HomeMy WebLinkAboutLZC200700057 Legacy Document 2014-04-07COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5532 January 29, 2008 Lou Scoff Chicago Title Insurance Company Southern Virginia Commercial Center 830 East Main Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 Fax(434)9724126 RE: Tax Map Parcels 07800-00-00-07600, LSF5 Cavalier Investments LLC LZC 2007-057 Dear Ms. Scott: At your request, we have examined our records with respect to the parcel of land in the County of Albemarle, (the "Property") and are pleased to advise you that: (a) The parcel is zoned Planned Development -Mixed Commercial (PD -MC) and is located in the Entrance Corridor Overlay District (EC), Section 25A.2.1 of the zoning ordinance allows automobile service stations and eating establishments as by -right uses, without the necessity of obtaining a special use permit, variance, special exception or other authorization or approval. (b) The property is subject to proffered conditions. ZMA1998-20 approved an application plan for the development of 49.34 acres, including this parcel. The approval letter with proffered conditions is attached. A special use permit (SP2000-47) was approved to allow a drive-thru window. The approval letter is attached. (c) To the best of my knowledge, the current use of the Property and the improvements as an automobile service station and eating establishment on the Property complies with all applicable requirements of the zoning ordinance of the County. A site inspection conducted on January 29, 2008 found no deficiencies or deviations from the site plan. Ms. Lou Scott January 29, 2008 Page 2 (d) The property is recognized as 07800-00-00-07600; however, this is not an official determination of the parcel of record. If you desire such a determination, you will need to submit an application with the fee and proper documentation as called for in the application (attached.), (e) This office does not regulate the subdivision ordinance, therefore we cannot confirm compliance. Please contact Bill Fritz, Chief of Current Development to obtain this information. This letter may be relied upon by the addressee(s) listed above and by any assignee or successor in interest of the addressee(s) listed above, and by any other person who has a current or future interest in the property whether as owner or mortgagee. I am authorized and empowered to execute this Zoning Compliance Letter on behalf of the County of Albemarle. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call m o 11 Si erely, a a I L. L. Higgins, AICD Acting Chief of Zoning Enclosures: Section 25A of the Zoning Ordinance Copy of ZMA1998-20 Copy of SP2000-47 Application for Parcel Determination YY rtµ 9m .SMA 16 -Z0 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development _401 Mclntire Road _ Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 ON) 296-5823 October 28, 1998 Steve Melton 195 Riverbend Dr Charlottesville, VA 22911 RE: ZMA-98-20 Pantops PD -MC Tax Map 78, Parcels 20A, 73, 73A, 75 and 76 Dear Mr. Melton: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on October 21, 1998, approved the above - noted request for approvalof an application plan for the general develoment of 49.34 acres, zoned PD -MC (Planned Development Mixed Commercial); HC (Highway Commercial) and EC (Entrance Corridor erlay District). Please note that this approval is subject to four modifications for the appication plan d four requirements for application plan approval. The modifications and requirements are as follow: Modifications for Application Plan approval: a- The Board granted a waiver of restrictions to development on critical slopes for and restricted to the Kroger Shopping Center site, the DMV site and to those areas shown for roadways and other infrastrucnue improvements on the Application Plan. Subsequent requests for other critical slopes waivers as may be requested as other site plans are presented will be entertained by the Planning Commision. b. The Board did not find that the request for relief from stormwater detention requirements to be contrary to general planningipoiicy issues. The Board will allow administrative determination by the Engineering Departent subject to satisfaction of the Engineering Department concerns as to adequacy of water quality measures as well as adequacy of downstream channels: c. The Board can determine no compelling reason to incorporate commercial roadways into the public road network. Private roads will generally allow more Hexibiity in site design due to more flexibiity in setbacks and improvements which may occur within the right-of-way. Therefore, the Board approved usage of private roadways internal to the development. This should not be viewed as a zoning restrictionlprohibition to Board approval of these roads as public roads at some future date; and d. The Board believes that PD -SC parking standard was intended to encourage a Planned Development approach for shopping center development. The Board found that this intent has been accomplished through this petition and that usage of the PD -SC parking standard would be appropriate with this intent as well as with standards of the Comprehensive Pian. ;e Requirements for Application Plan approval: 1. A landscape plan providing full screening of all buildings and parking areas visible from Monticello shall be provided as a condition of site plan approval for all development, The landscape plan may preserve existing trees or provide plantings which shall provide the necessary screening within 15 years. 