HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD200700029 Application 2014-03-17Application for
Parcel of Record Determination and or Development
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Rights Determination `gMC1P
❑ Parcel of Record = $75
FX Development Rights = $40
Project Name: Ashanti Farm
Tax map and parcel(s): 50-34, 66-50, 66-51 Magisterial District: Rlyanna Zoning: RA
Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?):
Address 3 Boar's Head Lane
John Griffin
city Charlottesville state VA zip 22903
Daytime Phone (43� 977-9664 Fax#CA3� 977-0326 E-mail jgriffin@zoblaw.com
Owner of Record Manfred H. Nettek ,and Gabriele N. Heertje
Address 6737 Gordonsville Road city Gordonsville state VA zip 22942
Daytime Phone (540 832-0609 Fax # C� 832-3054 E-mail MNottek@aol.com
Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?): Manfred H. Nettek and Gabriele N. Heert j e
Address 6373 Gordonsville Road city
Gordonsville state VA
Daytime Phone c549 832-0609 Fax # C40) 832-3054 ' E-mail MNettek@aol . com
Submittal Requirements
zip 22942
1. Tax Map Page
2. Last Instrument of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia on or prior to
December 10, 1980 that includes a plat or metes and bounds description of the property. (Highlight or underline
references to the subject property).
3. All plats and deeds of record after December 10, 1980, UP UNTIL THE PRESENT DATE. (Highlight or underline
references to the subject property).
4. Any other pertinent information.
5. Cover letter stating the assumed number of parcels and development rights, with explanation of same.
A fee isrequir d for each separate parcel shown on the tax map.
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ignature o Wner U Date
Manfred H. Nettek (540) 832-0609
Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory
LOD#4Fee Amount $� Date Paid who?Receipt # By:
County of Albemarle Departmenfof Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fag: (434) 972-4126
511106 Page 1 of 1
*Also licensed in California
tAlso licensed in Georgia and Texas
Mr. William D. Fritz
Chief of Zoning
October 3, 2007
Albemarle County
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
North Wing
Charlottesville, VA 22902
PHONE: 434-977-9666
FACSIMILE: 434-977-0326
Re: Determination of Development Rights — Manfred H. Nettek and Gabriele
N. Heertje; TMP 50-34, 66-50 and 66-51
Dear Mr. Fritz:
We believe the above -referenced tax parcels in Albemarle County have a
combined total of 30 theoretical development rights calculated as set forth below. Parcel
50-34A, also owned by applicants, may not be further subdivided, as provided on the plat
of Roger Ray dated May 24, 1994 and recorded in the real property records of Albemarle
County in Deed Book 1416, Page 208. All references to deeds herein are to the real
property records of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia.
We are requesting a determination of development rights with respect to TM
parcels 50-34, 66-50 and 66-51 only. We enclose the fee of $120.00 for the
determination of development rights of the referenced three (3) tax map parcels - $40 per
tax map parcel.
The owners acquired the property on August 19, 1998 pursuant to deed recorded
in Deed Book 1740, Page 677.
Existing TMP 50-34 (294.86 acres) was previously known as TMP 50-34 (14.86
acres), TMP 66-80 (275 acres) and TMP 66-52A (26 acres), and included the 21 acre
parcel now known as TMP 50-34A as part of then designated TMP 66-80. The County
William Fritz
Ashanti Farm Parcel Determination Letter
October 3, 2007
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redesignated these three parcels of record as TMP 50-34 as evidenced by its Real
Property Transfer sheet combining the three tax map parcels based solely on the deed
dated July 1, 1965 and composite plat of Frank A. Gregg dated June 1965 and recorded in
Deed Book 409 Page 298. However, nothing in this deed, plat or tax records indicates
that the owner desired that these three parcels be legally combined into one parcel of
record. The deed simply refers to a "composite plat" prepared by Mr. Gregg for the
convenience of showing the three contiguous parcels under common ownership, each of
which remains separately described on the "composite plat".
