HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200500007 Legacy Document 2008-12-15 (2)STAFF PERSONS: Amelia McCulley and Wayne Cilimberg PLANNING COMMISSION: August 26, 2008 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: TBD ZTA: ZTA2005 -00007 Storage Yards ORIGIN: Board of Supervisors Resolution of Intent (Attachment A) PROPOSAL: Amend the Zoning Ordinance to change the Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yard use (currently allowed by right in the Light Industrial (LI), Heavy Industrial (HI) and Planned Development Industrial Park (PDIP) districts, and by special use permit in the Highway Commercial (HC) and Planned Development Mixed Commercial (PDMC) districts) to different and distinct uses — 1) Storage Yard and 2) Heavy Equipment and Heavy Vehicle Parking and Storage Yard. Storage Yard would, by definition, be a lower scale activity, often associated with other primary uses in the district in which it would be allowed, and would be allowed by right in the HC, LI, HI and PDIP districts and by special use permit in the PD -SC and PD -MC districts. Heavy Equipment and Heavy Vehicle Parking and Storage Yard, by separate definition, would be a much more intensive activity, again often associated with other primary uses in the district in which it would be allowed, and would be allowed by special use permit in the LI and PDIP I districts and by right in the HI and PDIP II districts. (See Attachment B) PUBLIC PURPOSE TO BE SERVED: The current Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yard use is not defined in the Zoning Ordinance. This amendment will allow the scale and intensity of the typical activities associated with a storage yard to be appropriately differentiated, defined and listed as either by right or by special use permit in the zoning districts they would be expected to occur. In those districts where either use would only be allowed by special use permit, this amendment allows the use to be assessed on a project by project basis and appropriate conditions to be included when approved. BACKGROUND: Going back to the County's first Zoning Ordinance, Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yard has historically been a special use permit use in heavier commercial type districts and a by right use in the manufacturing /industrial type zoning districts. However, as it has never been defined in the ordinance or otherwise covered by supplementary regulations, the scale and intensity of the use where allowed by right has been widely variable. In recent years, concern has been expressed by some members of the public and some members of the Board of Supervisors regarding the potential impact of the Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yard as a by right use in the LI District. This has been of particular concern as some properties zoned LI are located in close proximity to primarily residential areas (see Attachment C) or are located on roads that may not be adequate to handle the type of traffic that can be associated with such uses. In attempt to address the concerns, the Board of Supervisors supported changing Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yard from a by right use to a special use permit in the LI District and approved the attached resolution of intent on July 6, 2005. (Attachment A) STAFF COMMENT: The County's experience is that Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yards can range in intensity from mainly offices with limited on -site storage and relatively light equipment transport to much more intensive on -site storage and heavy equipment transport. In considering this amendment, it is important to identify those distinctive aspects of the use that seem to warrant its consideration for the change. In the case of the current Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yard there are several factors to consider relative to justification for the change: 1) The County's experience is that it is not the office aspect of this use, but rather the type and nature of the storage of equipment, vehicles and material associated with some contractor operations, such as explosives, that generates greater impacts; 2) In its more intensive form, this use can be generally distinguished from most other uses particular to the HC, PDMC, LI and PDIP districts where this use is currently allowed by right or by special use permit; 3) Warehouse facilities by right and warehouse facilities by special use permit are currently distinguished in the Zoning Ordinance based on the potential for storage of hazardous materials, also a potential activity in Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yards; and, 4) Several special use permit uses in the LI district have impacts similar to that of more intensive Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yards — truck terminal (type of vehicle), body shops (equipment repair), assembly of modular buildings (type of equipment) and moving businesses (type of vehicle). In consideration of the factors noted above, staff believes the following will best address the relevant issues associated with the Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yard use: 1. Focus on the level of intensity and potential impact of the storage yard aspect of the use, rather than the office aspect, through inclusion of definitions and amendments to by right and special use permit allowances in the relevant districts. To best reflect this approach, staff is recommending two categories — 1) Storage Yard and 2) Heavy Equipment and Heavy Vehicle Parking and Storage Yard. 2. Storage Yard would allow general parking, storage and maintaining of equipment that does not require an oversize /overweight permit from VDOT and vehicles that are not capable of obtaining overweight permits from VDOT for weights in excess of 80,000 lbs. (see Attachment D for information regarding such permits) Storing of explosives would not be permitted. 