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LOD200700011 Application 2014-03-20
rarcel o.-mecoru .uetermxnatlon ana or Dev—d-opment Rights Determination (Parcel of Record= $75 ❑ Development Rights = $40 Tax map and pareel(s): TAX MAP 93 PACE Ls I arra. 4 Zoning: I /A 101 Acreage total: 2 5 , G 4 I, 4 "1, t -cc o r 19 S � Acreage for each parcel: _ 1 za . 4} —,G,) � iu a J J Number of parcels: G l p A(_t^L- 3 (�J^RCE 4 - j� Ali 2re de.�a�P', acre,,aes� J Location of property '(landmarks, intersections, or other): Off 5?.:;t 732 Owner of Record CASA• tri 1 ND �Ao P15 R` 1 e L L C. Address 18 2 S. u n A .n Rd ' ST E A2 City C k d r I01Tt'Sy lie State U/} Zip 22`11 I Daytime Phone U T7 9 5933 Fax # 5 7 9 - E-mail Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?): G A s"i 14 I N 1 l�oT i LLC Address <sec ��aVe ) . City State Zip Daytime Phone ( ) Fax # E-mail Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): /Br I d n S �j N�1 �O OU. r W. i\� `i c� L; �S �J� A C . . J Address t7I7- 13 ALU 'h S -r City i -�cSU ire_ State A .. Zip �.D0-1,C�ta� G ^� Daytime Phone�1( )4 2°13— 3 195 Fax # )13- 4209— E-mail R W R I N G r8 EAR7I41_;1\J`, NST' Submittal Requirements 1. Tax Map Page 2, Last Instrument of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit. Court of Albemarle County, Virginia on or prior to December 10, 1980 that includes a plat or metes and bounds description of the property. (Highlight or underline references to the subject property). . 3. All plats and deeds of record after.December 10, 1980, UP UNTIL THE PRESENT DATE. (Highlight or underline references to the subject property). 4. Any other pertinent information.. . 5. Cover letter stating the assumed number of parcels and development rights, with explanation of same. . 6. fee is required for each separate parcel shown on the tax map. 7 � � Signature of er r Authorized Agent Date 1►�i :OFFICE USE ONLY -- File Number Fee waived? YES / NO Fee amount $ 7oo © Date Paid 0'7 Check # Z33 Z Z Receipt# County of Albemarle Department.of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 3/24/05 Page 1 of 1 ROGER W. RAY & ASSOC., INC. 1717-1 B ALLIED STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903 TELEPHONE: (434) 293-3195 FAX NUMBER: (434) 293-4202 E-MAIL: RWRINC@EARTHLINK.NET Brian S. Ray, LS Roger W. Ray, LS Bill Fritz Albemarle County Zoning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Dear Mr. Fritz: Please find enclosed the following: 1. A letter explaining the assumed number of parcels. Land Surveyors Land Planners April 17, 2007 2. An application for PARCEL OF RECORD DETERMINATION AND OR DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS DETERMINATION. 3. Submittal requirements: A. Item #1: "A copy of Tax Map Section 93 showing Parcel 1 and Parcel 4". B. Item #2: "Last instrument of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia on or prior to December 10, 1980 that includes a plat or metes and bounds description of the property". C. Item #3: "All plats and/or deeds of record after December 10, 1980, UP UNTIL THE PRESENT DATE". D. Item #4: "Other pertinent information": A copy of a plat titled "Boundary Survey Plat, Property Designated as Parcels 1, 3, 4, & 5 on Tax Map 93 and Parcel 44 on Tax Map 79, the Property of Eastwind Properties, LLC, also Boundary Overlap, Properties Located Off State Route 732, Scottsville District, Albemarle County, Virginia, dated March 21, 2007, Revised April 12, 2007, by Roger W. Ray & Assoc., Inc.". This plat shows Parcel 1 and 4 as currently outlined on the county Tax Maps and shows dashed lines indicating the additional parcel lines of record. Our client has requested your review and determination of this information at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully, Brian S. Ray, LS