The last instrument of record prior to December 10, 1980 for TMP 50-34 that
includes a plat is the above -referenced deed dated July 1, 1965 from Margaret H. Gibson
and Walter D. K. Gibson, Grantors, to Robert P. Tibor and Leah Lee Tibor, Grantees,
recorded in Deed Book 409 Page 298. This deed references three prior deeds
transferring the three referenced parcels: (1) D.B. 276, page 572 dated 12-8-47 from
David Loth and Helen Loth conveying 275 acres, (2) D.B. 319, page 206 dated 8-17-55
from Sadie Scott King conveying 14.86 acres, and (3) DB. 323, page 465 dated 4-020-56.
from David Loth and Helen Loth conveying 26 acres.
The last instrument of record prior to December 10, 1980 that includes a metes
and bounds description for TMP 66-50, containing 14.75 acres, and 66-51, containing
64.25 acres, is a deed dated September 8, 1975 from Robert P. Tibor and Leah Lee Tibor
to Walter F. Johnson and Loyce P. Johnson and recorded in Deed Book 582, Page 438.
This deed still referenced "Land Parcels 50-34, 66-52A and 66-80" with respect to the
315.86 acres transferred in Deed Book 409, Page 298. Additionally, with respect to TMP
66-51 containing 64.25 acres, the deed states that it is "composed of Lot 1, containing
49.25 acres, more or less, and the Dower Lot, containing 15 acres, more or less, shown on
plat recorded in said Clerk's Office in D.B. 191, page 268, and described by metes and
bounds as follows:..." Finally, with respect to TMP 66-50 containing 14.75 acres, this
deed references a plat recorded in D.B. 129, page 311, and then goes on to contain the
metes and bounds description.
No other deeds or instruments are recorded with respect to the subject land until
1986, after the amendment to the zoning ordinance in December 1980. No portion of the
land has been subdivided, other than a 21 acre parcel referenced above which may not be
further subdivided, which did not utilize a development right, and which is a portion of
the 275 acre parcel originally bearing the designation as TMP 66-80.
As a result of the foregoing deeds, we are of the opinion that the subject property
consists of six (6) parcels of record in existence as of December 10, 1980, each of which
exceed 10 acres. Therefore, as a result, the subject property has 30 theoretical
development rights — five (5) development rights per parcel of record. A summary of
each parcel and its size as of December 1980 is as follows:
William Fritz
Ashanti Farm Parcel Determination Letter
October 3, 2007
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In addition to the five development rights per parcel of record as of December
1980, originally designated TMP 66-80 (275 acres) has at least 12 theoretical parcels of a
minimum size of 21 acres each (of which one has been used in the creation of TMP 50-
34A), and originally designated TMP 66-51 (49 acres) has at least 3 theoretical parcels of
a minimum size of 21 acres each.
I enclose all deeds and instruments of record since December 10, 1980, as well as
deeds and plats of record prior to December 10, 1980 referencing the original 6 parcels:,
A list of all such deeds and plats is attached hereto as Exhibit A. With the exception of`
the creation of a 21 acre parcel from the original 275 acre parcel by a Certificate of Plat
filed on May 24, 1994 in Deed Book 1416, Page 208, none of the deeds or instruments
convey or apportion any of the subject property or any of its development rights. The
property has remained as contiguous parcels under common ownership since 1969.
rt L,
JohQ. Griffin
cc: Manfred Nettek
Gabriele Heertje
Original D.B.
Original TMP
Current TMP
TMP 50-34
TMP 50-34
DB 319, P 206
TMP 66-80
TMP 50-34
DB 276, P 572
TMP 66-52A
TMP 50-34
DB 323, P 465
TMP 66-50
TMP 66-50
DB 129, P 311
TMP 66-51
TMP 66-51
DB 191, P 268
TMP 66-51
TMP 66-51
DB 191, P 268
In addition to the five development rights per parcel of record as of December
1980, originally designated TMP 66-80 (275 acres) has at least 12 theoretical parcels of a
minimum size of 21 acres each (of which one has been used in the creation of TMP 50-
34A), and originally designated TMP 66-51 (49 acres) has at least 3 theoretical parcels of
a minimum size of 21 acres each.