3. Heavy Equipment and Heavy Vehicle Parking and Storage Yard would allow general parking, storage and maintaining of equipment requiring an oversize /overweight permit from VDOT and vehicles that are capable of E obtaining overweight permits from VDOT for weights in excess of 80,000 lbs. Storing of explosives would be permitted. 4. Storage Yard would be by right in the HC, LI, HI and PDIP districts and by special use permit in the PD -SC and PD -MC districts. 5. Heavy Equipment and Heavy Vehicle Parking and Storage Yard would be by special use permit in the LI and PDIP I districts and by right in the HI and PDIP II districts. One impact resulting from this change will be that existing by right Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yards in the LI District which become classified as Heavy Equipment and Heavy Vehicle Parking and Storage Yards would be non- conforming. Also, future Contractor's Office and Equipment Storage Yards in the LI and PDIP I districts which meet the Heavy Equipment and Heavy Vehicle Parking and Storage Yard classification will no longer be by right, but will be subject to a special use permit. Administration / Review Process: The combination of definitions and differentiation of storage yards based on intensity of use will allow more appropriate administration of future requests. Housing Affordability: N/A Implications to Staffing / Staffing Costs: Those storage yards requiring special use permits would require review at public hearing by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. This requires staff analysis, adjacent owner notification, legal ads for both the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors and posting of on -site notification signs. Although there is currently a $1,020 fee for industrial use special use permit applications, many times this fee does not cover the costs noted above. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the draft ordinance found in Attachment E. Attachment A: Resolution of Intent Attachment B: Existing and Proposed Provisions for Contractor's Office & Equipment Storage Yard Attachment C: Light Industry Zoning Locations Attachment D: DMV Information on Oversize /Overweight Permits Attachment E: Draft Ordinance Amendment 3 ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION OF INTENT WHEREAS, "contractor's office and equipment storage yard" is a use classification authorized by right in the Light Industry (LI) zoning district (Zoning Ordinance § 27.2, entitled "Permitted Uses "); and WHEREAS, experience in Albemarle County has shown that this use classification may range in intensity from one that is primarily offices with limited equipment storage and minimal impacts to those that are more intense because less area is devoted to offices and more is devoted to equipment storage, with associated activities including equipment transportation; and WHEREAS, in recent years concern has been expressed by some members of the public and public officials that the traffic, noise and other impacts arising from an intensive contractor's office and equipment storage yard use may create conflicts with residential areas and rural areas in proximity to a Light Industry (LI) zoning district; and WHEREAS, authorizing contractor's office and equipment storage yards by special use permit in the Light Industry (LI) zoning districts would allow such a proposed use to be evaluated on a case -by -case basis so that the impacts resulting from the use may be identified and, if it is approved, mitigated by appropriate conditions; and WHEREAS, it is desired to amend Zoning Ordinance § 27.2 to change the "contractor's office and equipment storage yard" use classification from one that is allowed by right to one that is allowed by special use permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT for purposes of public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby adopts a resolution of intent to amend Zoning Ordinance § 27.2 and any other regulations of the Zoning Ordinance deemed appropriate to achieve the purposes described herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the zoning text amendment proposed by this resolution of intent, and make its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors, at the earliest possible date. 4 ATTACHMENT B Existing and Proposed Provisions for Contractor's Office & Equipment Storage Yard Existing category of use: Contractor's office and equipment storage yard Proposed categories of use: a) Storage yard; and b) Heavy equipment and heavy vehicle parking and storage yard By Right By Special