2. A street tree plan providing a visual buffer for Hansen Road and Rolkin Road shall be provided as a condition of'site plan or road plan approval. Large street trees shall be planted on both sides of such roads in accordance with Section 32-7.9.6 of the Zoning Ordinance and shall be staggered on opposite sides of the road. 3. All buildings shall be designed to provide rooftop style, treatment and color schemes which assure minimal visual impact on the Monticello viewshed. Assurance of such style, treatment and color schemes shall be a condition of final site plan approval. Such approval may be given by the Director of Planning and Community Development after providing notice to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation and an opportunity for Foundation comments to be considered. 4. Approval and execution of the Four Party Road Improvement Agreement substantially in accord with the document dated October 20, 1998, and attached hereto, shall be required prior to the approval of any development plan. If you have any questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, j Ronald S. Keeler Chief of Planning RSY'jcf CC: Amelia McCullev Jack Kelsey Tex Weaver Steve Allshouse Gordon Gledhill _S1 61 0 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Building Code and Zoning Services 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 FAX (804) 972-4126 TELEPHONE (804) 296-5832 TTD (804) 972-4012 MEMORANDUM, TO: The file, ZMA 98-20 ((,((gyp FROM: Amelia McCulley, Zoning Administrator and Wayne Cilimberg, Director of Planning and Community Development DATE: 01i19101 RE: Landscape Plans for the entire Pantops PD -MC zoned by ZMA 98-20 This document is a Memorandum of Agreement set forth in an effort to meet the intent of the first "Requirements for Application Plan Approval" from ZMA 98-20. On October 21, 1998 the Board of Supervisors approved the Planned Development Mixed Commercial Application Plan with the following condition: 1. A landscape plan providing full screening of all buildings and parking areas visible from Monticello shall be provided as a condition of site plan approval for all development, the landscape plan may preserve existing trees or provide plantings which shall provide the necessary screening within 15 years. The goal of"full screening" is not only to fully obscure but to provide the maximum screening through integration with the existing character of the forested slopes within the viewshed of Monticello. The County, the Developer and Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation all hereby agree that the following guidelines will be used in review of all the pertinent site plans on a case-by-case basis: The sites should appear as natural as possible after development. This may involve randomly placing trees on a slope rather than having a large mowed area or a staggered row of evergreens. it may also provide for screening evergreen trees to be mixed with deciduous trees so as not to create a "block of green" every winter when the deciduous trees in the naturalized areas surrounding the development drop their leaves. The screening needs to be substantial, but a softer silhouette than the standard, using Indigenous trees wherever possible, and scattered or in clumps, not in rows. Consideration should be given to species that will grow to a substantial size and are disease resistant so that they will survive and integrate into the native habitat. There will be different considerations on each site depending on the acreage of the site, the topography or terrain, the visibility from Monticello, and the surrounding natural microcosm. The height, size, layout and colors used on the buildings to be constructed will also effect the required landscaping. Since cars and other vehicles reflect light and draw attention to one spot in a field of vision, thorough landscaping of parking lots and accessways is also a major consideration. Planning staff in their professional capacity will review the landscape plans for all sites within the PD -MC. In the process, they must uphold the Zoning Ordinance, the conditions of the Application Pian, and help achieve the goals set out above. Agreed to by: � AL� =hn 1/9 x P tm COUNTY OF ALBE MARLE Deear[men[ of ?tanning & Commanitp Development 40, V-'IntireRoad. Room 21.3 ChalMlegaille, ti nginia —902-45% I804i 296 - 58", Fax (8040 12 - 401_2 November '6. 2000 Doug Bruce Roudaoush, Gale & Associate 914 Monticello Road Char}otteswlle, VA 22902 RE SF -2000-47 Painters Convenience Center Tax Map 78, Pace! 76 Dear Mr Bruce The A=oemar e County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting Gn Novemcer 8. 2000ucammcusly approved the above -noted request. in he event =hat the use structure oractivity for whlcn this special use rerm,t is issued shat not be commenced within eighteen X181 months after -e issuance of such permit the same st-all be deemed abandoned and the aut"crity granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section. the term "commenced' shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance thereof which !s ,"orad ter completed =within one (1j year. Before beam Ing this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department Before the Zoring Department will issue a clearance ,you must comply with the condit;ons In t"is setter For `urtirer .,.formation, please cal: an Sprnkie at 296-6875 ;f t u she ld have any questions or comments regard,nq the above-nofed action, please do net hesitate to contact me. Sircereiy. V Wayne Ci' berg 1 Director of Planning & Community;velopme^t VV`1Cric Cc amelia MCCuliet Jack Kelsey Tex Vdeaver Steve Aiishcuse Soo Sal:'. VDCT