I enclose all deeds and instruments of record since December 10, 1980, as well as
deeds and plats of record prior to December 10, 1980 referencing the original 6 parcels:,
A list of all such deeds and plats is attached hereto as Exhibit A. With the exception of`
the creation of a 21 acre parcel from the original 275 acre parcel by a Certificate of Plat
filed on May 24, 1994 in Deed Book 1416, Page 208, none of the deeds or instruments
convey or apportion any of the subject property or any of its development rights. The
property has remained as contiguous parcels under common ownership since 1969.
rt L,
JohQ. Griffin
cc: Manfred Nettek
Gabriele Heertje
William Fritz
Ashanti Farm Parcel Determination Letter
October 3, 2007
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(in chronological order)
Deed dated March 26, 1904 from W.L. Ellis and Maggie Ellis to Alexander Stevens
recorded in Deed Book 129, Page 310 conveying 14.75 acres, together with plat.
Deed dated October 19, 1925 from Blanche Biggers to Frank Biggers recorded in Deed
Book19I, Page 266 conveying the 15, acre Dower Lot and 49.25 acre lot, together with
Deed dated July 1, 1965 from Margaret Gibson and Walter Gibson to Robert Tibor and
Leah Lee Tibor recorded in Deed Book 409, Page 298 conveying three parcels: (1) 275
acres (TMP 66-80), (2) 14.86 acres (TMP 50-34), and (3) 26 acres (TMP 66-52A),
together with a plat thereof.
Deed dated September 6, 1968 from Robert Beck and Frances Beck to Robert Tibor and:
Leah Lee Tibor recorded in Deed Book 448, Page 500 conveying (1) 14.75 acres, (2) 15
acres and (3) 49.25 acres.
Deed dated August 18, 1969 from Orbin Carter, Special Commissioner, to Robert Tibor
and Leah Lee Tibor recorded in Deed Book 462, Page 505 conveying the remaining
interests in the three foregoing parcels.
Deed dated September 8, 1975 from Robert P. Tibor and Leah Lee Tibor to Walter F.
Jolmson and Loyce P. Johnson recorded in Deed Book 582, Page 438 conveying the 6
parcels totaling 394.87 acres.
Deed dated December 9, 1986 from Walter F. Johnson and Loyce P. Johnson to Robert
A. Coerver, Jr. recorded in Deed Book 913, Page 213, together with a plat thereof.
Deed dated April 8, 1987 from Robert A. Coerver, Jr. to Pagebrook Partnership recorded
in Deed Book 936, Page 209 conveying the 394.87 acres.
Deed dated June 30, 1993 from Pagebrook Partnership to Page Brook Farm, Inc. recorded
in Deed Book 1323, Page 345 conveying the 394.87 acres.
Deed of Trust dated July 7, 1993 from Page Brook Farm, Inc. to Steven Blaine and
Wendell Winn, Trustees recorded in Deed Book 1323, Page 348.
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Ashanti Farm Parcel Determination Letter
October 3, 2007
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Certificate of Plat recorded in Deed Book 1416, Page 207 subdividing a 21 acre lot off of
the original 275 acre lot.
Certificate of Satisfaction recorded in Deed Book 1417, Page 258 with respect to the
foregoing Deed of Trust.
Deed dated May 17, 1996 from Page Brook Farm, Inc. to Steven W. Silver recorded in
Deed Book 1537, Page 385 conveying the 394.87 acres.
Vacation of Easement dated June 10, 1998 among Steven W. Silver, Broomfield
Incorporated and Peter R. Taylor recorded in Deed Book 1739, Page 156 vacating an
unused access easement across the subject property for the benefit of the neighboring
property (Eldon Farm).
Deed dated August 19, 1998 from Steven W. Silver to Manfred H. Nettek and Gabriele
W. Heertje recorded in Deed Book 1740, Page 677 conveying the 394.87 acres.
Deed of Trust dated January 4, 2006 from Manfred Nettek and Gabriele Heertje to
BB&T-VA Collateral Service Corporation recorded in Deed Book 3135, Page 99
pledging the 3 94.8 7 acres as security for repayment of a note.
Assignment of Rents and Leases from Manfred Nettek and Gabriele Heertje to Branch
Banking & Trust Company of Virginia recorded in Deed Book 3135, Page 108.