Use Permit Existing Regulations — Light Industry, Heavy Industry, Highway Commercial, Planned contractor's office & Planned Development Industrial Development Mixed equipment storage yard Park I and ll Commercial Proposed Regulations a) storage yard Highway Commercial, Light Planned Development Industry, Heavy Industry, Shopping Center, Planned Planned Development Industrial Development Mixed Park I and 11 Commercial b) heavy equipment and Heavy Industry, Planned Light Industry, Planned heavy vehicle parking Development Industrial Park ll Development Industrial Park I and storage yard Attachment C tltadi' m . County ftoekinghatn Comity Greene County Change Coll 29 Aupieta County 810 0 231 f e 22 25 7 �L.hsrimiesvAle � ` 2 ,1 r�r 53 250 29 0 F11tvan1L1 ('Guilty 6 Neli}an County Albemarle County Virginia Light Industrial Zoning Locations Buckingham County Prepared by Albemarle Gountl • Light Industry office of Geographic Data Services(&()$). Map created bl Tl chambers, Tull 2-oo8. CM Development Areas Note: The map elements depicted are graphic epresenfations and are not to be construed or used as a legal d ecription. Miles This map is for displal purposes only. 0 5 10 31MMKMW��� ,2nd Equipment Require ents OFT"PrAM for trucks, trailers and towed vehicles-.- Attachment D Weight Limitations The weights shown below are the maximum allowed except when operating under the authority of an overload permit as outlined on page 11. Any one axle ... ............................... 20,000 pounds Tandem Axles (more than 40 inches but no more than 96 inches spacing between axle centers) ....................................... I .... I......... 34,000 pounds Single Unit (2 Axle) .... Single Unit (3 Axle) .... Single Unit (4 Axle) .... Tractor - Semitrailer (3 Axle) ...................... Tractor- Sem itra i ler (4 Axle) ................... Tractor - Semitrailer (5 Axle) ................... Tractor - Semitrailer (6 Axle) ................... Tractor -Twin Trailers (5 or more Axles) .... Other Combinations (5 or more Axles) .... Maximum Weight Limitations 2 Axle Truck 3 Axle Truck Axle 1 1 Weight I 20,000 2@u'; nn. Axle. Weight � 20,0�iu 20.000 20,000 34,040 .............. 40,000 pounds t6 _ .................... 54,000 pounds Ax, We'uht 20,o00 '1 " "t ................. See chart page 7 3 Axle Tractor Truck & Semi-Trailer T �2 ................... 60,000 pounds i .................... 74,000 pounds n 24,o44 20.044 24.440 Axle Weight .................... 80,000 pounds ........... 80,000 pounds 80,000 pounds 80,000 pounds Per inch of tire width in contact with road surface . ............................... 650 pounds The weights listed above are the maximum weight limits allowed. No vehicle can travel on Virginia highways with a single axle weight in excess of 20,000 pounds, tandem axle weight in excess of 34,000 pounds, or a gross weight in excess of 80,000 pounds. 4 Axle Tractor Truck & Semi - Trailer with 2 Axle Trailer w a 24.000 20,000 20.000 20,440 Axle 34,400 wr7ig111 S 6 Axle Tractor Truck & Simi Traiinr 001811 20.000 20.000 20,000 r Axle 3d,0t3D._ -. We,ght 3 Axle TF&rlor TrtKk & Sa mi Trplei with 2 Axle Trailer a 1, S 20000 70,000 20.=i z0.=) 29.000 A00 ViAryy7sl Maximum gross weight is determined by the number of axles and the distance between the first and last axles. Attachment D Axle and Gross Weight Limits The maximum gross weight is determined by the number of axles on a vehicle and the distance between the first axle (steering) and extreme rear axle. The following examples give the maximum allowable gross weight of each vehicle. This 5 axle vehicle with 51 feet of axle spacing is allowed a maximum gross weight of 80,000 pounds. This 5 axle vehicle with 47 feet of axle spacing is allowed a maximum gross weight of 77,500 pounds. M� 4i 9 f � - -.. This 3 axle vehicle with 20 feet of axle spacing is allowed a maximum gross weight of 51,000 pounds. 6 M-, This 3 axle vehicle with 17 feet of axle spacing is allowed a maximum gross weight of 48,500 pounds. A vehicle may not exceed a single axle weight of 20,000 pounds or a tandem axle weight of 34,000 pounds. Therefore, some vehicles cannot be loaded to the maximum allowable gross weight because the tandem axle or single axle weights would exceed legal weight limits. Virginia's Size, Weight and Equipment Requirements Attachment D Permits Overload The owner of any motor vehicle may obtain an extension of single axle, tandem axle and gross weight by purchasing an overload permit. The permit extends the single axle weight limit of 20,000 pounds, tandem axle weight limit of 34,000 pounds and gross weight limit based upon axle spacing and the number of axles. Interstate travel is restricted to 80,000 pounds maximum. However, motor carriers may purchase an appropriate overload permit to extend their maximum weight to 84,000 pounds to travel on non - interstate highways. Permits are valid for one year and may be purchased annually at the time of registration. EXTENSION ALLOWED PERMIT FEE 1% $ 35 2% $ 75 3% $115 4% $160 5% $200 The Department of Motor Vehicles makes the permit available to vehicles registered outside Virginia under the same conditions that are applicable to vehicles registered in Virginia. The owner of any vehicle used for hauling Virginia -grown forest or farm products from the place where they are first produced, cut, harvested, or felled to the location where they are first processed may also receive an addi- tional 5% extension of the single axle, tandem axle, and gross weight limits. Farm vehicles pay half the fee for overload permits. Vehicles that are registered as farm use vehicles (as provided in § 46.2 -698) may operate as authorized under this section without a permit or payment of a fee. However, if a vehicle violates the weight limits permitted by this section and §46.2 -1129, the vehicle owner or operator must apply for and receive a permit and pay the permit fee to operate the vehicl as described in this section. 