC measures, issue a VSMP, or schedule pre - construction since project is not subject to VESCP and is exempt from VSMP requirements. Comments below relate to site plan amendment. 2. Sheet 2A: Furnish Ex. Str. 6 storm sewer (MH ?) data. Show outfall pipe leading away from structure; include DIA of outfall pipe, if known. 3. Sheet 2A: Above ground fuel tanks near timber retaining wall and existing shed do not appear on sheet 3. Clarify for consistency. 4. Sheet 3: New drop inlet and drain valve (normally open) —Add reference to detail on sheet 10. 5. Sheet 3, 6: Show pavement replacement for new 4" PVC from wash area. 6. Sheet 4: Notes 1 & 3 —Alb. County encourages Applicant to coordinate existing petroleum storage tank removal /site closure requirements with Mike Asma, DEQ, Valley Regional Office, 540.574 -7803. 7. Sheet 5: Recommend note re. depth of cover over new 4,000 and 3,000 gal underground fuel storage tanks: Underground ranks shall be covered wirh not less than 500 mm (24 in.) of earth, or with not less than 300 mm (12 in.) of earth on trap A' whi�:h shall fie, pl. occl a slad of reinforced concrete not less than I00 rnm (4 in.) thick. Where the tanks are, or are li kcly to be, subjected to traffic, ncc}' shall be protected against damage from vehicles passing over them blr at least 900 mm (36 in.) of earth cover. or 450 mm (18 in.) of well -tamped earth plus either 150 inm (6 in.) of reinforced concrete or 2170 mm (8 in.) of asphaltic concrete_ When as- phaltic or reinforced concrete paving is used as parr of the protection, it ShW1 extend St lzwt 300 inm ( 12 in.) horizon- tally beyond the outline of the tank in all directions. Sheet 5: Label new bollards. 9. Sheet 5: Extend leader line to containment valve at new 4' X 4' precast drop inlet. 10. Recommend that 113 -ft, 12" DIA line "A" be revised to 15" DIA (ref ACDSM, 6.A.1.d.1). 15" is default minimum pipe DIA for use with standard VDOT storm system drop inlets, VDOT DI -1, for example. Link: httn: / /www.albemarle.ora /unload /images /forms center /denartments /community develonment/forms /design standards manual /Albemarle Countv Design Standards Manual 02Dec2014.Ddf 11. Recommend New 4" PVC 118' line @ 0.37% be revised to 0.5% Min. (0.5 — 16 %, acceptable Current Development Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 2 12. Sheet 7: Identify (storm inlet) Str. 7 inlet type. Identify pipe DIA downstream of inlet 7. 13. Sheet 9: Concrete box #4 does not fully drain, which may cause nuisance. It appears that existing downstream Elev affects design. Recommend Alt. design to ensure wash area catchment (concrete box) empties fully, without held storage. There is less than 0.3' of space between top of 4" PVC drain line and the lower side of the concrete box lid, which may complicate connection between line and box. Contact John Anderson, Engineering Dept, if any questions. janderson2(iDalbemarle.org / 434 - 296 -5832 x3069 File: SDP201500013_ACSA Admin &Oper Ctr- Maj_032715