10 < Attachment D No permit allows the operation of any vehicle on the federal interstate system with a single axle weight in excess of 20,000 pounds, a tandem axle weight in excess of 34,000 pounds or a gross weight greater than that permitted based on axle spacing or a gross weight, regardless of axle spacing, in excess of 80,000 pounds. Overload permits cannot be used in conjunc- tion with oversize /overweight hauling permits. The only exception to this rule applies to concrete mixed -in- transit carriers. Concrete mixed -in- transit carriers can purchase an overload permit up to a maximum of 5% above the authorization allowed by an oversize/ overweight hauling permit. Overload permits may be obtained at any DMV customer service center or from: Department of Motor Vehicles P. O. Box 27412 Richmond, Virginia 23269 (866) 878 -2582 Oversize /Overweight Hauling Permits Oversize /overweight permits are available to motor vehicle owners and operators through the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and at www.vahaulingpermits.com. Oversize /overweight permits are available only when: • no other form of transportation is available, AND -the load cannot be reduced to meet legal limits. Empty, oversized and overweight, rubber - tired, self - propelled haulers used in the construction and coal mining industries are eligible to operate under the authority of an oversize/ overweight permit. An oversized /overweight permit may be issued only after VDOT has conducted an engineering analysis to ensure that the desired route can support the vehicle's size and weight. The cost of the engineering analysis may also be charged in addition to the permit fee. Farm machinery, when temporarily propelled, hauled, transported, or moved on the highway by a farm machinery distributor or dealer, fertilizer distributor, or farmer in the ordinary course of business, does not require an oversize permit. However, commercial carriers must secure appropriate permits prior to traveling on Virginia's highways. Generally, overload permits cannot be used in conjunction with oversize /overweight permits. The only exception to this rule applies to concrete mixed -in- transit carriers (see page 10). The following examples explain situations that require an oversize /overweight permit: -Gross weight of the vehicle, including load, exceeds the weight limits as defined in the chart on pages 7 and 8. -Vehicle width, including load, exceeds 8 feet and 6 inches -Vehicle height, including load, exceeds 13 feet and 6 inches • Length of a single unit vehicle exceeds 40 feet • Length of manufactured housing unit and tow vehicle exceeds 65 feet • Length of tractor trailer combination exceeds 65 feet and will travel on non - designated highways • Hauling tree - length logs and the combination of the vehicle and the tree - length logs exceeds 65 feet • Hauling or towing a mobile home. You may contact the DMV Hauling Permit Office at (804) 497 -7135 for oversize and overweight permit eligibility requirements and additional information concerning your eligibility for Single Trip and Blanket Permits. PERMIT TYPE COST Single Trip $12.00 each Plus Mileage Fee $.10 per mile (if applicable) $1.00 trip fee for mobile homes Blanket $45.00 ( one year). $85.00 (two years) Plus Mileage Fee $40.00 per year (if applicable) (mobile homes included) $12.00 each + $4.00 Super -load research fee per structure; interstate Plus structures count as one. Mileage Fee $.10 per mile (if applicable) $1.00 trip fee for mobile homes Attachment D Draft: 08/( }^;/O8 ATTACHMENT E ORDINANCE NO. 08 -18( ) AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 18, ZONING, ARTICLE I, GENERAL PROVISIONS, AND ARTICLE III, DISTRICT REGULATIONS, OF THE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Albemarle, Virginia, that Chapter 18, Zoning, Article 1, General Regulations, and Article III, District Regulations, are hereby amended and reordained as follows: By Amending: Sec. 3.1 Definitions Sec. 24.2.1 By right Sec. 24.2.2 By special use permit Sec. 25.2.1 By right Sec. 25.2.2 By special use permit Sec. 25A.2.1 By right Sec. 25A.2.2 By special use permit Sec. 27.2.1 By right Sec. 27.2.2 By special use permit Sec. 28.2.1 By right Sec. 28.2.2 By special use permit Chapter 18. Zoning Article I. General Regulations Sec. 3.1 Definitions Storage vard• An area used for parkin storing toring and /or maintainins equipment. vehicles and materials used off - cite in the tra& business or other commercial or industrial activity of the owner or occupant and which may include storing and maintaining equipment vehicles and materials within buildings or structures; but which use does not include parking storing and/or maintaining' i nt and heave vehicles storing explosives including lasting caps storing nuclear products by- products or wastes or storing kerosene or other volatile materials except that which is reasonably necessary to maintain equipment and vehicles. Heavy guipment Equipment that requires an oversize /overweight permit from the Virginia Department of Transportation to be transported over public highways. Heavy vehicles Vehicles that are capable of obtaining overweight permits from the Virginia Department of Transportation for weights in excess of eighty thousand (80.000) pounds. Heavy equipment and heavy vehicle narking and storage yard: An area used for narking storing and /or maintaining heave equipment and heave vehicles used off -site in the trade business or other commercial or industrial activity of the owner or occupant (collectively, the "off -site activity ") and which may include storing 1 Draft: 08/05/08 Article III. District Regulations Sec. 24.2.1 By right The following uses shall be permitted in any HC district subject to the requirements and limitations of these regulations. The zoning administrator, after consultation with the director of planning and other appropriate officials, may permit, as a use by right, a use not specifically permitted; provided that such use shall be similar to uses permitted by right in general character, and more specifically, similar in terms of locational requirements, operational characteristics, visual impact and traffic generation. Appeals from the zoning administrator's decision shall be as generally provided in section 34.9: Storage yards. Sec. 24.2.2 By special use permit to section 31 The following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in the HC district: S . Sec. 25.2.1 By right The following uses shall be permitted by right in the PD -SC district 1. Uses permitted by right shall : elude , e al andd sew.4pee establishments pe.... Wed w., gh4 in the C -1, CO and HC districts= except for storage yards. Outdoor storage, sales or display shall be permitted only when enclosed by appropriate visual screening. Sec. 25.2.2 By special use permit The following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in the PD -SC district• 1. Commercial recreational establishment included but not limited to amusement centers, bowling alleys, pool halls and dance halls. (Amended 1 -1 -83) 2. Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers; micro -wave and radio - wave transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances (reference 5.1.12). 2 Draft: 08/05/08 3. Parking structures located wholly or partly above grade. (Added 11 -7 -84) 4. Drive -in windows serving or associated with permitted uses. (Added 11-7-84; Amended 9 -9 -92) 5. Veterinary office and hospital (reference 5.1.11). (Added 11- 15 -89) 6. Tier III personal wireless service facilities (reference 5.1.40). (Added 10- 13 -04) 7. Storage yards. (§ 20- 25.2.2, 12- 10 -80; 1 -1 -83; 11 -7 -84; 11- 15 -89; 9 -9 -92; Ord. 04- 18(2), 10- 13 -04) Sec. 25A.2.1 By right The following uses shall be pefmit4ed ift any PD MG distfiet subjeet te the r-equir-ements and limitations of t regulatiens. The following uses shall be permitted by right in the PD -MC district; 1. Uses permitted by right shall : ,hide ° ° al and se ° establishments .. ...hied by r ^ "+ in the C -1, CO and HC districts, except for storage yards. Outdoor storage, sales or display shall be permitted only when enclosed by appropriate visual screening. Sec. 25A.2.2 By special use permit The following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in the PD -MC district: 1. Uses permitted by special use permit in the C -1, CO and HC districts. 2. Outdoor amphitheater (reference 5.1.37). (Added 10 -9 -96) Sec. 27.2.1 By right Except as otherwise limited by section, the following uses shall be permitted ri h in any the LI district s bjeet to the fequirernents and limitations ^f these FegHla4i0fiS: (Amended 2- 13 -85) 9. Storage yards. Sec. 27.2.2 By special use permit The fellewing uses shall be pefmit4ed on!y by speeial Use PeFffift appFEWed by the board ef sup ant. to Seetien ".'. ^: The following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in the LI district: 18. Heayy equipment and heavy vehicle parking and storage ards Sec. 28.2.1 By right 3 Draft: 08 /0:+ /08 Except as otherwise limited by section, the following uses shall be permitted ri ht in any th-c HI district : (Amended 2- 13 -85) 19. rte„ ~t~ „tee's o ffiee and °^t-°Storage yards. 26 Hem equipment and heavy vehicle an rking and storage yards. Sec. 28.2.2 By special use permit The foliowin uses shall be per-mit4ed only by speeial use peffnit appreved by the board of sup to seefien ".'. ^: The following uses shall be permitted by special use permit in the HI district: - pred stets er wastes I, Ella W. Jordan, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of an Ordinance duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, by a vote of to , as recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Nay Mr. Boyd Mr. Dorrier Ms. Mallek Mr. Rooker Mr. Slutzky Ms. Thomas 4 Clerk, Board of County Supervisors